
Business dressing etiquette for woman Business dressing etiquette for man
Formal Business Clothes for Woman
• Suits For autumn, winter and spring, wool is still the best choice. For summer cotton and linen(亚麻 ) are good choices, blue, black, charcoal, taupe, white, burgundy(紫红色), and forest green are all acceptable colors. Although darker colors are typically worn in winter and lighter colors are worn in the spring and summer this rule is no longer hard and fast.
The attentions of business dressing etiquette for woman
• Some women can wear red suit, but oranges, yellows,and other loud colors can not used in business clothes
• Keep the higher heels for your skirts. Two inch heels with pantsuit is too dressy for day. open-toed shoes and mules are inappropriate in conservative

1. Do not rest chopsticks vertically in rice
2. Never turn over the fish
3. Birthday noodles
4. Tea tapping is a must
5. Always order an even number of dishes
When shaking hands, can a man wear gloves?
Key: No, he can't.
diplomatic etiquette missing
A detail should be paid attention to: Hold your drink in your left hand, because most individuals shake hands with their right hands.
Etiquette Tips for Man
Good impression
Successful dress etiquette
Rules for Body type
Rules for Color of Your skin
When a man shakes hands with a woman, what's the correct order? Key: The lady gives her hand first, if the woman does not give her hand, man should not proactively reach out his hand.

When shaking hands, can a man wear gloves?
Key: No, he can't.
diplomatic etiquette missing
A detail should be paid attention to: Hold your drink in your left hand, because most individuals shake hands with their right hands.

Keep fine seat posture
Important Tips
1. Plan on arriving 10 minutes before it is scheduled. 2. Be sure you know the exact location (building and
office) where the interview is to be held. 3. Consider traffic conditions at the time the interview
Keep your hands still. Sit up straight in the chair. Be positive in your comments, outlook, and attitude.
Don’t look down. Avoid chewing gum or eat candies. Don’t smoke or even smell of smoke during the interview – the majority of employers don’t smoke. Don’t open your mouth until you’re ready to say something.
Body Language
Handshaking is a very important manner in interview.
1. Women should offer to shake hands only if the interviewer extends his/ her hand.
2. Men should extend a firm handshake to another man.
商务礼仪 英文版PPT幻灯片课件

3 42
2 31
3 42
2 31
Driver 1
12 11
16 15 14 13
Chinese table manner-seating Western table manner-seating Difference between Chinese and Western
2. Accepting business card
Being modest and gentle. Reading carefully. Placing or collecting properly.
The etiquette of taking the elevator: Hold the elevator, guest first. If guests are more than one, we should enter the elevator, one hand holds "open“. Exit first enter behind.
Stretch left hand
Handshake with another hand in the pocket
Handshake with water or sweat
Handshake with Excessive force

职场礼仪英文ppt篇一:职场礼仪ppt职场礼仪ppt着装基本原则:(1)tpo原则time—时间:着装与季节、时令相符;place—地点:着装与所处位置、场所、环境相符;occasin --场合:着装与特定场合和气氛相和谐;(正式场合、社交场合、休闲场合、喜庆场合、悲伤场合)(2)pas原则profession--职业age--年龄status---地位着装要考虑不同职业、年龄和地位的差异。
(3)整体性原则与自己的体型、容貌、肤色等因素和谐;篇二:礼仪英语Courtesy EnglishChapter 1. Courtesy English??Good morning Good afternoon Good eveningWelcome backHi 早上好下午好晚上好欢迎回来嗨Hello How do you do? How are you?Fine, thank you, and you? 你好你好你好吗?很好,谢谢,你呢?Fine, thanks, and you? Good-byeGood nightGood-bye for now 很好,谢谢,你呢?再见晚安再见It was nice to see you again. Have a good evening See you was nice seeing you. 很高兴又见到你。
Have a good weekend Have a safe trip Have a good day Hope to see you again 周末愉快。
Thank you for coming Look forward to seeing you again 感谢光临。
?Listen to the guest and then fill the gap in each sentence. The guest’The staff’The guest will He’next time he comes.? Staff : Good morning. Mr. Smith. How are you today>? Guest: Good morning. Jane. I’m fine, thanks, and you? Staff : I’m fine too. Are you checking-out today? Guest: yes, I think so Staff : Did you enjoy your stay here? Guest: Yes, I did.Staff : I hope our service is to your satisfactionGuest: Sure. I’m very pleased with everything here.Staff : Thank you. I wish you a nice trip home and look forward to seeing you again. Guest: Thank you. I’ll definitely come to the Sheraton next time I’m in Tianjin.Find a partner and play the roles of the staff and the guest who will be onholiday soon.The more I study, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The more I forget, the less I know. So why study?My name is John SmithIt’s nice to meet you. It’s nice meeting you. 我叫约翰.史密斯。

不同的服装,有不同的搭配和 约定俗成的穿法。因此我们应该掌 握一些着装的技巧,例如,穿单排 扣西装上衣时,两粒钮扣的要系上 面一粒,三粒钮扣的要系中间一粒 或是上面两粒。女士穿裙子时,所 穿丝袜的袜口应被裙子下摆所遮掩, 而不宜露于裙摆之外。穿西装不打 领带时,内穿的衬衫应当不系领扣 等等。着装的技巧性,主要是要求 在着装时要依照其成法而行,要学 会穿法,遵守穿法。
三色原则是在国 外经典商务礼仪规范 中被强调的,国内著 名的礼仪专家也多次 强调过这一原则,简 单说来,就是男士身 上的色系不应超过3种, 很接近的色彩视为同 一种。
有领原则说的是,正装必须是有领的,无领的服装,比如T 恤,运动衫一类不能成为正装。男士正装中的领通常体现为有领 衬衫。
正装离不开皮 鞋,运动鞋和布鞋、 拖鞋是不能成为正 装的。最为经典的 正装皮鞋是系带式 的,不过随着潮流 的改变,方便实用 的懒式无带皮鞋也 逐渐成为主流。
叫做三一定律。就 是你的腰带、袜子、 皮包颜色要一致。 皮带、袜子、皮鞋, 颜色是一溜顺地一 种颜色,黑色。黑 皮鞋、黑皮带、黑 的公文包。这叫做 三一定律
任何时候着装都要讲 究整洁。首先,着装要熨 烫好,折好放好,要时刻 保持整齐;其次,着装应 当完好,要又残又破, 乱打补丁。再次,着装千 万别又脏又臭的令人生厌, 要保持干净。最后,衣服 要勤于换洗,要求卫生, 衣服上不要有污渍、油迹、 汗味与体臭。
二 关于衬衫:
最普通的最喜欢的也 是白衬衫,但有些男人就 可以穿得很好看,有的男 人就可以穿得惨不忍睹! 衬衫是天天要换洗的,保 持领口和袖口的平整和清 洁,衬衫不一定要很新, 但一定要干净洁白,最好 是烫过再穿,千万不要皱 巴巴的穿出来约会,那会 是对对方的一种不尊重。

Enhancing professional image
Proper etiquette in the workplace can improve an individual's
professional image and chances for career advancement.
How to learn basic etiquette
Arrive at meetings on time, be prepared, and have an agenda. Stick to the agenda, avoid digressions, and end the meeting when the agenda is complete.
and composure.
How to deal with unexpected situations
Handling Embarrassing Moments:
Preventing and overcoming common social faux pas, such as spilling a drink or tripping on the dance floor.
Cutlery & Glassware
Use the correct cutlery and glassware for each course. Start with the outermost fork or spoon and work inward. Drink from the glass that matches the liquid you are drinking.
商务礼仪实务英语PPT课件 Module 2 Project 3 . Dining Etiquette 餐饮礼仪

匙:又称勺子。在中餐中,勺子是用来辅助提取食物的, 尤其是羹、汤或滑溜的食物等。
• 4. 盘:又叫做盘子,是用来盛放食物的。 • 5. 碗:碗作为人们日常必需的饮食器皿,在中餐里主要是
• 这种做法也是不行的,其做法是把筷子的一端含在嘴里,用嘴来回去 嘬,并不时的发出咝咝声响。因为在吃饭时用嘴嘬筷子的本身就是一 种无礼的行为,再加上配以声音,更是令人生厌。所以一般出现这种 做法都会被认为是缺少家教,同样不能够允许。
and stomach after the meal.
Serving Dishes at the Center of Table vs. in Each One’s Own Plate
Chicken Breast vs. Chicken Necks / Feet
3. 商务中餐:给主人和客人的几点建议
用来盛放食物和羹汤的。 • 6. 湿毛巾、餐巾、餐巾纸、牙签、水盂的使用规范 。 (1)湿毛巾餐前只能用来擦手,不能用来擦脸、擦嘴。
(2) 餐巾的使用是为了防止衣服被弄脏,应该把它平铺在大腿 上,不要把它围在脖子或别在腰带上。
(3) 餐巾纸主要用来擦嘴或手。 (4) 席间牙签要在万不得已的时候使用,用时注意以手或餐巾
Practice of Business Etiquette in English
商务礼仪英语介绍培训课件(PPT 31页)

Reception Etiquettes Reception Guidence
Company Logo
The basic procedures
2.Confirm his identity and ask him whether he has maked a reservation(预约)
The Etiquettes of
BY 广外621
Company Logo
1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Business attire
Reception Manner
Telephone Manner
Company Logo
Business Attire(服饰)
Specifics For Men's Business Casual
Searching for the right topic.
Company Logo
Some sentences about the reception etiquettes
Guide Directions : 1. This way, please!/Come with me, please! 2. I will show you to Business Center. 3. The toilet is over there. 4. A:Could you please tell me the way to the
Some sentences about the reception etiquettes
Providing Service 1. Would you like me to help you with your
【最新推荐】商务礼仪英语版ppt-推荐word版 (13页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==商务礼仪英语版ppt篇一:英语商务礼仪毕业论文(201X届)题目: The Role of Etiquette in Business Negotiation系部:经济管理系专业:商务英语班级: 09 商务英语(3)班学生学号: 0909010319学生姓名:指导教师:完成时间: 201X年3月The Role of Etiquette in Business NegotiationAbstract: Looking through the history and trend of the development of modern business, the reason for a company to occupy a bigger share of the market and grow quickly among the tough competition is the good commercial etiquette and the skills f commercial negotiation, that’s because all these things will be significant for establishing a good corporate image, improving the competitiveness of enterprises and deepening the trust and friendship of collaborators, so as to get more profit. The good commercial etiquette can also be one of the most important guarantees of a successful business negotiation. This thesis will elaborate the proposition from three aspects including the connotation of etiquette and business negotiations, how to graspnegotiation skills of etiquette and the importance of business etiquette.Key Words: Etiquette; business negotiations; effectContentI.Introduction ........................................................ .............. 错误!未定义书签。
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职场礼仪英文ppt篇一:职场礼仪ppt职场礼仪ppt着装基本原则:(1)tpo原则time—时间:着装与季节、时令相符;place—地点:着装与所处位置、场所、环境相符;occasin --场合:着装与特定场合和气氛相和谐;(正式场合、社交场合、休闲场合、喜庆场合、悲伤场合)(2)pas原则profession--职业age--年龄status---地位着装要考虑不同职业、年龄和地位的差异。
(3)整体性原则与自己的体型、容貌、肤色等因素和谐;篇二:礼仪英语Courtesy EnglishChapter 1. Courtesy English??Good morning Good afternoon Good eveningWelcome backHi 早上好下午好晚上好欢迎回来嗨Hello How do you do? How are you?Fine, thank you, and you? 你好你好你好吗?很好,谢谢,你呢?Fine, thanks, and you? Good-byeGood nightGood-bye for now 很好,谢谢,你呢?再见晚安再见It was nice to see you again. Have a good evening See you was nice seeing you. 很高兴又见到你。
Have a good weekend Have a safe trip Have a good day Hope to see you again 周末愉快。
Thank you for coming Look forward to seeing you again 感谢光临。
?Listen to the guest and then fill the gap in each sentence. The guest’The staff’The guest will He’next time he comes.? Staff : Good morning. Mr. Smith. How are you today>? Guest: Good morning. Jane. I’m fine, thanks, and you? Staff : I’m fine too. Are you checking-out today? Guest: yes, I think so Staff : Did you enjoy your stay here? Guest: Yes, I did.Staff : I hope our service is to your satisfactionGuest: Sure. I’m very pleased with everything here.Staff : Thank you. I wish you a nice trip home and look forward to seeing you again. Guest: Thank you. I’ll definitely come to the Sheraton next time I’m in Tianjin.Find a partner and play the roles of the staff and the guest who will be onholiday soon.The more I study, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The more I forget, the less I know. So why study?My name is John SmithIt’s nice to meet you. It’s nice meeting you. 我叫约翰.史密斯。
I’m Mary Copper I’m pleased to meet you I’m glad to meet you. 我叫玛丽.库伯。
Let me introduce you to John SmithI’d like to introduce you to Mary Copper. 我把你介绍给约翰.史密斯。
I’d like you to meet Mr. Thomson. I don’t think we’ve met before 希望你认识一下托玛斯先生。
Have we met before?You’re new here, aren’t you? 我们以前见过面吗?你是新来的,对吗?TALKING TO THE GUEST:Staff : Good morning, sir, May Iknow your name? Guest: Certainly. My name is John Smith Staff : Would you please spell your last name? Guest: Sure. P-a-r-k-I-n-s-o-n, Parkinson.Staff : How do you do Mr. Parkinson? Welcome to our hotel Guest:How do you do? Very nice to meet you.Staff : Hope you’ll enjoy you stay here. Guest: I think I will Staff : See you later. Guest: See you.Introduce yourself to a partner.Put in articles where needed.A: Would you like cold milk?B: Yes, please. I’glass of beer if you’ve got it. A: I’kitchen. Yes, there’s ’t coldB: Never mind. piece of ice in it? A: Sure. There is quite a lot inNo pain no gain. As busy as a bee. Hand and foot.As proud as a peacock. As hungry asa wolf Beat about the bush.Excuse meI’m sorry please forgive me. That’s Ok 打扰一下。
I do apologizeThat’s all rightPlease accept our apology. 我很抱歉。
Would you please wait a moment? Would you mind waiting a second? 请稍等好吗?请稍等好吗?I didn’t mean for that to happen. I assure you it won’t happen again.我是不想出这种事的。
Guest: Excuse me. I think there is a mistake in my bill..Staff : I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll check for you right away. Would you please wait a moment? Guest: OK.Staff : I do applogize, Mr. Smith. There is a mistake in your bill. I assure you it won’t happenagain.Guest: Well, that’s all rightPut in the missing word.Mr and Mrs Miller are from Austria. They often go shopping without their German can’a word of don’t know how to him where they want to go. And the driver doesn’t know how to to them because he dosen’German. Mr. Miller to himself. “ I wish I could ”Anything I can do for you? If there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know. 我能为您做些什么?如果有我能帮忙的话,请告诉我。
Can I help you? If I can be of assistance. Please do not hesitate. 我能帮忙吗?如果要我帮忙,别犹豫,尽管讲。
Do you need any help?I’d be very glad to help you. 要帮忙吗?很高兴认识你。
Can I give you a hand?If you wouldn’t mind. 要帮忙吗?如果你不介意。
If you don’t mind. If it’s no trouble 如果你不介意。
There’s no h urry please take your time 不着急。
Going up?Going down. 上楼吗?下楼。
Staff : Excuse me, May I help you? Guest: Yes, I’m looking for my room.Staff : May I know your room number, please? Guest: Yes, my room number is 358.Staff : That’s at the other end of the corridor. Follow me. Please. I’ll show you to your room. Guest: Thank you. It’s very kind of you.Staff : It’s my pleasure to serve you. Please enjoy your stay. Guest: Yes. I will. Staff : Going up, sir? Guest: YesStaff : Watch your steps, please, The floor is wet. Guest: OK, Thank you..Staff : By the way, may I help you with your luggage? Guest: Sure, That’s very kind of you. Staff : You’re most welcomeFind a partner and play the roles of the guest and the staff. The guest wants to find the fitness center.Put little, a little, few or a few into the sentences. We need more staffThere is Go and get some. He asked forRepair 修理kitchen 厨房wire 电线light 灯noisy 吵indeed 的确by the way顺便说一下Electrician 电器师colleague 同事as soon as possible 尽可能早help sb with sth帮助某人做某事ThanksThank you very muchThank you ever so much 谢谢。