



英国女王演讲稿英文版2021解析I am speaking to you at what I know is an increasingly challenging time. A time of disruption in the life of our country: a disruption that hasbroughtgrieftosome,financial difficulties to many,andenormous changesto the daily lives of usall.女王演讲开场的排比写得真的棒,很好地解释了什么叫“层层递进”:体现了这场危机对some、many到all的progression,以及disruption的具体体现:悲痛、经济损失以及其他生活的巨大改变。

I want to thank everyone on the NHS (NationalHealth Service) front line, as well as care workers and thosecarrying out essential roles, who selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home in support of us all. I am sure the nation will join me in assuring you that what you do is appreciated andevery hour of your hard workbrings us closer toa return to more normal times.不出意外地,女王也是大力表达了对医护工作人员和其他兢兢业业的工作者表达了感谢。























































































电影 女王 观后感

电影 女王 观后感

The movie’s name is The Queen, but it tells the stories of two important women in the UK’s Royal Family.Actually before I saw the movie, I did simply think that being the Queen of United Kingdom was the easiest job in the world. Her duties are just ceremonial, but she receives high income and respect from the whole country even all over the world.That’s not the fact. We don’t know her difficulties, while the movie tells us some. Diana’s de ath narrowly thrown the Queen out of office and nearly drove the ancient out of Britain. After the breaking news came out, millions of people across London erupt in an outpouring of grief at Buckingham. But the Queen observes that, since Diana was divorced from her husband, she is no longer a part of the family. This is in contrast with newly-appointed Prime Minister Tony Blair and Diana's ex-husband, who attempt to reflect the public wish. Just a few days later, the flowers pile up along the palace railings, forcing the changing of the Queen's guard to use another gate. British tabloids become inflammatory about the lack of a statement from the Royal Family. Even 40% of the public propose to abolish Constitutional monarchy. Facing this situation, she thought of the promise she made: "whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong..." She cannot let the sacred tradition ruin in her hand. She decides to accept Blair’s advice: attending a public funeral for Diana, flying a Union flag at half mast over Buckingham Palace and speaking to the nation on television.We can hardly imagine her feelings. At last I quote the words coming from Blair which I totally agree with: “That woman has given her whole life in service to her people. Fifty years doing a job she never wanted. A job she watched killed her father. She is executed it with honor, dignity, and, as far as I can tell, without a single blemish, and now we're all baying for her blood! All because she's struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who threw everything she offered back in her face. And who, for the last few years, seemed committed to destroying everything she holds most dear!” God saves the Queen!。



据《与女王一起生活》一束介绍,大不列颠 女王英国女王伊丽莎白二世生活在华丽的宫 殿里,王宫里有339名全职服务员、250个 兼职或有荣誉地位的人为女王工作,但真正 能够经常接触到女王的只有十来个人,仆人 们随时听候召唤。女王每年要会见成千上万 的人,但在私人生活的圈子里,她过的是隐 居、孤独、普通的生活。
君主在有需要时任命新首相,王室也 要受制于政府。君主驾崩,政府首脑 及内阁不会变化。首相若解散议会, 需要女王亲临宣布。
王室礼仪 绅士尊守礼仪 仪态礼仪 相见礼仪 商务礼仪 鞠躬礼 握手礼 点头礼 举手注目礼 吻手礼 接吻礼 拥抱礼
位于圣詹姆士宫与维多利亚火车站之间。1702年白金汉公爵开始建造第 一所房子60年后被卖给乔治三世,成为王室成员住所。1837年,维多利 亚女王即位后,白金汉宫正式成为王宫,此后白金汉宫一直是英国王室的 府邸。1863年始成为英国历代君主的寝宫,集合办公与居家功能于一身。 1726年由乔治三世购得,一度曾做过帝国纪念堂、美术陈列馆、办公厅 和藏金库。 1825年改建成王宫建筑。 1837年维多利亚女王继位起正式成 为王宫,现仍是伊丽莎白女王的王室住地。女王召见首相、大臣,接待和 宴请外宾及其他重要活动,均在此举行。
白金汉宫是女王在伦敦的官方住所,她 一天的生活从喝茶开始。清晨7时30分, 女王醒来,卧室的女仆端上茶盘。此时, 女王床边的收音机响起BBC的广播,她 喜欢听BBC最有影响的“今日”节目。 女王酷爱骑马,特别喜欢饲养纯种马。 早餐时,她喜欢和丈夫菲利普亲王一起 读《赛马邮报》。上午9时30分,女王会 见私人秘书。私人秘书已准备好当天所 有的工作安排。接下来,女王开始工作: 接受新任大使的国书、访问医院、参加 开幕式或典礼……

the queen 电影《女王》观后感

the queen 电影《女王》观后感

The Queen- What does the deer symbolizePlot summary:The movie “The Queen” focuses on the year 1997 when Princess Diana died in a car accident in Paris which pulled the whole Britain into grief. When people were moaning for Diana’s death, the royal family seems uncomfortable for such a strong emotion, especially the queen Elizabeth Ⅱ. She held such an opposed feeling that she even didn’t show up at Diana’s funeral, which stimulated wrath among British people. She was regarded as indifferent, heartless and cold-hearted. Meanwhile, because of this incident, the royal family’s credit and authority among British people began to descend. However, the queen didn’t give a word before the camera and offered an explanation, instead, she and her family hid behind the walls of Balmoral Castle. The then newly-appointed Prime Minister Tony Blair bore a great pressure form the common people who showed strong opposition against the royal family. He had to find a compensation to ease up the tension as well as build his own authority in Britain.Review:Totally, the deer shows up three times in the movie. In the first time, it is spotted by Prince Phillip and the children who go stalking. Then the Queen sees it, and she is so amazed by its beauty that she can’t help saving it from the hunters’ guns. The last time announces the death of the deer. Some people say the deer is the royal power, and its death is a sign that the royal family has lost faith among common people. Others hold that the beautiful deer is a symbol of Princess Diana who has exactly the same fate as the deer. I partially agree with the latter one. To be exact, in my opinion, the deer does not only symbolize on person-Princess Diana, but her qualities and characters-her aspiration for freedom, passion for real life, courage to pursue her own happiness. They are all human natural instincts which the traditional royal family has oppressed for centuries. What the royal family hunt is not the animal but the unconventional spirits which are definitely not allowed to exist in such an old and respectful family. They will not tolerate anything that threatens its dignity. So, they strangle it before it gets out of control.When the Queen sweeps in the stream, the deer draws her attention. She gasps in admiration,” what a beauty!” When I see the smile on her face when she sees the deer escapes, I do believe that those qualities possessed by Diana do deeply buried inside the Queen’s heart. Born in the royal family and being in power for decades, completely spiritual and physical freedom seem impossible for a long time. She was also once young and had the days of dreaming to live freely. So I have every reason to say the Queen at least understands Diana but she can’t help. When she finally gently touched the dead deer’s head, she murmurs,”I hope she didn’t suffer too much.”Can’t we think she is paying her sympathy toward Diana? Diana is a misfit in the royal. As a woman, the Queen may show her empathy but as the Queen of the whole commonwealth, she has to choose another cruel way. Indeed, the deer is not killed by any member of the royal family, even the Queen tries to save is life, but they are actually accomplices of the killer. They tacitly consent to all this to happen.So, I would conclude that the deer symbolize the natural beauty Princess Diana and the Queen both share. Diana is courageous enough to challenge the convention and let the whole world see her beauty but the Queen is more fettered by conventions and her duty. However beautiful the deer is, its fate is written in such a society.。




——皮特·摩根《the queen》有一个译名是《戴妃与女王》,但我认为这不是女王与黛安娜的对峙,而是女王与英国民众的对峙。


















最新整理电影《女王》英文版观后感电影《女王》英文版观后感The movie';s name is The Queen, but it tells the stories of two important women in the UK';s Royal Family.Actually before I saw the movie, I did simply think that bEing the Queen of United Kingdom was the easiest job in the world. Her duties are just ceremonial, but she receives high in e and respect from the whole country even all over the world.That';s not the fact. We don';t know her difficulties, while the movie tells us some.Diana';s death narrowly thrown the Queen out of office and nearly drove the ancient out of Britain. After the breaking news came out, millions of people across London erupt in an outpouring of grief at Buckingham. But the Queen observes that, since Diana was divorced from her husband, she is no longer a part of the family. This is in contrast with newly-appointed Prime Minister Tony Blair and Diana's ex-husband, who attempt to reflect the public wish. Just a few days later, the flowers pile up along the palace railings, forcing the changing of the Queen's guard to use another gate. British tabloids be e inflammatory about the lack of a statement from the Royal Family. Even 40% of the public propose to abolish Constitutional monarchy. Facing this situation, she thought of the promise she made: "whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial familyto which we all belong..." She cannot let the sacred tradition ruin in her hand. She decides to accept Blair';s advice: attending a public funeral for Diana, flying a Union flag at half mast over Buckingham Palace and speaking to the nation on television.We can hardly imagine her feelings. At last I quote the words ing from Blair which I totally agree with: “That woman has given her whole life in service to her people. Fifty years doing a job she never wanted. A job she watched killed her father. She is executed it with honor, dignity, and, as far as I can tell, without a single blemish, and now we're all baying for her blood! All because she's ,struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who threw everything she offered back in her face. And who, for the last few years, seemed mitted to destroying everything she holds most dear!” God saves the Queen!。

女王 观后感

女王 观后感






























Film Review Of "The Queen""The Queen" is a political history of cinema that directed by Stephen Frears , Helen Mirren and Michael Sheen starred . Helen Mirren, female knight, July 1945 Born on 26 London, British actress,in 2006 starred in movie "The Queen", gains 79th Academy Awards Best Actress Award, the 63rd Venice International Film Festival Best Actress Award, the 64th American Film and Television Golden Globes Movie category - Drama Award for Best Actress, the 20th European Film Award for Best Actress Award and other awards. Michael Sheen in 1969, was born in England on February 5 of Wales, actor, producer, in 2006 starred in "The Queen" and get the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards."The Queen" is a story that a real event as its background, and it is imaginary .Appearing the contradiction between the British royal family and the general public after British Princess Diana death , as well as the communication between Prime Minister Blair and the Queen . In 1997, Princess Diana died in a car accident, the country distraught, but the British royal family has taken this attitude to escape alienation. This indifference angered many British people. People against the royal family’mood is quite high, so that the emergency situation make the royal family into a serious crisis. However, the Queen Elizabeth did not come out and let the people calm down, but with her family hid in a vacation palace. Tony Blair as prime minister just this time, faced onthis emergency situation at the moment ,he must be found as soon as possible measures to balance interest between each other, let the royal family get rid of the crisis of confidence and let the Queen reconciled relationship with the public, and establish his own authority. Faced with increasing heavy pressure, Tony Blair made a great efforts and finally persuaded the queen, the relationship between the Queen and Tony Blair has become harmonious. In Surface ,the reason why people so angry is that the royal family on the death of Princess hold on avoided attitude, in essence, it is a fuse of against constitutional monarchy. Of course the outcome is very good, the Queen made a speech, expressed regret for the death of Diana, as well as say hello to the general population , finally regain the support and love of the people. Queen needed is not just a glorious royal sacred image, but the most previous is people support. "The Queen"’entire film in a dull tell way made the film in a heavy ink to depicts the Queen and the Prime Minister, depicts others people also mapped out the theme of the entire film, and the whole process that resolve the crisis public relations, compared Queen with Blair, show the audience the politicians exploit public sentiment two different results .The story shows us those glamorous public figures, but also fragile side, there are yielding side, there are weak side, which perhaps is the reason why this film successful and profound .The successful completion of the film of the crisis public relations is inseparable fromthe unremitting efforts of Prime Minister Tony Blair. Again and again he is trying to communicate with the the British royal family , he wants things to be solved happily, make a reasonable explanation to the whole British people and the community. Blair supported the Queen, supported the monarchy, he said the queen dedicate her life to her people, she was responsible, and not the slightest miss,queen’deign action acquired Blair's admiration. The film has a part that a elk was hunted, the Queen went to visit the elk, showing the queen restrained and delicate compassion. The elk’ death hinted Diana and it greatly touched the queen, it do a psychological groundwork to she returned to London . The Queen saw the card that on the flowers, her face suffered an eclipse ,but when she turned to face the public and the media, she put up a smile, when she saw a card that says"They do not deserve you", She turned her face, likes want to crying, she was still smiling face to the media, she is a superior queen she deserves our respect. The Queen wanted to help the little girl to put down the flowers, the little girl refused, the Queen depressed, then the little girl said it is for you, the Queen first surprised, then joyful, she reveal a brilliant smile, the little girl's kindness made the Queen’ injured heart placated.The Queen later told Blair the out side of Buckingham Palace’ cards made she felt humiliated. How to deal with the death of Princess Diana, in our view, is that the queen's chores. The Queen said she'll never understand that thing, she is the exalted Queen ofEngland, but she had to yielded on her attitude on chore in front of the public. Queen said she had never been so hated by people, she used to hide the emotion in her heart, but people like she make her emotion express on her face, she dedicated all her life to the position of the "Queen" and to exist. She is noble, quiet and with her pride to express the view of the world. She did not do anything wrong, but in the end she was submitted to her people. But as Blair said, the queen showed great strength, courage and tolerance, I think this is the reason why she was respected by people deeply.。

电影The Queen读后感

电影The Queen读后感

2010级英语2班苏桐20100914203THE QUEENVictoria, the one forever在浩瀚的历史发展长河中,英国无论是政治,经济,还是文化,毫无疑问,它都占据了无可比拟的重要位臵。













thequeen英文观后感电影《The Queen》是一部由英国导演史蒂芬·弗雷尔斯执导的传记片。


















《The Queen》有着出色的导演和演员阵容。







As a seasoned film critic,I find myself often drawn to narratives that delve into the complexities of power,legacy,and the human condition. The Queen,directed by Stephen Frears,is a film that encapsulates these themes with a delicate balance of drama and insight.It tells the story of Queen Elizabeth II and the events surrounding the aftermath of Princess Dianas death in1997,a pivotal moment in British history that tested the monarchy and the nations collective emotions.The film opens with a serene portrayal of the Queens daily life,a stark contrast to the turmoil that is about to unfold.Helen Mirrens portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II is nothing short of mesmerizing.She captures the essence of the Queens stoic demeanor,her sense of duty,and the internal conflict she faces as the nation mourns and demands a more human response from the royal family.One of the most striking aspects of the film is its ability to humanize the Queen.Despite her status as a figurehead and the immense power she represents,the audience is privy to her vulnerability and the weight of her responsibilities.Mirrens nuanced performance allows us to empathize with the Queen as she navigates the delicate balance between tradition and public sentiment.The screenplay,written by Peter Morgan,is a masterclass in storytelling.It weaves together the personal and the political,highlighting the pressure on the Queen from both her advisors and the public.The dialogue is sharp and poignant,capturing the essence of the British class system and the unspoken rules that govern it.The film does not shy away from depictingthe friction between the Queen and Prime Minister Tony Blair,portrayed by Michael Sheen,who is eager to connect with the grieving public in a more contemporary and empathetic manner.The cinematography by Affonso Beato is equally impressive,with sweeping shots of the royal estates that underscore the isolation of the Queen.The films visual language is understated yet powerful,reflecting the Queens own restraint and the gravity of her situation.The use of natural light and the contrast between the intimate interiors of Buckingham Palace and the vast,open landscapes of Balmoral serve to highlight the Queens internal struggle.What sets The Queen apart from other biopics is its focus on the unseen aspects of leadership.It explores the Queens relationship with her subjects, her family,and her own identity.The film does not glamorize or vilify the monarchy instead,it presents a balanced view that invites the audience to reflect on the role of the monarchy in modern society.One cannot discuss The Queen without mentioning the films historical context.The events surrounding Princess Dianas death were a turning point for the British monarchy,and the film captures this moment with remarkable accuracy.It is a testament to the films research and attention to detail that it can evoke such a strong sense of the time without resorting to sensationalism.The films score by Alexandre Desplat is hauntingly beautiful,adding an emotional depth to the narrative.It complements the visual storytellingand enhances the emotional journey of the characters.In conclusion,The Queen is a powerful and evocative film that offers a unique perspective on a significant moment in British history.It is a testament to the power of cinema to explore complex themes and humanize historical figures.Helen Mirrens performance is a standout,and the films script,cinematography,and score all contribute to a memorable cinematic experience.It is a film that resonates with audiences,inviting them to reflect on the nature of power,tradition,and the human spirit.。



Before I see the film, I know little about the Royal Family, about the queen. But I'e lear ned much about Diana, about her great but tragedy life, an d, like most of the people, I admire her contribution to those who were poor and suffered from differe nt kinds of diseases, and also feel pity about her death.So in the first part of this film, when I saw that the queen insisted seeing Dianas death as a private affair, not to be treated as an official Royal death, a feeli ng of dislike to the queen slowly filled my heart. I wonder how could she be so cold, so indifferent and always seems like so sensible without any humanity. But as the film adva need, I think I can fin ally un dersta nd her, un dersta nd how difficult it is for her to be the quee n, and the sense of admirati on eve ntually took place of the dislike.Remember she said to Blair that You are my ten th prime mi nister ”,I was surprised at that mome nt, and soon I realize that she has bee n the quee n since she was just a little girl, shy, young and innocent. And when other children at her age were play ing outside with happy and carefree min ds, she must sit in the chair, meeti ng those importa nt people.Remember whe n she fin ally agreed to Blair ssuggesti on and came to London, she saw the flowers which people gave to Diana. Among these flowers, there were cards with words showing love towards Diana but hated to the Loyal Family. And I can imag ine that whe n the quee n saw those words, her heart must be broke n, and she must feel wron ged by the people, how un just they've done to her! I eve n no ticed her teary eyes, but whe n she turned back to the people and the press, she smiled, prete nding there was nothing happe ned, and maintaining the gracef uln ess as usual. Because she knows that she is the quee n, she is the symbol of the Loyal Family, she should always sta nd a perfect image for the British people. So she must hide her own true feeli ngs.And that' why, I believe, she appeared indifferent to Dianas death. She was taught to keep her feeli ngs to herself since she was just a little girl, and she believed that was what people wan ted from her - not to make a fuss, nor wear on e's heart on on e's sleeve. So she always put the duty in the first place, and herself sec ond. She afforded all those tough obligati ons, sile ntly, without any complia nt, hop ing that her people would love her, but it seemed that things don 'tturn out the way she want. People mistook her, and eve n wan ted to get rid of her. Shefelt sad and suffered. Unfortun ately, what she could do is just cry whe n no one else can see and dry her eyes quickly after that.In order to be the queen, the elegant, brilliant, sober minded queen, she has devoted too much - her childhood, her right to laugh and cry freely, to pursue a normal life without so much pressure, and even her whole life. It is hard for a man to do so, but please realize that she is just a woman. For those reasons, we must ack no wledge that she is a great woma n, and one of the best quee ns in the world.。


55、 为 中 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
36、如果我们国家的法律中只有某种 神灵, 而不是 殚精竭 虑将神 灵揉进 宪法, 总体上 来说, 法律就 会更好 。—— 马克·吐 温 37、纲纪废弃之日,便是暴政兴起之 时。— —威·皮 物特
38、若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律 是丝毫 没有力 量的。 ——菲 力普斯 39、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们 迅速累 聚,进 而变成 法律。 ——朱 尼厄斯
40、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不 容忽视 的。— —爱献 生
51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
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The Queen's film reviewThe movie named The Queen that it tells the stories of two important women in the UK’s Royal Family.In 1997, Princess Diana was killed in a car accident unfortunately, which is shocked in the world and the whole British was sorrowful. However, the British royal family took the attitude of indifferent. Diana, people Princess,who is engaged in a number of social activities, concerned about AIDS orphans and so on people's actions, meet the contemporary humanistic trend of thought, such as democracy, freedom, equality, fraternity, thus she won the love of the people. But the Queen Elizabeth observes that, since Diana was divorced from her husband, she was no longer a part of the family. Just a few days later, the flowers pile up along the palace railings by British people, forc ing the changing of the Queen's guard to use another gate. So the Royal' indifference attitude made many British people angry and raised the mood against the royal family. The emergency situation has caused the royal family to fall into a serious crisis of confidence. The queen Elizabeth did not take action in time to stabilize the people, and the royal family in a week's time has lost the best time to maintain the image. The beginning of the film queen is very decisive that Diana has nothing to do with the royal family now, it could not hold a public funeral, and they won't make any statement about it.However Claire told her that 40% of the public propose to abolish Constitutional monarchy which the queen was deeply shaken. As the Queen for 50 years, she was well aware of the overall situation when she must yield. As the identity of both the queen and a child's grandmother, she returned to London to mourn Diana, "the people's Princess", who had her forced into a corner. As result that she made a major rebel was killed in the cradle. When the people stands up and applause in the funeral oration after Elizabeth speaking, I saw a tragedy for the noble queen who silently bear all pain. As prime minister, Blair was on behalf of the government and the people, he is also the Queen's prime minister. Facing the difficult situation, he must find measures to balance the interests of all parties, smooth public anger and dissatisfaction, so that the royal family get rid of the crisis of confidence, re-repair the relationship with the people and he was also establishing authority.At last I quote the words coming from Blair which I totally agree with: “That woman has given her whole life in service to her people. Fifty years doing a job she never wanted. A job she watched killed her father. She is executed it with honor,dignity, and, as far as I can tell, without a single blemish, and now we're all baying for her blood! All because she's struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who threw everything she offered back in her face. And who, for the last few years, seemed committed to destroying everything she holds most dear!” God saves the Queen!The camera turns to such a picture when the queen sitting alone in the mountains backing to us and softly sobbing, her heart suffered in the high bit of pain and instantaneously melting into the valley of the wind. The film shaped the noble, proud, quiet, honest, rational, responsible Queen image, let us know if we could not choose to do what we want to do forever, learn to accept, learn to compromise, learn to cry but at the same time learn to dry tears. People are alive and have their own duties, perhaps this duty is not own choice, but in any case never give up, improve ourselves, and the implementation of their own mission.。
