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Its Asset Management and Securities Services segment offers various asset management services comprising investment advisory services, financial planning, and investment products; management of merchant banking funds; 其资产管理和证券服务部提供各种服务, 包括资产管理,投资咨询服务,财务计划 和投资产品,管理商业银行资金
credit products 信 贷 产 品 , such as credit derivatives, investment-grade corporate securities, high-yield 高回报 securities, bank and secured loans, municipal securities 市政债券 , emerging market and distressed 损 坏 debt, public and private equity securities, and real estate房地产; currencies货币 and currency derivatives; interest rate 利率products信贷产品如信用衍生工具,投 资级公司债券,高收益证券信用产品,银行和 抵押贷款,市政债券,新兴市场和债务困扰, 公共和私人股本证券,房地产,货币及货币衍 生工具。
consisting of interest rate derivatives and global government securities政府债券; money market instruments工具, including matched book positions; and mortgage-related securities and loan products. 包括利率产品的利率衍生产品和全球政府债 券;货币市场工具,包括书籍职位匹配和抵押 贷款相关的证券和贷款产品。
Because everything ADM does begins with agriculture, our partnership with the farming community is vital. Farmers are essential to the overall economy, and that‘s why we work to be essential to them - creating thousands of products from their crops, hundreds of markets for their crops. 因为 ADM公司创建于农业,我 们与农合作社的伙伴关系是至关重要的。农 民是必不可少的整体经济,这就是为什么我 们的工作对他们是必不可少的 – 用他们的农 作物生产出几千种产品,建立数百个农产品 市场。
The company’s Trading and Principal Investments segment engages in market making in, trading of, and investing in commodities商品 and commodity derivatives 衍生品, including power generation发电 and related activities; 该公司的贸易和投资领域主要从事市场庄家, 买卖,以及商品和商品衍生工具,包括发电 和投资有关的活动,
Founded in 1902 and incorporated in 1923, ADM is headquartered in Decatur, Illinois, and operates processing and manufacturing facilities across the United States and worldwide. Through our extensive global distribution facilities and capabilities, ADM makes a significant contribution to the world‘s economy and quality of life. 成立于1902年,合并于1923年, 总部设在迪凯特,伊利诺斯州。经营生产设施 遍及全美国和世界各地。通过我们全球各地的 分销设施和集中设施,ADM为世界经济和生活 质量作出了重大贡献。
This segment also provides equity securities, derivative securities, futures, and options clearing services; market-making and specialist services in equity securities and options; and insurance services, as well as involves in principal investments activities. 这 部分还提供股本证券,衍生证券,期货和期 权的结算服务,市场决策和股本证券和期权 的专家服务和保险服务,以及投资所涉及的 主要活动领域。
和证券服务,如经纪,融资服务,证券借贷。 该公司成立于1869年在纽约总部设在纽约。
美国阿彻丹尼尔斯米 德兰公司
Archer Daniels Midland Company
美国阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰公司 Archer Daniels Midland Company is one of the largest agricultural processors in the world. Serving as a vital link between farmers and consumers, we take crops and process them to make food ingredients, animal feed ingredients, renewable fuels and naturally derived alternatives to industrial chemicals. 阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰公司是世界上最 大的农产品加工商之一。作为一个农民和消费者 之间的重要桥梁,我们收购作物和加工,生产食 品配料,动物饲料原料,可再生燃料,自然衍生 产生的工业化学品的替代。
and securities services, such as prime brokerage, financing services, and securities lending. The company was founded in 1869 and is headquartered in New York, New York.
每一天,阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰公司 2.8 万人在把 农作物,如玉米,油料,小麦和可可改造成食品 配料,动物饲料,农业衍生燃料及化学药品。
With crop sourcing, transportation, storage and processing assets in more than 60 countries, ADM connects farmers’ crops with the needs of the global marketplace 拥有作物采购,在 60 多个国家的运输,储 存和处理资产中, ADM 把农民的农作物与 全球市场需要紧密连接在一起。
高 盛 集 团
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 以高盛为首的国际金融资本 是 这场金融海啸的真正背后操纵者
高盛集团 Goldman Sachs Group Inc The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., together with its subsidiaries 附 属 公 司 , provides various investment banking, securities 证 券 , and investment management services to corporations, financial institutions 机 构 , governments, and high-net-worth individuals个 体 worldwide.高盛集团,公司,连同其附属公 司,提供各种投资银行,证券和投资管理为企 业,金融机构,政府和高净值个人提供服务。
Bunge Limited 美国的邦基公司
Bunge helps farmers grow more crops. 邦吉帮 助 农 民 种 植 更 多 的 作 物 We transport and process agricultural commodities efficiently and safely.
Each day, the 28,000 people of Archer Daniels Midland Company transform crops such as corn, oilseeds, wheat and cocoa into food ingredients, animal feeds, and agriculturally derived fuels and chemicals.
我们的运输和加工农产品有效和安全。 And we create high-quality food products enjoyed by people worldwide.
我 们 创 造 了 各 国 人 民 享 有 的 高品质的食品产品
Founded in 1818, Bunge is a leading agribusiness and food company with integrated operations that circle the globe, stretching from the farm field to the retail shelf. The world is our market – six billion people and counting. Bunge‘s over 25,000 employees in over 30 countries are dedicated to improving the global agribusiness and food production chain by: 成立于1818年,邦吉是一家领先的农业和食品 综合业务公司,环绕地球,从农田延伸到零售 货架。世界是我们的市场 - 60亿人口和正在增 加的人口。邦吉超过25,000名员工在30多个国 家都致力于改善全球农业和粮食生产链 :
Its Investment Banking segment部分 offers financial advisory 咨 询 services, including advisory assignments 任务 with respect to mergers 合 并 and acquisitions 收 购 , divestitures 财 产 剥 离 , corporate defense activities, restructurings重组, and spin-offs; 资产分派 and underwriting保险业 services, including equity抵押 underwriting and debt underwriting. 其投资银行部门提供财务咨询 服务,包括对合并和收购,资产剥离,企业 防御活动,重组咨询服务任务,以及分拆;及 包销服务,包括证券承销和债券承销。