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1 在动词+副词的短语动词中,宾语是名词放中间或者后面,但是代词必须在中间 Eg I’ll call you up this evening .

在动词+介词的短语动词中,宾语无论是名词还是代词必须在后面。 Eg --The No.3 bus is over there

-- let ’s get on it .

2 在非正式英语,尤其是口语中,人称代词做be 的表语是通常用宾格代替主格 Eg-- Who is it ? --- it is me .



③在强调句中保持被强调部分的格(指主格或宾格) ④在比较的句子than \as 后用主格或宾格都可以 He is taller than her \she 但是在下列句子中,有所不同。 I like Jack as much as her =I like both Jack and her I like Jack as much as she =I like Jack and she likes Jack ,too . 4 she 可以代国家,船,大地,月亮。

The “Titanic ”was the largest ,wasn ’t she ?

5 they say \people say \it is said 中的人称代词they 可以指“有关当局”“政府”“市政”“雇主”等

6 its 为形容词,通常不做名词来用,故its 一般不能单独使用,其后总跟名词或one

而it’s =it is \ it has

7 指代前文提到过的事物,常用that \those起“承上”的作用。

To be or not to be .That is a question .

而指代将要提到的事物常用this \these 起“启下”的作用。

I want to know this :is she beautiful?

8 this \that 可以做副词来用。

9 电话用语中,this是我that是你

10 so 可以代替前面的句子,常做think,tell,say,believe,hope,expect,suppose,guess, I’m afraid ,seem,但不与


但在and, or, nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语可以有如下结构My brother and myself went there yesterday .

12 反身代词可以做表语

I’m not quite myself today .

13 当主语和宾语是同一人或同一物时,宾语往往用与主语对应的反身代词。

She found herself in a different world .

She makes herself heard by raising her voice.

14 own 是形容词表示强调,放在my ,your ,his 的后面,

my own room \a room of my own (属于某人自己的)

I am on my own =I am alone .

tackle problems on my own =all by myself

he helped fetch water on his own =offer to do


16反身代词主要用来强调名词,放名词后,有的时候也放在不及物动词的后面。 Tom himself went .

Tom went himself .

Tom went to London himself . 当强调另外一个名词时,则放这个名词后 I saw Tom himself .

I gave the letter to the teacher himself . 17 such \same 可以当名词来用,(注意谓语的数)

Such is my opinion . Such were his words . The same may be said of you . 对比如下两组句型 ①

18 another (n\ad),other (ad),others (n)泛指 The other (ad\n),the others(n) We asked him to sing us another song.(ad) I don't like this one, will you please show me another(n)

The Great Wall is longer than any other wall in the world. (ad+sg)

I'll go swimming with other friends tomorrow(ad+pl)

At last we got the other side of the river.

Thirty are girls and the other students are boys in our class.

I have two pens, one is blue and the other is red.

另外others 后不加名词,泛指另外一些别的人或事物;the others 特指其余所有的人或事物: Some of us like playing table-tennis, and others like playing basketball.

Thirty in our class are girls, and the others are boys.

泛指三者以上的"一些"不用加the, 用"some…. others"的形式:

Some people like it, others not.

19与数词的顺序:another +7+days

the other +7+students \found the other two photos

my two other friends \two other little boys

One more step ,I will call the police

20 与名词连用:another =n

another +单数名词

Another +数词+复数名词

Other +单数名词(前必须有the \any 其中any表示排除本身的“别的”)

Others 不能与名词连用(常用句型:some…others…)

The other =n(one …the other ..)

The other +单数名词

The other +数词+pl

The others =n

21 重点短语:more than that 更重要的是

For all that 尽管如此

Only a few 少

Not a few 多

Not a little 非常

Not a bit 一点也不(回答道歉)

Quite a few 多

Many a + 单数名词多

22 all做主语,谓语与其所指代的人或物保持一致

All of them were happy .

All goes well .

23 all指三者或三者以上(同every )。each 指两者或两者以上。both ,neither ,either 指两者。

His hands are all dirty (错)

His hands are both dirty ( 对)

24 定冠词的位置:all +the+n \the whole +n

25 both \all 所修饰的名词前还可以有自己的限定词(the \物主代词、名词所有格、指示代词)

All\both the \those \my students

26 all \both 与人称代词宾格连用:

all \both of us \them (其中of不能省略)

all \both of +限定语(the \物主代词\名词所有格\指示代词)+n

27判断正误:All the four were wounded .

The all books are sold out .
