



Unit11.semiliterate:a.semi-educated;having only an elementary level of reading and writing ability半文盲的,有初等文化的semi-:half or partly2.dropout:n.a personwho leavesschool before finishing a course(尤指中学的)退学学生3.do-gooder:n.sb.who does things that they think will help other people,although the other people might not find their actions helpful一个总是试着帮助别人的人(通常是贬义);不实际的社会改革家(指幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者)4.impediment:n.obstacles,barriers妨碍,阻止,阻碍,阻挡5.trump card:anything decisiveheld in reservefor useat a critical time王牌6.charmer:n.a personwho hasgood qualities that make you like him/her讨人喜欢的人,有魅力的人,有迷惑力的人(尤指迷人的女人)7.get by:to be able to deal with a situation with difficulty,usually by having just enoughof sth.you need,suchas money过得去8.settledown:to becomequiet and calm(使)安静下来;平息9.flunk:v.to fail an exam or courseof study不及格posure:n.calmnessandcontrol平静;镇静;沉着11.parade:n.a seriesof peopleor things that appearone after the other12.at stake:to be won or lost;risked受到威胁,面临危险13.sail:v.to move quickly and effortlessly投入14.testimony:n.spokenor written statementthat sth.is true证词,证明15.conspiracy:n.act of joint planning of a crime阴谋,共谋16.doom:v.to makesb.or sth.certain to do or experiencesth.unpleasant注定17.follow through:to continue a stroke,motion,plan,or reasoningthrough to the end 将动作、计划等进行到底18.I flunked my secondyearexamsandwas lucky not to be thrown out of college.19.The managementdid not seemto consideroffice safetyto be a priority.20.Thousandsof lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.21.I think therewas a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee.Unit21.propose:v.[to sb.]to aska personto marry one提亲;求婚2.knockoff:n.a copy or reproduction of a designetc.esp.one madeillegally假货;赝品3.Windex:v.to clean with a kind of detergentby the brand of Windex用Windex牌清洁剂清洗4.takethe plunge:to take a decisive first step,commit oneself irrevocably to a courseof action冒险尝试5.bridesmaid:n.a girl or unmarried woman attending the bride at a wedding女傧相;伴娘6.maid of honor:a principal bridesmaid女傧相7.pastel:a.a pale andsubduedshadeor color轻淡柔和的色彩8.taffeta:n.a plain-weave glossysilk塔夫绸9.consignment:n.the action of entrusting goodsor saleor custody托运;托运的货物10.entourage:n.a group of people in attendance on or accompany someoneimportant随从;随行人员11.groomsman:n.a male friend officially attending the bridegroom at a wedding男傧相;伴郎12.courtship:n.the activity or period of courting a woman with a view to marriage 求爱期;追求期13.publicist:n.a personwho promotesor advertisessomething宣传人员;宣传代理人14.monomaniacal:a.characterizedby mental illness in which a personis dominatedby oneirrational setof ideas对某事狂热的;偏执狂的15.pharmacist:n.a personskilled or engagedin pharmacy;a personwho preparesordispenses medicine药剂师16.whine:v.to utter a subduedhigh-pitched prolonged cry of distressor complaint 哀诉;诉怨17.thwart:v.to run counter to,go against,oppose,hinder阻挠;阻止;对……构成阻力18.cathedral:n.any important,large and imposing church总教堂;大教堂19.quarantine:v.to isolate someoneor something that hasjust arrived from overseasor hasbeenexposedto infection对……进行检疫隔离20.petite:a.of small stature,chiefly of a woman or girl(女孩和妇女)娇小的21.brim:v.[with]to be or becomefull to the edge注满22.navigate:v.to direct,manage,steer给船舶、飞机等引航;导航23.eerily:adv.fearfully or gloomily引起神秘感或害怕地24.reminiscent:a.suggestiveor reminding(someone)提醒的;暗示的;像……的;使回忆起……的25.drab:a.dull or lifeless无生气的;乏味的;单调的26.relentlessly:adv.insistently and uncompromisingly不懈地;不屈不挠地;持续不断地27.dank:a.unpleasantlydamp and cold阴湿的;阴冷的28.tattered:a.torn or ragged破烂的;衣衫褴褛的29.prognosis:n.a prediction of the likely outcome of a disease预后(指医生对疾病结果的预测)30.trickle:v.to drip or run with tears滴;淌;细流31.decadent:a.declining or decaying(from a stateof excellenceor prosperity)堕落的;颓废的32.incision:n.a division madeby cutting,as onemadeduring surgery切开;切口33.bolster:v.to support and strengthen支持;鼓励(某人);改善;加强(某事物)34.chemo:n.the treatment of disease,esp.infection or cancer,by means ofchemicals化疗35.poach:v.to cook an egg without the shell in simmering,or over boiling,water水煮(荷包蛋)36.consummately:pletely,to the highestdegree完全地;至上地37.myriad:n.countlessnumber无数;极大数量38.protrude:v.to extendor stick out伸出;突出39.raspy:a.harsh刺耳的;焦躁的;易怒的40.matrimonial a.of or pertaining to marriage婚姻的41.We should be truly thankful to Mr.Deng Xiaoping for taking the plunge andinitiating the economic reform in China.42.What is the useof whining about your bad luck?It is more important to find thereal causeof your misfortune.43.The rising real estateprices thwarted his ambition of owning a houseof his ownin the big city.Disappointed,he returnedto his hometown.44.He writes clearly and lightheartedly about the100best rivers and gives his expertadviceon how to navigate their reaches.Unit31.disingenuousness:n.slight dishonestyand lack of sincerity不老实2.withering a.(of a look or remark,etc.)scornful or contemptuous(神情、话语)尖刻的3.endorsev.to expressformal supportor approval赞同;认可;支持(意见、活动、某人等)4.sequentiala.following in order of time or place按次序的;相继的;构成连续镜头的;顺序的;序列的5.testimony n.written or spoken statementdeclaring that sth is true,esp one madeunderoath(法庭上证人的)证词6.nicotine n.poisonousoily substancefound in tobacco尼古丁;烟碱7.the better part of:the majority of;the biggest part of大部分;主要部分8.sophisticationn.quality of being sophisticated老练,复杂9.allure n.a mysterious,exciting,or desirablequality诱惑力;魅力10.extol v.(fml.)to praisehighly赞颂;赞扬;赞美11.clad a.dressed;clothed穿衣的12.pathology n.scientific study of diseases of the body病理(学)13.perverse a.deliberately or stubbornly turning away from what is reasonableorrequired错误的;荒谬的;反常的14.exoneratev.(sb.from sth.):to declaresb.free from blame使免罪;免除15.epidemiological a.connectedwith the study of the way diseasesspread,and howto control them流行病学的ndmark n.an event or development that marks a turning point or a stage里程碑,地标17.bronchogenica.deriving from the bronchial tubes产生于支气管的;影响支气管的18.surrogaten.(fml)personor thing that actsor is usedinsteadof another;substitute 替代;代理19.deride v.to treatsb./sth.asfunny andnot worthy of seriousattention取笑;嘲笑20.exhaustively adv.very thoroughly;completely用尽一切地rmal written businesscommunication(备忘的)记录22.disinformation n.false information,intendedto mislead故意的假情报23.obfuscatev.to make(sth.)confusedor difficult to understand使模糊;使混乱24.spike v.to fastenor furnish with spikes把尖状物钉入25.racketeering n.making money from illegal activities such as threatening peopleor selling worthless,immoral,or illegal goodsor services.敲诈勒索;诈骗26.gagglen.a group of people,especially thosethat are noisy or disorganized散乱的一群,缺乏组织的团体27.skeptic n.a personwho hasdoubtsaboutthings that other peoplebelieve怀疑者28.defraudv.to get sth.from sb.by deception;cheatsb.诈取;骗取29.pandemicn.a diseasethat affects many people over a very wide area(全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病30.advocacyn.public support for a courseof action支持;拥护;鼓吹;(对某思想、行动方针、信念的)拥护;支持;提倡31.After the police released their report,John was exonerated from allresponsibility for the accident.32.In a speechat the Congress,the president extolled the virtues of free enterpriseandexpressed his distastefor the blatant hegemonyin IT industry.33.I endorse everything that has been said from both sides of the House in supportand admiration of him and of the courageand fortitude that he and his family have displayed.34.The poor woman was defrauded of her money by a dishonestaccountant.Unit4favor and 1.blessing n.thing that one is glad of,thing that brings happiness;God’sprotection祝福;祷告2.curse n.causeof evil,harm,destruction,etc.诅咒;咒骂;祸端3.chitchat n.(infml.)chat;gossip闲谈;聊天4.detritus n.a weekly hard rock and heavy metal e-zine featuring news,reviews,rumors,special reports,andmore花边消息5.suck v.(slang)If someonesaysthat something sucks,they are indicating that theythink it is very bad;somepeoplefind this useoffensive.令人不愉快;令人讨厌6.con a.(slang)哄骗的7.harry v.to annoy(sb.)with repeatedrequests,questions,etc.harass掠夺;使…苦恼;侵掠8.snoopv.to searchor investigatein a persistentandsecretiveway窥伺;打听9.shrivel v.to(causesth.to)shrink and wrinkle from heat,cold or dryness枯萎;干枯;皱缩rge number(of questions,criticisms,etc.)delivered quickly,one afterthe other一连串的批评11.nanosecond n.毫微秒(时间单位)12.catalyst n.personor thing that causesa change催化剂;刺激因素13.mind-boggling a.(infml.)alarming;extraordinary or astonishing令人难以置信的14.cook up:(infml.)to invent sth.,esp.in order to deceive编造;伪构;谋划15.hasslev.to harass(sb.);to bother与…争辩;不断骚扰16.irreconcilable a.that cannotbe reconciled不能和解的;不能协调的;矛盾的17.salvagev.to save,rescue海上救助;打捞;抢救18.far-flung a.spreadover a wide area;distributed widely辽阔的;漫长的;遥远的19.visceral a.(fig.,fml.)(of feelings,etc.)not rational;instinctive(感情等)非理性的;直觉的20.peck v.to strike sth.with the beak啄;啄食21.lust n.strong sexualdesire;intensedesirefor sth.贪欲;欲望;色欲22.hierarchy n.system with gradesof authority or status from lowest to the highest 等级制度;层级;统治集团23.buffer n.country or area between two powerful states,lessening the risk of warbetweenthem缓冲;缓冲区24.purveyor n.personor firm that supplies goodsor services供应商25.spewv.to vomit;to sendout in a stream喷出;涌出;呕吐;吐出26.vile a.extremely disgusting;despicableon moral grounds恶劣的;简陋的;低廉的psen.a temporary lack of sth.such asconcentration or judgment暂时失去某物(如注意力、判断力等)28.gentility n.genteelmannersand behavior有教养;文雅;出身高贵29.lowercasea.Lowercase letters are small letters,not capital letters.用小写字母排印等的30.run amok:to rush about in a wild and angry frenzy横行;胡作非为;乱冲乱杀31.cobbletogether:to put sth.togetheror makesth.hastily or clumsily拙劣地修补32.snippy a.(infml)尖刻的;言语唐突的33.archive n.(pl)historical documentsor records档案;档案馆34.curator n.personin chargeof a museum,an art gallery,etc.博物馆长35.bemoanv.to show sorrow for or complain about(sb./sth.)悲叹;为…惋惜;认为遗憾36.muster v.to gain sth.by collecting it from other people or by drawing it fromwithin oneself;summon sth.up集合;收集;鼓起;激起37.multitude n.extremely large numberof peopleor things多数;群众38.spurn.thing that urgesa personon to greateractivity;incentive刺激;鞭策39.It is certainly undemocratic,and many peopleare beginning to feel that it borderson the unconstitutional.sheremarks,“yet it is just the desire to explain 40.“No t heory explains everything,”everything which is the spur of theory.”41.The archaeologist in the film knew that there was a curse upon anyone whoenteredthe pyramid.42.A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for Christmas than a trashy songcookedup as a commercial gimmick.Unit51.innovation n.the processof making improvements by introducing sth.new;theactof introducing sth.new;sth.newly introduced创新的过程新方法,新技术:新介绍的东西2.define v.to show clearly the edgeof sth.清楚地显示出轮廓3.quantifiable a.can be quantified,measuredcapableof being quantified可以计量的4.rocket v.to move extremely quickly非常快速地运动5.conundrum n.a problem that is difficult to deal with难以解决的问题6.craft v.to make(sth.)skillfully,esp.by hand精工制作(某物)(尤指用手工)7.flummox v.to bewilder,confuseor disconcert(sb.)使(某人)迷惑、糊涂或仓皇失措8.malaise n.a generalfeeling of bad health or lack of energy,or an uncomfortablefeeling that something is wrong(esp.with society)and a lack of ability to changethe situation微恙;不适,莫名的不安9.stagnation n.(fig.)stateof showing no activity停滞10.yearning n.strong desire,tender longing强烈的愿望,渴望11.incentive n.thing that encouragessb.to do sth.;stimulus激励某人做某事的事物,刺激,奖励12.provocative a.tending or intended to arouseanger,annoyance,controversy,etc.激起愤怒、恼恨、争论等的;挑衅的;煽动性的13.perpetual a.continuing indefinitely;permanent永久的14.ingenuity n.clevernessand originality in solving problems聪明,原创性地解决问题15.put a finger on sth.to know the reason for sth.,esp.sth.that is a problem;identify precisely or point out(an error,the causeof a problem,etc.)知道某事的理由(特别是问题),精确地发现或指出问题所在16.lend oneself to:to allow oneself to be associatedwith sth.;adapt oneself or setoneselfup to betreatedin a specialway同意参与;适合于17.raison d’etre(French)a basic,essentialpurpose;a reasonto exist,reasonfor orexistence存在的目的或理由justification of sb.’s/sth.’s18.green innovation:innovation which helps to protect the environment保护环境的创新19.I think you’ve just put your finger on the biggest problem facing theConservativeparty in this election.20.Flummoxing by the surreality of history and the mind-boggling changesunleashedin the60s,many writers in that era became minimalists,withdrawing,turtlelike,inside their own homesand heads.21.According to a survey of college graduatesrecently releasedby the government’sCouncil of Labor Affairs(CLA),the average starting monthly salary for collegegraduatesin2006decreased,which revealsstagnation in economy.22.Girls from dalit families,the lowest in the caste hierarchy in India have theyearning for formal school education.Unit61.reiterate:v.to say or do again or repeatedly再次或反覆说或做(某事物)2.benign:a.tending to exert a beneficial influence;favorable易于产生有益影响的,有利的3.transcend:v.to passbeyond the limits of:超出……的限度4.unprecedented:a.neverhaving happenedor existedin thepast无先例的,空前的5.resilience:n.the ability to recover quickly from illness,change,or misfortune迅速从变化中恢复过来的能力6.disruptive:a.causing trouble and therefore stopping sth.from continuing as usual 破裂的,分裂的7.skyrocket:v.to rise or causeto rise rapidly and suddenly迅速和突然地升高或使升高xity:n.thestateor quality of being lax松弛的状态或性质9.fiscal:a.of or relating to finance or finances财政的或与财政有关的10.incur:v.to experience something,usually sth.unpleasant,as a result of actionsyou have taken遭受;蒙受;招致;引起11.intensification:n.action that makessth.strongeror more extreme激烈化12.array:v.to arrangea group of things in a particular way为展示或使用而部署13.folly:n.stupidity,or a stupid action,idea,etc.愚行,荒唐事14.adversity:n.a difficult or unlucky situation or event逆境,困难或苦恼的状态,不幸15.rigor:n.sth.that is hardto endure艰难的或难堪的情形,困境16.dissipate:v.to(causeto)gradually disappearor waste使消散,驱散,弱到或几乎弱到消失的程度17.embody:v.to representa quality or an ideaexactly体现,代表18.covenant:n.a binding agreement;a compact盟约,契约,有约束力的协议19.bypass:v.to ignore a rule or official authority为图省事而不顾规则20.conflagration:n.alarge and violent event,such asa war,involving a lot of people 大型暴力事件,如战争21.subdue:v.to reduce the force of sth.,or to prevent something from existing ordeveloping抑制,克制;使变得缓和,降低22.revealing:a.showing or making known透露内情的,允许一瞥了知的23.vilify:v.to say or write unpleasantthings about sb.or sth.,in order to causeotherpeopleto have abad opinion of them污蔑,诋毁,中伤(某人)24.whenit comesto:when the topic is picked up25.more frequently than not:it occurs quite often that,alsomore often than not26.In the following week,the question reiterated itself in his mind,but he wasincapableof answering it.27.We were very rapidly using up a certain kind of irreplaceable asset,namely thetolerancemarginswhich our benign naturealways provides.28.We apologize for the sluggishness of TypePad-poweredsites this morning,andcausingit.we’re working to resolvethe hardwareproblem that’s29.The conceptthat peopleareborn equalis embodiedin theAmerican Constitution.Unit71.cult:n.sb.or sth.that has become very popular with a particular group of people 在特定人群中变得流行的人或事物2.tenure:n.the right to remain permanently in a job永久地保有其职位的权利3.stardom:n.fame名望,名气4.waffle:v.to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clearanswers胡乱地说或写5.–mongering(suffix,mainly disapproving)encouraging a particular activity,especiallyone which causestrouble(前缀,多贬义)促进某种行为的(尤其是会导致麻烦的行为6.arguably:adv.possibly可能地7.blockbuster:n.(infml.)a book or film that is very successful,especially becauseofits exciting contents成功的书或电影(尤其是因为内容精彩)8.paste:v.to move a pieceof text to a particular place in a computer document(电脑)粘贴9.mollify:v.(fml.)to make sb.feel lessangry and upsetabout sth.使(某人)息怒;使平静;抚慰10.dire:a.very seriousor extreme很严重11.overseer:n.a person whose job is to make certain that employeesare working orthat anactivity is being donecorrectly监督或指导他人工作的人12.hurl:v.to utter vehemently感情激烈地说出13.savage:v.to criticize sb.severely激烈抨击14.flatulence:n.self-importance;pomposity自大;自负15.squabble:n.petty or noisy quarrel吵闹和争执16.exalted:a.having a very high rank andhighly respected崇高的,高贵的17.till:v.to prepareland for growing crops[=cultivate]耕种18.pontificate:v.to speak or write and give your opinion about sth.as if you kneweverything about it and asif only your opinion was correct武断地或自封为权威地谈论某事物19.ghost-writer:n.sb.who is paid to write a book or story for another person,whothensaysit is their own work影子写手;捉刀人personal 20.memoir:n.(pl.)a book or other piece of writing based on the writer’sknowledge of famous people,placesor events(个人生活与经历的)回忆录;自传21.hustle:v.to do sth.with a lot of energyand determination努力地做某事22.moonlight:v.(infml.)to have a secondjob in addition to your main job从事第二职业:作为某人全职工作的额外工作去做另一份工作23.short-change:v.to treat sb.unfairly by not giving them what they deserveor hopedfor未给以公正的报答或酬劳24.ostentatious:a.too obviously showing your money,possessionsor power,in anattempt to make other people notice and admire you为了让别人注意或羡慕自己,故意显示自己的钱,所有物或力量25.ludicrous:a.stupid or unreasonableand deservingto be laughed at;ridiculous可笑的;荒唐的;愚蠢的26.vista:n.an awarenessof a range of time,events,or subjects;a broad mental view 回顾或展望的一连串情景、事情等27.populist:n.relating to or presenting ordinary people,rather than rich orhighly-educatedpeople平民主义者28.trash:v.(infml.)to criticize sth.or sb.severely搞垮,贬低29.besettingsin:n.aparticularly badfeature or habit(often usedhumorously)恶习proposalsas well as Liberal’s.30.The professor trashesConservative’s31.Politicians are always pontificating abouteducation.32.He was askedto bethe overseerof the project.33.He hurled a chair acrossthe set,smashingthe lamps and vases.Unit81.bound: a.going or ready to go towards somewhere前往或准备前往一个特定方向的2.tribute:n.an act,statementor gift that is intended to show gratitude,respectoradmiration表示敬意或称赞的行动、言语或礼物3.chivalry:n.the medieval knightly systemwith its religious expectationof an idealknight,esp.courage,honor,courtesy,justice,and a readinessto help the weak骑士制度(中世纪的);骑士精神(如勇气、荣誉感、谦恭及扶助弱小等)4.reverent a.feeling or showing deepand solemn respect虔敬的;恭敬的5.rally v.(of troops)to come together again in order to continue fighting after adefeator dispersion召集,集合6.forlorn a.(of an aim or endeavor)unlikely to succeedor be fulfilled;hopeless 无望的,几乎没有希望的;绝望的7.custodian n.personwho hasresponsibility for or looks after sth.掌管某事物的人opinions,decisions,etc.不屈8.unbending a.unable or unwilling to changeone’s服的,坚定的9.spur n.a thing that prompts or encouragessomeone;an incentive刺激,鞭策10.eulogy n.(a speechor piece of writing containing)high praise,usu.for apersonor their qualities称颂,赞美11.relentless a.continuously severeor cruel冷酷的,狠心的12.torrential a.causedby or like a violently rushing stream由急流引起的,似急流的13.desolation n.a stateof complete emptinessor destruction废墟:处于荒芜的状态14.indomitable a.too strong and brave to bediscouraged不可屈服的;不可战胜的15.haze n.a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere,typically causedby finesuspended particles烟雾(造成能见度降低的大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽)16.gaunt a.(of a person)lean and haggard,especially because of suffering,hunger,or age(指人)(因饥饿或疾病)憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的17.ghastly a.causinggreathorror or fear;extremely unwell可怕的;恐怖的18.perpetuate v.to makecontinue indefinitely使无限期地延续下去19.promulgate v.to promote or makewidely known宣扬(某事物)20.serene a.calm,peaceful,and untroubled;tranquil安详的,不受干扰所影响的;平静和安定的21.gladiator n.(in ancient Rome)an armedman who fought againstmen or wildanimalsin a public place asa form of entertainment格斗者,角斗士22.guidepost n.a sign giving information such asthe direction and distanceto anearbytown,typically found at a road junction路标23.beacon n.a tall object or a light on or near the shore,acting as guide orwarning to sailors灯塔;灯标24.monger n.a person who promotes a specified activity,situation or feeling,especially one that is undesirable or discreditable经营某一特定商品的商人,促成某一令人不快或不光彩的事发展的人25.ominous a.giving a warning of sth.bad that is going to happen预兆的或成为预兆的(特别是坏的预兆的)26.tint n.a paleor delicateshadeof a color;slight degreeof a color色调27.We must give tribute to all thosewho helpedmake this a free country.28.The new residential blocks were skillfully integrated with the rest of the Collegeto form a pleasing,self-containedwhole.encouragementwas the spur he neededto succeed.29.His wife’s。



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An important step in becoming an effective flatterer is to understand why flattery helps you establish better relationships with others.2、恭维之所以奏效,最根本的原因是恭维符合了人类行为的一个基本原则:人们渴望得到赏识。

The root cause of the power of flattery gets at(达到) a basic principle of human behavior:People crave being appreciated. Power of flattery lies in the fact that it fulfils a basic principle of human behavior:3、尽管文化背景各不相同,但绝大多数人都有类似的想法。

The vast majority of people are of the similar idea despite different cultures.4、在亚洲文化中,人们对群体赏识的渴求一般要强于对个体赏识的渴求。


In Asian cultures the desire for group recognition is generally stronger than the desire for individual recognition. Nevertheless, the need for recognition is present/universal.5、很多人认为,工作本身带来的乐趣要比外界赏识包括恭维更为重要。

Many people hold that the joy of work itself is more important than external recognition, including flattery.6、工作的乐趣也许是一种巨大的动力,但是即使是那些从工作中得到极大乐趣的人如科学家、艺术家、摄影师也渴望得到恭维和认可,否则他们就不会去竞争诺贝尔奖或在重要的展览会上展示他们的作品了。




An important step in becoming an effective flatterer is to understand why flattery helps you establish better relationships with others.恭维之所以奏效,最根本的原因是恭维符合了人类行为的一个基本原则:人们渴望得到赏识。

The root cause of the power of flattery gets at a basic principle of human behavior: People crave being appreciated.,尽管文化背景各不相同,但绝大多数人都有类似的想法。

he vast majority of people are of the similar idea despite different cultures.在亚洲文化中,人们对群体赏识的渴求一般要强于对个体赏识的渴求。

In Asian cultures the desire for group recognition is generally stronger than the desire for individual recognition.但不管怎样,人们赏识是普遍存在的。

Nevertheless, the need for recognition is present.很多人认为,工作本身带来的乐趣要比外界赏识包括恭维更为重要。


Many people hold that the joy of work itself is more important than external recognition, including flattery. The joy of work may be a powerful motivator, but even those who get the biggest joy from their work--- such as scientists, artists, and photographers --- crave flattery and recognition. Otherwise they wouldn’t compete for Nobel Prizes or enter their work in important exhibitions.恭维之所以奏效,还因为它与人们认可的正常需要有关。



第五章:1.The serious part of my life ever since boyhood has been devoted to two different objects which for a long time remained separate and have only in recent years united into a single whole.自少年时代起,我一生的重要时光都致力于实现两个不同的目标。


2. I was troubled by scepticism and unwillingly forced to the conclusion that most of what knowledge is open to reasonable doubt.我被怀疑论干扰着,不愿意被迫下这个结论,那就是过去被迫接受的东西都可以公开的,合理地质疑。

3. But I discovered that many mathematical demonstrations, which my teachers expected me to accept, were full of , and that, if certainty were indeed discoverable in mathematics, it would be in a new kind of mathematics, with more solid foundations than those that had但是我发现老师们期望我接受的许多数学论证都充满了谬误:假如确切性果真能发现于数学,它也是一种新型的数学,比迄今为止被认为是无懈可击的数学的原理更为牢固。

4. there was nothing more that I could do in the way of making mathematical knowledge .在使数学知识不容怀疑这个方面,我已尽了全力。



单词Lesson 1Gear 齿轮, 传动装置Bearing 轴承Cams 凸轮Cams and followers 凸轮和从动件Couple 力偶mechanics 力学statics 静力学,静止状态dynamics动力学,原动力,动力特性constraint forces 约束力applied forces 作用力Electric , magnetic, and gravitational forces 电,磁,重力mating surface 啮合表面,配合表面,接触面meshing 啮合,咬合,钩住meshing teeth 啮合齿journal bearing 滑动轴承,向心滑动轴承metal-to-metal contact 金属- 金属接触Overheating 过热failure 失效flaking 薄片,表面剥落,压碎Spall 削,割,剥落,脱皮noise 噪音rough motion运动不精确inertia惯性particle 质点rigid body刚体deformable可变形的,应变的deformable Body 变形体Scalar 数量的,标量的Vectors矢量Density密度Mass质量Displacement位移Velocity速度Acceleration加速度Moment力矩,弯矩Momentum动量,冲量Lesson 2Compressive压缩的,有压力的Turning 车削Rectilinear直线的micrometer 千分尺又称螺旋测微器Power hacksaws 弓锯床Shaper牛头刨床Thread 螺纹Work:功muscular action肌肉动作mechanical motion机械运动stretch an object拉伸对象tensile force:拉力in tension:受拉compressive force:压力torsional force:扭力torque:扭矩shearing force :剪切力twist an object扭曲对象Slide滑,脱落Slip滑动,滑移in compression受压turning of a part对一个零件进行车削加工wedging action:楔入作用chip :切屑centers of the lathe车床的顶尖lathe dog车床夹头centrifugal force :离心力grinding wheel :磨削砂轮bonding agent :粘合剂abrasive particle:磨料颗粒centrifuge-type machines离心式机械Centrifuge离心机,离心作用Centrifugal force principles离心力原理centripetal force :向心力rotary motion:回转运动rectilinear motion:直线运动hand tool手工工具power tool动力工具feed:进给shaping:采用牛头刨床(shaper)进行刨削加工power saw:弓锯床,弓式锯床the screw of a micrometer 意为“千分尺中的螺杆”harmonic and intermittent motion :谐和运动和间歇运动simple harmonic motion :简谐运动return stroke:快速回程shaper ram:刨床滑枕Pulley滑轮Screw螺丝钉Belt带Link链Lesson 3Interactive互相作用的Iterative重复的, 反复的, 迭代的Pinpoint 精确地定位或确认Equilibrium 平衡,均衡Tractable 易于处理或操作的Order of magnitude 数量级Ideally理想的情况下so as to为了with any precision很少精确idealize理想化idealization 理想化strength of materials材料力学Dynamics动力学Approximations近似值be inherent in为、、、所固有,是、、、的固有性质Render提出,给予,描绘degrading the result使结果降级pertinent有关prohibitive令人望而却步Influx流入,注入,涌进,汇集Lesson 5Sprocket链轮snap ring 卡环Universal joints万向联轴器Self-aligning bearing 调心轴承,球面轴承, 自位轴承Dry ice干冰Shot-peening喷丸硬化处理Pin销Key键Spline花键Couplings联轴器nondriving wheel非驱动轮idler gear空转齿轮,换向齿轮be subjected to承受Fluctuate变动,波动,起伏alternating bending stress交变弯曲应力deflections挠度lateral shaft deflection横向轴的挠度angular deflection角偏转non-self- aligning bearings非自调心轴承Torsional deflection扭转变形critical speed临界速度Attachment of the hub毂的附件Keyway键槽Axial轴向Circumferential圆周方向Positioning定位Retaining固定retaining ring定位环hub-to-shaft attachments轮毂与轴之间的连接interference fit过盈配合hub bore毂孔bending moment弯矩cold-rolling冷轧relative slope相对倾斜Journal轴颈plain bearing 滑动轴承Lesson 6Clutch 离合器Brake 制动器Friction 摩擦Chain 链,链条Timing belt 同步带Belt drive 带传动coefficient of friction摩擦系数rayon人造纤维timing belt同步带V-belt drive V带传动Foregoing在前的,前述的fatigue life疲劳寿命power transmitted电力传输rotatable shaft可以转动的轴,从动轴rotating shaft转动轴,主动轴input shaft输入轴output shaft输出轴unloaded state空载状态Rotor转子rotational inertia转动惯量torque capacity 扭矩容量kinetic and potential energy动能和势能provision 规定thermal capacity 热容量thermal stress热应力thermal distortion热变形rubbing velocity摩擦速度Lining内衬,衬套empirical value经验值Chain drives链传动gear drives齿轮传动speed ratio速比shaft separation distance轴间隔距离arbitrary center distance任意的中心距positive (no slip) drive强制(无滑动)传动synchronized motion同步运动conveyor systems, farm machinery, textile machinery传送带系统,农用机械,纺织机械chain loop链环40-kW power ratings :40千瓦的额定功率Lesson 9Ceramic bearing 陶瓷轴承Silicon硅Titanium 钛Adherence 粘附,附着gas turbine engines 燃气涡轮发动机liquid lubricant液体润滑剂Exploit利用,发挥,使用Tribological 摩擦学的ceramic rolling bearing陶瓷滚动轴承thermo-mechanical热机械Tool steel工具钢Aeroengine航空发动机practical temperature limit 实际的温度上限virtual exclusion虚拟排斥hot pressed 热压hot isostatically pressed 热等静压的silicon nitride Si3N4rolling contact fatigue滚动接触疲劳low fracture toughness低的断裂韧性coefficient of thermal expansion热膨胀系数thermal conductivity导热系数thermal diffusivity热扩散系数,温度扩散率oxidation resistance抗氧化性Hertzian contact stresses 赫兹接触应力Solid lubricant固体润滑剂synthetic lubricant合成润滑剂unconventional lubricant非常规润滑剂boundary lubrication边界润滑wear resistance耐磨性tribo-chemical film摩擦化学膜Shear剪切,切断heat stable热稳定Imperative命令,绝对必要的,必不可少的Lesson 14Melting point熔点Specific heat比热Specific gravity比重Shrink fit 冷缩配合,收缩配合thermal conductivity热导率,导热率thermal expansion热膨胀corrosion resistance耐蚀性reduce inertial force减小惯性力Substitution 替换recrystallization temperature再结晶温度Annealing退火heat treating热处理hot working热加工minor 微小的surface roughness 表面粗糙度Metallurgical冶金学的Titanium钛thermal gradient热梯度relative expansion相对膨胀glass-to-metal seals玻璃- 金属密封件Shrink fit冷缩配合,收缩配合Deterioration恶化,变质,退化Degradation降解,老化,退化petroleum 石油elevated temperature高温Alkalis碱oxygen, moisture, pollution, and acid rain氧气,湿气,污染和酸雨Nonferrous metals, stainless steels, and nonmetallic materials, 有色金属,不锈钢,和非金属材料cast iron铸铁chromium铬protective film保护膜Lesson 28Basic size基本尺寸Deviation偏差Interchangeable互换性Interchangeability互换性Unilateral, bilateral, and limit forms.单边的,双边的和极限形式plus-or-minus加或减theoretical dimension理论尺寸basic dimension基本尺寸Terminology术语definition 定义Tolerance公差Clearance fit间隙配合Interference fit过盈配合Transition fit过度配合Selective assembly选择装配by trial and error用试凑法basic hole system基孔制basic shaft system基轴制International tolerance (IT) grade公差等级Tolerance symbols公差符号tolerance zone公差带uppercase letter大写字母lowercase letter小写字母surface texture表面纹理surface finish表面光洁度roughness, waviness, lay and flaws.粗糙度,波纹度,加工纹理方向和缺陷irregularities in the surface表面不平度Cutoff中止,截止Superimpose重叠,叠加Waviness波度Interval间隔cracks, blow holes, checks, scratches裂纹,气孔,检查,划痕Lesson 43Burr 毛刺Saw 锯Hacksaw弓锯Plasma 等离子体Sophistication复杂化,完善,采用先进技术Simplicity简单Sophisticated复杂的durable耐用的,耐久的alloy steel合金钢carbide碳化物diamond金刚石Harnessed驾驭,治理tough强硬Deburr去毛刺,去飞翅Welding焊接Impose利用,施加影响nontraditional manufacturing processes非传统制造工艺drilling钻孔sawing锯切broaching拉床electric motors电动马达Hydraulics液压gravity重力electric arcs电弧Harness利用electrochemical 电化学plasmas等离子体jets of liquids and abrasives液体和磨料射流magnetic field磁场Explosive爆炸electric spark电火花high-frequency sound waves高频声波beams of electron电子束Reject排斥,抵制in-process breakage过程中的破损Aforementioned上述的,前面提到的reliability 可靠性vision systems, laser gages视觉系统,激光测量Metallurgical冶金Implementation履行Lesson 62Conceive 构思Tedious 单调乏味的Optimum 最佳效果Information Age信息时代Metalworking金属加工come full circle回到原地,绕了一圈interchangeability互换性specialized functions特殊功能integrated manufacturing system集成制造系统diversify多样化Reflex反射,映像,回复flexibility灵活性integration 集成Superquality高质量Superproductivity高生产率Conflicting不一致的,冲突的getting the most out如何充分利用quality assurance质量保证materials handling材料处理Schedule时间表,进度表,计划表shop floor车间distributed intelligence分布式智能microprocessors controlled machines微处理器控制的机器Instantaneously瞬间,即时tighter 更紧producible可生产Instantaneous瞬间work-in-process在制零件tedious乏味not to mention更何况Lure吸引,诱惑contracted out.承包出去,订合同把工作包出去Lesson 64Simulator 模拟装置, 仿真装置Terrain 地区, 地带Planar 平面的marketable销售closed-loop process闭环过程Factory automation工厂自动化central data base中央数据库computer-aided designcomputer-aided manufacturingcomputer-aided product design计算机辅助产品设计computer-aided analysis计算机辅助分析computer-aided drafting,计算机辅助绘图design sensitivity analysis设计敏感性分析Optimization最佳化,优化model simulator模型模拟器substitute替代laboratory or field test实验室或现场测试manufacturability生产能力on-line control在线控制simulate模拟Prototype原型repetitive重复electrical and electronic circuits电气和电子电路algorithm算法finite-element 有限元computational technique计算技术multi- body mechanical system多体机械系统formulating the equation制定公式numerical method数值方法special-purpose program专用程序general- purpose program通用程序rigidly structure刚性结构flexibility灵活性planar motion平面运动four-bar linkage四连杆机构spatial motion空间运动rough terrain崎岖的地形Connectivity连通性,连接性force element力单元governing equation控制方程coordinate协调nonlinearity 非线性Lesson 71 Industrial robot 工业机器人Printed circuit boards印刷电路板Shutdown停工,关闭robot installation机器人安装single- purpose machines单一用途的机器International Organization for Standardization (ISO)国际标准化组织(ISO)reprogrammable可重复编程multipurpose manipulator多功能机械手Robot Institute of America(RIA)美国机器人协会(RIA)Japan Industrial Robot Association(JIRA)日本工业机器人协会(JIRA)British Robot Association (BRA)英国机器人协会(BRA)reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator可重新编程的多功能机械手multifunctional多功能multifunctional多功能end-effector末端执行器articulated arm 关节臂articulated 关节式的,铰链的U. S. Atomic Energy Commission美国原子能委员会Unsophisticated不复杂的materials handling machine材料搬运机General Motors Corporation通用汽车公司die casting machine压铸机die casting 压力铸造,压铸Gripper手爪degrees of freedom (DOF)自由度(DOF)Unimation万能自动化公司jointed-spherical robot关节式球面机器人welding, painting焊装,涂装inspection检查fully automated production line全自动生产线vehicle chassis汽车底盘conveyor输送带Assemble组装a sequence of一序列的Mass-produced printed circuit boards (PCBs)大规模生产的印刷电路板(PCB)pick-and-place robot拾取和放置机器人surpassing 超越reliability可靠性inflation of wages通货膨胀的工资imperative势在必行,必要的Parting分离的,离别的robot cells机器人单元danger zone危险区marked off关闭标记precaution预防措施shutdown system 停车系统Setting位置,安装,环境翻译Lesson2Considerable attention is given to the action of centrifugal force in grinding wheels. That is, the bonding agent that holds the abrasive particles on the wheel must be stronger than the forces which tend to make the revolving wheel fly apart at high speeds. For this reason, the speed of a grinding wheel should not exceed the safe surface speed limit specified by the manufacturer. Centrifugal force increases with speed.对磨削用的砂轮来讲离心力的影响要特别给以关注。



研究生入学考试英语核心词汇王长喜abando n abide "bno rmal abolish abreast absorb absorption abuse accelerateaccept acceptable access accessible accessory accommodate accommodation accomplish accomplishment according to accordingly account accumulate accuse achievable achieve achievement acknowledge acquai nted acquire acquisition act action activate activity actual acute adapt adaptable add addict additional adequate adjust adjustment administer admiration admire admit adopt adva ntage advantageous advisable advise advocate affect affectionate affirm afford against aggressive agree ahead aid alike all elsealloy allia nee allowance almost along alter alteratio n alternate alternativealtitude amaze ambient ambiguous ambition ambitious amend among amo unt amplify amuse announcement annual answer an swerable anticipate anxious applaud apparent appeal appearance applicable apply appoint appreciate appropriate arbitrary arise around arouse arrange arrive asascend ashamed aside ask assemble assembly assent assess assessme nf assignment assign assist assistance associate assume assumption assurance assure attach attain attainable attempt attend attitude attract attribute attribution avail available average avoid aware awareness awkward base bear before behalf behavebelief ben eath ben eficial beside betray bewilder beyond bind bitbitterness blame blank blench blend blunder blunt book bored bottom bound break breed bright brilliant bring budget build bump buy bycabinet canal candidate capability capacity capsule careercareful carry catch cause cease certain challenge chance change channel character characteristic charge chargeable chase check chemical circle circuit circulate circus claim clap clash classification classify clean clear climate cluster coarse coincide coincidence collaborate collide collisio n colorful combat comfort comfortable command commence comment commission commit common commonplace communicate compact compactness companion comparative compatible compel compensate compe nsatio n compete competitive complaint complement complete compliment comply comprehension comprehensive compresscompromise compulsory conceal concede conceive concentrate concerned concise con dense condition conduce cond uct cond ucto「conference confer confess confidential confine con firm conflict confbmi confront confuse conjunction connect connection conn otation conscie ntious con scious ness consent conservation conservative con siderable considerate consideration consider con sistent conspicuous constant constituent constitute constrain consumption contact contain contaminate contemplate content continual continuous contract contrary contribute contributor control controllable conv enie nee conve nient conv entio n conv entio nal conv erge convertconvey conviction conv ince con vin cingly cooperate coordinate cope copycord correct correlatio n corresp ond corresponde nee cost counsel count courageous course cover crash credible credit critical crowd crude cruise crush cultivate cure curiosity curious currency curre nt customary cycle damage danger deal debate debt deceive dece nt decide decisi on decisive declare decli ne decorate decrease dedicate deduce deduct defeat defect define definite degrade degree delay delete deliberate delicate deliver demanddem on strate dense dens 让y deny depend depende nee depose deposit depress deprive depth derive descend descent describe desert deserve design designate desirable desire despite destruction detach detail detain determine determinedly develope deviate device devote diagnose dictate different differ difficult difficulty diffuse digest dilemma dim dimension diminishdirect directly disable disagree disappoi nt disaster disastrous discard discer n disclose disclosure discourse discover discovery discriminate discuss disgust dislike dismiss disorder dispe nsable disperse displace displacement display displease disposal dispose disregard distinctive distinct distort distract disturb diversion divert dominant d ominate doubtful down drag dramaticdraw drive drop due dull dumb duplicate duri ng duty dwell ear n economy edge effect effective efficiency efficient effort elaborate elega nt element elevate elicit eliminate embark embarrass embrace emergency emerge emerge emotion emphasize emphatically employ enableencounter encourage encouragement endeavor endu「e enemy energetic enforce en forcement eng age enha nee enjoyment enlarge en lighten en omious enough ensure entertain ment en title entrust envir onment equal equivalent erect error essential establishment estimate evaluation eventually evil evoke exact exaggerate examination exceed exceedingly exception excess excessive exchange excite exclude exclusion exclusive exclusively excursion excuse execute execution exhaust exhaustive exhibit exhibition expand expansion expansive expect expectation expedition expend expense expensive expire explain explanation exploit explore explosion expose exposure express extend extension extensive extent extinet extraordinary extravagant extreme face factual fade failure faint faith fake familiarity famous fantastic fantasy fast fasten fatal fatigue faultfavor favorite feature feeble feeling fetch fiction field fight figure filefill final finally finance find fit fix flare flash flat flaw flexible float fluctuate flung follow for for all forbidden force forceful foremostform formal formation formerly found fraction fragment free frequent friction friendship from fruitful fuel fulfil fulfillment function fundamental furnish further gain game gap garage gauge gaze gear general gen eralize gen erate gentle genuine give glance glaregleam glide glimpse glitter gloomy glow good gracious grade gradual grant grasp grateful gratitude grief grinding grip grope ground grounding grown guarantee guard guide guilt guilty habit hamper hand hang hard hardly harm harmoniously harmony harsh hasty hazardous heal healthy heat heaveheavily heighten high highly hinder historic hit hoist hold home homoge neous hospitality hostile humble hurl hurry ideal identical identifyjacket jail jam jargonignite ignore illuminate illustrate imaginable imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imitate immense impact impartial implement imply important impose impress impression impressive improve impulse impu 「让 y in accessible in adequate incapable incen tive incidentally incline include in crease incredible incurable in decisive independe nt indicate indifferent individual induce inevitable infer inferior infinite influence influentialinform ingenious ingredient inhabite in herent inherit initial initiate injure injury inner inquire insert inside insight insist inspect inspiration in spire install instant insta ntaneous in stinct instruct integral integrate integrityjealous jet jewelry jog jok journal journey journey judge jumpjunction junior just justice justify keen keep kick kindnap kindness kingdom kiss kneel kn 让 knock knot known labellack landscape large largely last late lately later latitude latter layout lead leaflet leak leaking legal legislation length lessen level liability liberal lie likely limit lin ear lin ger link literally literary locate location look loose loyalty luxury magazi ne magnificent magnify magnitudemaintain manageable manage manifest manifestation manipulate manufacture mark massive master match material matter meani ng measure measurable mechanical mechanize medium memorize mend mentality merciful mercy mere merge mess mild mind miniature minimization minimize minimum minor minority minute miserable misfortu ne miss mistake mobile moderate moder nize modification modify module moment monitor mon strous mood morality motion motivation motive moveable multiply multitude naive name nasty n early necessary n ecessity neglect network normal no rmalizenot to speak no table note notice notify notion no torious no velty nuisa nee number numerous obey objective obligatio n oblige obscure observation observe obstacle obstinate obtain occasi onal occasion occupation occupyoffensive offer omit on operative opp on ent opportunity oppose option optional orbit order ordinary orientation original originate organic om ament outbreak outside outsta nding outwardly over overlook overrun overwhelm overwhelming owe pace pack pad pain pale panic parade paradox partparticipant particular partner passion pastime pate nt path pathetic patience patriotic patrol pattern pay payment peer penalty pen etrate penetration perceivable perfect performance performer periodic permanent permeate permission perplex persist persist in persistence persistent persistently pers on ality perspective persuade persuasion persuasive perti nent pick picture pile pilot pipe pitch place plain plan play pleasure plentiful plung plunge pointpollute popular porch portray position possess possibility potential pour power powerful practical practically practice precede precious precise preclude predict predominant prefer preferable prefere nee preliminary premise preoccupy prescribe prescriptio n prese nt presentationpresently preservation preserve preside prestige presumably presumption prevalent prevent in telligence intens e in tensify infensity inte nsive intention interest interfere interference interio r internal interpret interval intervene intimate into intricate intuition invariably investigate involve irregularity irritate issueintentio nal interact interrupt intersect inv alid invalidityprevious price primitive principal principle print priority privilege probable probe procedure proceed process procession proclaim productive profession proficie ncy proficient profound program progress prohibit prolong promine nt promote prompt property proportion proporti onal propose proposition prospect prosperity prosperous protective protest provide provision publication pull pun ctual punish pure purpose pursue push put puzzle qualify qua ntity quest question quick quiet quit quite quote rack radiant rainbow raiserange rank rapid rare rarity rate ratio rationalreach react reaction ready real really reason reasonable recall receipt receive recent recipe recite reck on reclaim recognition recognize recollectreconcile record recover recoverable recreate recreation rectify recur reduce reflectio n reflective reflect refrain refresh refresh me nt refusal refuse regard regime register regular regulate regulation reinforce rejectio n reject relate relatio n relative release reliance relieve relucta nt remark remarkable remedy remember remind remove render renew renovate repel reproach reputation request require requireme nt research reservatio n reserve reside resign resist resista nee resolve resort resources respect respectable respectful respective resp ond response responsible rest restore restrain restrict restricti on result resume resumption retain retort retreat reveal revelation revenge revenue reverse revise revision revive revolt revolve rewarding rewrite rhythmribbon right rightness rigid ripe rise risk rival robust ness room rope rough 「ound route rude ruin rule rush sale satisfaction satisfactory sayscale scandal sea n scant scarce scarcity scatter see ne schedule scheme scold scope scrape scratch scruti nize secretive secure see seek segment segmental seize selection sense sensible sensitive sentimental separate sequence serious session settle settlement severe shaft shameful shape sharp shear sheer sheet shelter shield shine shock shortage shoulder show shrink shuttle sight signal sign ificant signify sign silent simplifysimulta neous since sink site situate situatio n sketch slack slender slid smash smooth solemn solidity solution sophisticated sorrow sorry sound spacious span sparkspeak special specification speculation speechless spoilsponsor spon taneous spot spread spur squeeze stability stable stack stain stake stand stan dardize star startling state static stationary stay steady steer step stick still stimulatestimulation sting stir stock straight strap strength strengthen stretch strict strike string strong stuff stumble style subject submerge submit subordi nate subscription subsequent subside subsidiary substance substa ntial substitute substitutio n subtle subtract succeed successi on successive such sudde n sufficie ncy sufficient suggest suit sum super superficial superior superiority supply suppose sure surplus surre nder suspicion suspicious sustain sway sweep swift swing switch symbol sympathy symposium system systematic tackle take talk tame team tear tedious tell temper temperament temperature temporary tempt tend tendency tense tentative term terminate testify theme thin thing thoroughthoughtful thread threat threshold throughout tie tight timely tire tiresome tolerable tolerate tone toss total touch tough tow towards trace track transactio n transfer transform tran sformatio n transitio n transmission tran smit transport transportati on trap treat tremendous trial trick trip trivial troubletrue trust truthfulness tube tumble tune turn una nimous uncertain un der underestimate undergoundermine unexpected undertake unfortunate uniform unique unk nown un pleasa nt unpredictable unquestionable unreasonable unusual up upright upset urgency urgent use up usual usually utilization vacant vain valid validity valuable value vanish variatio n variety vary vast venture verify versatile vibrate view vigorous violate violent virtual virtue vision vital vivid voice void volume voyage vulgar wait warehouse warm watch wave way weak weather welcome well well-known went off went over whoever wholesome whomever will willing win witch withdraw word work worry worship worth worthwhile worthy wrap wreck write wrong yet yield (2001-9-10)。



全国硕士研究生招生考试英语单词The National Entrance Examination for Master's Degree in China, also known as the postgraduate entrance examination, is a crucial examination for those who wish to pursue a master's degree. The English vocabulary section of the examination plays a significant role in assessing the candidates' English language proficiency. In this article, we will explore some essential English words that frequently appear in the National Entrance Examination for Master's Degree.1. Comprehend。

The ability to comprehend is vital for success in the examination. Candidates should have a thorough understanding of the meaning and usage of various English words. It is essential to comprehend the nuances and context in which these words are used.2. Synonym。

In the examination, candidates may encounter questions that require them to find synonyms for given words. It is crucial to have a wide range of vocabulary and be able to identify words with similar meanings. Building a strong foundation of synonyms will help candidates tackle such questions effectively.3. Antonym。



考研英语词频表Postgraduate Exam English Vocabulary Frequency ListThe postgraduate exam, often referred to as the "gaokao" in China, is a crucial milestone in the academic journey of many aspiring students. As a key component of this high-stakes examination, the English language section plays a significant role in determining the final outcome. One of the most important tools for students preparing for the postgraduate exam English section is the vocabulary frequency list.The postgraduate exam English vocabulary frequency list is a comprehensive compilation of the most commonly used words and phrases that appear in the exam. This list serves as a valuable resource for students as they strive to expand their English proficiency and enhance their performance on the exam.The importance of the vocabulary frequency list cannot be overstated. The postgraduate exam English section is designed to assess a candidate's ability to comprehend and utilize the English language in various contexts. By focusing on the most frequently occurring words and phrases, students can optimize their studyefforts and increase their chances of success on the exam.One of the primary advantages of the vocabulary frequency list is its ability to guide students in their vocabulary acquisition process. Rather than attempting to memorize a vast and overwhelming array of words, students can strategically prioritize their learning based on the frequency of occurrence of each term. This targeted approach ensures that students devote their time and energy to the most essential vocabulary, which is more likely to appear in the exam.Moreover, the vocabulary frequency list provides valuable insights into the thematic areas and subject matter that are commonly covered in the postgraduate exam English section. By familiarizing themselves with the vocabulary associated with these topics, students can develop a deeper understanding of the language and enhance their overall performance on the exam.In addition to the direct benefits of the vocabulary frequency list, its use also fosters the development of crucial language skills. As students engage with the list and commit the words and phrases to memory, they simultaneously improve their reading comprehension, writing proficiency, and overall linguistic competence. This well-rounded approach not only benefits their performance on the postgraduate exam but also serves them well in their future academic and professional endeavors.It is important to note that the vocabulary frequency list is not a static resource. The exam itself and the language demands it places on candidates are subject to periodic updates and revisions. Therefore, students preparing for the postgraduate exam must stay informed about the latest changes and adjustments to the vocabulary frequency list to ensure that their study efforts remain aligned with the current expectations of the exam.In conclusion, the postgraduate exam English vocabulary frequency list is a vital tool for students seeking to excel in the English language section of the postgraduate exam. By leveraging this resource, students can strategically focus their study efforts, enhance their overall English proficiency, and increase their chances of achieving their academic aspirations. As the exam continues to evolve, the importance of the vocabulary frequency list will only become more pronounced, making it an indispensable component of any successful postgraduate exam preparation strategy.。



合工大研究生英语作文As a graduate student at Hefei University of Technology, I have always believed in the importance of academic integrity and honesty. In my opinion, these principles are crucial for the development of a respectful and trustworthy scientific community.Academic integrity involves acknowledging the ideas and research of others while also presenting our own work honestly. It is a practice that demands honesty, truthfulness, and the proper use of citations. Without these principles, the credibility of our academic work would be compromised, as plagiarism and intellectual theft would become prevalent.In addition to avoiding plagiarized content, academic integrity also requires us to ensure that our own work is original and authentic. As researchers, we must strive to present our findings in an honest and transparent manner, acknowledging any limitations or biases that may exist. By doing so, we contribute to the advancement of knowledge and avoid misleading or false claims.Proper citation and referencing are crucial aspects of academic integrity. By acknowledging the work of others, we demonstrate respect for their contributions to the field and avoid any appearance of plagiarism. This also enables readers to access the original sources and evaluate the credibility of our work. Furthermore, academic integrity extends beyond writing and research. It encompasses all forms of academic activities, such as examinations and group projects. Cheating or dishonest behavior during exams not only undermines the credibility of ourqualifications but also violates the trust placed in us by our instructors and peers. Similarly, in group projects, we must ensure fair and equal participation, respecting the ideas and input of each team member.In conclusion, academic integrity is the foundation upon which our research and academic pursuits are built. It ensures that our work is honest, transparent, and respectful of the contributions of others. Upholding these principles not only benefits our personal growth but also contributes to the overall development and credibility of the scientific community.。



Unit OneIII. VocabularyA.1. came up with2. The chances are3. fell flat4. bestowed upon5. downright6. put your mind7. appalled8. verdict9. poise 10. blurted outB.1. inarticulate2.insults3. inept4. glowingly5. execrable6. enhance7.invite8. sickly9. adroit 10. charmingC.1. A2.C3.C4.B5.A6.C7.D8.A9.C 10.AIV. Cloze1. hesitant 6. external 11. Given 16. achieved2. playing 7. lurking 12. for 17. equal3. contributes 8. whose 13. perspective 18. based4. or 9. because 14. drawback 19. enters5. confidence 10. withhold 15. competition 20. enhancingV. TranslationA.我想了片刻,觉得世界上讲西班牙语的人最善于辞令,也许可以从他们身上学到点什么。





Eliza. W. Farrar,写过一本美国最早的关于礼仪方面的书。





(完整版)研究生英语综合教程下unit1-5单词unit1Adversity aftermath alleyway altruism anodyneaspireblissbona fide bromidedazed encompass excruciating gratifying hallucinate harrowing ineffablelegacymind-blowing neurological nostalgiaordeal paramount province preoccupied refrain rheumatoid arthritis shrivelsteroidtranquiltrauma traumatic tribulation ultramarathoner vomitwimpbe on the rocks cancel outcome to terms with for the betterin line within the wake of sth keep...in check unit2 choreograph commentator commercialize concession dedication dismantle engrossedethicextrinsic flawlesshypepersona quadruple stakesbe grounded in sth get/be taken in take a back seat to unit3 abstruseasylum auditorium bookish cerebral chambermaidcontrivance dagger disintegrate double-decker eavesdrop fetching flummoxfretfulgargleglottal stop hallucinogenic itineraryladenlaw-abiding lemminglunatic asylum materialistic unmaterialistic passionatepickax pictogram porcupineporequellrelentless relentlessly rodent rudimentary sleekthicket usherette windmillget the hang of sth let sb. in on sth out of this world pore overwork a treat word gets around unit4 anecdote auditorybooncircuitry conduit consortium curtaildecoder disengageddulyetchfidgety footnoteforagegodsend hyperlink ideogram longishneuralpithyremapstaccatotelltaletersethicket threadtinkerthreadtinkervoraciouswaywardas likely as notbe/get caught up in sth bring onchip away at elaborate on immerse oneself in liken onnot to mention scuba diversea changetake tozip through/past/alongunit 5abyss alpenstock alpine bondage concoct crafty craftiness crumbling cunning desolate egotistical extremity glacier gruffgrufflyhaze incompatible incompatibility jaggedledge precipice precipitous premonition proprietor quaver quaveringly sanesevershred shrubbery shudderskirtslitstunted toilsometremor uncompromising verandahvice versaat all hazards cling todwell ongive a start stoop to under one’s breath。


们将提供学习支持和个性化辅导服务。学生可 以通过预约和在线平台与教师进行交流和讨论。
通过多听多说的方式,提高英语口语和听力能 力。
经常进行写作练习,培养英文写作思维和表达 能力。
定期阅读英文学术资料,扩大词汇量和阅读理 解能力。
精选的英语教材和参考资料,以 满足学生的学习需求。
授权的英语学习软件,帮助学生 自主学习和巩固课堂知识。
丰富的在线学习资源,包括听力 材料、阅读资料和学术写作指南。
课程中将进行多种形式的学习评估,包括考试、听力测试、口语演讲和写作 作业,以确保学生的学习效果和个人进步。
2 加强阅读和写作技巧
3 拓展专业词汇和语法知识
欢迎来到合工大研究生英语课件!本课程旨在帮助研究生提高英语水平,拓 宽国际视野,为未来的学术和职业发展打下坚实基础。
本部分将详细介绍合工大研究生英语课件的目标、内容以及课程特点。通过课程介绍,您将了解到本课程的重 要性及对您的学术和职业生涯的帮助。



Dear Sir or Madam:(硕士申请信)I am a Chinese student due to graduate this year with a B. E./ M.E. from the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation of Hefei University of Technology. I would like to apply for acceptance into your graduate/doctor program, (I’d like to pursue PHD degree in the Centre for Nondestructive Evaluation of your university )so that I can further my training in my chosen field of studies—Nondestructive Testing. My plan is to start my course next term. Although I intended to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international student. Furthermore, I am writing to ask for a package of your application documents. Your timely assistance will be highly appreciated.I was born in 1993. My education began in 1998, and in 2010 I gained acceptance into the Hefei University of Technology. In the four years since, I have been receiving systematic and comprehensive training in various software and expertise, such as CAD、C Language、MATLAB, etc.In the fall of 2014, I was accepted as a Master degree candidate by the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation of Hefei University of Technology. My research field is Nondestructive Testing. I have published 2 research papers concerning this research field in two important journals in the field of Science. I am looking forward to receiving your application package.I now would very much like to expand the horizon and insights that my education so far has endowed in me. Towards that end, I have checked around for a good university to go to. Judging by all that I know, I think your university suits my purpose the best. It should be a great privilege for me if I could join your graduate program to advance my training. Please send me an application package and all other materials I might need to apply for acceptance.Yours Sincerely,NAMEDear Sir or Madam:(求职信一)I would like to apply for the post of service technician, which you advertised in China Daily on May 6, 2011. This position seems to fit me very well with my education, experience, and career interest.I attended Hefei University of Technology from 2004 to 2008, and graduated with a B.E. in Electrical Engineering. After graduation, I worked in severalcompanies as a mechanical engineer, a service engineer, and a quality-control engineer. For more details about my experience and qualifications, you can consult the resume which I have enclosed with this letter.I can be reached at 1310022233 during the daytime. I am available for an interview anytime this week. If you need any references I am ready to provide them.Yours Sincerely,NAMEDear XX:(学术交流年会嘉宾邀请信)The School of Electrical Engineering and Automation of Hefei University of Technology would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the annual Graduate Academic Exchange which will last two weeks to be held at the meeting room at eight o’clock, Saturday morning, December 21, 2014. And we can talk about the development direction of Nondestructive Testing after the meeting.As you know, people all around the world want to develop the Nondestructive Testing technology, of course, the Hefei University of Technology don’t want to fall behind. Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us. In addition, it is an emerging industry about nondestructive evaluation, and we are also trying our best to find the most effective configuration of the capacitive sensor for materials evaluation. However, you don’t need to worry about the cost of the visit. All arrangements for your stay will be made by us at our expense. We are eagerly waiting for your arrival.You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.Yours sincerely,NAMEDear XX: 回信Thank you very much for the invitation to the annual Graduate Academic Exchange which will be held at your meeting room at eight o’clock, Saturday morning, December 21, 20014.①I am very pleased to share my latest views on the new fuel internal combustion engine technology at the seminar and also hope to listen to the voices of colleagues in the field. I will be arriving in Beijing on December 19.I look forward to meeting you in Beijing.②Unfortunately, I have to give lectures to my students at Boston University from December 1 to January 15 according to the teaching schedule. I am really sorry for being unable to attend the seminar.I wish the seminar a great success.Yours sincerely,NAMEDear XX:(产品发布会嘉宾邀请信)Our new factory in Hefei will be commencing production on June1 and we should like to invite you to be present at the opening ceremony to mark this occasion.This is an important milestone for our company, and is the result of continued demand for our products both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those important individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting the invitation.Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time-we can arrange for you to be met.All arrangements for your stay (overnight on June 1) will, of course, be made by us at our expense.Yours sincerely,NAMEDear Mr. Smith:(出国留学推荐信)This is in response to your recent request for a letter of recommendation for TR. A professor in School of Electrical Engineering and Automation in Hefei University of Technology, It gives me immense pleasure in recommending. Miss. Tang, for the graduate project in Electrical Engineering at your university, I have known her since her thesis advisor and mentor,In my experience she is a gifted and diligent student and an admirably hard worker. Miss. Tang and I have often talked about a variety of problems on testing. During these discussions,I always found her to be delightfully intelligent. Not only does she quickly understand the concepts and problems present to her. She is able to analyze these problems present solutions. But perhaps most important is that Tang’s thinking is intensely、rigorous. When looking at any question, she carefully scrutinizes it and if she finds any uncertainissues she clears them up immediately.I believe this kind of thought is essential to become an excellent electrical engineer. Serving as her thesis advisor I had a first-hand opportunity to observe the way in which Tang’s mind works. In her senior thesis Tang mainly discussed design and application of planar capacitive sensor array. Working on this difficult project not only optimizes the structure of the sensor, but also improves the ability of the sensor for material evaluation. Her diligence and hard work made me extremely proud of her.As per her performance records, she can be placed in the top 5% of a class of 55 students in my subject and is placed on the overall in the top 10%. She is intelligent inquisitive and yearns to gain in-depth knowledge. With her determination and hard work, I have no doubt that she will succeed in all her endeavors.Miss. Tang is an intelligent motivated and industrious individual. Teaching and advising her has been a delightful pleasure. I know that if given the chance to study abroad in America she will arm herself to become a great engineer she dreams of being. She has the intelligence and background to achieve these goals---now all she needs the opportunity. I ask that you look up on her application favorably and grant her a chance to study in your university.Yours sincerely,NAMEDear Sir or Madam:(工作推荐信)I’m wring to you to recommend one of my best friends, TR, for this post. With her outstanding leadership and cheerful personality, she was elected chairperson of the Student Union of HFUT.Busy as she was, she completed her major, Electrical Engineering, with an outstanding school record. Upon graduation, she worked in several companies as a mechanical engineer, a service engineer, and a quality-control engineer. What’s more, she loves her job and has a cheer personality. This has won her great popularity among her team.Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend her as an ideal candidate for the post you advertised. I am sure you will make a wise decision in hiring her. Yours Sincerely,NAMEDear Mr. Smith: (工作推荐信)This is in response to your recent request for a letter of recommendation for Belinda Miller who worked for me up until two years ago.Belinda Miller worked under my direct supervision at Johnson Technologies for a period of six years ending in October 2003. During that period, I had the great pleasure of seeing her blossom from a junior marketing trainee at the beginning, into a fully functioning Marketing Program Coordinator, in her final two years with the company. That was the last position she held before moving on to a better career opportunity elsewhere.Ms. Miller is a hard-working self-starter who invariably understands exactly what a project is all about from the outset, and how to get it done quickly and effectively. During her two years in the Marketing Coordinator position, I can not remember an instance in which she missed a major deadline. She often brought projects in below budget, and a few were even completed ahead of schedule.Ms. Miller is a resourceful, creative, and solution-oriented person who was frequently able to come up with new and innovative approaches to her assigned projects. She functioned well as a team leader when required, and she also worked effectively as a team member under the direction of other team leaders.On the interpersonal side, Ms. Miller has superior writing and verbal communication skills. She gets along extremely well with staff under her supervision, as well as colleagues at her own level. She is highly respected, as both a person and a professional, by colleagues, employees, suppliers, and customers alike.Two years ago, when Ms. Miller announced her resignation to take up a new position with a large company, we were saddened to see her leave, althoughwe wished her the greatest success in her new undertaking. Even now, two years after her departure, I can state that her presence, both as a person and as an exemplary employee, is still missed here.In closing, as detailed above, based on my experience working with her, I can unreservedly recommend Belinda Miller to you for any intermediate or senior marketing position. If you would like further elaborate, please feel free to call me at (416) 765-4497.Yours Sincerely,NAME吸引大量观众的体育运动为人们观赏青春的活力、速度和力量提供了一个窗口。


uneducated and inarticulate, and was surprised that anyone should ask her opinion. 4. bestow sth. upon (on) sb. — present sth. as a gift to sb. Examples: He doesn’t deserve the praise that has been bestowed upon him. The new ruler took his enemies’ property and bestowed it upon his followers.
problems as they are not quite experienced. Even Mr. Smith, who is noted for his
inexhaustible patience, could not cope with this difficult student. 2. blurt out — say (sth.) suddenly or without thinking of the effect or result Examples: Peter was so excited that he blurted the news out before we could stop him. Kids are known for blurting something important out at unusual times.
Words & Expressions
3. inarticulate adj. — unable to express oneself clearly and fluently



研究生英语词汇量Research on Graduate-Level English VocabularyThe acquisition and development of a robust vocabulary is a crucial aspect of language learning, particularly for graduate students who are expected to engage with complex academic and professional discourse. As individuals progress through their educational journey, the demands placed on their linguistic abilities become increasingly sophisticated, requiring a deep understanding and command of specialized terminology and conceptual frameworks. This paper aims to explore the significance of graduate-level English vocabulary and the strategies that can be employed to enhance its development.One of the primary challenges faced by graduate students is the sheer volume of new vocabulary they are required to master. Academic disciplines often have their own specialized lexicons, which can be daunting for students to navigate. This is particularly true in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and medicine, where technical jargon and complex terminology are ubiquitous. Graduate students must not only familiarize themselves with these specialized terms but also learn to use them effectively in their written and oral communication.Moreover, the depth of understanding required at the graduate level goes beyond the mere memorization of vocabulary. Students must be able to comprehend the nuanced meanings, contextual applications, and subtle connotations of words and phrases. This level of linguistic sophistication is essential for engaging in scholarly discourse, conducting research, and producing high-quality academic work.To address the challenge of graduate-level vocabulary development, a multifaceted approach is necessary. One key strategy is the systematic and intentional exposure to academic texts, journals, and other resources within the student's field of study. By immersing themselves in the language used in their discipline, students can gradually build their vocabulary and develop a deeper understanding of how specific terms are employed in context.Another effective approach is the utilization of mnemonic devices and memory techniques. These strategies can help students encode new vocabulary into their long-term memory, facilitating the retrieval and application of these words in their academic work. For example, the use of visual aids, word associations, or the creation of personal narratives can aid in the memorization and retention of complex terminology.Additionally, active engagement with vocabulary-building exercises, such as vocabulary quizzes, flashcards, or online language-learning platforms, can be highly beneficial. These activities not only reinforce the acquisition of new words but also encourage students to continuously expand and refine their lexical repertoire.Furthermore, the role of feedback and collaboration cannot be overlooked. Graduate students can benefit greatly from receiving constructive feedback from their instructors, peers, or writing tutors, who can identify areas for improvement and provide guidance on the appropriate usage of vocabulary. Collaborative learning environments, where students engage in discussions and peer-review exercises, can also contribute to the development of their vocabulary skills.It is also important to recognize that the development of graduate-level English vocabulary is an ongoing process that requires sustained effort and dedication. Consistent practice, exposure to academic materials, and a willingness to embrace new learning strategies are essential for graduate students to achieve mastery of the language required for their field of study.In conclusion, the acquisition of graduate-level English vocabulary is a crucial component of academic success for graduate students. By employing a multifaceted approach that includes systematicexposure to academic resources, the utilization of mnemonic devices, active engagement with vocabulary-building exercises, and collaborative learning, graduate students can enhance their linguistic abilities and effectively navigate the complex academic discourse that is expected at the graduate level.。

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Unit 1A1. About thirty years ago, scientists came up with the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles. put forward1,大约三十年前,科学家提出了理论:质子和中子都是由三个更小的粒子组成的。

想出了2. The chances are that they will be coming to your party, so you’d better get more food and drinks prepared. It is likely that2,他们很可能会来参加你的派对,所以你最好准备更多的食物和饮料。

机会是3. Rachel Carson spent the evening cracking jokes, but most of them fell flat because no one understood them. failed3,雷切尔·卡森讲了一晚上笑话,但大多反应平平,因为没人听得懂。

倒扁4. The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed upon to British civilians for acts of great bravery. presented4,乔治十字勋章是一个授予给有着巨大勇敢行为的英国平民的奖章。

在赋予5. The chief of the state police said the report about his human rights abuses was a package of downright lies. out-and-ou t5,国家警察局长说,关于他侵犯人权的报告是一系列不折不扣的谎言。

彻头彻尾6. I don’t think you’re incapable of accomplishing this task; if you put your mind to it. you can do it. direct all your thoughts and attention6,我不认为你无法完成这一任务;如果你全神贯注,你能行。

把你的心7. The citizens are so appalled by te enormity of the crime that they want the criminal brought to justice as quickly as possible. horrified7,公民对犯罪的严重性十分惊骇,他们希望罪犯尽快归案。

慑8. After deliberating for seven hours, the jury reached a majority verdict of 10 to 3 in favor of the defendant. decision8,审议了七个小时后,陪审团达到了有利于被告人的10比3的多数决定。

判决书9. When faced with a huge crowd of people in the hall, she looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained her poise. self-confidence and self-control9,当在大厅里面对一大群人时,她一下子显得有些尴尬,然后迅速恢复了镇静。

平衡10. Anna was amazed when one evening her next-door neighbor Gianni blurted out that he loved her deeply. said suddenly10,安娜惊讶,当有一天晚上她的隔壁邻居詹尼突然说,他深深地爱着她。

脱口而出B1. Believe it or not, Peter has emerged from being a hesitant and unsure candidate into a firm and fluent debater. inarticulate1,信不信由你。


口齿不清2. Miss Bingley asked us all what we thought of her new hairstyle, but she was really only trying to get compliments. insults2,彬格莱小姐问我们大家对她的新发型的所有想法,但她实际上只是为了得到赞美。

侮辱3. Chris is very apt at programming a computer, so he is the person qualified for the job. inept3,克里斯非常善于给计算机编程,所以他是能够胜任这项工作的人。

无能4. “Come to my office when you finish your work. I want to have a word with you. "she said coldly. glowingly4,“当你完成你的工作时来我的办公室。



畅谈5. Luckily. Sue is very efficient and does an excellent job as the director’s personal assistant. execrable5,幸运的是。


该咒骂的6. We don’t want to diminish your achievement, but you seem to have passed your exam without doing much work for it. enhance6,我们不打算削弱你的成就,但你似乎没花多少工夫就通过了你的考试吧。

提高7. The military government put tanks on the streets to discourage any protest against the arrest of the well-known political dissident. invite7,军政府把坦克开到街道上来阻止对著名反政府者的逮捕的任何抗议。

邀请8. She entered the room with a broad smile and announced that she had some good news for us. sickly8,她挂着一个灿烂的笑容进了房间,并宣布她为我们带来好消息。

体弱多病9. Bob has been learning driving for over a year, but unfortunately he is still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep. adroit9,鲍伯学习驾驶一年多了,但不幸的是,他在吉普车的方向盘后面时还是很笨拙。

机巧10. When I was doing my job in the office, a drunk man walked in, disgusting in his appearance and odor. charming10,当我在办公室里做我的工作时,一个喝醉了的男人走了进来,他的外表和气味恶心。

迷人C1. According to Alvin Toffler. the present lifetime is quite different from all others because of the stunning expansion of the scale and scope of change.1,根据托夫勒,目前使用寿命有所不同是因为变化的规模和范围的令人惊叹的扩大。

A. stunningB. vibratingC. entertainingD. emittingA.令人惊讶的B.振动C.娱乐D.发光2. The retired pop star denied rumors that he was planning to stage a comeback later this year.2,退休流行歌星否认他计划在今年晚些时候卷土重来的传闻。

A. rescueB. recoveryC. comebackD. reservationA.救援B.恢复C.复出D.预订3. At the meeting, the chairperson overlooked his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.3,在这次会议上,主席忽视他的无礼,并试图装作若无其事。

A. utteredB. riskedC. overlookedD. cultivatedA.一声B.冒着C.忽视D.培养4. Frank had never expected those few items would come to 2.000 dollars.4,弗兰克万万没想到那几个东西共计2.000美元。

A. come throughB. come toC. come outD. come aroundA.来B.共计C.出来D.来到我身边5. Yesterday Tom cut his finger, but he brushed it off as unimportant and kept working.5,昨天汤姆割破了手指,但他若无其事地把它拂去,继续工作。

A. brushed ... offB. brushed ... downC. brushed ... upD. brushed ... byA.刷...关闭B.刷...行C.刷...高达D.刷......通过6. My friend’s marriage didn’t come off; her fiance broke off the engagement at the last minute. 6,我的朋友的婚姻没有成功;她的未婚夫在最后一分钟取消订婚。

A. get offB. take offC. come offD. leave offA.下车B.起飞C.成功D.离开7. Though my brother had been away for over 15 years, he could still pick out different places in the city from the airplane.7,虽然我的哥哥已经离开了15年,他仍然可以从飞机上辨认出城市的不同的地方。
