
Chapter Six3.按照你方要求,我们破例接受以30天迟期信用证办理交货,但下不为例。
As per your request, we will make an exception to our customary practice, accepting L/C at 30 days. But it will in no case set a precedent.5.我们非常高兴地通知你方,上述合同项下货物已备妥待运。
We have pleasure in informing you that the goods under the above contract have been ready for shipment. Please remit the full amount by T/T.6.对这笔交易,我方已开即期汇票向你方收款。
We have drawn on you at sight for the value of this transaction.8.鉴于我们多年的良好业务关系,我们同意做出让步,相信这将满足你方的要求。
Considering many ye ar’s pleasant business relation between us, we agree to make concession and believe this will meet your demand.10.抱歉我方不能接受货到目的港后凭单付款的支付方式。
We regret that we are unable to accept D/P upon arrival of goods at the destination port.Chapter Seven3.如你方能立即办理改证并通知我方,将不胜感激。
We shall appreciate it if you effect amendment and advice us immediately.4.请注意(做到)信用证条款必须和合同条款完全一致。

Part III Translate five of the followings into English orally.Sales Call1.我们得知你们公司经营电子产品的出口贸易,因此特地来拜访你们公司,希望与你们公司建立贸易关系。
At the Fair2.我们公司做皮革制品出口已经有许多年的历史了。
Foreign Trade Policy3.我过去是做玻璃器皿生意的。

1.索取资料(产品信息)Gentlemen/Ladies:We confirm receipt of your letter(your ref. L-CBA-0001) of February 1,2000 regarding the marketing of your children's clothes in this country.In order for us to study the matter in greater detail, we would appreciate receiving a price list for each item shown in your catalog.V ery truly yours,先生们/女生们:我们已收到贵公司于2000年2月1日发出的关于在我国销售童装的信函(贵公司参考号为L-CBA-0001).为了我们更详细地研究此事,我们希望能得到贵公司产品目录中所列项目的价格表.您忠实的,in order for us to ... 为了我们...it would be very helpful if you could... 如果贵方能...将会给我们很大帮助.(1) 如果贵方能寄来商品目录和价格表,我们不胜感激.(2) 请贵方寄来相关资料.(3)贵方若能寄来销售统计数字,将会给我方很大帮助.(1) We would appreciate it if you could send us a list of your merchandise and a price list.(2) We would like to ask you to kindly send us the related information.(3) It would be very helpful if you could send us statistics on your sales.2.索取资料(企业情况)Dear Sir/Madam,We are a company that imports yachts for sale to Japanese clients and we have enclosed our company's brochure for your reference.Y our company's name to our attention through an article in the August issue of Ocean Magazine and we understand that you manufacture yachts of various sizes. Since we might be interested in doing business with your company, we would like to have some information about you r company, we would therefore appreciate your sending us your company's catalog so that we can examine the business potential more closely.Thank you for your attention.Y ours faithfully,亲爱的先生/女士:我公司从事游艇进口,并向日本销售.随信寄去我公司手册,以供参考.<海洋杂志>八月号的一篇文章引起了我们对贵公司的注意.我们了解到贵公司生产不同型号的游艇,我公司有望与贵公司做生意,因此希望了解贵公司及产品的情况,请寄来贵公司产品目录,以便我们进一步研究合作的可能性.我方不胜感激.感谢贵公司的关注.您忠实的,be keenly interested in...... 对...非常感兴趣develop an interest in (toward)......对...产生兴趣line of business 经营范围product line 产品种类1.我们通过东京工商会了解了贵公司的情况.2.我公司是东南亚地区最大的高尔夫设备销售代理商之一,我们已获得贵公司新产品的有关信息.3.我方对贵公司新近开发的技术很感兴趣.1.We learned of your company through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tokyo.2. Our company is one of the largest sales agents for golf equipment in South East Asia and we have obtained information about your new products.3. We are very much interested in your recently-developed technology.3.寄送资料Dear Mr. Y amato,Thank you for your letter dated 31st August,2000 inquiring about our company and our products. Enclosed are our latest brochures listing all the types of yachts we manufacture as well as our financial statement for the year ending 31st December 1999.We have not sold our products in the Japanese market in the past, and we would be delighted to do buisness with your company. Please go through the enclosures. We would be happy to answer any questions that may arise.We look forward to hearing from you.Y ours sincerely,亲爱的山本先生,谢谢您于2000年8月31日发出的询问我公司及产品情况的来信,随信寄去我公司最新的产品说明书,内列我公司生产的所有型号游艇及截止至1999年12月31日的财务报表.过去我公司并未在日本市场销售过产品,因此我们非常高兴与贵公司合作.请仔细阅读内附资料.我们很愿意回答任何问题.我们期待着您的回复.您真诚的,as requested... 按贵方要求...be proud to... 引以为荣的是...1.按贵方要求,兹附上我公司宣传手册.2.我公司从事本行业已有20年,我们引以为荣的是我们在业界内建立了良好的信誉.3.我们最近已把市场拓展到俄罗斯.(1) As requested, we are enclosing our company brochure.(2) We have been in this business for the past 20 years and we are proud to have established an excellent reputation.(3) We have recently expanded our market into Russia.4.索取资料(详细资料)Dear Mr. Morgan,We refer to your company's brochure dated 2nd October,2000. We are very interested in learning in greater detail about your product No. 1080 as shown on page 15 of the said brochure. Could you please supply us with the specifications, price, delivery and other relevant information so that we could further evaluate this product?Since we intend to hold an internal meeting on 25th October to determine which company's product we might purchase, we would like to have your reply by the 11th. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.Y ours sincerely,亲爱的摩根先生,我们参阅了贵方2000年10月2日的说明书.我们希望了解说明书第15页列的1080号产品的更详细的资料,贵方能否提供此产品的规格、价格、交付及其它相关资料以便我们能进一步评价此产品?由于我们要在10月25日召开内部会议,决定购买哪家公司的产品,所以请在11日前回复,希望贵方紧急处理此事。

外贸英语翻译1、proper acking can be extremely important depending on the type of product and its destination.根据产品的类型及其目标的适当acking是非常重要的。
2、Ocean voyages may be most damaging to the goods that are not properly packed. 西洋可能是最具破坏性的不妥善包装的商品。
3、goods subject to breakage have to be crated ,and those subject to moisture wrapped in plastic.破损的货物必须笼,和那些受水分包装在塑料当中。
4、others may require some special treatment or coating before shipment,still others have to be refrigerated while in transit.在装运之前,其他人可能需要一些特殊的处理或涂层,还有的人一定要冷藏运输中。
5、actually,packing not only serves as a form of protection, but also faciliates loading ,unloading and stowage ,and prevents pilferage.其实,包装不仅是一种保护形式,但也进行加载、卸载和装载,并防止偷盗。
6、furthermore it can promote sales.此外,它可以促进销售。
1、risk is common in every corner of the world.风险是共同在世界的每一个角落。
2、Risk,which is the chance of loss,exists in most business decisions and transaction.风险是损失的机会,存在于大多数商业决策和交易。

实⽤外贸英语课后翻译U1 Establishing trade relations1. This corporation specializes in importing textiles.本公司专营纺织品的进⼝业务。
2. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively inlight industrial products.兹向你⾃我介绍,敝公司系国营单位,以经营轻⼯产品为主。
3. We are sending you by airmail under separate cover a brochure on the various kinds ofelectronic products no available for export.我⽅航邮寄上现可供出⼝各类电⼦产品的⼩册⼦⼀份。
4. Your firm has been recommended to us by the chamber of commerce in Tokyo, japan. 贵公司已由⽇本东京商会推荐给我公司。
5. As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate cover, a sample of Art. Nos. 1101and 1102 for your reference.根据要求,兹另封航邮货号1101和1102样品各⼀份,以供参考。
6. We can assure you that all your orders will receive our immediate attention.我⽅保证你⽅订单定会得到⽴即处理。
7. We thank you for your letter of Oct. 27 and should like to discuss the possibility ofexpanding trade with you.10⽉27⽇函悉,谢谢。

外贸英语中英互译总汇询盘Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。
As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive.一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。
Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous.对地毯的询盘日益增加。
Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases.询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。
Enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在减少。
Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers.询盘一般由买方发出。
Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation.贝克先生来北京向中国纺织公司进行询价。
We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。
To make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit.为了对我们的橙子询价,那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们。
We cannot take care of your enquiry at present.我们现在无力顾及你方的询盘。
Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。
外贸英语函电 复旦大学出版社 课后英译汉、汉译英翻译句子完整版

Unit 1一、英译汉1.It was a pleasure to receive your letter of 2nd and to learn that you are making plans for your Mr.Chadwik to visit our country in October.有幸收到阁下5月2日来函,得悉阁下正计划安排维克先生于10月访问我国。
2.If Mr.Mike so wishes we can also introduce him to some of our sister corporations with whom you may like to do business.要是迈克先生想同我们兄弟公司洽谈业务,我们也可为他引见。
3.Please let us know the time of your arrival. We will then arrange to meet you at the airport and drive you to your hotel.请告诉我们你到达的时间,届时安排去机场迎接并驾车送你到宾馆。
4.We used to import machines from England but now we wish to establish business relations with you.我们过去通常从英国进口机器,但现在想同你们建立业务关系。
5.I am making for Mr.Brown to have a discussion with Director Wang.我即将安排布朗先生和我公司的王经理会谈。
6.It gives us a great pleasure to introduce to you by this letter Mr.Ma,a manager of HongKong Huarun company.我们十分高兴地通过刺心向你介绍香港华润公司的马经理。
外贸英语函电 完整版

外贸英语函电总结(题量较大,速度要稍微快些)陌生单词要查,标音标和释义题型: 1英译中十题十分 2中译英十题十分 3翻译句子五题三十分 4翻译一封信三十分 5写一封信二十分注意第四、五道大题的格式Business relationship 业务关系Fair 交易会博览会Chamber of commerce 商会Lines of business 业务范围经营范围Specifications 规格Part\partial shipment 分批装运Endorsement 背书INCOTERMS 要考缩略词先还原完整英语,再翻译成中文EXW Ex Works 工厂交货CIF cost insurance and freight 成本,保险费用和运费FOB free on board 装运港船上交货CFR cost and freight 成本加运费CIP carriage and insurance paid to …运费保险费付至…CPT carriage paid to 运费付至(以上相对更重要)DAF delivered at frontier 边境交货DDP delivered duty paid 完税后交货DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完税后交货DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货DES delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货FAS free alongside ship 船边交货FCA free carrier 货交承运人(自己补充的)Commercial invoice 商业发票S/C sales contract 销售合同Purchase contract 购货合同To accept an order 接受订单/订货Inquiry 询盘Offer/ to make an offer(quotation) 报盘报价 offer sheet 报盘单counter-offer 还盘还价acceptance of offer 受盘 acceptance 受盘和承兑CIC china insurance clause 中国保险条款F.P.A free from particular average 平安险W.A / W.P.A with particular average 水渍险All risks 所有险insurance policy ; policy of insurance 保险单insurance premium ; insurance expenses 保险费part/partial shipment 分批装运port of destination 目的港port of discharge 卸货港port of shipment 装货港B/L Bill of lading 提单Transhipment B/L =transshipment B/L 转船提单freight;carriage;transportation expenses;运费transportation documents / shipping documents 货运单证(单据)提单的种类:(一)按提单收货人的抬头划分1.记名提单(Straight B/L)2.指示提单(Order B/L)“凭指示”(To order)或“凭某人指示”(Order of……)3.不记名提单(Bearer B/L,or Open B/L,or Blank B/L)(二)按货物是否已装船划分1.已装船提单(Shipped B/L,or On Board B/L)2.收货待运提单(Received for Shipment B/L)(三)按提单上有无批注划分1.清洁提单(Clean B/L)2.不清洁提单(Unclean B/L or Foul B/L)(四)根据运输方式的不同划分1.直达提单(Direct B/L)2.转船提单(Transshipment B/L)3.联运提单(Through B/L)4.多式联运提单(MultimodaL Transport B/L or Intermodal Transport B/L)(五)按提单内容的简繁划分1.全式提单(Long Form B/L)2.简式提单(Short Form B/L,or Simple B/L)(六)按签发提单的时间划分1.倒签提单(Anti-dated B/L)2.预借提单(Advanced B/L)3.顺签提单(post—dated B/L)(七)按收费方式划分1.运费预付提单(Freight Prepaid B/L)2.运费到付提单(Freihgt to Collect B/L)3.最低运费提单(Minimum B/L)L/C letter of credit 信用证1、跟单信用证和光票信用证(Documentary/Clean Credit)。
外贸英语函电 完整版

外贸英语函电总结(题量较大,速度要稍微快些)陌生单词要查,标音标和释义题型: 1英译中十题十分 2中译英十题十分 3翻译句子五题三十分 4翻译一封信三十分 5写一封信二十分注意第四、五道大题的格式Business relationship 业务关系Fair 交易会博览会Chamber of commerce 商会Lines of business 业务范围经营范围Specifications 规格Part\partial shipment 分批装运Endorsement 背书INCOTERMS 要考缩略词先还原完整英语,再翻译成中文EXW Ex Works 工厂交货CIF cost insurance and freight 成本,保险费用和运费FOB free on board 装运港船上交货CFR cost and freight 成本加运费CIP carriage and insurance paid to …运费保险费付至…CPT carriage paid to 运费付至(以上相对更重要)DAF delivered at frontier 边境交货DDP delivered duty paid 完税后交货DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完税后交货DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货DES delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货FAS free alongside ship 船边交货FCA free carrier 货交承运人(自己补充的)Commercial invoice 商业发票S/C sales contract 销售合同Purchase contract 购货合同To accept an order 接受订单/订货Inquiry 询盘Offer/ to make an offer(quotation) 报盘报价 offer sheet 报盘单counter-offer 还盘还价acceptance of offer 受盘 acceptance 受盘和承兑CIC china insurance clause 中国保险条款F.P.A free from particular average 平安险W.A / W.P.A with particular average 水渍险All risks 所有险insurance policy ; policy of insurance 保险单insurance premium ; insurance expenses 保险费part/partial shipment 分批装运port of destination 目的港port of discharge 卸货港port of shipment 装货港B/L Bill of lading 提单Transhipment B/L =transshipment B/L 转船提单freight;carriage;transportation expenses;运费transportation documents / shipping documents 货运单证(单据)提单的种类:(一)按提单收货人的抬头划分1.记名提单(Straight B/L)2.指示提单(Order B/L)“凭指示”(To order)或“凭某人指示”(Order of……)3.不记名提单(Bearer B/L,or Open B/L,or Blank B/L)(二)按货物是否已装船划分1.已装船提单(Shipped B/L,or On Board B/L)2.收货待运提单(Received for Shipment B/L)(三)按提单上有无批注划分1.清洁提单(Clean B/L)2.不清洁提单(Unclean B/L or Foul B/L)(四)根据运输方式的不同划分1.直达提单(Direct B/L)2.转船提单(Transshipment B/L)3.联运提单(Through B/L)4.多式联运提单(MultimodaL Transport B/L or Intermodal Transport B/L)(五)按提单内容的简繁划分1.全式提单(Long Form B/L)2.简式提单(Short Form B/L,or Simple B/L)(六)按签发提单的时间划分1.倒签提单(Anti-dated B/L)2.预借提单(Advanced B/L)3.顺签提单(post—dated B/L)(七)按收费方式划分1.运费预付提单(Freight Prepaid B/L)2.运费到付提单(Freihgt to Collect B/L)3.最低运费提单(Minimum B/L)L/C letter of credit 信用证1、跟单信用证和光票信用证(Documentary/Clean Credit)。
外贸英语翻译 (English to Chinese)

原文accepted draftdiscountnegotiating banktrade barriermergers and acquisitionsfranchisingtrade balanceportfolio investmentcapital equipmentforeign exchange reservesGeneralized system of preferenceswhite elephantthree availables and one accessible(Electricity, water supply and paved roads big rice potopen accountmethod of paymentrural reformthe policy of household contract responsible for farm production and ancillary The "Three-plus-one" trading-mixelaborately transformed manufactures (ETMs)highly processed goodsbusiness with foreign elements/companies with foreign involvementescape clauseconcessionary loansconsignmentWorldComGATTstate-owned enterprises/SOEsProcter and Gambleicing on the cakesoftget into exportingdomestic contractswith the growing use of …be fooled into thinkingwell-recognizedhit-and-miss approachspin the same wheel of chancenon-pragmaticconventional business wisdomemotional bondcompanies that bear the Virgin labelsb. Has retained an "everyman" personaas Virgin has expanded its reach and its lusterhis fame has spread around the globesharp business visionaryHow Sb. Works magic joint ventureagentdistributorexchange rate appreciationforward exchange predetermined rate future datecurrency appreciation stipulated in the L/C delayed shipment negotiating document译文已承兑发票贴现议付银行贸易壁垒并购特许经营权贸易差额证券投资资本设备外汇储备普惠制大而无用的东西三通一平(通电、通水、通道路以及平整土地)大锅饭记账赊销付款方式农村改革包产到户和包干到户三来一补精加工深加工产品三资企业免责条款优惠贷款寄售世通公司关贸总协定国有企业宝洁公司锦上添花缺乏力度开展出口业务国内业务随着…的不断普及对…产生错觉;误以为知名的盲目出击开拓市场的方法如出一辙不重实效的经商方面的至理名言/经商之道情感纽带维珍旗下公司sb.保持着一颗“平常心”由于维珍近年来业务拓展,名声鹊起他名扬四海敏锐商业头脑的幻想家Sb.如何创造奇迹合资企业代理商分销商汇率升值远期外汇预定汇率未来交割日期货币升值信用证规定延期装船议付单据。

To achieve rationalization of the package, you need from the following aspects of strengthening the management :
(1)广泛采用先进包装技术。 包装技术的改进是实现包装合理化的关键。 要推广诸如缓冲包装、防锈包装、防湿包装等包装方法,使用不同的包装技法,以适应不同商品的包装、装卸、储存、运输的要求。
商品包装可以分为生产领域的包装和流通领域的包装。 一般将生产领域的包装称为销售包装,或称为小包装、内包装;流通领域的包装则称为运输包装,或称为大包装、外包装。
Packaging canቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱbe divided into productive areas of the packaging and distribution of packaging. General Packaging production as the sales package, or in small packaging, packaging ; circulation of the package is known as transport packaging, or large packaging, packaging.
( 1 ) Extensive use of advanced packaging technology. Improvement of packaging technology is the key to achieve rationalization of the package. To promote, such as cushion packaging, preservation packaging, moisture - proof packaging and other packaging methods, using different packaging techniques to accommodate the different packaging, loading and unloading of goods, storage and transport requirements.

One of our customers is interested in your new production.
One of our customers inJapanwants to be in the market for black tea.
Chapter Two
1.我们从中国驻东京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的行名和位置 并了解贵公司是经营家用电器产品有经验的出口商
We obtained your name and address from commercial counsellor’s office of the Chinese embassy inTokyo. They have informed us that you are experienced exporter in the market for home electricalappliances.
7.我们了解到你公司是中国手工艺品的出口商 因此冒昧的写信给你
We have acknowledged that your company is the exporter of Chinese handicraft.
8.我们相信 贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。
We are sure that business between us will be promoted as time passing.
We are a tport and export business around world.

In terms of quality, other makes can hardly match ours.2.由于我方急需此货,故请在收到订单后40天内交货。
The goods must be shipped on board before August, or we will not catch the selling season.5.你方的报价比我们能接受的价格高出15%。
Your offer is 15% higher than the price we can accept.6.请告知详细的广州成本,保险加运费价、折扣及付款方式。
We regret to say that the goods required by you are unavailable.9.对于给贵方造成的不便之处,再次表示歉意。
This credit expires on July 15.11.打开这个箱子,发现里面的货物完全不对。
When we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles.12.经详阅,我们对第276号信用证按贵方要求作了必要的修改。
On perusal,we made necessary amendments to the L/C No.276 according to your request.13.感谢你方4月16日报盘,我方向你方下订单如下。
Thank you for your offer of April 16. We place with you an order as follows.14.降价是有限度的,我们不能再降价了。

外贸英语句子中英互译大全接下来为大家整理了外贸英语句子中英互译大全,希望对你有帮助哦!一、合同We signed a contract for medicines.我们签订了一份药品合同。
A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。
I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it.我们知道我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签署合同。
We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it.我们都想签合同,因此双方都要做些让步。
Our current contract is about to expire, and we'll need to discuss a new one.欧文们现有合同快要期满了,需要再谈一个新合同。
We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract.我们应该清理一下老合同中出现的问题。
Do you always make out a contract for every deal?每笔交易都需要订一份合同吗?These are two originals of the contract we prepared.这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。
We enclose our sales contract No.45 in duplicate.附上我们第45号销售合同一式两份。
May I refer you to the contract stipulation about packing (orshipping....)?请您看看合同中有关包装(装运)的规定。

外贸常用英语句式翻译内容Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】外贸常用英语句式翻译报价谈判阶段:谢谢你的询盘/询价。
Thanks for your inquiry/enquiry.Thanks for reaching/getting to us.对不起,请允许我和生产部门/仓库确认一下这个尺寸,我马上回来。
Allow me to check this size with our production department, I will be right back.Production department/warehouse/你预期的价格是What’s your expected price Target priceWhat price were you expecting你知道的,中国市场上总是会有更低的价格,我建议你对那家提供低价的供应商做一下评估,例如他们是不是会用次级的材质。
You may know, it always has/there always be lower price in Chinese market. I suggest that you may evaluate the supplier who offers low price and see if they would provide inferior material.要不先试一个样品单我们很乐意提供样品给你做质量测试Would you like/do you need a sample, we arepleased/glad/willing to offer free samples for quality test.为了防止误解,请问你有图片可以发给我做双重确认吗For avoiding mis…To Avoid/prevent Mis-understanding,Could you pls send me pictures for double-check当然,我们可以提供相关的材质报告。

2、国际商会1993年规定的《跟单信用证统一惯例》简称UCP500;《托收统一规则》简称URC 522。
8、按照我国进出口货物保险规则规定,ICC 条款中的ICC (A) 和ICC (B) 相当于我国CIC 条款中的一切险和水渍险。
二、判断题(每题0、5分,共计10分)(如为正确陈述,在括号中打“对”,如为错误陈述,在括号中打“错”)1、根据《INCOTERMS 2000》,在FCA贸易术语下,如货物在卖方仓库处交付后使用公路运输方式,则意味着卖方负担将货物装上卡车的费用。
(对)2、根据《INCOTERMS 2000》规定,FOB价格包括由买方支付的取得进口许可证的费用及关税的费用。
(对)4、根据《INCOTERMS 2000》,EXW术语仅适用于公路运输方式。

for one's reference 供某人参考sales representative 销售代表supply from stock 现货供应subject to our final confirmation以我方最后确认有效by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight 凭保兑的、不可撤销的、即期汇票付款的信用证payment term付款条件in duplicate 一式两份shipping advice装船通知certificate of origin 原产地证书Commercial Invoice商业发票关于你方10000公吨大米的询盘We’d like to say that the 10% cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place regular orders with you.关于申请参加广州交易会一事With regard to your application for attending the Guangzhou Fair ,we are contacting the relevant authorities and shall inform you as soon as the application is approved.本公司亦制造多种系列精美的皮带和手套We also manufacture a wide range of fine leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue.贵方给的10%的现金折扣,我方非常满意并愿向贵方定期订购We’d like to say that the 10% cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place regular orders with you.我公司是中国最大的电器用品进口商We are the leading importer of electric goods in China. Thank you for your letter of August3. It’s our pleasure to establish direct business relations with your company.随函附上支票一张,金额为2300美元,以支付欠你方的佣金We enclose a check for US $ 2300 in payment of all commissions due to you.请用信用证付款,由你方在交货前15到20天期间开出,其有效期到货物装船后15天截止,以使我方准备好所有装运单据提交银行议付Please open the L/C 15 to 20 days before the date of delivery,and it should be valid until the 15th day after shipment so that we can get all the shipping documents ready for presentation and negotiation.我方的保险条件是由卖方按发票的110%投保一切险和战争险Our terms of insurance are to be effected by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk.如果客户没有明确指示,我们一般投保水渍险和战争险Generally we cover consignments against WPA and War Risk in the absence of definite instructions from our clients.。

1 more or less clause溢短装条款2.中性包装neutral packing3.公量 Conditioned Weight4.租船运输charter transport5.滞期费Demurrage6.速遣费Despatch7. 整箱货full container load8.拼箱货less than container load,LCL9.partial shipment and trans shipment分批装运和转运10.long form B/L全式提单11.Anti-dated B/L倒签提单12.Liner Freight班轮运费 13.Constructive Total Loss 推定全损14.General Average—G.A共同海损15.Particular Average—P.A单独海损16.预约保险单(Open Policy)17.汇票(Bill of Exchange,Draft)18.即期汇票(sight draft;demand draft) 19.远期汇票(time draft ;usance draft)20.承兑 Acceptance21.汇付(remittance )22.电汇 Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)23.托收(Collection)24.信托收据(TRUST RECEIPT25.承兑交单Documents against Acceptance (D/A)26.信用证(letter of credit, L/C)27.保函(Letter of Guarantee, L/G)28.备用信用证Standby L/C29.Documents against Payment after sight,D/P after sight•远期付款交单30.商品检验commodity inspection31.违约(Breach)32.异议与索赔条款(Discrepancy and Claim Clause)33.不可抗力(Force Majeure)34.仲裁(arbitration)35.发盘(要约offer)36.询盘(邀请发盘)(inquiry)36.还盘(反要约counter offer)37.接受((Acceptance)38.经销(Distributorship)39.独家代理(the exclusive agency or sole agency)40.寄售(Consignment)41.展卖(Fairs and Sales)42.公开投标(Open Bidding)43.拍卖(Auction)44.对销贸易(Counter Trade):45.补偿贸易(Compensation trade)46.加工贸易(Processing Trade)。
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五、外贸英语翻译(10分)1、英译汉(5分)Dear Sirs,Your letter of the 5th March came to hand yesterday.Accordingly, we have lost no time in getting in touch with your factories and urged them to hasten their delivery. Owing to heavy commitments, they cannot advance delivery from June to April but they understand perfectly that July is the selling season for shirts in your market. They eventually agree to make delivery in mid-May.We have booked the shipping space on s.s Dong feng, which is scheduled to sail on or about the 20th of May. We shall cable you as soon as the loading is completed.Yours faithfully,China National Textiles I/E Corp.XXXX Garments Branch参考答案:先生:三月五日来函昨日收到。
青岛自行车出口公司经理参考答案:Dear Sirs,“Golden Deer” Brand BicycleWe have received your letter of December 20 and noted with interest your intention of pushing the sale of our bicycle in your country.Although we are much appreciative of your efforts to help sell our bicycles, we regret being unable to consider your request for payment by D/A 60days’ sight. Our usual practices is to ask for sight L/C.However, in order to facilitate developing the sale of our bicycles in your market, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.We hope that the above payment terms will be acceptable to you and look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you soon.Your faithfully.2、缮制商业发票(10分)(要求根据下列L/C No.002/2002/00889的内容,缮制商业发票,如保费为1%,运费为5%,请按信用证要求缮制商业发票,请完成发票中的10 项内容的填写。
)Commercial Bank of Ceylon LimitedIrrevocable Documentary CreditIssue Date: 2002, June 10L/C No: 002/200200889We hereby issue this credit subject to "the uniform customs andpractice for documentary credit <1993 revision) InternationalChamber of Commerce, Paris, France, publication No.500".Advising Bank: Bank of China, Qingdao Branch.Applicant:Blue Bird TradingNo.80,Mosque Road,moratuwa ,Sri LankaBeneficiary:Shandong light Electrical Appliances co.,ltd.Qingdao,Shandong province,China.Total Amount:USD16000.00Shipment:From Qingdao to Colombo,Sri lankaShipment to be effected not later than :the 25th July 2002.Date of expiry:2002 August 31 Place of expiry: ChinaDocuments to be presented within 16 days after the date of B/L.Partial shipment :Not allowed Shipping Mark:B.B.TTranshipment :AllowedThe number and the date of the L/C and our bank name mustbe quoted on all documents.Credit available by negotiation with any banks at sight.Description of goods:Energy Saving Lamp10000pcs. CIF Colombo USD1.60/pcDocuments required:1.Manually signed invoices in 6 fold certifying that goods are as per contract No.GA/ MS003/002,dd the 28th March 2002.quoting the L/C no and showing the FOB value,freight and insurance seperately.And Full set of not less 2/3 clean on board marine B/L marked "Freight Prepaid" and made out to order and endorsed to our order and notif ying party.Short B/L not acceptable.SHANDONG LIGHT ELECTRICAL APLIANCES CO.,LTDCommercial InvoiceInovice No:QDE2002/008Date :10th July ,2002(1)Exporter: Shandong light Electrical Appliances co.,ltd.Qingdao,Shandong province,China.(2)Importer: Blue Bird TradingNo.80,Mosque Road,moratuwaSri Lanka.(3)L/C No: 002/200200889(4)L/C Dtae: 2002,june 10(5)Ports of load /unload: from Qingdao to Colombo,Sri lankaName : Energy saving lamp(6)Shipping Marks:B.B.Ttotal amount(7) qty: 10000pcs(8) unite price :CIF Colombo USD1.60/pcUSD16000.001% Insurance USD160.00(9) 5% Freight USD800.00(10) FOB Value:USD15040.00Shandong Light ElectricalAppliances Co.,Ltd.(stamp)七、计算题(要求列出计算公式、计算过程及计算结果,共15分)我某外贸公司向新加坡A公司出口一批货物,出口总价格为50万美元CIF,从青岛港到新加坡的海运费为15000美元,保险按CIF总价的110%投保一切险,保险费率2%。
1.FOB=CIF-F-I=500000-15000-(550000X2%)=474000美元即RMB3,697,200元(474000 X 7.8)2. 换汇成本= 出口总成本人民币出口外汇净收入= 3200000/ 474000≈6.753、盈亏率=出口销售人民币净收入-出口总成本/出口总成本X 100%=3697200-3200000/3200000X100%≈16%。