优秀英语课件 Robots机器人

Unit 2 Robots 机器人
Unit 2
基础知识自采 重点难点研析知能强化训练
核心词汇 1.When she was telling us about her headache, her real aim was just to gain our____________(同 情). 2.It was a reasonable ____________(评估)and probably pretty close to the truth. 3.The opening____________(章)gives a general overview of the subject. 4.She got a ____________(兼职的)job to supplement the family income. 5.When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a ____________(手杖).
4.________ when Asimov was eleven years old_________his talent for writing became obvious. 阿西莫夫的写作天才是在他11岁时才显露出来的。
1.more ; than 2.there stood Gladys Claffern 3.published,4.It was; that
1.test out 2.ring up 3.turn around
4.leave...alone 5.set aside 6.in all 7.be bound
to 8.search for pare ...with... 10.or
rather 11.whisper to 12.fall in love with
Unit 2
基础知识自采 重点难点研析知能强化训练
核心词汇 1.When she was telling us about her headache, her real aim was just to gain our____________(同 情). 2.It was a reasonable ____________(评估)and probably pretty close to the truth. 3.The opening____________(章)gives a general overview of the subject. 4.She got a ____________(兼职的)job to supplement the family income. 5.When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a ____________(手杖).
4.________ when Asimov was eleven years old_________his talent for writing became obvious. 阿西莫夫的写作天才是在他11岁时才显露出来的。
1.more ; than 2.there stood Gladys Claffern 3.published,4.It was; that
1.test out 2.ring up 3.turn around
4.leave...alone 5.set aside 6.in all 7.be bound
to 8.search for pare ...with... 10.or
rather 11.whisper to 12.fall in love with

Fundamentals of Robotics
Fundamentals of Robotics
Ch. 1 Introduction 第1章 绪 论
Ch. 1 Introduction
Course Schedule Top 10 Robotics News of 2008 Development of Robotics Structure, Feature, and Classification of
2 讲授
2 课堂 报告
2 实验
月 日 周次 4 20 8
教学内容 机器人编程
教学 时数
教学 课外 备 方式 时数 注
讲授 2
4 23 8
2 训练
4 27 9 综合实验:智能机器人的路 2 综合
4 30 9
2 讲授
5 4 10
Ch. 1 Introduction
2 Robot ride on a wheelbarrow
➢ In September 2008 Japanese Murata Manufacturing Institute launched a new type of robot riding on a wheelbarrow, named "seiko". This new type of robot can maintain its balance through a series of sensors and gyroscopes, and easy to complete riding of a wheelbarrow.
Fundamentals of Robotics
Fundamentals of Robotics
Ch. 1 Introduction 第1章 绪 论
Ch. 1 Introduction
Course Schedule Top 10 Robotics News of 2008 Development of Robotics Structure, Feature, and Classification of
2 讲授
2 课堂 报告
2 实验
月 日 周次 4 20 8
教学内容 机器人编程
教学 时数
教学 课外 备 方式 时数 注
讲授 2
4 23 8
2 训练
4 27 9 综合实验:智能机器人的路 2 综合
4 30 9
2 讲授
5 4 10
Ch. 1 Introduction
2 Robot ride on a wheelbarrow
➢ In September 2008 Japanese Murata Manufacturing Institute launched a new type of robot riding on a wheelbarrow, named "seiko". This new type of robot can maintain its balance through a series of sensors and gyroscopes, and easy to complete riding of a wheelbarrow.

The history of robots
In 1999, Sony demonstrated the Intelligent robotics AIBO.
The history of robots
In 2002 iRobot company introduced a vacuum cleaner robot Roomba. In 2006-6,Microsoft introduced Microsoft Robotics Studio.
The history of robots
Three Laws of Robotics
The first rule Robot may not injure a human, or sit back and do nothing hurt humans; The second rule Unless contrary to the first rule, the robot must obey human orders; The third rule Without prejudice to the first and second law, the robot must protect themselves.
production equipment)
To carry and manufacture the car.
Ferrari production equipment
Medical nanoscale robot
Figure is described in the nanoscale robots are looking for invasion of the virus.
演讲:陈强 学号:20161100007
工业机器人专业英语课件Chapter 2

Question 1: How many types of robots are mentioned in this chapter, and what are they?
Question 2: What is an industrial robot?
nursing /'nɜːsɪŋ/ n. 护理;看护;养育v. 看护;养育(nurse的ing形式) precision /prɪ'sɪʒ(ə)n/ n. 精度,[数] 精密度;精确adj. 精密的,精确的 fatigue /fə'tiːg/ n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役 adj. 疲劳的 vt. 使疲劳 vi. 疲劳 speed /spiːd/ v. 快速运动;加速;(使)繁荣;n. 速度;进度;迅速 quality /ˈkwɒlətɪ/ n. 质量,[统计] 品质;特性;才能adj. 优质的;高品质的 surgical /'sɜːdʒɪk(ə)l/ n. 外科手术;外科病房adj. 外科的;手术上的 procedure /prə'siːdʒə/ n. 程序,手续;步骤 guardian /'gɑːdɪən/ n. [法] 监护人,保护人;守护者adj. 守护的 patient /'peɪʃ(ə)nt/ n. 病人,患者;受动者,承受者adj. 有耐心的,能容忍的 response /rɪ'spɒns/ n. 响应;反应;回答
Answerຫໍສະໝຸດ Question 5: How to choose a suitable explorer robot?

• pre-programmed • autonomous • teleoperated • augmenting
Types of Robots
I. Pre-programmed Robots
• Pre-programmed robots operate in a simple, controlled environment so that they do not require a great deal in the way of intelligent control systems to operate successfully. e.g. industrial robots in most automobile plants
IV. Augmenting Robots
• Augmenting robots are connected directly to the human user's body. Movements of the users’ body ultimately control a robotic effector of some kind. e.g. wearable robots for walking assistance
History of Robots
early Conceptions of Robots
Egyptood pigeon
“Armed knight” by Leonardo Da Vinci
History of Robots
the earliest modern Robots
Types of Robots
III. Teleoperated Robots
• Teleoperated robots are controlled remotely by a human being. e.g. underwater robots; space robotic arm
Types of Robots
I. Pre-programmed Robots
• Pre-programmed robots operate in a simple, controlled environment so that they do not require a great deal in the way of intelligent control systems to operate successfully. e.g. industrial robots in most automobile plants
IV. Augmenting Robots
• Augmenting robots are connected directly to the human user's body. Movements of the users’ body ultimately control a robotic effector of some kind. e.g. wearable robots for walking assistance
History of Robots
early Conceptions of Robots
Egyptood pigeon
“Armed knight” by Leonardo Da Vinci
History of Robots
the earliest modern Robots
Types of Robots
III. Teleoperated Robots
• Teleoperated robots are controlled remotely by a human being. e.g. underwater robots; space robotic arm

actions automatically.
Robots can be guided by an external control device or the control may be embedded within. Robots may be constructed to take on human form but most robots are
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
machines designed to perform a task with no regard to how
they look.
Industrial Robot
Medical Robot
Domestic Robot
The first shot of Revolution?
Three Laws of Robotics
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
recently,the topic of robot is very popular. and do you know what is the robot ,a machine that looks like a human.what can these machine do.can they injury us ? now i will tell you about it.According to Wikiped.A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer—capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. Robots can be guided by an external control device or the control may be embedded within. Robots may be constructed to take on human form but most robots are machines designed to perform a task with no regard to how they look. when i was young ,i had watched lots of cartoons about that,just like Astro Boy,transformers. the robot is a hero in my heart.they can punish the badness and help the weak.and also they will stand out when our house under allen inasion.just as the video.optimus saied A neccessay sacrifice to bring peace to this plantehe is great.you can find a robot who is more handsome than bumblebee.do you? however,in reality.most robots is a little silly,this is the most advanced robot in the world ,its name is Atlas,its made by google,but i just find cute on it. i think if he were bumblebee,the laboratory would boom. actully ,there are many kinds of robots.in the first picture,this is a industrial robot ,it only made up of the machine arm.but it is a important part of industrial production,it can replaced people in some dangerous areas,or do repeat work.and second is a Medical Robot ,the medical robot has many types,just like surgical robots ,disinfection robot,Pharmacy automation and more,for example ,the disinfection robot was being used to fight ebols virus disease short time ago. and third is a omestic Robot ,although they are not very smart ,they are the nearest to us,they can help us sweep the floor or wash clothes.it will be a great member of our family in the naer future. have you seen the news that a robot named little fatty ,it is the silly robot in the screen,and it put the man in the hospital.As one netizen commented,it is the first shot of the robot revolution.we know itis a accident later,but there were fears that the robot will injure human one day.in my opoinion,There is no need to worry about that,because their IQ is too low to do this.and people made three laws of robotics to protect ourself A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

called “wooden cattle and walking
horse” successfully, and shipped the
military provisions to the warfront
with it.
The idea of robot goes back to ancient time in the world.
The idea of robot goes back to ancient time of china.
The Spring and Autumn Period, our country had a renowned carpenter Lu Ban(鲁班). He was also an inventor in the mechanical aspect, according to “Mo Jing”(《墨经》) records. Once he had made a wooden bird that could in the aerial flight “on three days”, which manifest working people's intelligent wisdom in our country.
perform the biological function with the
mechanization to carry on the medicine analysis.
The idea of robot goes back to ancient time in the world.

convert electrical signals into mechanical motion, allowing robots to move and interact with their surroundings
Integration of sensors and actors
enables robots to respond appropriately to environmental changes and perform complex tasks
The current application status of
robots in variable fields
Industrial manufacturing sector
Automation of production lines
Robots are widely used in the automation of production
improved sensors and actors
Frontiers of Contemporary Robot Technology
• Autonomous Navigation: Robots are now able to navigate complex environments autonomously using sensors and algorithms
industrial robots in the 1960s
Recent Advancements
The 21st century has seen rapid advancements in robotics
工业机器人专业英语课件Chapter 5

mechanical /mɪ'kænɪk(ə)l/ adj. 机械的;力学的;呆板的;手工操作的 integration /ɪntɪ'greɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 集成;综合 reducer /rɪ'djuːsə/ n. [助剂] 还原剂;减径管 servo motor 伺服马达;伺服电动机 controller /kən'trəʊlə/ n. 控制器;管理员; barrier /'bærɪə/ n. 障碍物,屏障;界线vt. 把…关入栅栏 division /dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n/ n. [数] 除法;部门;分配;分割;师(军队);赛区 cnc system 数控系统 laser /'leɪzə/ n. 激光 oscillator /'ɒsɪleɪtə(r)/ n. [电子] 振荡器 injection /ɪn'dʒekʃ(ə)n/ n. 注射;注射剂;充血;射入轨道 mold /məʊld/ v. 浇铸,塑造;n. 模具;铸模;框架
Q: What is the difference
Almost all the industrial robot are made to carry out the manufacturing tasks, such as welding, painting, and assembly work. However, there is no one robot brand can hold the complete industrial business. There are a large amount number of robot manufacturers in the world. Industrial robots are made by many enterprises mainly in Italy, Sweden, Germany, Japan, United States, and China, etc.
工业机器人专业英语课件Chapter 1

什么是机器人?机器人被定义为一种可编程的多功能机械手,被设计用于移动材料、部件、工具或专门的 设备,通过可编程的可变运动来执行各种任务。
1921年,捷克人卡尔·卡佩克首次用“Robota”这个词来形容机器。它的表现像人一样,但没有人类的感觉, 后来在英语中被广泛称为“Robot”。
Question 4:List the main disadvantages of robot.
Question 5:What is the difference between robot and human?
Question 6:What is the aim of developing robot?
Robot is designed to assist and replace human’s labor work. It owns several advantages. Firstly, robot can keep working for a long period without a break when the conditions are allowed. Secondly, the efficiency of robot performance is much higher than human. Thirdly, robot is flexible based on the programming according to task requirement. Lastly, robot has low requirement for the working surrounding, and that is why it is widely applied in the specific and dangerous environments.

The controller can be a microprocessor or a microcontroller. It receives input signals from the sensors, processes them through programming or algorithms, and then outputs control signals to the driving system to achieve precise control of the robot's motion.
With the development of computer technology, controllers have become more intelligent and programmable, enabling more complex and flexible robotic operations.
Modern robots
Industrial Robots
Service Robots
Industrial robots are machines des tasks in manufacturing processes. They are programmable and can be controlled remotely or locally.
Cartesian robots,关节机器人等。
Application area
Manufacturin g industry
Robots are widely used in the manufacturing industry to replace human beings to complete dangerous, labor-intensive, and repetitive tasks.
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Robot Configurations
Some of the commonly used configurations in Robotics are
• Cartesian/Rectangular Gantry(3P) : These Robots are made of 3 Linear joints that orient the end effector, which are usually followed by additional revolute joints.
• Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) (2R1P): They have two revolute joints that are parallel and allow the Robot to move in a horizontal plane, plus an additional prismatic joint that moves vertically
Robotics Timeline
• 1922 Czech author Karel Capek wrote a story called Rossum’s Universal Robots and introduced the word “Rabota”(meaning worker)
• 1954 George Devol developed the first programmable Robot.
• Defined by Robotics Industry Association (RIA) as
– a re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through variable programmed motion for a variety of tasks
• Alternately Workspace may be found empirically, by moving each joint through its range of motions and combining all space it can reach and subtracting what space it cannot reach
Robot Configurations (cont’d)
• Articulated/anthropomorphic(3R) :An articulated robot’s joints are all revolute, similar to a human’s arm.
Robot Configurations (cont’d)
Pure Spherical Jointed Arm - Work envelope
2) Parallelogram Jointed
Readiness Assessment Test A.K.A. RAT
AS A INDIVIDUAL, prepare a detailed response for the following Readiness Assessment test
• Joint Reference Frame which is used to specify movements of each individual joint of the Robot. In this case each joint may be accessed individually and thus only one joint moves at a time.
• 1990 Cincinnati Milacron was acquired by ABB
Robot Classification
The following is the classification of Robots according to the Robotics Institute of America
It can vary in size and complexity from a endeffector on the space shuttle to a small gripper
• Acutators : Actuators are the muscles of the manipulators. Common types of actuators are servomotors, stepper motors, pneumatic cylinders etc.
Cartesian Robot - Work Envelope
Robot Configurations (cont’d)
• Cylindrical (R2P): Cylindrical coordinate Robots have 2 prismatic joints and one revolute joint.
• Sensors : Sensors are used to collect information about the internal state of the robot or to communicate with the outside environment. Robots are often equipped with external sensory devices such as a vision system, touch and tactile sensors etc which help to communicate with the environment
Introduction to Robotics
A common view : Robots as Humanoids
We will be studying Industrial manipulator type Robots.
• Introduction to Robotics • Classification of Robots • Robot accessories • Robot coordinates • Work volumes and Reference Frames • Robot Programming • Robot Applications in Lean Mfg.
• Tool Reference Frame which specifies the movements of the Robots hand relative to the frame attached to the hand. The x’,y’and z’ axes attached to the hand define the motions of the hand relative to this local frame. All joints of the Robot move simultaneously to create coordinated motions about the Tool frame.
Robot Configurations
Reference Frames
• World Reference Frame which is a universal coordinate frame, as defined by the x-y-z axes. In this case the joints of the robot move simultaneously so as to create motions along the three major axes.
• 1955 Denavit and Hartenberg developed the homogenous rmation matrices
• 1962 Unimation was formed, first industrial Robots appeared.
• 1973 Cincinnati Milacron introduced the T3 model robot, which became very popular in industry.
• possess certain anthropomorphic characteristics
– mechanical arm – sensors to respond to input – Intelligence to make decisions
Robot Accessories
A Robot is a system, consists of the following elements, which are integrated to form a whole:
• Manipulator / Rover : This is the main body of the Robot and consists of links, joints and structural elements of the Robot.
• End Effector : This is the part that generally handles objects, makes connection to other machines, or performs the required tasks.
• Controller : The controller receives data from the computer, controls the motions of the actuator and coordinates these motions with the sensory feedback information.