chapter6 词类转换翻译法

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2) There seems to be no other competitive techniques which can measure range as well or as rapidly as can a laser. 译文:就测量的精度和速度而言,似乎还没有其他技术 能与激光相比。(adv-n)
7) The more carbon the steel contains, the harder and stronger it is. 译文:钢的含碳量越高,强度和硬度就越大。(a-n)
8)Doctors are not sure they can save his life. 译文:医生们不敢肯定他们救得了他的命。 9)The Wilde family were religious. 译文:王尔德全家都是虔诚的教徒。
3)The president took the foreign guests around the campus. 校长带着外宾参观校园。 4) That’s all the documents there is to it. 那就是与此有关的所有文件。
5) With all his shortcomings he is respected by others. 他尽管有许多缺点,但仍受人尊敬。 6) Man’s warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some warmth.
• 6) The construction of the road will last a year.
•修建这条路需要一年时间。(n-v) • 7) Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. •火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(n-v)
译文:发达国家拥有大量的熟练劳动力和资本, 所以它们能集中生产很多技术密集型的产品,比 如计算机、飞机等。(a-v)

6) Jack is trying to convince the police that he is ignorant of the event. 译文:杰克极力向警察证明自己不知道这件事。(av)
3)将英语形容词转译成汉语副词、动词或名词 英语很多形容词由名词、动词转化而来,根据 不同的结构,汉译时往往转译为副词、动词或 名词。表示心理状态的形容词,在系动词后作 表语时,往往可以译成动词。
1)He then acted as a reluctant interpreter. 他当时并非情愿地当了一次翻译。(a-adv) 2) David was eloquent, and elegant—but soft. 大卫有口才,有风度,但很软弱。(a-n)
人的血液是热的,如果得不到一定的热量,人就难以 在海水中生活。
7) To a certain extent, pollution results from people’s behaviors against nature. 一定程度上来说,污染是由人们不符合自然规 律的行为导致的。
1. The fair price and fine quality connected with the superiority of varieties of our products will be able to guarantee our competitive edge in the international market. • 我方各种各样的产品价格公平,品质优良,能够确 保在国际市场的竞争优势。
6.3 介词的翻译
英语介词数量庞大,另外,英语中不少动词的现在分词, 如concerning, regarding等,也可用作介词,再加上大量的 介词短语如owing to, in accordance with等,无论在数量上还是使用范围与频度 上都远远超过汉语介词。汉译时可采用多种方法。 对于可用直接保留下来的介词,常采用直译。对于只起连 接作用的介词,翻译时常省略。同动词搭配成动词词组或 自身含有动词意味的介词,则可根据其含义和功能,转译 成动词。而用来作状语的介词(短语),则常翻译作形容 词或副词。具体翻译应根据具体情况处理。
3) The real victory is not over one’s fellow runners but over one’s own body. 译文:真正的胜利不是胜过其他赛手,而是胜过自己的 体力。(adv-v)
4) Sometimes we have had to pay dearly for mistakes. 译文:有时我们不得不为错误付出昂贵的代价。(adv-a)
4)将英语副词转译成汉语名词、动词或形容词 英语中, 充当状语的副词常是由名词、动词或 形容词等派生而来,汉语中往往不易找到相应的 副词,因此,汉译时往往转译成名词、动词或形 容词。而汉译英时则反之。
1) Oxygen is one of Hale Waihona Puke Baiduhe important elements in the physical world. It is very active chemically. 译文:氧是物质世界的重要元素之一。它的化学 性很活泼。
第六单元 词类转换翻译法 conversion
☆英语和汉语分属于两个截然不同的语系,英语属于印欧语 系(Endo-European language family),汉语属于汉藏语系 (Sino-Tibetan language family).
☆由于两种语言在词汇和语法结构上都有很多不同,因此在 翻译时很难将两种语言的词汇或结构一一对应。
2. There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. 目前,人们经常讨论经济增长是否令人满意这一问 题。 3. Both the management and the workers in this company are for cutting down the cost of production. 公司管理层和员工都赞成降低生产成本。
4) The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity. 译文:设计的目的在于自动操作,调节方便,维护简易,生产 率高。(v-n) 5) Formality has always characterized their relationship. 译文:他们之间的关系始终有一个特点 ,就是 以礼相待。 6)随着 中国加入世贸组织和北京成功地 获得了2008年奥 运会的主办权,学习英语显得比任何时候都重要。 译文:With China’s entry to the WTO and Beijing’s successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, learning English is more important than ever before.
☆为使译文既忠实于原文,又符合译语习惯,翻译时需适当 把原文中某些词的词类转换成译文的另一类词,或把原文句 子的某一成分译成另一成分,这就是词类转换译法。
英汉翻译中,词类转换有以下几种情况: 1)英语中的名词、介词、形容词或副词有转译成汉语动 词的倾向; 2)英语动词、副词有转换成汉语名词、形容词的倾向; 3)英语名词有转换成汉语动词、形容词、副词的倾向; 4)英语形容词有转换成汉语名词、动词的倾向。
5) In this case the temperature in the furnace is up. 译文:在这种情况下,炉温就升高。 6) Her lecture in Beijing University impressed students deeply. 译文:她在北京大学的演讲给学生们留下了很深的印 象。(adv-a) 7)所有学生都应当德智体全面发展。 译文:All the students should develop morally, intellectually, and physically
• 3) As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will give him the necessary help. 他对这座城市非常陌生,所以我希望你能给他必要 的帮助。(n-adj) 4) The blockage was a success. 封锁很成功。 5. It is our great pleasure to note that China has made great progress in economy. 我们很高兴地看到,中国的经济已经有了很大发展。 (n-adv)
1) He has gained his master’s degree from Harvard’s School of Education and is finally off welfare. 他已获得了哈佛大学教育学院的硕士学位,并终 于摆脱了救济。 2) Now, complaints are heard in all parts of that country. 该国目前怨声载道。
英语中的动词,有很多是由名词派生而来,汉语里常找不到 相应的动词,或由于语言表达的习惯差异,汉译时往往译成 名词或副词。 1) The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American. 我在聚会上见到的那个人,外表和谈吐都像美国人。(v-n) 2) I succeeded in persuading him. 我成功地说服了他。(v-adv) 3) Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear. 这些材料的特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。(v-n)
3) There is an increasing interest in the large-scale use of solar energy all over the world. 世界各地对大规模利用太阳能越来越感兴趣。(a-adv)
4) Faulty construction was responsible for the crash of the bridge. 低劣的施工引起了这座大桥的倒塌。(a-v)
6.2 结合实例做具体分析 1)将英语中的名词转译成汉语的动词、形容词 或副词 英语中有些名词具有动词意味,或由形容词派 生而成抽象名词,或名词后加不定冠词做表语, 或由介词+名词短语构成状语,这时常将名词汉 译作动词、形容词或副词。
1)The custom-made object, now restricted to the rich, will be within everyone’s reach. 目前这种定做的产品只有富人才能享受,而将来 人人都能买得起。(n-v) 2)A fire in the neighbor’s house can easily bring disaster to everyone. 一家失火,四邻遭殃。(n-v)
5) The developed countries are rich in skilled work force and capital resources, so they can concentrate on producing many technology-intensive products such as computers, aircrafts, and so on.