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8. On Energy Shortage




Energy shortage is a huge problem for modern society, and it has a negative impact on people's daily life and economic development.

Many elements account for energy shortage. Firstly, rapid economic development prompts an increase of energy consumptions in different industries. Secondly, population growth leads to greater demands for household energy usage. Thirdly, people have yet to develop the sense of energy conservation.

They just take the energy supply for granted, but they seldom think of a fact that maybe one day, money can just buy limited energy at an incredible high price.

Actually we can do a lot to save energy in daily life. Turn off lights and fans when nobody is in the room; design buildings with the concept of energy saving; use public transit system instead of private cars in rush hours... It is very 'easy for us to do these things as long as we have the sense of energy conservation, and we should do it fight now!

9. Online Games


2. 玩网络游戏的好处;

3. 玩网络游戏的危害。

Online games are becoming more and more popular in recent years. Almost everywhere you go, you will not fail to find people, both children and adults, keenly playing various kinds of online games.

Why are online games so popular? There are some benefits of playing online games. In the first place, they are a kind of attractive and enjoyable entertainment, which will make us refreshed and energetic, and provide us with lots of fun and excitement. Secondly, they can improve our response ability, and make us attentive and patient. Thirdly, when several people are playing the same game, it helps to build up team spirit.

However, online games could do us harm without our knowing, it. First, violent online games such as killing and fighting are not appropriate for children to play. Second, some of us, especially school students, become addicted to online games and waste too much time playing them. Indulging in online games at the expense of our work or study not only harms our health, but also adversely affects our work or school performance. Worse still, some people even go so far as to gamble in computer games.

Obviously, only by doing away with the side effects of online games can we truly benefit from them.

10. Should College Students Be Involved in Business Activities?




In recent years, a new phenomenon has quietly sprung up--college students participating in business activities.

Inevitably, like many other newly-emerged things, this has also received praise and criticism.

From my viewpoint, if the students involved in business activities can put what they have learned in school into practice or integrate their major with social activities, it is not 0nly an important and valuable opportunity but also an invisible treasure to them. But if they are just obsessed with the activities, that is, their exclusive goal is to earn money or to gratify their vanity, it is not a wise action, and they may even incur some unexpected trouble. What's more, if they neglect their study, then it is no doubt putting the cart before the horse. College students who are involved in business activities should make clear to themselves the purpose to do so, and make full use of the opportunity.

11. A Schoolbag Lost

1. 丢失书包的时间、地点、原因;

