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Optimum crop density 最优栽种密度

Grain amaranth 籽粒苋

Combine yield 联合收割机产量

Adapted genotype 采用的基因型

Morphological characters 形态特征

Shoot biomass 地上生物量root biomass 地下、根生物量

Split plot design 裂区设计

Stem diameter 茎粗

Plant height 株高

Harvest index 收获指数

Plant population 植物种群

Population pressure 种群压力

Hand thinning 人工疏果

Amino acid 氨基酸

Grain yield 粮食产量

Seed loss 种子损失

Grain water content 粮食水分含量

Unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸

Inflorescence head 花序头

Field study 田间试验

Analysis of variance=ANOVA 方差分析

Stationary ear thresher 固定脱粒机

error term 误差项

Non-linear regressions非线性相关关系

Significant effect 显著差异、效应

Multiple comparisons of means 均数多重比较

Soil level 土壤水平

Emergence rate 出苗率

Interspecific competition 种间竞争

Intraspecific competition 种内竞争

Uniform distribution 均匀分配

Optimum crop densities for potential yield and harvestable yield of grain amaranth are conflicting 最佳密度对苋科植物的潜在产量和最佳产量是否有影响仍有争议


Grain amaranth is a C4 crop with potentially increasing cultivation area. Yet, no standards exist for optimum plant density. The aim of the study was to determine how

crop density affects amaranth morphology, biological grain production and combine yield.

A field experiment was conducted under semiarid conditions (9.8 °C, 546 mm) in Eastern Austria during 2002, 2004 and 2005. Two adapted genotypes (Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hypochondriacus) were established at five densities (8, 17, 35, 70, 140 plants m−2) by hand thinning at a row spacing of 37.5 cm. The obtained densities at harvest averaged across years and genotypes were 8, 15, 32, 54, 89 plants m−2. Plant samples were hand-harvested for the determination of morphological characters, grain and total shoot biomass. Subsequently a plot combine was used for harvesting the plots. Rising plant population reduced the number of branches an d the stem diameter from 11 plant−1 and 19 mm for the lowest density to 2 plant−1 and 8 mm for the highest density, respectively. Overall plant height decreased with rising density except for 2004 when plant height was highest at medium densities. Grain production and seed number decreased in parallel from 35 g and 48,000 seeds plant−1 to 3 g and 4800 seeds plant−1, respectively. Thousand seed weight was not affected. Grain yield slightly decreased from 270 g m−2 at densities of 8 or 17 plants m−2 to 240 g m−2 at densities of more than 70 plants m−2. Total shoot biomass did not respond to crop density, thus the harvest index decreased from 0.36 for 8 plants m−2 to 0.29 for 140 plants m−2. Rising density reduced seed losses during combine harvesting from 62 t o 16 g m−2. Consequently, combined grain yield was similar among plant populations and ranged between 220 and 240 g m−2. Grain water content at harvest decreased from 31% for the lowest density to 27% for the highest density. In conclusion, amaranth stands produce highest grain yields at low plant populations. However, for combine harvesting, a plant density of more than 50 plants

m−2 is most suitable. Small plants with thinner stems, reduced branch number and low grain moisture facilitate mechanical harvest and reduce seed losses.

籽粒苋是一种种植面积潜在增加的C4作物。然而,尚无最佳种植密度标准的存在。这项研究的目的是确定作物密度如何影响苋属植物形态、生物粮食生产和组合收益率。2002年、2004年和2005年,一个田间试验(9.8°C,546毫米)在奥地利东部半干旱条件下进行了。两个适应基因型(繁穗苋, 千穗谷)被建立在通过37.5厘米行距上人工间苗而来的5个密度梯度(8,17,35,70,140株/m−2)上。不同基因型和密度的年

均收获量为8,15,32,54,89株/ m−2。为了确定形态特征、谷物和总生物量的关


米茎干直径到最高密度的2个分支/株和8毫米茎干,分别。总的来说,作物株高是随着密度增加而降低的,除了2004年最高株高出现在了中等密度水平。粮食产量和种子数减少并行,分别从35 g和48000个种子/株植物到3 g和4800个种子/株

植物。千粒重不受影响。籽粒产量略有下降,从8或17株/ m2密度的270克/ m2 到密度超过70株/ m2的240克/ m2。目标生物总量没有回应作物密度,尽管收

获指数从8株/ m2的0.36 下降到140株/ m2的0.29。密度增加在种子联合收获上的损失从62 g/ m2减少到16g/m2。结果, 在不同植物种群的联合籽粒产量是相似

的并介于220~240克/ m2。收获期粮食水分含量在从最低密度的31%下降为最高密度的27%。总之,苋类作物较低的植物种群产生最高的粮食产量。然而,对于联合收割,植物密度超过50株/ m2是最合适的。茎细,减少分支数和较低的粮食水分的小

