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a) prevalent (if it is detected at the time of admission);
b) incident (if it emerges during the hospital length of stay);
and c) persistent (if the symptoms persist over time)
谵妄以急性器官功能障碍为表现形式:倾向于1天 内波动性的、迅速发展的意识和认知紊乱。
The American Psychiatric Association (APA)Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,fourth edition, text revision (DSM-IV) defines 4 key features of delirium:
谵妄在ICU很常见 60-80%机械通气患者发生谵妄 20-50%非机械通气患者发生谵妄
谵妄的流行病学 谵妄概念、主要特征和分类 谵妄的目前关注情况 谵妄的危害 谵妄的风险因素 谵妄评估及诊断 谵妄的预防 谵妄预防的集束化方案--ABCDE方案 谵妄治疗
南华大学附属第一医院ICU 王桥生
谵妄的流行病学 谵妄概念、主要特征和分类 谵妄的目前关注情况 谵妄的危害 谵妄的风险因素 谵妄评估及诊断 谵妄的预防 谵妄预防的集束化方案--ABCDE方案 谵妄治疗
Biblioteka Baidu
Delirium occurs in up to 80% of patients admitted to intensive care units. Although under-diagnosed, delirium is associated with a significant increase in morbidity and mortality in critical patients.
(3) disturbance that develops over a short period of time (hours to days) and tends to fluctuate during the course of the day;
(4) evidence of an etiologic factor (ie, delirium due to general medical condition, substance-induced delirium, delirium due to multiple causes, or delirium not otherwise specified)
ICU患者谵妄发生率接近80% 尽管谵妄诊断不足,谵妄与明显增加危重
Delirium is common in the ICU, affecting 60% to 80% of mechanically ventilated patients and 20% to 50% of nonmechanically ventilated patients
Delirium in the intensive care unit (ICU) represents an acute form of organ dysfunction,which manifests as a rapidly developing disturbance of both consciousness and cognition that tends to fluctuate throughout the course of a day
The classification of delirium can be subdivided by course over time and motor subtypes.
1.The terminology, according to the course over time, includes
2.The terminology according to motor subtypes includes
a) hyperactive delirium (in which there is an increase in the psychomotor activity and agitation, with attempts to remove invasive devices);
b) hypoactive delirium (characterized by psychomotor slowing, apathy(淡漠), lethargy(昏睡) and a decrease in response to external stimuli);
(1) disturbance of consciousness with reduced awareness of the environment and impaired ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention;
(2) altered cognition (eg, impaired memory, language disturbance, or disorientation) or the development of a perceptual(知觉) disturbance (eg, hallucinations(幻 觉), delusions(妄想), or illusions(错觉)) that is not better accounted for by preexisting or evolving dementia (痴呆);