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1.When _____( face) danger; keep calm ; and when_____( face) with danger, keep calm.

2.The man similar ____ me is my brother, ______ teaches you math.

3.The tree died and you ______ ( water) the tree.

4.He had many falls that he was black and blue all over.

5.He is good a boy that we all like him.

6.Put the book______ it was.

7.We need______ three desks= We need three______ desks

8.________(turn)left and you will see the WC on the right of you.

9.There is a No 2 bus and a No 3 bus, ______ will take you there.

10.It was not until 11 o’clock _____ he went to bed.

11.It was because he was ill______ he didn’t go to school.

12.He failed once, and he decided to try ______ time.

13.I have two sons. One is a student, and the____ __ is a doctor.

14.This shirt is three times __ ___size of that on e

15.He is ____ young to go to school.

16.(Seat) here, he was reading.

17.(dress)in red, he looks young.

18.He hit me ____ the back. I struck her___ _ the face. I caught him __ __the hand

19.It’s important_____ you to learn English well.

20.It’s very kind_____ you to help me.

21._____ I had expected, the number of the audience was well over two million.

22.He got up , ______(say) nothing and went away .

23.Linda works for the Minne Manufacturing and Mining Company , _______ (know) as 3M .

24.“You can’t catch me !” Janet shouted ,________(run) away .

25.—Where are the passengers injured in the accident?—They are in hospital, _____ (keep)for

further observation.

26.It was ______ he said _____ surprised us.

27.I got up late yesterday, to make things_____ , my car was held up in the traffic jam, so I was

late for the meeting.

28.My pen was lost, and I want to buy__ ___.

29.My pen was broken, and I want to repair .

30.If I can help ______, I don’t like to work late into the night.

31.I want to see a teacher, ______who can teach me English .

32.Young ______ he is, he knows a lot.

33.The birds flew away__ all the directions.

34.He was caught______ a heavy rain. / a shower/ a storm.

35.I have had a bit of headache. It’s nothing much, _______.

36.What_____ he didn’t co me here?

37.______time going on, he became older and older.= time went on, he became older and


38.He meeting is_ __ success. As a singer, Songzuying is _____ success.

39.Many people agree _____ knowledge of English is_ __ must in international trade


40.The Yellow River is____ _second longest river in China.

41.Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end? —If you keep still, you can sit at


42.He hurried to the station only ( find) the train had left.

43.—He doesn't like dancing.—_______do I.

44.When __ ___(ask) about his discovery, Sir Alexander said: “One sometimes finds what

one is not looking for.”

45.I want to read novels __ __(write)_by Lu Xun .

46.English is a language ______(speak) widely in the world .

47._____(see)the police ,the thief ran away. _____(see)from the great wall, Beijing is


48.____(lead) by the party, we live a rich life.______(follow)by the student , the teacher came

in .

49.______his students , the teacher came in .

50._______(judge)by his face, he must be ill . This is all __ _ __want to say.

51.This is the most beautiful place_______ I visited

52.He has two daughters, neither of __ __is good. .He has three books , none of___

___ is new.

53.By the end of last term ,he_______(learn) 1000 words.

54.It was the first time he _____ (come) to this museum.

55.His shoes wanted_____ (mend), He did nothing but ____(sleep).He ate nothing but


56._______ at the age of 18 are you able to join the army.

57.Not until 12 o'clock last night ____ he go to bed.

58.Not only he our teacher, but also he is friend.

59.No sooner had he gone out______ it began to rain. Never ______he tell a lie.

60.He seldom went there.=Seldom _____he go there.

61._____ excited was he that he couldn't go to sleep .

62.________ an honest man he is! =_______ honest a boy he is !

63.______ clever boys they are ! ______ fine weather it is! ______ big apples these


64.It was not until 1920___ regular radio broadcasts began.

65.It is the ability to do the job_____ matters not where you come from or what you are.

66.Dark ________it was , we continued our way .64 Put the umbrella_______ you took it .

67.No matter____ the conditions were like, we think that a car should be driven as fast as it


68.—You seem to have had that car for years. —Yes, I should sell it _______it still runs.

69.You can have the magazine_____ moment I finish reading it.

70._________difficult the task may be, we’ll do our best to complete it in time.

71.Perhaps it ill be a long time_____ Tom comes back from Canada.

72.If you keep on, you will succeed ___ time. _____ is said in the book, he is a success.

73.In the past ten years or so, he ___ ( learn) 1000 words
