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Unit 2学案

Where is the post office?



1.to learn how to ask for directions on the street.

2. to learn how to give directions on the street 【重点词组】

1.on Center Street

2.across from

3.next to

4.in front of

5.between … and …

6.behind the library

7.in the neighborhood

8.post office

9.pay phone

10.go straight

11.turn left

12.take a walk through the park

13.a good place to have fun

14.an old hotel

15.a busy street

16.the way to my house

17.on your right


1.Is there a bank near here?

Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.

2.Where’s the library?

It’s between the restaurant and the supermarket.

3.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?

4.Just go straight and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street on the right.

I t’s next to a supermarket.

5.----Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot.

----You’re welcome. / That’s all right.

6.Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.

7.This is the beginning of the garden tour.

8.Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.

9.Write a tour guide for your neighborhood.

10.Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and

small parks.

11.If you’re hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.

12.I know you are arriving next Sunday.

13.Let me tell you the way to my house.

14.You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street.

I hope you have a good trip.


Period One: Section A (1a—Grammar Focus)


1.post office 邮局

2.library 图书馆。其复数为libraries. 如:two libraries两个图书

3.bank 银行;河岸

The bank of China 中国银行

A river has two banks. 一条河有两个岸。

4.pay phone 投币式公用电话

5.Is there a … near here? 附近有一个……吗?常用来问路。

如:Is there a bank near here ?

6.It’s on Center Street. 它在中央大街。


There is a restaurant on Bridge Street.

7.across from 在……对面= on the other side of


The house is across from the street.

= The house is on the other side of the street.

8.next to 紧挨;邻近。如:

He sits next to me. 他紧挨着我坐。

9.between…and ……与……之间。用于两者之间,注意用宾格。


He is between Tom and me.他在我和汤姆之间。

10.in front of 在……前面(物体外部)如:

There is a tree in front of our classroom.我们教室前有一棵树。(树在教室外)

In the front of 在……前面。(物体内部)。如:

There is a desk in the front of our classroom. 我们教室前有一张桌子。(教室内部)

11.behind 在……后面。方位介词。如:

behind the chair. 在椅子后。

12.Fifth Avenue. 第五大街。专有名词,前不用定冠词the。

13.询问地点用Where’s +地点?回答用It’s… 如:

Where’s the supermarket? It’s on Center Street.


14. There be 句型的用法



(2)结构:“There be + 主语+ 介词短语”


▲注意:当There be句型的主语是两个或两个以上的由and连接的并列主语时,be动词要与最近的主语保持一致。


There is an apple and two pears on the desk.


There are two pears and an apple on the desk.
