
2020年BEC商务英语中级口语必备词汇11.grocery n. 食品杂货店;杂货业;杂货【商务用语】corner grocery 食品店,酒店2.grantee n.被授予者,受让人【商务用语】voluntary grantee 无偿受让人grantee of credit 信用受让人3.graph n.图表;图形;图解 vt.用画曲线图表示,把...绘人图表【商务用语】cost-volume-profit chart 成本销量利润图表profit graph 利益图表,损益平衡图表profit volume graph 利润量图表4.gratuity n.抚恤金,养老金;小费;赏金【商务用语】grant gratuity 赠送酬金【例句】No gratuity accepted. 不收小费。
5.grievance n.委屈;牢骚;不满意见【例句】The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers.6.guaranteed adj.有保障的【商务用语】guaranteed annual income 保障年度收入guaranteed delivery 保价信函guaranteed satisfaction 确保满意2020年BEC商务英语中级口语必备词汇21.grocery n. 食品杂货店;杂货业;杂货【商务用语】corner grocery 食品店,酒店2.guaranteed adj.有保障的【商务用语】guaranteed annual income 保障年度收入guaranteed delivery 保价信函guaranteed satisfaction 确保满意3.guideline n.准则,指导方针【例句】The guidelines are made for the completion of tax returns. 这是为直到完成退税而制定的方针.4.guru n.(受下属崇敬的)领袖,头目;专家,权威【商务用语】He is the guru of high finance. 他是巨额融资的权威。

商务英语词汇大全文库一、国际贸易1. 进出口:Import / Export2. 贸易顺差:Trade Surplus3. 贸易逆差:Trade Deficit4. 自由贸易区:Free Trade Zone (FTZ)5. 关税:Tariff6. 世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization (WTO)7. 贸易壁垒:Trade Barrier8. 非关税壁垒:Non-T ariff Barrier (NTB)9. 贸易协定:Trade Agreement10. 区域经济一体化:Regional Economic Integration二、商务谈判1. 谈判:Negotiation2. 议价:Bargaining3. 报价:Quotation4. 还价:Counteroffer5. 合同:Contract6. 交货期:Delivery Date7. 支付方式:Payment Method8. 谈判策略:Negotiation Strategy9. 协商:Mediation10. 仲裁:Arbitration三、营销策略1. 市场调研:Market Research2. 目标市场:Target Market3. 产品定位:Product Positioning4. 品牌建设:Brand Building5. 促销策略:Promotion Strategy6. 广告宣传:Advertising Promotion7. 公共关系:Public Relations (PR)8. 市场细分:Market Segmentation9. 定价策略:Pricing Strategy10. 销售渠道:Sales Channel四、金融与投资1. 货币:Currency2. 外汇:Foreign Exchange (FX)3. 本币:Domestic Currency4. 外汇市场:Foreign Exchange Market (FX Market)5. 国际金融市场:International Financial Market (IFM)6. 投资组合:Portfolio7. 股票:Stocks8. 债券:Bonds9. 期货与期权:Futures & Options10. 对冲基金:Hedge Funds11. 风险投资:Venture Capital (VC)12. 私募股权投资:Private Equity (PE)。

下面小编给你们整理了2020年bec考试的高频词汇,希望你们能够背诵下来!2020年高级商务英语高频词汇:科技及设备1.advance 前进;进展2.capacity 容量;才能;能力ponent 构成要素;成分;零件4.device 装置;设备;图案;设计5.engineer 工程师6.facilitate 促进;使(更)容易7.fuel 燃料8.generator 发电机;产生器9.innovative 创新;革新的10.inventor 发明家11.leading edge 居优势的12.malfunction 故障;发生故障,机能失常13.mode 样式;模式;方式;风尚;时尚14.operate 操作;运转;经营15.outlet 出口;排水口;销售店;商行;插座;销路16.portable 可携带的;轻便的17.raw material 原料18.satellite 卫星19.specification 说明;详述20.substandard 标准以下的21.automaton 自动操作装置;机器人22.cell(ular)phone 移动电话;手机23.consecutive 连续的;连贯的24.devise 设计;发明;策划25.equipment 装备;设备26.facility 便利的设施;设备27.gadget 小巧的机械装置;小玩意28.hands-on 实地操作的;亲身体验的29.inspect 检查;审查;视察boratory 实验室33.maintenance 维护;保养32.manual 使用手册,指南;手工的work 网络系统;广播、电视网;电脑网34.outage 电力中断;断电35.petroleum 石油36.procedure 程序;手续37.reverse 相反的;颠倒的38.solar (源自)太阳的;依太阳而运行的39.static 静电干扰;静止的;静态的;静电的40.turn down 关小(声)2020年高级商务英语高频词汇:财务及投资Finance & Investment 财务及投资(1)1.account 帐目;帐单;帐户2.balance 余额;差额3.bond 债券4.chamber of commerce 商会5.credit 信任;信用;信誉;功劳;荣誉;存款数额;融资;赊销6.debt 债;债务7.deficit 赤字;亏损额8.depreciation 跌价;贬值9.devaluation 贬值10.endorse 赞同;支持;签名;背书(重点,考试时就碰到)11.exempt 被免除的;豁免的12.expense 消耗;消费13.fluctuation 波动;起伏;涨落14.gross 总共的;全部的15.inflation 物价飞涨;通货膨胀16.overdraft 透支;透支额17.profit 利润;收益;营利18.revenue 收益;岁入;税收19.stock 公债;证券;股票20.withdraw 收回;取回;撤回;提款21.accountant 会计师;会计员22.bankrupt 破产的;倒闭的23.capital 资金;资本24.convert 转换;改变25.currency 货币;流通;通用26.deduction 扣除;扣除额27.deposit 付押金;付保证金28.depression 不景气;忧伤;消沉;沮丧29.discrepancy 差异;不同;不一致30.estimate 估计;估价31.expenditure 消费;开销32.fiscal 财政的;会计的33.fund 基金;专款34.holding 土地;财产(常用复数)35.ledger 总帐;分类帐36.overdue 过期未付的37.remuneration 报酬;酬劳38.shareholder 股东39.stockbroker 证券和股票经纪人40.yield (3)生产量;收益(2)生产;产生2020年高级商务英语高频词汇:商务会议及谈判1、adjourn 暂时;休会;延期2、agreement 同意;协定3、amendment 修正4、approval 赞成;同意5、attentive 注意的;留心的专心的6、board 理事会;委员会;董事会7、brainstorm 脑力激荡,集思广益8、concede 容忍;容许;让步9、conference 会议;协商;讨论会10、convention 惯例;常规;习俗;会议;11、convince 使信服12、cross-reference 前后参照;(使)前后参照13、delegate 代表14、demand 要求;强求15、dispute 争端;争执;纠纷;16、negotiation 协商;谈判17、persuade 说服;劝服18、postpone 延迟;延期19、reconcile 调和;调解20、settlement 协议;支付Business Meeting & Negotiation 商务会议及谈判(2)21、agenda 议程22、alternative 可供选择的事物、方式等23、announce 通告;宣布;宣告;公诸于众24、articulate 能清楚有力表达思想感情的;表达能力强的25、attorney 律师26、breakthrough 突破;重大进展27、compromise 妥协;折衷;和解28、conclusive 决定性的;勿庸置疑的29、consensus 一致的意见;共识30、converse 谈话;交谈31、criterion 规范;标准32、decline 衰落;衰退;下降33、demonstration 示范;实证;(游行)示威34、diplomacy 外交手腕;交际手段35、dissuade 劝阻36、on behalf of 代表37、petition 请愿(书);请愿38、premise 前提39、seminar 研讨会;讨论课;讲习会40、statement 声明;陈述2020上半年商务英语考试词汇练习题1. [horrible] The little girl has a ( ) of snakes and spiders.2. [intimate] The ( ) with which the two friends talked showed how fond they were of each other.3. [confuse] If you write more clearly, you will prevent the ( ) of your readers.4. [utter] His crazy ( ) disappointed everyone around him.5. [proof] In order to ( ) the servant's honesty, she left a bag containing money on the table.参考答案:1.正确答案:horror 题目翻译:小女孩怕蛇和蜘蛛.2.正确答案:intimacy 题目翻译:两个朋友亲密的谈话显得他们多喜欢彼此.3.正确答案:confusion 题目翻译:如果你写的清楚一些,你读的时候就避免混淆了.4.正确答案:utterance 题目翻译:他的疯话让周围的人失望.5.正确答案:prove 题目翻译:为了证明servant的诚实,她留下了装有钱的袋子2020年高级商务英语高频词汇干货总结!。

2020年商务英语BEC初级口语词汇详解(4)1.The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products.店主到批发商处进货去了。
重点词语:wholesaler n.批发商商务用语:general line wholesaler 百货批发商general merchandise wholesaler 杂货批发商2.After dinner the ladies withdrew.饭后女士们退席了。
重点词语:withdraw v. ①拿走②收回③退出商务用语:withdraw the accusation 撤回控诉withdraw a bill 撤销议案withdraw a remark 收回发言withdraw $500 from a bank account 从银行提取500美元3.Our chief representative's withdrawal was construed asa protest.我们首席代表的退场被看做是一种*的表示。
重点词语:withdrawal n. ①拿走②收回③退出商务用语:coin withdrawal 铸币回收excess withdrawal over issue 已发行纸币的超额回笼fixed savings withdrawals 定期储金提款4.The plan won't work? How so?这个计划行不通吗?怎么会的?重点词语:work n./v. ①工作②运转 v.使(某人)工作,使用(某人)商务用语:in the works 准备中;发展中work-in-progress 工作过程workload 工作量work order (包括原料、半成品、成品的)全部存货总量5.After the crash the car was a write-off.撞车事故后,这辆汽车已彻底报废.重点词语:write-off n. ①债务的取消②保费项目,报废物商务用语:periodic write-off 定期注销premature tax write-off 过早的税收冲销rapid tax write-off 税款快速冲销tax write-off all the expenditures 各项费用的冲销。

商务英语词汇大全(精华)abroad adv. 在国外,出国,广泛流传absence n. 缺席,离开absent adj. 不在,不参与absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工,旷职absorb v. 吸收,减轻(困难等)作用或影响abstract n. 摘要access n. 接近(或进入)的机会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库的权利accommodation n.设施,住宿account n.会计账目accountancy n会计工作accountant n.会计accounts n.往来账目account for解释,说明account executive n.(广告公司)客户经理accruals n. 增值,应计achieve v. 获得或达到,实现,完成acknowledge v. 承认,告知已收到(某物),承认某人acquire v.获得,得到acquisition n收购,被收购的公司或股份acting adj. 代理的activity n.业务类型actual adj. 实在的,实际的,确实的adapt v. 修改,适应adjust v.整理,使适应administration 实施,经营,行政administer v.管理,实施adopt v. 采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人advertise v. 公布,做广告ad n.做广告,登广告advertisement n.出公告,做广告advertising n.广告业after-sales service n.售后服务agenda n.议事日程agent n.代理人,经纪人allocate v.分配,配给amalgamation n合并,重组ambition n. 强烈的欲望,野心amortize v. 摊还analyze v 分析,研究analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告analyst n. 分析家,化验员annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的annual general meeting (AGM)股东年会anticipate v. 期望商务英语词汇大全anticipated adj. 期待的appeal n.吸引力apply v. 申请,请求;应用,运用applicant n. 申请人application n.申请,施用,实施appointee n.被任命人appraisal n.估量,估价appreciate v. 赏识,体谅,增值appropriate v.拨出(款项)approve v. 赞成,同意,批准aptitude n.天资,才能arbitrage n.套arbitration n.仲裁arrears n. 欠账assemble v.收集,集合assembly line n. 装配线,流水作业线assess v. 评定,估价asset n. 资产current asset n.流动资产fixed asset n.固定资产frozen asset n. 冻结资产intangible assets n.无形资产liquid assets n.速动资产tangible assets n.有形资产assist v. 援助,协助,出席audit n. 查账,审计automate v. 使某事物自动操作average n.平均,平均水准awareness n. 意识;警觉backing n.财务支持,赞助backhander n. 贿赂backlog n. 积压(工作或订货)bad debt 死账(无法收回的欠款)balance n. 收支差额,余额balance of payments n. 贸易支付差额balance sheet n. 资产负债表bankrupt adj.破产的bankruptcy n.破产bank statement n. 银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单bar chart n. 条形图,柱状图bargain v. 谈判,讲价base n. 基地,根据地batch n. 一批,一组,一群batch production批量生产bear market n.熊市beat v. 超过,胜过behave v. 表现,运转behavior n. 举止,行为,运转情况below-the-line advertising 线下广告,尚未被付款的广告benchmark 衡量标准benefit n. 利益,补助金,保险金得益fringe benefits附加福利Sickness benefit 疾病补助费bid n. 出价,投标takeover bid n. 盘进(一个公司)的出价bill n.账单,票据billboard n. (路边)广告牌,招贴板black adj.违法的in the black 有盈余,贷方black list黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单black Monday n.黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子blue chips蓝筹股,绩优股blue-collar adj.蓝领(工人)的Board of Directors n.董事会Bond n.债券[本帖最后由007008 于2007-1-15 21:51 编辑]东莞虎门专业服装供应商QQ:858003530007 008 VIP 会员联邦主席来自广东状态离线发表于2007-1-15 21:47 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者Bonus n. 津贴,红利books公司账目book value n. 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记账人boom n. 繁荣,暴涨boost v. 提高,增加,宣扬bottleneck n. 瓶颈,窄路,阻碍bottom adj. 最后的,根本的v. 到达底部,建立基础bounce v. 支票因签发人无钱而遭拒付并退回brainstorm n./v.点子会议,献计策, 头脑风暴branch n. 分支,分部brand n. 商标,品牌brand leader n.占市场最大份额的品牌,名牌brand loyalty n.(消费者)对品牌的忠实break even v. 收支相抵,不亏不盈break even point 收支相抵点, 盈亏平衡点breakthrough n. 突破brief n. 摘要brochure n. 小册子broker n. 经纪人,代理人bull market 牛市budget n. 预算bulk n. 大量(货物)adj. 大量的bust adj. 破了产的buyout n. 买下全部产权CAD(=Computer Aided Design) 计算机辅助设计call n. 打电话call on v. 呼吁,约请,拜访campaign 战役,运动candidate n.求职者,候选人canteen n. 食堂canvass v. 征求意见,劝说capacity n. 生产额,(最大)产量caption n. 照片或图片下的简短说明capital n. 资本,资金capture v. 赢得cash n. 现金,现付款v. 兑现cash flow n. 现金流量case study n. 案例分析catalogue n. 目录,产品目录catastrophe n. 大灾难,大祸CEO=Chief Executive Officer(美)总经理chain n. 连锁店challenger n.挑战者channel n.(商品流通的)渠道charge n. 使承担,要(价),把…记入…chart n. 图表checkout n.付款台chief adj. 主要的,首席的,总的CIF, c.i.f.成本保险费加运费circular n.传阅的小册子(传单等)circulate v.传阅claim n./v.要求,索赔client n.委托人,顾客cold adj. 没人找上门来的,生意清淡的commercialize v.使商品化commission n.佣金commitment n.承诺commodity 商品,货物company n. 公司limited (liability) company 股份有限公司public limited company (plc) n.股票上市公司compensate v. 补偿,酬报compensation n补偿,酬金compete v.比赛,竞争competition n.比赛,竞争competitor n.竞争者,对手competitive adj.竞争性的component n. 机器元件、组件、部件,部分concentrated marketing n. 集中营销策略condition n.条件,状况configuration n.设备的结构、组合conflict n. 冲突,争论conglomerate n. 综合商社,多元化集团公司consolidate v. 账目合并consortium n.财团constant adj. 恒定的,不断的,经常的consultant n. 咨询人员,顾问,会诊医生consumables n.消耗品consumer durables n.耐用消费品(如:洗衣机) consumer goods n.消费品,生活资料contingency n. 意外事件continuum n.连续时间contract n. 合同,契约contractor n.承办商,承建人contribute v. 提供,捐献contribution n贡献,捐献,税conversion n. 改装,改造conveyor n. 运送,传递,转让core time n.(弹性工作制的)基本上班时间(员工于此段时间必须上班,弹性只对除此以外的时间有效)cost n. 成本fixed costs固定成本running costs 日常管理费用variable costs可变成本cost-effective adj.合算的,有效益的costing n.成本计算,成本会计credit n.赊购,赊购制度credit control 赊销管理(检查顾客及时付款的体系)letter of credit信用证credit limit赊销限额credit rating 信贷的信用等级,信誉评价creditor n.债权人,贷方creditworthiness n.信贷价值,信贷信用crisis n.危机,转折点critical adj. 关键的*criticalpath analysis n. 关键途径分析法currency n.货币,流通current adj. 通用的,现行的Current account 往来账户,活期(存款)户current assets n.流动资产current liabilities n. 流动负债customize v. 按顾客的具体要求制造(或改造等);顾客化东莞虎门专业服装供应商QQ:85800353000 700 8 VIP 会员联邦主席来自广东状态离线发表于2007-1-15 21:47 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者cut-throat adj. 残酷的,激烈的cut-price a. 削价(出售)的CV(=curriculum vitae)n. 简历,履历cycle time n.循环时间damages n.损害,损失deadline n. 最后期限deal n. 营业协议,数量v. 交易dealer n. 商人debit n. 借方,欠的钱v.记入账户的借方debt n. 欠款,债务to get into debt 负债to be out of debt 不欠债to pay off a debt 还清债务debtor n.债务人aged debtors 长期债务人declare v.申报,声明decline n./v. 衰退,缓慢,下降decrease v. 减少deduct v.扣除,减去default n. 违约,未履行defect n. 缺陷defective adj.有缺点的defer v. 推迟deferred payments n. 延期支付deficit n. 赤字delivery cycle n.交货周期demand management n.需求规划decorticated adj. 消极的,冷谈的deposit n. 储蓄,预付(定金)depot n. 仓库depreciate v.贬值,(对资产)折旧depressing adj. 令人沮丧的deputy n. 代理人,副职,代理devalue v. 货币贬值(相对于其它货币)diet n. 饮食,食物,特种饮食differentiation n. 区分,鉴别dimensions n. 尺寸,面积,规模direct v管理,指导director n.经理,主管Managing Director n.总经理direct cost n. 直接成本direct mail n.(商店为招揽生意而向人们投寄的)直接邮件direct selling n.直销,直接销售directory n.指南,号码簿discount n.折扣,贴现dismiss v.让……离开,打发走dismissal n. 打发走dispatch n./v. 调遣display n./v. 展出,显示dispose v.安排,处理(事务)dispose of 去掉,清除distribution n分配,分发,分送产品diversify v.从事多种经营;多样化divest v.剥夺dividend n. 股息,红利,年息division n. 部门dog n. 滞销品down-market a./ad.低档商品的down-time/downtime n. 设备闲置期DP(=Data Processing) n. 计算机数据处理,计算机数据处理部门dramatic adj. 戏剧性的drive积极性,能动due adj. 应付的,预期的dynamic 有活力的earnings n. 工资,收入efficiency n. 效率endorse v.背书,接受engage v. 雇用entitle v. 授权entitlement n.应得的权利holiday entitlement n. 休假权equity n.股东权益equity capital股本equities 普通股,股estimated demand n.估计需求evaluate v. 估价,评价eventual adj.最终exaggerate v. 夸张exceed v. 超过exhibit n.展览,表现expenditure n花费,支出额expense n.费用,支出expense account n. 费用帐户expenses n.费用,业务津贴expertise n.专长,专门知识和技能exposure n.公众对某一产品或公司的知悉;广告所达到的观众总数facilities n.用于生产的设备、器材facilities layout n.设备的布局规划、计划facilities location n.设备安置factoring n.折价购买债券fail-safe system n.安全系统feasibility study n.可行性研究feedback n. 反馈,反馈的信息field n.办公室外边,具体业务file n. 文件集,卷宗,档案,文件v. 归档fill v. 充任finance n. 资金,财政v. 提供资金financial adj. 财政的financing n. 提供资金,筹借资金finished goods n. 制成品firm n. 公司fire v. 解雇fix v. 确定,使固定在fix up v. 解决,商妥fiscal adj. 国库的,财政的flagship n. 同类中最成功的商品,佼佼者flexible adj. 有弹性的,灵活的flextime n. 弹性工作时间制flier(=flyer) n. 促销传单float v. 发行股票flop n. 失败flow shop n. 车间fluctuate v. 波动,涨落,起伏FOB, f.o.b n. 离岸价follow-up n. 细节落实,接连要做的事forecast v. 预测four P's 指产品produce、价格price、地点place、促销promotion framework n. 框架,结构franchise n. 特许经销权v.特许经销franchisee n. 特许经营人franchiser n.授予特许经营权者fraud n. 欺骗freebie n.(非正式的)赠品,免费促销的商品freelance n.& adj. 自由职业者(的)funds n. 资金,基金futures n. 期货交易gap n. 缺口,空隙gearing n. 配称(即定息债务与股份资本之间的比率)gimmick n. 好主意,好点子goal n. 目标going adj. 进行的,运转中的going rate n. 产品的市场价格goods n. 货物,商品goodwill n. 声誉go public v. 首次公开发行股票grapple with v. 与……搏斗,尽力解决grievance n. 申诉,抱怨gross adj. 总的,毛的gross margin n. 毛利率gross profit n. 毛利gross yield n. 毛收益gradually adv. 逐渐地group n. (由若干公司联合而成的)集团grow v. 增长,扩大growth n. 增长,发展guarantee n. 保证,保单guidelines n. 指导方针,准则hand in v. 呈送hand in one's notice 递交辞呈handle v. 经营hands on adj. 有直接经验的hard sell n. 强行推销hazard n. 危险,危害行为head n. 主管,负责health and safety n. 健康和安全hedge n. 套期保值hidden adj. 隐藏的,不明显的hierarchy n. 等级制度,统治集团,领导层hire v. 雇用hire purchase n. 分期付款购物法hit v. 击中,到达holder n. 持有者holding company n. 控股公司hostile adj. 不友好的,恶意的HRD n. 人力资源发展部human resources n. 人力资源hype n. 天花乱坠的(夸张)广告宣传impact n. 冲击,强烈影响implement v. 实施,执行implication n 隐含意义incentive n. 刺激;鼓励income n. 工资或薪金收入,经营或投资的收入earned income 劳动收入,劳动所得unearned income 非劳动收入,投资所得increment v. 定期增加incur v 招致,承担indemnity n. 偿还,赔偿index n. 指数,索引retail price index 零售价格指数indirect costs n. 间接成本induction n. 就职industrial adj. 工业的industrial action n.(罢工、怠工等)劳工行动industrial relations n. 劳资关系inefficiency n. 低效率,不称职inflate v. 抬高(物价),使通货等)膨胀inflation n. 通货膨胀infringe v. 违法,违章initial adj. 初步的innovate v. 革新input n. 投入insolvent adj. 无清偿力的installment n. 部分,分期付款insure v. 给……保险,投保insurance n. 保险interest n. 利息,兴趣interest rate n. 利率interim n. 中期,过渡期间intermittent production n. 阶段性生产interview n./v. 面试东莞虎门专业服装供应商QQ:85800353000 700 8 VIP 会员联邦主席来自广东状态离线发表于2007-1-15 21:47 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者interviewee n. 被面试的人interviewer n. 主持面试的人,招聘者introduce v. 介绍,提出inventory n. 库存buffer inventory 用于应付突发性需求的存货capacity inventory 用于将来某时使用的存货cycle inventory n. 循环盘存decoupling inventory保险性存货(以应付万一)finished goods inventory制成品存货(盘存)pipeline inventory n. 在途存货raw materials inventory n. 原材料存货work-in-progress inventory在制品盘存(存货)invest v. 投资investment n. 投资investor n. 投资者invoice n. 发票v. 给(某人)开发票irrevocable adj. 不可撤消的,不能改变的issue n. 发行股票rights issue n. 优先认股权IT=Information Technology 信息技术item n. 货物,条目,条款job n. 工作job description 工作说明,职务说明job lot n. 一次生产的部分或少数产品job mobility 工作流动job rotation 工作轮换job satisfaction 工作的满意感(自豪感)job shop n. 专门车间jobbing n. 为一次性的或小的订货需求而特设的生产制度joint adj. 联合的joint bank account(几人的)联合银行存款账户journal n. 专业杂志jurisdiction n. 管辖(权)junk bonds n. 低档(风险)债券,垃圾债券junk mail n.(未经收信人要求的)直接邮寄的广告宣传just-in-time n. 无库存制度key adj. 主要的,关键的knockdown adj. (价格)很低的know-how n. 专门技术label n. 标签,标牌v.加标签,加上标牌labor n. 劳动,工作,劳动力labor market 劳动力市场labor relations 劳资关系labor shortage 劳动力短缺launch v.推出一种新产品n. 新产品的推出lay-off/layoff n./v. 临时解雇layout n. 工厂的布局lead v. 领先,领导lead time n. 完成某项活动所需的时间leaflet n. 广告印刷传单lease n. 租借,租赁物legal adj. 合法的lend v. 出借,贷款lessee n. 承租人lesser n. 出租人ledger n. 分类帐nominal ledger n. 记名帐purchase ledger n. 进货sales ledger n. 销货帐leverage n. 杠杆比率liability n. 负债liabilities n. 债务license n. 许可证license v. 许可,批准life cycle n. 寿命周期likely adj. 可能的line process 流水线(组装)link n. 关系,联系,环liquid adj. 易转换成现款的liquidate v. 清算liquidity n. 拥有变现力liquidation n. 清理(关闭公司),清算liquidator n. 清算人,公司资产清理人listed adj. 登记注册的listing n. 上市公司名录literature n. (说明书类的)印刷品,宣传品litigate v. 提出诉讼loan n./v. 贷款,暂借logo n. 企业的特有标记lose v. 亏损loser n. 失败者loss n. 损失lot n. 批,量loyalty n. 忠诚,忠实magazine n. 杂志,期刊mail shot n. 邮购maintain v. 维持,保持maintenance n. 维持,坚持major adj. 重大的,主要的,较大的majority shareholding 绝对控股make n. 产品的牌子或型号make-to-order adj. 根据订货而生产的产品make-to-stock adj. 指那些在未收到订货时就已生产了的产品management n. 管理,管理部门middle management n. 中层管理人员senior management n. 高层管理人员managerial adj. 管理人员的,管理方面的manager n. 经理plant manager n. 工厂负责人line manager n. 基层负责人staff manager n. 部门经理助理management accounts n. 管理帐目matrix management n. 矩阵管理management information system(MIS) n. 管理信息系统manning n. 人员配备manpower n. 劳动力manpower resources n. 劳动力资源manual adj. 体力的,人工的,蓝领的manufacture v. (用机器)制造manufacturer n. 制造者(厂、商、公司)manufacturing adj. 制造的manufacturing industry 制造业margin n. 利润gross margin n. 毛利率net margin n. 净利润mark-up v. 标高售价,加价market n. 市场;产品可能的销量down market adv./ adj. 低档商品地/的up market adj./adv. 高档商品的/地marketing mix n. 综合营销策略,指定价、促销、产品等策略的配合market leader n. 市场上的主导公司market niche n. 小摊位,专业市场的一个小部分market penetration n. 市场渗入market segmentation 市场划分market share n. 市场占有率,市场份额mass-marketing n. 大众营销术master production schedule n.主要生产计划material requirements planning(MRP) n. 计算生产中所需材料的方法materials handling n. 材料管理,材料控制maximize v. 使增至最大限度、最大化measure n. 措施,步骤东莞虎门专业服装供应商QQ:85800353000 700 8 VIP 会员联邦主席来自广东状态离线发表于2007-1-15 21:48 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者media n. 新闻工具,传媒mass media 大众传媒(如电视、广播、报纸等)merchandising n. (在商店中)通过对商品的摆放与促销进行经营merge v. 联合,合并merger n. (公司,企业等的)合并merit n. 优点,值得,应受method study n. 方法研究middleman n. 中间人,经纪人full milk n. 全脂牛奶skimmed milk n. 脱脂乳minimize v. 使减至最小限度,最小化mission n. 公司的长期目标和原则mobility n. 流动性,可移性moderately adv. 中等地,适度地monopoly n. 垄断,独占mortgage n./v. 抵押motivate v. 激励,激发……的积极性motivated adj. 有积极性的motivation n. 提供动机,积极性,动力motive n. 动机negotiate v. 谈判negotiable adj. 可谈判的,可转让的net adj. 净的,纯的network n. 网络niche n. 专业市场中的小摊位notice n. 通知,辞职申请,离职通知objective n. 目标,目的obsolete adj. 过时的,淘汰的,废弃的offer n. 报价,发盘offer v. 开价off-season adj./adv. 淡季的off-the-shelf adj. 非专门设计的off-the-peg adj. 标准的,非顾客化的opening n. 空位operate v. 操作,经营,管理operating profits营业利润operations chart n.经营(管理)表operations scheduling n. 生产经营进度表opportunity n. 机会optimize v. 优化option n. 选择权share option n. 期权organigram n. 组织图organization chart n. 公司组织机构图orient v. 定向,指引orientation n. 倾向,方向;熟悉,介绍情况outcome n. 结果outlay n. 开销,支出,费用outlet n. 商店a retail outlet 零售店outgoings n. 开支,开销outlined adj. 概括,勾勒的草图output n. 产量outsource v. 外购产品或由外单位制做产品outstanding adj. 未付款的,应收的over-demand n. 求过于供overdraft n. 透支overdraft facility 透支限额overdraw v. 透支overhead costs n. 营业成本overheads n. 企业一般管理费用overpay n. 多付(款)overtime n. 加班overview n. 概述,概观owe v. 欠钱,应付p.a.(=per annum) n. 每年packaging n. 包装物;包装parent company n. 母公司,总公司part-time adj. 部分时间工作的,业余的participate v. 参加,分享(in)partnership n. 合伙(关系),合伙,合伙企业patent n. 专利pay n. 工资,酬金v. 付钱,付报酬take-home pay 实得工资payroll n. 雇员名单,工资表peak n. 峰值,顶点penetrate v. 渗透,打入(市场)penetration n. 目标市场的占有份额pension n. 养老金,退休金perform v. 表现,执行performance n. 进行,表现工作情况performance appraisal n. 工作情况评估perk n. 额外待遇(交通、保健、保险等)personnel n. 员工,人员petty cash n. 零用现金phase out n. 分阶段停止使用pick v. 提取生产用零部件或给顾客发货picking list n. 用于择取生产或运输订货的表格pie chart n. 饼形图pilot n. 小规模试验pipeline n. 管道,渠道plant capacity n. 生产规模,生产能力plot v. 标绘,策划plough back n. 将获利进行再投资point of sale (POS) n. 销售点policy n. 政策,规定, 保险单portfolio n. (投资)组合portfolio management n. 组合证券管理post n. 邮件,邮局;职位position n. 职位potential n. 潜在力,潜势power n. 能力purchasing power 购买力PR=Public Relations 公共关系preference shares n. 优先股price n. 价格market price 市场价,市价retail price 零售价probation n. 试用期product n. 产品production cycle n. 生产周期production schedule n. 生产计划product life cycle n. 产品生命周期product mix n.产品组合(种类和数量的组合)productive adj. 生产的,多产的profile n. 简介形象特征profit n. 利润operating profit n. 营业利润profit and loss account n. 损益账户project v. 预测promote v . 推销promotion n. 提升,升级proposal n. 建议,计划prospect n. 预期,展望prospectus n. 计划书,说明书prosperity n. 繁荣,兴隆prototype n. 原型,样品publicity n. 引起公众注意public adj. 公众的,公开的go public 上市public sector 公有企业publicity n. 公开场合,名声,宣传publics n.公众,(有共同兴趣的)人或社会人士punctual adj. 准时的punctuality n. 准时purchase v. & n. 购买purchaser n. 买主,采购人QC(=Quality Circle) n. 质检人员qualify v. 有资格,胜任qualified adj. 有资格的,胜任的,合格的qualification n. 资格,资格证明quality n. 质量quality assurance n. 质量保证quality control 质量控制,质量管理quarterly adj./adv. 季度的,按季度questionnaire n. 调查表,问卷quote n. 报价,股票牌价quotation n. 报价,股票牌价R&DResearch and Development 研究与开发radically adv. 根本地,彻底地raise n.(美)增薪v.增加,提高;提出,引起range n. 系列产品rank n./v. 排名rapport n. 密切的关系,轻松愉快的气氛rate n. 比率,费用东莞虎门专业服装供应商QQ:85800353000 700 8 VIP 会员联邦主席来自广东状态离线发表于2007-1-15 21:48 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者fixed rate 固定费用,固定汇率going rate 现行利率,现行汇率rating 评定结果ratio n. 比率rationalize v. 使更有效,使更合理raw adj. 原料状态的,未加工的raw material n. 原材料receive v. 得到receipt n. 收据receiver n. 接管人,清算人accounts receivable 应收帐receivership n. 破产管理recession n. 萧条reckon v. 估算,认为recognize v. 承认reconcile v. 使……相吻合,核对,调和recoup v. 扣除,赔偿recover v. 重新获得,恢复recovery n. 重获,恢复recruit v. 招聘,征募n. 新招收的人员recruitment n. 新成员的吸收red n. 红色in the red 赤字,负债reduce v. 减少reduction n. 减少redundant adj. 过多的,被解雇的redundancy n. 裁员,解雇reference n. 参考,参考资料reference number (Ref. No.) 产品的参考号码refund n./v. 归还,偿还region n. 地区reimburse v. 偿还,报销reject n./v. 拒绝reliability n. 可靠性relief n. 减轻,解除,救济relocate v. 调动,重新安置remuneration n. 酬报,酬金rent v. 租n. 租金rep (代表)的缩写report to v. 低于(某人),隶属,从属reposition v. (为商品)重新定位represent v. 代表,代理representative n. 代理人,代表reputation n. 名声,声望reputable adj. 名声/名誉好的reserves n. 储量金,准备金resign v. 放弃,辞去resignation n. 辞职resistance n. 阻力,抵触情绪respond v. 回答,答复response n. 回答,答复restore v. 恢复result/results n. 结果,效果retail n./v. 零售retailer n. 零售商retained earnings n. 留存收益retire v. 退休retirement n. 退休return n. 投资报酬return on investment (ROI) n. 投资收入,投资报酬revenue n. 岁入,税收review v./n. 检查reward n./v. 报答,报酬,奖赏rework v. (因劣质而)重作risk capital n. 风险资本rival n. 竞争者,对手adj.竞争的rocket v. 急速上升,直线上升,飞升ROI Return on Investment 投资利润roughly adv. 粗略地round adj. 整数表示的,大约round trip 往返的行程royalty n. 特许权,专利权税run v. 管理,经营running adj. 运转的sack v. 解雇sales force 销售人员sample n. 样品v. 试验;抽样检验saturation n. (市场的)饱和(状态)saturate v. 饱和save v. 节省,储蓄savings n. 存款scale n. 刻度,层次scapegoat n. 替罪羊scare adj. 缺乏的,不足的scrap n. 废料或废品seasonal adj. 季节性的section n. 部门sector n. 部门securities n. 债券及有价证券segment n. 部分v. 将市场划分成不同的部分segmentation n. 将市场划分成不同的部门semi-skilled adj. 半熟练的settle v. 解决,决定settlement n. 解决,清偿,支付service n. 服务,帮佣services n. 专业服务settle v. 安排,支付set up v. 创立share n. 股份shareholder n. 股东shelf-life n. 货架期(商品可以陈列在货架上的时间shift n. 轮班showroom n. 陈列室simulation n. 模拟shop n. 商店closed shop 限制行业(只允许本工会会员)open shop 开放行业(非会员可从事的工作)shop steward 工会管事shop floor 生产场所shortlist n.供最后选择的候选人名单v. 把……列入最后的候选人名单sick leave 病假sick note 病假条sick pay 病假工资skilled employee n. 熟练工人skimming n. 高额定价,撇奶油式定价slogan n. 销售口号slump n. 暴跌a slump in sales 销售暴跌soft-sell n.劝诱销售(术),软销售(手段)software n. 软件sole adj. 仅有的,单独的sole distributor 独家分销商solvent adj. 有偿付能力的sourcing n. 得到供货spare part n. 零部件specification n. 产品说明split v. 分离spokesman n. 发言人sponsor n. 赞助者(为了商品的广告宣传)spread n. (股票买价和卖价的)差额stable adj. 稳定的staff n. 职员stag n. 投机认股者v. 炒买炒卖stagnant adj. 停滞的,萧条的statute n. 成文法statutory adj. 法定的steadily adv. 稳定地,平稳地stock n. 库存,股票stock exchange n. 证券交易所stockbroker n. 股票经纪人stock controller 库房管理者storage n. 贮藏,库存量strategy n. 战略streamline v. 精简机构,提高效率stress n. 压力,紧迫strike n. 罢工structure n. 结构,设备subcontract v. 分包(工程项目),转包subordinate n. 下级adj.下级的subscribe v. 认购subsidiary n. 子公司subsidize v. 补贴,资助subsidy n. 补助金substantially adv. 大量地,大幅度地summarize v. 概括,总结superior n. 上级,长官supervisor n. 监督人,管理人supervisory adj. 监督的,管理的supply n./v. 供给,提供survey n 调查SWOT analysis n. SWOT分析是分析一个公司或一个项目的优点、弱点、机会和风险synergy n. 协作tactic n. 战术,兵法tailor v. 特制产品tailor made products 特制产品take on 雇用takeover n. 接管target n. 目标v. 把……作为目标tariff n. 关税;价目表task n. 任务,工作task force n. 突击队,攻关小队(为完成某项任务而在一起的一组人)tax n. 税,税金capital gains tax n. 资本收益税corporation tax n. 公司税,法人税income tax n. 所得税value added tax 增值税tax allowance 免减税tax avoidance 避税taxable 可征税的taxation 征税tax-deductible 在计算所得税时予以扣除的telesales n. 电话销售,电话售货temporary adj. 暂时的temporary post 临时职位tender n./v. 投标territory n. (销售)区域tie n. 关系,联系throughput n. 工厂的总产量TQC(=Total Quality Control) n.全面质量管理track record n. 追踪记录,业绩trade n./v. 商业,生意;交易,经商balance of trade 贸易平衡trading profit 贸易利润insider trading 内部交易trade mark 商标trade union 工会trainee n. 受培训者transaction n. 交易,业务transfer n./v. 传输,转让transformation n. 加工transparency n. (投影用)透明胶片treasurer n. 司库,掌管财务的人treasury n. 国库,财政部trend n. 趋势,时尚trouble-shooting n. 解决问题turnover n. 营业额,员工流动的比率staff turnover 人员换手率stock turnover 股票换手率undertake v.从事、同意做某事undifferentiated marketing n. 无差异性营销策略uneconomical adj. 不经济的,浪费unemployment n. 失业unemployment benefit n.失业津贴unit n. 单位unit cost n. 单位成本update v. 使现代化up to date adj./adv.流行的,现行的,时髦的upgrade v. 升级,增加upturn n. 使向上,使朝上USP 唯一的销售计划vacancy n. 空缺vacant adj. 空缺的value n./v. 价值,估价valuation n. 价值value-added n. 增加值variable n. 可变物variation n. 变化,变更variety n. 多样化a variety of 多种多样的vary v. 改变,修改VAT Value Added Tax 增值税vendor n. 卖主(公司或个人)venture n. 冒险,投机venue n. 地点,集合地点viable adj. 可行的viability n. 可行性vision n. 设想,公司的长期目标vocation n. 行业,职业vocational adj. 行业的,职业的wage n. (周)工资wage freeze n. 工资冻结warehouse n. 仓库,货栈wealth n. 财富,资源wealthy adj. 富裕的,丰富的welfare n. 福利white-collar 白领阶层white goods n. 如洗衣机等用在厨房中的产品wholesale n./adj./adv. 批发wholesaler 批发商wind up v. 关闭公司withdraw v. 拿走,收回,退出withdrawal n. 拿走,收回,退出wholesale n./a. 批发;批发的wholesaler n. 批发商work n. 工作working conditions n. 工作条件work-in-progress n. 工作过程workload n. 工作量work order n. (包括原料、半成品、成品的)全部存货总量work station 工作位置working capital n. 营运资本,营运资金write off v. 取消write-off n. 债务的取消yield n. 有效产量zero defect n. 合格产品zero inventory n. 零存货。

1.1 vocabulariesfreelance n. 自由职业teleworking n. 电子办公job-share n.&v. 分担工作job-sharing n. 分担工作shift work 轮班工作,倒班制part-time n. & adj. 兼职temping n. 当临时工consultancy n. 咨询公司specialist advice 专业咨询flexitime n. 弹性工作时间(flextime)hot-desking n. 办公桌轮用office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长1.11.23.vocabulary# Networking means personal contacts or relationship building. Networking指人脉或者关系构建# key to success 通向成功的关键# the most powerful way to build professional relationships 创建职业关系的最有力量的途径#foster contacts and disseminate information 有助于建立关系,传播信息#the ability to build a network 建立关系网的能力#build and maintain a network创建和保持关系网#Networking allows you to be in a position to win.关系网能助你赢在职场。
5. answerPeople network at:—conferences—trade fair events—coffee breaks—formal “networking”eventsThe reasons are:—to help people maximize their potential—to get to know other people—for people with little experience10.In China, family and children is a common topic to talk about.在中国,讨论家庭和孩子司空见惯Good topics for networking with western business people include weather,, work and languages.谈论天气、工作和语言是与西方人建立关系网络的好话题。

p.a.(=per annum) n. 每年packaging n. 包装物;包装parent pany n. 母公司,总公司part-time adj. 部分时间工作的,业余的participate v. 参加,分享 (in)partnership n. 合伙(关系),合伙,合伙企业patent n. 专利pay n. 工资,酬金 v. 付钱,付报酬take-home pay 实得工资payroll n. 雇员 ___,工资表peak n. 峰值,顶点perate v. 渗透,打入(市场)peration n. 目标市场的占有份额pension n. 养老金,退休金perform v. 表现,执行performance n. 进行,表现工作情况performance appraisal n. 工作情况评估perk n. 额外待遇(交通、保健、保险等) personnel n. 员工,人员petty cash n. 零用现金phase out n. 分阶段停止使用pick v. 提取生产用零部件或给顾客发货picking list n. 用于择取生产或运输订货的表格pie chart n. 饼形图pilot n. 小规模试验pipeline n. 管道,渠道plant capacity n. 生产规模,生产能力plot v. 标绘,策划plough back n. 将获利进行再投资point of sale (POS) n. 销售点policy n. 政策,规定, 保险单portfolio n. (投资)组合portfolio management n. 组合证券管理post n. 邮件,邮局;职位position n. 职位potential n. 潜在力,潜势power n. 能力purchasing power 购买力PR=Public Relations 公共关系preference shares n. 优先股price n. 价格market price 市场价,市价retail price 零售价probation n. 试用期product n. 产品production cycle n. 生产周期production schedule n. 生产计划product life cycle n. 产品生命周期product mix n. 产品组合(种类和数量的组合) productive adj. 生产的,多产的profile n. 简介形象特征profit n. 利润operating profit n. 营业利润profit and loss aount n. 损益帐户project v. 预测promote v . 推销promotion n. 提升,升级proposal n. 建议,计划prospect n. 预期,展望prospectus n. 计划书,说明书prosperity n. 繁荣,兴隆prototype n. 原型,样品publicity n. 引起公众注意public adj. 公众的,公开的go public 上市public sector 公有企业publicity n. 公开场合,名声,宣传publics n. 公众,(有共同兴趣的)一群人或社会人士punctual adj. 准时的punctuality n. 准时purchase v. &n. 购买purchaser n. 买主,采购人)QC(=Quality Circle) n. 质检人员qualify v. 有资格,胜任qualified adj. 有资格的,胜任的,合格的qualification n. 资格,资格证明quality n. 质量quality assurance n. 质量保证quality control 质量控制,质量管理quarterly adj./adv. 季度的,按季度reimburse v. 偿还,报销 reject n./v. 拒绝reliability n. 可靠性relief n. 减轻,解除,救济.for68. relocate v. 调动,重新安置remuneration n. 酬报,酬金rent v. 租 n. 租金rep (代表)的缩写report to v. 低于(某人),隶属,从属reposition v. (为商品)重新定位represent v. 代表,代理representative n. 代理人,代表tactic n. 战术,兵法tailor v. 特制产品tailor made products 特制产品.for68. take on 雇用takeover n. 接管target n. 目标v. 把……作为目标tariff n. 关税;价目表task n. 任务,工作task force n. 突击队,攻关小队(为完成某项任务而在一起的一组人)tax n. 税,税金capital gains tax n. 资本收益税corporation tax n. 公司税,法人税ine tax n. 所得税value added tax 增值税tax allowance 免减税tax avoidance 避税taxable 可征税的taxation 征税tax-deductible 在计算所得税时予以扣除的telesales n. 电话销售,电话售货temporary adj. 暂时的temporary post 临时职位tender n./v. 投标territory n. (销售)区域tie n. 关系,联系throughput n. 工厂的总产量TQC(=Total Quality Control) n. 全面质量管理track record n. 追踪记录,业绩trade n./v. 商业,生意;交易,经商balance of trade 贸易平衡trading profit 贸易利润insider trading 内部交易trade mark 商标trade union 工会trainee n. 受培训者transaction n. 交易,业务transfer n./v. 传输,转让transformation n. 加工transparency n. (投影用)透明胶片treasurer n. 司库,掌管财务的人treasury n. 国库,财政部trend n. 趋势,时尚trouble-shooting n. 解决问题turnover n. 营业额,员工流动的比率staff turnover 人员换手率stock turnover 股票换手率undertake v. 从事、同意做某事undifferentiated marketing n. 无差异性营销策略uneconomical adj. 不经济的,浪费unemployment n. 失业unemployment benefit n. 失业津贴unit n. 单位unit cost n. 单位成本update v. 使现代化up to date adj./adv. 流行的,现行的,时髦的upgrade v. 升级,增加upturn n. 使向上,使朝上USP 唯一的销售计划reputation n. 名声,声望reputable adj. 名声/名誉好的reserves n. 储量金,准备金resign v. 放弃,辞去resignation n. 辞职resistance n. 阻力,抵触情绪respond v. 回答,答复response n. 回答,答复restore v. 恢复result/results n. 结果,效果retail n./v. 零售retailer n. 零售商retained earnings n. 留存收益retire v. 退休retirement n. 退休return n. 投资报酬return on investment (ROI) n. 投资收入,投资报酬revenue n. 岁入,税收review v./n. 检查reward n./v. 报答,报酬,奖赏rework v. (因劣质而)重作risk capital n. 风险资本rival n. 竞争者,对手adj. 竞争的rocket v. 急速上升,直线上升,飞升ROI Return on Investment 投资利润roughly adv. 粗略地round adj. 整数表示的,大约round trip 往返的行程royalty n. 特许权,专利权税run v. 管理,经营running adj. 运转的questionnaire n. 调查表,问卷quote n. 报价,股票牌价quotation n. 报价,股票牌价RR&D Research and Development 研究与开发radically adv. 根本地, ___地raise n. (美)增加薪金v. 增加,提高;提出,引起range n. 系列产品rank n./v. 排名rapport n. 密切的关系,轻松愉快的气氛rate n. 比率,费用采集者退散fixed rate 固定费用,固定汇率going rate 现行利率,现行汇率rating 评定结果ratio n. 比率rationalise v. 使更有效,使更合理raw adj. 原料状态的,未加工的raw material n. 原材料receive v. 得到receipt n. 收据receiver n. 接管人,清算人aounts receivable 应收帐receivership n. 破产管理recession n. 萧条reckon v. 估算,认为recognise v. 承认reconcile v. 使……相吻合,核对,调和recoup v. 扣除,赔偿recover v. 重新获得,恢复recovery n. 重获,恢复recruit v. 招聘,征募 n. 新招收的人员recruitment n. 新成员的吸收red n. 红色in the red 赤字,负债reduce v. 减少reduction n. 减少redundant adj. 过多的,被解雇的redundancy n. 裁员,解雇reference n. 参考,参考资料reference number (Ref. No.) 产品的参考号码refund n./v. 归还,偿还region n. 地区模板,内容仅供参考。

2020年商务英语中级常用专业词汇(1)Your T-shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。
We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。
This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。
There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。
There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。
There is no market for these articles.这些商品无销路。
Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。
They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。
Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。

商务英语高频词汇归纳共50个1. Agreement - 协议2. Budget - 预算3. Client - 客户4. Contract - 合同5. Deadline - 截止日期6. Entrepreneur - 企业家7. Forecast - 预测8. Gross Profit - 毛利润9. Invoice - 发票10. Joint Venture - 合资企业11. Liability - 责任12. Market Research - 市场调研13. Negotiation - 谈判14. Outsourcing - 外包15. Partner - 合作伙伴16. Profit Margin - 利润率17. Quality Control - 质量控制18. Revenue - 收入19. Stakeholder - 利益相关者20. Strategy - 策略21. Target Market - 目标市场22. Wholesale - 批发23. E-commerce - 电子商务24. Franchise - 特许经营25. Human Resources - 人力资源26. Inventory - 库存27. Joint Venture - 合资企业28. Lead Time - 交货期29. Merger - 合并30. Net Profit - 净利润31. Offshore - 海外32. Onboarding - 入职培训33. Online Marketing - 网络营销34. Overhead - 间接费用35. Partnership - 合伙36. Quota - 配额37. Retail - 零售38. Scalability - 可扩展性39. Start-up - 初创公司40. Turnover - 营业额41. Underwriting - 承保42. Valuation - 估值43. Wholesale - 批发44. Branding - 品牌45. Cash Flow - 现金流46. Dividend - 股息47. Equity - 股权48. Franchise - 特许经营权49. Headquarters - 总部50. Logistics - 物流。

2021年BEC初级口语常用词汇【编辑按】在备考2021年BEC初级口语的过程中,背单词是必不可少的,paign n. 运动Carry-on n. 继续Case study 案例研究Cash card 现金卡Cash flow 资金流动Cash machine 提款机Cashier n. 收银员Catalogue 产品目录Cater for 包办宴席,供应伙食Centimeter n. 厘米Certificate n. 证书Chain 连锁店Chair v. 主持Character n. 文字Chat n. v. 聊天Check-out 收银台Clause n. 条款Client n. 客户Collaboration 合作Collection n. 搜集bination n. 组合e out 总计,共达edy n. 喜剧merce 商业mission n. 佣金panion 同伴pany profile 公司介绍patible adj. 可兼容的petition n. 竞争petitive 竞争的petitor n. 竞争对手plicated adj. 复杂的ply 遵守ponent 零部件prehensive adj. 全面的puter discs 电脑磁盘puter package 电脑软件包puter-aided adj. 计算机辅助的Concession 让步Confidential adj. 机密的Confirmation n. 确认Connect v. 连接Connection n. 连接Consequence n. 结果Considerably adv. 很,颇,相当Consist of 由什么组成Constrain n. 约束Consultant n. 顾问Consultation n. 咨询Container n. 集装箱Continuously adv. 连续的Contract 合同Contribute to 有助于Controversy n. 争议,争论Convenience n. 便利Convenient adj. 便利Convince v. 使信服Cooker n. 烹饪器具Cookery n. 烹调Correspondence n. 通信,信件Corridor n. 走廊Corrosion testing 抗腐蚀性测试Counterpart n. 相互对应的人或物Countersign v. 副署,联署Courier n. 送信件的人Courier service 特派服务Credit n. 信用贷款Credit card 信用卡Criminal n. 罪犯Cuisine 烹调Current account 活期帐户Currently adv. 目前的Curriculum vitae 履历Cut back 削减Cycle v. 骑自行车2021年BEC初级口语常用词汇:D Deadline n. 截止日期Debit v. 贷,借出Debit card 借记卡Definition n. 定义Deliver 送货Delivery 送货Demonstration n. 展示Dental adj. 牙科的____,牙医的Deposit account 定期帐户Destination 目的地Destination 终点Dimension n. 尺寸Diploma 证书Direct selling 直销Discipline v, n. 纪律Discount n. 折扣Discount 折扣Discreet adj. 考虑周到的Dishwasher n. 洗碗机Dispatch v. 发货Distributor n. 分销商DIY Do-It-Yourself 的缩写Document n. 文件Door-to-door service 上门服务Double check 再次确认Downturn n. 下降Downturn 下降趋势Draft n. 草稿Durable adj. 耐用的2021年BEC初级口语常用词汇:J-L Jazz n. 爵士乐Keyboard n. 键盘Kitchenware 厨房用具Label v. 把…贴上标签Laser printer 激光打印机Launch v. 发起,开办Laundry n. 洗衣店Lay out 设计,编排版面Layout n. 版面设计Lease n. 出租Leave… open-ended 在(时间或时段上)留有余地Leisure facility 娱乐设施Letter of application 申请书Life insurance 人身保险Likely adj. 可能的Line manager 部经理门Logo n. 徽志Look fit and healthy 看上去健康的Loudspeaker n. 扩音器Loyalty n. 忠诚。

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商务英语考试高频词汇1appointment(n.) 1. choice of someone for a new job任命[例] The appointment of area financial controller implies he has been promoted.2. arrangement for a meeting约定(会议)[例] We fixed an appointment at four o’clock.appraisal (n.) calculation of the value of somebody or something 估价[例] Their appraisal of the necklace is about RMB 1,000.[同义词] evaluation, valuation, assessmentappraise (v.) to judge the value of somebody or something估价[例] They appraised it was only worth $1.[同义词] evaluate, assessappraiser (n.) person who judges鉴定者,估价官[例] Who will be the appraiser?商务英语考试高频词汇2assemble (v.)1. put (a product) together from component parts 装配[例] After the internal innovation, the efficiency of workers’ assembling machines has greatly improved.2.to bring or call together into a group or whole集合[例] Ask your colleagues to assemble in the meeting room at 10:15.assembly-line (n.) layout of workers and machines where the work passes from one worker to the next, usually on a moving belt, until it is finished装配线[例] All the workers should take care of the assembly line.assembly (n.) putting (a product) together装配[例] We have automated assembly line.assembly point (n.) a place where people should gather in an emergency.集合地点assented stock (n.) an item of financial value, eg an ordinary share, that belongs to someone who has agreed to the conditions of a takeover bid 同意股票assess (v.) estimate the value of估价[例] The property was assessed at £20,000.[同义词] value, evaluateassessment (n.) calculation of value估价[例] a tax assessment[同义词] evaluation, appraisalasset (n.) something of value which is owned by a company资产[例] Their company’s major asset is its property.[同义词] propertyasset backing (n.) the total value of the assets of a company divided by the number of ordinary shares issues. 资产保证[例] We must ensure a solid asset backing for our company.associate company (n.) a company of which more than 20%, but less than 51% of the share capital is held by another company .联营公司[例] This firm is an associate company , not a holding company.current assets (n.) assets in daily use by a business 流动资产fixed assets (n.) property and machinery固定资产[例] Plants and machines are fixed assets.frozen assets (n.) assets which cannot be sold, usually because there is a dispute冻结资产intangible assets (n.) assets which cannot be seen (such as goodwill, patents etc.)无形资产liquid assets (n.) cash or bills which can be easily converted into cash流动资产[例] The amount of liquid assets is important to a company.tangible assets (n.) assets which can be seen (such as property, machinery etc.)有形资产at par ( adj/ adv) of a share or other security that has the same value on the market as the value written on the share itself 平价(市值等于票面值)[例] She bought the shares at par.ATM (n.) automatic teller machine 自动取款机[例] You can draw cash from any ATM at any time in Shanghai by using this Visa Card.[同义词] cashpoint商务英语考试高频词汇3appreciate (v.) 1. be thankful for感激[例] I appreciated your help.2. understand理解[例] I appreciate your problems.3.increase in value增值[例] My shares have appreciated by 10%.apprentice (n.) young person who is learning a skill学徒[例] Don’t listen to him. Jack is only an apprentice.[同义词] learner, beginnerapprenticeship (n.) period of time spent learning a skill学徒年限,学徒身份[例] Jack served an apprenticeship with a carpenter.appropriate (v.) to put an amount of money aside for a special purpose拨出(款项)[例] They appropriated $10,000 for bribery.approve (v.) agree to pass officially批准[例] They Board approved the new plan.[同义词] acceptapproval(n.) agreement批准aptitude (n.) natural ability (to do a task)天资[例] She had a high aptitude for business.arbitrage(n.) the purchase of securities on one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price discrepancy套利[例] He made big fortune by arbitrage.arbitration (n.) process of settling a dispute仲裁[例] We shall have to resort to arbitration.[同义词] judgement, adjudicationarea (n.) region区域[例] His sales area is the North East.[同义词] district, region, territoryarrears (n.) money which is owed and has not been paid on time到期未付帐[例] The payment in arrears amounts to$100.[同义词] arrearage, debt, liabilitiesarrival notice (n.) a note sent by a carrier to thereceiver( consignee) saying that goods have arrived 到货通知[例] After your receipt of the arrival notice from the carrier---COSCO, please arrange the picking-up of the goods at the dock.artifical person (n.) a company considered as having a separate legal identity from the people who work for it, although some of these people will represent the will of the company 法人[例] The company is regarded legally as an artifical person.[同义词] fictitious person, juristic personas per (adv) according to根据[例] As per your request that is made in your last mail, we are writing to confirm our point concerning the price.asap as soon as possible 及早[例] After the cargo reaches your dock,please inform us by fax or email asap.商务英语考试高频词汇4average1. (n.) the number which is calculated by adding several figures together and then divided by the number of figures 均数[例] The sales average has been around 250 units.[同义词] mean2. (adj.) middle平均的[例] the average priceaveraging (n.) trading shares from the same company at different prices at the same time 股票平均买卖法[例] Average can maintain the price of a security.awareness (n.) being conscious of something知道[例] He has no awareness about the transaction.axe 1.(v) remove or dismiss somebody 解雇[例] Several thousand of jobs will be axed next month due to the great depression.[同义词] dismiss ,sack, lay off ,fire2.(n)removal or dismissal 解雇[例] I will under the axe if I can’t reach the sales goal this year.商务英语考试高频词汇5attempt 1.(n.) trial, effort努力、尝试[例] We have made an attempt to enter a new market.2. (v.) tryattn (abbr) for the attentin of交由某人亲启[例] He wrote ATTN Mr.Johnson. on the envelop.auction (n.)the way of selling in which each item is sold at an open meeting to the person who makes the highest bid拍卖[例] He sold his villa in the auction at 200,000 dollars.auction (v.) to sell something to the person who makes the highest offer; sell something by auction拍卖[例] His house was auctioned last week.audio-conference (n.) a meeting with people who cannot all be together at the same time, using audio (telephone) equipment 电话会议[例] The scheduled meeting has been cancelled for SARS, and we are planning to hold an audio-conference next week.audit (n.) examination of the accounts of a company审计[例] We require an audit confirmation from your account opening bank.auditing (n.) official process of checking the accounts of a company to see if they represent a true picture审计[例] The bank is under its annual internal auditing.auditor (n.) person who audits审计员authenticate (v.) proof that something is real or true 认证[例] You should ask a skilled attorney to authenticate the signature at the bottom of this document in case that it is a forged one.[同义词] certify。

《商务英语:必会词汇及应用》一、形容词1. Competent(有能力的)常用搭配:a competent employee(有能力的雇员)2. Reliable(可靠的)常用搭配:a reliable product(可靠的产品)3. Efficient(高效的)常用搭配:an efficient system(高效的系统)4. Productive(高产的)常用搭配:a productive team(高产的团队)5. Innovative(创新的)常用搭配:an innovative idea(创新的思路)二、动词1. Negotiate(谈判)常用搭配:negotiate a contract(谈判合同)2. Plan(计划)常用搭配:plan a project(计划一个项目)3. Deliver(交付)常用搭配:deliver a presentation(交付一个演讲)4. Implement(实施)常用搭配:implement a strategy(实施战略)5. Collaborate(合作)常用搭配:collaborate with colleagues(与同事合作)三、名词1. Responsibility(责任)常用搭配:take responsibility(承担责任)2. Goal(目标)常用搭配:set a goal(设定目标)3. Strategy(策略)常用搭配:formulate a strategy(制定策略)4. Performance(绩效)常用搭配:evaluate performance(评估绩效)5. Budget(预算)常用搭配:prepare a budget(准备预算)四、短语1. In the meantime(同时)例如:In the meantime, we can discuss other options.(同时,我们可以讨论其他选择。

商务英语常见必背名词第一部分:Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理Sales Manager 销售经理Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理Merchandising Manager 采购经理Sales Assistant 销售助理Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师Marketing Consultant 市场顾问Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员Manufacturers Representative 厂家代表Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监Sales Representative 销售代表Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理Marketing Intern 市场实习Marketing Director 市场总监Insurance Agent 保险代理人Customer Manager 客户经理Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理Sales Administrator 销售主管Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监Advertising Manager 广告经理Travel Agent 旅行代办员Salesperson 销售员Telemarketer 电话销售员Sales Executive 销售执行者Marketing Assistant 市场助理Retail Buyer 零售采购员Real Estate Manager 房地产经理Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人Purchasing Agent 采购代理Product Developer 产品开发Marketing Manager 市场经理Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员Advertising Assistant 广告助理Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写人Customer Representative 客户代表第二部分:Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分)Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理MIS Manager 电脑部经理Project Manager 项目经理Technical Engineer 技术工程师Developmental Engineer 开发工程师Systems Programmer 系统程序员Administrator 局域网管理员Operations Analyst 操作分析Computer Operator 电脑操作员Product Support Manager 产品支持经理Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管Director of InFORMation Services 信息服务主管Systems Engineer 系统工程师Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员InFORMation Analyst 信息分析LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析Statistician 统计员第三部分:Human Resources(人力资源部分)Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理Compensation Manager 薪酬经理Employment Consultant 招募顾问Facility Manager 后勤经理Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员Recruiter 招聘人员Training Specialist 培训专员Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁助理Personnel Manager 职员经理Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表Personnel Consultant 员工顾问Training Coordinator 培训协调员Executive and Managerial(管理部分)Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官Director of Operations 运营总监Vice-President 副总裁Branch Manager 部门经理Retail Store Manager 零售店经理HMO Product Manager 产品经理Operations Manager 操作经理Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员Management Consultant 管理顾问District Manager 市区经理Hospital Administrator 医院管理Import/Export Manager 进出口经理Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员Program Manager 程序管理经理Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员Project Manager 项目经理Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理Regional Manager 区域经理Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官General Manager 总经理Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监Controller(International) 国际监管Food Service Manager 食品服务经理Production Manager 生产经理Administrator 医疗保险管理Property Manager 房地产经理Claims Examiner 主考官Controller(General) 管理员Service Manager 服务经理Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理Vending Manager 售买经理Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理Transportation Manager 运输经理Warehouse Manager 仓库经理Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理。

商务英语考试高频词汇商务英语考试高频词汇(一)1. abandon rate 挂断率(衡量客户服务质量的指标之一,计算方式为:拨入客户服务中心的电话总数中客户因等候时间过长而挂断的电话数目占总数的百分比)例句:By choosing the right on-hold music , the company has reduced abandon rate by 50%. 通过选择合适的等待乐曲,该公司电话挂断率下降了50%。
2. absolute interest 绝对产权,绝对权益例句:The company has an absolute interest in the building.该公司对这幢大厦拥有绝对产权。
3. academic smarts 学术方面的才能例句:It’s not th e usual way of thinkin g about it—academic smarts—IQ.它不像人们一般所想的指学术方面的才能,或者说智商。
4. accelerated learning 速成学习例句:Accelerated learning shows that language learning can be fast, effective and enjoyable. 速成学习证明学习语言可以快速,高效,充满乐趣。
5. access fee 使用费例句:They have cut the access fee long-distance providers pay to local phone companies. 他们削减了长途电话供应商向本地电话公司缴纳的使用费。
6. accident frequency rate 意外伤亡事故频率(按每百万工作小时计)例句:Steps are being taken to cut down the accident frequency rate.有关方面正在采取措施降低意外伤亡事故频率。

商务英语(BEC)中级必考词汇(一).bookkeeper n. 簿记员短语general bookkeeper 总账记账员boom n. 繁荣,景气v. (贸易和经济活动)激增,繁荣短语a trade boom 贸易快速增长an economic boom 经济快速增长例Our company is enjoying a sales boom at the moment.目前公司货物畅销。
The country was in the middle of an economic boom.Sales boomed last year.去年销售激增。
In a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic.在一个工业飞速发展的城市里,土地资源非常宝贵,不能任意地用于交通。
boost v./n. ①推动,促进②宣扬短语to boost prices 提高价格a big boost in salary 一次工资大增加pressure boost 增压例The channel tunnel should boost European trade.海峡隧道应可促进欧洲贸易。
Lower prices are boosting sales.较低的价格刺激着销售。
He designed an advertising program to boost local products abroad.他设计了为向国外推销地方产品而大肆宣传的一套广告。
bottleneck n. 瓶颈,窄路v.阻碍例Production of material has bottlenecked.原料的生产受到了阻碍。
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商务英语考试高频词汇一Glossaryadj=adjective; adv=adverb; n=noun; v=verb; inf=informal;pl=plural; abbr=abbreviationAA share (n.) an ordinary share that does not give the owner the right to vote on company issues A股[例] Our company will issue A shares on market.abroad (adv.) to/in another country国外的[例] The sales director is abroad on business trip.[同义词] overseas, in foreign parts, out of the countryabsence (n.) time/period away from work缺席[例] The absence of the chief director of the meeting is somewhat a pity.[同义词] nonattendance, nonappearanceabsent (adj.) not present, not at work缺席的[例] Please let your section head know if you are likely to be absent for a longer period.[同义词] away, off, missingabsenteeism (n.) regular absence from work旷工[例] If motivation decreases, absenteeism is likely to increase.absorb (v.) integrate a smaller item into a larger whole兼并、担负(费用)[例] Head Office has absorbed the losses of our French subsidiary.absorption costing a way of pricing goods by allowing for all costs relating to production in the sale price 归纳成本法[例] Our company mainly use absorption costing to set the sale price of products.abstract (n.) short version of a longer document摘要[例] Please brief your staff the abstract of the prevailing government regulations.[同义词] summary, synopsis, digestaccepting house = (US) accepting bank an organization, often a merchant bank, that promise to pay a bill of exchange in return for a fee 承兑银行access 1. (n.) entry to something通道[例] We have access to classified information.[同义词] entrance, passage2. (v.) gain entry into computer data files获取计算机数据(文件)[例] They shouldn’t have been able to access this file.[同义词] outputaccount (n.) record of financial transactions帐户[例] In our bank, if no transaction takes place in 2 years, your personal account will become unclaimed.account executive (n.) an advertising executive who looks after a particular client(广告或服务业)业务经理[例] Jack is the account executive of this advertising company.accounts payable a list of amounts owned to a business to suppliers of goods and services 应付帐款[例] add an entry to accounts payableaccountancy(n.) work of an accountant会计工作[例] At the end of a year, the accountancy of a big company is always very burdensome.accountant (n.) person qualified to keep a company’s accounts 会计师(员)[例] To be a good and competent accountant, accounting principles should be strictly followed.accounts(n. pl) financial records of a business帐目[例] The bank would like to see the accounts.accruals (n. pl) money owed which is due at a later date 增长额,利息[例] The accruals you owe him will be due next week.achieve (v.) succeed in doing something完成[例] The two parties achieved final agreements in mutual benefits.[同义词] accomplish, complete, finishachievement (n.) the successful completion of something ,something successfully completed 完成、成就[同义词] accomplishment, completion, perfectionacknowledge (v.) confirm that something has arrived确认收悉[例] We acknowledge receipt of the shipment.[同义词] admit, acceptacknowledgement (n.) confirmation that something has arrived收条[例] After you have received the mail, please return your acknowledgement by fax.[同义词] acceptanceacquire(v.) buy, obtain购得、占有[例] We acquired a company, shares, etc.[同义词] obtain, get, procureacquisition the act of acquiring 收购[例] The good news from TCL: the acquisition of Schneider![同义词] merger, takeoveracting(adj.) working in the position of someone for a short time代理的[例] an acting manageractive money (n.) money that is being used by the public as opposed to money left in bank accounts.流通货币(相对于银行帐户中的货币)[例] The inflation increases active money .activity (n.) type of business业务[例] Our main activity is export /import trade.[同义词] businessact of God (n.) an unexpected or unavoidable event such as a storm , a flood , and earthquake ,etc mentioned in some insurance contracts as a cause of loss or damage 不可抗力[例] We will include the term of act of God in this insurance policy to against some uncertain factors.[同义词] force majeureactual (adj.) real实际的[例] Our actual results were better than forecast.actual loss (n.) the real cost of something as opposed to a sum of money stated on paper实际损失(相对于帐面损失)[例] In the recession, for the latest fiscal year, our actual loss is much greater than the paper loss.[相关词汇] paper lossactuals (n.) goods that can be purchased and used , as opposed to goods traded on a futures contract that are represented by documents实货(相对于期货)[例] The merchant is especially interested in the trading of futures , not actuals.[同义词] physicalsadapt (to )(v.) to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation. 使适应[例] the ability to adapt quickly to a new situation[同义词] adjustaddendum (n.) an extra section that is attached to ,or follows , a letter , report,ect 附录,附件[例] write an addendum to a report[同义词] appendixaddress (v.) 1.deal with 处理[例] address public concerns商务英语考试高频词汇二2.give speech to 演说[例] address audience on a business projectadjourn (v) to stop (a court case, a meeting , etc.)for a time before beginning again 延期,休会[例] The board meeting has been adjourned to an uncertain date.[同义词] postponeadjust (v) to settle an insurance claim 理算保险索赔[例] After the car accident, he made an insurance claim that will be adjusted soon.administration (n.) organization and control of a company经营、管理[例] The administration power of a company also shows the internal control of the company.[同义词] managementadmin (n.) abbreviation for administration 经营、管理administer (v.) organize, control: 管理[同义词] manage商务英语考试高频词汇三2.to pay something before it is due 预付[例] The publishing house advanced me on royalties.advance bill (n.) a bill of exchange that has been written before the goods have been sent off 预付(开)票据[例] Dear customer, we will send you the advance bill for that batch by air express mail today.adverse balance (n.) an amount of debt shown on an account 赤字[例] With the rapid growth of our turnover, our adverse balance will be eliminated very soon.[同义词] deficitadvertise (v.) announce something is for sale做广告[例] The soap is advertised on TV for its special flavor.[同义词] announcead (n, inf) short for advertisementad valorem (adj.) of tax that is calculated as a percentage of the value of the goods从价征税[例] VAT is a kind of valorem tax.advertisement (n.) notice/announcement that something is for sale广告[例] If you want your house sold, you should have put your advertisement in a more popular newspaper.advertiser (n.) person/company which advertises广告商[例] Advertisers use various ways and media to promote their products.advertising (n.) the business of designing ads广告业。