壳牌得力士S2 M 46 MSDS 报告 1
壳牌得力士S2 M 46 1.1版生效日期30.09.2011 材料安全数据表1。
物质制剂企业标识材料名称 : 壳牌得力士S2 M 46使用:液压油2。
其他信息 : 高度精炼的矿物油含<3%(w / w)DMSO- 提取。
吸入 : 没有治疗的必要,在正常情况下使用。
消防措施特定的危险 : 有害燃烧产物可能包括:复杂空气中的固体和液体微粒及气体混合物的(烟)。
Shell Air Tool Oil S2 A
Shell Vacuum Pump Oil S1 R
Shell Flushing Oil Shell Turbo GT Oil Shell Turbo CC Oil Shell Turbo J Oil Shell Turbo T Oil Shell Turbo Oil Shell Alexia LS Oil Shell Alexia Oil Shell Argina XL Oil Shell Argina X Oil Shell Argina T Oil Shell Argina S Oil Shell Caprinus XR Oil Shell Gadinia AL Oil Shell Mysella XL Oil Shell Mysella MA Oil Shell Mysella LA Oil Shell Mysella Oil Shell Diala S3 ZX-IG Oil Shell Diala S3 ZX-I Oil Shell Diala S2 ZX-I Oil
壳牌车队优质柴油机润滑油15W-40 (CI-4) 安全技术说明书
40 (CI-4)最初编制日期: 2019.01.24版本1.1修订日期2019.06.26打印日期2019.06.27第1部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名: 壳牌车队优质柴油机润滑油15W-40 (CI-4)产品代码: 001H3699制造商或供应商信息供应商: 100004壳牌(中国)有限公司中国北京北京市建国门外大街1号国贸大厦2座32层电话号码: (+86) 4000103288传真: (+86) 4000108097应急咨询电话:发送邮件索要安全技术说明书: 如果您有关于该SDS内容的任何质询,请发电邮联系推荐用途和限制用途推荐用途: 发动机油。
GHS标签要素象形图: 无需象形图信号词: 无警示词危险性说明: 物理性危害:按照GHS标准,未被归类为有害物质。
健康危害:40 (CI-4)最初编制日期: 2019.01.24版本1.1修订日期2019.06.26打印日期2019.06.27根据GHS标准,未被列为健康危害物质。
第3部分成分/组成信息化学性质: 高度精炼的矿物油及添加剂。
根据 IP346,高度精炼的矿物油含 <3% (w/w) 的 DMSO 提炼物。
: * 包含以下 CAS 编号中的一个或多个:64742-53-6、64742-54-7、64742-55-8 、64742-56-9、64742-65-0、68037-01-4、72623-86-0、72623-87-1、8042-47- 5、848301-69-9。
技术规范阀门---基本要求MESC SPE 77/3022008年7月MESC规范文件目录第1部分介绍1.1 范围1.2 应用及常用因素1.3 定义1.4 从先前版本的更改1.5 MESC SPE 的意见第2部分阀门的总要求1 介绍2 材料要求2.1 化学成分2.1.1 概述2.1.2 碳钢2.1.3 1.25Cr-0.5 Mo 钢2.1.4 2.25 Cr-1.0 Mo 钢2.1.5 奥氏体不锈钢2.1.6 双相不锈钢2.1.7 其它材料2.2 热处理2.2.1 概述2.2.2 碳钢2.2.3 Cr-Mo 钢2.2.4 奥氏体不锈钢2.2.5 双相不锈钢2.2.6 13Cr 钢2.2.7 镍合金2.3 冲击测试2.4 腐蚀测试2.4.1 奥氏体不锈钢2.4.2 镍合金2.4.3 双相不锈钢2.4.3.1 蚀点腐蚀2.4.3.2 压力腐蚀裂缝2.4.4 其他材料2.5微观结测试2.5.1.铁素体相位2.5.2.损伤相位3.焊接及硬面处理要求4.锻造棒材/坯料生产的阀门5. 起吊位置6. 短接管7. 无损检测7.1 检测范围7.2 执行7.2.1 方法7.2.2 执行7.2.3 验收标准7.2.4取样及批次验收7.3 缺陷清除及补焊8. 文件9. 证明10. 合同商的监督11. 供应给欧盟的阀门12.阀门类型接受测试第3部分参考文件第1部分介绍1.1 范围本MESC SPE描述了阀门的基本要求。
1.2 分发、主要用途及常规考虑事项除非由Shell GSI另外授权,此MESC规范的分发只限于Shell公司内部,如有必要时,也可由其指定的承包商和厂商/供应商分发。
MESC SPE 77-300 12版 60-64页翻译
表C.5 在环境温度(高于-20°C)和提高温度下进行泄漏测试的验收标准表C.6低温或超低温阀座泄漏测试的验收标准(-29°C至-196°C)注意:1.制造商应计算泄漏接受水平,并在相关概要表的相应部分说明。
2.金属阀座或金属石墨层压阀座蝶阀在优选流动方向上的最大允许阀座泄漏率应符合ISO 5208速率B.这些蝶阀在非优选流动方向上的最大允许阀座泄漏率应符合ISO 5208速率C.3.如果阀门符合ISO 5208中的阀座泄漏率A或B或符合IEC 60534-4的V级或VI级阀门,则认为阀门为TSO。
5.金属阀止回阀的最大允许阀座泄漏应符合适用的产品标准或ISO 5208 E级,以较低者为准。
表C.7阀杆密封逸散排放泄漏的验收标准表 c.8 阀体/阀盖密封逸散排放泄漏的验收标准表C.7给出了每个阀杆周长或直径的允许泄漏率,而表C.9给出了不同阀杆尺寸的允许泄漏率。
表C.10 阀体/外壳逃逸排放测试的最短测试持续时间Valve sizes 阀门尺寸pressure class 压力等级Minimum test duration (minutes) 最小测试持续时间(分钟)The measurement is complete when a stable reading is reached 达到稳定读数时,测量完成表C.11闭孔密封性试验的最短试验时间Minimum duration for each step 每个步骤的最短持续时间C.4.15最大允许工作扭矩值基于360 N的力,表C.12中显示了不同轮辋尺寸的最大允许扭矩值。
MESC SPE 76-012-2013
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPECTACLE BLINDS, SPADE BLINDS AND SPACERS (AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO ASME B16.48)MESC SPE 76/012June 2013MESC SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTThis document is restricted. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Shell Global Solutions International B.V., The Netherlands. The copyright of this document is vested in this company. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise)without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.PREFACEMESC (Materials and Equipment Standards and Code) SPE documents reflect the views, at the time of publication, of:Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell GSI)and/orShell International Exploration and Production B.V. (SIEP)and/orother Shell Service Companies.They are based on the experience acquired during their involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities, and they are supplemented with the experience of Shell Operating Units. Where appropriate they are based on, or reference is made to, international, regional, national and industry standards. The objective is to set the recommended standard for good design and engineering practice applied by Shell companies operating an oil refinery, gas handling installation, chemical plant, oil and gas production facility, or any other such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to implement. This is of particular importance where MESC SPEs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of MESC SPEs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information set forth in MESC SPEs to their own environment and requirements.When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use MESC SPEs they shall be solely responsible for the quality of work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will expect them to follow those practices, which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in the MESC SPEs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor.The right to use MESC SPEs is granted by Shell GSI, in most cases under Service Agreements primarily with Shell companies and other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Service Company. Consequently, three categories of users of MESC SPEs can be distinguished:1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or other Shell Service Company. The use of MESCSPEs by these Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement.2) Other parties who are authorized to use MESC SPEs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whetheras part of a Service Agreement or otherwise).3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2)which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards.Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any MESC SPE, combination of MESC SPEs or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Service Company. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI and/or any Shell Service Company, or companies affiliated to these companies, that may issue MESC SPEs or require the use of MESC SPEs.Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, MESC SPEs shall not, without the prior written consent of Shell GSI, be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the MESC SPEs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned after use, including any copies, which shall only be made by users with the express prior written consent of Shell GSI. The copyright of MESC SPEs vests in Shell GSI. Users shall arrange for MESC SPEs to be held in safe custody and Shell GSI may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement.All administrative queries should be directed to the MESC SPE Administrator in Shell GSI.TABLE OF CONTENTSPART I INTRODUCTION (4)1.1 SCOPE (4)1.2 DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS (4)1.3 DEFINITIONS (4)1.4 CHANGES SINCE PREVIOUS EDITION (5)1.5 COMMENTS ON THIS MESC SPE (5)PART II AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO ASME B16.48:2010 (6)PART III REFERENCES (8)PART I INTRODUCTION1.1 SCOPEThis MESC SPE specifies requirements for spectacle blinds, spade blinds and spacers.This MESC SPE shall apply in addition to the applicable MESC Buying Description, purchase order or requisition sheet.The requirements for installation and operation of spectacle blinds, spade blinds and spacers are outside the scope of this MESC SPE.This MESC SPE is written as amendments and supplements to ASME B16.48:2010, which are covered in Part II of this MESC SPE. The clause numbering of ASME B16.48: 2010 has been retained and any amendments are identified as ‘Add’, ‘Modify to read’ or ‘Delete’. Any clauses of ASME B16.48: 2010 that are not amended or supplemented by this MESC SPE shall apply as written.1.2 DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONSUnless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this MESC SPE is confined to Shell companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated by them.This MESC SPE is intended for use in oil refineries, chemical plants, gas plants, exploration and production facilities and, where applicable, supply/distribution installations.If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more stringent than in this MESC SPE the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable with regards to safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all cases the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this MESC SPE which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective being to obtain agreement to follow this MESC SPE as closely as possible.1.3 DEFINITIONSThe Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project, or operation or maintenance of a facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the Principal.The word shall indicates a requirement.The word should indicates a recommendation.Spectacle blind Synonymous with figure-8 blank.Spade Synonymous with paddle blank.Spacer Synonymous with paddle spacer.1.4 CHANGES SINCE PREVIOUS EDITIONThe previous edition of this MESC SPE was dated September 2012. The change is to align reference to standard dimensions for spectacles, spades and spacers u/iDN600 (NPS24) in line with ASME B16.48 rather than to former Shell standard.1.5 COMMENTS ON THIS MESC SPEComments on this MESC SPE may be sent to the MESC SPE Administrator atMESC@. Shell staff may also post comments on this MESC SPE on the SurfaceGlobal Network (SGN) under the Standards folder.PART II AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO ASME B16.48:20101 Add:In addition, this MESC SPE covers requirements for spade blinds and spacers insizes > DN 600 (NPS 24) for installation between ASME B16.47 Series A flanges inthe 150, 300, 600 and 900 pressure classes.2.3 Add:Welding operators and welding procedures shall be qualified in accordance withASME IX.4.2 Add:Flame cutting shall not be used to form the inside or outside diameters of spectacleblinds, spade blinds and spacers.4.3.1 Delete4.3.2 Delete4.3.3 Delete4.3.4 Add Flat face blanksSpectacle blinds, spades and spacers shall have a flat face. The gasket seatingsurface finish shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.5.1 For MESC buying descriptions of items that make reference to shell Standarddrawing S38.011,S38.042 or S38.043: modify to read:- The amendments and supplements to the dimensions of spectacle blinds (Table 1 through 6) shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing S 38.011.- The amendments and supplements to the dimensions for spade blinds (Table 1 through 6) shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing S 38.042. This alsoincludes the type and dimensions of the handle.- The amendments and supplements to the dimensions for spacers (Table 1 through 6) shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing S 38.043. This alsoincludes the type and dimensions of the handle.6 Modify to read:- Materials shall be in accordance with the MESC Buying Description.- Materials for handles, lifting lugs and web (tie bar) shall be equivalent to the base material of the spectacle blind, spade or spacer.7.1(a) Modify (4) to read:MESC SPE 76/012Add:(7) Charge number and (if heat treatment is required by the material standard) thetype of heat treatment and the heat treatment batch number.(8) Word “Spacer” or “Spade” for respectively spacers or spade blinds.9 Add:Each line blank shall be visually examined in accordance with ASME B31.3,Section 341.4 with acceptance criteria in acordance with Table 341.3.2 for NormalFluid Service.10 Add CertificationUnless specified otherwise, inspection and test certificates shall be supplied to thePrincipal.PART III REFERENCESIn this MESC SPE, reference is made to the following publications:NOTES:1. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together with anyamendments/supplements/revisions thereto.2. Most of the referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell Wide Web) at/standards.SHELL STANDARDSSpectacle blinds for ASME flanges S 38.011Spade blinds for ASME flanges S 38.042Spacer for ASME flanges, for replacement of spades S 38.043AMERICAN STANDARDSASME IXASME BPVC Section IX – Welding and brazingqualificationsPipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings – NPS ½ ThroughASME B16.5NPS 24 Metric/Inch StandardLarge Diameter Steel Flanges NPS 26 Through NPS 60 ASME B16.47Line blanks ASME B16.48:2010Process Piping ASME B31.3:2010Issued by:American Society of Mechnical EngineersASME InternationalThree Park Avenue, M/S 10ENew York, NY 10016, USA。
壳牌中国油品部健康、安全、治安和环保管理系统手册版本: 1日期: 2001年11月所有人 : OC持有人 : OCO管理人 : OCOE抄送:数量姓名编号职位1 Tan Ek Kia CH SCNEA Chairman2 Tan Chong Meng OC Shell Oil Products East, Vice President - China3 Kenneth Wong OCC Commercial Manager4 David Lau OCF Finance Director5 Albert Young OCR Retail Manager6 Kong Leong Fai OCO Operations & Distribution Manager7 Clement Poon OCB Business Development Manager8 James Shen OCCE Regional Sales Manager - East9 Wang Jing OCH OP China HR Manager10 Tien Che Onn OAFA/5 Internal Audit Manager11 Catherine Min EAC External Affairs Manager - China12 Yang Yao Bin OCOE HSE Advisor13 Gene Tam OCOM Engineering Manager14 Robert Zhu OCOT Tianjin Plant Manager15 Yao Qi Ping OCOZ Zhapu Plant Manager16 Sun Hai Jun OCOB Zhanjiang LOBP17 Ai Hua TIPS TIPS18 Xu Yang OCOD Outbound Logistics Manager19 Winny Liu OCOH HR Manager - Operations签署人:(陈聪敏- 副总裁)目录1 介绍1.1 介绍1.2 概述1.3 HSSE手册1.3.1 HSSE-MS手册的所有人1.3.2 HSSE- MS手册的持有人1.3.3 HSSE- MS手册的管理人1.4 HSSE报告1.4.1 HSSE报告的所有者1.4.2 HSSE报告的持有人1.4.3 HSSE报告的管理人1.4.4 HSSE报告的审核图1.4是HSSE报告结构2 HSSE的政策、目标、程序和计划2.1 介绍2.2 公司HSSE政策2.3 财产的完整性2.4 程序和工作指南2.5 紧急应变计划和组织机构2.6 危机管理3 组织、责任、资源、标准和文件3.1 组织结构3.2 HSSE的主要责任3.2.1 地区高级油品代表LSOR3.2.2 业务经理3.2.3 部门经理/主管3.2.4 公司HSSE顾问3.2.5 公司、合资和承包商的雇员3.2.6 HSSE业务顾问3.2.7 合同所有人3.2.8 合同持有人3.3 对HSSE关键角色的能力要求3.4 HSSE培训3.4.1 HSSE部和人力资源部3.4.2 培训的计划和实施3.4.3 培训课程3.5 沟通和会议3.6 合资企业的HSSE管理3.7 承包商的管理3.8 标准3.9 文件4 HSSE评估报告4.1 介绍4.2 HSSE-MS描述4.3 操作描述4.4 活动目录4.5 危害清单4.6 不足清单4.7 整改计划5 危险及其影响管理5.1 制定HSSE关键活动(活动目录)5.2 制定危害及其影响目录(危害登记)5.3 识别薄弱环节或遗漏地方(不足清单)6 补救整改计划7 执行、表现、监督和整改措施7.1 制定表现标准7.2 表现监督和审查7.3 重大事故/一般事故调查和跟踪7.4 整改措施8 审计和审核1.1 介绍本文件介绍了壳牌中国油品部的HSSE (健康、安全、治安和环保)管理体系手册。
油站HSSE管理1. 壳牌公司HSSE方针、承诺、政策我们接受并执行下列壳牌东区油品部的健康、安全、治安和环保的方针,承诺和政策。
1.1 方针“安全第一” ---- 我们相信所有的事故都是可以避免的,我们的目标是在公司所有经营活动中获得最佳的健康,安全,治安和环保表现。
1.2 承诺我们承诺:•追求无人身伤害的目标•保护环境•高效地利用原材料和能源,提供产品和服务•遵循以上目标,开发能源,产品和服务•公开我们在健康,安全,治安和环保方面的行为表现•在促进本行业健康,安全,治安和环保最佳行为方式方面,发挥领导作用•像对待任何其它重要经营活动一样地处理健康,安全,治安和环保问题•推广一种鼓励全体员工共同承担这一健康,安全,治安和环保承诺的文化•创建一个安全的经营环境,减少经济损失,维护正常经营,保护壳牌员工和壳牌的整体利益及声誉。
1.3 政策本公司下属的每个企业都应遵循:•拥有系统的健康,安全,治安和环保管理方法,确保企业活动遵守法律,并不断地取得工作上的改进。
2. 油站经理的HSSE工作职责2.1保证油站的经营活动符合壳牌集团和当地政府有关HSSE方面的政策和要求。
你应该掌握 – 人机工程学(ERGO)
疲劳, 僵硬,中度疼痛,只有做某些动作时会疼痛
拉伤和扭伤: • 一般由特殊事件造成. • 多因身体处于不良姿势时突然用力和强力动力造成. • 报告所有与工作有关的不适或疼痛. 累积的疼痛及受伤: • 伴随着重复的伸缩, 不良的姿势或在一段时间的动力. • 身体部分包括手指, 手, 手腕, 肘, 上肢及肩. • 尽早的报告可以降低恶化的风险.
• 根据风险评估,某些工作是需要使用个 人劳动保护用品的(PPE);
• 当有适当的使用与维护时,个人劳保用 品可以很好地保护员工;
• 一旦申请了PPE, 你就有义务对PPE进行 • 很好的维护; • PPE只能在有效期内使用,过期后需要更
换; • 在使用PPE前应该对其做检查,使用后应
保存在专用的地点; • PPE永远是最后一道防线.
你应该掌握 – 化学品安全
• 在使用化学品前应从化学品资料清 单(MSDS)中了解如何保护自已。 MSDS可以向供应商索取.
• 如果你发现有化学品泄露或暴露于 化学品,需要立即通知你的主管或 HSSE部门.
• Right thing to do 因为这是一件正确的事情
• Good for business 因为这有利于公司
• Law requirement 因为这是法律的要求
• Besides…
1.2中国机械行业标准对阀门密封等级的分类机械行业标准JB/T 9092--1999《阀门的检验与试验》。
2.4美国阀门和管件工业制造商标准化协会(MSS)对阀门密封等级的分类美国阀门和管件工业制造商标准化协会标准《钢制阀门的压力试验》MSS SP61---2003允许的阀门泄漏量要求如下:(1)在阀门密封副中有一个密封面使用塑料或橡胶的情况下,在密封试验的持续时间内应无可见泄漏。
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, Section IX: Qualification standard for welding and brazing procedures, welders, brazers and welding and brazing procedures.MATERIALS, EXAMINATION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR VALVES IN GENERAL SERVICES 1).1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPEThis document contains requirements for materials, examination, repair and certification of valves in general services. This specification shall be read in conjunction with the requirements of the relevant material specifications (e.g. the ASTM specifications) and the MESC specifications for the particular types of valves.NOTES:1. General service valves are used in any PED fluid group 2 (gas and liquid) services,including steam, classified in PED conformity assessment categories SEP, I, II and III (ref. PED directives 97/23/EC, articles 9, 10, WPG guidelines 1/8, 1/15 and annex II). General services are services not classed as "special service" in MESC specification SPE 77/303.2. Special service valves are used in (dangerous/hazardous) PED fluid group 1 (gas andliquid) services classified in PED conformity assessment categories III and IV (ref. PED directives 97/23/EC, articles 9, 10, WPG guidelines 1/8, 1/15 and annex II). Safety accessories are classified in category IV.1.2Valve brands, types and styles shall be accepted by Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell-GSI) and listed in the Shell-GSI Technical Accepted Manufacturers And Products (TAMAP) database.1.3Valves that are not yet accepted by Shell-GSI, and therefore not listed in theShell-GSI TAMAP database, shall be prototype tested in accordance with the relevant Shell-GSI requirements and specifications.1.4Foundries and forge masters shall be evaluated and qualified by the valve manufacturer. Shell-GSI may request audit reports and other evidence to ensure cast and forged materials are meeting our acceptance criteria.1.5Valve manufacturers and their sub suppliers shall have ISO 9000 series quality system certification. Valve manufacturers of ISO 14313 and API 6D valve standards shall be licensed to use the API monogram.2. REFERENCES 2.1.In this specification reference is made to the following publications:NOTE:Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.ISO 14313 API 6D Specification for pipeline valves (gate, ball and check valves) ASME B16.34 Valves, flanged, threaded and welding end.ASME Section IXASTM A 105Specification for forging, carbon steel, for piping components.ASTM A 182 Forged or rolled alloy-steel pipe flanges, forged fittings, valves and parts for high temperature service.ASTM A 216 Steel castings, carbon, suitable for fusion welding, hightemperature service.ASTM A 217 Steel castings, martensitic stainless and alloy, for pressurecontaining parts, suitable for high temperature service.ASTM A 262 Standard Practices for detecting susceptibility to intergranularattack in austenitic stainless steels.ASTM A 336 Specification for alloy steel forging for pressure and hightemperature parts.ASTM A 350 Specification for forging, carbon and low-alloy steel, requiring notch toughness testing for piping components.ASTM A 351 Specification for steel castings, austenitic, austenitic-ferritic(Duplex) for pressure containing parts.ASTM A 352 Steel castings, ferritic and martensitic, for pressure containingparts, suitable for low temperature service.ASTM A370 Standard test methods and definitions for mechanical testing ofsteel products.ASTM A 494 Specification for castings, nickel and nickel alloy.ASTM A 516 Specification for pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, formoderate-and lower temperature service.ASTM A 744 Standard specification for castings, iron-chromium-nickel, corrosion resistant for severe service.ASTM A 890 Specification for castings, iron-chromium-nickel-molybdenumcorrosion resistant, Duplex (austenitic-ferritic) for generalapplication.ASTM B 150 Specification for aluminium bronze rod, bar and shapes.ASTM G28 Standard test methods of detecting susceptibility tointergranular corrosion in wrought, nickel-rich, chromium-bearing alloys.EN 10204 Metallic products – types of inspection documents.ISO 148 Steel – Charpy impact test (V-notch).ISO 9000 Quality management system requirements.ISO 10474 Steel and steel products - inspection documents.ISO 14313 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Pipeline transportationsystems – Pipeline valves.MSS SP-55 Quality standard (visual method) for steel castings for valves,flanges and fittings and piping.NACE MR 0175 (Edition 2002)Standard material requirements; Metals for sulphide stress cracking and stress corrosion cracking resistance in sour oilfield environments.PED 97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive, 97/23/ECSTOOMWEZEN Rules for pressure vessels.3. MATERIALSREQUIREMENTS3.1 CHEMICALCOMPOSITION3.1.1 BasematerialsFor the materials mentioned below, the following restrictions in chemical compositionshall apply:Material grade Additional restrictionsASTM A105 Carbon content shall be 0.23% weightmaximum.Carbon equivalent (CE) shall be 0.43% weightmaximum.ASTM A516 grades 60 and 65ASTM A216 grade WCB Carbon content shall be 0.25% weight maximumASTM A350 grade LF2 class 1 and 2 Carbon equivalent (CE) shall be 0.43% weight maximum and shall be determined by the formula mentioned previously.ASTM A352 grade LCC Manganese content shall be 1.30% maximum ASTM A182 grades F316 UNSS316000.Carbon content shall be 0.03% weight maximumASTM A351-CF8M andASTM A351-CF3M(Ref. Note 1)Carbon content shall be 0.03% weight maximumASTM A182 grade F51; and Duplex stainless steel UNS S31803 Nitrogen content shall be 0.15% weight minimumASTM B 150 grade UNS C63200 Aluminium content shall be 8.50% weightminimum and 10% weight maximumThe carbon equivalent (CE) shall be determined by the formula as mentioned below:CE= C + Mn/6 + (Cr+Mo+V)/5 + (Ni+Cu)/153.2 HEATTREATMENT3.2.1 The Cr-Mo steels to ASTM A 182 grade F5a, F9, F11 class 2, ASTM A 182 grade F22class 3, ASTM A 217 grade WC6 and ASTM A 217 grade WC9 shall be furnished in thenormalised and tempered condition.3.2.2 Austenitic/ferritic(duplex) stainless steel UNS S31803UNS S31803 materials (including castings) shall be solution annealed between 1020ºCand 1100ºC, followed by rapid quench, after all forming operations.Repair welding of UNS S31803 castings shall be in accordance with the requirements ofASTM A744 Paragraph Austenitic stainless steel forging to ASTM A182 and ASTM A336 andcasting to ASTM A351.All austenitic stainless steels shall be supplied in the solution heat treated condition.For non-stabilized grades with a carbon content larger than 0.03% solution annealingshall be repeated after any welding.3.2.4 Austenitic Steel Forgings to ASTM A182 grades F321 and F347If specified in the relevant MESC description a stabilising heat treatment shall beperformed between 900ºC and 950ºC for two hours, followed by cooling in still air. Thisshall be applied after the solution heat treatment and again after any welding.3.2.5 Nickel alloy castings to ASTM A494 grade N-7MNickel alloy castings to ASTM A494 grade N-7M shall be solution annealed at 1180 ºC+/- 10 ºC. Annealing at other temperatures can be accepted provided qualification testsshow that this leads to a fully solution annealed structure which is free of precipitates.Castings to ASTM A494 N-7M shall be post-weld heat treated following weld repairsusing the same solution annealing procedure as used earlier.3.2.6 Carbon steel and alloy 400: If welding is applied on valve parts made of Alloy 400, they shall be Post Weld HeatTreated (PWHT) at 590 ºC for at least 1 hour. All repair welds in carbon steel and Alloy-400 material shall be PWHT at 590 ºC for atleast 1 hour per 25 mm thickness, followed by X-ray re-examination.3.2.7 All heat treatment procedures shall be subject to statistical process control to ensure thatthe final material properties comply with the material standard and this specification. Theprocess control data and related periodic quality control checks shall be documented.3.3 HARDNESSIf wet H2S or sour service conditions are specified, the hardness requirements ofNACE MR 0175 Edition 2002 shall apply for any process-wetted part of the valve andpressure-retaining bolting.For all other (non-NACE MR 0175) services the maximum allowable hardness shall be:Base metal, welds and heat affected zones of pressure containing parts 248 HV10Base metal of internals with weld deposits or hard facings 400 HV1013% chromium steel internals 400 HV10Hardness indentations shall be avoided on any sealing or sliding surfaces.TESTING3.4 IMPACTImpact testing is required for:-Cr-Mo steels to ASTM A 182 grade F11 class 2, ASTM A 182 grade F22 class 3, ASTMA 217 grade WC6 and ASTM A 217 grade WC9 if the thickness of any section of thesematerials is greater than 50 mm.-Low temperature carbon steel to ASTM A352 grade LCC-Carbon manganese forging to ASTM A350 grade LF2, class 1-fine grained C-Mn steels to ASTM A 516 grades 60 and 65- Austenitic/ferritic duplex 22%Cr stainless steels to ASTM A351 grades CH10, CH 20and CE8MN and ASTM A 890 grade 4A and the 25 % Cr duplex stainless steels toASTM A890 grades 5A and 6A.- Martensitic stainless steel to ASTM A182-F6NM.For low temperature carbon steel valves the notched bar impact test shall be performed,in accordance with the applicable ASTM standard, at a temperature of minus 50degrees Celsius with an average energy value of 26 joules minimum for 2 and anyof 3 specimens and 22 joules minimum for the single specimen.Where welding is perfomed on austenitic stainless steel forgings to ASTM A182and castings to ASTM A351 as part of the valve assembly, having a minimumdesign temperature of <-29°C, welding procedures shall be qualified by impacttesting at the minimum design temperature specified in accordance with therequirements in ASME B31.3, section 323.22.In addition to these requirements as stated in API RP582 section 6.3.2, all weldsshall have a ferrite number for the weld material not exceeding 8FN.For all other materials the impact tests shall be performed on test pieces from the sameheat as the valve body and which have been simultaneously subjected to the same heattreatment.The test temperature shall be for:-Cr-Mo valves (thickness > 50 mm): +20ºC and-Duplex stainless steels: minus 50ºCThe test specimens of forged/wrought material shall be taken in the transversedirection at 1/4 and 1/2 of the thickness. Castings shall have one set of impacts takenfrom a test block of the same melt and heat treatment batch.For each section, three tests shall be performed and the resulting Charpy-V notchenergy impact values shall be for:-Cr-Mo steels: 55 joules average, 48 joules minimum for single specimen-Duplex stainless steels: 40 joules average, 31 joules minimum for single specimenNote: On the impact testing requirements of Cr-Mo and Duplex, these are additionalrequirements due to the fact that there are no limits set for these materials in the ASTMstandard and therefore no reference can be made to a specific ASTM standard.TESTING3.5 CORROSION3.5.1 For austenitic stainless steels (AISI 201, 202, 301, 304H, 316, 316H, 317, 317L, 321and 347) and austenitic/ferritic (duplex) stainless steels the statistical process control,mentioned in section 3.2.8, shall include inter granular corrosion testing in accordancewith ASTM A 262, Practice E.Tested specimens shall reveal no signs of inter-granular corrosion.3.5.2 For austenitic stainless steels (AISI 304, 304L, CF3, CF8) and UNS N08028 thestatistical process control, mentioned in section 3.2.8, shall include inter granularcorrosion testing in accordance with ASTM A 262, Practice C and shall result in anaverage corrosion rate of no more than 0.3 mm per annum.3.5.3 For wrought Nickel-Rich, Chromium-Bearing alloys (UNS N06007, N06022, N06030,N06059, N06200, N06455, N06600, N06625, N06686, N06985, N08020, N08367,N08800, N08825, N10276) the statistical process control, mentioned in section3.2.8, shall include inter granular corrosion testing in accordance with ASTM G28method A.3.5.4 For other materials (not listed in ASTM A 262 and ASTM G 28) where inter granularcorrosion could be of concern (e.g., cast nickel-rich, chromium-bearing alloys) thestatistical process control, mentioned in section 3.2.8, shall include inter granularcorrosion testing with a relevant test. The procedure and acceptance criteria shallbe submitted to the Principal for approval.4. NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (NDE)4.1 Regardless of the sampling specified in section 4.2.1, a prototype casting shall be (orshall have been) fully inspected and tested by the manufacturer in accordance with thespecified acceptance criteria. In addition to the NDE specified in table 1, the prototypecasting shall be (or shall have been) radio-graphed (Ref. 4.2.5 note 5) in accordance withASME B16.34 section 8, with 100% full coverage of the casting. Acceptance level shallbe based on the requirements of ASME B16.34 annex B.4.2 NDE extent (sampling), methods and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with thevalve design code and sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this MESC additional requirement.4.2.1 The valves on an order shall be separated into inspection lots.For valves produced by the same manufacturer a different lot is applicable for each ofthe following:- valve type (gate, globe, check, etc.)- valve body basic material type (carbon steel, LTCS, ferritic alloy, austenitic alloy,non-ferrous alloy, ferritic ductile iron, non-ferrous alloy)- quantity per heat batch (produced by the foundry) or heat treatment batch,whatever gives the biggest lot size.Each inspection lot shall be further divided into categories A and B as specified below:ACategoryASME rating: classes 150, 300, 600 All sizesBCategoryASME rating: classes 800, 900,All sizes1500, 1500 special class & 25004.2.2 From each inspection lot, percentage samples shall be taken in accordance with table 1,with a minimum of one valve per lot (which shall be the largest valve in that lot).4.2.3 A lot shall be accepted if all the samples of the lot meet the specified acceptance criteria.4.2.4 If any of the samples fails to meet the acceptance criteria, additional samples equal tothe original number shall be inspected.If these samples meet the acceptance criteria, the lot shall be accepted with theexception of the initially rejected items. If any of the additionally inspected samples failsto meet the acceptance criteria, then 100% of the lot shall be inspected or, at theprincipal's discretion, the entire lot shall be rejected.4.2.5 A sampling and inspection scheme shall be submitted to the principal.Table 1 Initial sample percentages per categoryComponentmaterial:carbon steels ferritic alloys(note 1) austeniticalloysnon-ferrousalloysSample (%) per category (section 4.2.1)Category(section 4.2.1)A B A B A B A B Visualinspection(notes 2 and 3)100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100Forging(notes 2, 6, 7 and 8)UT(note12)0 1000 1000 1000 100 MT10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 PT 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10Casting(notes 2,6, 7 and 8)RT 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10MT10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0PT 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10Butt welds (notes 5, 6, 8, 11)RT(note 9)100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100MT(note13)10 10 100 1000 0 0 0PT(note13)0 0 0 0 10 10 100100Butt weld valveends of casting(notes 8, 9)RT 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100Butt weld valve ends of forging (notes 6, 8 )MT 10 10 100 100 0 0 0 0PT 0 0 0 0 10 10 100 100Butt weld valveends of “fabricated” valves(notes 5, 6, 8, 11)RT (note 9)100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100MT (note 13)1010 100 100 0 0 0 0PT(note 13)0 0 0 0 10 10 100 100 Weld overlays(note 3)PT 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10Hardness test(note 4)10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Positive Material Identification (note 10)PMI ApplicableNOTES:1. Including duplex stainless steel and martensitic stainless steel.2. Body, bonnet, cover, body adapter and screwed ball valves inserts.3. Closure members such as gate/wedge, disc, ball, plug, seat rings and seat pocket / stem seal area.4. If required by the applicable standard (e.g. ASTM, NACE MR 0175).5. UT in lieu of RT may be applied if the configuration precludes RT. The UT acceptance criteria shall comply with ASME B16.34 Annex E.6. PT shall be applied if MT is not feasible or when the work efficiency and detection rate of defects is better.7. PT may be applied instead of MT for: - seat rings;- duplex stainless steel materials; - butt-welding ends.8. RT = radiographic examination; MT = magnetic particle examination PT = liquid penetrant examination; UT =ultrasonic examination.9. For all butt welds in cast and fabricated valve bodies including butt weld end preparations, with exception of those made by friction welds. For welded bonnet gate and globe check valves, DN 50 and smaller (designed toAPI 600, API 602, ISO15761) RT is 1% of the lot with a minimum of 1 valve.10. For CS valves as per manufacturer’s standard practice for materials having a P-number of 3 or more (ref. ASME section IX), i.e. alloy steel valves: PMI = 100% for forged & cast pressure retaining components, weld constructions and welding ends (if applicable).PMI = 10% for closure members in valves in nominal sizes DN 40 and smaller.11. For valves with welded on flanged ends and /or welded on bonnets (flanges).12. Only applicable in case of:- valve body and bonnet wall thickness over 100 mm, - end flange thickness over 100 mm, - adaptor flange thickness over 100 mm, - cover flange thickness over 100 mm.13. Weld surface after welding and weld bevel preparation prior to welding.4.3 NDE METHODS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA4.3.1 Visual examination of castings shall be in accordance with MSS SP-55. Visual surfaceexamination of forging shall be in accordance with ASME B16.34 section RT shall comply with ASME B16.34 section (casting) and (forging).UT shall comply with ASME B16.34 section (casting) and (forging).MT shall comply with ASME B16.34 section (casting), (forging) andAnnex C andPT shall comply with ASME B16.34 section (casting), (forging) andAnnex D.4.3.3 Exterior and accessible interior surfaces shall be examined (MP and PT) in the finalmachined condition.4.4 REPAIRDefect removal and repair shall be in accordance with ASME B16.34 section 8.All repairs to duplex stainless steel castings (UNS 31803) require liquid penetrant testingafter excavation of the defect and on completion of repair welding.5. CERTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY5.1 GENERAL5.1.1 Documentary evidence shall be included in the technical dossier. The manufacturershall store this dossier for at least 10 years. The applicable type of inspectiondocuments shall be as specified in the purchase order.5.1.2 All certificates shall be originals or certified copies.5.1.3 The certificates shall be in the English language or in other languages if they areaccompanied by an endorsed and dated English translation of the contents.5.1.4 Certificates for components shall include certification of the base materials if physicaland mechanical properties of the components differ from those of the base materials. 5.1.5 In case a component is supplied by a processor, or an intermediary, and the componentmaterial deviates from base material, the certificate shall consist of two documentscovering both parts of the manufacturing process, and shall comply with ISO 10474. 5.1.6 The level of certification for both the base materials and the components shall be equal.5.1.7 The manufacturer shall implement a materials tracking system to ensure the correctmaterials are used. The manufacturer shall implement a materials traceability system toensure that materials requiring type 3.1.B certificates are fully traceable to theircertificates.DOCUMENTS5.2 INSPECTION5.2.1 The manufacturer shall be able provide:- inspection certificates in accordance with ISO 10474 type 3.1.B orEN 10204, type 3.1.B ,- test reports in accordance with ISO 10474 type 2.2 or EN 10204, type 2.2 or- certificate of compliance to ISO 10474 type 2.1, as defined in table 2.Table 2 Inspection certificates and test reportsComponent EN 10204 or ISO10474 certificate ortest reportMain pressure bearing parts in PED category I: e.g. body, bonnet, body (screwed) insert, cover, adapter and pressure retaining plugs / bleed connections (flanges)2.2 (note 4)Main pressure bearing parts in PED categories II, III & IV: e.g. body, bonnet, body (screwed) insert, cover, trunnion (in case it is part of the body) adapter and pressure retaining plugs / bleed connections (flanges)3.1.B (notes 2 and 4)Pressure controlling parts: e.g. closure members (gate/wedge, disc, ball, plug and seat rings,2.2 (see note 1)Stem and trunnion 2.2(see note 1)Non pressure bearing parts and sealing components (gaskets,packing, “O”- rings)2.1Hingepin 2.2 Bellows,springs 2.2 Stuffing box follower and gland flange 2.2Bolting (i.e. studs, bolts, screws, nuts). 2.2(notes 1 and 3) Examination (NDE), pressure testing and fugitive emission testing 3.1.B Finished valve in compliance with the specifications 3.1.BNOTES:1. For end users in European member states and countries in the European Free TradeAssociation (EFTA) traceability is sufficiently covered by the PED through Annex I, section3.1.5, Guideline 7/5, note 6.3.For other end users batch traceability is accepted provided the manufacturers documentedbatch traceability procedures guarantee that certification of parts without identification marks are fully traceable to a specific heat or heat treatment lot.2. Ref.: PED guidelines 7/5 and 7/16. Provided the manufacturer has an ISO 9000 series qualitymanagement system certified by a competent notified body and having undergone a specific assesment for materials.3. Ref.: PED guideline 7/8. Bolting is not considered to be main pressure bearing parts unless itsfailure would result in a sudden discharge of pressure. When bolting is used as main pressure bearing parts they shall be certified similar.4. Ref. PED guideline 7/6. Main pressure bearing parts are parts that constitute the pressureenvelope and are essential for the integrity of the equipment.5. Contents of documents:compliance shall state:ofCertificate2.1The manufacturer certifies that the products supplied comply with therequirements of the purchase order, without mention of any test results.The certificate of compliance is a document drawn up on the basis of non-specific inspection and testing.2.2 Test reports shall state:-test results, based on non-specific inspection and testing, specified in thepurchase order;-Principal’s purchase order number;-applicable material standards;-corresponding materials/items including relevant identification markings;-compliance with the specified requirements.3.1.B inspection certificates shall include:-test results, based on specific inspection and testing, specified in the purchaseorder,-manufacturer’s order number;-certificate identification number and date of issue;-a fully detailed material specification;-charge, batch or heat numbers;-both specified and actual mechanical properties and chemical compositions;-N.D.E. methods and results (when applicable);-Positive Material Identification (PMI) test results for materials having a P-number of 3 or more, as defined in ASME section IX;-results of hardness tests (when applicable);-results of impact tests (when applicable);-reference to heat treatment procedure, furnace charge number and heattreatment records (when applicable).6. DOCUMENTATION6.1 The valve manufacturer shall be able to provide documentation, which shall be availableprior to shipment. Computerised data or photo-copies of originals (verified and signed bythe QA/QC-department) may be provided instead of originals.The documentation shall include the following:-purchase order and identification of the valves by serial number or manufacturer's code.-materials test reports and inspection certificates as specified.-NDE reports, including sketches, if necessary, showing the locations of examination.Radiographs shall be retained by the manufacturer for at least five years.-listing of applicable and authorised concessions, waivers and/or material substitutions.-manufacturer's statement of compliance signed by an authorised representative.-all other requirements when valves are supplied with CE mark.-listing of applicable manuals (e.g. assembly/maintenance manuals).7. WITNESSING BY THE PRINCIPAL7.1 The principal shall specify if, and to what extent, he (or his representative) will witnessthe manufacturer's inspections and tests and/or will perform a document review beforeshipment.。
壳牌石油标准 SHELL MESC SPE壳牌石油标准 SHELL MESC SPESPE 77/100 BS 5351 球阀SPE 77/101 依照ISO15761的钢闸阀,截止阀和止回阀SPE 77/102 用于石油和天然气工业的螺栓连接阀盖的钢闸阀的设计按ISO 10434标准。
SPE 77/103 截止阀(根据BS1873 修正/补遗)SPE 77/104 BS 1868 止回阀SPE 77/105 根据BS5154:1991版设计的闸阀、截止阀和止回阀—铜合金SPE 77/106 API 609弹性衬里/软阀座蝶阀SPE 77/130 法兰端或BW端ISO14313/API 6D的球阀:SPE 77/132 旋启式止回阀按照ISO 14313和API 6D(常规/全开启)SPE 77/133 API 594 双瓣止回阀SPE 77/134 蝶阀API 609,EN 593,MSS SP 67,MSS SP 68或厂家标准SPE 77/162 阀门及其附件SPE 77/200 低温介质下的阀门规范SPE 77/202 蒸汽介质阀门SPE 77/209 阀门在0到-50摄式度的介质SPE 77/211 1/4转驱动的阀门之阀杆和阀杆连接盘尺寸及托架钻孔模式SPE 77/300 工业阀门用类型验收测试(TAT)的程序及技术规范SPE 77/302 在普通使用条件中对阀门材料,检查和证明要求SPE 77/303 特殊介质下的阀门SPE 77/306 低温使用阀门的产品测试SPE 77/309 双堵双放使用下软阀座闸阀的生产测试SPE 77/310 闸阀的油漆和涂层SPE 77/311 衬里SPE 77/312 工业阀门----挥发泄露(FE)检查测试及鉴定程序SPE 77/315 自身催化的镀镍磷(无电镀)密封表面用于防摩擦的涂层。
壳牌MESC Spec 210-213 条款中文翻译
冲击试验也可以下-46 度下进行,此时冲击值应至少为 33J(标准试样). 5 磁粉探伤 LF3 级的锻材,应执行 AST符合 ASME VIII 1 部分。 附表 6 中规定的要求。
S55. Magnetic Particle Examination S55.1 All accessible surfaces of the finished forging shall beexamined by a magnetic particle method. The method shall bein accordance with Test Method A275/A275M. Acceptancelimits shall be as agreed upon between the certifying organizationand the purchaser.
These acceptance standards shall apply unless othermore restrictive standards are specified for specific materials or applications within this Division.All surfaces to be examined shall be free of: (a) relevant linear indications; (b) relevant rounded indications greater than 3/16 in.(5 mm); (c) four or more relevant rounded indications in a lineseparated by 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) or less, edge to edge.
SPE 77 133双瓣止回阀
技术规范双瓣止回阀(API 594的修改/补充)MESC SPE 77/1332008.8目录第1部分介绍1.1 范围1.2 颁布、意向用途、调整事项1.3 定义1.4 前版本上的变更1.5 MESC SPE 的意见第二部分API 594:2004的修改/补充第三部分参考第1部分介绍1.1 范围MESC SPE 规定了碳钢、低合金和高合金钢、奥氏体不锈钢、双相不锈钢、镍合金和铜合金材料的对夹凸耳和双法兰无挡圈双瓣止回阀的要求。
此MESC SPE 补充应用与相关的MESC 采购描述、定单或数据单上。
此MESC SPE 描述了API 594的更改及补充,涵盖MESC SPE 的第二部分。
延续API 594的条款代号,任何更改标识为“增加”、“更改”或“删除”。
API 594中未按MESC SPE 更改或补充的的条款应按所述采用。
1.2 颁布、意向用途和调整事项除非由Shell GSI另外授权,此MESC规范的分发只限于Shell公司,如有必要时,也可由其指定的承包商和厂商/供应商分发。
MESC SPE 适用于石油炼化、化工厂、天然气厂、勘探和生产设施及有相应用的供应/输送装置。
如果国家/本地条款的一些要求比MESC SPE 更严格,合同商应仔细审查决定哪些要求更严格,哪些要求结合介于安全、环保、经济、合法方面是可以接受的。
不管怎样,合同商应告知MESC SPE 要求的偏离部分,有必要考虑为了满足国家/或本地的规定。
1.3 定义合同商是实施工程的所有或部分设计、工程、采购、构造、调试或管理或者设备的操作或保养的一方。
MESC SPE 77-300 12版 60-64页翻译
表C.5 在环境温度(高于-20°C)和提高温度下进行泄漏测试的验收标准表C.6低温或超低温阀座泄漏测试的验收标准(-29°C至-196°C)注意:1.制造商应计算泄漏接受水平,并在相关概要表的相应部分说明。
2.金属阀座或金属石墨层压阀座蝶阀在优选流动方向上的最大允许阀座泄漏率应符合ISO 5208速率B.这些蝶阀在非优选流动方向上的最大允许阀座泄漏率应符合ISO 5208速率C.3.如果阀门符合ISO 5208中的阀座泄漏率A或B或符合IEC 60534-4的V级或VI级阀门,则认为阀门为TSO。
5.金属阀止回阀的最大允许阀座泄漏应符合适用的产品标准或ISO 5208 E级,以较低者为准。
表C.7阀杆密封逸散排放泄漏的验收标准表 c.8 阀体/阀盖密封逸散排放泄漏的验收标准表C.7给出了每个阀杆周长或直径的允许泄漏率,而表C.9给出了不同阀杆尺寸的允许泄漏率。
表C.10 阀体/外壳逃逸排放测试的最短测试持续时间Valve sizes 阀门尺寸pressure class 压力等级Minimum test duration (minutes) 最小测试持续时间(分钟)The measurement is complete when a stable reading is reached 达到稳定读数时,测量完成表C.11闭孔密封性试验的最短试验时间Minimum duration for each step 每个步骤的最短持续时间C.4.15最大允许工作扭矩值基于360 N的力,表C.12中显示了不同轮辋尺寸的最大允许扭矩值。
1.2中国机械行业标准对阀门密封等级的分类机械行业标准JB/T 9092--1999《阀门的检验与试验》。
2.4美国阀门和管件工业制造商标准化协会(MSS)对阀门密封等级的分类美国阀门和管件工业制造商标准化协会标准《钢制阀门的压力试验》MSS SP61---2003允许的阀门泄漏量要求如下:(1)在阀门密封副中有一个密封面使用塑料或橡胶的情况下,在密封试验的持续时间内应无可见泄漏。
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• 壳牌与中海油共同投资资41亿美元兴建的南海石化项目是迄今为止中国最大的合资 石化项目; • 壳牌是中国最大的国际润滑油供应商(数据来源:克莱恩公司); • 壳牌是向中国提供液化天然气最多的国际能源公司; • 壳牌是中国最大的国际煤气化技术供应商; • 壳牌是中国最大的国际沥青供应商; • 在中国,约有600家壳牌加油站为客户提供优质的产品和服务
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哪些是HSSE关键岗位? 负责HSSE关键活动的一线操作或维修人员 (吊车司机、焊工、工厂的操作工和维修工, 等)
负责HSSE关键活动的计划人员和主管 (生产调度、钻井监督、工厂的营运经理、采 购部经理,等) 领导岗位
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壳牌全球统一的事故报告、 统计和追踪平台
3.壳牌公司的HSSE管理体系– 3.6) 执行
事 故调查报 告内容
1.0 事故总结 2.0 事故的地点、日期和发生的时间顺序 3.0 事故调查小组成员名单 4.0 事故的分类和评级 5.0 事故描述 6.0 事故的调查结果 – 事实 7.0 调查结果的分析
3.4) 危害因素分析析-- 蝴蝶结模型
危 高压 险 天然气 因
屏障 完好的容器
3.壳牌公司的HSSE管理体系 3.4) ALARP 原则 “合理可行的尽可能低的原则”
SHELL MESC SPE 77312和ISO 15848-2标准对比
第59卷第2期2021年4月Apr.202%・24・化肥设计Chemical Fertilizer DesignSHELL MESC SPE 77/312 和ISO 15848-2标准对比焦娟(北京石油化工工程有限公司西安分公司,陕西西安710000#摘 要 介绍了 SHELL MESC SPE 77/312和ISO 15848-2两个标准的不同版本对试验压力、允许泄漏量、保压时间和检测方法4个方面的要求,并进行了相应的整理和差异总结,从而能为指导相关设计、工艺及检验人员工作提 供帮助#关键词SHELL MESC SPE 77/312;ISO 15848-2;试验压力;允许泄漏量;保压时间;检测方法doi%0.3969/j.issn.004—890%.202%.02.007中图分类号TQO55.81 文献标识码B 文章编号1004 — 8901(2021)02 — 0024 — 03Comparison of Shell MESC SPE 77/312 and ISO 15848-2JIAOJuan(Xi an Branch of Beijing petrochemical Engineering Co. $ Ltd. $ Xi an Shaanxi 710000, China )Abstract : The different versions of Shell MESC SPE 77/312 and ISO 15848-2 together with their different requirements on test pressure ,allowa-bleleakageamoun1$pressureholding1imeandde1ecionme1hodarein1roducedandsummarizedin1hispaper $whichcanbeofsomehelpinguid-ingtheworkofdesign $processandinspectionpersonnel.Keywords : Shell MESC SPE 77/312 ;ISO 15848-2; test pressure ; allowable leakage amount ; pressure holding time ; detection methoddoi :10. 3969/j. issn. 1004-8901 2021 02. 007目前,随着我国对环境保护要求的日益提高,对于如何减少阀门有害介质向外界环境的逸散排 放,已引起石油化工等领域的高度重视,同时对阀 门的逸散性能提出更高的要求%对于逸散性试验阀门,大部分用户一般会选择壳牌用SHELLMESC SPE 77/312 或者 ISO15848-2 作为检验阀 门性能的标准%但各个用户在合同书中所指定的SHELL MESC SPE 77/312 和 ISO15848-2 标准的 版本不尽相同,甚至会出现同一项目下不同阀种采用不同版本标准的情况%本文介绍了 SHELLMESC SPE 77/312四个不同版本(包括11 0版/ 13. 0〜13. E 版/14. 0〜14. A 版/14. B 版)和 ISO15848 — 2两种版本(2006版/2015版)对试验压 力、允许泄漏量、保压时间和检测方法4个方面的 要求,并进行整理和差异总结,从而为指导相关设计、工艺及检验人员工作提供帮助%1试验压力对比SHELL MESC SPE 77/312 和 ISO15848-2 两 个标准不同版本对于试验压力的对比整理如下(见 表1)从对比分析看,版本升版对于SHELLMESC SPE 77/312试验压力的影响是较大的,两标准之间也存在明显差距,区别之处在于:①SHELLMESC SPE 77/312 — 14. 0相比上一版本,降压试验改变了降压方式;②SHELL MESC SPE 77/312 —14. B 相比上一版本,取消了降压试验;③SHELLMESC SPE 77/312试验压力大小与阀体材料有关;ISO15848-2试验压力为固定值,除非客户有特殊要求%110和13E 版本B 级阀门降压试验见表2,14.0版本试验压力与系数6 对照见表3。
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SPE 77/100 BS 5351球阀
SPE 77/101依照ISO15761的钢闸阀,截止阀和止回阀
SPE 77/102用于石油和天然气工业的螺栓连接阀盖的钢闸阀的设计按ISO 10434标准。
SPE 77/103截止阀(根据BS1873修正/补遗)
SPE 77/104 BS 1868止回阀
SPE 77/105根据BS5154:1991版设计的闸阀、截止阀和止回阀—铜合金
SPE 77/106 API 609弹性衬里/软阀座蝶阀
SPE 77/130法兰端或BW端ISO14313/API 6D的球阀:
SPE 77/132旋启式止回阀按照ISO 14313和API 6D(常规/全开启)
SPE 77/133 API 594双瓣止回阀
SPE 77/134蝶阀API 609,EN 593,MSS SP 67,MSS SP 68或厂家标准
SPE 77/162阀门及其附件
SPE 77/200低温介质下的阀门规范
SPE 77/202蒸汽介质阀门
SPE 77/209阀门在0到-50摄式度的介质
SPE 77/211 1/4转驱动的阀门之阀杆和阀杆连接盘尺寸及托架钻孔模式
SPE 77/300工业阀门用类型验收测试(TAT)的程序及技术规范
SPE 77/302在普通使用条件中对阀门材料,检查和证明要求
SPE 77/303特殊介质下的阀门
SPE 77/306低温使用阀门的产品测试
SPE 77/309双堵双放使用下软阀座闸阀的生产测试
SPE 77/310闸阀的油漆和涂层
SPE 77/311衬里
SPE 77/312工业阀门----挥发泄露(FE)检查测试及鉴定程序
SPE 77/315自身催化的镀镍磷(无电镀)密封表面用于防摩擦的涂层。