Unit 5---英汉对比与篇章翻译

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English Structure: Subject-Predicate 主语-谓语 主语-
Contrast Between English and Chinese
Topic-Comment Sentence Structure 话题-评论结构 结构) (话题-评论结构)
Examples of Negative Transfer
1. The writer likes writing at light (night). 【语音 迁移】 2. He only eat two meal a day. 【词形迁移】
Difference Between
Comparative Study and Contrastive Study Comparative Study lays emphasis on the similarities between languages and applies the diachronic method of research. Contrastive Study lays emphasis on the differences between languages and applies the synchronic method of research.
人到齐就开会。 不要人云亦云。
The meeting will begin when all are here.
Don’t say what others have said. Tense (时态) 帐单撕碎了。 The bill was torn to pieces. 问题解决了。 The problem was solved. Voice (语 态) 你再说一个字, If you should say one more 我马上走。 word, I would go at once. 你死了, If you should die, I would go and 我去当和尚。 be a monk. Mood (语气)
Trunk line: S + V + (O) Branches and sub-branches : Adverbials and attributes
Rhythmic speech or writing is like waves of the sea, moving onward with alternating rise and fall, connected yet separated, like but different, suggestive of some law, too complex for analysis or statement, controlling the relations between wave and wave, waves and sea, phrase and phrase, phrases and speech. H. W. Fowler (1858 – 1933)
English: tree-like sentence structure (树式结构)
As a nation of gifted people who comprise about one-fourth of the total population of the earth, China plays in world affairs a role that can only grow more important in the years ahead. -- Jimmy Carter
Transfer (迁移)is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired . Odlin (1989: 27) 迁移是由于目标语与已经习得的语言之间的 相似和差异而产生的影响。 ---奥德林
Compare the sentence structures:
• 我的小孙子/外孙他很 调皮。 • 那所房子你们早该修 了。 • 英语这门语言,学会 它可不容易。 • 这里建大桥,我看行 不通。
Chinese Structure: 话题Topic-Comment 话题-评论
• My little grandson is very naughty. • You should have repaired the house. • It is by no means easy to learn the English language. • I don’t think it workable to build a bridge here.
人在阵地在。 The position will not be given up so long as we are still living. 人无远虑, If one has no long-term considerations, 必有近忧。 he will find trouble at his doorstep.
EnglishContrastive Study on EnglishChinese and Text Translation 英汉对比与篇章翻译
What’s a text?
• I. II. TEXT篇章是翻译的真正单位 篇章是思想交流的基本单位 语篇具有主动性 Language is the amber in which a thousand precious and subtle thoughts have been safely embedded and preserved. ---Richard C. Trench
can can’t
can can’t
can can’t
can can’t
揍 敢 试 瞧 逃 怕
Chinese: bamboo-like sentence structure (竹式结构)
从前这里有一个渔村,村里住着 十户人家,这十户人家全靠打鱼、 种地 为生,生活艰苦,但很安宁。
The chunks of a sentence seem to be connected and yet separated, like sections of a bamboo linked by the joints and yet relatively independent and self-contained.
Two Types of Transfer
• Negative Transfer (负迁移) Errors arise from analogy. 类推会产生错误。 • Positive Transfer (正迁移) Errors decrease by analysis. 分析能减少错误。
Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning.
Lacking inflection in the strict sense 缺少严格意义的形态 变化 老师们、同学们 我的爸爸、你的妈妈 认真的态度、 认真地学习
Retaining some源自文库inflections 保留一些形态变化 v.(动词): tense, aspect, voice, mood n.(名词): number, case, gender pron.(代词): person, gender, case, number adj.(形容词): degree ad.(副词) : degree
Chinese: moving point of sight视点流动
“I can lick you.” “No, you can’t.” “Yes, I can.” “No, you can’t.” “I can.” “you can’t.” “Can!” “Can’t!” 我要揍你。 你敢! 敢又怎么样? 那你就试试吧! 试试?哼,你等着瞧! 等着瞧?我才不怕呢! 不怕,好,那你休想逃走。 谁逃了?来呀,你揍啊!
(Time Order 时间先后 时间先后)
他人老心 不老。
Although he has aged physically, he remains young at heart.
(Concession 让步 让步)
Contrast Between English and Chinese Chinese
Subject-Predicate Sentence Structure 主语-谓语结构) (主语-谓语结构)
Topic-prominent Subject-prominent SubjectTopicLanguage Language 主语突出型语言 话题突出型语言
Chinese Order of Linguistic Elements
Chinese: left-extending(左分支) heavy-headed like a lion(狮子头)
树 一棵树 一棵大树 一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 校园里一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 二师校园里一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 东湖开发区二师校园里一棵枝繁叶茂的大树 ……
English: right-extending (右分支)heavy-tailed like a peacock
Categories of texts
Type of writing: Description Narration Exposition argumentation
Requirements for the text: Unity Coherence
Language Transfer and translation
English: fixed point of sight 视点固定
“I can lick you.” “No, you can’t.” “Yes, I can.” “No, you can’t.” “I can.” “you can’t.” “Can!” “Can’t!” “我会揍你的。” “不,你不会。” “是的,我会的。” “不,你不会的。” “我会的。” “你不会的。” “会!” “不会!”
Meaning-focused with emphasis on implicit coherence (隐性连贯) Paratactic
Form-focused with emphasis on explicit cohesion (显性联接) Hypotactic
This is the cat. This is the cat that caught the rat. This is the cat that caught the rat that ate the fish. This is the cat that caught the rat that ate the fish that lay in the kitchen. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the fish that lay in the kitchen that was built by Jack. …
(Condition 条件 条件)
病来如山倒, Sickness comes like an avalanche, 病去如抽丝。 but goes like reeling silk.
(Contrast, Opposition 对照、转折 对照、转折)
我来他已去。 He had left when I arrived.