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译文:我们在您意想不到的地方藏着整个菜园, 就在馅饼里。(夸张hyperbole)
①定语从句前置 ②四字短语
③冠词article的省略 ..
1.the diversity of the religious
the influence to the language
随着人类历程的发展,各个国 家都形成了自己的宗教信仰, 而这些信仰对他们语言的形成 和发展都起着不可估量的作用
• ①意译 ②省略 ③归化naturalizing translation:《傲慢与偏见》 是西方名著,译文有点“八荣八耻”的味
道。 ..
•e.g.2: We have hidden a garden full of vegetables where you’d never expect. In the pie.
1:Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL. translation : 乘坐日航班机, 一路无烦恼。 JAL is the acronyms of Japan Airlines Corporation. Comment: the literality is “当你乘坐日航班机的时候,你 就会远离烦恼。” such translation is not clearly with the proper content.so we use ellipse, such as where ,
3,The use of acronyms and compound
OPENING wTorhdes tlionsgauvisetiscpafecaeture 4,There are more imperative sentence of English AD in advertisement
Cao Yang
Deng Wei Wei
①The Use of Positive adjectives and their Comparative and Superlative Degrees
A famous English advertising about love
Li Yue
The culture difference of
CWhainyeosfethainnkdBaidu NhomakorabeangEndigffleisrehnccuelture Wang Yu
Wang Jun Ling
Difference of view in value
Wang Zhong Xue
The expression forms of polite
译文:此地不能放松,无处能放松。 ①省略 ②增词
尼格瑞尔有迷人 的白沙沙滩,宁 静而美丽的珊瑚 礁,海边有大量 的海葡萄、椰子 树。当地的建筑 都是清一色的低 腰设计,而这种风 格的建筑物看上 去或多或少地有 些扁平,但却形成 了尼格瑞尔海滩
6.常用主动语态和现在时,给人一种直接感,并暗示 商品的持久性和永恒性。
5,The Character of English Advertisement
Xie Meng
Religious differences between Chinese
and Western
Wang Kun
Advertisement translating under diverse
historical and cSultPurEaAl bKacEkRgr:oLuInHd AO RAN
It has the same meaning of ”Tease you for fun”
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Of course, such form can be seen frequently in English
eg: Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country。 translation : 万宝路香烟,追寻牛仔风---西部潇洒走一回。
分析:这则英文广告使用了形容词的最高级 (brightest, greatest, dirtiest, harmest, tenderest, purest),有利地表达了几类爱情的鲜明特点, 给读者留下了深刻印象。在翻译时将形容词 译为四字短语,使译文简洁有力,语言优
②The Use of Anagrammatic Spelling
译文: 我们根本不必说新型奥迪A4同类车中最好的。没有 这个必要。
①意译liberal translation:根本不必说 直译literal translation :从不会说
②省略ellipsis ..
e.g.2:If you can’t relax here,you can’t relax.(anywhere)
So, wwwhat are you wwwaiting for? .
新在哪儿?答案是— 在www. landsend. com新事很多. Lands' End网站, 更为轻松、舒适、 自信、安全。⋯⋯那, 还等什么?
这是一则网站的广告。大家都知道互联网网址大都以www开头,此则广告标题采 用拼写变异手段 ,“WWWhat’s newww?”。一方面What’s new?(新在哪儿), 引起读者注意。另一方面三个w 提示读者此则广告内容与网络有关。广告最后一 句 “wwwhat are you wwwaiting for?”,也有类似功效。翻译时省略了连词
2.religious differences to the
translation of the advertising
An advertising of a web
WWWhat’s newww? Atwww. landsend. com ,the answer is - a lot. ...... www. landsend. com gives you even more ways to explore Lands’End with even more ease, comfort, confidence and security. ......
Comment: the literality is “光临风味独特的地方
This translation do not give the depth impression ,but according to the specific content of advertising, we will have such a picture in our mind— a man with deeply looking, rough skin and a heroic spirit .so we can make the AD more attractive with using “foreignization translation ” such as “cow boy ” and “the western”. And domestication translation,
New love is brightest, Long love is greatest, Compelled love is dirtiest, Short love is harmest, Revived is tenderest,
True love is purest.(love) .
新恋的爱情最兴高采烈, 长久的爱情最崇高伟大, 强迫的爱情最肮脏不堪, 短暂的爱情最刻骨铭心, 复苏的爱情最娇嫩鲜艳, 真正的爱情最纯洁无暇。(爱情)
dull boy.广告中day和play押尾韵。 ..
7. 广告中常使用修辞手段 e.g.1. We take no pride in prejudice.
译文:以公正为荣,视偏见为耻。(双关double meaning)
(《泰晤士报》为自己做广告时用的一句妙语,它源于奥斯汀的一 部传世名著“Pride and Prejudice”,以标榜自己不偏不倚,主持公道)
VS versus
K.O. Knock out
PK player killing
ASAP as soon as possible
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Of course, such form can be seen frequently in English advertisement.
and。 .
Feature 3. Using of acronyms and compound words to save
We know that there are a lot of acronyms in English , each field will be a variety of acronyms there, these acronyms can make the article look even more sententious. For example:
words“3-R” is translated into“三包”。 .
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Feature 4. There are more imperative sentence in advertisement
The imperative sentence is a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behavior.
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The Character of English Advertisement
• 5.否定句少,即使使用否定句,也多是为了用其他商品来 反衬,或从反面突出产品特性 。
• e.g.1 We would never say the new Audi A4 is the best in its class. We don’t have to.
• e.g.:A Mars a day keeps you work,rest and play. (Mascarpone) 译文:一天一块马斯巧克力,令您精力充沛、生 活愉悦。
①四字短语four word idioms ②该广告套用了英语成语An apple a day keeps the doctor away和All work and no play makes Jack a
when, you ,your and to 。 .
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The following is a very useful sentence.
2.We offer 3一R guarantee,namely guaranteed repair,replacement and refund. translation :我们实行三包 包修、包退、包换。 3一R is the acronyms of repair, replacement , refund . Comment: The literal translation is “我们提供3-R保证,保 证为 包修,包退,包换”。According to the meaning of the sentence ,we use the Domestication Translation (归化 ),the
1,The Use of Positive adjectives and their
The three parts of our project Li Hao Ran
Comparative and Superlative Degrees
Zhang Li Hua
2,The Use of Anagrammatic Spelling