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【中文摘要】德国现行的《著作权法》于1966年开始实施,与《著作权法实施法》等法共同调整著作权法律关系。1985年法律通过为计算机程序作者提供保护,规定复印机和空白磁带的设备税进一步改善了著作权的保护状况。1990年又通过颁布《反盗版法》加大对盗版侵权行为的打击力度,并延长表演者邻接权保护期限至70年。进入二十世纪,欧盟著作权法一体化进程逐渐加速,2001年欧盟颁布指令要求成员国在一定期限内修改国内法,以实现欧盟国家著作权法的一致,推进信息社会著作权法的发展。在此背景下,作为欧盟最重要力量之一的德国开始对本国的著作权法进行修改,以保证在限期内完成指令在本国的执行。本文第一部分介绍德国著作权法概况,第二部分具体分析德国信息社会著作权法改革的进程和法律实施情况。德国信息社会著作权法修改主要分为三个阶段进行,这三个阶段被命名为“修改的第一只、第二只和第三只篮子”。第一阶段修改引入新的“向公众提供权(?ffentliche Zugaenglichmachung)”-网络传播权和技术保护措施,并对表演者权利进行了重新规定。第二阶段修改的重点是:1、对私人复制及其补偿制度进行调整;2、增设作品未知使用类型的使用权;3、对教育机构的复制行为和图书馆电子复制传输进行严格限定;4、引入著作权纠纷的自愿调解制度。第三阶段修改仍在进行之中。本文的重点在于分析德国信息社会著作权法改革的第二阶段修改,具体包括对此阶段修改重点条款的解读和这些条款生效后的实施状


【英文摘要】The current German copyright law was implemented in 1966, together with another laws, such as implementation law of copyright law adjust the copyright law relations. Since 1985 German copyright law has began to provide protection for computer program designer and to regulate tax of blank tapes and copier equipments, in order to improve copyright protection. In the year of 1990, the ?anti-piracy law “was enacted to strike with piracy and other copyright infringements effectively. At the same time, the protection term for the neighboring rights of performers was extended to 70 years. Since the beginning of the twentieth century the integration process of European copyright has been accelerated gradually. In 2001 EU issued copyright Directive to require Member countries to amend national laws within certain term to achieve the consistent of copyright law among European countries and to promote the development of copyright law in information society. In this context, Germany as one of the most

important EU forces began to modify is national copyright law in order to finish the amendment with the given term. The first part of this paper gives a general overview of German copyright law and the second part describes and analyzes specially the reform process of germen copyright law in information society and its implementation. The reform process is divided into three stages, so called the first, the second and the third basket. In the first stage the new right of copyright holder – the communication right in internet and technical protection measures are introduced and the provisions for performer’s rights are modified. The second revision focused on the following four points: 1. private copying and its compensation system; 2. the unknown using type of works; 3. strict limitation for copying in education institutions and the transmission of electronic copies through libraries; 4. mediation system of copyright disputes. The third stage of reform is still ongoing. The focus of this paper is to introduce and analyze the second stage of copyright reform in information society, including interpretation of key provisions of this stage and its implementation. The third part will introduce the third revision of copyright law in China briefly and give some personal ideas to the revision comparing with germen
