
• The meaning of success doesn’t mean how large achievement (成 就)you have got, doesn’t mean how great you are!
• Success always shakes hands
with the person who works hard
and studies hard. If we have
already struggled for the target(目标), we have already enjoyed the happy of working hard, we are not the failure(失败 者).
• If we can struggle again, like a studious( 用功的)snail(蜗牛) to look forward and be incessant(不停的), we will become the dominator(支配者) of our life, we will sail the ship to the successful shore then. So what I want to say is: if failure is the mother of success, incessancy must be the father of success.
• Have struggled, you are not a failure! Have struggled, failure is beautiful also! In the real life, some students give up their targets when they meet the failure, but so what about failure?

dream of 梦想
I dreamed of my hometown last night.
the hope of …的希望
With the hope of recovery, she tried to live optimistically. 因为有恢复的希望,她试图 乐观地生活。
1. who is McDull? McDull is a pig who grows up in a small fishing village. 2. where does the monster who attacks the Earth come from? The outer space. 3. why are people from all over the world being called to take part in the competition? Because they want to find the most powerful robot to fight against the monster. 4. who's invention wins the final competition? McDull's.
虽然麦兜没有任何超能力,但他热爱科学, 希望成为一个发明家。所以他参加了比赛。他用 一些便宜的家用电器,把一个电饭煲变成了拯救 世界的机器人:Rizo。出乎意料的是,麦兜的发 明竟然赢得了最后的比赛! 麦兜和Rizo突然间成为了地球的希望。在 Rizo的帮助下,麦兜通过对抗怪物Pipi和拯救地 球,终于实现了自己的英雄梦。
麦兜是一只生长在一个小渔村的猪。他没有 黑色的面具,也没有红色的内裤,更不用说超能 力。但他一直梦想着成为一个英雄。 有一天,一个来自外太空的叫Pipi的怪物攻 击了地球,还打败了地球的英雄——超人。就在 这时,来自世界各地的人们都被要求参加一个国 际机器人比赛。他们想要通过这次比赛,找到最

英文励志故事ppt素材:枕戈待旦Lying with one's Head Pillowed on a Spear,Waiting for Day to BreakIn the Western Jin Dynasty there were two young men.One of them was Zu Ti and the other was Liu Kun.Both of them were men of ideals and integrity who were chivalrous and of a sanguine disposition.They not only wrote excellent articles but also were fond of practising martial arts to keep fit, in order to render meritorious service to the country.Both of them were chief clerks responsible for document administration in Luoyang.Although in appearance the Jin Dynasty had jurisdiction of the Central Plains comprising the middle and lower reaches of the Haunch and threatened by foreign invasion.Zu Ti and Liu Kun often talked about the country's situation till late into the night,and each time they talking very excitedly again.Liu Kun fell asleep without knowing it,but Zu Ti was too excited to fall asleep." Cock-a-doodle-doo,"came the crow of rooster in the wasteland.Zu Ti jumped up and kicked Liu Kun awake:"Listen.How inspiring the rooster's crow is.Let's get up and practised on a slope.From then on,they kept practising sword playing vigorously and energetically in the wasteland every day when they heard the first crow in the morning.Deeply moved by Zu Ti's patriotic passion,Liu Kun was determined to devote himself to his homeland.Once he wrote to his family:"At the time when the country is in dire peril,I am resolved to dedicate myseltto the service of my country.I often fear that I might lag behind Zu Ti in rendering service to the country,and,in fact,I am behind him..." The words" sleep with my head pillowed on a spear,waiting for the day to break"vividly described Liu Kun's determination to dedicate himself to the service of the country and to fight the enemy at any ter,this set phrase is used to mean maintaining sharp vigilance and being ready to fight at any time."西晋人祖逖和刘琨,都是性格开朗、仗义好侠的志士。

Use visual aids
Use visual aids such as slides or props to enhance your speech delivery
Time constraints
College courses often have strict timeframes, which can pressure students to quickly adapt to new content and language skills
Opportunities for English learning
Theme Introduction
The importance of English in the globalized world
02 03
The increasing interconnectivity of the world due to globalization has made English a critical language for communication and success
Main points
Summarize the key points and messages delivered in the speech, emphasizing the importance of English language skills and their impact on personal and professional development

I Believe …
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
I Believe …
That the people you care about most in life, are taken from you much too soon.
I Believe …
That you can keep going, long after you think you can’t.
I Believe …
That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I Believe …
I Believe …
That just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. And just because they don’t argue, it doesn’t mean they do.
I Believe …
That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.
I Believe …
That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I Believe …

分享个人对励志名言的 感悟和体会,促使观众 思考并深入挖掘内在潜 能。
实用英语句型:表达自信、激励自己的 方法
Positive Affirmations
Visualization Techniques
Empathy and Support
教授关怀和支持他人的表 达方式,建立积极的人际 关系和团队合作。
案例分享:成功人士的英文演讲和心得 体会
选取成功人士的英文演讲片段, 探讨他们的成功之道和心灵感 悟。
分享成功人士的真实故事,以 激发观众的斗志和无限潜能。
与成功人士对话,了解他们的 心得和经验,为观众提供实用 的指导。
总结和展望:如何应用本课件内容, 实现人生目标
1 个人规划
2 持续学习
3 社交ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ动
Goal Setting Strategies
实用英语句型:表达对他人的鼓励、赞 美和激励
Encouraging Words
教授鼓励他人的英语句型, 如赞美、支持和鼓励他人 追求梦想。
Motivational Phrases
分享激励别人的表达方式, 帮助他人克服困难并实现 个人目标。
收集正能量的英文语录,鼓舞 人心并提升生活品质。
英语故事ppt 正能量小故事

• In midnight, Tinker Bell released the butterfly catched by Lzzy’s
father. Next morning, he found the disappearing of the butterfly and he claimed that Lizzy did it and she did not told the truth. They misunderstood each other.
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue
• Tinker Bell is a little fairy, and she does some engineering work in the fairy world. She is very naughty and creative.
• They saw a human girl and her father drove to the farm to spend their summer holiday and her father called the girl Lizzy.
• The little girl loved fairy story very much, but her father is a Doctor of Science, has been studying the wild creatures for a long time, concerned about the facts and evidence, and thought everything rationally.
• Lizzy wrote it down on her research diary. She show it to her father.

Lincoln The way to white
林肯 白宫之
In 1809, was born in the wilderness on the quiet of a simple hut 1816, 7 years old, the family was out of place of resisdence, he must work to raise them 1818, 9 years old, as young as 34-year-old mother of the unfortunate death of 1827, 18 years old, produced his own before a ferry 1831, 22 years old, business failure 1832, 23 years old, state election, but lost in the elections into the Law School would like to study law, but no access to, lost his job 1833, 24 years old, a friend to borrow money to do business, at the end of bankruptcy. Spent the next 16 years, repaid the money before
2.The pianist 《 钢琴师》
3.The Shawshank Redemption
“There are things in this world not carved out of gray stone. That there's a small place inside of us they can never lock away, and that place is called hope.”
励志-英语PPtPPT 课件

1849, 40 years old, want to state in their own land as the Secretary has been rejected 1854, 45 years old, the Senate campaign, lost in the elections 1856, 47 years old, at the Republican party's National People's Congress on the nomination of Vice President for less than 100 votes 1858, 49 years old, re-elected senators, once again lost 1860, 51 years old, was elected President of the United States 1864, 55 years old, re-elected President of the United States, won the North Army
1836, 27 years old, the spirit of complete breakdown, ill for 6 months 1838, 29 years old, striving to become the state's spokesman, did not succeed In 1840, 31 years old, to become candidates, elected 1843, 34 years old, take part in parliamentary elections and lost in the elections 1846, 37 years old, once again take part in parliamentary elections, the elected! To Washington, DC, the performance of a subtle 1848, 39 years old, members of Congress seeking re-election, the failure of the

Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.
• A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust.He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them.
大学英语励志 ppt课件

1 What difficulties have you met? 2 How to overcome the obstacles we have met? 3 The secret to success 4 Think of yourself… 5 My pledge of my oath
When I took the college entrance
examination,I could't stop retch(呕吐) so
that I unable to take text normally.Of
course I get a very terrible text scstacles
how to overcome obstacles?
First we should keep an optimistic attitude.
Step by step
Secondly,we should be clearly aware of our strengths ,goals , plan and so on...
Do you know who is he?
The sighification of failure
The sighification of failure
Explore the path to success
But how to success it?
What we should do?

1993, Mr Yu started Beijing new Oriental
school, as principal. From an initial dozens
of new students started entrepreneurial
most appreciation potential as one of top ten enterprise star。
江阴市第一中学上高中。于1980年考 入北京大学西语系。期间患病(肺结核) 休学一年,1985年从北京大学毕业,
成 长
每一条河流都有自己不同的生命曲线, 但是每一条河流都有自己的梦想——那就是奔向大海。
我们的生命,有的时候会是泥沙。 你可能慢慢地就会像泥沙一样,沉淀下去了。 一旦你沉淀下去了,也许你不用再为了前进而努力了,
但是你却永远见不到阳光了。 所以我建议大家,不管你现在的生命是怎么样的, 一定要有水的精神——像水一样不断地积蓄自己的力量,
published several teaching and
academic works。
《永不言败》 《生命如一泓清水》 《新东方精神》《挺立在孤独、失 败与侮辱的废墟上》《从容一生》 (策划)等
励 志 书
我这辈子什么都可以离开,经 典 就是不可以离开讲台。 语
This life I can leave everything but not platform

Inspirational figures
Inspirational stories of successful individuals
Bill Gates
The story of how he founded Microsoft and revolutionized
the technology industry
their goals
Looking ahead to the future
Personal development plans
Encourage learners to formulate personal development plans based on the principles covered in the course, outsourcing specific goals and actions to achieve them
Impact on Success
Motivation is essential for achieving success in life It props us forward, helps us stay focused, and keeps us committed to our goals
Summary theme
Themes covered in the course
Summarize the main themes and ideas discussed in the course, including life inspiration, positive attitude, goal setting, and overcoming challenges

A child and ramieA child was careless ramie stabbed, he rushed home and told his mother: "I only lightly Pengyi what, it was my painful thorns." Mom said: "Because of this, it will thorn you. if the next time you met Ramie, to a courageous and seize it, it will be in your hands become soft as silk, you will no longer be stabbed. "It is said that many people are serving hard against soft.孩子和苎麻一个小孩不小心被苎麻刺了,他急忙跑回家,告诉妈妈说:“我只轻轻地碰它一下,它就刺得我很痛。
The Mole and His MotherA Mole, a creature blind from birth, once said to his Mother: "I am sure that I can see, Mother!" In the desire to prove to him his mistake, his Mother placed before him a few grains of frankincense, and asked, "What is it?' The young Mole said, "It is a pebble." His Mother exclaimed: "My son, I am afraid that you are not only blind, but that you have lost your sense of smell.小鼹鼠和妈妈传说鼹鼠的眼睛是瞎的,可小鼹鼠却对妈妈说他能看得见。

英文励志小故事ppt材料:一块大金子Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided to hide a huge lump of gold to protect it from bandits and robbers. So he buried it in a nearby rice field.从前有一个富裕的村庄。
Many years later, the village was no longer rich, and the rice field was abandoned and unused. A poor farmer decided to plow the field. After some time plowing, it just so happened that his plow struck the long forgotten buried treasure.许多年后,村子不再像以前那样富裕,稻田地被荒废,没有人再去耕种,一个贫穷的农民决定去犁地。
At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root. But when he uncovered it, he saw that it was beautiful shining gold. Since it was daytime he was afraid to try and take it with him. So he covered it up again and waited for nightfall.起先,农民以为犁头一定是翻到了坚硬的树根,但他扒开土时,才看到那是一块闪光的金子。

英文励志小故事ppt免费素材:一技之长Proficiency in a particular lineGong sun Long , is a famous scholar lived in the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period (475-221BC). He had kept a circle skilled people around him. He often said, "A wise man should welcome anyone with a specialty."One day, a man dressed in tattered and dirty clothes came to see him and said to him:" I have a special skill. "Gong asked: "What is it?""I have a loud voice and I'm good at shouting."then Gong turned to his followers and asked," Who is good at shouting?" But none of them answered "Yes ". So the scholar took the man in.Some days later, Gong and his followers went on a trip. they came to a wide river and found the ferryboat was on the other side of the river. All of them had no idea. Suddenly, Gong thought of the shouting expert and turned to him, "Can you have a try?" The man realized it was the chance to show his skill. He shouted to the ferryman as loud as he could, "Hey, ferryman, come here, we want to cross the river." As his voice ended, the ferryman came to fetch them. Gong was very satisfied with the new follower.Later, people use it to describe anyone who has a special professional skill.一技之长战国时期,赵国有位名士叫公孙龙。