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Futures Theory and Practice

Final Exam

Ningbo University

Spring Semester 2015

I. True/False (1 point for each correct answer)

1. Futures markets trade any kind of commodity in any amount.

2. The futures market began trading in Chicago, US, in order to better stabilize prices for farmers and buyers.

3. Futures trading and Forward contracts are different terms for the same financial activity.

4. Futures trading takes place in certain financial markets but just in the US.

5. Futures trading involves both traders physically offering contracts at a market exchange (such as the Chicago Merchantile Exchange or CME), and online.

6. Individuals can directly trade Futures contracts in the market without the assistance of traders or other third parties.

7.In Futures trading, “going long” refers to buying a contract with a maturity date sometimes many months later than the purchase date of the contract.

8.In Futures trading, “going short” refers to buying a contract which matures in just a short time.

9. For all Futures trading, failure to offset a contract means one must take delivery of the commodity it represents.

10. Forex trading is a specialized form of Futures trading because it does not involve either a commodity or a delivery date.

11. Forward contracts are actually a very common form of financial activity many people use every day, usually without referring to them as forward contracts.

12. A hotel reservation or an airline reservation are both forms of forward contracts.

13. Cash settlement in Futures trading refers to the amount of profit you will receive when the contract matures.

14. Market trading involves only fixed prices for traders, with the fixed prices changing every day depending on demand for the commodity.

15. An advantage of Futures trading is the guarantee that the current price for a commodity is what one will have to pay at the time of maturity of the contract, with no risk of a price change.

16. Options on Futures is a special form of Futures trading which always allows the contract holder the chance to avoid financial risk, which is why it as called an option.

17. In Options trading, a Call always refers to the purchase of an option.

18. In Options trading, a Put always refers to the sale of an option.

19. The Spot Price in markets refers to the current cash price.

20. Arbitrage involves the simultaneous purchase AND sale of equivalent commodities in different Futures markets when the spot prices in the two markets are different.

II. Multiple Choice (2 points for each correct answer)

1.The difference between a Forward Contract and a Futures Contract is that:

a.The Futures contract is for standard period of time.

b.The Futures contract is for a set quantity of only certain commodities

c.The Futures contract is for only certain qualities of a commodity
