
如在一些说英语的国家,John Smith的妻子可以被称呼为“Mrs. John Smith”。
在这点上,就连著名的Madame Curie,Hilary Clinton,Mrs. Thatcher以及Mrs. Gandhi也不例外。
甚至很多女性的名字也是从男性的名字派生而来,如Christian — Christianna,Jacquel —Jacqueline,Glen — Glenda等等。
例如,常见的前缀有fem,femme(如fempire = woman vampire;femlib = women’s liberation);常见的后缀有-ess,-ette,-ine(如waiter — waitress,farmer — farmerette,hero — heroine)。

关键词: 英语语言;性别歧视;产生原因;消除方法AbstractSex discrimination exists in all the social systems and countries, and as a common social phenomenon, it is surly reflected in language. This paper lists out different forms of sex discrimination in English, analyses the social and cultural causes of such phenomenon and summarizes the corresponding methods of eliminating sex discrimination in English speaking.Key words: English; sex discrimination; causes; methods of eliminating引言在社会生活中,语言对男女一视同仁,但语言是文化的载体,并在人们不断使用的过程中逐渐得到丰富和发展。

2007年9月佳木斯大学社会科学学报Sept.,2007第25卷第5期JOURNA L OF S OCIA L SCIE NCE OF J IAM USI UNIVERSITY V ol.25N o.5论英语中的“性别歧视”和消除策略Ξ崔羽杭(佳木斯大学公共外语教学部,黑龙江佳木斯154007)[摘 要]英语中存在不少带有性歧视色彩的现象,这是不同的社会地位、文化意识、社会偏见和传统观念等方面造成的,在交际写作中,可采用一定的语言策略,消除这种歧视现象。
[关键词]性别歧视;传统思维;消除策略[中图分类号]H3;H0-05 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-9882(2007)05-0165-02 语言是一种社会文化现象,同社会结构、社会价值体系和社会行为规范有着密切的关系。
英语中原本没有可以兼指男女的中性代词,但人们常将he,his泛化,在正式语体中,人们还常用单数代词he作为one,every one,nobody,none等不定代词的替换词,如I f one wants to see the ruins,he must find his own guide.显然,第三人称单数男性代词的泛化用法在语法上涵盖女性,在文化上却排斥女性,蕴含着对女性的歧视。

英语中的性别歧视与大学英语教学策略作者:周彦涵来源:《吉林省教育学院学报·上旬刊》 2011年第7期周彦涵(湛江师范学院基础教育学院,湖南邵阳市524300 )摘要:语言中的性别歧视是一个普遍存在的现象,它不单是语言本身的问题,也是对社会歧视现象的反映。
一、性别歧视在英语中的表现一些表示较好职业的名词,如:doctor, surgeon, barrister等原本都是中性名词,男女均可使用,但人们往往认为是男性专用的。
在表达从事该职业的是女性时,通常在前面加woman, lady, female等定语,如:female professor, woman lawyer等。
表示一般职业的单词,则既有男性名词,又有女性名词,如:waiter and waitress, steward and stewardess。
而表示相对较差的职业的单词,则只有女性名词,如:nurse, secretary, baby-sitter等。

如何减少英语中的性别歧视Eliminating the Sexism in EnglishAbstract:Language plays an important role in society, which can reflect all the sides of human society naturally. Linguistic sexism is a type of social phenomenon that reflects the certain traditional social value. One of the Sexism?s definitions is that “The discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.” the Danish linguist points out that English is the most masculine language as far as he is concerned in his Growth and Structure of the English Language. As a language which has a long history and influencing the world extensively, English has experienced innumerable reformations, which updates the language constantly. The reason of the sexist phenomenon?s eliminating in the English language and then proposes ways to avoid sexist English.Key Words: sexism; English; language; feminism; avoid1. The phenomenon of Sexist EnglishLinguistic sexism is a social problem, which can reflect people?s discrimination against the female sex. T he women?s l iberation movement made people began to realize that the language reform and nonsexist becomes necessary. Sexist language should be changed and avoided, which is definitely positive for the developing of language. As the most widespread language in the world, English sexism should be avoided. Being given the same opportunities as men is the key point to eliminate linguistic sexism. The sexism in English Language has existed for a long time, and brings many bad feelings to women. This sexism comes from the deep cultural sexism on women in society, andhas realistic factors. Though women?s position is higher, the sexism still exists.2. Women and men truly have equal status means language equalityIn the Holy Bible(The Books of The Old Testament): “So the L ord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closedup its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, …This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man this one was taken.? ” [1] .The Holy Bible is actually a book for men, which helps to set and consolidate the inferiority of women. In the Holy Bible, woman is always related to troubles and evil things.In the past, few women work outside the home because working out of the home was often considered inappropriate or presented poor living conditions. Therefore, their marriage completely determined the condition they would live. Marriage was so important to a woman. The feminism movement in 1960s promots women?s social position and then women has equal right with men. Most women today have taken all kinds of careers and have proven that they can do anything men can do; positions of a high rank are still rarely held by women.One of the many impacts feminism on society is its impact on language, which makes the sexism reduce a lot. This phenomenon shows that the main reason behind sexist language is not the language form itself, but our thought that comes from the social attitude to women. Only by changing the social structure till one day when women and men truly have equal status can language equalitybe really achieved. Therefore, linguistic action and social action should be taken simultaneously, aiming for eliminating sexism in language.3. Avoiding the sexism in English3.1Turning sexist words to non-sexist wordsMaking the most use of gender-free words can help people reduce sexism in the daily life and in English. A lot of new words have been coined along with the women?s liberation movement, which greatly enriched English. These new words fall into two categories. The first category does not distinguish between male and female, that is, they are neutral. Pn. is the abbreviation of person. It is used instead of Mr., Miss. The second category does not indicate marital status. Ms. is used instead ofMiss. and Mrs. as the counterpart to the men?s title Mr. [6]. For example, use those words house worker (instead of housewife), businessperson (instead of businessman), firefighter (instead of fireman), sailor (instead of seaman), flowerseller (instead of flower girl), chairperson (instead of chairman). When writing letters, if the sex of receiver is not known, it?s better not use the traditional way of addressing ,such as Dear Sir., Dear Gentleman and Dear Madam. [4] And the traditional expressions with prejudice such as ambitious men and aggressive women, cautious men and timid women should try to be avoided. Job titles can be used instead of such as Dear friends of the library, Dear Madams and Sir?s, Dear personnel officer, Dear Committee Member, Dear Agent, and Dear Director.Try to avoid using gender-suffixes which can reflect women's lower rank and avoid using prepositional attributes like woman, lady, madam when there is no necessity to show their sex and use one form to designate a person in all three contexts. Forexample: actress actor.3.2 Avoiding using the third person pronoun as a general referenceBy means of changing he and it which refer nonsexist people into they. For example: When bathing a baby, never leave him unattended. Revised: When bathing a baby, never leave them unattended. [5]Dropping the masculine pronoun can also be seen as a useful way to escapefrom gender bias[3].Anybody can attend the meeting if interested in it. Beingdiscriminatory, it is better written into “Anybody can attend the meeting if he is interested in it.”By means of changing the sentences into passive voice which is nonsexist. Instead of saying “One should not lose heart when he is beaten in a match.”one would be able to say “One should not lose heart when beaten in a match.”The generic masculine he, his, him should be replaced with he or she, his or her, him or her, and the like, which expressly indicate that women are included in the antecedent of the pronouns.By means of using these words: some, one, the one, and no one instead of the third person pronouns. For example: He who can take advice is sometimes superiorto him who can give it. Revised: Someone who can take advice is sometimes superior to the one who can give it.4. ConclusionAs Rosalie Maggio said that it is also necessary to acknowledgethat there can be no solution to the problem of sexism in society on the levelof language alone. Using the word secretary inclusively, for example, does notchange the fact that only 1.6% of American secretaries are men. Using directorinsteadof directress does not mean a woman will necessarily enjoy the same opportunities today a man might [2]. Feminists should be more rational in creating or changing some usages, but not change some reasonable forms into ridiculer forms. The process of eliminating the sexism in language is long and difficult, and it needs the feminists? ha rd work and the whole society?s attention and devotion.Women and men truly have equal status, English even all languages must far away from sexism.Reference:[1] Holy Bible [M]. 中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会和中国基督教协会, 2000年10月. P2-3[2]Maggio, R. The nonsexist word finder: Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1989[3] Sandra Lee McKay and Nancy H. Hornberger. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 2001年10月. P224[4] 代新黎. 论英语中的性别歧视和规避策略[J]. 商丘师范学院学报, 2005年12月(第21卷第6期). P157[5] 廖学金.论英语语言的性别歧视[J].重庆大学学报,1997, 第一期:p84[6] 赵靖岩. 英语中的性别歧视现象[J]. 长春师范学院学报, 2002年12月(第21卷第4期). P81。

时期就 出现 了 良性 的社会分 工 , 随着社 会生产力 的不 断发展 , 男子逐 渐在 农业 生产 活动 占据 了主导 地位 , 妇女的地位则 随其劳 动能力 的降低 而下降。妇女 回归
家庭 , 会 权 力 由 男 性 掌 控 。 言 以 男 性 为 规 范 , 社 语 把 男 性 的语 言作 为标 准 和 主 体 , 而 出现 了 m n的 泛 化 因 a
m n商人 , hi a a ca m n主席等 。 了体现男女平 等 , r 为 应选 用不 涉及 性别 的对应 词语 来代替 ,如 : uies a b s s n商 n m 人 , hi a ca n主席 m i a m r am n邮递 员 , r a l i m fe n消 防队员
如 p l e n,c ar n fe n tts a ,与 之 相 对 oi ma c hi ma , rma ,saem n i
e c hm o e s a e. l t i r r l dr如果他 或她 做得好 的话 我 e h a ae
以复 数 的 形式 改 写句 子 。
E c mpo e s d c efrhmsl . 每 个 员工 ah e ly emut e i o i ef . d . 都 必 须做 出他 自 己的决 定 。
E lye s d cd o h msle . . 工 们 必 mpo esmu t eiefrte ev s . 员
和 ple a 警 察 可分 别 改 成 b s ese o , hi e o cm n i ui spr n ca pr n s r —
sn,p s se , r g tr eui fcr和 p l e o ot tr f ef he ,sc r yo ie ma i i t f oi 。 c

1. 英语中性别歧视的来源(1) 历史背景西方国家的宗教语言和传统都存在对女性的否定和负面评价,而男性通常被塑造为精神领袖相比之女性的世俗和无知。
(2) 劳动分工西方社会根据性别来分配任务,活动,权利和责任,并对此怀有长期的偏见。
(3) 社会化进程社会化过程从人诞生之日就开始了,从人的行为方面将人按照固定的模式进行塑造。

如何减少性别歧视英语作文英文回答:Gender discrimination is a systemic issue that affects individuals based on their gender. It can manifest in various forms, including workplace inequality, wage gaps, violence against women, and unequal access to education and healthcare. To reduce gender discrimination, it is crucial to address its root causes and implement effective strategies.One key step in reducing gender discrimination is to challenge and change traditional gender stereotypes and norms. From a young age, children are often socialized into specific gender roles, which can perpetuate unequal expectations and opportunities. By promoting genderequality and diversity in media, education, and workplaces, we can challenge these stereotypes and create a more inclusive society.Addressing the wage gap is another important measure. Women still earn significantly less than men for the same work in many countries. To address this issue, it is essential to implement policies that promote equal pay for equal work, enforce anti-discrimination laws, and provide support for women to negotiate salaries and pursue leadership roles.Furthermore, it is crucial to address the issue of violence against women. Gender-based violence is a serious human rights violation that affects millions of women and girls worldwide. Governments and organizations need to implement comprehensive measures to prevent and respond to violence, including providing support for victims, training law enforcement officers, and enacting strict laws to punish perpetrators.Education is another key area where gender discrimination can be reduced. Girls and women facebarriers to accessing education in many parts of the world. By investing in education for girls and ensuring equal access to schools and universities, we can empower womenand break down the gender gap in education and employment.In addition to these measures, it is important to promote gender diversity in leadership roles. Women are often underrepresented in decision-making positions in politics, business, and other sectors. By increasing the participation of women in leadership, we can bring diverse perspectives and experiences to decision-making processes, leading to more equitable and inclusive policies.By implementing these strategies, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society whereindividuals are treated with respect and dignity regardless of their gender.中文回答:如何减少性别歧视。

- 205 -校园英语 / 语言文化研究英语中的性别歧视成因及应对内蒙古科技大学外国语学院/徐艳丽【摘要】语言是社会生活的镜子和交流工具,性别歧视(sexism)“是指把男性视作社会规范和中心,轻视女性或使她们显得微不足道。
【关键词】性别歧视 英语语言 中性词语言是社会生活的镜子和交流工具,必然会反映出人类社会的各种社会观念和社会风俗。
女性词多数是由男性词词尾添加黏着词素(bound morpheme),往往是男主女次。
比如某些职业词语:poet-poetess ,monitor-monitoress ,director-directoress ,drum major-drum majorette ,usher-usherette 。
如man and woman ,brother and sister ,host and hostess ,he and she ,husband and wife ,father and mother ,等。
有人说ladies and gentlemen 是个例外,但这并不表示女性地位的提高,恰恰是因为女性和孩子一样是弱者需要保护和优先。
还有bride and groom 也是女性在先,但这是多么短暂的优先,仅此一天,第二天马上就变成husband and wife 了。

最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 英汉动物习语中隐喻用法的对比分析2 中西礼仪对比3 论基督教教义对美国人慈善观的影响4 《鲁滨逊漂流记》--世纪典型的殖民主义叙事文本5 《那个读伏尔泰的人》英译汉中定语从句的翻译策略6 交际法在初中英语教学中的应用7 关于战争对英语习语的影响的研究8 凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德《幸福》中的女性主义解读9 加工层次理论指导下的商务英语词汇学习10 论艾米莉•狄金森诗歌中的死亡观11 从文化角度看英语习语的汉译12 中西方饮料的跨文化差异13 英语动物习语的研究及翻译14 重压之下的人之风采——以海明威《老人与海》为例15 关于英语谚语翻译的一些意见16 中英文动物俗语的感情差异研究--以“狗”为例17 许渊冲的“三美”原则在国外化妆品品牌名汉译中的应用18 从女性主义角度对《简爱》和《红字》中女主人公的比较研究19 《黄鹤楼》五个英译本的语义等值研究20 An Analysis of the Main Characters in Twilight-eclipse21 透过好莱坞校园电影解析美国青少年的特点22 《可以吃的女人》女性主义解读23 班德瑞曲名汉译策略之解析24 试析《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》的成长主题25 Psychological Analysis of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye26 汉语公示语英译中存在的问题及分析27 论幽默元素在《老友记》字幕中的翻译28 英语专业学生英语口语学习动机调查研究29 女性主义翻译研究——《简•爱》两种中文译本的比较30 从适应与选择角度看公示语翻译方法31 女性主义视角下《白象似的群山》与《莳萝泡菜》中男性形象的对比研究32 艾米丽·狄金森的诗歌主题分析33 沙博理《水浒传》译本中文化词的翻译34 《夜莺颂》的翻译技巧探究35 命运与性格--浅论《哈姆雷特》的悲剧因素36 目的论视角下旅游文本的翻译37 高中生对语法态度的研究38 浅析英文新闻标题的翻译39 以“三美论”对比《登高》两个英译版本的“意美”与“音美”40 The Application of Situational Approach to Teaching Listening in High School English Classroom41 中英姓名的文化内涵42 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫《墙上的斑点》的叙事技巧分析43 口译者心理环境的适应研究44 小说《鸡蛋的胜利》中扭曲的“美国梦”45 中国神话与希腊神话的对比46 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析47 极致现实主义与现代自然主义──分析杰克伦敦小说《野性的呼唤》48 穷人的大团结,通往希望之乡的必经之路:《愤怒的葡萄》研究49 The Tragedy of Emma In Madame Bovary50 对《呼啸山庄》中女主角的女性哥特情结分析51 A Study of Beauty in Sound, Form and Meaning Displayed in Zhang Peiji’s Prose Translation52 美国总统就职演说中隐喻的语用功能分析53 论艾略特《荒原》中的宗教信仰与价值观54 幸福婚姻中爱情与金钱并重——论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观55 Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies56 论《简•爱》中伯莎•梅森的疯癫57 浅析“欧亨利式结尾”在其小说中的主题揭示58 广告翻译中的模因传播59 英语中常用修辞格60 《麦田守望者》中霍尔顿的性格分析61 Chinese Translations of English Film Titles:A Perspective of Functional Equivalence62 An Analysis of Symbolic Metaphor in To the Lighthouse63 母语在小学英语学习中的正迁移64 English to Chinese Translation Methods65 浅析好莱坞英雄主义中的传统英雄和反英雄形象66 《纯真年代》中艾伦•奥伦斯卡和梅•韦兰的人物命运分析67 浅谈《到灯塔去》的女性意识68 女性主义解读《威尼斯商人》中的女主角69 口译者听力环境的适应研究7071 不可避免的命运—对《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》的后现代分析72 An Analysis on Shear's Personality in The Bridge on the River Kwai73 解析《红字》中的红与黑74 浅析中西饮食文化差异及中餐菜名英译75 嘉莉妹妹三个梦的心理需求分析76 Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations77 公益广告中双关语的应用及其翻译78 论中西方交际方式的差异79 浅析Grice的会话合作原则在求职面试中的应用80 浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽的婚姻观81 Reconstructed Motherhood in Beloved82 An Analysis of the Gothic Horrors in A Rose for Emily83 广告翻译中功能对等的研究84 美式英语与英式英语的比较85 浅析高中英语阅读教学中教师的角色86 跨文化交际中的障碍浅析及其解决方法87 林语堂翻译思想探究——以《浮生六记》英译本为例88 房地产广告的英译研究89 理智胜于情感90 困境下的回归--从生态角度看乞力马扎罗的雪91 《远离尘嚣》中女主角的情感变迁研究92 汉英禁忌语的对比研究93 论《最危险的游戏》中的生态伦理混乱94 论《爱玛》中的反讽95 从自然主义角度解读《苔丝》的悲观主义96 《喜福会》体现的中美家庭观念冲突解析97 Translatio n of Advertising Slogans from Newmark’s Communicative Theory98 中英礼貌用语差异99 新闻英语标题的特点和翻译100 An Analysis on the Flexibility of Gulliver’s Personality101 浅析《简爱》的主人公简爱102 《哈姆雷特》中奥菲利亚的悲剧——悲剧分析及造成悲剧命运的原因103 The Embodiment of Xu Yuanchong’s“Beauty in Three Aspects”in the English Translation of Poetry of the Tang Dynasty104 浅谈英语俚语105 解读《喜福会》的中国式母爱106 从谷歌和百度两大企业的管理方式看中美企业文化的差异107 显现的被动•隐现的自我——《看不见的人》中被动语态的身份建构功能研究108 小说《红字》中字母A的象征意义109 对《宠儿》中黑奴母亲塞丝形象的探讨110 广告中的文化因素111 (英语系经贸英语)浅析企业如何通过市场定位打开销售渠道112 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响和应对策略113 城市公共标识翻译技巧及问题分析114 《蝇王》的现代性启示:人性的自赎115 "工业小说"《玛丽•巴顿》的宗教解析116 The Study of English Film Title Translation Methods and Some Requirements to the Translators117 凯瑟琳与苔丝悲剧命运的比较118 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》人物性格的宗教色彩剖析119 解读托尼•莫瑞森《最蓝的眼睛》中的成长主题120 西方文化视域中《简爱》刍议121 英汉习语中的文化差异及翻译研究122 瓦尔登湖畔的隐士:反抗与变革123 马丁伊登的自杀根由124 从《徳伯家的苔丝》看哈代的贞操观和道德观125 《小妇人》--家庭教育对儿童个性的影响126 浅析《小妇人》中乔的女性意识及其成长过程127 A Study on English and Chinese Euphemisms from the Perspective of Cultural Difference128 剖析简爱性格的弱点129 中美学校教育和家庭教育之比较130 On the Factors Leading to Different Destinies of Rhett Butler and Ashley Wilkes in Gone with the Wind131 礼貌原则在商务英语中的运用132 从《了不起的盖茨比》看菲茨杰拉德的女性观133 Translation of Tourism English in a Cross-Cultral Perspective134 从《一间自己的屋子》看弗吉尼亚伍尔芙的女性主义意识135 从美国汽车看美国文化136 On the Symbolic Meaning of Alcohol in Angela’s Ashes137 克里斯加德纳的成功之路——电影《当幸福来敲门》评析138 剖析希腊神话中的爱情观139 论英汉动物词汇的翻译方法140 《外星人》电影海报的多模态话语解析141 中英习语文化异同及其翻译142 论《霍华德庄园》中的象征主义143 中美家庭教育的比较研究144 对《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观重新解读145 基于认知的颜色词隐喻研究146 论英汉成语翻译147 身势语在国际商务谈判中的应用148 怪,或不怪--《小镇畸人》中的主要人物解读149 英语教学中的文化意识150 中西方文化中颜色词的不同内涵和使用151 《弗朗西斯麦康伯短促的幸福生活》中麦康伯个性转变之分析152 从禁忌语的差异看中英文化的差异153 On Michael Moore's Fahrenheit / From the Rhetoric Perspective154 英汉颜色词隐喻的认知比较与研究155 浅谈体态语及其在跨文化交际中的作用156 从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯•狄更斯的善恶观157 狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想158 模糊语在国际商务谈判中的语用功能研究159 论交际法在初中英语教学中的运用160 英语混成新词建构新解:多元理论视域161 《奥特兰托堡》和《弗兰肯斯坦》中哥特元素的比较研究162 王尔德童话对传统童话的颠覆163 中西方饮食文化的差异164 非传统式英雄——从女性主义批评角度看《名利场》165 《蝇王》中神话元素的象征意义166 从翻译角度浅析英语写作中的中式英语问题167 初中生英语词汇教学策略168 英汉“悲伤”情感隐喻认知对比分析169 关于中国文化教学的文献综述170 从《祝福》的英译本谈文化空缺词的翻译171 交替传译中的记忆机制及记忆训练研究172 On the Disposal of Cultural Differences in the Translation173 中美肢体语言的差异174 如何降低英语专业学生课堂焦虑175 《无名的裘德》中裘德的悲剧探析176 Different Applications of Iceberg Principle in A Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea177 论应变能力在同声传译中的应用178 解析《丽姬娅》中的哥特美学179 An Embodiment of Virtue--- A Moral Insight into the Image of Tess180 英汉视觉动词概念隐喻的对比研究181 An Analysis of the Initiation Theme in The Child in Time182 《太阳照样升起》中杰克•巴恩斯的形象183 A Comparative Study of Women in Fortress Besieged and Pride and Prejudice184 商标翻译中的文化要素185 关于非英语专业学生大学英语四级考试学习策略的研究186 Study on Translation Methods of Colour Words in Chinese and English Literary Works187188 《二十二条军规》中关于军规的控制及反控制189 文化语境下归化和异化在翻译中的运用190 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格191 从关联理论角度分析《绝望主妇》中话语标记语I mean192 On Pragmatic Failure and Its Implications for Middle School English Teaching193 用本我,自我,超我的弗洛伊德理论来解析《红字》194195 论《红字》里“A”字的象征意义196 唐诗中比喻修辞格的翻译——以许渊冲英译本为例197 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视及消除语言歧视的策略198 A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and English Euphemisms for Death from the Perspective of Culture199 商标翻译技巧200 身势语在小学英语教学中的运用。

从本质上讲,对性别歧视语言进行改革就意... 本文以许多有趣的实例向你展示了反映在英语语言中的性别歧视现象,指出了这一现象产生的原因,最后提出了消除英语语言中的性别歧视的方法。
【英文摘要】 English language, to some extent, reflects a sexist society, and at the same time, it can enable us to see the social reality more clearly. Linguistic directions of degrading and devaluing female can be located everywhere. This thesis tries to investigate linguistic sexism against women in English vocabulary, grammar, and the gender stereotyping in discourses. The purpose is to disclose the common features of English language that suggest cultural biases and socially unjust attitudes towards women. The stud... Then the author points out the reasons for the occurrence of the sexism and gives you the methods of avoiding it.英语; 性别歧视语; 性别定型; 解释; 改革;【英文关键词】 English sexism; gender stereotyping; explanations; elimination;一、引言语言总是反映着社会,是现实世界的一面镜子,美丑好坏,尽现其中在社会生活中,语言对男女不同的性别一视同仁,它本身是没有性别歧视的,但语言是文化的载体,并在人们不断使用的过程中逐渐得到丰富和发展。

随便翻开一张英美的报纸,或瞧一下五花八门的宣传广告,就会发现supervisor(工头,领班)替代了原来的foreman, workman‘s pensation(工人赔偿金)变成了worker‘s pensation; sales rep, sales associate或seller(推销员)取代了常用词salesman等。
请注意,所选用的例句,除个别注明外,均选自rosalie maggio编写的the nonselist word finder: a dictionary of gender-free usage (maggio,1989)。
可以根据语境需要,选用下列替换方式:1)采用复数形式sexist: when bathing a baby, never leave him unattended.revised: when bathing babies, never leave them unattended.给婴儿洗澡时,一定不能让他们无人照料。
2)用we/us/our改写原句sexist: from each aording to his abilities, to each aording to his needs.revised: from each of us aording to our abilities, to each of us aording to our needs.各尽所能,按需分配。
3)改用第二人称、sexist: no man knows his true character until he has run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent.revised: you don‘t know what your true character isuntil you have run out of gas, purchased something onthe ! installment plan and raised an adolescent.只有当汽车大的油用光了,按分规付款方式购物和抚养大一个孩子时,人的本来品性才会显露出来。

最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 简析《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公爱情悲剧的原因2 《鲁宾逊漂流记》与《桃花源记》中乌托邦思想之比较3 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的伊莱扎人物形象分析4 谈英语文学作品名称的汉译5 学生写作中中式英语的表现形式及其改进方式678 从茶和咖啡的对比中体现出来的生活方式的不同9 解析《莎乐美》中的月亮意象10 析《道林格雷》中王尔德用来揭示生活与艺术冲突的方法11 从文化角度分析《穿普拉达的恶魔》所反映的职业观12 《海的女儿》中安徒生的悲剧情结分析13 论《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公对真爱的追求14 On Translation Strategies of Animal Idioms between English and Chinese15 高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究16 剖析《哈克贝利芬历险记》中对自由的追求17 《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的资产阶级特征1819 《莫比迪克》中不同的人物特点20 非言语交际文化21 从《简爱》两个译本看女性与男性语言使用的差别22 论商业广告中的翻译对等原则23 《红字》中的基督教因素初探24 Culture-oriented Strategies in Publicity Material Translation for Yangzhou City: a Perspective of Functionalism25 《红楼梦》中座次表达的英译比较26 隐喻在英语政治演讲辞中的认知功能—以奥巴马的竞选演讲辞为例27 汉英习语翻译中文化因素的处理28 On the Female Initiation Theme in Little Women29 外教在英语口语教学中的作用30 思嘉丽是淑女还是魔鬼?31 从加菲猫看美国新个人主义价值观32 从文化视角看英语习语的翻译33 对《推销员之死》的价值探讨34 乔治•奥威尔小说《动物农场》和《》社会对比研究35 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩36 A Pragmatic Analysis of Puns in English Advertisements under the Cooperative Principle37 霍克斯《红楼梦》英译本中委婉语的翻译策略研究38 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names39 从《彼得潘》看儿童世界40 《了不起的盖茨比》中女性人物性格分析41 从美国妇女社会地位的提升看英语歧视性词汇的变化42 论中美两国的现代中年女性观念之差——以美剧《欲望都市》为例43 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义44 英汉习语中隐喻的民族性及其翻译策略45 浅析卡夫卡小说中的荒诞意识46 从电影《弱点》看美国的家庭教育47 刘易斯小说《巴比特》中的都市景观和人物描写分析48 英汉数词的文化对比及其翻译49 Satan in Paradise Lost as a Tragic Hero50 从认知的角度看委婉语中隐喻的理解51 浅谈美国职场上的性别歧视及其原因52 论文化对国际市场营销的重要性--以迪斯尼乐园为例53 解读《儿子与情人》中保罗的俄狄浦斯的影响54 用情景教学法教语法——马街中学个案研究55 浅谈提高高中生英语写作能力的途径56 从《喜福会》中透视文化的冲突与融合57 杰克•伦敦《野性的呼唤》中人生哲学的主题分析58 对比研究《珊瑚岛》和《蝇王》主题的冲突性59 浅析文化因素对商标翻译的影响60 简爱性格魅力分析61 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识62 国际商务谈判中的非语言交际63 商标翻译的美学特征和技巧64 《老人与海》中的系列意象探究65 浅谈涉外英语合同的特征及翻译技巧66 Who Stole Our Panda——An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Transmission Through an American Movie Kung Fu Panda67 从英汉广告语言特点分析中西方文化价值观68 从《阿甘正传》看美国乐观主义69 试比较中美中学历史教育中历史思维的培养70 美国拓荒运动中的新女性形象--读威拉凯瑟《我的安东妮娅》71 The Study of Joseph Conrad’s Colonialism in Heart of the Darkness72 浅析《看不见的人》中的第一人称叙述策略73 《阿甘正传》的人称视角浅析74 Social Features and Language Characteristics in Pride and Prejudice75 网络语言风格的性别差异76 Awakening of the Black Women’s Self-consciousness—A Study of Four Major Female Images in Beloved77 从跨文化角度看导游词翻译的词汇空缺现象78 英国海洋文化对英语习语的影响79 论英语教学中的非智力因素8081 浅析英语俚语的特征及其功能82 A Study on Intercultural Communication of American TV Series83 An Analysis of the D Film Alice in Wonderland from the Perspective of Gothicism84 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中女性人物的认知局限85 科技英语的特点和翻译技巧86 A Study of English Classroom Scene Setting in Junior High School87 电影字幕英汉翻译中网络流行语的现象研究88 论直译与意译在英汉翻译中的应用89 浅析中世纪欧洲基督教婚姻伦理观90 交际法在中学英语教学中的应用91 On Michael Moore's Fahrenheit / From the Rhetoric Perspective92 Coincidences and Images in The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D’Urbervilles93 如何运用情景教学法进行初中英语词汇教学的探讨94 视觉文化在英语词汇学习中的应用95 从文化视角看汉英翻译中的语篇连贯性96 英语委婉语及其翻译97 运用超验主义解读《小妇人》中的女性形象98 一个典型的拜伦式英雄——论《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫99 《恋爱中的女人》欧秀拉和古迪兰的性格对其爱情观的影响100 从餐桌礼仪看中美饮食文化差异101 话语标记词在中英戏剧翻译中的作用与运用102 从生态批评主义角度看《白鲸》的生态观103 On House’s Model for Translation Quality Assessment——A Case Study of Li Mi’s Chen Qing Biao104 战争隐喻在体育新闻报道中的运用105 基于跨文化视角文化全球化的分析106 《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的性格分析107 关于《飘》的中译本的翻译策略分析108 从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突109 论商标名称汉英翻译中的合作原则110 跨文化商务活动中的交际与礼仪111 从成长教育理论视角解读奥利弗•退斯特的生活经历112 Analyzing the Development of English Color Term and Its Chinese Translation113 The Artistic Value of The Call of the Wild114 The Heroism in The Old Man and the Sea115 素质教育下农村小学英语现状初探--以某县为例(开题报告+论)116 论中西方思维方式的差异117 You-attitude 在商务信函中的运用118 论《小伙子古德曼布朗》中象征主义的使用119 浅析美剧台词中幽默的翻译——以《绝望的主妇》为例120 哥伦布和郑和航海的对比研究——两次航海所反映出的中西方文化差异121 浅析中国式英语问题及对策122 目的论视角下新闻标题汉译英研究123 The Inconsistencies between Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind and Alexandra Ripley’s Scarlett124 英语汽车商标的翻译策略125 英汉含文化植物词谚语对比研究126 动机对中学英语学习的影响127 《威尼斯商人》中宗教和法律的冲突128 《希腊古瓮颂》中的艺术和永恒之美129 《缅湖重游》之语义分析130 中国公司简介的英译技巧131 影响中学生学习英语的因素132 书面语言输入与输出对英语词汇习得的影响133 时事政治汉译英该注意的几个问题134 对莎士比亚悲剧《李尔王》的评析135 格莱斯合作原则及其对言语交际的影响136 浅析翻译中的文化缺省及其补偿策略137 浅析爱尔兰诗人叶芝作品中的象征主义138 On the Causes of the Death of Willy Loman in Death of A Salesman139 对《红字》中罗杰齐灵沃斯的新认识140 等效理论框架下的中国菜肴英译研究141 The Unique Chara cteristics of Edgar Allen Poe’s Gothic Stories142 李清照“声声慢”英译本的对比研究143 试析中文歌曲汉英语码转换的形式与功能144 电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》中的隐喻分析145 文学翻译中的对等146 浅谈英语影片名的翻译147 Metaphors in the Themes of Of Mice and Men148 交际法在大学英语教学中的现状探究149 论《西游记》中文化因素的翻译策略——以詹纳尔和余国藩的英译本为例150 英汉状语语序修辞对比与翻译151 东西方人名文化与翻译—以英汉人名为例152 如何增强小学生英语课堂教学的趣味性153 关联理论视角下幽默的英汉翻译154 对夏洛蒂勃朗特《简爱》中简爱的女性主义分析155 On Diversified Application of English Euphemism156 孤独的灵魂—简评《月亮和六便士》中的思特克兰德157 A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and American Nonverbal Privacy158 《愤怒的葡萄》的生态主义分析159 浅谈汉语成语的英译160 从高校课桌文化透视当代大学生的内心压力161 《还乡》中游苔莎的悲剧命运分析162 从《简爱》看夏洛蒂•勃朗特的女性意识163 中西方常用标语分析164 A Study on Strategies of Effective Teaching in the Junior Middle School EFL Classroom 165 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥丰富的精神世界166 新课标指导下的中学英语语法教学167 小说《老人与海》中曼诺林的象征意义168 A Study on the Effective Ways to Improve Memory Efficiency in Consecutive Interpreting 169 欧亨利小说中的批判现实主义170 浅析《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物“善”与“恶”的转变171 文化语境对翻译的影响172 环境、性格、命运--评《远大前程》主人公皮普173 《还乡》中哈代的自然观174 《雾都孤儿》中的正邪儿童形象175 培根《论读书》多种译本的比较176 法国大革命对《西风颂》创作的影响177 汉语被动句的英译178 从“看上去很美”和“Little Miss Sunshine”两部影片浅析中美儿童教育观念的差异179 分析《傲慢与偏见》与《简爱》中觉醒的女性意识180 跨文化交际中身势语的运用对比分析181 从成长小说角度解读《马丁•伊登》182 家庭生活中的瑞普凡温克尔183 从跨文化交际视角谈品牌翻译策略184 中学英语教师课堂反馈对学生焦虑的影响185 The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter186 大学英语课堂教学师生互动建构浅析187 从《一个干净明亮的地方》解析海明威的冰山理论188 论《兔子,跑吧》中兔子逃跑的原因189 解析《爱玛》中女主人公的形象190 论英语称谓语中的性别歧视现象191 高中英语听力课中的文化教学192 论西尔维娅•普拉斯诗歌中的死亡意象193 从归化与异化角度浅析《毛泽东选集》英译本中文化负载词的翻译194 归化与异化在文学翻译中的融合应用——评《红楼梦》两英译本中的习语195 女性主义视域下的《了不起的盖茨比》196 英汉新词理据对比研究197 An Analysis of Women’s Status in Pride and Prejudice198 理智胜于情感199 英语汉源借词研究200 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视及消除语言歧视的策略。


例如,第一夫人杰奎琳结婚前被称为Jacqueline Lee Bouvie。
她和约翰·肯尼迪结婚后,她被称为Jacqueline Kennedy。
肯尼迪总统遇刺身亡,然后她嫁给了一位希腊船运巨头Aristotle Onassis。
之后,她叫Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis。
常见的后缀是“- ess,- ette,- ine”(prince-princess, hero-heroine, steward-stewardess, heir-heiress, farmer-farmerette)。

摘 要 本文针对英语语言中的性别歧视这一普遍现象进行分析。笔者从探讨英语语言歧视中不同的表现形式例如词语的称呼称谓、词序、等入手,分析造成语言中性别歧视现象背后的根源,最后提出了规避性别歧视的措施。性别歧视并不仅仅是只改变语言符号本身能够消除的,需要改变社会传统和根深蒂固的两性不平等观念。
关键词 英语语言;性别歧视;规避措施
Sex Discrimination and Avoidance in English Language

词及 其 它 明显 带有性 别歧视 色彩 的词 汇 中 , 有体 现 。本 文就英 语 中存 在 的性 别歧视 现 象加 以 都 列举 , 就其 规避 策 略进 行 了阐述 , 望语 用 者在 交 际 中能 够有 效避 免 。 并 希
关键 词 : 英语 词 汇 ; 别歧 视 ; 性 规避 策略
Hale Waihona Puke ( ) 1 职业 名 称 。含 有 ma 示 职业 的复合 词 。 n表
如 :b s es n c a ma ,o ges n fe n p — u i sma ,h i n c nrs n r ma , rma ,o i l e a ,ot n s em n so ema , a ema i m nps c ma ,a s a ,pk s n t d s n等 。 l r
壮之意 , 具有 男 性 的特 征 ; 而用 于 女性 时 , 意 味着 却
偏 见 。性 别 歧 视 几乎 存 在 于 所有 的语 言 当 中 , 英语
也 不 例 外 。 随 着 西 方 社 会 妇 女 权 利 平 等 运 动 的 发 展 , 语 中 的性 别 歧 视 现象 有 所 减 少 , 是受 语 言 英 但
多 占据 着 主 导 地位 , 因此 性 别歧 视 主要 是 指男 性 对
() 4 含有 m n的英 语短语 。如 :ei o n n a b oe w , ls ma
go i t a odwl om n等 。 l
女性 的不平等对待 。两性之 间的不平等 , 造成社会 的性 别 歧 视 , 映 到 语 言 中 , 是 性 别 歧 视语 言 的 反 则
2 代词 、
dn,r es 等都被习惯性的认为是男性 , et o s r pf o 使用时,

将“policeman”和“fireman”改为“police officer”(警官)和“firefighter”(消防员)来避免性别的暗示。
如:A man of straw is worth of a woman of gold.(稻草男儿抵得上金玉女子)。
Women have long hair and short brains.(女人头发长,见识短)。
Many women,many words; Many geese,many turds.(鹅的屎多,女人的话多)。
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Eliminating the Sexism in EnglishAbstract:Language plays an important role in society, which can reflect all the sides of human society naturally. Linguistic sexism is a type of social phenomenon that reflects the certain traditional social value. One of the Sexism‟s definitions is that “The discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.” the Danish linguist points out that English is the most masculine language as far as he is concerned in his Growth and Structure of the English Language. As a language which has a long history and influencing the world extensively, English has experienced innumerable reformations, which updates the language constantly. The reason of the sexist phenomenon‟s eliminating in the English language and then proposes ways to avoid sexist English.Key Words: sexism; English; language; feminism; avoid1. The phenomenon of Sexist EnglishLinguistic sexism is a social problem, which can reflect people‟s discrimination against the female sex. T he women‟s l iberation movement made people began to realize that the language reform and nonsexist becomes necessary. Sexist language should be changed and avoided, which is definitely positive for the developing of language. As the most widespread language in the world, English sexism should be avoided. Being given the same opportunities as men is the key point to eliminate linguistic sexism. The sexism in English Language has existed for a long time, and brings many bad feelings to women. This sexism comes from the deep cultural sexism on women in society, and has realistic factors. Though women‟s position is higher, the sexism still exists.2. Women and men truly have equal status means language equalityIn the Holy Bible(The Books of The Old Testament): “So the L ord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closedup its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, …This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man this one was taken.‟ ” [1] .The Holy Bible is actually a book for men, which helps to set and consolidate the inferiority of women. In the Holy Bible, woman is always related to troubles and evil things.In the past, few women work outside the home because working out of the home was often considered inappropriate or presented poor living conditions. Therefore, their marriage completely determined the condition they would live. Marriage was so important to a woman. The feminism movement in 1960s promots women‟s social position and then women has equal right with men. Most women today have taken all kinds of careers and have proven that they can do anything men can do; positions of a high rank are still rarely held by women.One of the many impacts feminism on society is its impact on language, which makes the sexism reduce a lot. This phenomenon shows that the main reason behind sexist language is not the language form itself, but our thought that comes from the social attitude to women. Only by changing the social structure till one day when women and men truly have equal status can language equality be really achieved. Therefore, linguistic action and social action should be taken simultaneously, aiming for eliminating sexism in language.3. Avoiding the sexism in English3.1Turning sexist words to non-sexist wordsMaking the most use of gender-free words can help people reduce sexism in the daily life and in English. A lot of new words have been coined along with the women‟s liberation movement, which greatly enriched English. These new words fall into two categories. The first category does not distinguish between male and female, that is, they are neutral. Pn. is the abbreviation of person. It is used instead of Mr., Miss. The second category does not indicate marital status. Ms. is used instead ofMiss. and Mrs. as the counterpart to the men‟s title Mr. [6]. For example, use those words house worker (instead of housewife), businessperson (instead of businessman), firefighter (instead of fireman), sailor (instead of seaman), flowerseller (instead of flower girl), chairperson (instead of chairman). When writing letters, if the sex of receiver is not known, it‟s better not use the traditional way of addressing ,such as Dear Sir., Dear Gentleman and Dear Madam. [4] And the traditional expressions with prejudice such as ambitious men and aggressive women, cautious men and timid women should try to be avoided. Job titles can be used instead of such as Dear friends of the library, Dear Madams and Sir‟s, Dear personnel officer, Dear Committee Member, Dear Agent, and Dear Director.Try to avoid using gender-suffixes which can reflect women's lower rank and avoid using prepositional attributes like woman, lady, madam when there is no necessity to show their sex and use one form to designate a person in all three contexts. For example: actress actor.3.2 Avoiding using the third person pronoun as a general referenceBy means of changing he and it which refer nonsexist people into they. For example: When bathing a baby, never leave him unattended. Revised: When bathing a baby, never leave them unattended. [5]Dropping the masculine pronoun can also be seen as a useful way to escapefrom gender bias[3].Anybody can attend the meeting if interested in it. Beingdiscriminatory, it is better written into “Anybody can attend the meeting if he is interested in it.”By means of changing the sentences into passive voice which is nonsexist. Instead of saying “One should not lose heart when he is beaten in a match.”one would be able to say “One should not lose heart when beaten in a match.”The generic masculine he, his, him should be replaced with he or she, his or her, him or her, and the like, which expressly indicate that women are included in the antecedent of the pronouns.By means of using these words: some, one, the one, and no one instead of the third person pronouns. For example: He who can take advice is sometimes superiorto him who can give it. Revised: Someone who can take advice is sometimes superior to the one who can give it.4. ConclusionAs Rosalie Maggio said that it is also necessary to acknowledgethat there can be no solution to the problem of sexism in society on the levelof language alone. Using the word secretary inclusively, for example, does notchange the fact that only 1.6% of American secretaries are men. Using directorinstead of directress does not mean a woman will necessarily enjoy the same opportunities today a man might [2]. Feminists should be more rational in creating or changing some usages, but not change some reasonable forms into ridiculer forms. The process of eliminating the sexism in language is long and difficult, and it needs the feminists‟ ha rd work and the whole society‟s attention and devotion.Women and men truly have equal status, English even all languages must far away from sexism.Reference:[1] Holy Bible [M]. 中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会和中国基督教协会, 2000年10月. P2-3[2]Maggio, R. The nonsexist word finder: Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1989[3] Sandra Lee McKay and Nancy H. Hornberger. Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 2001年10月. P224[4] 代新黎. 论英语中的性别歧视和规避策略[J]. 商丘师范学院学报, 2005年12月(第21卷第6期). P157[5] 廖学金.论英语语言的性别歧视[J].重庆大学学报,1997, 第一期:p84[6] 赵靖岩. 英语中的性别歧视现象[J]. 长春师范学院学报, 2002年12月(第21卷第4期). P81。