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• Even minor corrosion can cause major deposit problems in closed systems! 极小的腐蚀就能促进沉积的问题
In general bacteria are the most troublesome micro-organisms. 细菌最难处理的微生物
• Ideal temperature range (70 - 120 F) 理想的温度
• Relatively neutral pH (7 - 9)相对中性的环境 • Continuous aeration通风 • Sunlight (necessary for algae growth)阳光
Closed System Can Have Problems Too! 闭路水系统问题
Reentrainment of Biomass Due to Fluid Shear.
Under Deposit Corrosion
1. Bioactivity Generates CO2 and/or H2S which lowers the pH under the deposit 生物活性产生CO2 或 H2S气体降低垢下的pH
Total 总计
Weight重量 37 % 41 % 15% 7% 100%
Microbio Energy Norms 微生物引起的能耗变化
Condenser Fouling冷凝器沉积
Fouling factor 沉积系数
0.0005 0.001 0.002 0.003
Film thickness on tube 管壁垢膜厚度
• Concentrate any microbes & nutrients present in the makeup water 补水中汇集了微生物和养分
• Continuously scrub new microbes, dust, & nutrients from the air 持续吸收新的微生物,尘土及空气中的养分
6) Legionella pneumophila军团菌问题
Tower fouling effect plant efficiency 冷却塔中的沉积物影响工厂效率
Tower Fill Deposit Analysis冷却塔填料沉积物分析
Fouling 沉积 Biological 生物
Mud/Silt 泥沙 Calcium Scales钙垢 Corrosion Products腐蚀产物
Adsorption of Organic Material from the Bulk
水Biblioteka Baidu的有机物被吸附
Flux to the Surface and Attachment of Microbial
Cells to the Surface From the Bulk Fluid
微生物细胞被吸收至有机 物表面
Biofilm Development 生物膜形成
initially Clean Surface Exposed to a Turbulent
Flow of Fluid Containing Micro-
Organisms and Associated Materials.
最初干净的表面接触到了 带有微生物及相关物质的
Some types of bacteria also consume cellulose and can cause soft rot.一些细菌能消耗木质素
Once a fungal attack penetrates into wood, it cannot be successfully treated because lumber deterioration is irreversible. 一旦真菌渗透进木头,不能被彻底恢复,这种退化是不可 逆的
Increase energy 增加能耗
0.15mm 0.29mm 0.61mm 0.91mm
5.3% 10.8% 21.5% 32.2%
Based on a 1,000 Ton chiller operated 350 days/yr., 16 hours/day 以上数据基于1000吨制冷机,一天运行16小时,全年运行350天
There are six main types有六个主要问题: 1) Slime forming 粘泥 2) Corrosive腐蚀 3) Nitrifying or Denitrifying硝化和反硝化反应 4) Iron depositing铁细菌 5) Sulfur oxidizing硫氧化
Biofilm Development 生物膜形成
Continued Flux of Microbial Cells to the Surface with Simultaneous Growth Processes Occurring.
微生物细胞持续不断的吸附到表 面同时微生物不断生长
Continued Flux of Microbial Cells to the Surface and Simultaneous Growth Processes Opposed by
after-the-fact!) 出现粘泥(除非系统是干净的,并有一个好的杀菌方
40,000X Magnification
Types of Bacteria 细菌类型
• Aerobic bacteria好氧菌 • Thrive in oxygenated water有氧 的水中繁殖
• Anaerobic bacteria厌氧菌 • Inhibited or killed by oxygenated water • 富氧的水会抑制生长 • Some produce spores as a survival mechanism 一些会形成 孢子幸存
氨,尿素或其他含氮化合物 3. Food products or by-products of food production
食品厂产品或副产品 4. Dirt, dust or silt either suspended in the make-up water or
scrubbed from the air 悬浮在水中或从空气中吸附的灰尘泥土等 5. Leaves and other debris树叶或其他残骸 6. Soluble nutrients in the make-up water e.g.phosphates 补水中的可溶性物质。如磷等。
Microbiological Types 微生物类型
Bacteria 细菌
• Single cell microorganisms单细胞生物 • Require water, but not light对水有要求 Very wide variety in nature种类繁多
Fungi 真菌
➢Non-photosynthetic plant organisms 无光和作用
➢ Do not require sunlight for growth不需要阳光
➢Molds & Yeasts霉菌和酵母
➢Problems similar to those caused by algae和藻类产 生的问题相似
• > 10,000 species
• Can cause major problems产生的主要问题 • Plug heat exchangers堵塞换热器 • Reduce heat transfer减少热交换 • Accelerate corrosion加速腐蚀 • Cause fouling促使沉积
Poor Microbio Control Causes More Cooling Water Programs to Fail Than Any Other Single Cause
与解决其他单独的问题相比,微生物控制不好更容易造成水处 理方案失败
• Temperature & pH extremes less conducive to microbial growth 温度和pH不利于微生物生长
• Lower nutrient & oxygen levels than open systems 养分和氧气低于开路系统
• Corrosive aerobic & anaerobic bacteria can thrive 腐蚀性的好氧和厌氧细菌能繁殖
➢Can cause severe wood rot & decay 能导致很严重 的木材腐烂
Mold and yeast frequently found in cooling water. They are responsible for wood decay. 霉菌和酵母在冷却水系统中经常被发现, 他们会促使木头 腐烂
Protozoa 原生动物
• Large, single cell organisms大的单 细胞生物
• Use bacteria, algae, & other protozoa as a food source
• 利用细菌,藻类及其他原生动物作 为食物来源
• Presence indicates advanced MB growth
2. Iron Corrodes and Tubercle Grows as Pitting Corrosion Develops 铁腐蚀和锈瘤生长促使点蚀
Corrosion Characteristics 腐蚀特征
➢ Metal pitted金属点蚀
➢ Presence of Slime (unless the system was cleaned, i.e. by an appropriate biocide program,
• Some can cause disease导致疾病
• Associated with Legionella和军团 菌相关
• Disinfection required if detected如果被检测到必须要消 毒处理
Cooling Towers Provide an Ideal Environment for Microorganisms 冷却塔提供了一个理想的环境
➢Under deposit corrosion垢下腐蚀
➢Algae that grows in high humidity areas difficult to control 在潮湿的地 方生长, 很难控制
➢Effectiveness of WT program often judged based on presence or absence of algae有效的杀菌方案 应该考虑有无藻类存在
Nutrient Sources 营养源
The Most Significant Nutrient Sources for micro-organisms include 最主要的营养源包括:
1. Hydrocarbons e.g. oil 碳水化合物 2. Ammonia, urea or other nitrogen compounds
Algae 藻类
• Simple plants 简单植物 • Contain chlorophyll 包含叶绿素 • Require sunlight 有阳光 • Generate oxygen 产生氧气
Algae 藻类
➢Can produce dense, fibrous mats that plug screens, filters, & tower components 能产生浓稠的纤维状 物质堵塞过滤器及塔组件