Annotated Bibliography example


文献注释Annotated Bibliography Sample Assignment

文献注释Annotated Bibliography Sample Assignment

Annotated Bibliography: Study Abroad and Language ProficiencyStudent NameSchool NameDateAnnotated Bibliography: Study Abroad and Language Proficiency IntroductionThe following list of references centers on the topic of study abroad and subsequent language competency demonstrated by study abroad participants immersed in a foreign language. The list is comprised of various types of research in order to cover a broad spectrum of issues related to the subject in an effort to capture the diversity of variables involved in language development. While some of the publications are empirical, citing either qualitative or quantitative data (or both), others represent compilations of theory on the subject. Because language acquisition embodies a complex network of interaction involving, of course, the language itself, sociocultural considerations, explicit and implicit stimuli as well as individual behavioural factors,a combination of research methods is key to answering the question: how does study abroad influence participants’ language proficiency? The qualitative data is helpful because it provides perspective on wider social significance, while the quantitative studies included draw attention to specific trends in linguistic form on a more micro level of analysis. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the theoretically based references offer a framework from which to construct a critical examination of this topic.Bayley, R., & Regan, V. (2004). Introduction: The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 8(3), 323-338. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9841.2004.00263.xThis chapter presents a diverse collection of studies providing sociolinguisticinquiry into L2 acquisition. Bayley and Regan, well-known authors on this topic,examine publications combining SLA with variationist (Labovian) linguistics,with conversation analysis, and with contextualized, sociolinguistic approaches.The evaluations of both the findings and principal research questions within thecited studies present a comprehensive discussion on language acquisition. Thisresource contributes to the understanding of sociolinguistic competence,recommending that these three themes not be isolated but integrated for a moreinterdisciplinary approach. Further, future considerations in L2 languageacquisition combining variation with gender, ethnographic analysis andpsycholinguistics are proposed.DeKeyser, R. (2010). Monitoring processes in Spanish as a second language during a study abroad program. Foreign Language Annals, 43(1), 80-92.doi:10.1111/j.1944-9720.2010.01061.xFrequently cited, this recent study substantiates the idea that motivation alone isnot enough to ensure success in language acquisition while studying abroad andthat adequate grammar (language study) preparation is an important factor. Thedata collected represents a broad range of strateg ies for evaluating the participants’ abilities and backgrounds prior to and following a 6-week study abroadexperience, providing a rich body of information from which to draw conclusions about factors influencing their learning experience.Dewey, D. P., Bown, J., Baker, W., Martinsen, R. A., Gold, C., & Eggett, D. (2014).Language use in six study abroad programs: An exploratory analysis of possiblepredictors. Language Learning, 64(1), 36-71. doi:10.1111/lang.12031An expansive study on several (6) study abroad locations, this study providesinsight into variables that influence language use both in and out of class duringstudy abroad. The two main factors contributing to increased language use wereage (older participants used the target language more) and the program itself. Iflanguage use is in fact a predictor of proficiency, these conclusions support theidea that more consideration of individual and cross-program characteristics isneeded in order to promote language development while studying abroad. George, A. (2014). Study abroad in central Spain: The development of regional phonological features. Foreign Language Annals, 47(1), 97-114.doi:10.1111/flan.12065Angela George is a professor of Spanish and Foreign Language Education.This article takes a phonological approach to Spanish language acquisition. Thestudy tested students’ interdental and uvular fricatives ([θ] and [χ]) at thebeginning, middle and at the end of a term abroad through three oral testingactivities. Most students were not able to demonstrate an ability to effectivelypronounce these sounds, and the few that could, were inconsistent in doing so.Further, the article presents several extralinguistic variables correlated with thedata on sound production providing the reader with a number of predictive factors to consider including prior contact with the target language while abroad,metalinguistic awareness, social network, and desire to learn and attitude. Kinginger, C. (2011). Enhancing language learning in study abroad. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31(Mar), 58-73. doi:10.1017/S0267190511000031An important resource by Celeste Kinginger, who is one of the foremostauthorities on study abroad, and who has published extensively on the topic, thisarticle provides extensive review and discussion on the literature available onstudy abroad and language learning. This resource is important to the presentresearch because it synopsizes leading research on the topic as well asmethodologies that have been utilized. This gives a broad understanding of thedata available at this time. This source also offers rationale for promoting greater social engagement during study abroad while supporting that with more integrated curriculum.Nadasdi, T., Mougeon, R., & Rehner, K. (2005). Learning to speak everyday (Canadian) French. The Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue Canadienne DesLangues Vivantes, 61(4), 543-561. doi:10.1353/cml.2005.0035This Canadian publication presents a continuum of language proficiencydistinguishing between vernacular, informal and formal French language but takes an interesting approach by adding in a third category: the “hyper-formal” variant.Nadasdi, Mougeon and Rehner have done innovative research here, pointing outthat conventional classroom instruction often promotes proficiency in highlyformalized language instead of the more pragmatic, vernacular, informal or evenformal varieties. Several pedagogical strategies are provided, focusing on changes in input towards more contextualized and native-like French for improvedsociolinguistic competence. This resource is key to understanding the wayclassroom learning can influence language learning while studying abroad.Pérez-Vidal, C., & Juan-Garau, M. (2011). The effect of context and input conditions on oral and written development: A study abroad perspective. IRAL - InternationalReview of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 49(2), 157-185.doi:10.1515/iral.2011.008A comprehensive and current publication, this article reviews some of the keyvariables and research on predictors of success in study abroad languageacquisition. It summarizes two longitudinal studies carried out on the influence of formal instruction (FI) on oral and written performance over time following a 3-month study abroad experience. The results indicate that both oral and writtencompetency improved because of the study abroad experience, and that FI playeda key role, especially for advanced learners. Most significantly, those deemed“high achievers” in writing showed the following characteristics while abroad:higher interaction with target language speakers, living in families or apartments,simultaneous coursework, eagerness and self-awareness. In oral competency:employment opportunities while abroad, listening to media and living in residence with native speakers.Stewart, J. (2010). Using e-journals to assess students' language awareness and social identity during study abroad. Foreign Language Annals, 43(1), 138-159.doi:10.1111/j.1944-9720.2010.01064.xThis study utilizes an innovative way of extracting information about studentstudy abroad experience and language gain (including language awareness)through e-journaling. This resource is important because it includes the use oftechnology for language learning. These e-journals highlighted a number offactors influencing language awareness and social identity (gender, personalityand living situation, among others). The study also contributes to the body ofknowledge on social networks and their correlation with improved listening skills.The researcher, a professor of foreign languages at Eastern University, calls forfuture use of e-journaling as a tool for fostering awareness of language featuresand cultural and self-identity training prior to studying abroad.Yang, J., & Kim, T. (2011). Sociocultural analysis of second language learner beliefs: A qualitative case study of two study-abroad ESL learners. SYSTEM, 39(3), 325-334.doi:10.1016/j.system.2011.07.005This two-participant study provides transcribed interview data suggesting thatindividual beliefs combined with meaningful learning environment are the twomost significant factors in success in study abroad. Further, it concludes thatindividual perspectives evolve over time, changing learners’ goals throughout alearning experience. This points to the value of qualitative research on study abroad as it pertains to language acquisition. This recent publication reconfirms the fact that although the study abroad context provides an immersed learning environment, that alone is not an indicator of increased language proficiency, and more strategic planning must go into study abroad programming to promote positive outcome.。

annotated bibliography mla格式

annotated bibliography mla格式

在MLA(Modern Language Association)格式中,Annotated Bibliography(带注释的参考书目)是一种文献引用格式,它不仅列出作者、标题、出版信息等基本信息,还包含对文献内容的简要描述和评价。

以下是一个MLA格式的Annotated Bibliography示例:—Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Place of publication: Publisher.Annotation: This annotation should provide a brief overview of the content and significance of the work, including any relevant background information or context. It should also include a critical evaluation of the work, addressing its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the author's arguments and evidence. The annotation should be written in third-person, objective language, and should not exceed 150 words.—以下是一个具体的示例:—Smith, J. (2018). The effects of social media on teenagers. New York: Penguin Random House.Annotation: This annotation discusses Smith's argument that social media has negative effects on teenagers, including increased anxiety and decreased face-to-face communication skills. It also evaluates Smith's use of research and evidence to support his claims, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of his argument. The annotation concludes by noting that while Smith's work is informative, further research is needed to fully understand the impact of social media on teenagers.。



English Composition 102Sang LichenHunterProfessor JonesSection: VFTDate: April 21, 2013Annotated BibliographyBu, ., & Fee, E. (2012, October). Family Planning and Economic Development in China. American Journal of Public Health,102(10), 1858-1859. doi: “Family Planning and Economic Development in China,”(American Journal of Public Health, October, 2012) PhD. Liping Bu and Elizabeth Fee point out that the mutual action between economy and population influences both of them. Begin with a attractive poster. The authors describe the new situation of Chinese mother and child as a pair of free birds. Under the family planning policy, the general fertility rate declined. The less population brings lots of advantages, such as health, prosperity, more welfare and socioeconomic development. The population influences the economy and also be affected by it. In the words of Bu and Fee (2012), because of market economy, many young famers migrate to cities to work. It is hard to have more children in such a competitive environment, so that rural couples voluntarily choose to have fewer children. In conclusion, the authors agree deeply that China should insist on implementing family planning policy and market economy.Chen, . (2007, October). Parent-child relationship in single-child families in China. WCPRR, 2(4), 123-127. Retrieved fromIn “Parent-child relationship in single-child families in China,”(WCPRR, October, 2007) Yixin Chen argues that as the Family Planning Policy has been carried out in China, there are some problems emerging and we need to pay much attention to these. Just like Chen (2007) writes, for four reasons causing child spoiled, treasuring, paying high expectations, excessive concerns and the emotional needs. the children who come from one-child families would get more attached and dependent than the children who have siblings. Moreover, in some serious situations, less of them can be violent or immature even getting a hypochondriac condition. By investigating the parent-child relationships, the author strongly states his point of view that we should attach importance to the mental health of parents and children in the process of child development.China’s family planning. (July 21, 2011). Illegal children will be confiscated. The Economist. Retrieved fromIn “Illegal children will be confiscated,” the author criticizes that the one-child policy is going against human-right and caused a demographic problem. There is a fact that those children who are called illegal will be packed off to orphanages. Although Chinese fertility was down, it also leads some problems. Now China becomes one of the world’s lowest “dependency ratios” country. Too few young people cause aging society. It is disturbing to think facing too many elders and too few females’problems brought by policy’s distortions how can the young men do under this generation of one-child policy.Family-planning Policy Helps Offer Better Education to Children. (October 22, 2001). Xinhua News Agency. Retrieved fromIn “Family-planning Policy Helps Offer Better Education to Children,”(Xinhua News Agency, October 22, 2001) the author writes that China’s one-child policy is helpful for China’s education, because the number of school-age children becomes lesser and lesser since this policy has been implemented. For macroscopic view, the less number of students could be helpful to ease the stress of educational system (more students and less school), preventing from too many students taking class in one room causing low efficiency and even no rooms for more children. For microcosmic view, fewer children can alleviate burdens on parents who can’t afford the spending of tuition, and save money for taking higher education. Especially in rural areas, these are far more obvious. In conclusion, the China’s family planning policy is helpful for China’s education to children and parents as well.Hudson ., & Boer . (Spring 2008). China's Security, China's Demographics: Aging, Masculinization, and Fertility Policy. The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 14(2), 185-200. Retrieved fromIn “China's Security, China's Demographics: Aging, Masculinization, and Fertility Policy,”(The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring 2008) Valerie M. Hudson and Andrea den Boer intensively criticize the China’s family planning policy by analyzing the cost of it. In the words of authors, the one-child policy indeed helped to control the China’s population to an acceptable level, but, by the time, it also brings the social instability and security risks, such as masculinized sex ratios (gender imbalance) and aging society. The authors point out several serious problems which are caused by the aging and masculinization to prove that the one-child policy needs change. They also provide the supposition that if the Chinese were to move towards a two-child policy, the condition would be better. In sum, the authors are in their effort to persuade the audiences to believe this policy has posed a threat to China.Second child or not when one-child policy relaxes. (November 28, 2011).CNTV. Retrieved formIn “Second child or not when one-child policy relaxes,” the author writes that presently some cities in China have relaxed the one-child policy, and facing this chance, many young couples hesitate to have more than one child. Because of the high living cost, raising more children proves to be stressful and difficult. Another reason given by an senior citizen is that “Young parent nowadays think too much of themselves, they just don’t want to shoulder more responsibilities.”(Para. 6) But facing the problem of aging population, more and more eligible young couples will consider having a second child. For the new policy, people still need some other supporting policy to share the burden of rearing children.Zhang, H. (2012, May). One-child Policy is Harming China. The Economic Observer, (568). Retrieved fromIn “One-child Policy is Harming China,”(The Economic Observer, May, 2012) Hong Zhang claims that China’s one-child policy should be loosened and even abolished. Providing some facts and statistics, the author points out that the Chinese family planning is injustice and violating the human right. Firstly, Zhang shows us many problems which were caused by this policy, such as aging population, unbalanced gender ratio and the lag between this policy and socio-economic impact. And another serious problem is that the policy has caused a huge bureaucratic system. In his words, there are still some wealthy people at large by some evil ways. This is a big bug of the policy and we have no idea to solve it. In sum, basing on many social issues, the author declares that one-child policy is harming China.Zhao, H. X. (2013, March 11). China to maintain family planning policy. China Daily. Retrieved from “China to maintain family planning policy,” (China Daily, March 11, 2013) Huanxin Zhao, writes that China will continue the family planning policy although the government is planning to restructure the ministries. Today we still face lots of social issues like resource and population pressures, so family planning policy is still important for China. As the new government publishes the restructure plan, the implementation of family planning policy will be strengthened. The one-child policy is still important for China.Zhu, C. (2011). China’s Savings and Current Account Balance: A Demographic Transition Perspective. Modern Economy, 2, 804-813. doi: “China’s Savings and Current Account Balance: A DemographicTransition,”Chao Zhu argues that China’s family planning policy should be maintained by analyzing the demographic structure, dependency ratios and China’s savings rate. Basing on some empirical findings and statistics, he points out that the dependency ratios have declined and then will increase to a peak, but finally will decrease to a low level. This is the trend and relax the policy will not change the fact. But on the contrast, if we maintain the policy, the population will goes to a desired level. He also points out that the problems we facing this moment is interim. In the long run, the family planning policy is good for China. So it is good that China should maintain this policy and Chinese people should not be too worried about that.。

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成-回复如何编写一篇关于“annotated bibliography”的文章。

Step 1: 引言(Introduction)[注:在这一部分中,你需要简要介绍annotated bibliography的概念和目的。

你可以解释什么是annotated bibliography以及它在学术研究中的重要性。

]Annotated bibliography是一种重要的学术写作形式,广泛用于研究论文、学术报告和毕业论文等。

本文将一步一步回答如何编写一篇关于annotated bibliography的文章。

首先,我们将讨论annotated bibliography的基本组成部分,然后详细说明每一部分的内容和格式要求。


Step 2: 组成部分(Components)[注:在这一部分中,你需要详细介绍annotated bibliography的组成部分。


]一个annotated bibliography通常由三个主要部分组成:书目信息、摘要(或注释)和评价。




Step 3: 书目信息(Bibliographic Information)[注:在这一部分中,你需要详细解释书目信息的内容和格式要求。





annotated bibliography例子

annotated bibliography例子

annotated bibliography例子以下是一份注释参考书目的例子:1. Smith, John. "The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity." Environmental Journal, vol. 35, no. 2, 2019, pp. 45-60.该论文探讨了气候变化对生物多样性的影响。



2. Johnson, Emily. "The Role of Social Media in Political Movements." Communication Studies Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 3, 2020, pp. 78-95.本文分析了社交媒体在政治运动中的作用。



3. Chen, Li. "The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Emerging Economies." Journal of Development Economics, vol. 28, no. 4, 2018, pp. 123-140.该论文研究了外国直接投资对新兴经济体经济增长的影响。



4. Rodriguez, Maria. "The Effects of Exercise on Mental Health." Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 15, no. 1, 2017, pp. 56-70.本文研究了运动对心理健康的影响。

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成-回复"Annotated Bibliography"的组成方式是其标题部分写在文档的顶部,然后按照特定的格式列出参考文献清单,每个参考文献后面紧接着是对其进行评注的短文。

1. 标题部分:在文档的顶部,将标题“Annotated Bibliography”居中,使用较大的字号,以便突出显示这个部分。

2. 参考文献清单格式:按照特定的引用格式,如MLA、APA或者Chicago Style等,将参考文献清单按照字母顺序列出。


3. 评注部分:在每个参考文献的后面,写下对该文献的评注。

评注可以包括以下几个方面的内容:a. 概况:简要介绍该文献的内容和目的。


c. 适用性:探讨该文献与研究主题的联系,以及其对研究项目的相关性。

d. 方法:描述研究方法或者理论框架,以及该文献在研究领域中的地位。

e. 分析:分析文献中的论点、证据和结论,评估其对研究项目的价值和贡献。

4. 文档结构与排版:根据具体要求,将参考文献清单和评注按照字母顺序编排,并保持一致的格式。


通过完成这些步骤,一个完整的"Annotated Bibliography"就形成了。



annoted bibliography格式

annoted bibliography格式

annoted bibliography格式注释参考文献(Annotated Bibliography)是一种文献列表,每个文献条目都附有作者对该文献内容的短评。






例子(APA风格):Smith, J. (2005). The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture. Journal of Environmental Studies, 30(2), 123-145.This article discusses the potential effects of climate change on global agriculture. Smith argues that rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns posesignificant challenges to crop production. The author provides a comprehensive review of current research findings and suggests potential strategies for adapting agriculture to a changing climate.在实际写作时,请确保参照所使用的引文风格的规范,包括作者名字的格式、文献标题的格式等。



annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成-回复被引用评注(annotated bibliography)是一种对已有文献进行系统化整理并附有评注的文献综述。







确保使用适当的引用格式,如APA、MLA 或Chicago style。



评注应该回答以下问题:1. 文献的目的:作者写这篇文章的主要目的是什么?2. 研究方法:作者采用了什么方法或途径进行研究?3. 结果和结论:作者得出了什么结论或结果?这些结果与该研究领域的其他研究相比如何?评注还可以讨论文献的可靠性、局限性、相关性以及对你的研究问题的重要性。








文献注释(Annotated Bibliography)

文献注释(Annotated Bibliography)

文献注释(Annotated Bibliography)⏹Annotated Bibliography一般指用一种特殊引用风格描述的资源列表,这些引用风格可以不同,每个文献注释实体主要包括两部分:a)引用,用合适的格式如APA或MLA来确定文献的来源b)注释,对该文献进行简短的描述,描述的内容有该文献的主要内容、对作者研究的帮助、对文献的总结等,有的可能只需要文献的主要内容。

文献注释的主要用途是:a)为读者提供材料背景b)为了更进一步的研究提供帮助c)说明研究的意义⏹下面是我写的一个文献注释:S.Subashinin, V.KavithaA, Survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing, Journal of Network and Computer Applications,2010.这篇文章首先对云计算中的基本概念进行了介绍,例如PaaS、SaaS、IaaS,阐述了云计算给企业带来的各种优点;然后重点介绍了云计算中的安全问题,有数据的存取安全、传输安全、数据库安全问题,罗列了当前已有的关于云计算安全问题的研究,并且对这些研究进行了分析和总结;最后作者提出了自己的安全模型,在目前的已有安全模型上添加一些模块如存储安全模块,通过这些添加的模块来提高云计算的安全。

虽然这篇作者阅读了大量的文献可以给读者提供许多参考文献,但是这些文献涉及的面并不广,主要集中在SaaS 的安全性问题,而且文章中并没有很详细的给出作者所提出的模型框图,导致模型不够清晰。



annotated bibliography apa 格式 -回复

annotated bibliography apa 格式 -回复

annotated bibliography apa 格式-回复题目:电子阅读对传统纸质阅读的影响引言:电子阅读作为一种新兴的阅读方式,在过去的十年中得到了广泛的应用和发展。




以下是这些文献的APA格式的书目:[1] Bee, D. (2011). The Effects of Electronic Reading Devices on Reading Comprehension. Reading Psychology, 32(5), 399-414. [2] Hsieh, C. J. (2014). The Influence of Electronic Books on Reading Comprehension, Reading Attitude, and Perceived Cognitive Load. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 13(1),91-102.[3] Lee, S. Y., & Heo, G. (2020). Impact of Electronic Reading on Vocabulary Acquisition and Comprehension for English LanguageLearners. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(1), 100-119.[4] Seilhamer, R. (2010). Comparing Student Reading Performance in Online and Print Environments. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 9(1), 26-42.[5] Wallace, P. M., & Niederhauser, D. S. (2005). Implementing Electronic Books in the Classroom: Factors to Consider. Reading Teacher, 59(1), 70-77.主体部分:1. 电子阅读对阅读理解能力的影响Bee (2011) 使用电子阅读设备进行研究,发现电子阅读与传统纸质阅读对于阅读理解能力没有明显差异。

annotated bibliography apa 格式

annotated bibliography apa 格式

annotated bibliography apa 格式APA格式的Annotated Bibliography(带注释的参考文献)一般包含以下元素:文献条目:按照APA引文格式详细列出每篇参考文献,包括作者、年份、文章标题、期刊名、卷号、期号和页码等。


以下是一个示例:Annotation:This annotated bibliography provides a summary and critical analysis of selected articles and books that address the impact of climate change on human health. It highlights key findings and theoretical frameworks from each source, and evaluates their strengths and limitations in addressing this complex issue.Bibliography:Smith, J. (2019). TheImpact of Climate Change on Human Health. American Journal of Public Health, 102(10), 1858-1859. DOI:10.1007/s10147-019-01245-0.Annotation: This article summarizes the current state of scientific knowledge on the impact of climate change on human health, highlights potential health risks associated with climate change, and suggests strategies for mitigating these risks. It is a comprehensive review of the literature with strong methodological rigor. However, it lacks discussion on the role of policy in addressing these issues.请注意,以上示例仅供参考,实际写作时需根据具体文献内容和研究主题进行适当调整。

annoted bibliography中的引用

annoted bibliography中的引用

annoted bibliography中的引用引言在学术研究中,注释参考书目(annotated bibliography)是一种对文献资料进行评述和解读的方式。






以下是引用在注释参考书目中的重要性的几个方面:1.1 显示研究来源引用在注释参考书目中能够准确地反映作者所使用的研究来源。



1.2 提供证据支持引用还可以为作者的观点提供有力的证据支持。



1.3 扩展阅读范围注释参考书目中的引用还可以为读者提供进一步阅读的机会。





以下是注释参考书目中常见的引用格式:2.1 MLA格式MLA格式是一种常用的引用格式,适用于文学、人文和社会科学领域的研究。


例如:作者姓, 作者名. "文章标题." 杂志/书名卷号.期号 (出版日期): 页面范围.2.2 APA格式APA格式是心理学、教育学和自然科学领域常用的引用格式。

annotated bibliography范文

annotated bibliography范文

annotated bibliography范文Annotated Bibliography on the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health1. Gao, J., Wei, W., Bai, X., Peng, J., & Wang, X. (2020). The impact of social media on mental health: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(11), e22196.This article provides a systematic review of the literature on the effects of social media on mental health. It examines both positive and negative effects of social media use, including social support, social comparison, and cyberbullying. The authors conclude that social media use is associated with a range of mental health outcomes, and suggest that future research should focus on identifying the mechanisms that mediate these effects.2. Primack, B. A., Shensa, A., Sidani, J. E., Whaite, E. O., Lin, L. Y., Rosen, D., ... & Miller, E. (2017). Social media use and perceived social isolation among young adults in the US. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53(1), 1-8.This study investigates the relationship between social media use and perceived social isolation among young adults. Using a nationally representative sample of US adults, the authors found that higher levels of social media use wereassociated with higher levels of perceived social isolation. They suggest that this relationship may be due to social media use displacing face-to-face social interactions.3. Woods, H. C., & Scott, H. (2016). # Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Journal of Adolescence, 51, 41-49.This study investigates the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes among adolescents. The authors found that higher levels of social media use were associated with poorer sleep quality, higher levels of anxiety and depression, and lower levels of self-esteem. They suggest that this relationship may be due to social media use leading to increased exposure to cyberbullying and disrupted sleep patterns.4. Vannucci, A., Flannery, K. M., & Ohannessian, C. M. (2017). Social media use and anxiety in emerging adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 207, 163-166.This study investigates the relationship between social media use and anxiety among emerging adults. The authors found that higher levels of social media use were associated with higher levels of anxiety. They suggest that this relationshipmay be due to social media use leading to increased exposure to negative social comparison and fear of missing out.5. Hunt, M. G., Marx, R., Lipson, C., & Young, J. (2018). No more FOMO: Limiting social media decreases loneliness and depression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 37(10), 751-768.This study examines the effects of limiting social media use on mental health outcomes among college students. The authors found that participants who were randomly assigned to limit their social media use experienced decreased levels of loneliness and depression. They suggest that this relationship may be due to social media use leading to increased social comparison and feelings of inadequacy.Overall, these articles provide evidence that social media use is associated with a range of mental health outcomes, including anxiety, depression, poor sleep quality, and perceived social isolation. While social media can also provide social support and other positive outcomes, it may be important for individuals to be mindful of their social media use and limit it if necessary for their mental health and well-being.。

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成-回复Annotated Bibliography的组成Annotated Bibliography是指在一组书目前面,附上作者对每一篇书目的简要评注的一种文献写作形式。

Annotated Bibliography的主要作用是帮助读者了解每一篇书目的内容、结构、方法和价值,以提高阅读和写作的效率。

Annotated Bibliography通常包括书目的标准引用信息、主题和目的、方法和依据、结论和评价等内容。

下面分别介绍Annotated Bibliography的组成成分。

1. 书目的标准引用信息书目的标准引用信息与传统书目相同,包括作者、标题、出版社、出版日期和页数等。



2. 主题和目的主题和目的是Annotated Bibliography的核心内容,主要介绍书目的研究领域、问题、目标和意义。



3. 方法和依据方法和依据是Annotated Bibliography的关键内容,主要介绍书目的研究方法、数据来源、理论依据和分析框架等。



4. 结论和评价结论和评价是Annotated Bibliography的总结和评价部分,主要介绍书目的研究结论、贡献和限制。




经典Annotated Bibliography范例展示(JOURNAL ARTICLES)----写作指导论文-->Macaskill, Brian and Jeanne Colleran. "Reading History, . Coetzee's Foe." Contemporary Literature 33 (1992): 432-57.This article is predominantly a poststructural inism. Brian and Colleran site such authors as Derrida, Foucault, Barthes and Spivak ajor issues or parts addressed in the article. Topography of Confession focuses on Coetzee's confession or self-referent responses in his texts. Internal Foes: Feminist Deconstruction discusses the deferred placement of meaning in Coetzee's female characters. Obstacles, Doubt and the Truth of Confession sho Friday that is not explained, and the meaning it offers. Resistance and plicity discusses the poination and a Solution to a Problem of ichael K," "In the Heart of the Country" and "Foe." As ent of "others" in the novel and hoe of ‘selflessness’and discusses ho between being socially engaged and pursuing a goal of i-->ndividual salvation. [3] The article is good as a source because it applies Buddhism to modern times and modern issues. It also discusses the challenges modern citizenship brings to Buddhism theoretically. It is relevant to the rest of the sources as a result of this. [4] Despite attempts by Cho to explain the theory behind the aspects of Buddhism, some broader background knoe of the specific Buddhist ideals he raises. Furthermore, one of the most interesting points that Cho raises, that of social engagement versus individual enlightenment, is not developed as fully as it could have been and ajor reviemary of the novel throughout. oore pares several aspects of the text to that of other novels as ple of this is hoany things in the article such as his creation of fictional . He uses other examples of Coetzee's fiction to illustrate the ma is discussed or omitted from them. These examples also demonstrate hoitations of language ainly on Coetzee's various texts, ho other scholars such as Martin and Post. He uses examples from Coetzee's novels to illustrate hoan consciousness. In this the characters of a text, nor can the characters be separate from the text. Gitzen also focuses on the role language plays as it es betunist Modes." Critique 36.2 (1995): 19 Jan 1999. 1-11.Cloines postcolonial and postmunist ideas present in both Coetzee's Foe and Luidimila Petrushovskaia's "The Neselves are discussed in detail and then applied to the terging modes of expression. The discussion of the two is divided--> into three main areas: "the voice of the female narrator and the question of gender roles, the nature of the island or isolation chronotope,and the refraining of the robinsonian narrative that occurs in both yth of economic individualism. He examines the cultural context of the myth in general and its historical impact on specifically the Robinson Cruso myth. Cloyth and the importance of understanding the historical background in understanding the meaning of its fiction.。

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成 -回复

annotated bibliography的组成-回复Annotated bibliography的组成指的是该文献综述的结构和内容构成。

以下是一份完整的组成:1. 文献综述的标题:给出整个综述的主题或焦点,透露出该文献综述的主旨。

2. 作者信息:提供作者的姓名和学术背景,以增加文献综述的可信度和权威性。

3. 引言:简要介绍文献综述的目的和重要性,并提出该综述所要解答的问题或研究的主题。


4. 文献综述主体:对选择的文献进行详细的评估和分析,并按照一定的结构组织。


a. 文献简介:对每篇文献进行简要而准确的概述。


b. 文献评估:对每篇文献进行批判性的评估,包括评估其方法、数据的可靠性、实证研究的有效性、结论的合理性等。

c. 文献比较:将不同文献之间的共同点和差异点进行比较和对比,分析这些差异背后的原因和可能的解释。

d. 文献综述:基于对文献的评估和比较,总结出已有研究的主要发现和结论。

5. 结论:概括文献综述的主要观点、结论和对待解答的问题的回答。

6. 参考文献列表:按照引用文献的格式,给出综述中引用的所有文献的详细信息。

此外,根据综述的具体要求,还可以包括以下内容:7. 方法论:描述选择和筛选文献的方法和标准,以及评估和比较文献的方法。

8. 数据分析:通过对文献的定量或定性分析,提供更深入和详细的结果和结论。

9. 未来研究方向:基于对现有研究的总结和评估,提出未来研究的方向和建议。

在撰写文章时,可以按照以下步骤进行:1. 提出问题或确定主题:明确综述的目的和主题,明确需要回答的问题或提出的观点。

2. 搜集文献:通过学术数据库、图书馆目录、学术期刊等途径,搜集与主题相关的文献。

3. 评估文献:评估所搜集到的文献的可靠性、准确性和适用性。

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated BibliographyIntroductionAs Michael E. Porter, the most famous management scientist from Harvard Business School, written in the book COMPETITIVE ADV ANTAGE: CREATING AND SUSTAINING SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE, “No company can adopt to do all things for everyone. Each company has a special competitive strategy to exceed the average profit of income.”Competition has grown increasingly since 21 centuries. It’s not the only competitive advantage for companies to reduce the price of products, while the price competition is more intense than last decennium. In most western countries, not only many commercial streets and shopping centers are still cutting the price of products, but also the suppliers do. Companies in the supply chain have noticed that it is necessary to cooperate to save the cost. For example, Nokia built an industrial estate and invited its upstream suppliers to work in the park since 2001 in Beijing. They found that since they workedtogether, the cost of inventory, logistics and even information has been decreased. The decrease in cost leads a great competitive advantage to Nokia. What Nokia does can be regarded as the Cost Management in Supply Chain. The definition of Cost Management in Supply Chain can be concluded as a management of the cost that happened in the supply chain, which includes material cost, labor cost, transportation cost, equipment cost and other variable cost. Cost Management in Supply Chain is a effective new way to manage the supply chain.Eliyahu M. Goldratt, the well-known manager, wrote in the book THE GOAL, “The strength of the chain depends on the weakest link.” So, it will bring threatens to companies if any part of the supply chain has problems, such as the weak sense of supply chain cost control, the crisis of confidence between supply chain partners, prone information distortion in the link of supply chain management and the lack of reasonable performance incentives.。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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An annotated bibliography starts with the bibliographic details of a source (the citation) followed by a brief annotation.
As with a normal reference list or bibliography, an annotated bibliography is usually arranged alphabetically according to the author’s last name. An annotated bibliography summary should be about 100 - 200 words per citation—check with your lecturer/tutor as this may vary between faculties and assessments. Please also check with your lecturer about the elements each annotation should include.
Which writing style should I use in the annotations?
• Each annotation should be concise. Do not write too much—remember, you are writing a summary, not an essay. Annotations should not extend beyond one paragraph unless otherwise stipulated in your assignment guidelines. As this is not an extended piece of writing, only mention significant and relevant details.
• In-text citations would usually only be necessary for quotations.
• Unless otherwise stipulated, you should write in full sentences using academic vocabulary.
Annotated Bibliography
The Learning Centre • .au
The advice in this brochure is a general guide only. We strongly recommend that you also follow your assignment instructions and seek clarification from your lecturer/tutor if needed.
• Any information apparent in the title of the text or journal can be omitted from the annotation.
• Background materials and references to previous work by the same author usually are not included. As you are addressing one text at a time, it is not usually necessary to cross reference to support your annotation.
Questions to Consider
You need to consider carefully the texts that you select for your annotated bibliography. Keep the following questions in mind to help clarify your choices.
What is an Annotated Bibliography?
An annotated bibliography provides a brief account of the available research on a given topic. It is a list of research sources that includes concise descriptions and evaluations of each source. The annotation usually contains a brief summary of content and a short analysis or evaluation. Depending on your assignment you may be asked to summarise, reflect on, critique, evaluate or analyse each source. An annotated bibliography may be a component of a larger assignment or it may be a stand-alone assignment. While an annotation can be as brief as one sentence, the standard annotated bibliography consists of a citation followed by a short paragraph. An example is provided on the next page.
1. What topic/ problem am I investigating? 2. What question(s) am I exploring? Identify the aim of
your literature research. 3. What kind of material am I looking at and why? Am I
Sample Annotation
The citation goes first and is followed by the annotation. Make sure that you follow your faculty’s preferred citation style. The summary needs to be concise (please note the following example is entirely fictitious).
Purpose of an Annotated Bibliography
Depending on your specific assessment, an annotated bibliography may serve to:
• review the literature of a particular subject;
• Provide the full bibliographic citation • Indicate the background of the author(s) • Indicate the content or scope of the text • Outline the main argument • Indicate the intended audience • Identify the research methods (if applicable) • Identify any conclusions made by the author/s • Discuss the reliability of the text • Highlight any special features of the text that were unique
• demonstrate the quality and depth of reading that you have done;
• exemplify the scope of sources available—such as journals, books, web sites and magazine articles;
In the sample annotation below, each element is numbered (see Key).
Contents of an Annotated Bibliography
An annotation may contain all or part of the following elements depending on the word limit and the content of the sources you are examining.
or helpful (charts, graphs etc.) • Discuss the relevance or usefulness of the text for your
research • Point out in what way the text relates to themes or
• highlight sources that may be of interest to other readers and researchers;
• explore and organise sources for further research.
When set as an assignment, an annotated bibliography allows you to get acquainted with the material available on a particular topic.