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第31卷第3期地球科学 中国地质大学学报

Vol.31 No.32006年5月

Earth Science Jour nal of China U niversit y of G eosciences

M ay 2006



E -mail:djun@cu


邓 军1,2,王庆飞1,2,高帮飞1,2,徐 浩1,2,周应华1,2



摘要:借助 成矿系统 的思维,探讨鄂尔多斯盆地成矿(藏)系统形成机制及其构造背景.盆地于中生代处于大地构造体制转折的重要阶段,盆地边缘的造山活动显著,盆内亦分别于晚三叠世、晚侏罗世与晚白垩世左右发生过3次构造热事件.区


中图分类号:P 617;P542 文章编号:1000-2383(2006)03-0330-07 收稿日期:2005-07-15

Distribution and Tectonic Background of Various

Energy Resources in Ordos Basin



,WANG Qing -fei 1,2,GAO Bang -fei 1,2,XU H ao


,ZH OU Ying -hua


1.S tate K ey L aboratory of Geological Proc esses and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences ,Beij ing 100083,China

2.K ey L aboratory of L ithosp here Tectonics and Lithoprobing Te chnology of Ministry of Education ,China University of Geosciences,Beij ing 100083,China

Abstract:T he for matio n pr ocess of the var io us energ y r eso ur ces coex isting system and its r eg io nal t ecto nic backg ro und in Or do s basin ar e analy zed by int roducing the met allogenic system theor y in this paper.T he M esozo ic is the impor tant t ran -sit ion perio d of the reg ional tect onic reg ime,during which the or og eny is outstanding aro und the basin and three tecto -ther mal events too k place in the basin.T he tr ansition of the tectonic reg ime induces the o ccur rence o f var io us accumulating pr ocesses of t he ino rg anic and org anic fluids,fo r example,the or ganic f luid in the basin is activ ated by the tecto -t her mal ev ents and the ino rg anic fluid flow ing t ow ards the basin is pr oduced due to the or og eny.T he recipro city betw een the inor -g anic and or ganic fluids happens during t heir transpo rting.T he existence o f the or ganic fluid pr oduces the redox bar rier ,which causes the mutation of the phy sicochemica l parameters o f the ino rg anic f luid and the pr ecipitatio n o f the uranium ele -ment at the interface.T he mutatio n and interface effect s ar e obvio us in the for matio n o f the v arious energ y r eso urces.Key words:O rdos basin;va rio us energ y r eso ur ces;oro geny;interface mineralizatio n.

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