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[2021·临沂市高三一模] I had moved to Japan for a long­term client consulting

engagement. After a few days in a Tokyo hotel I moved to an apartment. After being moved in by my colleagues, it was time to get dinner. I found a pizza deliver flyer in my mailbox and decided to simply order a pizza as I might have the previous week in Manhattan. The phone call to Cali Pizza was easier than anticipated and while waiting for the pizza I set about unpacking.

Unfortunately, after 45 minutes no pizza. I figured that my “easy” call really wasn't and that I would need to make alternate plans for dinner. While thinking about what to do next, my phone rang. It was Cali Pizza calling to say that they could not find my apartment based on the address that I had given them. Once it was determined that I had provided an incorrect address, the clerk on the phone asked me to describe what I could see from my window. After some back and forth they seemed satisfied that they knew where I was.

A few minutes later the pizza arrived. This is when my “customer delight” experience took__over. First, the delivery person apologized repeatedly for being late, then he showed me the small blue metal plate on my building with the correct address, and finally he refused to accept payment for the pizza because he was late. Net result: one delighted customer(me) , and frequent orders from Cali Pizza during my two­year stay in Japan.

Such “customer delight” experiences become stories I have used to illustrate what it means to truly delight a customer.

1.What did the writer do first after he moved in the apartment?

A.Deliver flyers.

B.Place an order.

C.Call his colleagues.

D.Set about unpacking.

2.Why was the delivery delayed?

A.The number on the flyer was inaccurate.

B.The clerk was unfamiliar with the address.

C.The writer provided an inaccurate address.

D.The pizza was sent to a wrong address.

3.Which of the following best explains “took over” underlined in Paragraph 3?

A.Disappeared. B.Dominated.

C.Promoted. D.Decreased.

4.What can we learn from the story?

A.It's never easy to settle down in a new city.

B.A delayed delivery may result in good profit.

C.One can't be too careful when placing an order.

D.A short­term loss of benefit may reward a lot.


[2021·潍坊市一模] A new study, published this week in the journal Frontiers in

Veterinary Science, reveals that non­human animals' tears are not so different from our own. The chemical similarities are so great, in fact, that the composition of other species' tears—and how they're adapted to their environments—may provide insights into better treatments for human eye disease.

Previously, scientists had studied closely only the tears of a handful of mammals, including humans, dogs, horses, camels, and monkeys. In the new study, Brazilian veterinarians analyzed the tears of reptiles and birds for the first time, focusing on seven species.

Tears, which are released from tear tubes, form a film over the eye that's composed of three ingredients: mucus, water, and oil. The mucus coats the eye's surface and helps to attach the film to the eye, the water is a natural salty solution containing crucial proteins and minerals, and the oil prevents the eye from drying out.

Humans are the only known species to produce emotional tears; the expression “crocodile tears”,which refers to a person's phony display of emotion, comes from the mysterious tendency of crocodiles to release tears as they eat.

But tears play key roles beyond weeping, notes Lionel Sebbag at Iowa State University, who was not involved in the new research. They help with vision by lubricating(润滑) and clearing the eye. They also protect the eye against infection and provide nutrition to the cornea (角膜) , the eye's clear outer layer, which lacks blood tubes, he says.

Learning how reptiles and birds use tears may also inspire new medications for conditions such as dry eye, which occurs when tear tubes don't produce enough oil. The disease, common in cats, dogs, and people, can sometimes lead to blindness.

5.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The source of tears.

B.The composition of tears.

C.The classification of tears.

D.The definition of tears.

6.What does the underlined word “phony” in Paragraph 4 mean ?

A.Tricky. B.Regretful.

C.Cold. D.False.

7.Which statement does Lionel Sebbag agree with?

A.Weeping contributes to eye disease.

B.The cornea has rich blood tubes.

C.Tears oil and clear the eyes.

D.More tears mean better vision.

8.What might be the best title for the text?

A.Tears, a barrier to eyes

B.A better treatment for eye disease

C.Non­human tears promise new cures

D.Other species' tears are similar to humans'


[2021·湖北高三十一校第二次联考] If you were to throw, say, a banana peel out of your

car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that it's part of a fruit—right? Actually, no. A banana peel can take up to two years to be naturally
