



企业 则缺 乏积极主 动应诉 的动 力 ,有的甚至对无缘 由地在美 国当被告感到十分不解和委屈 。
在 很 长 的 一 段 时 间 里 ,美 国 国 内 企 业 对 于 这 种 抽 取 出
口量最大的企业作为强制调查对象的方法不满 ,并先后提 出
为 代 表 ,分 别 确 定 它 们 是 否 构 成 倾 销 和 计 算 倾 销 幅 度 的 高 多种备选方案 ,例如随机抽签、权重抽签等。在骆家辉提 出 低 ,而 其 它 应 诉 但 没 有 被 抽 中 的 企 业 一 般 则 被 裁 定 被 抽 中 的方案中 ,他没有说明商务部准备采取哪种方法抽取 强制应 企 业 的加 权 平 均 税 率 。抽 样 调 查 是 W T 《 倾 销 协 定 》 所 诉企业 ,而 只是说 “ 反倾 销调查和 复审中扩大随机 抽样 , O 反 在
阻 ,或 者 在 海 外 市 场 遭 遇 更 激 烈 的 竞 争 。 由此 可 见 ,商 务 部 着较 大 的 长 期 利 益 ,愿 意 为证 明 没有 构 成 倾 销 或 者 降低 可 能 试 图推 行 的 l 措 施 可 能 “ 翁 之 意 不 在 酒 ” 4 ( 包括聘请专业律师较早地
措 施 是 奥 巴马 总 统 此 前 提 出 的 “ 家 出 口战 略 ” 的 一 部 分 , 企 业 不 仅 在 于 这 些 企 业 更 具 有 代 表 性 ,而 且 使 得 包 括 出 口企 国
其 目标是在未来 5年 内使 美国出 口翻番 ,同时为美 国创造数 业 和 进 口 商 在 内 的 利 益 各 方 对 反 倾 销 调 查 或 者 复 审 的 结 果 百 万就业机会 。常识告诉我们 : 用力压天平的一边可能使得 有 了相对 明确的预期 ,从而可以早作打算 。因为在通常情况 原来失衡的天平在短期 内趋 向平衡 ,但无论如何也无法提高 下 ,出 口量比较大的企业规模较大 ,管理 相对规 范 ,会计和 天 平另一 边的 重量 。相 反 ,它可 能会导 致 美国产 品 出 口受 成本控制也相对严格一些。更主要的是 ,它们在 美国市场有


20 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主威廉姆森 09
法 国经 济 专 家 奥 利 维 ・ 斯 特 雷 帕 最近在 法国 ( 界报 》 发表一篇评 ( 世 上
论, 为 《 题 没有中国, 无出路》。 绝 帕 斯特雷 认为法 国自己要认清三点 : 一
是“ 中国 早 在 12 年 国 民 生 产 总 值 就 80 占全 球 4 %, 超 今 日 国经 济 所 占世 O 远 美 界 比重 ” 二 是 美 元 之 所 以能 够 “ 持 ; 维
佳的工 从 世界范 围来看 增长 最快
的 国内市 场 ” 。
帕 斯 特 雷 提 出迅 速 加 强 对 华 关
系的 三 项措 施 :“ 首先 要 接 受在 中国领
业发展高峰会暨年度颁奖典礼上获 奖, 罗维宗( ry L ) J r o荣获年度少数 e
族 裔企 业领袖 大奖 、 谢成 杰(o T mmy
正。 我认为中国企业的官僚风气所引起的成本及其后果更值得担 比。 这是一个必须时
刻牢记 的 问题 。( 源: 易财经 ,O 来 网 21 月1 ) 5 日
7 日, 名华裔企业家在 月21 3
美 国联 邦商 务部 东 北部 1'全 国商 4' J l 、 1
I BR E 资讯 N JF
诺奖得主 : 中美双方可以互相学习
网易 财 经近 目专 访 了2 0 年 诺贝 尔 经 09 济 学奖得 主威 廉姆 森 。 廉 姆森赞 扬 中国的 威
经济奇迹, 并认为中美双方可以互相学习。
威廉 姆森说 : 首先我不 是一 个 中国经济
体制方面的专家, 不过我确实执教过两个有 关中国经济的课程 。 过去3年 中, 0 中国经济 的成功令人震惊。 中美双方可以互相学习。


负责人 :
李天然 王霞萍 刘敏
2、美国商务部(DOC) 3、美国海关 4、美国国际贸易法院 5、联邦巡回上诉法院 6、美国最高法院

美国国际贸易委员会负责调 查国外进口涉案产品对美国 国内同类产品产业是否造成 实质性损害、实质性损害威 胁,以及对国内产业建立造 成的阻碍,并负责在调查基 础上作出是否构成损害以及 倾销与损害之间是否有因果 关系,并以投票方式做出裁 定。
( 2) 国际贸 易委员会 初裁
其在接到商务部展开调查的通知或接 到当事人控诉状 后45天之内,根据当时所能掌握的最全面的材料来判 定是否有合理证据证实本国相关产业受到了损害。如果 委员会初步裁定为否定,则终止调查程序;如果其裁定 为肯定,则继续进行调查。

(3)商 务部发出 问卷
(4)美 国商务部 初期裁定

商务部自第二年起每 年同一月份在联邦公 告上刊登行政复审公 告。如指定期间内无 当事人提出申请,商 务部将通知美国海关 继续按照原先反倾销 税率征收进口关税。 如有人提出申请,其 将会另行发布展开行 政复审的公告。
措施实施满两年后, 如商务部或国际贸 易委员会接到复审 申请或认为情况已 经有所改善并认为 有必要对正在实施 的反倾销命令或中 止调查协议等进行 复审,商务部或国 际贸易委员会将在 联邦公告上刊登复 查公告。
原则上应对所有 已知的涉案出口 商或生产商进行 问卷调查。但如 果涉案者过多, 则可采用有效统 计方法,或对占 出口国涉案产品 最大量的生产商 或出口商进行调 查。























题 向美方 提出交 涉 ,敦促 美方咸格按 照WT 的规则行 O
泱规 定的制裁金额 ,因此按照新规定 ,遣 口商 只能提 2取消 给予 单佃外 圆出 口企柴在特 定情沉下 的反 . 倾销或反衲贴豁免 。 目前 ,美 圆政府封 柬 自某一 园家
注 ,封美 方的犟措连行研究分析 ,蓝封其 中存 在的同 交现金作届保麓金 ;
的 算 方 法 。富 出 口税 和增 值 税 在 出 口畴 没 有 退 和正 富性 暹行 明和解释 。他们不顾 意承韶 ,其措施
税 ,按新 规定 要算 人 出 口儇 ,其结 果将 孽致 倾 销 幅 的寅耍 就是要 在救助本 园经滂 、大力 推追出 口的遇程
度的增加 ;
中弑 固将利益 圈在园 内 、把 责任 和负搪推给外 圆,甚
促 造戟略 ,帮助美 圆企柴獾得公平兢 孚楼 畲 ,监提升
反祸贴 ,其 中有 8 倏是 事门针 封美圆 贸易救滴法规 定
1 . 规定在相 嗣部 朗作 出反 倾销或反 楠贴初 裁後 , 口商品 。目前 ,封美商磅部作 出初裁但 尚在调查遏程
海 外市埸拓展能力 。 1僚建 措施 ,涉及反倾销和 受 到调查 的企柴只能 以现金作届保 金缝绩 向美 园出 4 的所褶 r 非市埸经滂 园家 。美圆商 部的新 固稿也 中的反倾销或反楠贴案件 ,相 网企棠可 以以现金或债 毫不掩饰地宣稻其 1 工建 是主要针封 以中囡扇主的 券作魇保 金缝绩 向美 出 口。而美 商耪 部罄 稻遇去有 4百 r 非市埸怒涛圜家 j的。因此 , 翠措 一经公怖 ,立 些 案件 中造 口商提交 的债券保 金不足 以支付最终裁 刻 引起中圆政府主管部 朗 、企 柴界和法律界的高度嗣
的某翔 连 1 2商品寅施反倾销或反楠贴制裁 後 ,如果 . 或遵绩 5 未接受非法楠贴 ,则可免受相 同贸易救漓 年



别被谣传击中!美国制裁44家中国企业真相智东西8月1日消息,今天,美国商务部工业和安全局(BIS)今天在“联邦纪事”政府官方网站上公布了一份即将在美国时间8月1日(中国时间明天)正式发布的文件,宣布在美国政府“出口管理条例”(Export Administration Regulations,EAR)清单中增加44个中国机构/部门,因为他们“违反了美国的国家安全或外交政策利益”。


这44个中国机构/部门包括了8个机构和旗下的36个附属机构(subordinate institution),他们集中以军工研究机构居多,分别是:1)中国航天科工股份有限公司第2研究院,以及旗下13个附属机构;2)中国电子科技集团公司第13研究所,以及旗下12个附属机构; 3)中国电子科技集团公司第14研究所,以及旗下2个附属机构; 4)中国电子科技集团公司第38研究所,以及旗下7个附属机构; 5)中国电子科技集团公司第55研究所,以及旗下2个附属机构; 6)中国技术进出口集团有限公司;7)中国华腾工业有限公司;8)河北远东通信系统工程有限公司;消息一出,有人惊呼“贸易战升级!美国要对中国进行技术封锁了!”,也有人冷静表示“这事儿很正常,美国三十年前就在做了”。


始于一战,美国进出口管制早有百年历史早在1917年的一百年前,美国在第一次世界大战期间就颁布了“对敌贸易法”(Trading with the Enemy Act),禁止美国与敌对国家进行贸易往来,随后全球便经历了两次世界大战的兴盛与结束。

到了1949年,在二战结束后,美国又颁布了“出口控制法”(Export Control Act),将贸易管制的法令从战争期间扩展到和平时期,试图遏制苏联及盟国在二战后的工业重建。


美 国 商 务 部 终 裁 对 中 国 产 铜 版 纸 征 收 高 额 “ 反 ”关 税 双
美 国 商 务 部 9 2 日作 出 终 裁 , 定 对 中 国产 铜 版 纸 征 收 1 .4 月 1 决 7 6 %至 1 8 0 %的 反 补 贴 税 及 7 .3
76 .%至 1 5 8 %的 反 倾 销 税 。 3 .3 本 轮 “ 反 ”案 南美 国3 造 纸 公 司 联 手 美 国联 合 钢 铁 工 人 工 会 挑 起 , 0 9 l 月美 国商 务 双 家 20年 0
易 委 员会 预 定 l月4日就 中国 产 铜 版 纸 做 出终 裁 决 定 。 1
科技 部启 动 化 学制 浆 造纸 联 产氧 化铝 产业化 示 范工程
中 国 科 学 技 术 部 网 站 9 l 日公 布 了 《 家 科 技 支 撑 计 划 重 点 项 E “ 学 制 浆 造 纸 联 产 氧 化 月 9 国 l化 铝 产 业 化 示 范 工 程 ”课 题 申请 指 南 》, 项 目实 施 年 限 为 三 年 (0 1 1 本 2 l年 月-2 1 5 l 月) 国 家 拨 03 2 , 经 费 1 8 万 元 。申请 资 格 机 构 和 单 位 , 接 受 个人 申报 。 75 不 指 南 》称 , 项 目采 用 制 浆 造 纸 一 氧 化 铝 生 产 联 产 的 方 式 , 过 开 发 黑 液 配 料 烧 结 熟 料 该 通 技 术 和 碳 分 母 液 苛 化 、白泥 煅 烧 回用 技 术 , 现 氧 化 铝 生 料 浆 配 煤 全 部 由造 纸 黑 液 替 代 , 低 实 降 烧 结 法 生 产 氧 化 铝 成 本 、 底 解 决 黑 液 治 理 难 、 本 高 的 问题 , 成 生 产 规 模 大 干 1 万 吨 的 化 彻 成 建 O

















称福建晋华涉及违反美国国家安全利益的行为,给美国带来了严重风险(Significant risk)。












The Commerce Control ListPart 774—page 1Export Administration RegulationsBureau of Industry and Security April 13, 2012Table of Contents§ 774.1 INTRODUCTION ......................... 1 §774.2 [RESERVED] ................................. 1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO PART 774 – THE COMMERCE CONTROL LIST........ 1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO PART 774 - GENERAL TECHNOLOGY ANDSOFTWARE NOTES ................................. 1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 3 TO PART 774 – STATEMENTS OF UNDERSTANDING . 1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO PART 774[RESERVED] ............................................. 1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 5 TO PART 774 - ITEMS CLASSIFIED UNDER ECCNS 0A521, 0B521, 0C521, 0D521 AND 0E521 (1)§ 774.1 INTRODUCTION(a) In this part, references to the EAR are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) maintains the Commerce Control List (CCL) that describes items (i.e., commodities, software, and technology) subject to the jurisdiction of the EAR. The CCL does not include those items exclusively controlled for export by another department or agency of the U.S. Government. In instances where other agencies administercontrols over related items, entries in the CCL will contain a reference to these controls. Those items subject to the EAR but not specified on the CCL are identified by the designator “EAR99.” See §734.2(a) of the EAR for items that are “subject to the EAR.” You should consult part 738 of the EAR for an explanation of the organization of the CCL and its relationship to the Country Chart.(b) Items that warrant control on the CCL, but for which a classification has yet to be determined, are temporarily classified under one of the 0Y521 ECCNs (i.e., 0A521, 0B521, 0C521, 0D521 or 0E521), according to their respective product group, pursuant to § 742.6(a)(7) of the EAR, while a determination is made as to whether classification under a revised or new ECCN, or an EAR99 designation, is appropriate. The technical description and list of such items appear in Supplement No. 5 to part 774 – Items Classified Under ECCNs 0A521, 0B521, 0C521, 0D521 and 0E521. Items that the U.S. Government determines are more appropriately captured under the United States Munitions List (USML) Category XXI (Miscellaneous Articles) or other USML control, as part of the 0Y521 review process will be controlled as such.(c) The CCL is contained in Supplement No. 1 to this part, and Supplement No. 2 to this part contains the General Technology and Software Notes relevant to entries contained in the CCL.§774.2 [RESERVED]SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO PART 774 – THE COMMERCE CONTROL LISTThe Commerce Control List is in a separate file.Export Administration Regulations Bureau of Industry and Security April 13, 2012SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 TO PART 774 - GENERAL TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARENOTES1. General Technology Note. The export of "technology" that is "required" for the "devel-opment", "production", or "use" of items on the Commerce Control List is controlled according to the provisions in each Category."Technology" "required" for the "development", "production", or "use" of a controlled product remains controlled even when applicable to a product controlled at a lower level.License Exception TSU is available for "tech-nology" that is the minimum necessary for the installation, operation, maintenance (checking), and repair of those products that are eligible for License Exceptions or that are exported under a license.N.B.: This does not allow release under a License Exception of the repair "technology" controlled by 1E002.e, 1E002.f, 8E002.a, or 8E002.b.N.B.: The 'minimum necessary' excludes "development" or "production" technology and permits "use" technology only to the extent "required" to ensure safe and efficient use of the product. Individual ECCNs may further restrict export of "minimum necessary" information. 2.General Software Note. License Exception TSU (“mass market” software) is available to all destinations, except countries in Country Group E:1 of Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR, for release of software that is generally available to the public by being:a. Sold from stock at retail selling points, without restriction, by means of:1. Over the counter transactions;2. Mail order transactions;3. Electronic transactions; or4. Telephone call transactions; andb. Designed for installation by the user without further substantial support by the supplier.Note:The General Software Note does not apply to "software" controlled by Category 5 - part 2 ("Information Security"). For "software" controlled by Category 5, part 2, see Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 5, part 2, Note 3 –Cryptography Note.Export Administration Regulations Bureau of Industry and Security April 13, 2012SUPPLEMENT NO. 3 TO PART 774 – STATEMENTS OF UNDERSTANDING(a) Statement of Understanding - medicalequipment.Commodities that are ‘specially designed for medical end-use’ that ‘incorporate’ commodities or software on the Commerce Control List (Sup-plement No. 1 to part 774 of the EAR) that do not have a reason for control of Nuclear Nonproliferation (NP), Missile Technology (MT), or Chemical & Biological Weapons (CB) are designated by the number EAR99 (i.e., are not elsewhere specified on the Commerce Control List).Notes to paragraph a:(1) ‘Specially designed for medical end-use’ means designed for medical treatment or the practice of medicine (does not include medical research).(2) Commodities or software are considered ‘incorporated’ if the commodity or soft ware is: Essential to the functioning of the medical equipment; customarily included in the sale of the medical equipment; and exported or reexported with the medical equipment.(3) Except for such software that is made publicly available consistent with § 734.3(b)(3) of the EAR, commodities and software ‘specially designed for medical end-use’ remain subject to the EAR.(4) See also § 770.2(b) interpretation 2, for other types of equipment that incorporate items on the Commerce Control List that are subject to the EAR. (5) For computers used with medical equipment, see also ECCN 4A003 note 2 regarding the "principal element" rule.(6) For commodities and software specially de-signed for medical end-use that incorporate an encryption or other "information security" item subject to the EAR, see also Note 1 to Category 5, Part II of the Commerce Control List.(b) Statement of Understanding - Source Code.For the purpose of national security controlled items, “source code” items are controlled either by “software” or by “software” and “technology” controls, except when such “source code” items are explicitly decontrolled.(c) Category 5 - Part 2 - Note 4 Statement ofUnderstanding.All items previously described by Notes (b), (c) and (h) to 5A002 are now described by Note 4 to Category 5 - Part 2. Note (h) to 5A002 prior to June 25, 2010 stated that the following was not controlled by 5A002:Equipment specially designed for the servicing of portable or mobile radiotelephones and similar client wireless devices that meet all the provisions of the Cryptography Note (Note 3 in Category 5, Part 2), where the servicing equipment meets all of the following:(1) The cryptographic functionality of the ser-vicing equipment cannot easily be changed by the user of the equipment;(2) The servicing equipment is designed for installation without further substantial support by the supplier; andExport Administration Regulations Bureau of Industry and Security April 13, 2012(3) The servicing equipment cannot changethe cryptographic functionality of the devicebeing serviced.(d) Statement of Understanding—Used Goods.The specifications in the Commerce Control Listapply equally to new or used goods. In the caseof used goods, an evaluation by the Bureau ofIndustry and Security may be carried out inorder to assess whether the goods are capable ofmeeting the relevant specifications.Export Administration Regulations Bureau of Industry and Security April 13, 2012SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO PART 774 [RESERVED]Export Administration Regulations Bureau of Industry and Security April 13, 2012SUPPLEMENT NO. 5 TO PART 774 - ITEMS CLASSIFIED UNDER ECCNS 0A521,0B521, 0C521, 0D521 AND 0E521The following table lists items subject to the EAR that are not listed elsewhere in the CCL, but which the Department of Commerce, with the concurrence of the Departments of Defense and State, has identified warrant control for export or reexport because the items provide at least a significant military or intelligence advantage to the United States or for foreign policy reasons.Export Administration Regulations Bureau of Industry and Security April 13, 2012。


( 小 印 )
9 0
毒 崽
设施 。
国际金融危机爆 发以来 ,受美 而且大幅面 印刷系统制造商也感受
塑料不仅可用于建筑保温 ,还 国国内经济下滑 、保 护主义抬头等 到 了 图像 供 应 链 对 高 速 生 产 的强 烈
广泛用于制造业 ,因为它 比其他材 多种 因素影 响,美国最近频繁针对 需求 。口
料更节 能。比如在汽车零 部件制造 中国产 品实施 贸易救 济措施。对于
翮 爱恙
成立 。新公 司合 的贸 易保护主义举 动,中方多
华 区及 东盟地 区业 务,将 全面 利用 从而有助于减少化石燃料消耗 。在 次进行交涉 ,要 求美方恪守双方达 两家 公司的基础架 构 以及 技术、生 西 欧 地 区 ,塑 料 在 汽 车 制 造 中所 占 成 的共 识 , 反对 贸 易保 护 主 义 , 共
76 % 7 .3 不 巴斯夫 公司 日前预测 ,2 1 年 税 , 以及 1 . 4 至 l 8 0 % 等 的 数字 印刷速度 的大幅提升 。 05
前全 球塑料 市场将 以5 的年均速 度 反 补贴 税 。据 美 国商 务 部 统计 , %
种 种 迹 象 表 明 ,人 们 已经 接 受
速换版和 高度集 成且价 格不高的大
未来将 以每年5 速度增长 %
三, i稿 矧 删 簿 %|《 。 蟛 ㈣ 黼 ; 。 ㈣ 瓣 g
根据 裁决 ,中 国输美铜版纸将 幅面 印刷解 决方案不断涌现在市场
面 临7 6 至1 5 8 % . % 3 . 3 不等 的反倾销 上 ,而令 人印象 最深的还是大幅面
产 、分 销 上 的各 项 优 势 。 比例 已从 1 7 年 的6 增 长 至 现 在 的 同应对金融危机 。温 90 %



美国政府机构名称美国政府机构名称美国政府机构名称u.s. institutions 美国行政机构总统办事机构:(executive office of the president)白宫办公厅(the white house office)副总统办公厅(office of the vice president of the united states)行政管理和预憔?(office of management and budget)经济顾问委员会(council of economic advisers)国家安全委员会(national security council)美国贸易代表办公室(office of united states trade representatives)政策制定办公室(office of policy development)科学和技术政策办公室(office of science and technology policy)改善环境质量委员会(council on environmental quality)国家麻醉品控制政策办公室(office of national drug control policy)行政办公室(office of administration)政府各部:(cabinet department)国务院(department of state)财政部(department of treasury)国防部(department of defense)司法部(department of justice)商务部(department of commerce)能源部(department of energy)内政部(department of interior)农业部(department of agriculture)教育部(department of education)运输部(department of transportation)劳工部(department of labor)卫生与公众服务部(department of health and human services)住房和城市发展部(department of housing and urban development)退伍军人事务部(department of veterans affairs)军事机构:(military bodies)国防部(department of defense) 参谋长联席会议(joint chiefs of staff)陆军(army)空军(airforce)海军(navy)海军陆战队(marine corps)海岸警卫队(coast guard)后备役部队(reserves)联合作战司令部(united combatant commands) 美国政府机构名称相关内容:。



BILLING CODE 3510-33-PDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEBureau of Industry and Security15 CFR Part 744[Docket No. 170714666-7666-01]RIN 0694 – AH42Addition of Certain Entities;and Modification of Entry on the Entity ListAGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce.ACTION: Final rule.SUMMARY: This rule amends the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by adding forty-four entities (eight entities and thirty-six subordinate institutions) to the Entity List. The entities that are being added to the Entity List have been determined by the U.S. Government to be acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. Theseentities will be listed on the Entity List under the destination of China. This rule also modifies one entry under China to provide additional addresses and names for the entity at issue.DATES: This rule is effective [INSERT DATE OF PUBLICATION IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER].FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chair, End-User Review Committee, Office of the Assistant Secretary, Export Administration, Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce, Phone: (202) 482-5991, Email: ERC@.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:BackgroundThe Entity List (Supplement No. 4 to part 744) identifies entities reasonably believed to be involved, or to pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved, in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. The EAR imposes additional license requirements on, and limits the availability of most license exceptions for, exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) to listed entities. The “license review policy” for each listed entity is identified in the License Review Policy column on the Entity List and the impact on the availability of license exceptions is described in the Federal Register notice adding entities to the Entity List. BIS places entities on the Entity List pursuant to sections of part 744 (Control Policy: End-User and End-Use Based) and part 746 (Embargoes and Other Special Controls) of the EAR.The End-User Review Committee (ERC), composed of representatives of the Departments of Commerce (Chair), State, Defense, Energy and, where appropriate, the Treasury, makes all decisions regarding additions to, removals from, or other modifications to the Entity List. The ERC makes all decisions to add an entry to the Entity List by majority vote and all decisions to remove or modify an entry by unanimous vote.ERC Entity List DecisionsAdditions to the Entity ListThis rule implements the decision of the ERC to add forty-four entities (eight entities and thirty-six of their subordinate institutions) to the Entity List. These entities are being added on the basis of § 744.11 (License requirements that apply to entities acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States) of the EAR. All of the entities added as part of this rule are located in China.The ERC reviewed § 744.11(b) (Criteria for revising the Entity List) in making the determination to add these entities to the Entity List. Under that paragraph, entities for which there is reasonable cause to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, that the entity has been involved, is involved, or poses a significant risk of being or becoming involved in, activities that are contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States, and those acting on behalf of such entity, may be added to the Entity List. Paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of § 744.11 provide an illustrative list of activities that could be contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.The ERC determined that seventeen entities, C h i na Electronic Techno l ogy GroupCorporation (C ET C) 13, and twelve of its subordinate institutions; CETC-55, and two of its subordinate institutions; and Hebei Far East Commun i cation System Engi neer i ng, all located in China, be added to the Entity List for actions contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. These seventeen entities are be i ng added to the En t it y List on the basis of their involvement in the procurement of U.S.-or i gin ite ms f o r activi t ies contrary to the national secur i t y and foreign policy interests of the Un i ted S t ates. Specifically, the ERC determined that there is reasonable cause to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, that all of these entities are invol v ed in the i l l ic i t procurement of commodities and t echno l ogies for unauthorized m i litar y end-u s e i n China.The ERC determined that twenty-seven entities, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Second Academy, and thirteen of its subordinate institutions; China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 14th Research Institute, and two of its subordinate institutions; China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 38th Research Institute, and seven of its subordinate institutions; China Tech Hi Industry Import and Export Corporation; and China Volant Industry, all located in China, be added to the Entity List for actions contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. The ERC determined that for these twenty-seven entities there is reasonable cause to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, that there is an unacceptable risk of use in (or diversion of U.S.-origin items to) military end-use activities in China.Pursuant to § 744.11(b) of the EAR, the ERC determined that the conduct of all forty-four of these entities raises sufficient concern that prior review of exports, reexports or transfers (in-country) of all items subject to the EAR involving these entities, and the possible impositionof license conditions or license denials on shipments to the entities, will en hance BIS’s ability toprevent violations of the EAR.For all forty-four entities added to the Entity List in this final rule, BIS imposes a license requirement for all items subject to the EAR, and a license review policy of presumption ofdenial. The license requirements apply to any transaction in which items are to be exported,reexported or transferred (in-country) to any of the entities or in which such entities act aspurchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, or end-user. In addition, no licenseexceptions are available for exports, reexports or transfers (in-country) to the entities beingadded to the Entity List in this rule. The acronym “a.k.a.” (also known as) is used in entries onthe Entity List to identify aliases and help exporters, reexporters and transferors to better identifyentities on the Entity List.This rule adds the following entities to the Entity List:China(1) China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Second Academy, a.k.a., the followingeight aliases, and thirteen subordinate institutions: -China Changfeng Mechanics and Electronics Technology Academy;-China Chang Feng Mechano-Electronic Engineering Academy;-CASIC Second Academy;-China Chang Feng Mechano-Electronic Engineering Company;-CASIC Academy of Defense Technology;-Second Research Academy of CASIC;-Changfeng Electromechanical Technology Design Institute; and-China Chang Feng Mechanics and Electronics Technology Academy.Subordinate institutionSecond Design Department, a.k.a., the following two aliases:-Beijing Institute of Electronics Systems Engineering; and-Second Planning Department.Subordinate institution23rd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:-Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement; and-BIRM.Subordinate institution25th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias: -Beijing Institute of Remote Sensing Equipment.Subordinate institution201 Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias:-Aerospace Science and Technology Defense Technology Research and ExperimentalCenter.Subordinate institution 203rd Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases:-Beijing Radio Measurement and Testing Institute; and-Beijing Institute of Radio Metrology and Measurement.Subordinate institution 204th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases: -Beijing Institute of Computer Applications and Simulation Technology; and-706th Research Institute.Subordinate institution206th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following two aliases: -Beijing Institute of Mechanical Equipment; and-Beijing Institute of Machinery and Equipment.Subordinate institution 207th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following three aliases:-Beijing Guangda Optoelectronics;-Beijing Institute of Environmental Features; and-Beijing Institute of Environmental Characteristics.Subordinate institution 208th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias:-Beijing Electronic Document Service Center.Subordinate institution 210th Research Institute, a.k.a., the following one alias: -Xian Changfeng Electromechanical Institute.Subordinate institution 283 Factory, a.k.a., the following one alias: -Beijing Xinfeng Machinery Factory.Subordinate institution 284 Factory, a.k.a., the following two aliases:-Beijing Changfeng Machinery Factory; and -Beijing Changfeng Xinlian Project Management.Subordinate institution699 Factory, a.k.a., the following one alias:-Beijing Xinli Machinery Factory.The following addresses apply to the entity and to the thirteen subordinate institutions:50 Yongding Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 51 Yongding Road, Haidian District,Beijing, China; and 52 Yongding Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 58 YongdingRoad, Haidian District, Beijing, China; and 90 Dianzi Road, Section One, Xian, China.(2) China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 13th Research Institute (C E TC 13), a.k.a.,the following six aliases, and twelve subordinate institutions:-Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute;-HSRI;-Hebei Institute of Semiconductors;-Heibei Semiconductor Institute;-Heb e i Semiconductor; and-CETC Research Institute 13.113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, He b e i, C hina; and 21 Changsheng Str ee t, Sh i jiazhuang, Heb e i,China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijia z huang, Hebei, China;Subordinate institutionBowei Integrated C ircuits, a.k.a., the following three aliases:-H e b e i Bow e i Int e grat e d;-Heb e i Bow e l T e chnology; and-Shijuang Bo w ei.113 He z uo Road, Shijiazhuan g, H ebei, China; and 21 Changsheng S t reet, Shijia z huang,H ebei, China; and 21 Changsh e n g Road, Shijia z huang, Hebei, China; and Shijia z huangN e w and Hi-Tech Dev Z one, H ebei, China.Subordinate institutionEnvoltek, a.k.a., the following one alias: -H ebei E n v oltek El e ctr o n i c s.21 Changsheng Street, Shijia z huang, Hebei, China; and21 Cha n gshen g Road,Shijia z huang, He bei, China.Subordinate institutionHebei Sinopack Electronics, a.k.a., the following one alias: -Hebei Sinapack Elec.113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang,Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institutionHebei Brightwa y International,21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road,Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institutionHebei Medicines Health,113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institutionHebei Poshing Electronics, a.k.a., the following three aliases: -Hebei Poshin Electronics; -Hebei Poshing Elec.; and-Hubei PoshingElectronics.113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang,Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institutionHebei Puxing Electronic,113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang,Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institutionMicro Electronic Technology, a.k.a., the following three aliases: -Micro Electronic Technology Development Application Corp;-METDA; and-METDAC. 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institutionShijiazhuang Development Zone Maiteda Microelectronics Technology Developmentand Application Corporation, 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road,Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institutionMT Microsystems, 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.the following seven aliases, and two subordinate institutions:-Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology;-NRIET;-Nanjing Electronics Technology Institute;-Ministry of Information Industry Electronics;-No 14 Research Institute;-Research Institute 14; and-CETC Research Institute 14.Subordinate institution Nanjing SunSea Industry Corporation.Subordinate institution Nanjing Institute of Radio Technology,The following addresses apply to the entity and to the two subordinate institutions:No 1 Dinghuaimen, Nanjing, China; and No 8 Guorui Road, Yuhua District, Nanjing, China;and No 4 Guping Gang, Nanjing, China; and 52 Huju Road, North, Nanjing, China;(4) China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 38th Research Institute (CETC 38), a.k.a.,the following seven aliases, and seven subordinate institutions:-Hefei Institute of Electronic Engineering;-Southwest China Research Institute of Radar Technology;-East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering;-ECRIEE;-No 38 Research Institute;-Research Institute 38; and-CETC Research Institute 38.Subordinate institutionAnhui Sun-Create Electronics.Subordinate institution Anhui Bowei Chang An Electronics.Subordinate institution ECU Electronic Industrial.Subordinate institutionHefei ECU-TAMURA Electric.Subordinate institution Anhui Bowei Guangcheng Information Technology.Subordinate institution Anhui Bowei Ruida Electronics Technology.Subordinate institution Brainware Terahertz.(6) China Tech Hi Industry Import and Export Corporation, a.k.a., the following two aliases: -CTHC; and-Tianhang Industry Import and Export Company.30 Haidian Road, Beijing, China; and No A 16 Zao Jun Miao, Haidian, Beijing, China;(7) China Volant Industry, a.k.a., the following two aliases: -Volinco; and-China Huateng Industry.Modifications to the Entity ListThis final rule implements a decision of the ERC to modify one existing entry on the Entity List. The ERC made a determination to revise one entry under the destination of China by adding three additional aliases and five additional addresses to the entry for Chengdu GaStone Technology Co., Ltd. (CGTC), for a total of four aliases and nine addresses.This final rule revises one entry on the Entity List to make the modifications described above:-Chengdu Jiashi Technology Co.; -Ch engdu HiWafer Semiconductor;-Chengdu Zen i th.31F, A Tower, Yanlord Square, No. 1, Section 2, Renmind South Road, Chengdu China; andInternet of Things Industrial Park Economic Development District Xinan Hangkonggang (Southwest Airport), Shuangliu County, Chengdu; and 29th Floor, Yanlord Landmark, No. 1Renmin South Road Section 2, Chengdu; and 29/F Yanlord Landmark Tower A, Chengdu,China; andSouthwest Airport Economic Developmen t Zone, Chengdu, China.Export Administration Act of 1979Although the Export Administration Act of 1979 expired on August 20, 2001, thePresident, through Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783 (2002), as amended by Executive Order 13637 of March 8, 2013, 78 FR 16129 (March 13, 2013)and as extended by the Notice of August 15, 2017, 82 FR 39005 (August 16, 2017), hascontinued the Export Administration Regulations in effect under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. BIS continues to carry out the provisions of the Export AdministrationAct of 1979, as appropriate and to the extent permitted by law, pursuant to Executive Order 13222, as amended by Executive Order 13637.Rulemaking Requirements1. Executive Orders 13563 and 12866 direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility. This rule has been determined to be not significant for purposes of Executive Order 12866. This rule is not an Executive Order 13771 regulatory action because this rule is not significant under Executive Order 12866.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to nor be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information, subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of information displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number. This regulation involves collections previously approved by OMB under control number 0694–0088, Simplified Network Application Processing System, which includes, among other things, license applications, and carries a burden estimate of 43.8 minutes for a manual or electronic submission.Total burden hours associated with the PRA and OMB control number 0694–0088 are not expected to increase as a result of this rule. You may send comments regarding thecollection of information associated with this rule, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Jasmeet K. Seehra, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), by e-mail toJasmeet_K._Seehra@, or by fax to (202) 395-7285.3. This rule does not contain policies with Federalism implications as that term is defined in Executive Order 13132.4. For the entities added to the Entity List in this rule, the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553) requiring notice of proposed rulemaking, the opportunity for public participation and a 30-day delay in effective date are inapplicable because this regulation involves a military or foreign affairs function of the United States (5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1)). BIS’s implementation of this rule is necessary to protect U.S. national security and foreign policy interests by preventing items subject to the EAR from being exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) to the entities being added to the Entity List. If this rule were delayed to allow for notice and comment and a delay in effective date, the entities being added to the Entity List by this action would continue to be able to receive items subject to the EAR without a BIS license and to conduct activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. In addition, publishing a proposed rule would give these entities notice of the U.S. Government’s intention to place them on the Entity List, which could provide them with an incentive to accelerate their receipt of items subject to the EAR to conduct activities that are contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States, including taking steps to set up additional aliases, change addresses, and engaging in other measures to try to limit the impact of the listing on the Entity List once a final rule was published. Further, no other lawrequires that a notice of proposed rulemaking and an opportunity for public comment be provided for this rule.5. The Department finds that there is good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B) to waive the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) requiring prior notice and the opportunity for public comment for the one modification to an Entity list entry included in this rule because doing so would be contrary to the public interest. In addition, the one change is limited to providing additional addresses and aliases, which will assist the public in more easily identifying the listed entity.6. Because a notice of proposed rulemaking and an opportunity for public comment are not required to be given for this rule by 5 U.S.C. 553, or by any other law, the analytical requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., are not applicable. Accordingly, no regulatory flexibility analysis is required and none has been prepared.List of Subjects in 15 CFR Part 744Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Terrorism.Accordingly, part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730-774) is amended as follows:PART 744 – [AMENDED]1. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 744 continues to read as follows:Authority: 50 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 179; E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181, 3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59 FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O. 12947, 60 FR 5079, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 356; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13099, 63 FR 45167, 3 CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 208; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13224, 66 FR 49079, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 786; Notice of August 15, 2017, 82 FR 39005 (August 16, 2017); Notice of September 18, 2017, 82 FR 43825 (September 19, 2017); Notice of November 6, 2017, 82 FR 51971 (November 8, 2017); Notice of January 17, 2018, 83 FR 2731 (January 18, 2018).2. Supplement No. 4 to part 744 is amended under China, People’s Republic of:a. By revising one entity “Chengdu GaStone Technology Co., Ltd. (CGTC)”; andb. By adding, in alphabetical order, eight entities.The additions and revisions read as follows:Supplement No. 4 to Part 744 – Entity List*****China; and 21 Changsheng Road,Shijia z huang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institution Bowei IntegratedC ircuits, a.k.a., the following three aliases: -H e b e i Bow e iInt e grat e d; -Heb e i Bow e lT e chnology; and-Shijuang Bo w ei.113 He z uo Road, Shijiazhuan g, H ebei, China; and 21 Changsheng S t reet, Shijia z huang, H ebei, China; and 21Changsh e n g Road,Shijia z huang, Hebei, China; andShijia z huang N e w andHi-Tech Dev Z one,H ebei, China. Subordinate institution Envoltek, a.k.a., the following one alias: -H ebei E n v oltekEl e ctr o n i c s.21 Changsheng Street, Shijia z huang, Hebei, China; and21Cha n gshen g Road,Shijia z huang, He bei, China.Subordinate institution Hebei Sinopack Electronics, a.k.a., the following one alias: -Hebei Sinapack Elec. 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institution Hebei Brightwa y21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institution Hebei Medicines Health, 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institution Hebei Poshing Electronics, a.k.a., the following three aliases: -Hebei Poshin Electronics; -Hebei Poshing Elec.; and-Hubei PoshingElectronics. 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institution Hebei Puxing Electronic, 113 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China; and 21 Changsheng Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.Subordinate institution Micro Electronic Technology, a.k.a., the following three aliases: -Micro Electronic Technology Development Application Corp;Dated: July 27, 2018.Richard E. Ashooh, Assistant Secretaryfor Export Administration.[FR Doc. 2018-16474 Filed: 7/31/2018 8:45 am; Publication Date: 8/1/2018]。













































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这些小组由1 7个联邦机构和办公室组成,由美国贸易代表办公室管理并任主席,构成了确定和协调美国政府在国际贸易及与贸易相关事务上立场的亚内阁层次的机制。







在关于中国加入WT O的谈判中,在关于信息技术、金融服务和基础电信的多边协议中,在NAFTA(《北美自由贸易协定》)和乌拉圭回合的谈判中以及在美国与亚太经合组织启动的峰会上,这种咨询程序极为成功。



















在日内瓦的USTR副代表是美国驻WTO 和驻联合国贸发会议(UNCTAD)关于商品事务的大使。






ITC(International Trade Center), 简称ITC,是联合国贸易与发展大会(UNCTAD)和世贸组织(WTO)联合设置的机构,于1964年成立,由联合国和世贸组织共同管理,并作为联合国开发计划署的执行机构,直接负责执行开发计划署资助的发展中国家和转型经济国家贸易促进项目。
















FTC=Federal Trade Commission (美国)联邦贸易委员会美国联邦贸易委员会1914年的《联邦贸易委员会法》授权建立联邦贸易委员会,作为负责执行各项反托拉斯法律的行政机构。

