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Clinical application of assessing triple antipiatelet therapies after percutaneous coronary intervention by thrombelastography

Liuliu Feng,Yuya Yang,Yanyan Bai,Tianhua Liu,Xinbing Liu,Hongman

Huang,Mingcheng Zhou,Qitan Xu

Department of cardiologic medicine in Shanghai East city hospital, Shanghai 200438

【Abstract】 Objective: To explore the objective status of platelet inhibition ratio determined by thrombelastoglapby(TEG) in patients who have undergone percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI), in order to reasonably choose dual antiplatelet drugs or triple antiplatelet drugs.Methods: 300 patients who have undergone coronary stent implantation in our hospital were all treated with antiplatelet drugs in conventional methods. ADP induced platelet inhibition ratio should be detected by TEG (USA, Hamoscope). On the basis of the results,all the patients were divided to meet standard group and substandard group. 60 patients of the substandard group was choosed randomly and divided into two groups: groupI of aspirin and clopidngrel combined witll cilostazol (triple antiplatelet drugs group) and groupII of aspirin and clopidogrel (dual antiplatelet drugs group). Both groups were received 3-month clinical follow-up visit to definite adverse ischemia events. Results: Three days after PCI, the incidence rates of ischcmia events of dual antiplatelet drugs group and triple antiplatelet drugs group respectively are (10.8±3.3)% and

(11.4±3.9)%, which is of no statistical significance. One month after PCI, the incidence rates of ischcmia events of dual antiplatelet drugs group and triple antiplatelet drugs group respectively are (10.2±6.6)% and (55.7±16.8)%. The two groups exist significant difference (P<0.05) and are of significantly statistical difference. Conclusion: Platelet inhibition ratio determined by TEG is of clinical value for the selection of treatment prescription of antipaltelet drugs for PCI patients.

【Key words】 thrombelastoglapby(TEG) platelet inhibition ratio percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)

