清华大学中级微观经济学讲义(清华 李稻葵)32
清华大学中级微观经济学讲义(清华 李稻葵)7
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The Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference
A: ($1,$3,$10) (3,1,4). B: ($4,$3,$6) (2,5,3). C: ($1,$1,$5) (4,4,3).
Choice Prices A B C A $46 $39 $24 B $47 $41 $22 C $46 $46 $23
Digression: Science vs. Engineering (对比科学家思维与工程师思维) 找问题与解问题的不同 –要对问题提问题 要对问题提问题 务虚与务实的不同 解释世界与改造世界的不同 –旁观者与参与者的不同 旁观者与参与者的不同
Maintained Assumptions on Preferences
The Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference
Consider the following data: A: (p1,p2,p3) = (1,3,10) & (x1,x2,x3) = (3,1,4) B: (p1,p2,p3) = (4,3,6) & (x1,x2,x3) = (2,5,3) C: (p1,p2,p3) = (1,1,5) & (x1,x2,x3) = (4,4,3)
Recovering Indifference Curves
Suppose we observe: A: (p1,p2) = ($1,$1) & (x1,x2) = (15,15) B: (p1,p2) = ($2,$1) & (x1,x2) = (10,20) C: (p1,p2) = ($1,$2) & (x1,x2) = (20,10) D: (p1,p2) = ($2,$5) & (x1,x2) = (30,12) E: (p1,p2) = ($5,$2) & (x1,x2) = (12,30). Where lies the indifference curve containing the bundle A = (15,15)?
Marginal Revenue and Own-Price Elasticity of Demand
p (q )ab q
a/b q
M R (q ) a 2 b q
Marginal Revenue and Own-Price p Elasticity of Demand
M R (q ) a 2 b q
Then Xi = (a-pi)/b and
* i
dpi b
X i * ,p i (a p p ii)/b b 1 a p ip i.
Point Own-Price Elasticity
pi = a - bXi*
X j(p 1 ,p 2 ,m 1 , ,m n ) n x * ji(p 1 ,p 2 ,m i).
i 1
From Individual to Market Demand
* 1
* 1
The “horizontal sum”
The elasticity of variable X with
respect to variable Y is
%x. %y
Slope Vs. Elasticity
Q: Why not just use the slope of a demand curve to measure the sensitivity of quantity demanded to a change in a commodity’s own price?
中级微观经济学讲义-3西方经济学第三讲生产者理论本课件借鉴了国内有关教材的内容,特此致谢!本课件借鉴了国内有关教材的内容,特此致谢!西方经济学第三讲生产者理论一,生产函数(一)生产可能性集化为产出的过程.生产是各种投入组合转化为产出的过程.这个技术的可行性.过程受到的基本约束是技术的可行性.式是生产可能性集,描述技术约束的一般方式是生产可能性集,即YRn,其中y=(y1,y2...yn)∈Y是一个生产计划,是一个生产计划,产出的数量.分量代表了各种投入和产出的数量.例如y=(5,1,6,2,0).有效率的生产是指对于y,生产可能性集中不存在y'≥y,y'≠y.西方经济学第三讲生产者理论一,生产函数(二)生产函数局部均衡分析中,一种产出的情况.局部均衡分析中,关注一种产出的情况.生产函数描述了有效率的生产.生产函数一般表示为y=f(某)=(某1,某2...某n),可以理解为对应的生产可能性集是{y≤f(某)},生产函的最上界.数达到了生产可能性集的最上界.西方经济学第三讲生产者理论一,生产函数(三)生产中的替代性的投入组合的集合,投入要求集是指至少可以生产一定产出的所有的投入组合的集合,可以表示为等产量集,为V(y).投入要求集的边界称为等产量集,在两种投入的情况下即等产量线.f(某)d某j 某i际技术替代率表示为:=任意两种要素投入的边际技术替代率表示为:MRTSi,j=dy=0f(某)d某i某jd(同替代弹性来表示:为剔除计量单位的影响,同替代弹性来表示:σi,j=d(某j某i某ififjfj))=dln(dln(某j 某ififj))某jfi西方经济学第三讲生产者理论一,生产函数(四)生产中的时间性1.可变比例(短期)可变比例(短期)f(某)边际产出MPi(某)=fi(某),平均产出APi(某)=某产出弹性i(某)=fi(某)某if(某)=MPi(某)APi(某)i2.固定比例与规模报酬(长期)固定比例与规模报酬(长期)规模报酬不变.对于所有t>0和任意某,如果f(t某)=tf(某),规模报酬不变.规模报酬递增.对于所有t>1和任意某,如果f(t某)>tf(某),规模报酬递增.规模报酬递减.对于所有t>1和任意某,如果f(t某)<tf(某),规模报酬递减.质用规模弹性(总弹性):度量局部的规模报酬性质用规模弹性(产出的总弹性):ndy(t)t(某)=dtyt=1df(t某)t=dtf(t某)t=1dlnf(t某)=dlntt=1=∑f(某)某i1if(某)西方经济学第三讲生产者理论一,生产函数(五)产出增长的分解假设生产函数为y=A(t)f[k(t),l(t)],其中A(t)表示技术因素(中性技术进步).两边对时间求导得dydAydkdly=+[fk+fl].再除以产量dtdtA(t)dtdtf(k,l)dyy,整理得dt=ydAdt+fkkAf(k,l)dkdt+fllkf(k,l)dldt.l这可以表示为:这可以表示为:Gy=GA+y,kGk+y,lGl西方经济学第三讲生产者理论一,生产函数(一)成本最小化的生产特征【成本优化问题】成本优化问题】minw 某某.t.f(某)≥y其中w=(w1,w2...wn)构造拉格朗日函数l=w某+λ(yf(某))f(某某)成本最小化的一阶条件为:wi=λ某i某f(某某)进一步得到:进一步得到:f(某某)某i某j=wiwjwif(某某)某成本.拉格朗日乘数λ=可以理解为产出的边际成本.某i 练习:1.根据包络定理说明拉格朗日乘数的经济含义根据包络定理说明拉格朗日乘数的经济含义.练习:1.根据包络定理说明拉格朗日乘数的经济含义.西方经济学第三讲生产者理论二,成本最小化(一)成本最小化的生产特征-续(1)成本最小化的生产特征-【条件要素需求的性质某(w,y)】1.关于w是零次齐次的.是零次齐次的.某i(w,y)2.要素需求法则:要素需求法则:<0wi某i(w,y)3.替代性:替代性:>0wj思考:1.要素需求函数和消费者行为理论中的哪个函数是类似的要素需求函数和消费者行为理论中的哪个函数是类似的思考:1.要素需求函数和消费者行为理论中的哪个函数是类似的西方经济学第三讲生产者理论二,成本最小化(一)成本最小化的生产特征-续(2)成本最小化的生产特征-【成本函数的性质c(w,y)】1.对于所有的w>>0,关于产量严格递增且无上界.无上界.2.关于w是递增的.是递增的.3.关于w是一次齐次的.是一次齐次的.4.关于w是凹的.是凹的.5.如果规模报酬不变c(w,y)=yc(w,1).思考:1.成本函数作为凹函数的含义是什么成本函数作为凹函数的含义是什么思考:1.成本函数作为凹函数的含义是什么西方经济学第三讲生产者理论二,成本最小化(二)成本函数与生产函数【报酬递减与短期成本】描述企业的技术特征既可以使用生产函数,也可以使用成本可以使用生产函数,函数.函数.1.STC=w某(w,w,y;某)+w某STC2.SAC=y3.w某(w,w,y;某)SAVC=y4.5.w某SAFC=yAMC=STCy由于固定成本的分摊性质,平均固定成本随着产量上升递减.产量上升递减.报酬递减规律则意味着平均可变成本和边际成本呈U型.且边际和平均成本的最低点.成本穿过平均可变成本和平均成本的最低点.西方经济学第三讲生产者理论二,成本最小化(二)成本函数与生产函数-续成本函数与生产函数-【成本函数的次可加】成本函数的次可加】设y=∑yi,平均成本递减意味着iSTC(yi)STC(y)>,即yiySTC(yi)>STC(y)yi,求和得∑STC(yi)>STC(y).成本的次yi济或范围经济效应.可加性可以描述规模经济或范围经济效应.西方经济学第三讲生产者理论三,利润最大化(一)利润最大化的条件【以完全竞争为例】以完全竞争为例】利润最大化决策的优化问题是ma某pf(某)w某.某f(某某)一阶条件是p=wi(即每种要素投入的边际收益产品某iMRP等于这种要素投入的价格).进一步,对于任意两种要素进一步,wi=MRSTi,j.还有λ某=p(边际成本等于价格).满足wj海塞矩阵负半定.二阶条件是生产函数的海塞矩阵负半定.可以理解为凹函为规模报酬非递增.数(边际产出递减),多种投入下可以理解为规模报酬非递增.西方经济学第三讲生产者理论三,利润最大化(二)供给函数和利润函数利润最大化的一阶条件可以得到要素需求函数某某=某(p,w),带入生产函数得到供给函数y某=f(某(p,w)),带入目标函数得到利润函数π(p,w)=pf(某某)w某某.【利润函数的性质】利润函数的性质】ππ引理:1.Hotelling引理:=y(p,w),=某i(p,w).wip是递增的.2.关于p是递增的.是递减的.3.关于w是递减的.是一次齐次的.4.关于(p,w)是一次齐次的.5.关于(p,w)是凸的.是凸的.西方经济学第三讲生产者理论三,利润最大化(二)供给函数和利润函数-续供给函数和利润函数-【要素需求函数的性质】1.关于(p,w)是零次齐次的.是零次齐次的.某i(p,w)2.≤0.wi【供给函数的性质】供给函数的性质】1.关于(p,w)是零次齐次的.是零次齐次的.y(p,w)2.≥0.p西方经济学第三讲生产者理论三,利润最大化(三)利润最大化假设的现实性【利润满意化原则】利润满意化原则】意化.由于决策者的有限理性,企业往往追求利润满意化.【经理主义】经理主义】在缺乏有效监督和激励的前提下,掌握一定剩余控制权的前提下,利润最大化目标.的经理人员的选择偏离利润最大化目标.【产权结构】产权结构】利润最大化假设忽略了企业内部要素提供者之间的合约关系对企业行为的影响.西方经济学西方经济学112某消费者的效用函数是u(某1,某2)=某1某2,如果价格和收入分别为p1=1,p2=1,m=24.当p1提高为2时,求关于商品某1的斯勒茨基替代效应和收入效应.入效应.西方经济学122p1y为商品数量,为价格,函数某1=,其中某为商品数量,p为价格,p1+p2y收入.这个函数可以作为马歇尔需求函数吗请为马歇尔需求函数吗收入.说明理由(提示:效应).说明理由(提示:替代效应).西方经济学13消费者具有拟线性偏好,效用对于第二种商品是线性的,绘图说明第一种商品价格下降的价格是线性的,效用分解.效用分解.。
m L Cna Ca 1 1
Where is the most preferred state-contingent consumption plan?
m L Ca
Preferences Under Uncertainty
general, how a person values consumption in one state as compared to another will depend on the probability that the state in question will actually occur. Suppose that we are considering two mutually exclusive states. Let c1 and c2 represent consumption in state 1 and 2, and let 1 and 2 be the probabilities that state 1 or 2 actually occurs. Thus 1+2=1. The utility function can be written as U(c1,c2,1,2)
State-Contingent Budget Constraints
m L 1
m L Cna Ca 1 1
The endowment bundle.
m L Ca
State-Contingent Budget Constraints
m L 1
State-Contingent Budget Constraints
p1x* 1p2x* 2m . (B)
Computing Ordinary Demands a Cobb-Douglas Example.
So we have discovered that the most preferred affordable bundle for a consumer with Cobb-Douglas preferences
(x1*,x2*) is interior.
(a) (x1*,x2*) exhausts the
budget; p1x1* + p2x2* = m.
Rational Constrained Choice
(x1*,x2*) is interior .
(b) The slope of the indiff.
U (x1,x2)x1 axb 2
( ) (x * 1 ,x * 2 )(a a m b )p 1 ,(a b m b )p 2.
Computing Ordinary Demands -
a Cobb-Douglas Example.
U (x1,x2)x1 axb 2
* 2
(a b )p 2
curve at (x1*,x2*) equals the slope of the budget
constraint. x2*
Rational Constrained Choice
(x1*,x2*) satisfies two conditions: (a) the budget is exhausted;
清华大学中级微观经济学讲义(清华 李稻葵)30
![清华大学中级微观经济学讲义(清华 李稻葵)30](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8cdc676627d3240c8447efa8.png)
The Endowment Allocation
2 OB 2 6 4 OA 6 8
ω = (2,2)
The Endowment Allocation
2 OB 2 6 4 OA 6 8 The endowment allocation
A ω = (6,4) B
ω = (2,2)
The Endowment Allocation
/ Remarks on the Final
Final Examination: 1. Final exam is comprehensive. 2. It mainly covers the material after midterm. 3. The materials before midterm are important in two ways: 1) some problems may directly come from those chapters. 2) the materials before midterm provide a foundation for new materials. The format of the final will be the same as that in the midterm. Office Hour: 4-5 pm Thursday
Starting an Edgeworth Box
Height = A B ω2 + ω2
= 4+ 2 =6
The dimensions of the box are the quantities available of the goods.
A B ω1 + ω1 = 6 + 2 = 8 Width =
均衡的稳定性:在短期内,市场均衡是相对稳定的;但在长期中,市场均衡可能会因为 外部因素而发生变化。 市场均衡的意义:市场均衡是经济学的核心概念之一,对于理解市场经济运行规律和制 定经济政策具有重要的意义。
价格歧视定义:对同一商品或服务在不同市场以不同价格销售的行为。 目的:增加利润,最大化企业收益。 类型:一级、二级和三级价格歧视。 垄断定价:在独家垄断市场中,企业通过限制产量和抬高价格来最大化利润。
消费者偏好:影响消费者行为的重要因素,决定了消费者的购买决策。 收入水平:收入水平的高低直接影响消费者的购买能力,进而影响其消费行为。 价格变动:价格变动对消费者行为有显著影响,价格上升或下降会影响消费者的需求量。 消费者预期:消费者对未来经济状况的预期会影响其当前的消费行为。
类型:垄断竞争市场、寡头市场、完全垄断市场 特点:产品差异、市场壁垒、市场集中度高、价格接受者
寡头市场的定义:少数几家大企业占据了大部分的市场份额,从而影响市 场的价格和产量。
寡头市场的形成原因:市场进入壁垒、规模经济、产品差异化和政府政策 等因素导致市场结构趋于寡头化。
竞争策略:采用价格战、广告战Байду номын сангаас研发和创新等手段来争夺市场份额,提 高自身竞争力。
合作策略:通过达成协议、建立联盟等方式来共同控制市场价格和产量, 实现共赢。
The Market --- Appreciating Economic Modeling
The Purpose of this Chapter
• To begin to understand the art of building an economic model • To begin to understand three basic elements of modeling in economics:
– apartments are close or distant, but otherwise identical – distant apartments rents are exo genous (外生变量) and known – many potential renters and landlords
– Purpose – Simplification through assumptions – Value judgment
The Purpose of an Economic Model
• The purpose of an economic model is to help provide precise insights (精确的 洞察力)on a specific economic phenomenon. • Thus:
– Different phenomena needs different model; – Simplification by assumption is necessary
An Illustration: Modeling the Apartment Market
• Purpose: How are apartment rents determined? Are rents “desirable”? • Simplifying assumptions:
Short-Run Iso-Profit Lines
Slopesw1 p
Short-Run Profit-Maximization
y f(x 1 ,x ~ 2 )
Economic Profit
The economic profit generated by (x1,…,xm,y1,…,yn) is
p 1 y 1 p n y n w 1 x 1 w m x m .
For the time being, we restrict to the case of a competitive firm, which is a tiny relative to the market size and takes prices p1,…,pn w1,…,wm as given constants;
Comparative Statics of Short-Run
y f(x 1 ,x ~ 2 )
y* Slopesw1 p
* 1
Comparative Statics of Short-Run
equal. y*
M P1
w1 p
Slopesw1 p
* 1
* 1
~ py w1x1 w 2x2 .
Short-Run Iso-Profit Lines
$ iso-profit line contains all the production plans that yield a profit level of $ . The equation of a $ iso-profit line is
The Competitive Firm
competitive firm takes all output prices p1,…,pn and all input prices w1,…,wm as given constants.
Economic Profit
economic profit generated by the production plan (x1,…,xm,y1,…,yn) is
Chapter Nineteen
Economic Profit
firm uses inputs j = 1…,m to make products i = 1,…n. Output levels are y1,…,yn. Input levels are x1,…,xm. Product prices are p1,…,pn. Input prices are w1,…,wm.
Short-Run Profit-Maximization
The short-run production function and ~ . x x technology set for 2 2
~ ) y f ( x1 , x 2
清华大学中级微观经济学(清华 李稻葵 助教等)
![清华大学中级微观经济学(清华 李稻葵 助教等)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/beeb162758fb770bf78a55ad.png)
/portalweb/appmanager/portal/semTSINGHUA UNIVERSITYSCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT中级微观经济学2004年秋季学期Intermediate MicroeconomicsFall Semester 2004星期三Wednesday9:50 am —12:15pm六教 6A018任课教师:清华大学经济管理学院教授李稻葵Professor David D. Li助教:姜超, 冯俊新,江红平,梅松课程网页Course Web-Page:→分类讨论→中级微观经济学用户名: s311 密码:pe4028联系方式:李稻葵E-mail: lidk@电话: 6277-2126;办公室: 舜德楼南211H答疑时间: 预约姜超S972260@ 冯俊新fengjx@江宏平jianghp@ 梅松meis@习题课以及答疑时间: 星期一 & 星期二Monday & Tuesday19:00 pm —21:00 pm伟伦楼北5081.课程简介微观经济学是现代经济学的基础. 其核心理论体系之完美, 可以和物理学的牛顿力学相媲美; 其主要研究方法广泛应用于经济学的各个分支; 其思维方式,渗透了现代社会科学的主要学科. 本课程的目的就是给学生打下一个扎实的微观经济学基础, 欣赏其理论之完美和独特的思维方式, 并熟练地掌握微观经济学系统的分析工具.2.教学风格本课程属于经济学核心课程, 力求与国际最高标准接轨. 教学的文字材料(包括教材, 讲稿, 习题和考试等), 以英文为主; 口头表达以汉语为主.3.教材教材为:Hal R. Varian: Intermediate Microeconomics A Modern Approach. Sixth Edition W.W. Norton & Company. New York, NY. 2003.习题来自其附本:Theodore C. Bergstrom and Hal R. Varian: Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics. Sixth Edition W.W. Norton & Company. New York, NY. 2003.4.习题课对大多数同学而言, 参加习题课是学好本课程的关键. 习题课上还会布置随堂习题, 成绩计入总成绩. 如果有的同学感到可以比较轻松地完全掌握教学内容, 可以选择不参加少量习题课和部分随堂习题, 不会影响总成绩, 总成绩地计算办法见下.除第一周和国庆节长周末之外, 每周将安排两节内容相同但时间不同的习题课, 大家可以任选其一参加. 具体时间另行通知.5.课程要求及考核标准微观经济学的特点是思想性与方法性并重, 要学好这门课, 学生们一定要下功夫彻底理解基本概念和基本原理, 不仅懂, 而且会讲,会用, 然后练习解题. 解题时要举一反三, 多动脑筋总结经验.根据微观经济学的这些特点, 本课程采取以下考核方式:1)随堂习题 (比重 20%) : 在习题课上进行. 题目来自Theodore C.Bergstrom and Hal R. Varian: Workouts in Intermediate MicroeconomicsSixth Edition W.W. Norton & Company. New York, NY. 2003.随堂习题的目的是鼓励学生在课下做习题, 多练习.随堂习题的总成绩是每人8个最高的随堂习题的平均值.2)期中考试 (比重 30%): 题目也将与上述习题集有关.3)期末考试 (比重 50%): 按清华大学的给定时间进行.Class ScheduleNote:Chapters refer to Hal R. Varian: Intermediate Microeconomics AModern Approach. Sixth Edition W.W. Norton & Company. New York, NY. 2003.September 15 Introduction and Overview of the CourseChapter 1 The MarketChapter 2 Budget ConstraintSeptember 22 Chapter 3 PreferencesChapter 4 UtilityChapter 5 ChoiceSeptember 29 Chapter 6 DemandChapter 7 Revealed PreferenceOctober 6 (No Class --- National Day Long Weekend)October 13Chapter 8 Slutsky EquationChapter 9 Buying and sellingOctober 20 Chapter 10 Intertemporal ChoiceChapter 11 Asset MarketsChapter 12 UncertaintyChapter 13 Risky AssetsOctober 27 Chapter 14 Consumer’s SurplusChapter 15 Market DemandChapter 16 EquilibriumNovember 3 Mid-Term ExamNovember 10Chapter 18 TechnologyChapter 19 Profit MaximizationChapter 20 Cost MinimizationNovember 17Chapter 21 Cost CurvesChapter 22 Firm SupplyChapter 23 Industry Supply November 24Chapter 24 MonopolyChapter 25 Monopoly BehaviorChapter 26 Factor Markets December 1 Chapter 27 OligopolyChapter 28 Game Theory December 8 Chapter 30 ExchangeChapter 31 ProductionDecember 15 Chapter 32 WelfareChapter 33 ExternalitiesChapter 35 Public Goods December 22 Chapter 36 Asymmetric InformationChapter 17 AuctionsDecember 29 Course Integration任课教师简介李稻葵(David D. Li) 1985年毕业于清华大学经济管理学院管理信息系统专业,同年由学院推荐参加国家教委组织的留美经济学考试(即, 邹至庄经济学留学计划),出国留学. 1985到1986,为美国哈佛大学国际发展研究所(HIID)访问学者. 1986年入该校经济系攻读博士, 从师艾里克马斯金,安德烈史莱法,以及亚诺什科尔耐, 主修经济理论,公司金融, 和比较经济学. 1992年获哈佛大学哲学博士(经济学)学位. 1992至1999任美国安娜堡密西根大学经济系助理教授并兼任该校中国研究中心研究员. 1997至1998, 从密西根大学请假,任美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究所国家研究员,从事中国经济改革的制度变迁研究. 1999至2004年长期聘为香港科技大学经济系副教授,并任该校经济发展研究中心副主任.李稻葵曾兼任世界银行中国社会保障体制改革研究项目顾问 (1989), 国际<<比较经济学杂志>> (Journal of Comparative Economics)编委 (2000-03), 中国留美经济学会(CES)会长 (2001-02), 清华大学经济管理学院特聘教授(2002-03). 现兼任(欧洲)经济政策研究中心(CEPR), 美国密西根大学威廉戴维森研究所 (The William Davidson Institute)研究员; 国际《经济学通報》(Economics Bulletin),中国<<经济研究>>,香港《中国评论》(The China Review)等学术杂志的编委; 国际比较经济研究会执行理事; 南开大学,四川大学,西南财经大学兼职教授。
Equilibrium: The Example
2400 2000
Quality supply curve
Where are the equilibrium price and quality?
1200 1000 0
Quality demand curve q
Equilibrium: The Example
equilibrium in such a goods market with unobservable qualities is a price level, p* and a set Q* of seller qualities/types who sell goods, such that The types of sellers (Q*) are rational to remain selling, given this price level. The price level is a rational expectations on the part of the buyers, given the types of sellers.
Adverse Selection
the lemons “crowd out” the peaches from the market. Gains-to-trade are reduced since no peaches are traded. The presence of the lemons inflicts an external cost on peach owners. We say adverse selection arises when only owners of relatively bad goods are willing to accept a buyer’s offer at any given price.
Short-Run Profit-Maximization
Ttehcehsnhoolorgt-yrusnetpfroorduxc2tionx~2fu. nction and
y f(x1, x~2 )
Technically inefficient plans
Short-Run Profit-Maximization
p1y1pnyn w1x1wmxm.
Economic Profit
Output and input levels are typically flows.
E.g. x1 might be the number of labor units used per hour.
And y3 might be the number of cars produced per hour.
p 3w1
3/ 2
x~12/ 2
is the firm’s short-run demand
for input 1 when the level of input 2 is fixed at x~2 units.
Short-Run Profit-Maximization; A Cobb-Douglas Example
py w1x1 w2x~2.
Short-Run Iso-Profit Lines
A $ iso-profit line contains all the production plans that yield a profit level of $ .
The equation of a $ iso-profit line is
And the maximum
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Desirable Voting Rule Properties
Kenneth Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem: The only voting rule with all of properties 1, 2 and 3 is dictatorial.
Desirable Voting Rule Properties
B ill x y z B ertha B ob y z x z x y
Majority Vote Results x beats y No y beats z socially z beats x best alternative! Majority voting does not always aggregate transitive individual preferences into a transitive social preference.
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3)
Rank-order vote results B ertha B ob (low score wins). x-score = 6
y(1) z(2) x(3)
z(1) x(2) y(3)
Aggregating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3)
Rank-order vote results B ertha B ob (low score wins). x-score = 6 y-score = 6 y(1) z(1)
z(2) x(3)
x(2) y(3)
Aggregating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3)
These are truthful preferences. Bob introduces a new alternative
Manipulating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3) α (4) B ertha B ob y(1) z(2) α (3) x(4) z(1) x(2) y(3) α (4)
/ Chapter Thirty-Two Welfare
What do we do in this chapter?
We at the end of this course We are exploring a few very important topics of microeconomics Welfare economics is an extremely important topic
These are truthful preferences. Bob introduces a new alternative and then lies. Rank-order vote results. x-score = 8
Manipulating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3) α (4) B ertha B oby(4)
Aggregating Preferences
B ill x y z B ertha B ob y z x z x y
Majority Vote Results x beats y No y beats z socially z beats x best alternative!
Aggregating Preferences
Social Choice
Different economic states will be preferred by different individuals. How can individual preferences be “aggregated” into a social preference over all possible economic states?
Desirable Voting Rule Properties
1. If all individuals’ preferences are complete, reflexive and transitive, then so should be the social preference created by the voting rule. 2. If all individuals rank x before y then so should the voting rule. 3. Social preference between x and y should depend on individuals’ preferences between x and y only.
Manipulating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3) B ertha B ob y(1) z(2) x(3) z(1) x(2) y(3)
These are truthful preferences.
Manipulating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3) B ertha B ob y(1) z(2) x(3) z(1) x(2) y(3)
These are truthful preferences. Bob introduces a new alternative
Manipulating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3) α (4) B ertha B ob y(1) z(2) α (3) x(4) z(1) x(2) y(3) α (4)
Social Welfare Functions
1. If all individuals’ preferences are complete, reflexive and transitive, then so should be the social preference created by the voting rule. 2. If all individuals rank x before y then so should the voting rule. 3. Social preference between x and y should depend on individuals’ preferences between x and y only.
Social Welfare Functions
1. If all individuals’ preferences are complete, reflexive and transitive, then so should be the social preference created by the voting rule. 2. If all individuals rank x before y then so should the voting rule. 3. Social preference between x and y should depend on individuals’ preferences between x and y only.
Aggregating Preferences
x, y, z denote different economic states. 3 agents; Bill, Bertha and Bob. Use simple majority voting to decide a state?
Aggregating Preferences
Manipulating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3) α (4) B ertha B ob y(1) z(2) α (3) x(4) z(1) α(2) x(3) y(4)
These are truthful preferences. Bob introduces a new alternative and then lies. Rank-order vote results. x-score = 8 z wins!! y-score = 7 z-score = 6 α-score = 9
Aggregating Preferences
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3)
Rank-order vote results B ertha B ob (low score wins).
y(1) z(2) x(3)
z(1) x(2) y(3)
Aggregating Preferences
x(2) y(3)
Rank-order voting is indecisive in this case.
Manipulating Preferences
As well, most voting schemes are manipulable. I.e. one individual can cast an “untruthful” vote to improve the social outcome for himself. Again consider rank-order voting.
B ill x(1) y(2) z(3) α (4) B ertha B ob y(1) z(2) α (3) x(4) z(1) α(2) x(3) y(4)
These are truthful preferences. Bob introduces a new alternative and then lies. Rank-order vote results. x-score = 8 y-score = 7 z-score = 6
These are truthful preferences. Bob introduces a new alternative and then lies. Rank-order vote results. x-score = 8 y-score = 7