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(2016·辽宁丹东) 32. With the development of China, Chinese by a large number of people in the world.

A. speaks

B. is spoken

C. speak

D. is speaking

32. B 考查动词语态。句意:随着中国的发展,汉语被世界上大量的人说。Chinese与speak之间是被动关系,故选B。

(2016·黑龙江齐齐哈尔) 18. Tourists ________ because of their impolite behavior in our country from now on.

A. will punish

B. will be punished

C. is punishing

18. B 考查被动语态。根据from now on可知用将来时,主语tourists和谓语动词punish表示被动关系,所以用一般将来时的被动语态will be punished。句意:从现在开始在我们的国家由于不礼貌的行为旅客将会被惩罚。故选B。

(2016·黑龙江大庆)7. Smart phones _________ in the classroom.

A. aren’t allowed

B. aren’t allowing

C. allow

D. is allowed

7. A 考查动词语态。句意:不允许在教室里带智能手机。主语是Smart phone是动作allow的承受者,要用被动语态而且主语是复数。故答案为A。

(2016·吉林长春)23. Chinese New Year ________ the spring Festival. People often eat dumplings.

A. is called

B. was called

C. calls

D. called

23. A 考查动词的语态和时态。句意:中国新年被叫作春节。人们常常吃饺子。从句意知,句子主语

Chinese New Year是动作call的承受者,本句应用被动语态表达,排除C、D;从语境知,本句应用一般现在时态。故选A。

(2016·江苏常州) 5. —Do you know when we ?

—I'm not sure. I will tell you about it when the time .

A. leave; is fixed

B. will leave; is fixed

C. leave ;will be fixed

D. will leave; will be fixed

5. B考查时态与语态。句意:——你知道我们什么时候_____吗?——我不确定,当时间_____我会通知你的。问句语境询问未来,用将来时;答句是when引导的时间状语从句,当主句用—般将来时,而从句仅用用—般现在时,当时间定下来之后,我会通知你,此时的the time与fix之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态。故选B。

(2016•吉林)37. Rice _____ by hand in many countries ,such as China and India.

A. grows

B. is grown

C. grew

37. B 考查被动语态。句意:水稻在许多国家被手工种植,如中国和印度。A.生长;种植(单三形式);B.被种植(被动语态);C.生长;种植。根据句意理解,此句为被动语态,结构为“主语+be+过去分词”。故选B。

(2016·湖南张家界)22. —Please come back earlier, honey!

—I’m not a child! I should______ what to do!

A. be told

B. not be told

C. tell

22. B考查被动语态。句意:—宝贝,尽早回来!—我不是孩子了,我不应该被告知要做什么事情。空后没有宾语,故要用被动语态形式,含有情态动词的被动语态构成形式为“情态动词+be+及物动词过去分词”,故选B。

(2016·福建厦门) 24. – These days, teenagers often have to do what they ______ to.

– It’s not good for their independence. They need to think on their own.

A. tell

B. are telling

C. are told

24.C 考查被动语态。句意:—最近,青少年经常不得不做他们_______的事情。—这对他们的独立没有好处。他们需要独自思考。A. tell告诉;B. are telling正告诉;C. are told被告知。根据答语可知上句表达“青少年不动脑筋,经常做别人吩咐给他们的事情”,主语“青少年”和“告知”之间存在被动关系,用被动语态。

(2016•青海西宁)24. —I want to b orrow the book, but I don’t know how long it may _______.

—For two weeks.

A. borrow

B. be borrowed

C. keep

D. be kept

24. D 考查词语辨析和语态。句意:——我想借本书,但是我不知道能够借多久。——两周。结合语境可知宾语从句中主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。选项B表示瞬间动作,不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,故选D。

(2016•湖北荆州)33. —The 30th Olympic Games will _____ in Rio this year .

—Year! It’s over 100 years since the first Olympics_____ in 1896.

A. be held; held

B. held; was held

C. hold; held

D. be held; was hold

33. D考查动词的时态和被动语态。句意:——今年第30界奥运动会在里约举行。——是的!自从第一届奥运会在1896年举行,已经100多年了。因为“Olympic Games”与held之间为被动关系,所以应用“be +过去分词”结构。因为第一句中will后跟动词原形;而第二句中since从句应用一般过去时,所以答案为D。

(2016•江苏镇江)10. Last year, five Chinese teachers ________ to a school in the UK to teach the British
