5600ST时间型软化阀操作手册Service Manual
5600 & 5600型ECONOMINDER®多路阀操作手册本手册包含FLECK5600时间型过滤器(5600FT),软水器(5600ST);流量型软水器(5600SM)的调试操作说明FLECK全自动控制器以闻名于世的FLECK公司软化水技术为基础,它是将软水器的运行及再生的每一个步骤实现全自动控制,并采用时间、流量或感应器等方式来启动再生。
系统技术参数进口压力:0.2 Mpa-0.6 Mpa工作温度:2 ℃—50℃进水硬度:符合国家标准出水硬度:≤0.03mmol/L使用电源:220v/50Hz AC布置形式:单罐或双罐串联(二级软化时采用)再生方式:顺流再生操作程序:自动程序控制使用树脂:001×7强酸性阳离子交换树脂我公司将为用户提供完善的技术服务及售后服务。
5600 5600 Econominder 用户手册说明书
For questions or in case of emergency, please call your local service technician (preferably the one whoinstalled the system).IMPORTANT: The information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of printing. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.Setting the Time of Day:To set the time of day, push the red button and spin the 24-hour gear until the present time of day is visible above the time of day arrow.Forcing a Manual Regeneration:To manually regenerate the valve, turn the manual regeneration knob clockwise until it reads“REGEN.”5600 ModelSetting the Time of Day:To set the time of day, push the red button and spin the 24-hour gear until the present time of day is visible above the time of day arrow.Setting the Program Wheel:To set the program wheel, lift the “people” dial and rotate it so that the number of people in the household is aligned with the household grains per gallon water hardness. Release the dial and check for firm alignment at the setting. This provides reserve capacity based on 75 gallons per person.Forcing a Manual Regeneration:To manually regenerate valve, turn the manual regeneration knob clockwise until it reads “REGEN.”NOTE: Unit will regenerate tonight when the gallon capacity reaches zero.5600 Econominder Model Setting Time of Day & Initiating a Manual RegenerationService:Hard water enters unit at valve inlet and flows down through the mineral in the mineral tank. Conditioned water enters center tube through the bottom distributor, then flows up through the center tube, around the piston, and out the outlet of the valve.Preliminary Rinse:Slow rinse of the resin bed. Water flows down through the resin bed up the bottom distributor and out the drain.Backwash:Hard water enters unit at valve inlet, flows through piston, down center tube, through bottom distributor, and up through the mineral, around the piston and out the drain line.Water is passed through the resin bed in the opposite direction of normal flow, which flushes suspended matter out of the resin tank. Backwashing also loosens the resin bed which becomes compacted during the softening (in service) cycle.Brine/Slow Rinse (Softener Only):Hard water enters unit at valve inlet, flows up into injector housing and down through nozzle and throat to draw brine from the brine tank, brine flows down through mineral and enters the center tube through bottom distributor and out through the drain line.The resin beads are washed with the strongsolution of salt water which is called the brinesolution. Since the resin beads prefer calciumand magnesium ions, the slow rinse allowsan overwhelming concentration of sodiumions to overpower and force the calcium andmagnesium ions off of the resin beads and arethen discharged down the drain.Rapid Rinse:The resin bed is rinsed to remove excess brinesolution from the tank and the resin beads arethen ready to produce soft water again.Hard water enters unit at valve inlet, flowsthrough piston, down center tube, throughbottom distributor, and up through the mineral,around the piston and out the drain line.Settling Rinse:Slow rinse of the resin bed. Water flows downthrough the resin bed up the bottom distributorand out the drain.Brine Tank Refill (Softener Only):Hard water enters unit at valve inlet, flows up through the injector housing, through the brine valve to refill the brine tank. Valve is now delivering soft water to the home. Raw water is refilling the brine tank to make a brine solution for the next regeneration.Regeneration:When the valve is in Regeneration, raw water is being passed to service until rapid rinse is complete.Descriptions of Softener & Filter Control Valve PositionsProblemSolution Control valve fails to regenerate Check for power outage and verify unit is plugged in.If this does not work, contact your local water servicetechnician (preferably the one who installed the system).Water does not feel or appear softCheck salt level in brine tank & maintain salt level abovewater level. If problem still exists, contact your localwater service technician.Unit uses too much saltContact your local water service technician.Loss of water pressureIron in conditioned waterExcessive water in brine tankOther problems with the watersoftenerPower Outage Reset the Time of Day in the event of a power outage/failure. See “Setting the Time of Day” page.Adding Salt Ensure that the salt level in the brine tank is always above the water line.Water Pressure Water pressure range of 20-125 psi is required for regeneration valve to operate effectively.Electrical FacilitiesAn uninterrupted alternating current (A/C) supply is required. Please make sure voltage supply is compatible with unit before installation.Existing PlumbingCondition of existing plumbing should be free from lime and iron buildup. Replace piping that has heavy lime and/or iron build-up. If piping is clogged with iron, install a separate iron filter unit ahead of the water softener.Location of Softener, Drain & Brine Tank Locate the softener close to a clean working drain and connect according to local plumbing codes. The brine tank should be located within 20 feet of the water softener. Drain cannot be elevated more than 36 inches or exceed 20 feet in length.Bypass Valves Always provide for the installation of a bypass valve if unit is not equipped with one. If valve is leak-ing, turn bypass from In Service to the Bypass Position.NOTE: If the valve continues to leak after turning the bypass to bypass position, shut off the main water line and call your local service technician (preferably the one who installed the system) IMMEDIATELY.General Residential Checklist & Troubleshooting5600 L-Style Econominder 5600 L-Style EconominderTo download the service manual for this valve, please visit:。
进出水管径, DN40。
软水器型号,2900ST,2900SM,2900NT, 2900FT。
多阀系统,系统6(双阀同时工作), 系统7(双阀一用一备)NT系统6,7。
进出水管径, DN50。
型号,3900ST,3900SM,3900NT, 3900FT。
多阀系统,系统6(双阀同时工作), 系统7(双阀同时工作)NT系统6,7。
进出水管径, DN80。
型号,9000SM, 9000SE。
进出水管径, DN20,DN25。
型号,9500SM, 9500SE。
进出水管径, DN40。
USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUALV360Document Revision Revisionnote Date MAN0031 A DraftINDEXGENERAL CHARACTERISTICS – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4COUNTERCURRENT AND FAST RINSE LOADS 5DIMENSIONS 6DIAGRAMS 7-9 FUNCTIONALFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMS (with countercurrent flow regulator) 10 VARIATIONS 11-13USESPECIFICATIONS14 USE15-18 CONNECTIONSVALVE/TIMERTABLES 19 INJECTORFLOW CONTROL PREVIEW V360 20TIMER CHOICE TABLE 21BASIC VALVE COMPONENTS SOFTENING AND DEMINERAL. 22BASIC STANDARD FILTER COMPONENTS 23OPERATIONS 24 MAINTENANCENORMALGENERAL CHARACTERISTICS – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe “360” valves represent an essential element for the realisation of systems of various types and for various uses.Softening – single, duplex, or on more columns for domestic industrial or laboratory use.Demineralisation and decarbonisation – single, duplex, for laboratory and industrial use and for all uses which require water with guaranteed quality characteristics.Filtration – single or duplex for all applications shown above.The valves are made from materials which guarantee the maximum durability and quality.The valves are available with a wide range of timers, for the control of all operative phases of service and regeneration, from the simplest electromechanical timer with a weekly timer, to the sophisticated electronic timers in various models which allow for volume and volume/time controls, controls of salinity in microsiemens/cm etc.With the electronic systems, all the times of the operative phase operations are programmable, relative to the type and dimensions of the system.For the specific characteristics of the timers, see the relevant manual.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSRunning pressure : 2 - 6 barMax. Running load : 45m3/hFor variables of the value see graph : -Countercurrent rinse load : max. 12 m3/hEquicurrent fast rinse load : 480-1300 l/hEquicurrent fast rinse load : max. 18 m3/hStatic resistance to pressure : 22 barMax quantity regenerable resin : 1200 l.Running temperature : 5 - 40° cBasic materials of principal components : abs + fvEntry/exit attachments : 2” female gasCOUNTERCURRENT LOAD GRAPHFAST RINSE LOAD GRAPHDIMENSIONS6 Exit1 Connection for cylinder openingTop column7 Connection top column2 Connection for cylinder closureTop column3 Connection for cylinder opening8 Connection bottom columnbottom column9 Connection for suction Ø 1”4 Connection for cylinder closurebottom column5 Entry 10 Connection for male drain Ø ISO 40 11 Connection for pilot timer control364-A 1” ½ GAS364-B 2” GAS364-C 2” ½ GAS364-D 3” GAS364-E01 ISO 50 GLUED364-F01 ISO 63 GLUED364-G01 ISO 75 GLUED364-N01Ø 60.4 GLUED364-P01 3” NPT GLUEDFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMSFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMSFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMSS.I.A.T.A. S.r.l Società Italiana apparecchiature trattamento acqua MAN0031 BOZZA Pag. 10 ofFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMSVARIATIONS FOR SINGLE SYSTEMS USEVARIATIONS FOR DUPLEX SYSTEMS USEVARIATIONS FORDEMINERALISATION AND FILTRATION SYSTEMS USEUSE SPECIFICATIONSReferring to the paragraph VERSIONS seen above, the various possibilities for the uses of this valve in the various applications may be examined.1) Single softening: the system consists of a basic valve V360A-05/05 with or without bypass,and a timer complete with a minimum of 2 external pilots in different solutions, with which the system may be personalised as desired.In particular, varying the number of external pilots, it is possible to obtain the following personalisations:I. 2 pilots controls only the movement of the pistons of the valveII. 3 pilots controls also an additional use closure valveIII. 4 pilots controls a use closure + a suction closure2) duplex softening: the system is made on two columns, each of which is run by a V360A-05/05 valve. This is controlled, with water or air, by a timer with a minimum of 2 pilots per valve. The alternating duplex systems (one column is in service while the other is in regeneration or not in use), may be controlled by the AQUA CUBIC timer, which may be supplied in two standard versions:pilots(AC5-02/05), run by volume. The system allows for use of two brineI. 5valves plus a use closure valveII. As a variation on this system, it is possible to substitute the two brine valveswith two on-off hidro-pneumatic valves for the closing/opening of the suctionduct(see valve V1 page 10), using an AQUA CUBIC 7-pilot timer. (AC7-02/05)3) Demineralisation and Decarbonisation: this is the applicative sector in which the characteristics of the V360 valve may be best appreciated in the models V360D-04/05 & V360D-05/05. The timer predisposed for demineralisation is electronic with external pilots, capable of controlling an anionic and cationic column, can control the level of conductibility showing a valve in µsiemens/cm at the exit of the system, and regenerate the system automatically. The number of pilots of the timer is determined by the type of system requiredI. AQUA IONIC 5 pilots ( AI5-02/05 ) controls the two columns + an on-off hydro-pneumatic use closure valveII. AQUA IONIC 7 pilots ( AI7-02/05 ) controls the two columns+ an on-off hydro-pneumatic use closure valve+ two on-off hydro-pneumatic valves for theclosing/opening of the regenerator suction.4) Filtration: the considerations made regarding softening are valid both for single and duplex systems, with the exception that in this case the suction of the regenerator does not need to be controlled.. For further details regarding the timers, see the table of timer choice (page 23).VALVE/TIMER CONNECTIONSVALVE/ TIMER CONNECTIONSVALVE / TIMER CONNECTIONSVALVE / TIMER CONNECTIONSINJECTOR TABLES V360FLOW CONTROL V360PREVIEWTIMERBASIC COMPONENTS FOR V360 SOFTENING AND DEMINERALISATIONBASIC COMPONENTS V360 FILTRATIONSPARE PARTSPOS. CODE DESCRIPTION1 362-L V360 A/C MACHINED BODY2 361-L V360 B/C MACHINED BODY3 1958 PISTON V360 LONG ASSEMBLED1958-C PISTON V360 SHORT ASSEMBLED4 2235 PISTONS AND LINING V360 SPARE PARTS KIT2235-F PISTONS AND LINING V360 FILTER SPARE PARTS KIT 5 2236-B V360 COMPLETE WHITE INJECTOR KIT2236-R V360 COMPLETE RED INJECTOR KIT2236-N V360 COMPLETE BLACK INJECTOR KIT6 1955 STOPPER V360 ASSEMBLEDNORMAL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONSProblem CauseCorrective action1) Drain leaking while in service or on stand-byPilot leakage Disconnect alternately connections 2 and 4, see page 15.If water is leaking from one of the two pressure connections, this means that the relative pilot has leaks and should be replaced.If the leakage does not come from the pilot, the cause should be sought, possibly originating from the head of the V360 piston.Valve leakage through the piston system1. Disconnect one by one the connections 1 and 3, see page 15, if the leaking stops, inspect and if necessary replace the OR of the plastic screw or the piston if it is ridged2. Check that the pistons and following Or are undamaged and replace them: a) First OR after the plastic screw for A/C pos. 3 b) Second OR after the plastic screw for B/C pos. 52) Assembly and disassembly of 2 chambers Check the internal surfaces of the chambers For all the operations regarding the inside of chambers A/C and B/C the following procedure should be respected: A. Turn off the entry waterB. Disconnect the control pipes of the piston movementC. Remove the seeger ring from the stopper, using a suitable toolD. Remove the stopper or the relative ORE. Extract the piston pressing on the internal pin; if it is difficult to extract, loosen theback flange, to allow air to enter without depressing the piston chamber F. Remove the ring-nut holding seeger ringG. Remove the plastic screw and the whole set of distancers and Ors taking care toreinsert them in the upended piston so as not to lose the correct consequence H. Check that the inside of the chamber is undamagedI. Reassemble everything, paying attention to the following:1) Check that the piston is not scratched and above all that the two DE of the head areundamaged and positioned correctly (not upended) see PART. 12) Check that the two seeger rings are not too out of the shape and when theseeger is reinserted check that the tool used to insert the seeger is used to support the expansion of the ring into its position. The seeger stopper should be replaced every time maintenance is carried out.See page 22Hardness leak at exit Probable leak between entry and exit or on ac/bc seal Take the piston out of the entry, checking that there is no damage to the surface. If the piston is damaged, replace it. Otherwise, replace the Ors (pos. 1 and pos. 2) of theentry chamber. To carry out this operation, proceed as indicated in point 2, paragraphs “a,b,c,d,e,f”.Suction failure Injector Disconnect the injector pipe between the injector and the brine. In case of air suction,the reason of a suction failure have to be searched in the measurement system of the brine valve.In case the injector does not suck verify if:(a) The filter inside the injector body is obstructed(b) The internal OR are defective or the two injector body are defective (in that casewe suggest to contact SIATA)(c) The drain conditions do not match with the choosen injector。
进水管阀后一般安装有 Y 型过滤器,防止管道内污物堵塞阀体造成设备无法正常运行。
5600调试说明书1Dial Selection数字面表显示数字面表显示,批处理百分比显示。
2Power Connection供电5600可以接直流或交流24V供电,不要将220V接入设备,会烧坏设备,为了减少电流噪声的影响,电源供电线和数据线要独立走线。
具体连接请按英文说明书第一页第二个图连接3Compatible Sensor Wiring探头的连接我公司的流量探头有两种输出信号:一种为正弦信号(如 515,525,2517等),另一种为方波信号(2000,2507等),探头的连接请按英文说明书第一页第三个图连接。
4Batch Contact Wiring 批处理连接(5600与电磁阀的连接)连在背面板上的Batch端,它就相当于一个开关,具体连接请按英文说明书第一页第四个图连接。
5Remote Control Wiring 远程控制开关实现远程控制功能,与背面板的Remote的连接,远程连线最大不要超过30米,具体连接请按英文说明书第二页第一个图连接6End of Batch/Counter Pulse Output Wiring批处理和计数连接实现脉冲计数功能,与背面板的CNT/EOB Output连接,具体连接请按英文说明书第二页第二个图连接。
图A表示计数器的连接;图B表示二个5600的连接(即End of Batch功能)7Option Contact Wiring OptionsOption Contact相当于另一个控制开关,A图表示Two Stage Shutdown (两个阀门比较功能),图在第二页的7AB 图表示无流量告警信号或过流告警信号的接法,图在第二页的7B8Current Output Wiring OptionsA图表示4~20mA的接法,建议还要接一个保险,在第二页的8AB图表示电动阀的接法,在第二页的8B调表步骤:进入菜单:因为要按ENTER键,所以不要在5600的第一个显示项中进入校准菜单,在后面几个显示菜单中再按下面步骤进入Cal和Options菜单STEP 1按住ENTER键:2秒后进入校准程序(CAL),5秒后进入选项程序(OPTIONS) STEP 2密码为 (上上上下),在输入密码后,显示第一个选择项STEP 3用上下键选择菜单STEP 4按右键来选择需要的项目,被修改的项目会闪烁STEP 5对闪烁的项目按上,下键来修改此项目,按右键选择旁边需修改的项目STEP 6按ENTER键储存修改后会自动返回STEP3STEP 7同时按下上下键返回正常状态.一 AUTO CAL的使用使用AUTO CAL时,要确定流出液体的体积(可用灌或桶),由于AUTO CAL 要计算时间,所以泵和AUTO CAL要同时开动或停止,这样计出来的时间会较准,操作过程为在Auto Calibrate <Enter> to Start 菜单下,按下Enter,开始计时,在Auto Calibrate <Enter> to Stop菜单下,按下Enter,停止计时,在Volume 菜单中,输入测量值。
5600 5600SE全自动软化水设备安装、运行及维护手册目录一、产品概述二、工作流程图三、设备的安装和运行四、设备安装示意图五、FLECK5600控制器的调试步骤六、FLECK56SE控制器的调试步骤七、FLECK56SE控制器全面编程及相关代号的意义列表八、故障排除产品概述首先感谢您使用本公司的全自动软化水设备!为着方便您的使用,我们编写了该产品的客户手册,您的认真阅读和理解一定能为产品的良好使用打下基础。
自动软水器技术参数:入口水压:0.2Mpa-0.6Mpa 工作温度:2-50℃ 电源型式:220V/50Hz AC 电源功率:3W出口硬度:≤0.03mmol/L再生方式:动态顺流再生或逆流再生 树脂型号:001×7强酸性阳离子交换树脂 盐 耗:<160-240g/mol (根据水质情况)FLECK5600/56SE 控制器工作流程图说明:FLECK5600和56SE 控制器的水流过程略为不同,但原理一致。
1、 工作状态2、预清洗(5min )硬水经控制器进水口流过树脂层,软化后经下布水器、中心管向上流出出水口,此时设备处于工作状态。
Fleck 5600 12 天计时器控制阀水软化剂手册说明书
FLECK 5600 水软化器安装指南说明书
FLECK 5600 WATER SOFTENER INSTALLATIONDiscount Water Softeners recommends using a licensed plumber to install your water softener. The following installation instructions are for use with the water softener system you now own. Discount Water Softeners assumes no responsibility for improper installation or injury.Additional instructions are also in your water softener manufacturers’ manual on page 3. Skip steps 3 and 4 in the mfg. manual. For SE model use the pink pullout that came with the manufacturers manual for the 5600SE programming guide. Step 1:Location of your softener is important. It should be in a protected dry, level and non-freezing area (34-120 degrees F). The 2 tanks should be set close to each other. The square tank is your salt (brine) tank (for softener salt or potassium chloride) and it is the tank that you will have to refill with salt from time to time, so make it the more accessible of the 2 tanks. Do not put salt in this tank until you have put the softener into service and have tested the cycles.Step 2:You will need a standard outlet that is not controlled by a switch. You should also have a floor drain located nearby.Step 3: The distributor tube or turbulator should be placed in the softener tank with the distributor basket end down. The softener tank (fiberglass construction) is the taller of the two tanks and shown in the following picture. Turn the tube a couple times to make sure that the bottom basket seats properly in the bottom of the tank. Make sure the distributor tube or turbulator is in the tank BEFORE YOU ADD THE RESIN!Step 4:Be sure to place the softener tank shown above where you want to connect it to your water line because it will be heavy a difficult to move after the resin is added. Make sure you install your softener in line before your hot water heater to insure that you have full benefit of the softener system.Step 5:Be sure to cover the open upper end of the distributor tube or turbulator with tape or the cap as shown below to keep any resin from falling into the distributor tube or turbulator tube while pouring the resin into the softener tank. Remove the tapeafter filling the tank with resin.Step 6: Place the funnel into the softener tank as shown below, and slowly pour the resin into the softener tank. Caution: If you purchased a water softener that came with a bag containing gravel, you must add the gravel first before the resin.Step 7: Be careful to keep the distributor tube centered as best you can, while filling. Once the filling of the softener tank is completed,carefully remove the tape or cap from the distributor or turbulator tube.Do not pull upwards on the distributor tube.Step 8: The control valve head can now be screwed onto the softener tank. Be sure the large O-ring is in place, and lubricated. As you start to screw the control valve onto the tank, make sure the hole in the center of the control valve fits over the riser tube or turbulator. The control valve should be hand tightened, snug and tight to eliminate a possible leak, clockwise.OrStep 9:You are now ready to install the bypass valve or yoke to the control valve with the metal tabs on the back of the valve. Be sure to not over tighten the screws that hold on the metal tabs as you can strip out the plastic holes. Turn off main water valve. Water connections to and from softener should now be connected. For Fleck 5600 systems you will need to install your bypass along with either your plastic male threaded connections or stainless steel female threaded fittings. The plastic or stainless steel fittings will need to be screwed on to your existing piping. CAUTION: YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO THE IN AND OUT ARROWS ON THEVALVE TO BE SURE THE SOFTENER IS PIPED PROPERLY.You will need a drain for the backwashing cycles. This should be no longer than 20 feet from the water softener. You will need to purchase this flexible 1/2 i.d. plastic pipe (can be vinyl, polyethylene etc. and same size will be used for a brine tank overflow) and a small clamp to hold the tubing over the fitting. This backwashing drain line will be under high pressure when the backwash cycle is working. Make sure the drain line is secured. The drain line will need to drain into a drain, which should be a minimum of 1 1/2” size, and ideally be below the top of the head of your softener. Local codes should be adhered to. (be sure to use teflon tape on this step). Step 11: You will now need to connect the brine tank line to the water softener valve. Attach the clear tubing provided from the brine tank to the connection fitting on the valve on the brass fitting. First attach the brass nut to the tubing then put the fitting inside the tubing. Then screw the tubing and nut to the brass threads on the valve.On the other end, attach the tubing to the brine tank as shown below.On the Fleck 5600 there is a side connection where you will connect the drain line also. There is a hose barb fitting provided to make this connection. This connectionis just to the right of where you just connected the brine tubing line.Note: Never connect the drain line directly into a drain. Allow an air-gap between the drain line and waste line to prevent possibility of back- siphoning.Step 12: INITIAL POWER UP1. Add salt to the salt tank after moving it to the desired spot that is accessible for refill. With a bucket or hose, add approximately 4 to 6 gallons of water to the salt tank.2. Set your bypass in bypass mode and slowly turn on the main water valve to your home until all pipes are pressurized. Now open the bypass valve SLOWLY. You do not want to be surprised by leaks. Let the resin tank fill completely, then open the bypass valves the rest of the way.CAUTION If opened too rapidly or too far, resin may be lost out of the tank into the valve or the plumbing. In the 1/4 open position, you should hear air slowly escaping from the valve drain line.3. Plug the power supply transformer into a socket that is not controlled by a switch or timer.IMPORTANT NOTES BEFORE PROGRAMMING:Make sure you set up your treated water capacity (refer to your manual here) for 90% of your total capacity for reserve water in case you have excessive water uses from time to time. Ex: 32,000 grains x 90% = 29,000 grains.Now take 29,000 and divide it by your actual water hardness to get your treated water capacity Ex: 29,000/20GPG = 1450 gallons of water between regenerations4. Program your water softener. Set the time of day, hardness and capacity if necessary. Here is where you will need to refer your owner's manual for your particular water softener settings and programming.5. Once your softener is programmed advance your controller to manual regeneration. The regeneration process can take a while.6. Check for any leaks during this initial regeneration. Also make sure that there is water in the salt tank after the regeneration is complete.7. After the initial regeneration it is always a good idea to put your water softener into a second manual regeneration to ensure that the salt has dissolved making a full brine solution.8. Your softener should now be providing you with softened water.。
2、水压调整:0.15—0.3 MPa
3、转子流量计调整:进盐量、流量计读数300—600 L/h
A 开机:水电、转子流量计均应打开,勿忘一个,水压开0.15—0.3MPa,转子流量计数开至300—600 L/h,给定读数。
B 停机:停机要按棘轮上标定的“0”红色标记位置停机,即拔叉入“0”,红色标记对应的棘轮齿中,搬扛由反车回程,拨动棘轮旋转待搬扛碰压皮带轮处行程开关后,瞬间正转自动停止时,关闭电源即可。
7盐罐中水 过量
A.注水保护器失效 B.进水系统堵塞 C.定时器不循环 D.盐阀中有异物 E.盐液流量控制阀中有 异物 A.排污控制阀堵塞 B.吸盐射流器堵塞 C.进水器过滤网堵塞 D.管子中压力太低 E.内部控制阀漏水 A.调节失误,开关短 路或断路
9控制阀不 停的循环
• • • • 设置与调整 流量控制再生型 流量的设定 按树脂罐内装填树脂的交换能力算出周期制水量减去必要的 储备量后的值就是所设定的流量。向外提出流量盘并转动, 使设定的流量数对准流量盘上的白色圆点,然后松开流量盘, 注意让齿轮啮合好。 注意:最初安装流量计后应进行检查。 转动手动再生旋钮,走一遍程序。 顺时针转动程序轮或顺时针转动中心轮,使设定的流量数对 准小白点。 可随时改变设定的流量。 时间的设定 压下红色按钮,松开与24小时时间盘的啮合 转动时间盘,使当天的当前时间对准写有“time of day”的箭 头后,松开红色按钮,使之与时间盘重新啮合,(即时再生 型没有此装置) 如何手动再生 顺时针转动手动再生按钮,听见“咔嗒”声,这种声音标志 着再生程序开始。 手动再生旋钮一经进入自动还原,旋转一周大约历时164分 钟,旋钮转一圈完成一个再生过程。 即时再生 当流量盘转到你所设定的数量数时,定时器即开始启动再生。
A.旁通阀开启 B.盐罐中没有盐 C.进水过滤器堵塞 D.盐罐中水量不足 E.软水管水质变硬 F.分水器管漏水 G.内部阀门漏水 H.升降管与阀体脱落
3系统用盐 过多 4水压降低
A.装盐不正确 B.盐罐中水量过多 A.到分水器的管子中 积垢 B.分水器生锈 C.控制阀管路有异物
5排污管跑 树脂 6进水含铁
软化器操作规程软化器操作规程一、安全操作要求1. 操作人员必须严格遵守相关法律法规和安全操作规程,确保操作安全。
2. 操作人员必须通过相关培训,具备操作技能和相应的证书。
3. 操作人员必须佩戴个人防护装备,包括安全帽、防护眼镜、耳塞、防护服等。
4. 在操作前,操作人员必须检查设备是否正常运行,并确保没有渗漏、泄漏等情况。
5. 在操作过程中,操作人员必须保持警觉,注意观察设备工作状态,及时发现异常情况并采取相应措施。
6. 操作人员必须按照操作规程进行操作,不得擅自修改设备工作参数。
7. 操作人员必须切勿操劳过度,注意休息,避免疲劳操作。
8. 在操作过程中,如发生设备故障或其他安全问题,操作人员必须立即停止操作,并向上级汇报。
二、操作步骤1. 检查设备(1)检查软化器设备是否正常工作,包括进水口、出水口、排泄口、压力表、温度计等部件是否完好。
2. 上水操作(1)打开软化器进水阀门,逐渐增加给水流量,确保给水稳定。
3. 树脂再生操作(1)设置树脂再生参数,包括再生时间、再生周期、再生盐用量等。
4. 排泄操作(1)根据设备要求,调整软化器的排泄周期和排泄流量。
5. 检查工作(1)检查软化器的出水口水质和水量,确保符合工艺要求。
2、玻璃钢桶:基座2. 5〞
树脂001×7 40升
4、确定盐水管、排水管已接好,同时顺时针旋转“MANUAL、REGENERATIONKNOB”钮,使缺口处对准“IN SERV”位置,打开进水阀,水由进水口进入玻璃钢桶,从出水口流出。
5、将“MANUAL、REGENERATIONKNOB”钮,使缺口处对准“RINSE BACKWASH”位置,排水口处有水流出,直至有清水流出为止,继续顺时针旋转使钮,使缺口处对准“BRINCE REFLL”位置,向盐箱注水,继续旋转使缺口对准“INSERV”位置,即可产水。
5600SE型控制阀使用说明 – 版本2.0(中文程序设置步骤)
1. 时间设置为 12:01 P.M. 2. 同时按下向上 向下键 保持5秒钟 3. 反复按下额外循环键直到所有情况显示
一遍并回复到正常工作状态 4. 按下向上 向下键进行各项设置 5. 根据阀的类型 某些显示可能无法看到或进
将时间设置为12:01P.M. 同时按下向上 向下键5秒钟而进入 编程模式
流量即时型 当处理完预先设定的软水量时 再生立即开始 例如 [7 -- 2]
5600SE型控制阀使用说明 – 版本2.0
2. 再生类型 (7) (接上页) 流量延迟型 当处理完预先设定的软水量时 再生将在下次再生时间到达时开始
例如 [7 -- 3]
按向上 向下键可选择以上选项
3. 处理水量 无显示标识 按下额外循环键 该项显示用于设定每次再生前处理的软水量 单位 加仑/升 大量中减去一定量的预存值后进行设定 对于时间再生型 这一显示将不可见
按下额外循环键 该项显示用于设定配合控制器使用的阀门类型 通过第一位字母 o 标识 有以下两种选择 例如 [ o - - I ] 5600SE 阀门
[ o - - 2 ] 该项不作典型应用
按向上 向下键可选择以上选项 9. 用电频率 (LF)
按下额外循环键 该项显示用于设定控制器的用典频率 通过前两位字母 LF 标识 设定正确后 定时器将精确运 行 有以下两种选择 例如 [ L F 5 0 ] 50 赫兹用电频率
例如 7天再生一次—— [ A - -7 ]
取消设定—— [ A O F F ] 仅限于流量即时型和流量延迟型
按向上 向下键可选择以上选项
6. 再生循环步骤编程 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 按下额外再生键 接下来的2-4个显示是用来对再生循环的分步过程进行编程 最多有四步可设定 每一显示用于设 定持续时间 以分钟计时 或十分之一分钟 – 流量型 每一步显示都可进行编程 如果设为零 将跳过这一步 如果设为 OFF 再生将结束 见下页 例如 再生循环第一步 用时8分钟 —— [ 1 - - 8 ] 再生循环第三步 跳过—— [ 3 - - 0 ]
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
5600 & 5600型ECONOMINDER®时间型软化阀操作手册北京澳鸿益源水处理设备有限公司----------重要提示:请先填写相关信息,以备将来参考。
5600 & 5600型ECONOMINDER®设备参数:项目号*型号水压试验周期制水量最大/每次再生树脂罐大小直径:高度盐水罐大小及每次再生盐耗设置:控制阀规格计时器类型A)标准C)7天E)流量型,标准B)“L”D)12天F)流量型,扩展再生时间排污限流加仑/分钟盐箱注水速率加仑/分钟射流器大小流量设置加仑因供水条件、罐大小和水压的不同,上述设置仅作为参考。
第3页(参见下页部件表)第4页部件表编号数量部件号说明1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14448-010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 外壳–带销1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14448-011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 外壳–带螺钉销孔1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14448-012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 外壳–带翼形螺钉销孔1A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15494-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “L” 形支架–带销1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15494-03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “L” 形支架–带销2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13175. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 电机固定板3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18743. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 电机– 120V, 60 Hz1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19659. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 电机– 24V, 60 Hz4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2-3) . . . . . . . . . . . 11384. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 螺钉–电机固定和接地线5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3-5) . . . . . . . . . . . 13296. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 螺钉–部件固定6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 空转齿轮7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13018. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 空转小齿轮8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13312. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 弹簧–空转轮9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13164. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 传动齿轮11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 主传动齿轮和轴12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19205. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 小时齿轮传动组件,银色1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19205-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 小时齿轮传动组件,棕褐色13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 再生驱动齿轮14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14177. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 旋钮–手动再生15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 球–直径1/4˝16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13311. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 弹簧–制动器–跳轮19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14381. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 跳轮装置– 12天1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14860. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 跳轮装置–7天20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13864. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 跳轮环21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14457. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 弹簧–制动器–主传动齿轮22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 再生指针23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11842. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 电源线-标准24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12681. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 接线器(未标明)25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13547. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 线扣26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13229. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 后盖27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13309. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .前标签–褐色(米黄色底)1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13437. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .前标签–蓝色/银色(黑色底)28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13310. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .后标签–软水器1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18520. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .后标签–过滤器29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13348. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .装饰带▲30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60514. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .盐水凸轮组件, 3–18 lbs1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60514-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .盐水凸轮组件, 6–36 lbs1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60514-02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .盐水凸轮组件–时间调整型34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12473. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .螺钉–固定▲35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12037. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .垫圈37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15151. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .螺钉–旋钮38. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14176. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .阀位置转盘–标准1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14278. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .阀位置转盘–低流量1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16715. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .阀位置转盘–过滤器39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14175. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .旋钮标签–米黄色1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14207. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .旋钮标签–银色▲40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40214. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .螺钉,盐水凸轮不和过滤阀一起使用。