二、委婉语的产生(一)英语委婉语的定义euphemism(委婉语)一词源于希腊语,字面意思就是“use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones(用好听的、温和的或间接的词或短语代替那些精确或直白的表达方式)。
”②the random house college dictionary (1979)把euphemism(委婉语)定义为“the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt.”其意就是“用一种令人愉快的,委婉有礼的,听起来顺耳的词语来取代令人不快的、粗鲁无理的、听起来刺耳的词语”。
关键词:委婉语;传统委婉语;文体委婉语;宗教文化委婉语(Euphemism)一词源自希腊语的前缀eu=well 和词根pheme=speaking。
一、委婉语的分类和功能英语委婉语一般可分为两大类:传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语(stylistic euphemisms)。
许多基督徒都相信“来世”和“原罪”之说,在他们看来,死亡就意味着"to go to heaven"(进天堂)、"to be called to Cod"(被召唤到上帝那) or "to cancel ones account"(销账)。
因此这个单词我们可以直译为“good talking”,有好的语言或者好的说法的意思,也就是用好听的,出于善意的,无害而又动听悦耳的词汇来取代一些过于直白、粗俗、唐突、冒昧的言辞。
著名词汇学家H·Rawason在他编纂的委婉语词典中用“语言遮羞布”(linguistic jigleaves)来称呼委婉语,而美国著名作家H.L.Mencken则用“gildedwords”(镀金词)来形容委婉语,也有人将其称作“cosmetic words”(化妆词),这些词汇都从各个方面对委婉语进行了准确而生动的描述。
二、英语委婉语的种类(一) 有关人体、死亡、年老、疾病等的委婉语人的外貌各种各样,男人都希望自己长得高大帅气,英俊潇洒,女人则希望自己长的身材高挑,面容美丽,皮肤白皙。
关键词:委婉语修辞含蓄正确运用委婉语是一种重要的修辞手法,它指的是在说话时,含蓄隐晦, 回避或掩饰一些忌讳的词或使人不快、刺耳的词,以避免产生尴尬、难堪的局面,从而达到较好的语言交际效果。
随着社会文明程度的不断提高,现代人越来越注意自己的言谈举止, 这在语言方面具体表现为大量地使用委婉语。
在英语中,euphemism (委婉语) 一词源于希腊语的前缀eu (好)和词根pheme (说话),意为说好听的话。
1997年版的Random House College Dictionary 中,euphemism一词定义为“the substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt.”在现代英语中,委婉语几乎涉及个人和社会生活的方方面面。
关键词:英语委婉语;禁忌语;语境;特点;应用AbstractIn every society there are certain things that are supposed to be unspeakable. A fair number of words make someone embarrassed、unhappy、dislike or fear when used in communication. If we express the meaning in the direct way, we will make such impression which is vulgar, frivolous, and impolite. In order to avoid the embarrassment or ease the sting of harsh words, man has created euphemisms. In western cultures, many of the fields that people tend to euphemize widely are not different from anywhere in the world. This paper introduces the relationship between euphemism and taboo and the dependence on the context. It mainly focuses on the characteristics and the application of English euphemism, and the causes of using euphemism.Key words: English euphemism; taboo; context; characteristics; applicationI一.引言委婉语是人类社会中普遍存在的一种语言现象,是用语言来调剂人际关系的一个重要手段。
英语委婉语广泛运用论文关键词:委婉语文学应用[摘要] 委婉语是一种语言学现象,更是一种社会语言学现象。
Fowler ( 1965 ) 在其A Dictionary of ModernEnglish Usage (《现代英语用法词典》) 上给委婉语的定义是:“一种适度的或模糊的(vague) 改变说法的表达方式,以代替率直地、确切地表达某种不愉快的实话。
当要表达的意思因诸种原因,不愿直说、或不敢直说、或不宜直说时,人们便用缓和的或模糊的单词或表达法,委婉曲折地陈述或烘托或暗示给读者(听者) 。
”1964 年版的《简明牛津字典》( The Concise Oxford Dictionary) 解释为:“用温和的或模糊的表达代替刺耳的或生硬的表达。
”1995 年版的《朗文当代英语辞典》(Longman Dictionary ofContemporary English ) 解释为:“为避免让人感到震惊或不适而用一个温和的词代替一个直接表达的词。
关键词:英语委婉语语用功能一、委婉语的定义美国学者hugh rawson曾说,委婉语如此深深潜入我们语言,以至我们中间没有谁———即使那些自诩为直截了当的人———能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天。
英文“euphemism”(委婉语)一词源自古希腊语,前缀eu(=good,sounding well,好的,好听的)和词根pheme(=speech or saying,话语或讲话)以及后辍ism(表明euphemism一词的名词性质)。
简单地说,“euphemism”的意思就是“fair speech(说好话)”,“use of good words(用吉言)”。
如“to pass away” , “to depart”, “to leave us”, “final sleep”等,都是死亡的委婉表达。
关键词:英语委婉语;特点与角度;文化背景;社会交际基础中图分类号:h31 文献标识码:a文章编号:1009-0118(2012)09-0395-02一、引言自二十世纪70年代以来,近代英语,特别是美式英语的最显著变化之一即是回归委婉语。
A Comparative Study of English and ChineseEuphemisms学号09053134姓名王静班级09级英本一班专业英语成绩对英汉委婉语的对比性研究摘要:委婉语是一种不用明说的、能够使人感到愉快或含糊的的说法代替具有令人感到不悦的含义或不够尊敬的表达方式。
关键词:委婉语;相似性;差异;研究A Comparative Study of English and Chinese EuphemismsAbstract: Euphemism is mild, agreeable or, roundabout words use in place of coarse , painful or offensive ones. The term comes from Greek, eu meaning “well” or “sounding good ”. pheme means speech. Euphemism literally means good or pleasant speech. As an indispensable and natural part of language, euphemism has been arousing wide interest .Thus on the basis of others' researches, this thesis attempts to do a comprehensive analysis of English euphemism and Chinese euphemism by comparatively analyzing the relationship of euphemism with culture and taboos, and the similarities and differences of English and Chinese euphemism, aiming at deepening the understanding of the euphemism and to better use it in foreign language learning ,cross-cultural communication as well as in our everyday life .Keywords: euphemism; similarities; differences; analysisTable of contents1 .Introduction (1)2 A Brief Introduction to Euphemism (2)2.1A General Review of the Studies on Euphemism (2)2.2 Euphemism and Culture (3)2.3 Euphemism and Taboo (4)3 .Study on Euphemisms in English and Chinese (5)3.1 Comparison of Euphemisms in English and Chinese (5)3.2 Cultural Reasons for the Differences in Expressions (8)4 .Conclusion (9)Works Cited (11)1 .IntroductionEuphemism is the figure of speech which consists in the substitution of a word or expression of comparative favorable implication or less unpleasant associations instead of the harsher or more offensive one (Zhao 153). Politeness, as a symbol of human civilization, is a social、cultural as well as linguistic phenomenon that can be found in all languages and cultures. Euphemism is a strategy to achieve politeness in people’s daily conversation. Euphemisms, in a broad se nse, include all the ways of euphemistic expressions, such as words, phrases, sentences and discourses etc. In specific situation and context, even some nonverbal expressions can achieve the same effect as the verbal euphemisms.In the modern life, as a cultural phenomenon, euphemism is widely used more out of politeness than fear and the principles of politeness in west and east share something in common. Besides, English and Chinese euphemism is based on similar psychological factors: the psychology of pursuing beauty and self-defense. And dissimilarities or differences on cultural connotations in English and Chinese euphemisms exist, mainly focusing on the root of traditional culture and the value orientation. To be familiar with the linguistic features of euphemism in the target culture, to be aware of the differences between the target culture and the native culture and to interpret and use euphemism according to social context are keys to effective employment of euphemism in intercultural communication.2 .A Brief Introduction to Euphemism2.1A General Review of the Studies on EuphemismEuphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in different cultures. Many scholars at home and abroad have made studies of euphemisms from different perspectives.British writer George Blunt advanced the term “euphemism” defining it as “a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word” .In 1983, American scholars J. S. Neaman&C.C. Silver published their book Kind Words, a Thesaurus of Euphemisms, which presents a detailed description on the history of euphemisms as well as deep discussions on that field. R.W. Holder’s A Dictionary of Euphemisms in 1995 illustrate euphemistic words and expressions with rich examples. Robert Burchfield’s view(2003), a language without euphemism would be a defective instrument of communication.The recorded study of Chinese euphemism dates back to Zhou Dynasty. As in the case of its English counterparts, ancient studies of Chinese euphemisms focus on the avoidance of certain names and of the folk customs at lexical level. A breakthrough is made by Chen Wangdao(1932) in his Introduction to Rhetoric. He extends the concept of euphemism to syntax or even discourse level. From the 1970s and the 1980s when foreign linguistic theories landed in China, Chinese linguists began to view euphemism from different perspectives: Chen Yuan(1932) makes a study from social linguistics, Wang Dechun(1995) makes a study from socialpsychological linguistics, Wu Liquan(2002) makes a study from culture and rhetorics, Shu Dingfang(1989) makes a study from pragmatics, Moreover, Zhang Gonggui (1996) compiled A Dictionary of Chinese Euphemisms.People in both languages have shared psychological foundations in the use of euphemisms. In Shu Dingfang’s view(1989), self-defense principle is fundamental in English and Chinese euphemisms. According to this principle, people tend to take their own social status and identity into consideration and try to protect self-benefits and honor. They use good words and expressions to talk about the things related to them instead of the vulgar ones. The achievements of predecessors left us abundant materials for reference and paved the way for us to study the subject more comprehensively.2.2 Euphemism and CultureEuphemism, as an indispensable part of every language, reflects customs, politics, life style and social psychology. For instance, we are sensitive about death, so “grave digger” was replaced by “undertaker”, later on “undertaker” was replaced with the Latinate “mortician”. And we are sensitive about bodily functions, so there are many euphemisms for “bathroom”. Learning Euphemism means learning to take the view as native speakers of that language, learning the ways their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behavior of their society.The relationship between euphemism and culture is too obvious now: Euphemism demonstrates its multiple mapping relations with culture; it varies withthe development of society, from one historical period to another. Understanding of the cultural Euphemisms enables us to catch the meaning conveyed.2.3 Euphemism and TabooA taboo is a strong social prohibition (or ban) relating to any area of human activity or social custom that is sacred and forbidden based on moral judgment and sometimes even religious beliefs. Breaking the taboo is usually considered objectionable or abhorrent by society. The primary examples of taboo words requiring the use of a euphemism are the unspeakable names for a deity, such as Persephone, Hecate, or Nemesis. In ancient Chinese, taboo is called quyu(曲语),referring to periphrasis or circumlocution, which means to speak the word indirectly, implying it without saying it. The appearance and the use of euphemisms are inevitably related to linguistic taboo.In ancient times, people had blind faith in ghosts and gods they respected. People whispered when they mentioned them. People even feared them so they did not dare to address their names directly. They believed it was profane to name gods. Therefore names of gods became the earliest taboos. To speak names of gods was to evoke the divinity whose power then had to be confronted. Societal taboos to a certain extent or to some people are the polarizing issues of sex, death, racism, genderism, ethnicity, nationality, religion, politics, money, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, disability and so on, which form the Euphemism.3 .Study on Euphemisms in English and Chinese3.1 Comparison of Euphemisms in English and ChineseEuphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in different cultures. From the moment it is coined, it plays an important role in people's daily communication. It is not only a language phenomenon but also a culture one. To some extent, the euphemism generates from such circumstances of avoiding shame, of avoiding privacy and other psychological problems during interpersonal communication. Different cultures derive from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, cultural differences would lead to the different uses of language.Taboo! Is the psychological basis of a euphemism. Some taboos in English and Chinese euphemism are same. For example: “death” is universally regarded as one of the taboos Death as the final outcome, whether ancient or modern, both the East and West, there are few differences. As a human being, regardless of whom he is and how he will be busy with his life, he must experience birth and death, young and old, finally, unveil them serious appearance to knock on the death door In Ch ina, People do not like the number”4”because they fear about the “die ”. Another group number is about“73 , 84”. Among old people , they think there are two key ages , if you are 73 or 84 years old , they believe that you will die before God of the hell invites you. So many old people are not willing to talk about their exact ages, if so they will shorten or prolong one year to overpass this two key ages.In western countries, people regard”13”as taboo. They never live No.13Room in the hotel, or not have the No 13 because of the religious belief. In most big hotels, there are not 13th story or No 13 Room. The Chinese said the death of euphemism: Deceased died! The death! Of old age!, Death! Sacrificed! The world long Speech! The heart stops beating! And see Marx! Furthermore, in ancient China, the uses of euphemisms of death are strictly classified according to different social ranks. Death of emperors is called“崩”, death of dukes”薨”, death of senior officials“卒”, death of Buddhist abbot “圆寂”, and death of the common “死”. English in the expression of death ,The euphemism of death! Depart from the world for ever, decease, breathe one last, pay one debt to nature, be with God, go the way of all flesh, etc. Recently, English euphemism of death more an more exaggerated, dead (The dead) became the deceased or the dear departed, dead! Is passed away, fallen asleep and gone to Jesus. This reflects that the people on death,in English, many euphemisms are used to fulfill this function. Some frequently used ones are “pass away” ,“depart” ,“pay one’s debt to nature” ,“go to better world”, “be with God”, etc. The same is true of Chinese euphemisms, which has“逝世”,“故去”,“寿终”,“作古”,“谢世”,“与世长辞”,“大限”,“去见马克思”and so on. Interestingly, English and Chinese culture also share a similar euphemism to express “death”. This one in English is “to go west”, in Chinese “西去”or“去西方了”( just means “go west”).The expression instead of the inconvenience straight. For example:(1) He is mentally ill (he had neuropathy.) Crazy! Do not insane or mad, if it is normal but can use: Are you mad (crazy)? (Are you crazy?)(2) Shi Tao: I secretly as people prepared. That thing (referring to Coffin) shall not be a good wood, and slowly do yet!I have had them secretly prepared. But I can not get any good wood for you know what, so I have let that go for the time being.!Good manners are produce euphemism the important psychological foundation. Taboo. is the unhappy things to avoid, polite, it is not the things of the withdrawal. The toilet of and the urine of euphemism and so on. For example, the toilet, in polite social, Chinese commonly used on the bathroom! Or a convenient, and euphemism says, English is commonly used in go to the men’ s (ladies’) room/rest Room/washroom/the John, or wash one s hands, relieve oneself, etc. Women pregnant! In Chinese euphemism has said the law's in trouble! Going to be a mom! And to upgrade! Etc; In English the wan committee view have big, with child, the begin Family way, expecting, etc. For example, the same word. ”wife ” has different calling toward different social classes. “天子之妻”called“后”,“诸侯之妻”called“夫人”, “大夫之妻”called“儒人”,“士之妻”called“妇人”, and“平民百姓”called really“妻”.In Chinese culture the word “old” is not an avoided one since there is a convention to respect and admire the old people. It has the connotation of “ enjoying high prestige and universal respect“. Therefore, in Chinese “老” is often used for addressing by adding. It at the end of the surname for expressing respect to the old people, such as “王老“,“李老” , etc.In western society, the issue of “old age ”is too sensitive to be mentioneddirectly. People try all means to avoid using the word “old” in daily life, instead they adopt many other pleasant words to replace this sensitive word. For example, they use “home for adult” for “old people’s home”, “an adult community” for “a community for old people”, and “senior citizen” for “old man”. He is not old but “longer living”, and he is not “a candle in the wind” but “in golden years”. He is also promoted to “elderly”, “mature” ,“an adult”, “a distinguished gentleman ”, “feeling one ’s age ”or “third age”. Reward the ability of some help. The psychological basis of its different tables , Now in the form, we from found in English language differences, and further analysis of the English literature, literary Kam Foundation. Differences in two different languages, English lead to English. The euphemism different performance form, which is reflected in the words and sentences type operation and with peers surface. Contrast to the Han English euphemism language. Wanyou Li, sound to not Ear-piercing. Theword Language-generation. For order people do not fast, Lu no Ceremony crude. It sounds harsh words. Avoid tabooand ritual appearance is produced Health euphemism language of the heart reason. In summary, the basic characteristics of the euphemism is delightfully.3.2 Cultural Reasons for the Differences in ExpressionsDifferent natural environments undoubtedly have a great impact on bringing forth different living habits of people and further bringing forth different cultures andcharacters. These differences help shape diversified expressions. Death euphemism is one of the representatives.Many scholars agree that eastern culture is a shame culture expecting the approval of others and the western culture is a guilt culture attaching great importance to self-identity.The thinking of people may be recorded in written materials or expressed in verbal language. What they say and what they write reveal how they think. Death euphemisms also reveal these differences. Their different thinking modes are reflected in their attitudes towards nature and social life. Their attitudes are also reflected in the language they use. Thus, varied death euphemisms come into being. Different aesthetic mental sets reflect people’s different understandings of the world. Different communicative values in English and Chinese cultures lead to different psychological inclinations;4 .ConclusionIn order to show the similarities and differences of cultural connotations, the present comparative study of English and Chinese euphemisms focuses on the analysis of the cultural roots with the examples mainly restricted to the lexical or phrasal level. Due to the limitation of resources, it just focus on typical expressions to illustrate the cultural connotations. And points out the similarities and differences between Chinese and western Euphemisms from the perspective of cultural. Althoughthe present study attempts to cover a wide range of the cultural points in the statement of comparison, it is still limited in terms of depth of research. All these limitations above may serve as the motivations for further study. Therefore in learning and using language, people should focus our attention on the acquisition of cultural knowledge for the sake of better communication. Learning how to use euphemisms on different occasions and understand the western and the Chinese culture, also has a profound and realistic effect on effective cross-cultural communication.Works CitedAllan, K.&K. Burridge. (1991). Euphemism and Dysphemism. Oxford: Oxford University press.Ayto, J. (1993). Euphemisms. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Limited.. Ayto, J. (1994). Times Euphemisms. Singapore: Federal Publications.. Kramsch, C. (2000). Language and Culture. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language and Education Press.Neaman.Judith&Silver Carole. (1991). A Thesaurus of Euphemisms.World Publishing Corp, (1): 67.Rawson, Hugh. (1981). A Dictionary of Euphemisms and other Doubletalk. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc.Robert Burchfield. (2003). 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委婉语英语论文精品The Influence of Language and Culture onEuphemismAbstract:Euphemism is a common phenomenon in English-Chinese Language. It isan epitome of their society and culture to a certain degree. This dissertation is a simple discussion on Chinese-English euphemism, which have an great impact on their respective culture and tradition, as well as their culture difference in western andeastern country. This would do a good job in removing the barrier of trans-culture communication and improving culture communication.Key words: euphemism and language and culture; function; comparison摘要:委婉语是中英语言中共同的一个语言现象,委婉语在一定程度上是中西方社会和文化的一个缩影。
关键词:委婉语与语言;文化;功能;比较ContentsbstractI. Introduction (1)/doc/5a7685657.html,nguage,Culture and Euphemism (2)2.1 Language and Euphemism (2)2.2 Culture and Euphemism (3)III.Functions of euphemism in language and culture (3)3.1 Functions of Euphemism (3)3.1.1 Avoiding Taboo (3)3.1.2 Showing Politeness (4)3.1.3 Concealing Trut (4)3.1.4 Beautification (5)IV.The comparison between Chinese and English in the field of language and culture and from Euphemisms (5)4.1 In Terms of Language (5)4.1.1 Lexical Device (5)4.1.2 Phonetic Device (6)4.1.3 Rhetorical Device (7)4.2 In Terms of Culture (7)4.2.1 Different Religions (7)4.2.2 Different Practices (8)4.2.3 Different Connotations of Old (9)V. Conclusion (9)Bibliography (10)I. IntroductionNow we have joined WTO and we will organize the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. We also have more chances to hold world-wide meetings, activities, etc. Therefore, we want exchange with foreigner easily that we should knew their culture and language more and more. Euphemism is exist in Chinese and English. There is no denying the fact that euphemism is a Language and culture appearance, it can help us understand easily for others. So I will study the culture and language from Euphemism.In every society and culture there are certain things that are not supposed to be separable or mentioned directly. A fairnumber of words are labeled as frivolous, vulgar, or at least inconsiderate. But in communication, for better maintaining social relationship and exchanging opinions, people have to resort to a kind of language, which can make distasteful ideas seem acceptable or even desirable. Pstein (1985:5) This type of language is defined as "euphemism" in linguistics and it comes in a variety of forms and is used for a variety of reasons.Unlike other figurative language devices, for example, the metaphor of poetry or prose, euphemism aims to surprise and entertain (Lee, 1966), strives to avoid offence by means of circumlocution. As a communicative skill-"telling it like it isn't," (Time, 1978), euphemism abounds in our life. I am very interested in euphemism, because it is not merely a kind of language phenomenon, but also the carrier of English and China culture. As second language learners, even though you have a reasonable command of English, you may feel lost when come across some euphemism.Much research has been done on euphemism because of its prominence in language and culture. A lot of great works came into being during the study of euphemism, which lay a foundation for further research. In 1936, in his book The American Language, American linguist, Mencken, fully discussed whyhundreds of euphemisms had been born and become popular on the basis of American history and social cultural background. His book is a valuable legacy for euphemism study. In 1981, British linguist Hugh Rawson compiled A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Double talks, which embodies the achievements of research on euphemisms over the decades by many British and American linguists. More important, in its ten-page-long preface, Hugh Rawson not only traced the history of euphemism, but also widely accounted for characteristics of euphemism as well as its definition, classification, and scope of use. The year 1983 saw the publication of Kind Words-A Thesaurus of Euphemisms, compiled by Neaman and Silver. It is of great value to euphemism study. In 1985, Enright D.J. published a collection of essays on euphemism, The Uses of Euphemism, in which some specific topics like euphemisms and the media, euphemisms and children, and sex and euphemism, etc. were put forward in relation to the different euphemistic uses in the social field. Last but not least, Allan and Burridge published the book Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language used as shield and weapon, in which an interesting perspective on the human psyche is to be gained from the study of euphemism used as a protective shield against the anger or disapproval of natural or supernatural beings. This book is of great significance to the study of English Euphemisms from the pragmatic perspective./doc/5a7685657.html,nguage, Culture, and Euphemism2.1 Language and Euphemism"Euphemisms are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us, even those who pride themselves on being plain-spoken, ever get through a day without using them." The relation between language and euphemism is so intrinsically close that it is impossible to study one without an analysis of the other.First of all, language is the vehicle of euphemism.To some extent, we can say that where there is language, there is euphemism. In our daily life, usually。
关键词:英语委婉语特点交际1.引言英语的euphemism即委婉语一词源于古希腊语的前缀eu-(good,sounding well,好的,好听的)和词根pheme (speech or saying)。
webster’s new college dictionary 对委婉语的解释为substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest unpleasant(使用一个令人愉快的或无害的表达方式代替一个有可能冒犯他人的或令人不快的表达方式)其本质特征是用一种令人愉快的、委婉有礼的、听起来不刺耳的语言来代替令人不愉快的、粗鲁无理的、听起来刺耳的词语,从而更好地传达信息,交流感情。
西方社会和我们一样对死亡都很避讳,所以当一个人已经死了时,人们往往不直接说die,而是委婉地说pass away,go to a better world,to be with god,go to meet one’s maker,go to one’s last,pass to one’s reward等。
如:直接: ugly委婉: not very attractive直接: fat委婉: plump直接: old委婉: mature2.句式的转换通过对语法结构进行转换,使表达更加委婉。
如:直接: You must do it now.委婉: It would be better if you could do it now.直接: I don't agree with you.委婉: I tend to differ with you.3.使用修饰语和副词通过使用一些修饰语和副词,可以使表达更加委婉。
如:委婉: You may not be entirely right.直接: You are too slow.委婉: You might want to speed up a little bit.二、英语委婉语的言外之意委婉语的言外之意常常与原意相反,表达出与字面意思不一致的情感和态度。
以下是一些常见的英语委婉语及其言外之意:1. Excuse me, but I think there may be a small mistake here.言外之意:You made a big mistake.2. You might want to consider another approach.言外之意:Your idea is terrible.3. I appreciate your effort, but there is room for improvement.言外之意:Your work is not satisfactory.4. It's not exactly what I was expecting.言外之意:I am disappointed with the result.三、英语委婉语的应用场景委婉语在英语交际中被广泛运用于各种场景,以顺利而谦逊地表达情感和态度。
关键词:英语;汉语;委婉语;对比研究A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms Abstract: Euphemism is not only a widespread linguistic phenomenon, but also a social and cultural phenomenon. It is a mirror of a particular society. English and Chinese euphemisms have many similarities but more differences on forms and connotations because of different cultural tradition and historic background. This paper makes a comparative study of the cultural differences between English and Chinese euphemism from its origin, the way of its formation, its forms, contents and cultural significances.Key Words: English; Chinese; euphemisms; contrastive study0. 引言到目前为止,有关委婉语的研究已有许多,现有的研究主要是从语义学、社会语言学和语用学等角度进行的,。
二、英汉委婉语的差异(1)英汉委婉语定义的差异性在英语中,最先使用euphemism一词的是西方学者George Blunt,他认为:Euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word.后来Flower将委婉语定义为:A mild or vague periphrastic expression as substitute for blunt precision of disagreeable truth.郭秀梅的《实用英语修辞学》认为:Euphemism is the substitution of presumably inoffensive word for onethat might give offense.Euphemism is a soften,bland,neutral expressions used instead of one that might suggest something unpleasant!汉语关于委婉语的定义也很多。
使用委婉语的作文英语Using Euphemisms in EnglishEuphemisms are a common linguistic tool employed to replace potentially uncomfortable or unpleasant words or expressions with more agreeable or less direct alternatives. They serve to soften the impact of a message and allow for more tactful communication. In the English language, euphemisms are widely used across various contexts to navigate sensitive subjects, maintain social propriety, and convey information in a more palatable manner.One of the primary applications of euphemisms is in the realm of death and dying. Rather than directly stating that someone has "died," a more delicate phrasing such as "passed away," "departed," or "lost" is often used. This not only spares the feelings of those grieving but also acknowledges the gravity of the situation in a more respectful way. Similarly, the term "funeral" may be replaced with "celebration of life," and "cemetery" with "memorial park." These euphemistic substitutions help to reframe the discourse around death, emphasizing the commemoration of the deceased's life ratherthan the finality of their passing.Another domain where euphemisms are extensively employed is that of bodily functions and personal hygiene. Terms like "restroom," "lavatory," or "powder room" are used in place of the more direct "bathroom" or "toilet." Expressions such as "going to the littlegirls'/boys' room" or "taking a break" further obscure the true nature of the activity. Euphemisms are also common when discussing menstruation, with phrases like "on the rag," "that time of the month," or "having a visit from Aunt Flo" being used to avoid the direct mention of a biological process.In the realm of interpersonal relationships and sexuality, euphemisms abound. "Making love" is a more delicate way of referring to sexual intercourse, while "intimate relations" or "being intimate" can denote a wide range of physical and emotional intimacy. Euphemisms are also used to discuss pregnancy, with expressions like "with child," "in a family way," or "expecting" being preferred over the more clinical "pregnant." Additionally, terms like "call girl," "escort," or "companion" are used to refer to sex workers, rather than the more blunt "prostitute."The workplace and professional settings also see the frequent use of euphemisms. Employees who have been terminated from their jobs are often said to have been "let go," "released," or "separated fromthe company," rather than being "fired" or "dismissed." Similarly, the term "downsizing" is used to describe the process of reducing the workforce, which has a less harsh connotation than "layoffs" or "redundancies." Euphemisms are also employed when discussing poor job performance, with phrases like "underperforming," "needing improvement," or "not meeting expectations" being preferred over more direct criticisms.In the realm of politics and public discourse, euphemisms are employed to obfuscate or soften the impact of certain actions or policies. For instance, the term "enhanced interrogation techniques" is used as a euphemism for torture, while "collateral damage" refers to the unintended deaths of civilians during military operations. Additionally, the phrase "alternative facts" has been used to euphemistically describe false or misleading information, rather than acknowledging them as lies or misinformation.Euphemisms can also serve to maintain social norms and avoid causing offense. Terms like "differently abled" or "physically challenged" are used in place of "disabled" or "handicapped," and "senior citizen" or "mature adult" replace the more blunt "old person." Similarly, "economically disadvantaged" is preferred over "poor," and "undocumented immigrant" is used instead of "illegal alien."While the use of euphemisms can be seen as a way to navigate sensitive topics with greater tact and diplomacy, it is important to recognize that they can also be used to obscure the truth, downplay the severity of a situation, or perpetuate societal biases. Excessive reliance on euphemisms can sometimes lead to a disconnect between language and reality, potentially hindering open and honest discourse.In conclusion, the use of euphemisms in the English language is a widespread and multifaceted phenomenon. They serve to soften the impact of potentially uncomfortable or unpleasant subjects, maintain social propriety, and convey information in a more palatable manner. However, it is crucial to be mindful of the potential pitfalls of euphemistic language and strive for a balance between sensitivity and transparency in communication.。
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2、英语委婉语的定义及起源2.1 英语委婉语的定义英文euphemism(委婉语)一词源自希腊语,词头“eu”的意思是“good”(好),词干“phemism”的意思是“speech”(言语),euphemism 字面上的意思就是“use of pleasant,mild or indi-rect words or phrases in place of more accurate dr direct ones(用好听的话或令人愉快的方式表达)”。
the random house college dictionary把euphemism定义为:the substitution of a mild,indirect,or vague ex-pression for one thought to beoffensive,harsh or blunt,其意就是“用一种令人愉快的,委婉有礼的,听起来顺耳的词语来取代令人不快的、粗鲁无礼的、听起来刺耳的词语”。
美国著名作家门肯(h.l.meneken)称委婉语为gilded words(镀金词),而斯蒂芬·坎费尔(stefan kanfer)把它说成cosmetic words(化妆词),他们无疑都对委婉语的含义和作用做了确切的描述。
2.2 英语委婉语的起源委婉语的产生最初与宗教有关,在古希腊和古罗马,由于神的名字被认为是神的化身,提到名字就亵渎神灵。
3、英语委婉语的特点3.1 时代性时代在变化,语言也发生着变化,新词不断出现,旧词逐渐消失,委婉语更是如此。
3.2 普遍性委婉语虽然不是开门见山,直抒胸臆,但熟悉英语的人很容易就听出言下之意,像禁忌语的众多委婉说法就被大众接受。
3.3 语域性在不同的语境中,或在同一语境中,不同年龄、身份、地位或受教育程度不同的人委婉表达也不尽相同。
例如,上厕所,女士可能说to powder one’s nose,tofreshen up;男士则可能说to go tothe toilet,或nature is urgent;而小孩则可能说make number one,gotothepot.3.4 含蓄性这是委婉语的最大特点。
例如下面的一个句子:in a fewmin-utes the“madam”.as the current word characterized this type of women,appeared…(不一会儿,“夫人”,当今对这类女人的时尚称呼语,出现了…)“madam”通常以称呼已婚女士的礼貌用语,但这儿用来却指的是妓院的“鸨母”。
3.5 习语化很多委婉语经人们长期使用,成为固定表达,已经习语化,并且进入了英语词汇。
4.1 避讳功能忌讳是委婉语产生的主要心理基础。
如:用“to be with cod”“co to sleep foerver”代替“death”;用“the big c”或“socialdisease”代替广为流行且令人胆战心惊的“aids”(艾滋病)。
4.2 讽刺功能委婉语同时具有讽刺性的功能。
4.3 幽默功能在丰富的英语委婉语中,不乏幽默的表达方式。
在本世纪以来,英国人在吃饱以后谢绝主人的殷勤劝食时常这么说:“i’mwilling,but mary isn’t”。
4.4 掩饰功能委婉语的语用常常是出于好的动机,使对方感到你的友好。
例如:本世纪初劳资关系紧张,罢工风潮成为严重的社会问题,报界为了掩盖矛盾真相,把“劳资关系”含糊的成为industrial relatio.“劳资争端”成为industrial dispute。
5.1 日常生活中的委婉语人体的生理缺陷、年老、人体的某些功能,性行为等方面的词汇常用委婉语。
如一个人太胖用big,beavy weight来代替fal。
人们不用“老人”(old people)而用老年人(adult)、资深公民(senior citizen)、保养得很好的人(well-pre-servedman)等;将养老院说成rest home(休养院)、homefor adult(成人之家)等等。
英语中有许多相应的委婉表达语,多达上百条,如:go west(去西方),be at rest(安息),be asleep inthe arms of god(安睡在上帝的怀抱中),breathe oriels last(作最后一次呼吸),pass away(离去),go to heaven(上天堂)等。
与性或性器官有关的词也属于此类范畴,如fuck,have sexualintercourse常用go to bed.sleep together,have relation 等表述。
还有一些人体功能方面的委婉语,如用wash one’s hands(洗洗手),relieve oneself(让自己轻松一下),auswerthe call of nature(应付自然本能之需)等来做为表达“大小便”的委婉语。
5.2 社会生活中的委婉语用to be down on one’sluck(时运不佳的)。
deprived(被剥夺了生活条件的),low income(收入低的)来代替穷人。
失业的人说成是forgotten man,用ease out表达解雇。
如:将餐厅中的waiter或waitress(服务员)称为dining-room attendants(餐厅管理员);将landscape worker(园林工人)类比成landscape architect(园林建筑师),sanitary cusiucer则是garbage collector(清洁工)的委婉说法。
5.3 教育中的委婉语委婉语也同样出现在教育中,尤其是对学生的评价则需要考虑措辞,用积极词汇代替消极词汇。
如成绩差的学生是a belowaverage student或working on his owrl level;depend on others to do hiswork=cheatin class指作弊;说can do better work withhelp(有别人帮助可以学得更好些)比直接说学生slow(迟钝)或stupid(笨)更好些;5.4 在政治、经济和军事战争中的委婉语20世纪20、30年代。
美国经历了前所未有的经济危机.政客们将economic crisis委婉说成depression(萧条),slow down(减速,指“经济衰退”),cash flow problem(现金流动问题,指可用现金不足)。
英美人常把反政府的人叫做dissident(持不同政见者);把罢工说成walk-out,down tools,而不说strike。
海湾战争时以出现了air operation(空中手术)和ground operation(地面手术)这类表示空中轰炸和地面战争的代用词。