常微分方程积分因子问题综述 毕业论文

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第一章 绪论 (2)

第二章 积分因子问题综述..................................................................3 1积分因子的定义..............................................................................3 2积分因子的存在条件........................................................................4 3积分因子的形式 (5)

3.1一般教材给出的积分因子形式及其存在的充要条件 (6)

3.2其它特殊形式的积分因子 (7)

3.3一般结论:方程有特殊形式的积分因子(),x y μϕ=Φ⎡⎤⎣⎦的充要条件...9 4求解积分因子的一般方法 (10)

4.1观察法 (10)

4.2分组法 (11)

4.3一种特殊积分因子的求法.........................................................13 5 四种常见类型的一阶微分方程的积分因子解法 (15)

5.1变量分离方程 (15)

5.2齐次方程 (15)

5.3一阶线性方程 (17)

5.4伯努利方程...........................................................................17 参考文献 ....................................................................................18 致 谢 (19)




ODE integral factor Survey

Abstract:It is an important mean of using the integrating factor method to solve differential equations, which make the first-order differential equations become full-differential equations. In this paper we first introduce the definition and the conditions on existence of the integral factor and some basic concepts. In order to makes a bridge between the solution of the differential equations and integral factor, we introduce the integrating factor. In view of the integral factor is not unique and the complexity of the solving process, we summed up several special forms of the integral factors,and give the necessary and sufficient condition on the existence. Furthermore, we deduced that the necessary and sufficient condition for their existence of the general form. In the process of solving differential equations we find a number of integral factor solving ways: the observation law and the division law, for some special differential equations we treat them specially, and the special forms of the integral factor can be used as formula to solve them, and demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods through examples. Finally we by these methods deduced derived the general forms of the four common first-order differential

equations’ integrating factors, the forms of them is simple, easy, to integrate knowledge through studies.

Key word: appropriate equation; integrating factor; ordinary solution; differential equation

第一章 绪 论




()(),,0M x y dx N x y dy +=, (*) 其求解是整个微分方程求解的基础。该方程为恰当方程的充要条件为:M N y x



1、第一节介绍了积分因子的定义,并由此得出积分因子与通解之间的关系, 便于理解引进积分因子的意义所在。

2、第二节证明了积分因子存在的充要条件,而存在的充要条件有助于发现 特殊形式的积分因子,为其证明奠定了基础,是探讨积分因子形式的前提及证明特殊积分因子存在充要条件的基本思想。

3、第三节在一般教材原有只与x 和只与y 有关的积分因子的形式的基础上 介绍了其它几中特殊的积分因子的形式及其存在的充要条件,并推导出一般形式积分因子存在的充要条件的表达式。而特殊形式的积分因子成为了求解一些积分
