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• 2.Conflict—Solution原则:一般而言第二 段会有问题的solution
• 同时思考:能否在第一段出现一个问题, 然后把它解决了或者没有解决。一方面是 增加看点,另一方面也是给第二段铺垫
• 3.Negative—Positive原则:写作中一定要 体现情感的变化,无论前面是这样的变化, 最终都是积极的。
及环境、人 be thankful for sth 因为某事而感激
物动作、心 be grateful to sb for sth 因某事感谢某人
理、情绪与 be deeply moved / touched 深受感动 感受的描写。 be moved to tears 感动到落泪
be filled with gratitude for the kindness of 因……善意满怀感激
Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有爱,哪里就有奇迹。
续写素材来源于平时的积累。无论采取何种形式考 查书面表达,学生所面临的问题不是无话可说,而是有话 说不出来,换句话说就是学生的语言积累不足以表达自己 的所思所想。语言素材的积累,才是备考的关键。
二、解析文本、明确主题 篇章结构
介绍 Mrs. Meredith
介绍 Bernard一家

The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help each other meet the challenges.
The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one. “I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us? Well, we can make popcorn (爆米 花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.”
Bernard felt it deep in his little heart.
• Step 2: 再把衔接句写好,即第一段的最后 一句:
• It wasn’t long before they got the hang of using the machine to make popcorn.
where to sell the popcorn people's response toBaidu NhomakorabeaBernard how Bernard feels
• 写读后续写不同于写其它作文,有可能需 要先倒着写的
• Step 1: • It is love that makes the world go round and
: Mrs. Meredith told her children about Bernard and his family.
After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money,” said Clara. “His family is suffering so much.”
Love among the neighbours
整体来看,山东卷所给短文没有特别怪偏难的表达,学 生理解文章内容应该问题不大。一般来说只要所给短文理解没有 偏差,续写思路基本也不会有太大问题。确定了文章的主题, 围绕主题续写,就能保证所给短文和续写部分结构上的完整。
三、续写构思 Para. 1 When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. how to make popcorn when to tell the plan to Bernard and his parents Bernard and his parents' response to the plan Para. 2 With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.
on his new business. • People were surprised to see such a little,
poorly-dressed boy selling popcorn at their doors
• 接下来就是把每段的中间补充完整,记住 三大原则:
• 1.Action—Response原则:角色A的所言、 所行、所感、所想会引起其它角色的一系 列反应的。无声的动作也是一种response。
Characters Plot
Mrs. Meredith, John, Harry, Clara, Bernard the sick man and his wife
Mrs. Meredith was warm-hearted and
helping people in need. Mrs. Meredith told her children about Bernard and his family. - All the three children wanted to help Bernard and John thought up the popcorn plan.
:The economy was bad and people were suffering. 习语:make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计
Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them.
指导学生准确确定文本、时空、人物和事 由; 指导学生谋篇布局,故事情节衔接自然, 叙事完整; 指导学生遣词造句,言语得体。
一、真题再现 二、解析文本、明确主题 三、续写构思 四、续写素材 五、参考范文 六、评分原则 七、范文分析
“So do I,” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.” For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish (完成) .”
山东续写, 主题语境是 人与社会, 除了情感态 度,还涉及 到经济状况、 人与人之间 的关爱。
贫困、拮据 poverty-stricken 极度贫困的 in need 贫困的 live in poverty 生活在贫困中 Money is tight / Things are tight. 钱很紧。 爱 feel cared and loved 感受到关爱 Love makes the world go round. 爱使世界更美好。
: Mrs. Meredith was kind and helping people in need.
One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy — his name was Bernard — had interested her very much.
续写第一段的段首语提到Mrs. Meredith也同意John的主 意,那接下来就会涉及到把计划告诉Bernard一家、他们有什 么反应、以及如何制作爆米花。
第二段段首语提到Bernard开始他的新营生,接下来就 涉及到爆米花卖给谁、别人对Bernard的反应、以及Bernard的 感受。(new business不一定就是指卖爆米花,不同学生有不同 思路)
“I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I don’t see what he can do.”
-: The children were ready to help and John found a soulution.
Setting (under what circumstances the story takes place)
The economy was bad, people lost their jobs and they were trying to help each other.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too.
With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.
Step 3: 紧接着每段的提示语句写角色的情感:
• When Mrs. Meredith heard of the idea, she thought it was a good one, too.
• Needless to say, they were deeply moved • With everything ready, Bernard started out
读后续写一 般都是记叙 文,常会涉 及环境、人 物动作、心 理、情绪与 感受的描写。
读后续写一 般都是记叙 文,常会涉 及环境、人 物动作、心 理、情绪与 感受的描写。
读后续写一 般都是记叙 文,常会涉
感激与感动 appreciate 感激 appreciation 感激