
Unit 1 College Life (P169)samplen-count:(1) 样品;货样A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like.Eg: ---- We're giving away 2000 free samples.---- They asked me to do some sample drawings.(2) (用于化验的)取样,样本A sample of a substance is a small amount of it that is examined and analyzed scientifically.Eg: ---- They took samples of my blood.Verb:(1) 品尝;试尝If you sample food or drink, you taste a small amount of it in order to find out if you like it.Eg: ---- We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.我们品尝了一系列不同品牌的瓶装水。
(2) 体验;尝试If you sample a place or situation, you experience it for a short time in order to find out about it.Eg: ---- ...the chance to sample a different way of life.definitelyadv.清楚地;明显地;肯定地;当然You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinionEg: ---- I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people.adj.definite明确的;一定的;肯定;有把握Eg: ---- Mary is very definite about this.n.definition定义;规定,明确;[物]清晰度;解释<复数definitions>Eg: ----我给这个字下了定义。

大学体验英语综合教程词汇表Aaborigine n. 澳大利亚土着居民 (6L&T)◆ abortion n. 流产,堕胎 (4a)absence n. 不在,缺席 (8a)◆ absolutely adv. 完全的;绝对的 (5b)absorb v. 吸收;吸引 (6b)academy n. 专科院校;学会;研究院 (2b)accent n. 口音 (6b)activity n. 活跃,活动 (7a)▲ addicted adj. 成瘾的 (1a)administration n. 行政管理;全体行政管理人员;政府(2b) adopt v. 收养;过继 (4L&T)adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的 (3L&T)afterwards adv. 以后,过后,后来 (7b)◆ agony n. 痛苦 (7a)ah int. 啊,哈 (1L&T)◆ ailing adj. 不舒服,生病 (1a)air-conditioner n. 空调机 (1L&T)air-conditioning n. 空调机(系统) (1L&T)alike adj. 相同的 (6L&T)alter v. 改变,变更 (7L&T)▲ ambitious adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,有野心的 (3b)ambulance n. 救护车 (8a)ancient adj. 古代的 (6a)◆ angle n. 角 (2a)anniversary n. 周年纪念 (2L&T)anxety n. 忧虑;焦虑 (7L&T)◆ aphorism n. 警句,格言,箴言 (5a)apparently adj. 明显的 (2a)appeal (to) v. (to)吸引,对…有号召力,投…所好 (5b) appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器 (1L&T)apportion v. 分摊;分配 (2CS)appreciate v. 赏识,欣赏 (2L&T)approach n. 方式,方法 (6a)◆ Arab n. 阿拉伯人 (8b)adj. 阿拉伯的▲ arena n. 竞争场所,竞争场 (2b)argument n. 争论,辩论 (2L&T)arrangement n. 安排 (8L&T)arrest v. 逮捕 (7b)artificial adj. 人造的 (1L&T)▲ aspiration n. 强烈愿望;渴望 (8b)associate v. 联系;联想 (5a)assume v. 假设,假定 (5a)assure v. 使确信 (3a)atmosphere n. 大气(层) (1a)atom n. 原子 (2a)◆ atop prep. 在…上面 (1b)attraction n. 吸引,吸引力 (6L&T)audio adj. 听觉的;声音的 (1b)author n. 作家,作者 (3L&T)autobiography n. 自传 (2L&T)avenue n. 大街 (6b)B◆ backlash n. 反冲力;强烈反应,强烈反对(4a) ◆ back-up n. 后备力量,备份 (7b)▲ bald adj. 秃头的;(轮胎)磨光的,破旧的 (6a) ban n. 禁令(4b)banquet n. 宴会 (2L&T)bar n. 酒吧,吧台;条,长方块 (3a)bare adj. 赤裸的,裸露的 (8a)▲ barricade n. 路障,障碍 (8a)◆ bathtub n. 浴盆,浴缸 (3a)battery n. 电池 (1L&T)bay n. 海湾 (4a)behave v. 行为表现 (4L&T)beloved adj. 心爱的 (6b)bet v. 敢说;打赌;确信 (5b)▲ bewilder n. (使)迷惑 (8a)Bible n. <圣经> (3CS)◆ billboard n. 招贴板,广告牌 (3b)billion n. 十亿 (3a)◆ billionaire n. 亿万富翁 (4b)biological adj. 生物学的 (7L&T)◆ biologist n. 生物学家 (4b)biology n. 生物学 (4a)◆ bliss n. 无上幸福,极乐 (7a)◆ bluntly adv. 直言不讳地;坦白地 (8b) boast v. 拥有 (5CS) bomb n. 炸弹 (8a)boring adj. 令人厌烦的 (2L&T)boundary n. 分界线,边境线 (1b)▲ breakthrough n. 突破 (2b)brick n. 砖 (4b)brilliant adj. 光辉的,灿烂的 (1b)▲ buck n. (美国钱币)元,块 (5b)◆ Buddhist n. 佛教徒 (4b)▲ bust n. 逮捕 (7b)Ccabin n. 船舱;小(木)屋 (1b)◆ calculus n. 微积分 (5b)canal n. 运河 (6b)▲ caption n. 标题,解说词,字幕 (4b)carbon n. 碳 (1a)career n. 事业;生涯 (2L&T)carefree adj. 无忧无虑的,轻松愉快的 (5L&T)carpenter n. 木匠 (7B)◆ cartel n. 卡特尔,同业联盟 (7b)cast v. 投(射) (8L&T)catalog n. 目录 (3b)◆ catastrophic adj. 灾难性的 (4a)▲ Catholic adj. 天主教的 (4a)cd n. 光盘 (4L&T)ceasefire n. 停火,停战 (8L&T)charter n. 宪章 (8CS)◆ checkpoint n. 检查站 (8a)childless adj. 无儿女 (4L&T)chill v. (使)变冷,冰冷 (3b)chin n. 下巴,下颌 (4b)◆ chirp v. (尤指鸟)唧唧喳喳的叫;发出短而尖的声音 (5a)Christian n. 基督徒 (8L&T)Christmas n. 圣诞节 (4b)chronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的(2L&T) ▲ chunk n. (一)大块 (3a)circulate v. 流传;扩散 (6CS)civiladj. 公民的,民间的,国内的 (3a)civilian n. 平民 (8a)◆ clang v. (使)叮当响 (6b)classical adj. 经典的 (2b)classification n. 分类,分级 (8L&T)climate n. 气候 (1b)clone v. 无性繁殖,克隆 (4a)◆ cloner n. 从事克隆研究的科学家或医生 (4a) cm n. 厘米 (3L&T)▲ cocainen. 可卡因 (7a)coffin n. 棺材 (7CS)coincide v. 一致,符合 (6L&T)collaboration n. 合作,协作 (5CS)collapse v. 崩溃 (4b)colleaguen. 同事 (2b)◆ Colombian adj. 哥伦比亚的(7b)n. 哥伦比亚人 (4A)combat v. 跟…战斗,抗击 (4a)commence v. 开始 (5L&T)commit v. 犯(错误、罪行等) (5a)communicate v. 告知,传达;交流,交际,通讯,沟通(1b) communicative adj. 通讯的,交际的 (1L&T)▲ compact adj. 密集的;小巧的,微型的 (3b)comparable adj. 同等的,类似的;可比的 (3b)comparison n. 比较 (6L&T)compass n. 罗盘,指南针 (2a)compensate v. 补偿 (6L&T)compete v. 竞争 (3b)complain v. 抱怨;投诉 (7L&T)complicatedadj. 复杂的;难懂的 (8b)◆ comp oser n. 作曲家 (4b)compromise n. 妥协;让步 (8b)con n. 反对论;反面 (3L&T)◆ conceit n. 自负;虚荣心 (5b)concentrate v. 集中(思想、注意力等) (7L&T) condemn v. 谴责(8b)condense v. 使…浓缩,压缩 (2a)condolence n. 哀悼,吊唁 (7L&T)confer v. 授予 (2CS)conference n. 大学,会议(1L&T)confine v. 限制,禁闭 (8a)conflict n. 冲突;抵触 (8b)confront v. 面临;对抗 (4L&T)confuse v. 使混淆;使困惑 (5a)confusion n 混乱,紊乱 (7a)conscious adj. 有意识的,有知觉的 (1L&T) consequence n. 结果 (1a)constant adj. 不变的 (1L&T)consumer n. 消费者 (1a)contact n. 接触;相互联系;交往 (8b)continuous adj. 连续的,持续的 (5L&T)contract v. 订契约,签合同 (3b)contraption n. 奇妙的装置 (6L&T)contrast n. 对比 (6L&T)controversy n. 争论,争议,论战 (4a)convenience n. 方便;便利设施或用具 (1a) convince v. 使确信(2a)coordinate n. 协调 (7b)cop n. 警察 (7b)copyright n. 版权,着作权 (3L&T)core n. 果核;核心 (6a)corporation n. 公司,企业 (3b)▲ couch n. 长沙发,长椅 (7a)counter pref. 反;平衡 (8CS)▲ counterpart n. 对手;对方 (6a)court n. 法庭 (7b)coward n. 懦夫 (5a)cowardice n. 怯懦,胆小 (8L&T)◆ cowboyn. 牛仔 (3a)crack n. 裂缝 (6a)◆ cranny n. 裂隙 (6a)create v. 创造 (2a)creativity n. 创造(力) (2L&T)◆ cubic adj. 立方体的,立方的 (3b)curiosity n. 好奇心 (2a)curl v. (头发)蜷曲;蜷曲 (7a)curriculum n. 全部课程 (5CS)curve n. 曲线 (3b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ddam n. 水坝 , 堤坝 (1L&T)◆ daze v. (使)茫然,(使)发昏 (8a)debate n. 争论,辩论 (1L&T)decade n. 十年 (1b)decent adj. (行为、态度)得体的,合适的;像样的,过得去的(4b)deepen v. 加深 (7a)definite adj. 确切的,肯定的,明显的 (4b) definitely adv. 明确地;确切地 (2L&T)◆ deforest v. 砍伐(森林) (1a)deforestation n. 采伐森林 (1L&T)◆ deform v. 使变畸形 (4a)deliberate adj. 故意的;从容不迫的;谨慎的 (6a) democracy n. 民主(政体);民主国家 (8b)▲ democratic adj. 民主(政体)的;民主国家的 (8b) demonstrate v. 表明 (8b)dentist n. 牙科医生 (5L&T)deny v. 否认 (5b)dependence n. 依靠,依赖 (7L&T)▲ designate v. 指派,委任 (7b)designer n. 设计师 (3L&T)destination n. 目的地 (6L&T)detail n. 细节 (2a)detective n. 侦探 (7b)device n. 装置,设备 (2a)devil n. 魔王;撒旦 (7a)▲ dine v. 吃饭,进餐 (2b)◆ dioxide n. 二氧化物 (1a)directly adv. 直接地 (1b)disagree v. 不同意;意见相左 (3L&T)disappear v. 消失 (7L&T)disaster n. 灾难 (1L&T)disastrous adj. 灾难性的 (7L&T)discard v. 抛弃 (3CS)dispose v. 处理 (1L&T)dispute n. 争论,争吵 (8L&T)disrupt v. 使混乱 (8CS)distinguish v. 区别,辨别 (6L&T)distract v. 使注意力转移;使分心 (6L&T) dominate v. 支配,控制,占优势 (3b)◆ donor n. 捐赠者 (4a)◆ downwind adj. 顺风处 (1a)draft v. 征召入伍 (5b)drift v. (使)漂流 (8a)drought n. 干旱 (1L&T)drunk adj. 醉酒的 (8L&T)dynamite n. 炸药 (2CS)dynasty n. 朝代,王朝 (6L&T)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eecological adj. 生态(学)的 (1L&T)economy n. 经济;节约 (6a)◆ ecosystem n. 生态系统 (1a)◆ ecstasy n. 狂喜;摇头丸 (7a)editor n. 编辑 (2b)educate v. 教育 (5b)efficiency n. 效率 (1L&T)efficient adj. 有效率的 (6a)Egyptian n. 埃及人 (2b)adj. 埃及人的elaborate adj. 详尽而复杂的;精心制作的 (3a)electrical adj. 电的,与电有关的 (7L&T)elegant adj. 优雅的 (2b)element n. 成份;要素 (1a)eliminate v. 消除 (8L&T)elite n. 精英;杰出人物 (3L&T)embarrassment n. 窘迫 (7L&T)embrace v. 拥抱;接受(观点) (4a)◆ embryo n. 胚胎 (4a)◆ emotionally adv. 情感地;动感情地 (8b)▲ energetic adj. 精力充沛的 (6a)enforce v. 执行,执法 (8L&T)◆ enforcement n. 强制,实施 (7b)engrave v. 雕刻;刻印 (7CS)enlightenment n. 启发 (6L&T)◆ enrage v. 激怒 (8b)▲ enroll v. 入学,加入;招收 (6b)▲ entertain v. 使…快乐,给…娱乐 (6b)◆ enthrall v. 迷住,吸引住 (6b)entrepreneur n. 企业家 (3L&T)environment n. 环境 (5a)equation n. 等式 (1a)◆ erode v. (酸、雨等)侵蚀;腐蚀;使…减少、减弱或消失 (2a) erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀 (1L&T)▲ essence n. 本质,精髓 (8b)ethical adj. 合乎道德的;伦理的 (4CS) ethnic adj. 种族的 (8L&T) European a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 (2a)evaluate v. 估价 (2L&T)evaporate v. 蒸发 (6b)eve n. 前夜,前夕 (1a)evidence n. 证据 (4b)evident adj. 明显的;清楚的 (2a)exceed v. 超过,超出;超出界线 (3a)excerpt n. 摘录 (8L&T)excessive adj. 过多的,过度的 (3a)execute v. 处死,处决;执行 (4a)executive n. 经理,管理人员 (7b)exhaust v. 用尽;耗尽 (3b)existence n. 存在 (8b)expert n. 专家 (1b)◆ exploitation n. 开采 (1a)expose v. 使知道 (7a)extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的 (1CS)◆ extraordinarily adv. 格外的 (5B)extreme adj. 最远的,最外边的;极度的 (3L&T)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ffaculty n. 全体教员 (2b)fake n. 假货,赝品 (3L&T)fame n. 声誉,名望 (4a)faucet n. 水龙头 (1L&T)favorite adj. 最受喜爱的 (3L&T)▲ feast n. 盛宴 (6b)▲ feat n. 功绩;壮举;绝技 (6A)feature v. 给某人或某事物以显着地位 (5B)female adj. 女(性)的;雌的 (4L&T)◆ fertility n. 繁殖力 (4a)fierce adj. 激烈的,猛烈的,凶猛的 (6b)fighter n. 战士;战斗机 (8a)finally adv. 最后,终于 (7a)flagship n. 王牌产品 (6CS)fleece n. 羊毛 (2L&T)flesh n. 肉 (4b)flexible adj. 灵活的 (5L&T)float v. (使)漂浮 (3a)focus v. 集中(注意力) (1b)◆ forefront n. 最前线;最前方 (2b)formal adj. 正式的 (5L&T)formula n. 配方 (3CS)forum n. 论坛,讨论会 (1L&T)▲ fossil n. 化石 (1a)fraternity n. 友爱;互助会 (2CS)▲ fraud n. 欺骗 (5a)◆ fraught adj. 充满…的 (8b)fridge n. 冰箱 (3b)frog n. 蛙,青蛙 (1b)frown v. 皱眉头 (3a)functional adj. (具有某种)功能的(3L&T) fundamental adj. 基础的;最重要的 (2a)G◆ gang n. 人群,队伍;一群罪犯 (7b)gap n. 空白;间隙 (2L&T)gaper n. 目瞪口呆的人 (5a)garbage n. 垃圾,废物 (1L&T)gas n. 气体 (1L&T)gene n. 基因 (4a)genetic adj. 遗传的 (7L&T)genius n. 天赋;天才,才子 (2a)genuine adj. 真正的 (8b)▲ geolo gy n. 地质学 (2b)geometry n. 几何学 (2a)global adj. 全球的 (1a)◆ gourmet adj. (食品)精美的 (5b)govern v. 统治;治理 (8L&T)grammar n. 语法 (5b)◆ greed n. 贪心,贪婪 (1a)greenhouse n. 花房,温室 (1a)◆ groundbreaking adj. 开辟新视野的,首创的 (2b) guilt n. 内疚(7L&T)◆ gung ho adj. (美俚)非常热切的 (5b)guts n. 勇气;决心 (5L&T)guy n. 家伙,人 (4b)Hhalt v. 停止,中断 (4L&T)handful n. 少数(人) (2b)◆ handshake n. 握手 (8b)◆ hang-up n. (感情上)摆脱不掉的烦恼、困难(4a) ◆ hard-bitten adj. 经过锻炼的,铁石心肠的 (5a) harm n. 伤害,损害 (7L&T) harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的 (1L&T)◆ harmless adj. 无害的 (7a)haste n. 动作迅速 (5a)headquarters n. 总部 (3b)heartbroken adj. 心碎的;悲伤的 (3L&T) heel n. 脚后跟 (3L&T) helicopter n. 直升飞机 (6A)hell n. 地狱 (8a)hence adv. 因此,从此 (1L&T)hesitant adj. 犹豫不决的 (8L&T)hijack v. 抢劫;劫机 (8L&T)hike v. 远足 (4L&T)hint n. 暗示 (7b)historic adj. 有历史意义的 (5a)holy adj. 神圣的 (8b)horrible adj. 令人恐惧的,恐怖的(2a) host n. 主人,东道主(1L&T)household adj. 家庭的 (6b)◆ hum v. 发出嗡嗡声 (3b)humor n. 幽默 (1b)IID n. 身份 (5L&T)▲ identification n. 鉴定,证明 (8a)identify v. 识别;辩明 (8L&T)◆ idiomatic adj. 成语的,习语的 (5a)▲ idiot n. 白痴 (5b)◆ idyllic adj. 田园诗般的;质朴宜人的 (5b)ignorance n. 无知 (6L&T)ignorant adj. 无知的 (6L&T)illegal adj. 违法的,不合法的 (3L&T)illicit adj. 违法的 (8L&T)illogical adj. 不合逻辑的,不合理的 (8L&T)illuminate v. 照亮 (8CS)▲ illusion n. 幻觉,错觉 (7a)imaginative adj. 富有想象力的,虚构的 (2L&T)immigrant n. 移民 (3a)◆ immortality n. 永生 (4a)◆ implant v. 灌输,注入 ( 思想等 ) ;移植,植入 (4a)imply v. 暗示 (5L&T)import v. 输入,进口 (3a)incident n. 事件;(含有战斗、爆炸等暴力行为)的事变(7b) ◆ inclination n. 倾向 (5b)◆ indicator n. (测量器的)指针;指标 (1b)indifference n. 不关心,冷漠 (8a)。

UNITE1单词:fallacy n. [C]谬论;谬见例句:His conclusion sounds reasonable, but it is actually a fallacy. 他的结论听起来合理,但实际上却是个谬误。
pact n.协定;契约;盟约;条约例句:The pact between the two rivaling nations proved ineffective almost from the start. 这两个竞争国之间的协定几乎从一开始就证明是无效的。
Shrewd a. (人)精明的,机敏的例句:His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd businessman. 他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明商人的名声。
well-off a.富裕的;有钱的例句:Tom has just bought another new car; he must be very well-off. 汤姆刚又买了辆新车,他一定很有钱。
dye vt.给…染色n. (用于染衣服、头发等的)染料,染剂例句:1. She dyed her hair green. 她把头发染成了绿色。
2. Immerse the cloth in the dye for 20 minutes. 把布在染料里浸20分钟。
makeup n. [U] 化妆品[sing.]组成;构造;结构例句:1.The makeup counter is surrounded by a group of younggirls in fashionable clothes. 化妆品柜台前围着一群衣着时尚的年轻女孩。
2. Talk to me about the makeup of this team. 给我讲讲这支队伍的成员结构吧。
elite a.精英的;精锐的n.(社会)精英;上层人士例句:1.Stanford,like most other elite universities ,has anincreasingly diverse student body.和大多数其他精英大学一样,斯坦福大学的学生群体也越来越多元化。

精简答案大学体验英语-综合教程4 Unit1Passage ARead and think 31~5 BADDCRead and think 4mediaimagesabusivefulfillingrecognitionstatusstressesawaredeserveRead and complete 51. obligation2. applauded3. fulfilled4. mirror5. flexibility6. devalue7. striving8. entailed9. supposedly10. Consequently?Read and complete 6referred to asat bestby the same tokenat largeheld up...asRead and translate 8随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。
With his promotion,he has taken on greater responsibilities.他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。
He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露西却喜欢呆在家里看书。
Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy,who prefers to stay at home reading.说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心或没有资格的权力追求者。
At best he’s ambitious,and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.我们已经尽全力想说服他,但是却毫无进展。

Hi, welcome to our college. You will spend at least four years here. College days will be the golden years of your life. There are many opportunities for you to explore the unknown and you can experience a lot. You can make lifelong friends; you can enjoy various kinds of ac tivities; you can develop your personal interests; and you will meet some outstanding scholars . Keep a good balance and lay a solid foundation. There are many doors to your dreams. You decide how many you can open.The Internet is really an ocean of information and a1.handy tool for communication. You can find almost anything you want. Google , for example, may 2.serve you just fine. You can also communicate with whomever you wish to online. If you want to explore cloning technology, find a discussion group; if you want to share opinions on how to improve your English,a query on BBS or enter a 5.chatroom . Many colleges and millions of students are now 6.taking advantage of online learning programs. Peter Drucker predicted, “Thirty years from now the big university campuses will be relics... It’s as large a change as when we first got the printed book〞 .TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday)! What’s your time gig? What’s your spare time gig? clubs and societies?Sports ? Basketball ? Come on, guys! We are the best of CUBA! (I love this game!) Prefer to stay in the dorm listening to .music ? What’s that? Michael Learns to Rock or Backstreet Boys?time again. Meet people and make new friends. Oh? You’d rather just hang out? You won’t be bored anyhow .How do you understand the idea of living on your own? You may have felt very much 1.on your own when you left home to enter college. A free bird out of its 2. cage , now, eh? Is it really so? Think again. Are you able to the tuition by yourself? Can you really take care of all your 4.dailyneeds? “I sure can. It’s a snap,〞some might say. “Just find a 5. part-time job, and everything will be OK.〞Others may find 6.traditional college life quite safe and convenient. Are you ready to take the risk?What are your key sources of information? Do you get most of your information by talking to other people?People could already do that in the Stone Age. When the printing press was invented several hundred years ago, .written sources became important to anyone who could read. Now we read magazines and newspapers as much as we read books. But we also get a lot of information from electronicsources. Radio is not yet 100 years old, television has only been popular for about 50 years, and the .Internet is younger than all the students in this class. Yet these are some of our favorites. What you’re your favorites ? How many different sources of information do you use in a typical day?The modern Olympics occur every four years. This is one of the biggest and most important.events in the world. Volunteers contribute greatly to its success. They offer attendants in various ways, such as transportation, catering, ticket sales, room , etc. Have you had any previous as a volunteer, perhaps only locally? Are you do any volunteering when the Olympics come to Beijing? If so, what kind of volunteer work would you prefer?1.自从有了挪动后,他再也没有给朋友写信了。

UNIT 1 GreetingsWarm-upScript1.Jack: Hey, guys, what‟s up?Lucy: Oh, nothing much.2.Hugh: Hi, Marci. How are you doing?Marci: Oh, you know. Pretty good. How about you?3.Suzie: Hi, Alan. Long time no see.Alan: Hey, what a surprise. Good to see you.4. Tony: Hello, I‟m Tony Martin.Claire: Oh, you‟re Tony. I‟m glad you‟re here.5. Alex: Hi, Jeff. How‟s it going?Jeff: Not bad… not bad at all.6. Don: It‟s nice to see you again, Sue.Sue: It‟s good to see you, too, Don.Listening TaskScript1.Mark: Hey, Tony, what‟s up?Tony: Not a whole lot.Mark: How‟s the job going?Tony: Ah, it‟s going fine.Mark: That‟s good.Tony: Yep.Mark: Well, got to go.Tony: Yeah, me too. Back to work.Mark: Yep.Tony: Well, see you.2.Dan: Hey. How are you?Jess: Pretty good. What‟s going on?Dan: Not much. You know, just shopping, walking around. Hey, who‟s your friend?Jess: Oh, sorry. This is Tanya. Tanya, this is Dan.Tanya; Hi, Dan.Dan: Hi. Nice to meet you.3.Lisa: Hi, Cara.Cara: Hi, Lisa. How are you doing?Lisa: Fine. How about you?Cara: Pretty good.Lisa: How‟s your math class going?Cara: Oh, it‟s kind of hard, but I like it. A lot of homework.Lisa: Yeah, homework. Well, keep at it.Cara: I‟ll try to.Lisa: See you.Cara: Bye.4.Craig: Good morning.Todd: Morning.Craig: How are you doing these days?Todd: Great, great. We‟re really busy at the office.Craig: Oh, yeah?Todd: Yeah. Just got a big new account.Craig: Well, that‟s good. Well, take it easy.Todd: Thanks, have a good one.5.Jerry: Hi, Anybody home?Amy: Oh, hi! You‟re home. I‟m so happy to see you.Jerry: Yeah, I‟m a little tired. It was a long flight.Amy: But you are back.Jerry: Hey, guys. I‟m home.6.Rob: Hi, I am Rob Martin from Jiffee Plastics.Donna: Hi, Rob. Donna Schneider.Rob: Nice to meet you.Donna: Yes, uh, Rob, I‟d like to introduce you to Janet Ramiro. She is our project manager.Janet: Nice to meet you. Is it Rob?Rob: Yes, that‟s right.Real World ListeningPart 1. Tomas talks to Eddie.Tomas: Hey, Eddie! How‟s it going?Eddie: Not bad. How are you doing?Tomas: Pretty good.Eddie: So how was your summer?Tomas: Mm, it was all right.Eddie: Cool.Tomas: Hey, where are you living this year?Eddie: Oh, I got an apartment with some friends.Tomas: Nice.Eddie: What about you? Where you living?Tomas: Eh, I am in the dorms again.Eddie: Dorms. That‟s not too bad.Tomas: No, it works.Part 2. Tomas talks to Yuki.Tomas: Hey, How‟s it going?Yuki: Oh, hey. You‟re in this class too?Tomas: Yeah.Yuki: Do you think it‟s going to be hard?Tomas: Hmm. I don‟t know. I hope not.Yuki: Yeah, me too.Tomas: So…Yuki: Oh, here he comes.Tomas: Who?Yuki: The teacher.Tomas: Oh, well, talk to you later, OK?Part 3. Tomas talks to Dr.Collins.Tomas: Um, Dr. Collins?Dr. Collins: Yes? Can I help you with something?Tomas: Um, yes. Um, is there, um. Do you have room in your psychology class? Dr. Collins: Hmm. Psychology. Which class?Tomas: The one on Monday and Wednesday. Ten to eleven.Dr. Collins: psychology 103. Hmm. Yes, I think I have room in that one. You‟re in luck.Tomas: Oh, great. I want to add the class. Can you sign this?Dr. Collins: Sure. There you go.Tomas: Thanks, Dr. Collins.Dr. Collins: You are welcome. I‟ll see you on Wednesday.UNIT 2 HomeWarm-up1. [J]2.[C]3.[G]4.[B]5.[E]6.[F]7.[A]8.[H]9.[D] 10.[I] Listening TaskScript1.Sunol: Hey, Joe. How do you like your new apartment?Joe: Oh, it‟s great. It‟s really close to work. Kind of small, though.Sunol: Oh?Joe: Yeah, it‟s a really small studio apartment. There isn‟t enough room for a couch and a bed.Sunol: No?Joe: No, so I have to sleep on a futon(蒲团).2. Jose : Hey, Jason. Have you moved yet?Jason: Yeah, Marci and I bought a new house.Jose : Oh, great. Congratulations. What‟s it like?Jason: Wow, for us, it‟s really big. It‟s huge..Jose : Mm, nice.Jason: But it‟s kind of old, so it needs a lot of fixing up.Jose : Well, if you need any help, let me know.Jason: Thanks!2.Gwen: Hi, Lisa. Do you like your new apartment?Lisa: Uh, yeah.Gwen: Where is it? On Spring Street?Lisa: No, on Main Street. It‟s on the second floor, big windows, lots of light.Gwen: Sounds nice.Lisa: It‟s not great. It‟s on a busy street, so it‟s kind of noisy.Gwen: Ah, well, you can‟t have it all!4. Monica: Hey, Steven. You moved to a new place, right?Steven: Yes. Last weekend.Monica: So, how is it?Steven: Great place. Best place ever. On Mountain Drive. There is a great view of the ocean.Monica: Nice.Steven: Yeah, come over and see it sometime.Monica: Sure, I…d love to.Steven: Good. It‟s kind of far from the city, though, about a 40-50-minute drive.UNIT 3 ClothingWarm-up1.Isn‟t this a cute hat? It is really warm, too.2. Look at my new sweatshirt. It has my university‟s logo on it.3. These sandals are so comfortable. I hate wearing regular shoes.4. I need a new pair of jeans for school. Mine are torn.5. I have to wear high heels to work. They really hurt my feet!6. I want a new jacket. This one is getting old.7. That‟s a neat polo shirt. I like the little crocodile logo on it.8. Wow, these slacks are tight. Too much junk food, I guess.9. Ooh, that dress! It‟s so beautiful!10. Cool T-shirt. What does it say?11. These pajamas are very soft, very comfortable.12. I need to wear a suit for my new job.13. The sweater is so warm. I wear it all winter.14. My new cargo pants are so cool. They have like a million pockets.15. I need some new socks. These have holes in them.16. These sneakers are great. Really comfortable.Listening TaskScript1. A: So, what do you think of these?B: Hmm. Pink slacks? I don‟t know. Maybe you should try these.A: The black ones?B: Yeah, black looks good on you.2. A: Hey, hey, hey! Check it out.B: Uh...A: Isn‟t this shirt great?B: Yeah, um. But I think you should try a bigger size. That‟s a little small.3. A: Tell me. Do you like them?B: Well, I like green. But green sandals?A: You don‟t like them.B: I didn‟t say that. But here‟re the same sandals in brown.4. A: OK, tell me what you think.B: Honestly?A: Yes, honestly.B: Well, it‟s, um, interesting. A purple suit? That‟s a new one.A: Yeah, doesn‟t it look great?B: Um, so they have it in gray?5. A: What do you think of these jeans? Do you like them?B: Well, yeah, they are nice, but…A: But what?B: Maybe a little too tight.A: Well, yes, maybe they are a little tight.B: Mm. Maybe try a bigger size.6. A: Ready? What do you think?B: Gorgeous. That‟s a really nice dress.A: It‟s not too short?B: No, it looks good on you.A: It‟s not too sexy? I don‟t know if it‟s me.B: No, it‟s great. You should buy it.UNIT 4 NationalitiesWarm-upI am an English teacher. My class is very small---just eight students! Luis is Spanish. He is from Barcelona, Spain. And Tetsuya is Japanese. He is from Kyoto, Japan. Then there is Nick. He is Russian. He is from Moscow, the capital of Russia. I also have a Greek student, Ana. She is from Athens, Greece. I have one Chinese student. Her name is Jiang Lee. I think she is from Shanghai. I also have a Mexican student named Lalo. Lalo is from Merida, Mexico. And there is one Iranian student in my class. Hamid. He is from Tehran, Iran. And I also have a Togolese student, Kojo. He is from Lome, Togo, in West Africa.Listening Task1. A: Hi. Can I read your newspaper?B: Well, yes, but this newspaper is in German.A: Oh, that won‟t work! I can‟t read GermanB: But, wait. I have another newspaper in English in my bag.A: Thanks.B: Here.A: That‟s very nice of you. So, you are from Germany?B: Yes, uh huh, that‟s right.A: What part of Germany?B: Munich.A: Ah.2 .A: Actually, I don‟t know what that is.B: Hi, um, I just heard you talking to your son. Are you British?A: No, no, we are Australian.B: Australian, eh? From Sydney?A: We are from Melbourne, actually.B: Oh, cool. Yeah, I have always wanted to go to Australia.A: Oh, yeah?B: The beaches are great, I hear!A: Yeah, they are. There‟s lots to do there.3. A: I am sorry, excuse me.B: Mm hmm?A: Can I use your cell phone to make a quick call? My phone doesn‟t work here. B: Sure. Here you go.A: Thanks.B: Um, where are you from?A: I am from Barcelona. I am not calling Spain, though.B: No problem. Take your time.A: It will just take a minute. Thanks.4. A: Excuse me.B: Mm hmm.A: What did that announcement just say?B: Oh, the flight to Shanghai. I think they said, “New departure time, 6:30.”A: Ah, delayed.B: Yeah, delayed. So, you are on that flight?A: Yes, that‟s right.B: Going home?A: Yes, I am Chinese. Going home to Shanghai.B: Ah, I hear that Shanghai is a beautiful city.A: Oh, maybe. Yes.5. A: Um, excuse me.B: Mm hmm?A: Do you mind if I look at your magazine?B: Sure, here. It is in French. It‟s OK?A: Uh, yeah. I studied French in school. It will be good practice. Thanks. Um, it isa little too hard for me. So, are you from France?B: No, I am from Montreal. I am Canadian.A: Are you on flight 405, too?B: Yeah, long wait, eh?UNIT 4 PeopleWarm-upBody: He is kind of chubby. She is so thin. He is really tall.Hair: She has long curly hair. He is almost bald. She has straight blond hair. He has short, brown hair.Face: She is pretty. He is good-looking.Personality: She is shy. He is funny. He is outgoing. She is friendly.Listening Task1. A: Tell me about your girlfriend.B: Denise? Well, she is pretty tall, and she has wavy blond hair.A: Is she pretty?B: Mm, I think so! And she is fun to be with, a very friendly person.A: Oh, really?B: Yeah, and she has a nice big bright smile all the time.2. A: Cheryl, tell me about your boyfriend.B: Tim?A: Yeah, what‟s Tim like?B:I think he is really sweet, very warm person, and he is also intelligent.A: Uh huh.B: And very patient, too.A: That‟s good. So what does he look like?B: Tim? Well, he is not too tall, and a little on the heavy side, I guess, and he‟s got short black hair and wears glasses. He is very cute.3. A: I met this really interesting woman last night.B: Oh, yeah? Tell me about her.A: Well, we kind of hit it off. Her name is Kate. She is quiet, a little mysterious maybe, but very thoughtful, very intelligent, very quiet.B: You already said that.A: Oh.B: What does she look like?A: She is tall and thin, really thin, long wavy black hair.B: And interesting, you say?A: Yeah, I really like her.4. A: I met this really cool guy last weekend.B: Oh, yeah? Who?A: His name is Grant. He is a student at UCLA. An art major.B: Where did you meet him?A: At the Getty Museum.B: And What‟s he like?A: Well, he is really tall and has this wavy brown hair and glasses----very cute.B: That‟s what you like about him? His looks?A: No, no, no. He was just really cool, very artistic guy. You know.。

UnitCollegeLife课文翻译大学体验英语一Unit 1 College LifePassage A So Much to LearnIt was the last day of final examinations in a large Eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering seniors huddled, discussing the exam due to begin in a few minutes. On their faces was confidence. This was their last exam before they went on to commencement and jobs.Some talked of jobs they already had; others of jobs they would get. With all this assurance of four years of college study, they felt ready and able to conquer the world.The approaching exam, they knew, would be a snap. The professor had said they could bring any books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not talk to each other during the test.Jubilantly, they filed into the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And their smiles broadened as the students noted there were only five essay-type questions.Three hours passed. Then the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a frightened expression. No one spoke as the professor faced the class with the papers in her hand.She surveyed the worried faces before her, then asked: “How many completed all five questions?”?Not a hand was raised.“How many answered four?”Still no hands.“Three? Two?”The students shifted restlessly in their seats.“One, then? Certainly somebody finished one.”But the class remained silent. The professor put down the papers. “That is exactly what I expected,” she said.“I just want to impress upon you that, even though you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you don’t know. These questions you could not answer are relatively common in everyday practice.”Then, smilin g, she added: “You will all pass this course, but remember that even though you are now college graduates, your education has just begun .”The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson she taught.A篇学无止境故事发生在一所东部大学里。
大学体验英语视听说教程4 unite1文本与答案

Unit 1 Men and Women’s PrejudicesFamous QuoteThere can be no two opinions as to what a highbrow is. He is the man or woman of thoroughbred intelligence who rides his mind at a gallop across country in pursuit of an idea.—Virginia WoolfVirginia Woolf (1882-1941): A British novelist, essayist, critic, publisher and feminist. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) andOrlando(1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One’s Own(1929), with itsfamous dictum, “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to writefiction.”Unit OverviewDo men and women really come from the different planets? If not, why have they, for centuries, vilified one another? This may all result from the prejudices against each other. After the women’s movement and men’s movement, we are now on the way to a better understanding of men and women in terms of their differences and equality. In this unit, you will find out women’s social status, differences and similarities between the two sexes, and their new social roles. Students will consider the gender issue through listening, viewing and reading. A variety of activities will inspire them to talk about gender roles and gender equality using the words and expressions in this unit. And finally, they will conduct a survey on ‘Gender Consciousness in Advertisements’.In this unit, you will∙consider the gender issues through listening, viewing and reading∙discuss the gender roles and gender equality through guided activities∙conduct a survey on ‘Gender Consciousness in Advertisements’∙pick up useful words and expressions∙learn to reflect on your own learning and comment on that of your peers∙learn to think independently, critically and creativelyBackground Information“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction”. Eighty years ago Virginia Woolf published these words in an essay that was to become one of the seminal feminist texts of our age. “A Room of One’s Own” has shaped the way in which creative achievement by men and women is viewed, and provided a point of reference for generations of female writers. Woolf uses the ‘room’ as a symbol for privacy, leisure time, and financial independence, all of which have been historically lacking for women. Women today are still struggling to find the mental and physical space for their creativity and advocating for equal rights with men in society.In response to the Women’s Movement, there arose a Men’s Movement. Three books have catalyzed the mythopoetic me n’s movement: Robert Bly’s Iron John, Sam Keen’s Fire in the Belly, and Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette’s King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. All posit a stable entitycalled “male identity” and see initiation as a key to achieving it.Wherever these two movements will lead, it is time we took a new look on the gender roles and female-male relations.Global Gender Gap Index* 0-1 scale: 0= inequality, 1= equalityTopic Preview1. Read the passage on page X and learn the useful expressions related to women’s status.2. Log online and search for information concerning the women’s movement and the men’s movement.Lesson OneLead inTask 1 Describing the Picturechange(s)? To what extent do you think it is acceptable in China nowadays?Task 2 Reflecting on the ReadingTeaching Tips1.This task is designed to check students’ understanding of the reading material.2.Ask students to answer the following questions.Read through the Supplementary Reading on page X, and answer the following questions.1.Why does the author hold that the statistics in the workforce mislead us to believe that women’sstatus has improved?Answer: Because women don’t share the equal weight in business and social dimensions.2.How did women win their seats and says at workplaces in the past decades, according to the author?Answer: They won by competing with men fiercely at the expense of their own gender identity .3.What are the suggestions to women provided by the author to change the current situation?Answer: Women should build self-confidence; on the other hand, they should maintain their own gender identity and diversify their definition of success.4.According to the author, what is the essential part in the gender equality?Answer:To change attitudes, especially to cultivate respect for each other is essential to achieve real gender equality.5.What is the purpose of writing this article?Answer: The author intends to draw the public’s attention to the fact that women still don’t weigh much in business and social circles and advocates a change in perception of the opposite sex.Teaching Tips1.This task is designed to enlarge students’ vocabulary and improve their ability to explain words inEnglish.2.Ask students to match the words with the correct meaning and memorize the Englishexplanations.Read through the words in the left-hand column,and match each of them with the appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.1. conventional A. sailing for pleasure or relaxation2. aggressively B. stand up or offer resistance to sb. or sth.3. cruising C. accepted customs and proprieties4. measure D. stimulating interest or thought5. withstand E. in a hostile or bold manner6. thought-provoking F. standardKey: 1-C 2-E 3-A 4-F 5-B 6- DAudio StudioWord Bank1. paradox n. a situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas orqualities that are very different 自相矛盾2. pervasive adj. existing or spreading everywhere 弥漫的,遍布的3. demographic adj. relating to dynamic balance of a population 人口统计学的4. inadequate adj. not sufficient to meet a need 不够好,不足5. acknowledge v. to recognize as genuine or valid 承认6. alignment n. the state of being arranged parallel to something 与……排列成行7 reverse v. to change sth., so that it is the opposite of what it was before 改变Task 1 Identifying the GistListen to the audio clip, and choose the right answers to the questions.1.What is the audio clip mainly about?A) How to raise the women’s sense of happiness.B) Reason s for the women’s lesser sense of happiness.C) The improved women status in the U.S..2.What accounts for the declining sense of happiness for women?A) Discrepancy between women’s wants and gains.B) Single parenthood or divorce.C) Family financial problems.Listen to the audio clip again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard. Repeat the sentences after you have completed them.1.The research showed that over the past 35 years women’s happiness has declined, both comparedto the past and relative to men even though, by most objective measures, the lives of women in the U.S. have improved in recent decades.2.They cast doubt on the hypothesis that trends in marriage and divorce, single parenthood orwork/family balance are at the root of the happiness declines among women.3.One theory for the decline in happiness is that expectations for workplace and generaladvancement were raised too high and women might feel inadequate for not having it all.4.The researchers acknowledge that is a possibility.5.But the researchers also add that things could change for the better, a s women’s e xpectationsmove into alignment with their experiences, this decline in happiness may reverse.Adapted from/juggle/2009/06/22/why-arent-women-happier/tab/article/Video StudioWord Bank1. ingrained Adjsomething firmly established and therefore difficult to change 根深蒂固的2. psyche n. s omeone’s mind or their basic nature, which controls their attitudes and behavior 心灵3. mathematician n. someone who studies or teaches mathematics, or is a specialist in mathematics 数学老师,数学家4. physicist n. someone who studies or works in physics 物理学家5.cite v.to mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves or explains an idea or situation 引证6.coefficient n.the number by which something that varies is multiplied 系数 7. calculusn.the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions 微积分Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip.1. Many teachers and parents have said it; it is sort of a thought ingrained in the American psychethat boys are better than girls at mathematics.2. But today a team of researchers writing in the journal "Science" says the conventional wisdom iscompletely wrong.3. The lack of women mathematicians, engineers and physicists has often been cited as proof of adifference in the sexes in math performance.4. For anytime I see math, I just, I try and stay away from it.5. And teachers have been reaching out aggressively to girls, urging them to get in on the action.6. We are not born knowing how to do calculus.conventional wisdom be cited as proof be born knowing ingrained instay away fromreach outWatch the video clip and answer the following questions.1. What has been cited as proof of a gender difference? Answer : The lack of women mathematicians, engineers and physicists.2. What upset the public fifteen years ago? Answer : The girls’ lagged behind the boys on the SAT college entrance exam.3. What’s the special course offered by the New Jersey Institute of Technology?Answer: The New Jersey Institute of Technology offered a robot building course to the girls.4. What does Ramona mean when she said “The fact that I understand it so cruising”?Answer: She means she can understand math and handle the problems with ease.5. What has enabled some people to become rich? Answer : Hi-tech has.Watch the video clip again and complete the table.Source:/Technology/story?id=5441728&page=2Speaking WorkshopExpressions & Structures to UseDiscuss with your peers and complete the following tips with the information you have learned in the video clip. Then prepare an oral presentation with the help of the tips.Work with your peers on the situation below and try to come up with a solution to the problem described. You are expected to share your ideas and justify yourself in this process. Use as many phrases from the “Expressions & Structures to Use” box as possible.Situation1. Work in groups of four. One student should act as an HR manager of a giant telecommunicationscompany, who is hunting fora Sales Manager for its business development in China. The company engages in telecommunication equipment and services, and has been competing fiercely with its rivals for the market share in China. The others should act as applicants of both sexes. In a job interview, the candidates should try every means to convince the HR manager of his/her own competence for the post. Taking factors as the candidates qualities and labour cost into consideration, the HR manager should make the decision and tell why this is so. 2. You have 15 minutes to discuss within your own group.3. Several groups will be selected to present their role plays. The rest of the class will vote for theone they feel happiest to support in each group ’s performance.4. Ask the class to pay attention to the ways boy and girl students present themselves in the jobinterview. Discuss if there is any difference between male and female in terms of their communication strategies.Project BulletinWork on the following real-life project with your group members and present your report in the next class.Real-Life ProjectWork in a group of six to eight. C onduct a research on ‘Gender Consciousness in Advertisements’. First collect advertisements on the media. Present them to the students on your campus. Then ask them to use one or two adjectives to describe the model(s) in the ads, and interview them to ascertain if the adshave aroused their interest in buying the product, and if so why. Summarize and analyze the results. Then present a report in the next class on how male / female consciousness is expressed in the ads, and how they influence people’s consumption choice.Lesson TwoLead inTask 1 BrainstormingWork in pairs and write down as many as possible adjectives describing men and women’s characteristics. You can resort to your dictionary if you like. Share with your peers the words and the stories behind these words.Read through the words in the left-hand column,and match each of them with the appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.1. slacker A. significant progress2. out-earn B. exaggerating3. dynamic C. a hypothesis that is taken for granted4. over-inflating D. to earn more than...5. stride E. to assert or affirm strongly6. reveal F. an efficient incentive7. claim G. to make clear and visible8. assumption H. a person who shirks work or obligationKey: 1-H 2-D 3-F 4-B 5-A 6-G 7-E 8-CAudio StudioWord Bank1. Venus n. the second nearest planet to the sun, visible as an early morning staror an evening star 金星,也被称为晨星或暮星2. planetary adj. resembling the physical or orbital characteristics of a planet or theplanets 行星的3. cognitive adj. involving the psychological result of perception, learning andreasoning 认知的4. aggression n. violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked 进攻,侵略5. nurturing adj. helping develop or grow 照料的,养育的6. construct n. an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances构想,概念1.What is the audio clip mainly about?A) An insignificant gender difference found by a research.B) Social reasons for gender bias.C) The genetic and psychological differences between sexes.2.Why may women leaders be hindered along their career paths?A) They are cognitively disadvantaged.B) They have lower social expectations.C) They go against their stereotype.Task 2 Checking the FactsListen to the audio clip again, and answer the following questions by completing the sentences.1.According to Professor Hyde, in what dimensions are men and women more similar?Answer:Men and women are more similar in 1) personality , communication, 2) cognitive ability and 3) leadership than we generally believe.2. According to Professor Hyde, why do girls lag behind their male counterparts in math?Answer: Their parents have lower expectation of their success and that affects their confidence.3.According to Professor Hyde, what accounts for the gender differences in society?Answer:1) Society’s expectation of how men and women should behave shape people’s attitudes and guide their behaviours.2) Over-inflating claims of gender differences exercise influence on people’s psychology.Adapted from‘Men may be from Venus too ’, by Anna Salleh, 19September2005.au/science/articles/2005/09/19/1462074.htmVideo StudioWord Bank1. psychiatristn. aphysician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mentaldisorders 精神病医师2.feminine a dj .womanly 女性的3. masculinity n. the properties of the male sex 男性,雄性4. chores n. the regular or daily light work of a household or farm 家务,杂事5. maternity leave n. leave allowed to the woman who has just given birth to a child 产假6. a stay-at-home mom a mom who remains at home especially to tend to children and domestic duties while her spouse is at work 全职妈妈7. flexibility n. a quality of being adaptable or variable 弹性,机动性8. cut to the chase get to the main point 闲话少说,切入正题Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip.come up with deprive sb. of... take onto relieve one’s guilt get freaked out have access to1.We understand why the men get freaked out.2.It’s guilt for leaving the household, going out, out-earning your spouse, depriving him of thatmasculinity3.Let me get to some of the tips that you both come up with for how to make this work in arelationship.4.They come home and they take on a vast majority of the household chores.5.You could manage as long as the woman still knows where the money is and she has access to themoney.6.I think that’s defensively somewhat to relieve their guilt.Watch the video clip. Identify the incorrect information in the following statements, and make corrections where necessary.1. 25% of marriages will end in divorce.Correction: In 25% of marriages women out-earn men.2. Women feel guilty because they are protected by men.Correction: Women feel guilty because they think they derive their spouses of masculinity.3. Men whose wives out-earn them take on a vast majority of household chores.Correction: Women who out-earn their husbands take on a vast majority of household chores.4. If a couple goes out to dinner, it is usually the breadwinner that pays the check.Correction: If a couple goes out to dinner, it is usually the male that pays the check.5. People who make a big money would like to talk about the fact that they make a lot of money.Correction: Men who make a big money would like to talk on this subject.Teaching Tips1.This task is designed to train students to take down key information through viewing.2.Before playing the video clip again, ask students to fill in the blanks from memory.3.Play the video clip. Ask students to focus on the key information.4.Allow students enough time to take down notes.Watch the video clip once again and complete the table.Problems with the MarriagesPercentage of themarriage in whichwives earn more25% of the marriagesProblems with the men 1.They get freaked out, because they are no more providers or a protectors to their families.2.With less or even no money made, they feel as if they are deprived of their masculinity by their wives, or in other words, they are losing power.Problems with the women 1.They feel guilty for leaving the household, going out,out-earning the spouse, robbing him of masculinity.2.They are more stressed because they take on a vast majority of the household chores.Both men and women wish to feel comfortable on both sides of the equation.Tips offered by the Experts1.To think outside the box:1) It means to redefine the terms: masculinity and feminine.2) Money doesn’t make one powerful, but time commitment,organization, and nurturing that make each other feel theirgender roles.2.Don’t feel guilty;3.To co-manage the finances: Men could manage the finances,as long as women have access to money.ScriptMatt Lauer: Dr. Gail Saltz is a psychiatrist and Today contributor and Money Magazine’s Jean Chatzky is Today’s financial editor. Ladies, good morning to both of you.Both: Good morning, Matt.Matt Lauer: So you, you look at this statistics, you say, Ok, 25 percent of marriages right now,the woman earn, earns more than the man. Great for women, great strides. But if you also look at thefact that in those marriages the divorce rate is higher than in marriages where the man makes more,you realize you have a problem here.Jean Chatzky: You absolut ely have a problem. It’s making people on both sides of the equation uncomfortable, women just as much as men.Matt Lauer: Men are uncomfortable because cut to the chase, money is power.Gail Saltz: Money is power and money, and power is masculinity. This has so much to do withwhat your view of it means to be masculine and feminine. And for both, it’s very important for both because if you don’t feel like your man is masculine, right? Then what does that say about your femininity?Matt Lauer:OK, just wait a second, we understand why the men g et freaked out. Just, coz’they’ve been taught to say I am the provider (Right!) I am the protector. But why exactly then are the women also (It’s guilt.) uneasy with this guilt?Jean Chatzky: It’s guilt, it’s guilt for leaving the household, going out, out-earning your spouse, depriving him of that masculinity.Gail Saltz:I think it’s that exactly that. Depriving him of that... it’s, it’s imagine if women couldget to, what am I really guilty about. They think they are robbing their husband of his masculinity.Matt Lauer:And at some point, don’t they start to question whether their husband’s really tryingas hard as he should be, and, and is he a slacker in some cases?Gail Saltz: I t hink that’s defensively somewhat to relieve their guilt. Wel l maybe he’s be ing a slacker, it’s not me robbing him of it. But of course there is a wish to have an equal partner and feel provided for too on the part of the woman.Matt Lauer: Let me get to some of the tips that you both come up with for how to make this workin a, in a relationship. Think outside the box and I think what, what you mean there is redefine what it means to the terms: masculine and feminine.Gail Saltz:Very much so. It’s th at and it’s also come look for other ways to make each other feel masc uline and feminine. So it doesn’t have to be only about money, being power. There is time commitment, there is organization, there is nurturing. What else do you provide in ways you can make/html/AandV/multithematic/2006/0112/864.htmlSpeaking WorkshopExpressions & Structures to Usevideo clips. Then prepare an oral presentation with the help of the tips.Debate on the motion House husband is a progress for society. Read through the Pros and Cons of the motion provided in the box, and develop your own arguments. During the debate, you are expected to justify yourself, challenge the opposite view and respond to your opponents properly and skillfully.Alternative debate: Ending woman bashing would improve male/female relations.Teamwork showTask 1 Team ReviewIn each group, discuss with each other how you designed and researched your project and reflect on what you have learnt in the process. You should list the ways you discovered how genderTask 2 Project ReportPresent yourproject to the class and hand in your report. Include in your comments to the class reflections on the significance of this new trend in gender image building in Task 1 above. Task 3 Challenging & DefendingAfter each group’s presentation, other students in the class should raise questions and make suggestions. Members of the group should respond when challenged.Home ListeningListen to the audio clip and fill in the blanks with the exact words or sentences. You are expected to do it after class and check the answers on your own.Where have all the Gentlemen Gone?What factors have contributed to the demise of chivalry ?Men tend to blame the decline on women’s tolerance of men’s trifling behavior. Females, on the other hand, blame the death of chivalry on the egocentric nature and 1) laziness of men. Our society has become increasingly 2) self-centered so people no longer abide by old school home training ofmanners and politeness.Both genders are correct, but whose actions started the 3) snowball effect? It is the classic chicken or the egg argument.Perhaps wit h the Women’s Rights Movement, women opened the door for men to become lazy with their courteousness. Maybe women started acting more independent so men figured, “Why bother?”Or, perhaps society in general is in a state of moral 4) bankruptcy. Marriages are dissolving at an all time high, people are no longer valuing monogamy. As trust in men 5) diminishes, women’s attitudes toward men shift and the way we 6) interact with them has changed—and not for the positive.Or, perhaps men are not settling down as often or as quickly, so there is a sense of desperation among the female race. Desperation leads to feeling the need to settle or 7) compete for men. Likewise, women have become more tolerant and/or numb to the waywardness of men.So, which is it? The ch icken or the egg? Did men’s behaviors and attitudes shift first or did women’s? We may never 8) figure the answer out.However, I think that 9) chivalry is about RESPECT. Chivalry and respect go hand in hand. Respect and character go hand in hand. And, 10) character and morality go hand in hand. If we can work on our morals we will work on our level of respect for each other. It just starts with everyone as individuals.Adapted from:/home/index.php/2009/07/the-frivolous-chivalrous-male/Appendix Supplementary Reading Unit 1 Men and Women’s PrejudicesUseful ExpressionsAdapted from/2009/10/24/opinion/24lipman.html by Joanne Lipman, Published: October 23, 2009。
大学体验英语3单词Unite 1

to cut down the forests砍伐(森林)
in the direction that the wind is moving顺风处
a condition of having less than is needed; an amount lacking 短缺
using the power of the sun’s light and heat 太阳的
to find a solution to, an explanation of, or a way of dealing with (something) 解决,解答
a light artificial material produced chemically 塑料
the action of polluting or the state of being polluted污染
money gained by trade or business 利润
to separate from others 使…孤立,使…隔离
to give care and food to养育

⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版单词表⼤学体验英语综合教程第三版单词表Unit 1 Caring for Our Earth Listen and Talkah int. 啊,哈air-conditioner n. 空调机air-conditioning n. 空调(系统)appliance n. 器具,器械,(尤指)家⽤电器artificial n. ⼈造的battery n. 电池communicative adj. 通讯的,交际的conference n. ⼤会,会议constant adj. 不变的dam n. ⽔坝,堤坝debate n. 争论,辩论deforestation n. 采伐森林dispose v. 处理drought n. ⼲旱ecological adj. ⽣态(学)的efficiency n. 效率erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀faucet n. ⽔龙头forum n. 论坛,讨论会garbage n. 垃圾,废物gas n.. ⽓体harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的hence adv. 因此,从此host n. 主⼈,东道主influence n. 影响install v. 安装liter n. 公升mount v. 为……作准备overflow v. 溢出partner n. 合伙⼈,伙伴plastic n. 塑料pollution n. 污染profit n. 利润renewable adj. 可更新的,可再⽣的shortage n. 短缺solar adj. 太阳的solve v. 解决,解答stack n. ⼀摞,⼀叠starve v. (使)挨饿,饿死style n. 风格,⽅式sweat n. 汗,汗⽔v.出汗symposium n. 研讨会,专题讨论会system n. 系统,体系wow int. 哎呦!哇!yeah adv. 是。

Unit 1: Choosing a Career1.ambition - a strong desire to achieve somethingor be successful2.employer - a person or company that provideswork for others in exchange for payment3.internship - a period of time during which astudent or recent graduate works for an employer togain experience or skills4.mentor - an experienced and trusted advisor orteacher5.resume - a written document that contains asummary of a person’s educ ation, qualifications, andprevious job experiencesUnit 2: Environmental Awareness1.climate change - long-term alteration oftemperature and typical weather patterns in a place2.conservation - the act of protecting andpreserving the natural environment from harm ordestruction3.pollution - the introduction of harmfulsubstances or energy into the environment, leading to negative effects on living organisms and ecosystems4.renewable energy - energy sources that can bereplaced or replenished, such as solar, wind, orhydroelectric power5.sustainability - the ability to meet the needs ofthe present generation without compromising theability of future generations to meet their own needs Unit 3: Globalization1.cultural diversity - the existence of a variety ofcultural or ethnic groups within a society2.intercultural communication - the exchange ofinformation between individuals or groups fromdifferent cultural backgrounds3.multinational corporation - a company thatoperates in multiple countries and usually has acentralized management system4.trade barriers - policies or measuresimplemented by governments to restrict or controlthe exchange of goods and services between countries5.workforce - all the people employed oravailable for employment in a given area, industry, orcompanyUnit 4: Media and Society1.digital literacy - the ability to use, interpret,and evaluate information and communicationtechnologies effectively2.fake news - false or misleading informationpresented as news, often spread through social media or other online platforms3.media literacy - the ability to access, analyze,evaluate, and create media in various forms4.social media - websites and applications thatallow users to create and share content andparticipate in social networking5.surveillance - the monitoring and observationof people’s actions and activities, often performed bygovernments or other authoritiesUnit 5: Education and Technology1.e-learning - the use of electronic devices andtechnologies for educational purposes, often in online or remote settings2.blended learning - a combination of traditionalclassroom instruction and online learning activities3.distance education - a method of study wherestudents and teachers are physically separated, oftenfacilitated by technology4.virtual reality - a computer-generatedsimulation of a realistic or imaginary environmentthat can be interacted with in a seemingly real orphysical way5.web-based resources - educational materials ortools that can be accessed and used through theinternet以上是《大学体验英语综合教程3》中常见的单词及其释义。

44. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.1.The channel tunnel (英吉利海峡隧道) is one of the biggest engineering(您未填写此题)2.He took it as an insult (侮辱(您未填写此题)3.possible and make good use of them.(您未填写此题)4.buying one.(您未填写此题)5.脚印) leftat the scene of the crime.(您未填写此题)6.牌子) tome?(您未填写此题)7.extracurricular activities frequently.(您未填写此题)8.have changed a great deal.(您未填写此题)9.when you are in trouble.(您未填写此题)10.T his system is extremely (非常地half-price electricity.(您未填写此题)Answer: 1.undertaken, 2.hadintended, 3.resources, 4.inquiries, 5.investigated,6.recommend,7.participates,8.aspects,9.hesitate, 10. economical5. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.1.(您未填写此题)2.(您未填写此题)3.She was the only woman experiment and was among the fewvolunteers (志愿者) who died from it. (您未填写此题)4.reasoning abilities. (您未填写此题)5.country.(您未填写此题)77.Translate the following sentences into English.1. 我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复。

One advantage Albert Einstein's developing mind enjoyed was the opportunity to communicate with adults in an intellectual way. His uncle, an engineer, would come to the house, and Albert would join in the discussions. His thinking wawho came over once a week for dinner and lively chats.

a necessary part of a whole 成份;要素
the surrounding physical and/or social conditions 环境
to change into steam and disappear 蒸发
a group of related parts which work together forming a whole 系统,体系
(an expression of surprise and admiration) ( 表示惊叹、羡慕 ) 哎哟 ! 哇 !
a metric measure of liquid 公升
to prepare and produce (an attack) 为…作准备
to go beyond the limits 溢出
either of two people sharing the same activity or business 合伙人,伙伴
an orderly pile of things one above another 一摞,一叠
to (cause to) suffer or die from great hunger ( 使 ) 挨饿,饿死

大学体验英语1短语填空小结unit1-unit41.Under the influence of the drug(毒品)his mind was filled with(布满) various strange images.2. Some freshmen said that they were blown away(被深深打动) by that concert.3. In terms of (从...方面来说) finance, the old company hasa great advantage.4.He thought to himself (心里暗想)that he would never talk with that guy any more.5.If you get involved in (参与某些活动) the controversy (争论), you may burn your fingers.1.At the commencement ceremony(毕业典礼), he was awarded (授予) a Bachelor's Degree (学士学位). On his way back to the dormitory, he looked back(回顾) on his college days with mixed(复杂)feelings.2.At the idea of(一想起...就) the coming National Holiday, I can't concentrate on (集中注意力) my study.3.It is such a fine day that I feel like(想)going swimming in the river.4.He didn't know anything about the Internet a month ago, but today, he has come to(了解) realize(渐渐意识到)what an important role the Internet is playing.5.At college, students can change their minds(改变主意)and declare another major if they find out they don't like the one they have declared before.1. Researchers have stumbled on(遇到)a drug that may help patients with Parkinson’s disease. This may be one of the great discoveries of the century in medicine.2. There are so many applicants(申请者). How can we seekout(找到某人)a really good person for the job?3. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out ? This question should be asked often.4. It was my daughter’s birt hday and she invited several of her good friends to the party. The air was filled with the sound of children’s laughter.5. The festivities(节日)started with a huge fireworks display (焰火表演). Following that, there would usually be dance parties or other activities.1.This small company isn’t capable of(处理) handling an order that large.2.In the race, Sarah, with her long legs, soon left the rest of us far behind(把...落在后面) .3.They wanted $2 500 for the TV and DVD, but they finally settled for(以...为结束)$2 000.4.She heard the ringing of the mobile phone and reached for (滑落) it, but it slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor.5.Guess who I ran into(遇到)in town today! Our English teacher at high school! I haven’t seen him for at least 10 years.1.They normally hang out (闲逛) in the pub to kill time.2. I’ve been tryi ng to check out(核实)the restaurants in my new neighborhood to find the best one.3. Bob took a part-time job giving out (分发)handbills (传单) for a cosmetic (化妆品) company.4. Back from the holiday, she eagerly threw herself into(积极投身于...) the production of a new film.5. I immersed myself in(沉浸于;投身于) work so as to stop thinking about her.1.The country went through(遭受;经历)too many wars, causing great suffering and poverty.2. I lost my job, and the rise in powder(洗衣粉)costs added to(增加) our difficulties.3. The scandal led to the resignation (辞职) of the President.4. I can not get by(过活;度日) on such a small salary.5. I can not figure out(理解;想清楚) why she said she no longer loved me.1.My CD player is beeping(响), for the battery is running low(减少,所剩无几).2.It turned out(结果是)that the kids had spent the whole day playing video games.3.She was the only woman to participate in(参与)the experiment and was among the few volunteers (志愿者) who died from it.4.People teach the computer to think and as a result(因此), develop and sharpen their own reasoning abilities.5.This kind of digital TV(数字电视)is considered the best that has been made so far (迄今)in our country./doc/4513772771.html,ter they decided that they should make full use of(使用;利用)their natural resources.2.I was told that he was good-tempered and easy to get along with(和睦相处).3.His parents receive letters from him every week; he never fails to(未能做某事) write.4.They have given us a lot of help in keeping up with(赶上;追上)what's going on around us.5.The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and, in addition(除...之外), there are several apartments with kitchens.1. The engine failed and the pilot had to put the plane down (制止;镇压;着陆)in the sea.2. Carol’s mo ther told her she had talked lo ng enough on the phone and made her hung up(挂断电话).3. People who work too much and earn more money may end up(结果为,最后成为)less happier than those who earn less money but enjoy life.4. Now that nobody is against it, we will adopt (采用) the proposal.5. This balloon remained in flight for 50 minutes or so(大约,至少) .。
大学英语教材unite 1词汇 中英对照

sUnit1 College life校园campus选修课optional参加,参与participate退款refund登记,注册registration样本,试样,标本sample一学期,半学年semester提款withdraw期盼,盼望look forward to武术martial arts资产,财产asset自助餐厅,食堂cafeteria迷住,吸引,使着迷captivate 没有capitivate 注意读音枝形吊灯chandelier特制饭菜cuisine确切地,肯定地definitely露珠,露水dew进餐dine(人或物)多种多样diversity务实的,接地气的down-to-earth偶遇encounter种族属性,民族属性ethnicity 不是enthnicity说明的,解释的expository 读音tory 是po不是por(光线声音)隐约传入filter 读音fil 不是fli高中大学一年级学生freshman长时间无意识的凝视gaze令人十分开心gorgeous 说某样东西好时可以用代替good great 最重要的部分highlight历史性的historic照射illuminate行为表演外表完美的,最佳的impeccable完美地impeccably难以置信的incredible 是incredible 不是incredit包含involve 可以用于举例子极高的,高耸的lofty规定的,强制的mandatory此外,而且moreover音乐的,配音的musical画像,照片,肖像portrait 是por不是po知识渊博的,见解深刻的,深奥的profound 是pro不是po por 出版物,书刊publication值得赞扬的,奇特的remarkable对某人或某物负责的responsible体验sample独唱独奏solo闪耀sparkle给着色染色污点斑点stain雕像,塑像statue套房suite周围有很多...,被...包围surround天资,天赋talent最后,最终ultimately 可以用来代替finally充满活力的vibrant 可以用来形容人充满活力地vibrantly挤满be filled with以...为傲be pound of得到深刻的印象,被深深地打动blow away参与某些活动get involved in 用来代替take part in在...方面,从...方面来说,根据...来解释in terms of 用来指出方面以及于according to 一起搬进新居move in不料,结果发现only to do 用于衔接和...分享share...with修一门课take a course心里暗想think...to oneself天窗skylight公共客厅common room据说be said to偶尔at times必修课compulsory course枣date令人发笑amuse漫画,幽默画carton珍惜,珍爱cherish责任commitment 不是commitement 注意读音深思contemplate 与consider有相似之处吗?否认denial巨大的enormous 不是enourmous enomous羡慕,嫉妒envy激动,兴奋excitement失败failure面试,口试interview令人讨厌的,非常糟糕的lousy肺lung惊恐,惊慌panic可能性,可能发生的事possibility令人作呕的,不愿做某事的,不安的queasy现实reality重新获得,再现,再次经历,体验或产生(往日的情感)recapture 勉强地,不情愿地reluctantly回忆reminisce道路,路线route日程表schedule大学高中二年级学生sophomore地位,身份,职位status对肉体或精神的折磨torture胜利,成功triumph混乱,骚动turmoil一想起...就at the idea of改变主意change one’s mind熟知,了解,学会,开始come to意欲feel like回顾look back转回来turn back实验,试验experiment做实验药店drugstore大量 a great deal of地毯carpet使提高highlight意味着denote推荐recommend争议controversy坚持persistence巧合By the coincidence。

大学体验英语(一)Unit1-Unit8汉译英80句Unit 1Section A1. 自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了。
(no longer)He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone.2. 尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网(surf the Internet),了解这个领域的最新动态。
(even though)Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet in order to know about the latest developments in this field.3. 李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。
(impress upon)Professor Li gave a short speech at the commencement. His words were / What he said was strongly impressed upon my memory.4. 讲到期末考试,学生们一点儿都不紧张,他们满脸都是自信。
(confidence)Talking of the final exams, the students were not nervous at all. There was full confidence on every one's face.5. 在30分钟内写出一篇约100个词的短文,对于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟。
(snap)To write a short passage of about 100 words in 30 minutes would be a snap to most students in their class.Section B1. 我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。
大学体验英语第一册Unit-1 Collage Life

大学体验英语第一册电子教案Unit 1 Collage LifeI. Listen and TalkNew wordscampus v. the grounds and buildings of a university, college or school 校园elective n. a course that you can choose to study because you are interested in it, while you are studying for a degree in a different subject选修课refund n. a sum of money that is given back 退款registration n. the act of recording names and details on an official list 登记,注册sample n. a small part or amount of something that is examined in order to find out something about the whole样品,标本,试样semester n. either of the two periods into which a year at universities esp. in the U.S. is divided (尤指美国大学的)一学期,半学年withdraw v. to take money out of a bank account 提取(银行存款)martial arts a sport such as JUDO or KARATE, in which you fight with your hand and feet, and which was developed in Eastern countries (东方国家的)武术(如柔道,空手道等)Dialogue 1 Meeting on CampusKey words and patterns:Excuse me, aren't you …May I …We've been looking forward to …That's very kin d of…How about…Dialogue 2 At the Registration DeskKey words and patterns:course 课程elective 选修的credit 学分refund 退款withdraw 撤销martial arts 武术Passage ASo much to learnThink About It1. What do you expect to learn at college?The answer may vary. The most important thing a student can learn is to learn how to learn.2. What do the students in the passage think they have learned after four years' study at college? The answer may vary. They think they have learned everything and are able to conquer the world. Related InformationTypes of Examination Questions in the US and the UK:The two main types of examination questions are multiple choice andessay, but other types are blank-filling and matching, and different teachersuse different types, e.g., a typical exam might consist of 50 multiple choicequestions for one point each and two essay quest ions for 25 points each.考试题型主要有两种形式:多项选择题和论文,但也有填空和配对。
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to treat (a substance that has already been used) so that it is fit to use again 使再循环,回收利用
that can be renewed, esp. by natural processes or good management 可更新的,可再生的
a meeting, esp. in public, in which a question is talked about by at least two people or groups, each expressing a different opinion争论,辩论
the process of eroding or being eroded 腐蚀,侵蚀
a device through which the flow of water or other liquids is controlled 水龙头
a place where public matters may be talked over and argued about论坛,讨论会
(a long period of) dry weather when there is not enough water 干旱
of or concerning ecology 生态(学) 的
good productivity or performance 效率
waste material, e.g. from a house or office, to be thrown away垃圾,废物
(a type of) substance like air, which is not solid or liquid and usually cannot be seen气体
a person who buys and uses goods and services 消费者
fitness; suitableness; the quality of being convenient 方便
an apparatus, instrument, or tool for a particular purpose, esp. an electricalmachine that is used in the house 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器
(informal)yes < 非正式> 是
dependent on something, esp. a drug 成瘾的
unwell; ill 不舒服;生病
the mixture of gases that surrounds any heavenly body, esp. the earth 大气(层)
knowing, understanding, or recognizingsomething 有意识的,有知觉的
fixed or unchanging 不变的
a wall or bank built across a river to keep back water, esp. to make a reservoir 水坝,堤坝
causing or likely to cause harm 有害的,伤害的
for this reason or from this origin; therefore 因此,从此
a person who receives guests and provides food, drink, and amusement for them 主人,东道主
a light artificial material produced chemically 塑料
the action of polluting or the state of being polluted污染
money gained by trade or business 利润
a necessary part of a whole 成份;要素
the surrounding physical and/or social conditions环境
to change into steam and disappear 蒸发
the system that uses machines (air-conditioners) to control the temperature of the air in a room or building to keep it cool and dry 空调( 系统)
an orderly pile of things one above another 一摞,一叠
to (cause to) suffer or die from great hunger ( 使 ) 挨饿,饿死
general manner of doing something which is typical or representative of a person or group, a time in history, etc.风格,方式
an apparatus, service, etc., which gives comfort or advantage 便利设施或用具
to cut down the forests砍伐(森林)
in the direction that the wind is moving顺风处
a group of related parts which work together forming a whole 系统,体系
(an expression of surprise and admiration) ( 表示惊叹、羡慕 )哎哟! 哇 !
a condition of having less than is needed; an amount lacking 短缺
using the power of the sun's light and heat 太阳的
to find a solution to, an explanation of, or a way of dealing with (something) 解决,解答
a person with special knowledge or training专家
the act of employing to the greatest possible advantage开采
of or concerning the whole earth 全球的
liquid which comes out from the bod 汗,汗水
to have sweat coming out through the skin 出汗
a meeting between scientists or other people experienced in a particular field, in order to talk about a certain area of interest研讨会,专题讨论
the action of clearing an area of forest or trees 采伐森林
sudden serious misfortune causing great suffering and damage 灾难
to get rid of处理