

商务英语翻译 Unit2 Company Introduction

商务英语翻译 Unit2 Company Introduction
Unit2 Company Introduction
Unit Objectives
• 1. To be familiar with the composition of business card • 2. To master the language features and translating skills of business card • 3. To get the definition and standard of translation • 4. To be able to translate business card into English or Chinese properly
Basic knowledge
• Definition & Format of Company introduction • 企业或公司简介(Company introduction or profile)就是简明扼要地介绍企业或公司主要情 况的一种商务文体。企业简介主要有两种形式: 篇章式和名片式。篇章式企业简介就是用文章 段落的方式,概括介绍企业的成立日期、企业 规模、经营范围、产品性能、生产能力、企业 声誉等内容。名片式就是将企业的名称、地址、 电话、传真、负责人以及经营范围逐项列出。 前者内容详尽具体,信息量大;后者简洁明了, 重点突出。
• 本厂可生产大衣、西装、时装、衬衫和毛 衣等不同类型服装用的上千花色品种的纽 扣。产品齐全、品种繁多、造型新颖。
• 2. 多用专业词汇 • KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world’s most popular chicken restaurant chain, specializing in Original Recipe, Extratasty Crispy Burger, Twister and Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips, etc. • 肯德基全球总部设在美国肯塔基州的路易


Sunday, December 02, 2018
English College
组织形式包括公司(总公司、分公司、办事处)、 集团公司、有限责任公司、厂、商店、商厦等。
Sunday, December 02, 2018
English College
Sunday, December 02, 2018
English College
Sunday, December 02,day, December 02, 2018
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Sunday, December 02, 2018
Sunday, December 02, 2018
English College
Warm-up 我们的终极目标是要建立这样一个世界: 在这个世界里, 人们不再流离失所,无家可归,丧失希望。 ---- 昂山素季 (诺贝尔和平奖获得者) 原文:Ultimately our aim should be to create a world free fr om the displaced, the homeless and the hopeless.
English College

康佳(电器) 百乐美(饮料) 奇强(洗涤品) 格兰仕(微波炉) 新科(电器) 立白(洗衣粉) 海信(空调) 多丽美(纸品)
KONGKA Belmerry Keon Galanz Shinco Liby Hisense 谐音音译
P87 例4
Sunday, December 02, 2018
English College



(1)获得金奖be awarded the gold prize
(2)通过ISO9002质量认证pass/gain/obtain/be granted the Certificate of ISO9002 International Quality System
(3)最受欢迎产品奖be awarded most welcome goods
(4)荣誉企业honorable enterpris
Ⅲ. 将下列句子翻译成汉语。(1)
(1) According to “Financial Times”, this group was ranked the second most competitive steel producer globally.
3. 注重保持原文风格 由于民族风格、文化背景、时代特点和经营特色、产品特点等各 不相同,这就要求在翻译过程当中要深入了解所介绍公司的情况, 抓住特色要点,正确表达。必要时采用意译法。例如: (1)Haier was ranked 95th after such household names as Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Nokia, which were the top three. 译文:排行榜上,中国海尔排在第95位,可口可乐荣登榜首, 麦当劳排名第二,诺基亚排名第三。
SECTION 3 II. 公司介绍的翻译技巧(8)
(6)be located in … 位于……,坐落于……
(7)be named one of … 被命名为……
(8)be ranked … which were the top three… 跻身前三甲

现代实用商务英语翻译 第4章 商号和公司简介的翻译

现代实用商务英语翻译   第4章 商号和公司简介的翻译
1. Procter & Gamble(简称P&G)(宝洁公司)是一家美国消费日用品生产 商,也是目前全球最大的日用品公司之一。公司名由两位创始人姓氏的第一个 字母构成。由美国人William Procter(威廉•波克特)与James Gamble(詹品 斯•甘波尔)在1837年创立。 2. Telefonaktiebolaget L. M. Ericsson (简称Ericsson)(爱立信公司)是 世界最大的移动系统供应商,由Lars Magnus Ericsson(拉什•马格纳斯•爱立 信)于1876年成立于瑞典。 3. BOEING(波音)是全球最大的飞机制造公司。波音公司成立于1916年7月1 日,由William Edward Boeing(威廉•爱德华•波音)创建。
McDonald’s Corporation 麦当劳公司(美国)
The Walt Disney Company 华特迪士尼公司(简称Disney)(美国)
British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司
Japan Telecom Co. Ltd
4.1 商号的翻译
Sun Chemical
上海浦东顽皮宠物有限公司 Shanghai Pudong Naughty Pets Co., Ltd.
上海工艺品进出口总公司 Shanghai National Arts & Crafts Import &
Export Corporation
上海第一医药商店有限公司 Shanghai No.1 Dispensary Co., Ltd.
4.1 商号的翻译
4.1.2 商号的翻译



商务英语翻译Unit 5Company Introductions 公司介绍返回Company Introductions 知识目标:1. 了解公司介绍的行文方式、格式和语言特点。

2. 掌握公司介绍的常用翻译技巧。

3. 掌握英汉互译中的增译法和省译法。

能力目标:1. 能够正确翻译公司介绍常用词汇和句型。

2. 能够熟练地翻译各类公司介绍。

3. 能够正确运用增译法和省译法进行翻译活动。

返回Contents 1 Introduction 2 1 Lead-in 3 Methods and Techniques 4 Useful Words and Expressions 5 Complementary Reading 6 1 Notes 7 Practice 8 Classic Translation返回SEC 2 SECTION 1 公司company是企业enterprise的组织形式,又称商号(firm)或工商企业(business)。

在市场经济条件下,公司由两人以上集资并根据国家SEC 3 法令组成。


利用公司形式,企业家可以集中分散的资金,扩大企业SEC 4 规模,创办个人独资无力经营的现代化大企业,以增强企业的竞争力。

公司有各种不同所有制形式,它可以是国有stated-owned、集体所有collective-wned、也可以是个人所有individual-owned或私有private-SEC 5 owned。




单一业主是指一人SEC 6 拥有公司,主要包括餐馆、美容店及修理店等小企业。




公司简介的翻译企业的历史history发展现状和成就公司信息corporate information行政管理状况executives and management前景,企业文化和价值观value, ethics, culture, vision and philosophy公司治理corporate governance产品服务范围products and services企业领导人致辞president’s message功能:一,提供公司信息二,宣传公司,引起注意,呼吁合作语言特点:一份企业简介,除概要性地介绍企业的情况外,对其产品也做了简略的宣传。





译文:Boasting tremendous technological strength原文:该厂最近又开发出珍珠牙膏系列产品,收到消费者的青睐。

译文:The pearl king, the latest achievement of NPC, is very well—received by customers at home and abroad2、有一定的程式化用语1) “主要经营”. . . . . . 可译成: engage in , handle a large range of business including . . .2) “奉行/坚持⋯⋯原则; 以⋯⋯宗旨”可译成: hold/abide by the principles of . . . , adhere tothe aims of . . . , follow the te . . . , based by the motto of the pany , with the enterprise spiritof . . .3) “经⋯⋯批准”可译成: approved , appointed , permitted.4) “集⋯⋯于一体”可译成: feature , integrate , bine.5) 企业的性质: “外资企业”可译成: foreign - funded enterprise ,“合资企业”可译成:joint venture ,“合作企业”可译成: cooperativeenterprise ,“独资企业”可译成: wholly foreign- owned enterprise.●获得奖项: “获得金奖”可译成: be awarded the gold prize. “通过ISO9002 质量认证”可译成: pass/gain/obtain/be granted the Certificate of ISO9002 International Quality System.●“最受欢迎产品奖”可译成: be awarded most wele goods.●“荣誉企业”可译成: honorable enterprise.●“优质企业”可译成: qualified enterprise.●“一级企业”可译成: class A enterprise.3、经常使用标语口号式的文字例1 : “质量第一, 信誉第一, 服务至上, 平等互利”。






Li Ning Company Limited is one of the leading sports brand companies in China, mainly providing sporting goods including footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for professional and leisure purposes primarily under the LI-NING brand. Headquartered in Beijing, the Group has brand marketing, research and development, design, manufacturing, distribution and retail capabilities. It has established an extensive supply chain management system and a retail distribution network in China, predominantly through outsourced manufacturing operations and franchised distribution.In addition to its core LI-NING brand, the Group also manufactures, develops, markets, distributes and/or sells sports products under several other brands, including Double Happiness (table tennis), AIGLE (outdoor sports) and Lotto (sports fashion) which are either self-owned by, licensed to or operated through joint ventures.2公司介绍华为是全球领先的信息与通信解决方案供应商。


1. 广州酒家始建于1935年,总店坐落于广州市文昌南路与下九路交
汇处,以经营传统粤菜驰名,素有“食在广州第一家”之美誉。 广州酒家从早期一间仅有40多万元资产的老酒家通过自身积累发 展到现时拥有多间酒家、一个大型食品生产基地及遍布全市的数
十间连锁食品商场,企业员工3 000人,总资产10亿元。企业先 后被评为“中国十大餐饮品牌企业”、“中华老字号”、 “国家特级酒家”、“全国十佳酒家”、“中华餐饮名店”、 “国际餐饮名店”、“中国餐饮业著名品牌”、“中国餐饮 百强企业”、“全国动奖章”。广州酒家将秉 承“服务于大众,诚暖顾客心”的服务宗旨与企业精神,以 品牌优势和技术优势为依托,致力于走多元化经营、多功能 服务的发展道路,不断发展规模,创造新的业绩。
2. 原文:四川省房地产开发总公司系经四川省政府批准成立。 原译:Approving by Sichuan provincial government, Sichuan Real
Estate Development Corporation came into being.
解析:译文中的approving应该改为被动式approved才对,因为 公司是被批准成立,而不会自己成立。“成立”用came into being来表示不妥当,“come into being”是指以一种自然或主动的 形式出现或存在,这与房地产公司的成立不同,用was set up, was founded, was established都可以,这些都是表述公司成立的基本词
汇。本题的主要问题是译文中用词不当,没有正确地理解原文,恰当 地进行选词。
改译:Sichuan Real Estate Development Corporation was set up with the approval of Sichuan provincial government.






Li Ning Company Limited is one of the leading sports brand companies in China, mainly providing sporting goods including footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for professional and leisure purposes primarily under the LI-NING brand. Headquartered in Beijing, the Group has brand marketing, research and development, design, manufacturing, distribution and retail capabilities. It has established an extensive supply chain management system and a retail distribution network in China, predominantly through outsourced manufacturing operations and franchised distribution.In addition to its core LI-NING brand, the Group also manufactures, develops, markets, distributes and/or sells sports products underseveral other brands, including Double Happiness (table tennis), AIGLE (outdoor sports) and Lotto (sports fashion) which are either self-owned by, licensed to or operated through joint ventures.diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialiststages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) tosupervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment ofdisease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information.(4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinicalHaematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national2公司介绍华为是全球领先的信息与通信解决方案供应商。

商务英语翻译 第三章 企业描述

商务英语翻译 第三章 企业描述
Translation of Business English
翻译下列词语。 1 backlog 2 futures market 3 forward market 4 negotiating bank 5 cover note 6 a current account 7 an open account 8 statement 9 payment balance 10 amortization 11 a.a.r (against all risk) 12 b.v.(book value) 13 CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight) 14 Divd (dividend) 15 St. Dft (Sight Draft)
Quaker Oats (贵格燕麦)
3.2 商号的翻译
商号(Trade Names): 又称字号、企业 名称,指的是各种商务单位的名称—商 务主体所有的、在商务活动中使用的、 具有明显识别价值的专有名称 。 商号与商标: 商号代表企业以区别于其 他企业,而商标代表商品以区别类似商 品。
按规模分: 控股集团(Holding) 集团公司 (Group) 有限公司( Company/Corporation Limited/Company Incorporated, incorporated 一词通常缩略为inc.or Inc) 小公司(Firm,常用于法律公司和咨 询公司)
有些商标则采用了耳熟能详的一些具有特殊 意义的人名,如神话传说中的人名、影视文 学作品中的人名、历史名人的姓名。 e.g. Nike 耐克(希腊神话中的胜利女神) 杜康 (传说中中国酿酒的鼻祖)



(2)原文: 拥有雄厚的技术力量 译文: Boasting tremendous technological strength. 说明: Here, “boast” is much more appealing than “have” or “with”. (3)原文: 该厂最近又开发出新型冰箱,深受欢迎 译文: The latest achievement produced by the plant recently, is very well-received by customers at home and abroad. 说明:Compared with “products”, “achievement”, perfectly emphasizes the strong influence of the new product
特点3:信息性与实用性Informative and Practical
The main function of an introduction is to tell the current customers or potential customers about the enterprise and its products. It should stick to the fact and practice-oriented. Writers of introductions usually use “we” showing their closeness to the readers. The content mainly concerns the following parts: 1. Who We Are (公司概况) 2. What We Do(主营业务) 3. How We Do It(业务流程) 4.Our People(公司员工) 5. Our Clients(主要客户) 6. Our Culture and Mission(公司宗旨与文化) 7. Prizes We Win (公司获奖情况) 8. Our Goal and Commitment(奋斗目标)




公司简介的英语翻译(一)At BASF, we create chemistry and have been doing so for 150 years. Our portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. As the worlds leading chemical company, we combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Through science and innovation, we enable our customers in nearly every industry to meet the current and future needs of society. Our products and solutions contribute to conserving resources, ensuring nutrition and improving quality of life. We have summed up this contribution in our corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future.公司简介的英语翻译(二)ExxonMobil, the largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, uses technology and innovation to help meet the worlds growing energy needs. We hold an industry-leading inventory of resources and are one of the worlds largest integrated refiners, marketers of petroleum products and chemical manufacturers.We must continuously achieve superior financial and operating results while simultaneously adhering to high ethical standards.Over the last 125 years ExxonMobil has evolved from a regional marketer of kerosene in the U.S. to the largest publicly traded petroleum and petrochemical enterprise in the world.Today we operate in most of the worlds countries and are best known by our familiar brand names: Exxon, Esso and Mobil. We make the products that drive modern transportation, power cities, lubricate industry and provide petrochemical building blocks that lead to thousands of consumer goods.公司简介的英语翻译(三)如何用英语介绍公司的产品?1.Our silk garments are made of super pre silk materials and by traditional silks.我们的丝绸服装是用传统工艺做成的,采纳的是高档真丝面料。



中国银行杭州分行 Bank of China, Hanghou Branch 浙江金达期货公司上海办事处 Zhejiang Jinda Corporation, Shanghai Office
浙江老板实业集团公司 Zhejiang Ro Bam Industrial Group 广州省物资集团公司 Zhejiang Materials Group Corporation
湖北金茂机械科技有限公司 Hubei Gildmill Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. 远大制药 Grand Pharmaceutical Co. 银泰百货 In Time Department Store
宁波贝特贝通讯设备有限公司 Ningbo Betterbell Telecommunication Equipment Co., Ltd. 杭州富盈贸易有限公司 Hangzhou Fullwin Trade Co., Ltd. 上海佳怡投资有限公司
Shanghai New Continental Electronics Co., Ltd. 烟台北极星钟表有限公司 Yantai Polaris Timepiece Co., Ltd. 湖北凯龙化工集团股份有限公司 Hubei Kailong Chemical Group Co., Ltd.
五金厂 a hardware factory 电力厂 a power plant 机械厂 a machinery plant 纺织厂 a textile mill 面粉厂 a flour mill
造船厂 shipyard 酒厂 distillery 啤酒厂 brewery 葡萄酒厂 winery 糖厂 sugar refinery 玉器厂 jade workshop




品种齐全,质量好,价格合理,外观精美,我们的产品广泛的应用于X (应用的行业领)和其他行业。



对应英文介绍模板公司英文名称) is a manufacturer of (主营产品) with well-equipped testing facilities and strong technical force. With a wide range, good quality, reasonable prices and stylish designs, our products are extensively used in应用的行业领域) and other industries. Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and can meet continuously changing economic and social needs. We welcome new and old customers from all walks of life to contact us for future business relationships and mutual success!中文介绍模板XX公司地处XX专业生产ABC产品。





对应英文介绍模板(公司英文名称) is located in (公司所在城市) and is specialized in manufacturing (主营产品). With an experienced and professional team, we have exported our products to many countries and regions all over the world, especially (产品销往地).Our products enjoy a good reputation among our customers. We welcome customers, business associations and friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits.中文介绍模板建于XX年,ABC公司致力于XX贸易。





英语公司简介大体上可分两类:一类为公司的简要内容介绍或概览(Introduction to Company, Company Profile 或Company Overview),是最常见的一种类型。


例1:New Rock Technologies, Inc.New Rock Technologies, Inc. is a manufacturer of innovative V oIP equipments and next generation IMS communication solutions. We offers a full line of VoIP products including IPPBX, voice access gateway, trunking gateway, SIP service platform, and network element management system. Our customers range from service providers, enterprises, system integrators, to independent software vendors. We also have OEM partners worldwide.Registered in the Greater Boston area in the United States. We have expanded our Research and Development, marketing and sales, and manufacturing operations to Shanghai, China. We are fully founded by IDG Technology Venture Investment, Inc. and other investors.例2 Garrett Printing & GraphicsSince 1900, Garrett Printing & Graphics has provided our customers with quality work, reliable service and competitive pricing. Our staff has had decades of experience in all facets ofprinting; from simple 1 color work to 4 color, and beyond! There?s no job too small, no job too large. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!It?s extremely important to us that our clients know whom they?re doing business with. Once you take the time to find out what we?re all about, we?re confident you?ll like what you see.二、公司简介的翻译方法首先要求忠实于原文。



商务英语翻译合同术语与公司简介术语与模板This contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party. 此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。

What is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix. 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方增补作为合同附件。

The Contract is written in quadruplicate (two for original and copy respectively) which shall become valid onthe date of signature.本合同一式四份(正副本各两份)自签署后生效This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall be deemed equallyauthentic. This contract is in 2 copies effective since being signed/sealed by both parties.本合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。



This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers,whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellersagree to sell the under-mentioned. Commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。



1.ABF Freight System ABF货运公司2.American Production and Inventory Control Society 美国仓储协会3.American Society of Transportation and Logistics 美国运输和物流学会4.Apple Company 苹果公司5.Association for Transportation Law, Logistic, and Policy 运输法、物流和政策协会6.Avon 雅芳公司7.Belle Tzell Cell Company 贝尔泽尔电池公司8.Bendix Corporation 本迪克斯公司9.Black & Decker American Shipper 布莱克德克尔美国托运公司10.Boeing 波音公司Assignment: collect information for Bendix Corporation such as1.Its history2.Its business scopeThe Bendix Corporation was an American manufacturing and engineering company which during various times in its 60 year existence made brake systems, aeronautical hydraulics, avionics, radios, televisions and computers, and which licensed its name for use on home washing machines.HistoryBendix was founded in 1924 in South Bend, Indiana, United States, by the inventor Vincent Bendix. At first it manufactured brake systems for cars and trucks, supplying General Motors with braking systems for its production lines for several decades. In 1929 Vincent Bendix branched out into aeronautics and renamed the company "Bendix Aviation" to reflect the new product lines. Bendix supplied aircraft manufacturers with all types of hydraulic systems, for braking and flap activation, and introduced new devices such as a pressure carburetor which dominated the market during World War II. It also made a wide variety of electrical and electronic instruments for aircraft.Although popularly connected to washing machines, the Bendix Corporation itself never actually manufactured that home appliance. In 1936 the company licensed its name to Bendix Home Appliances, another South Bend company, for a 25% stake in the company. [1]Bendix Home Appliances, founded by Judson Sayre, was later sold to Avco Manufacturing Corporation.[2]The Bendix Corporation sponsored the famous Bendix continental air race which started in 1931, and is known for the Bendix Trophy. The competition was a transcontinental U.S. point-to-point race meant to encourage the development of durable, efficient aircraft for commercial aviation, but civilians were barred from the race in 1950. The last race took place in 1962.During World War II Bendix made just about every ancillary instrument or equipment for military aircraft. The Bendix radio division was born in 1937, to make radio transmitter/receivers for aircraft and other types of avionics (aviation electronics). During the war Bendix manufactured about three quarters of all avionics in American aircraft. During and after the war Bendix made radar equipment of all kinds.Bendix started making domestic radios and phonographs for the retail market after the war as an outgrowth of its production of aircraft radios. Bendix also built television sets from 1950 to 1959. Production of radiosfor the retail trade stopped in the mid fifties, but in 1948 Bendix started to sell car radios directly to Ford and other auto manufacturers. This market rapidly grew during the 1950s, but shrank just as fast in the 1960s when Ford, GM and Chrysler started producing their own radios.Since the 1950s Bendix and its successors have managed Department of Energy (DOE) facilities in Kansas City, Missouri and Albuquerque, New Mexico which procured non-nuclear components for nuclear weapons, and during the 1960s the company made ground and airborne telecommunications systems for NASA, including the ST-124-M3 inertial platform used in the Saturn V Instrument Unit. It also developed the first automobile fuel injection systems in the United States.Bendix RIM-8 TalosIn 1956 the computer division of Bendix Aviation introduced the Bendix G-15, a mini computer which was the size of two tall filing cabinets. The company sold about 400 of these at prices starting at below US$50,000. The Bendix computer division was taken over in 1963 by Control Data Corporation, which continued to manufacture the G-15 for a few years. The chief designer of the G-15 was Harry Huskey, who had worked with Alan Turing on the ACE in the United Kingdom and on the SWAC in the 1950s. Huskey created most of the design while working as a professor at Berkeley and other universities, and also as a consultant.In the decades between 1970 and 1990, Bendix went through a series of mergers, sales and changes with partners or buyers including Raytheon, Allied Signal and others. This diluted its corporate identity, though for some years these companies used the Bendix brand for some of their products, such as aircraft flight control systems.In 1982 Bendix launched a hostile takeover bid of Martin Marietta. Bendix bought the majority of Martin Marietta shares and in effect owned the company. However, Martin Marietta's management used the short time between ownership and control to sell non-core businesses and launch its own hostile takeover of Bendix – the Pac-Man Defense. Industrial conglomerate United Technologies joined the fray, supporting MartinMarietta in their counter-takeover bid. In the end, Bendix was rescued by the Allied Corporation, acting as a white knight. Bendix was acquired by Allied in 1983 for US$85 per share. The Allied Corporation, later named AlliedSignal, bought Honeywell and adopted the Honeywell name, and Bendix became a Honeywell brand, including the Bendix/King brand of avionics which includes completely digital integrated glass cockpits. Honeywell's commercial vehicles division also has a Bendix line of electronics and other vacuum or hydraulic subsystems.。

第八章 商标、商号的翻译

第八章 商标、商号的翻译
• • • • • AUCMA (澳柯玛) Band-Aid——邦迪(创可贴) L’oreal—— 欧莱雅(化妆品) Colgate——高露洁(牙膏) Pantene——潘婷(洗发水)
• Parker派克钢笔 Peak匹克运动鞋 • Motorola-摩托罗拉 Poison-百爱神, • Lipton立顿红茶 Heinz亨氏米粉
转移翻译 Head and Shoulder海飞丝 Rejoice漂柔 Carefree娇爽Crest 本意为“顶峰”,意译成“佳洁士” 意思是“品质佳,洁净牙齿的卫士”,与“健康笑容 来自佳洁士,”“从内巩固,医生保护”的广告口号 相呼应。 • Rejoice 本意是快乐,喜悦,采用创意法后为飘柔, 打破了原商标的字面意义,使之与飘逸柔顺的秀发产 生联想,体现了产品的特性。
• 商标是商品的标志,是表明一种商品与其他商 品相区别而采取的任何文字、图形、符号、设 计或其他组合。它是代表商品质量、性能、技 术水平和其他特征的一种标志。有的由文字单 独构成,有的由图形单独构成,有的由图形和 文字组合构成。商标在各种媒体中和商品包装 上出现时, 常常在右上角或右下角加“®”或 “TM”。“®”表示已经注册(Registered), “TM”表示商标(Trademark)。
• 5. –que 源自法语后缀,传达一种女性美, 多用于女性化妆品及日用品,为的是传达 一种典雅柔美的气息。 • Angelique—香水 Bootique—妇女时装 • Footique—女鞋 Epique—女士香烟
• 厂商为了在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,极力推出 妙趣横生、生动活泼、独特新奇的商标品牌。 因此修辞手法在商标命名中的运用也很广泛。 • (一)双关(pun) • Nimble---敏捷(面包)——吃了会变得敏锐充 满活力 • Robust----乐百氏(牛奶)——儿童变得强壮 (robust) • Longevity----长寿(保险公司)——希望人们 健康长寿
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