



承包商管理指南英文Contractor management is a crucial aspect of any construction project. Effective contractor management ensures that the project runs smoothly, on time, and within budget. Therefore, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of contractor management guidelines and best practices.承包商管理是任何建筑项目中至关重要的一个方面。



One of the key aspects of effective contractor management is establishing clear expectations from the outset. This includes outlining the scope of work, deliverables, timelines, and quality standards. By clearly defining these expectations, both the project owner and the contractor can align on the project's goals and deliverables.有效承包商管理的关键方面之一是从一开始就确立清晰的期望。



Another important aspect of contractor management is the establishment of a robust communication channel. Open and transparent communication between the project owner and the contractor is essential for resolving issues, addressing concerns, and ensuring that the project stays on track. Regular progress meetings and updates can help facilitate this communication and maintain a collaborative working relationship.承包商管理的另一个重要方面是建立健全的沟通渠道。



承包商管理指南英语名称缩写Contractor Management Guideline (CMG)。

Contractor Management Guideline (CMG) is an essential tool for organizations that engage with contractors to ensure effective project delivery, quality outcomes, and compliance with legal and ethical standards. The purpose of the CMG is to provide a comprehensive framework for managing contractors throughout the entire lifecycle of a project, from selection and negotiation to execution and closeout.1. Contractor Selection and Qualification.The first step in contractor management is selecting qualified and reliable contractors. This involves conducting a thorough market research to identify potential candidates, evaluating their technical capabilities, financial stability, past performance, and compliance with legal and ethical standards. It is crucial to establishclear selection criteria and conduct a fair and transparent evaluation process to identify the most suitable contractor for the job.2. Contract Negotiation and Execution.Once a contractor is selected, the next step is to negotiate and execute a contract that outlines the specific terms and conditions of the engagement. This contract should clearly define the scope of work, deliverables, timeline, payment terms, and any penalties or incentivesfor non-performance. It is important to ensure that the contract is legally enforceable and protects the interests of both parties.3. Contractor Performance Monitoring.During the project lifecycle, it is crucial to monitor the performance of the contractor to ensure they are adhering to the terms of the contract and delivering the expected results. This involves regular progress reports, quality assurance checks, and site visits to ensurecompliance. If any issues or concerns arise, it is important to address them promptly and take corrective action to minimize any negative impact on the project.4. Risk Management.Contractor management also involves identifying and managing risks associated with the engagement. This includes assessing the financial stability of the contractor, monitoring changes in their business operations or legal status, and addressing any potential conflicts of interest. It is important to establish risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans to minimize the impact of any potential issues.5. Contract Closeout.Once the project is completed, it is essential to conduct a thorough contract closeout process to ensure all deliverables have been met and all financial obligations have been satisfied. This involves finalizing any outstanding invoices, conducting a final performanceevaluation, and releasing the contractor from any further obligations. It is important to maintain documentation ofthe entire contract lifecycle for future reference and auditing purposes.In conclusion, the Contractor Management Guideline (CMG) provides a comprehensive framework for managing contractors effectively throughout the entire lifecycle of a project.It emphasizes the importance of selecting qualified and reliable contractors, negotiating enforceable contracts, monitoring performance, managing risks, and conducting a thorough contract closeout process. By adhering to the principles outlined in the CMG, organizations can ensure successful project delivery, quality outcomes, and compliance with legal and ethical standards.。
















4.2 厂务课:制定承揽商管理相关规定,负责于承揽商施工前提出作业许可申请并告知承揽商工作环境、危害因素及要求采取适当的防护措施,施工时监督承揽商遵守本公司相关规定。




承包商管理指南英文简写English: Contractor management guide is a comprehensive document that outlines the procedures, protocols, and best practices for effectively managing contractors on a construction project. It covers everything from pre-qualification of contractors, contract negotiation, and project planning to monitoring performance, ensuring compliance with safety regulations, and resolving disputes. The guide helps project managers ensure that the contractors hired are qualified, reliable, and capable of completing the work to the required standards. It also provides guidance on establishing clear communication channels, setting expectations, and fostering a positive working relationship with contractors to promote a successful project outcome. By following the recommendations outlined in the contractor management guide, project managers can minimize risks, enhance project efficiency, and ultimately achieve project success.中文翻译: 承包商管理指南是一份全面的文件,概述了在建筑项目中有效管理承包商的程序、协议和最佳实践。



承包商业务流程管理制度1. 引言2. 职责和权限2.1 承包商的职责遵守公司相关政策、流程和规定准备和签署相关合同,并按照合同约定履行职责提供准确、完整的业务和执行报告协助公司进行业务审计和评估。

2.2 公司的职责提供清晰、明确的业务需求和合同条款监督承包商的业务执行和履约情况审核和支付承包商的相关费用和报酬对承包商进行绩效评估和考核。

2.3 承包商的权限按合同约定执行相关业务提示并要求公司提供必要的信息和资源向公司提出合理化建议和改进措施。

3. 业务流程管理3.1 合同签订3.1.1 提供清单和报价承包商根据公司提供的需求清单和规定的报价模板,提供准确、完整的清单和报价。

3.1.2 合同谈判和签订公司和承包商根据清单和报价进行谈判,并最终达成一致意见。


3.1.3 合同变更管理在合同执行过程中,如有必要进行合同变更,双方应按照变更管理流程进行变更申请、评估和审批,并及时更新合同内容。

3.2 业务执行3.2.1 业务准备和计划承包商应准备充分的资源和人员,制定详细的业务执行计划,并报送公司进行审核和批准。

3.2.2 业务执行和监控承包商按照业务计划执行相应工作,同时及时更新和上报业务执行情况,公司对业务执行情况进行监控和评估。

3.2.3 问题解决和风险管理在业务执行过程中,如遇到问题或风险,承包商应及时报告公司,并与公司进行协商解决措施。

3.3 业务报告与结算3.3.1 业务报告承包商应按照公司规定的频率和格式,向公司提交准确、完整的业务报告,包括但不限于进度报告、费用报告等。

3.3.2 业务结算公司根据承包商提交的业务报告,审查并对业务进行结算,确保合同约定的费用和报酬按时支付给承包商。

4. 监督和评估4.1 监督公司对承包商的业务执行情况进行定期监督,包括现场考察、业务检查、文件审计等。




Contractor Safety Program承包商安全管理程序January 2006标题资产管理-承包商安全管理程序章节01: 索引和控制文档主题01: 目录01.索引和文件控制01.01 目录01.02 表格索引01.03 维护和修订02 引言02.01 安全环境健康承诺02.02 目标和期望02.03 承包商风险削减计划02.04 承包商管理审核02.05 管理标准03 基于安全的行为BBS03.01 安全行为原理03.02 最小的安全预期03.03 持续的风险评估备忘录LMRA03.04 工作安全分析JSA03.05 计划工作观察PJO04 工作控制指南04.01 最小的需求和程序图04.02 项目准备04.02.01 项目危害辨识04.02.02 必须的文档(开、停工)04.02.03 工作方向04.02.04 一般的项目要求04.03 项目实施04.03.01 启动会议04.03.02 日和周安全会议04.03.03 日工作许可04.03.04 应急响应04.03.05 事件、故障/危害辨识报告04.03.06 失效根本原因分析04.04 深入管理04.04.01 项目安全评估05 持续改进和实施审核05.01 通信05.02 安全会议06 附录06.01 帝国石油安全环保政策06.02 近期失误/危害辨识报告06.03 基于行为的安全工具/表格06.03.01 承包商危害削减计划表格06.03.02 承包商管理程序审核表格06.03.03 工作标准表格06.03.04 持续的风险分析工具(停止观察卡)06.03.05 工作安全分析(空表)JSA06.03.06 工作分析日报更新表格JSA06.03.07 工作危害分析说明指南06.03.08 工作计划观察模板06.03.09 工作计划观察审核模板06.03.010 失效根本原因分析工具06.03.011 承包商安全作业评价表格06.03.012 工作安全分析索引和示例06.04 关键性规程06.04.01 高处作业1.5m以上(包括5英尺以下挖掘) 高处作业检查表06.04.02 受限空间(包括容器清洗) 受限空间检查表06.04.03 电力隔离(锁止、标记) 锁止、标记06.04.04 重物举(提)升(起重机、吊机、挖掘机) 吊车/移动装置举升重物指导06.04.04.2 关键举升工作检查表06.04.05 地下作业(打孔、钻孔、开挖) 地下作业检查表06.04.05.2 地下作业约定06.04.06 水平涵洞延伸大于1.2m的作业06.04.06.1 水平挖掘检查表06.04.07 危险场所的热作业06.05 承包商安全倾向和结束记录标题承包商安全管理程序章节01: 索引和控制文档主题02: 表格索引内容表格01.索引和文件控制01.01 目录无01.02 表格索引无01.03 维护和修订0103F01:修订控制0103F02:修订申请0103F03:修订通知02 引言02.01 安全环境健康承诺无02.02 目标和期望无02.03 承包商风险削减计划附录06.03.0102.04 承包商管理审核附录06.03.0202.05 管理标准附录06.03.0303 基于安全的行为BBS03.01 最小的安全预期无03.02 持续的风险评估备忘录LMRA 附录06.03.0403.03 工作安全分析JSA 附录06.03.05工作安全分析日更新表格JSA 附录06.03.06工作安全分析指南附录06.03.0703.04 计划工作观察PJO 附录06.03.0804 工作控制指南04.01 最小的需求和程序图无04.02 项目准备0402F01:许可证书CC0402F02:项目方案文档04.03 项目实施0403F01:开工会议0403F02:安全工作许可0403F03:周安全会议0403F04:关键控制关闭检查0403F05:应急联系及计划0403F06:事件报告0403F07:设施启用0403F08:关键举升指导0403F09:关键举升检查表附录:06.02:近期失误/危险报告表附录:06.04.01:高处作业检查表附录:06.04.02:进入受限空间检查表和救援计划附录:06.04.03:电力闭锁/标记附录:06.05.09:失效原因分析04.04 深入管理0404F02:安全评价-检查表/摘要05 持续改进和实施审核05.01 通信无05.02 安全会议无06 附录06.01 帝国石油健康安全方针政策06.02 近期失误/危害辨识报告06.03 基于行为的安全工具/表格06.03.01 承包商危害削减计划表格06.03.02 承包商管理程序审核表格06.03.03 工作标准表格06.03.04 持续的风险分析工具(停止观察卡)06.03.05 工作安全分析(空表)JSA06.03.06 工作分析日报更新表格JSA06.03.07 工作危害分析说明指南06.03.08 工作计划观察模板PJO06.03.09 工作计划观察审核模板06.03.010 失效根本原因分析工具06.03.011 承包商安全作业评价表格06.03.012 工作安全分析索引和示例06.04 关键性规程06.04.01)高处作业检查表06.04.02 受限空间检查表和救援表格06.04.03 电力隔离(锁止、标记)06.04.04 重物举(提)升(起重机、吊机、挖掘机) 吊车/移动装置举升重物指导06.04.04.2 关键举升工作检查表06.04.05 地下作业(打孔、钻孔、开挖)地下作业检查表06.04.06 水平涵洞延伸大于1.2m的作业水平挖掘检查表06.05 承包商安全倾向和结束记录标题资产管理-承包商安全管理程序章节01: 索引和控制文档主题03: 更新和修订目的和适用范围本节介绍了更新和修订“承包商安全管理程序”的内容– Asset Management (AM), January 2006相关文档0103F01: Revision Control Record修订控制记录0103F02: Revision Request Form修订申请表0103F03: Revision Notification修订通知程序管理机构承包商安全管理程序是由最高管理者签发、有效的和发布的。



承包商管理指南英文名称缩写Contractor Management Guidelines (CMG)。

Contractor Management Guidelines (CMG) serve as a comprehensive framework for organizations to effectively manage their contractors, ensuring optimal performance, compliance with regulations, and overall project success. The guidelines aim to provide a structured approach to contractor selection, evaluation, contract execution, monitoring, and termination, covering various aspects ofthe contractor lifecycle.1. Contractor Selection.The selection process begins with defining the project requirements and identifying the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience required from the contractor. This involves creating a clear and detailed scope of work, specifying the project's objectives, deadlines, andexpected outcomes. It's crucial to define the evaluationcriteria that will be used to assess the contractors, such as technical expertise, financial stability, past performance, and compliance with safety and quality standards.2. Evaluation and Shortlisting.Once the scope of work and evaluation criteria are defined, the organization can begin evaluating potential contractors. This involves collecting proposals, reviewing qualifications, and conducting interviews or discussions to assess the contractor's fit for the project. It's important to ensure a fair and transparent evaluation process, considering all relevant factors and avoiding any biases or conflicts of interest.3. Contract Negotiation and Execution.After shortlisting the preferred contractors, the next step is to negotiate and finalize the contract terms. This involves agreeing on the scope of work, timeline, cost, payment terms, warranties, and any other relevant clauses.It's crucial to ensure that the contract is clear, comprehensive, and legally binding, protecting theinterests of both the organization and the contractor.4. Contract Execution and Monitoring.During contract execution, it's essential to establish a systematic monitoring process to track the contractor's performance and ensure compliance with the contract terms. This involves regular progress reports, quality checks, and audits to verify that the work is being carried out as agreed. It's also important to maintain open communication channels to address any issues or concerns promptly.5. Contract Termination.At the end of the contract term, it's necessary to have a clear process for contract termination. This involves ensuring that all contractual obligations have been fulfilled, final payments have been made, and any necessary documentation or handover procedures have been completed.It's important to maintain a professional and amicablerelationship with the contractor even after contract termination, as they may be considered for future projects.6. Contractor Performance Evaluation.Feedback and performance evaluation are crucial for continuous improvement in contractor management. After a contract is completed, it's essential to conduct a thorough evaluation of the contractor's performance, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This information can be used to refine the selection and evaluation criteria for future projects, ensuring better contractor performance and overall project success.In conclusion, Contractor Management Guidelines provide a structured and systematic approach to managing contractors effectively. By defining clear processes for selection, evaluation, contract execution, monitoring, termination, and performance evaluation, organizations can ensure optimal contractor performance, compliance with regulations, and overall project success.。



承包商管理指南英文名缩写Contractor Management Guidelines (CMG)。

Contractor Management Guidelines (CMG) serve as a comprehensive framework for effective oversight and collaboration with contractors. These guidelines aim to ensure that contractors deliver high-quality services, adhere to agreed-upon terms, and maintain ethical standards throughout the duration of their engagement.1. Contract Negotiation and Formation.The negotiation and formation of contracts with contractors is crucial for establishing clear expectations and ensuring mutual understanding. Contracts should clearly specify the scope of work, timelines, cost estimates, payment terms, and any other relevant details. Both parties should have a thorough understanding of the contract's terms and conditions before signing.2. Quality Assurance and Control.Ensuring the quality of work delivered by contractors is paramount. Quality assurance and control mechanisms should be established to monitor the progress of work, identify any issues or deviations from agreed-upon standards, and take corrective measures promptly. Regular inspections and audits can help maintain quality throughout the project.3. Risk Management.Contractor management involves managing various risks associated with contractor performance. This includes risks related to safety, security, financial stability, and legal compliance. Effective risk management strategies should identify potential risks, assess their impact, and develop mitigation plans to minimize their occurrence and impact.4. Communication and Collaboration.Effective communication and collaboration are essentialfor successful contractor management. Regular meetings and updates should be scheduled to discuss progress, identify challenges, and share best practices. Open communication channels encourage transparency, trust, and mutual understanding between all parties involved.5. Performance Evaluation and Feedback.Regular performance evaluation and feedback are crucial for improving contractor performance. Evaluation criteria should be clearly defined and aligned with the contract's objectives. Feedback should be provided in a timely and constructive manner, focusing on areas for improvement and recognizing areas of excellence.6. Contract Termination and Closure.The termination and closure of contracts should be handled with care to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any potential disputes. Contracts should specify the terms and conditions for termination, including notice periods, final payments, and any other relevant details.Post-contract evaluation can provide valuable insights for future contract negotiations and contractor selection.In conclusion, Contractor Management Guidelines (CMG) provide a comprehensive framework for effective oversight and collaboration with contractors. By focusing on contract negotiation and formation, quality assurance and control, risk management, communication and collaboration, performance evaluation and feedback, and contract termination and closure, these guidelines aim to ensurethat contractors deliver high-quality services, adhere to agreed-upon terms, and maintain ethical standards throughout their engagement.。



承包商管理指南英文名缩写English: Contractor Management Guide. This guide provides essential information and best practices for effectively managing contractors on projects. It covers topics such as contractor selection, contract negotiation, performance monitoring, health and safety requirements, and dispute resolution. By following this guide, project managers can ensure that contractors are accountable, deliver quality work, adhere to project deadlines, and maintain a safe working environment. Effective contractor management is crucial for project success, as it helps minimize risks, increase efficiency, and maintain project budget and schedule.中文翻译: 承包商管理指南。







承包商、供应商管理制度Through the process agreement to achieve a unified action policy for different people, so as to coordinate action, reduce blindness, and make the work orderly.编制:___________________日期:___________________承包商、供应商管理制度温馨提示:该文件为本公司员工进行生产和各项管理工作共同的技术依据,通过对具体的工作环节进行规范、约束,以确保生产、管理活动的正常、有序、优质进行。


1、目的为规范承包商、供应商的选择程序, 加强承包商和供应商的安全管理, 减少承包商和供应商对公司安全生产的不利影响, 制定本规定。

2、适用范围本规定适用于在公司易燃易爆危险场所承担新建、扩建、技改、检修、维修、拆卸等工程项目及日常劳务工作的所有承包商, 为公司危险化学品生产装置提供原、辅料、备品、备件及其它物料的供应商的管理, 及本公司有关部门雇用的、临时工的安全管理。

3、职责3.1 安全科全面负责公司承包商、供应商的选定和管理工作。

4、管理规定4.1 承包商、供应商的选定4.2.1 合格承包商具备与所承担的业务相应的能力, 并具备国家规定的相关资质。

4.2.2合格供应商应具备与所提供商品相应的生产能力和相关资质, 提供商品为危险化学品的供应商应具备安全生产许可证或安全经营许可证。

4.2.3 公司有关部门聘用的临时工应是具备独立民事行为能力的自然人, 并具备与其承担的工作相适应的身体条件和文化素质。

4.2 承包商的管理4.2.1 承包商进入公司生产区前, 应由本公司具体负责的人员根据其承担的工作性质, 向其书面或口头说明进入本公司应注意的安全事项, 所承担工作持续时间两天或两天以上的, 应与公司签订书面安全协议。



承包商管理指南英文英文回答:Contractor Management Guide.Contractor management is a critical aspect of project management. Contractors can play a vital role in thesuccess of a project, but they can also pose risks if they are not managed effectively. This guide provides anoverview of the key steps involved in contractor management, from initial planning to project closeout.1. Planning.The first step in contractor management is to plan for the involvement of contractors. This includes identifyingthe scope of work that will be outsourced, developing a budget, and creating a timeline for the project. It is also important to develop a clear contract that outlines theroles and responsibilities of all parties involved.2. Selection.Once you have planned for the involvement of contractors, you need to select the right contractors for the job. This involves researching potential contractors, checking references, and conducting interviews. It is important to select contractors who have the experience, skills, and resources to complete the project successfully.3. Management.Once you have selected contractors, you need to manage them effectively. This involves setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and resolving issues that arise. It is also important to monitor the progress of the project and ensure that contractors are meeting their obligations.4. Closeout.Once the project is complete, you need to close out the contracts with the contractors. This involves paying thecontractors, completing all paperwork, and evaluating the performance of the contractors. It is also important to document any lessons learned for future projects.中文回答:承包商管理指南。



承包商管理指南英语缩写英文回答:As a contractor, managing a project can be challenging but rewarding. There are several key aspects to consider when it comes to contractor management, such as communication, organization, and problem-solving.First and foremost, communication is crucial in contractor management. It is important to establish clear lines of communication with both the client and the team members. This includes setting expectations, providing updates, and addressing any issues that may arise. For example, I always make sure to schedule regular meetings with the client to discuss progress and any changes in the project scope.Secondly, organization plays a big role in successful contractor management. This involves creating detailed project plans, setting deadlines, and allocating resourceseffectively. I find that using project management software can be extremely helpful in keeping everything on track. For instance, I use tools like Trello or Asana to create task lists and track progress.Lastly, problem-solving is a skill that every contractor must possess. There will inevitably be challenges and obstacles that arise during a project, andit is important to be able to think quickly and come up with solutions. For example, if there is a delay in material delivery, I always have backup suppliers lined up to ensure that the project stays on schedule.In conclusion, contractor management requires strong communication, organization, and problem-solving skills. By focusing on these key aspects, I am able to successfully manage projects and deliver results that exceed my clients' expectations.中文回答:作为一个承包商,管理项目可能会充满挑战,但也是值得的。



承包商管理流程讨论English Answer:Contractor Management Process.The contractor management process is a system used by organizations to manage the relationships with their contractors. It is a key part of the overall project management process and helps to ensure that contractors are meeting their contractual obligations and that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.The contractor management process typically involves the following steps:1. Contractor selection: The first step is to select the right contractor for the job. This involves evaluating potential contractors based on their experience, qualifications, and references.2. Contract negotiation: Once a contractor has been selected, the next step is to negotiate a contract. The contract should clearly define the scope of work, the timeline, the budget, and the payment terms.3. Contractor onboarding: Once the contract has been signed, the next step is to onboard the contractor. This involves providing the contractor with the necessary information and resources to get started on the project.4. Contractor performance monitoring: Once the contractor has started work, it is important to monitor their performance regularly. This involves tracking progress, identifying any potential issues, and taking corrective action as necessary.5. Contractor payment: Once the contractor has completed the work, the final step is to pay them. This involves verifying that the work has been completed to the required standards and issuing payment in accordance with the contract.The contractor management process is a complex and challenging one, but it is essential for ensuring that projects are completed successfully. By following the steps outlined above, organizations can help to mitigate risks, improve communication, and achieve their project goals.中文回答:承包商管理流程。



承包商管理流程讨论英文回答:Contractor Management Process.The contractor management process is a critical part of any construction project. It involves the selection, management, and oversight of contractors to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.The contractor management process typically includes the following steps:1. Contractor selection: This involves identifying and evaluating potential contractors based on their qualifications, experience, and track record.2. Contract negotiation: This involves negotiating the terms of the contract with the selected contractor,including the scope of work, the payment schedule, and the performance expectations.3. Project planning: This involves working with the contractor to develop a detailed project plan that outlines the project schedule, the resources required, and the key milestones.4. Project execution: This involves overseeing the contractor's work to ensure that it is being performed in accordance with the contract and the project plan.5. Project closeout: This involves completing the project, evaluating the contractor's performance, and finalizing the payment process.The contractor management process can be complex and challenging, but it is essential for ensuring the success of any construction project. By following a structured process and carefully managing the contractor relationship, project owners can increase the likelihood of achieving their project goals.中文回答:承包商管理流程。



承包商管理制度承包商管理制度1. 背景介绍1.1 本文档旨在规范和管理承包商的活动,确保项目的安全性、高质量和按时完成。

1.2 本制度适合于所有与本公司合作的承包商和供应商,在项目实施过程中应遵守本制度的规定。

2. 定义和缩略语2.1 承包商:指与本公司签订合同并负责承担项目一部份或者全部工程的合作火伴。

2.2 supplier:指为本公司提供物资和设备的供应商。

2.3 安全:指在项目实施过程中预防和管理事故、伤害和环境风险,确保所有参预方的健康和安全。

2.4 质量:指在项目实施过程中提供符合要求和规范的产品和服务。

2.5 项目经理:指负责项目管理和监督承包商活动的主要责任人。

3. 承包商选择和评估3.1 承包商选择应基于其资质、经验和信誉。

3.2 在选择承包商之前,应进行尽职调查和评估,包括但不限于资金实力、技术能力、项目经验和合规性。

3.3 定期对承包商进行绩效评估,评估内容包括工程质量、进度和安全管理等。

4. 合同管理4.1 承包商与本公司签订合同后,应遵守合同条款和条件的约定。

4.2 合同中应明确规定项目的工期、质量要求、安全措施和支付条款等内容。

4.3 在合同履行过程中,应进行合同变更的管理和控制,确保变更符合法律法规和合同约定。

5. 安全管理5.1 承包商应制定和执行安全管理计划,并遵守相关法律法规和安全标准。

5.2 定期进行安全检查和评估,及时发现和解决安全隐患。

5.3 承包商应提供员工的安全培训和教育,确保员工了解和遵守安全规章制度。

6. 质量管理6.1 承包商应建立和执行质量管理体系,确保产品和服务符合规范和要求。

6.2 承包商应制定质量控制计划,并按计划实施质量检查和测试。

6.3 定期对承包商的质量管理进行评估和审核,确保持续改进和符合要求。

7. 培训和培训7.1 承包商应提供适当的培训和培训计划,以提高员工技能和知识水平。

7.2 培训内容应包括安全培训、质量培训和项目管理培训等。

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2.适用范围:Application area
本制度适用于管理在中国 XX 工厂和项目中工作的并与 XX 有合同关系的所有承包商和分包 商。
This procedure applies to the management of contractors and sub-contractors working in Bunge China facilities.
编制本标准工作程序的目的是制订有效的承包商管理程序,确保仅由核准的合格承包商在 XX 现场工作。 The purpose of this procedure is to establish effective contractor management
process and make sure only approved and qualified contractor work at Bunge China facilities.
Independent company hired by Bunge (or subcontracted) only to perform the service in office area and break area, such as classroom, inspection people, outside trainer, personnel from government or/and community and othe员,负责联络和要求承包商履行 其合同义务。工作联系人应熟悉 XX 政策和程序,并且 是“合格人员”。 A Bunge employee or designee who is responsible to interface and require contractors to uphold their contractual obligations. The Job Contact shall be familiar with Bunge Policies and Procedures and be a “Qualified Person”.
4.任务与责任 Tasks and Responsibilities
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China Tier II Procedure
S/04 3/11
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Written By
承包商管理流程制度 Checked By
指XX雇用(或分包)的独立公司,进行的维修、修理 或一般服务不在工艺装置上或附近,并且其工作不影响 运行部门的安全。例如,办公室设备维护和修理,自助 餐厅(餐饮供应),绿化(草地养护)等等。
Independent company hired by Bunge (or subcontracted) to
Page No.
China Tier II Procedure
S/04 2/11
DOC. Name
Written By
承包商管理流程制度 Checked By
Approved By
management procedure Effective Date
工作联系人 Job Contact
perform maintenance, repairs, or general services that are not on
or adjacent to a process unit and their work in no way impacts
safety in operations. Examples of this include office equipment
采购部和 EHS 及生产部/项
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DOC. No. Version No.
Page No.
China Tier II Procedure
S/04 1/11
DOC. Name
Written By
承包商管理流程制度 Checked By
Approved By
management procedure Effective Date
maintenance and repairs, cafeteria (catering food), landscaping
(lawn care), etc
所从事的工作仅限于办公室和休息区域。如教室培训, 外部培训人员,政府和/或社区领导以及其它的来访者。
DOC. Type
DOC. No. Version No.
3.定义 Definition
A 类承包商 B 类承包商 C 类承包商
指 XX 雇用(或分包)的独立公司,在我们的设施进行 施工、维修、修理活动和仓储车间劳务承包商,例如焊 接、一般修理、改造、大修、拆除、基础,打包和装卸 承包商等。
Independent company hired by Bunge (or subcontracted) to perform construction, maintenance or repair activities at our facilities e.g. welding, general repairs, renovations, turnaround, demolitions, foundation drillers, meal package and loading/unloading etc
Approved By
management procedure Effective Date
No. 5.1 5.2
5.3 5.4 5.5
承包商 EHS 资格T鉴as定k程Li序st
中R国e区spEoHnS s经ib理le
*Performs Work
Contractor’s Qualification Process EHS maPnaagretry