ENERGY STAR Recommended Practice - Light Source Flicker
• 踩紫色踏板,以激活主机
• 不同厚度组织,手持器械的咬合力度应有所不同
• 输出功率根据组织的不同而调整(一般设2~3个棒)
• 当主机发出连续两声短音时,提示闭合带完全形成
使用时,保持钳口部分的清洁,若出现焦痂凝集,应及时用 湿纱布进行轻轻清除和擦拭,切记不应将电极从金属钳身上
• 关毕主机电源开关后,方可拨除各外接插头 • 检查器械消耗品,如果出现损伤则必须丢弃 • 及时、迅速、彻底地清洁器械。清洁时需注意不可伤及
上面的咬合栓(断裂或分叉均不可),否则影响其工作 效果 • 使用后的消毒:带手控开关的器械最好用等离子消毒
任何直径小于或等于7毫米的血管(动脉和静脉) 临床不推荐应用在:胆管 临床禁止应用在:大于7mm的血管
输卵管结扎 输尿管
胃肠手术 脾切除术 肝切除术 前列腺切除术 肾切除术 输卵管切除术
Whipper手术 阑尾手术 改良乳腺根治术 膀胱切除术 甲状腺手术 阴式子宫切除
▪ 在凝闭和切割组织时要消除组织张力,保证闭合效果及降低出血风险。 ▪ 在关闭手柄完全卡紧或你听到两声咔嗒声前不可激发。 ▪ 在闭合周期完成前不可离断组织,可能会导致不完全的闭合。 ▪ 确保使用者激发时一直按住激发键或踩住脚踏直至闭合周期结束,听到两声嘟嘟声 ▪ 闭合邻近的组织时,重复闭合在现有闭合带的边缘。第二个闭合带必须在第一个闭
在 网上公开征求 民众意见 。截至2 1年 1月2 00 0 9
日,共 收到来 自企业 、社会 团体 、研 究机构 的
3份反馈 意见 ,包括对 实施 最高效产 品项 目的 6 总体态度 ( 同还是反对 ), 以及对 项 目目标 赞 产 品范围、产 品评 选、信 息发布 、标识 和宣传 推广 、项 目监测 、评估和更 新、消 费者 教育 、 和其他项 目的协 调等各方面 内容 。在 以上建议 基础上 ,项 目取得 一定阶段 性的共识和 成果 ,
( )确 定 了项 目名称 。最 终E A采用 了 2 P
集分析 ,设定最 高能效产 品评价指标 ,其能反 映 目前 最好 的节 能技术水平 ,只允许 非常有 限 数 量 的产 品入 围,但同时 能保证其具 有一定 的 产 量和 市场 可获得 性,不对 零售店和 消费者形
成购 买障碍 ( 方案 1 )。
金 山四个 城市进行 了消 费者 深度访谈 。在 此基
础 上 ,结合 过 去 已有一 些相 关 信 息和 数据 ,
E A 以下 问题进行 了研 究: P对
将为我国节能政策制定者、 节能标准研究人员、行业协会、制造商等
相关方提供有益借鉴。 关键词 :最高能效产品;能源之星;终端用能产品
围产 品数量 。
这 些 目标群 体认为购 买超高效产 品的意义
在于 :
能切实带来环境 益处 ;
为环 保 问题尽 了其 自身最大 努力;
购 买了市场上最 高效产 品;
引导了消费潮流 。
选 产品宣传 。 ( )初步确 定 了入 选产 信息标示 内容 。 6 产 品说 明和 宣传 材 料应 包含 制造 商 名称 、产 品型 号 、入 选时 间 、测 试实 验 室名 称 、测 试 时间、顾客投 诉地址 ( gm ss@eegs r 1 o i e nryt . o u a
Energy Star解读及产品功耗测试
J17E 28 功耗 27 26 25 J17 1# J17 2#
内存大小差异:N14ACP 1GB和2GB
IDLE模式功耗 (单位:W) N14ACP 1# 1G RAM 13.6 2G RAM 13.7 其他配置 CPU:intel i3-330 2.13GHz GPU:ATI 4500(开启独显) HDD:WD160G RAM:DDR3
N14ACP 2#
13.8 13.7 13.6 13.5 N14ACP 1# N14ACP 2#
IDLE模式功耗 (单位:W) J17 1# 160G 27.6 320G 27.8 其他配置 CPU:intel T4200 2.0Ghz GPU:intel集成显卡 HDD:WD160G RAM:1G DDR2
内存,硬盘容量及显卡 对功耗的影响
因条件有限,所以仅从内存容量,硬盘容 量,显卡集成/独显,这三个方面进行idle 模式下的功耗比较。 内存:1G和2G 硬盘:160G和320G 显卡:只对N14ACP的独显和集显作比较。
CFLs合伙人协议的ENERGY STAR 适用标准应用单位:CFLs(紧凑型荧光灯)的生产商和分销商协议:以下为ENERGY STAR(能源之星)合作协议的条款,适用于ENERGY STAR 合格的CFLS的生产和/或交付。
ENERGY STAR的合伙人必须遵循以下要求:●遵循现有的ENERGY STAR合格标准(阐述了在CFLS上使用ENERGY STAR认证标记和CFLS测试标准必须符合性能标准)。
这些产品可能在市面上获得,或应DOE(能源部)的要求,由合伙人自愿提供●遵循现有的ENERGY STAR一致方针(描述了如何使用ENERGY STAR标记和名称)。
●具有资格或私有标志(凡ENERGY STAR合格的CFL型号),在协议中CFL部分的1年有效期内进行鉴定或打标。
●一旦合伙人递交了首次合格型号给ENERGY STAR,合伙人组织名称须作为ENERGY STAR合伙人()列出。
ENERGY STAR认证标志应清晰的显示在合格产品包装上,在合伙人的网站上和合格产品的文字说明中(即目录,说明书,产品规格等等)。
给出其ENERGY STAR合格的产品型号。
同时要求ENERGY STAR认证标记在合格产品的包装正面标记。
●在DOE季刊上,列出ENERGY STAR合格CFLs的更新清单。
合伙人应提供季刊以列明ENERGY STAR CFL合伙人的清单;●如合格专用标签CFLs的指定供应商有改变,应在30天内通知DOE。
Updated: 1/23/2013PURPOSEThis document defines how to enable power management features, with regard to ENERGY STAR® qualified monitors and computers. Executive Order (E.O.) 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, requires federal agencies and facilities to “enable power management on all eligible agency electronics.”FREQUENT QUESTIONS ABOUT ENABLING POWER MANAGEMENTWhat is power management?Power management refers to the utilization of ENERGY STAR features on ENERGY STAR qualified electronics, in order to save power. ENERGY STAR power management features — standard in Windows and Macintosh operating systems — place monitors and computers into a low-power sleep mode after a period of inactivity. Simply touching the mouse or keyboard wakes the computer and monitor in seconds. Power management features must be enabled on computer desktops, laptops and monitors to ensure power savings.What is “enabled”?Monitors•ENERGY STAR power management features are “enabled” if a monitor is set to enter “sleep” mode or turn off after a specified period of inactivity.•The specified period of inactivity must be set to a specific time frame, and not “Never.”•ENERGY STAR recommends that this time frame be set at 5 to 20 minutes of inactivity.Desktop Computers•ENERGY STAR power management features are “enabled” if a desktop computer is set to enter “system standby” or “hibernate” after a specified period of inactivity.•The specified period of inactivity must be set to a specific time frame, and not “Never.”•ENERGY STAR recommends that this time frame be set at 30 to 60 minutes of inactivity.•The "Turn off hard disks" setting does not save much power, and does not need to be set for power management to be considered enabled.Laptop Computers•ENERGY STAR power management features are “enabled” if a laptop monitor is set to enter “sleep”mode or turn off after a specified period of inactivity, and the laptop computer is set to enter “system standby” or “hibernate” after a specified period of inactivity.•These power management features must be enabled in both the “plugged in” and “running on battery”modes.•The specified period of inactivity must be set to a specific time frame, and not “Never,” but these times frames do not have to be the same for all components (monitor, computer) and modes (plugged in, running on battery).•ENERGY STAR recommends that this time frame be set at 5 to 20 minutes of inactivity for the monitor, and 30 to 60 minutes of inactivity for the computer.•The "Turn off hard disks" setting does not save much AC power, and does not need to be set for power management to be considered enabled.Agencies and facilities may need to consider different time settings for different equipment or users, but always remember, the lower the time setting, the more energy and money you save!Updated: 1/23/2013What is exempt from federal power management requirements?Exemption from federal power management requirements are provided for equipment running mission critical applications (i.e., facility security monitoring, air traffic control, uninterruptable laboratory experiments). Exemptions are not provided for the purposes of computer patching or virus scanning.Are “power management” and “enabling ENERGY STAR features” the same thing?Yes, utilizing power management and enabling ENERGY STAR features are the same activity and these terms are used interchangeably.Should we require that ENERGY STAR features be enabled by manufacturers or vendors on equipment prior to shipment?Monitors cannot be shipped with ENERGY STAR power management features enabled, since these features are controlled by the operating system on the computer or laptop that the monitor is connected to. If a manufacturer or vendor indicates that they ship monitors “ENERGY STAR enabled,” that simply means the monitor has the capability to accept power management settings from a computer or laptop.Computers and laptops can be shipped with ENERGY STAR power management features enabled, as long as the installed operating system supports power management. In fact, in order to be qualified under the most recent ENERGY STAR computer specification, computer desktops and laptops must be shipped with ENERGY STAR power management features enabled. However, these settings may not be retained by your information technology department or contractor support after delivery. Computers and laptops are often reconfigured with operating system settings specific for your agency or facility. Federal agencies and facilities must ensure that power management features are enabled and maintained after the computer, laptop and/or monitor is setup at a user’s workstation.How can we implement and track the enabling of ENERGY STAR features?There are both open-source (free) and commercial software solutions to assist with the enabling of ENERGY STAR power management features, as well as tracking and verifying these activities. ENERGY STAR has a list of power management solutions on their website:/index.cfm?c=power_mgt.pr_power_mgt_implementation_resEnabling of ENERGY STAR power management features on computers and monitors is required in the Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (SSPP); the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Energy and Sustainability Scorecard; and the Federal Electronics Challenge Annual Reporting Form. REFERENCESThe text of Executive Order 13514 is available at: /programs/eo13514/.For more information on power management, or to get assistance in enabling monitor and computer power management at your organization, please visit the ENERGY STAR website:/powermanagement.CONTACT INFORMATIONIf you have questions related to this resource or need other assistance with the Federal Electronics Challenge, please contact your Regional Champion: /fec/technical-assistance.Visit the FEC online: /fec/E-mail the FEC: ***********。
Energy Star program requirements product specification for Luminaires
Following are the terms of the ENERGY STAR Partnership Agreement as it pertains to the manufacture8.1. Partner must submit the total number of ENERGY STAR qualified luminaires shipped in thecalendar year or an equivalent measurement as agreed to in advance by EPA and Partner.Partner shall exclude shipments to organizations that rebrand and resell the shipments(unaffiliated private labelers).8.2. Partner must provide unit shipment data segmented by meaningful product characteristics (e.g.,type, capacity, presence of additional functions) as prescribed by EPA.8.3. Partner must submit unit shipment data for each calendar year to EPA or an EPA-authorized thirdparty, preferably in electronic format, no later than March 1 of the following year.Submitted unit shipment data will be used by EPA only for program evaluation purposes and will be closely controlled. If requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), EPA will argue that the data is exempt. Any information used will be masked by EPA so as to protect the confidentiality of the Partner.9. Report to EPA any attempts by recognized laboratories or Certification Bodies (CBs) to influencetesting or certification results or to engage in discriminatory practices.10. Notify EPA of a change in the designated responsible party or contacts within 30 days using the MyENERGY STAR Account tool (MESA) available at /mesa.Training and Consumer Education11. Partner shall comply with the following, product-specific requirements concerning training andeducation:11.1.Offer ENERGY STAR sales training to all sales staff. This training shall include:11.1.1. Identification of ENERGY STAR qualified products;11.1.2. Tips for selling ENERGY STAR qualified products; and11.1.3. Tips for answering questions about ENERGY STAR.Performance for Special DistinctionIn order to receive additional recognition and/or support from EPA for its efforts within the Partnership, the ENERGY STAR Partner may consider the following voluntary measures, and should keep EPA informed on the progress of these efforts:Provide quarterly, written updates to EPA as to the efforts undertaken by Partner to increase availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products, and to promote awareness of ENERGY STAR and its message.Consider energy efficiency improvements in company facilities and pursue benchmarking buildings through the ENERGY STAR Buildings program.Purchase ENERGY STAR qualified products. Revise the company purchasing or procurement specifications to include ENERGY STAR. Provide procurement officials’ contact information to EPA for periodic updates and coordination. Circulate general ENERGY STAR qualified product information to employees for use when purchasing products for their homes.Feature the ENERGY STAR mark(s) on Partner website and other promotional materials. If information concerning ENERGY STAR is provided on the Partner website as specified by theENERGY STAR Web Linking Policy (available in the Partner Resources section of the ENERGY STAR website), EPA may provide links where appropriate to the Partner website.Ensure the power management feature is enabled on all ENERGY STAR qualified displays and computers in use in company facilities, particularly upon installation and after service is performed.Provide general information about the ENERGY STAR program to employees whose jobs are relevant to the development, marketing, sales, and service of current ENERGY STAR qualified products.Provide a simple plan to EPA outlining specific measures Partner plans to undertake beyond the program requirements listed above. By doing so, EPA may be able to coordinate, and communicate Partner’s activities, provide an EPA representative, or include news about the event in the ENERGY STAR newsletter, on the ENERGY STAR website, etc. The plan may be as simple as providing a list of planned activities or milestones of which Partner would like EPA to be aware. For example,activities may include: (1) increasing the availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products byconverting the entire product line within two years to meet ENERGY STAR guidelines; (2)demonstrating the economic and environmental benefits of energy efficiency through special in-store displays twice a year; (3) providing information to users (via the website and user’s manual) about energy-saving features and operating characteristics of ENERGY STAR qualified products; and (4) building awareness of the ENERGY STAR Partnership and brand identity by collaborating with EPA on one print advertorial and one live press event.Join EPA's SmartWay Transport Partnership to improve the environmental performance of the company's shipping operations. The SmartWay Transport Partnership works with freight carriers, shippers, and other stakeholders in the goods movement industry to reduce fuel consumption,greenhouse gases, and air pollution. For more information on SmartWay, visit/smartway.Join EPA’s Green Power Partnership. EPA's Green Power Partnership encourages organizations to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with traditional fossil fuel-based electricity use. The partnership includes a diverse set of organizations including Fortune 500 companies, small and medium businesses, government institutions as well as a growing number of colleges and universities. For more information on Green Power, visit /greenpower.Version 1.2 product specification for ENERGY STAR certified Luminaires. criteria if it is to earn the ENERGY STAR.Photometric Performance RequirementsLuminous Efficacy and Output Requirements: NON-DIRECTIONAL RESIDENTIAL LuminairesNote: Luminaire types not classified as directional in the Scope section of this specification shall be evaluated as non-directional, based on source photometric performance. The performance values in this section pertain to the performance of the source (system including ballast or driver) within a luminaire.Source TypeENERGY STAR Requirements Methods ofMeasurement and/orReferenceDocumentsSupplemental Testing Guidance Source Efficacy(initial)Source Minimum LightOutput (initial)Fluorescent∙linear∙compact∙selfballastedcompact(GU24)∙circline ≥ 65 lm/W per lamp-ballast platformAll lamp and ballastpermutations (makesand models)employed in a givenluminaire model shallmeet this requirement.Exception:Covered anddimmable versions ofGU24 based self-ballasted lamps arerequired to meetreduced efficacyrequirements asoutlined in certificationrequirements forthose lamps.Lamp-ballast platform shallprovide a minimum of 800lumens.Exception:Ceiling fan light kitsfeaturing ≥ 3 heads, bathvanity luminaires featuring≥ 3 heads and outdoorporch luminaires shallprovide a minimum of 450lumens per head.Chandeliers, decorativependants, wall sconces,and multi-head indoorluminaires shall provide aminimum of 250 lumensper head.Methods ofMeasurement:IES LM-9-09 (linear &circline)IES LM-66-11(compact & selfballasted compact)ReferenceDocuments:ANSI/ANSLG C78.81-2010 (for T8)IEC 60081 datasheets (for T5)Laboratory test results shall be produced usingthe specific models of lamp and ballast that willbe used in production.Linear fluorescent luminaires that do not shipwith lamps shall be tested using a lamp modelindicated on the luminaire’s packaging and mustbe compliant with ANSI/ANSLG C78.81-2010(for T8) or IEC 60081 data sheets (for T5).Luminaires with ballast(s) capable of operatingmultiple fluorescent lamp types shall be testedeither with the lamp model shipped with theluminaire, or if a lamp is not supplied, with thehighest power lamp type detailed on thepackaging.Sample Size: ≥3 samples of each lamp-ballastmodel combination.Passing Test: all samples shall pass.High Intensity Method of Laboratory test results shall be produced using Discharge Measurement: the specific models of lamp and ballast that will(outdoor only) IES LM-51-13(renewal anticipatedin 2013) be used in production.Luminaires with ballast(s) capable of operating multiple lamp types shall be tested with the lamp model shipped with the luminaire.Sample Size: ≥3 samples of each lamp-ballast model combination.Passing Test: all samples shall pass.Solid State:∙LED lightengine∙integratedLED lamp(GU24) Replaceable LED lightengine or GU24based integrated LEDlamp (“source”)efficacy shall meet orexceed the valuesdetailed below, asdetermined bycomparing the in situ(installed in theluminaire) T b value tothe source’s LM-82test report.≥ 65 lm/W per sourceInstalled in the luminaire,each LED light engine orGU24 based integratedLED lamp in situ shallprovide a minimum of 800lumens.Exception:Ceiling fan light kitsfeaturing ≥ 3 heads, bathvanity luminaires featuring≥ 3 heads and outdoorporch luminaires shallprovide a minimum of 450lumens per head.Chandeliers, decorativependants, wall sconces,and multi-head indoorluminaires shall provide aminimum of 250 lumensper head.Methods ofMeasurement:IES LM-82-12In situ temperaturemeasurement:ANSI/UL 153:2002(Sections 124-128A)ANSI/UL 1574:2004(Section 54)ANSI/UL 1598:2008(Sections 19.7, 19.10-16)Laboratory test results shall be produced usingthe specific models of LED package, LEDmodule or LED array and LED driver (i.e. LEDlight engine or GU24 based integrated LEDlamp) that will be used in production.In situ temperature measurement value shall bedetermined in accordance with ANSI/UL153:2002 (Sections 124-128A), ANSI/UL1574:2004 (Section 54), or ANSI/UL 1598:2008(Sections 19.7, 19.10-16), as applicable.LM-82 test reports shall detail luminous efficacy,luminous flux, chromaticity coordinates, CCT andCRI values at all tested temperatures. Linearinterpolation shall be employed to determineLED light engine or GU24 based integrated LEDlamp (“source”) photometric performance attemperatures between the LM-82 reportedtemperatures higher and lower than the in situtemperature.Luminaires incorporating more than one sourceshall have all sources installed and operationalduring in situ temperature testing.Sample Size:• 1 complete luminaire (source installed); and• 2 additional sources external to luminaire; and• Any components and/or materials required toinstall additional sources in luminaire.。
英语作文-如何进行高强度间歇训练High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become a popular way to burn fat and improve cardiovascular fitness. The concept is simple: alternate short periods of intense exercise with less-intense recovery periods. Here's how you can get started with HIIT and what to keep in mind to make it effective and safe.Understanding HIIT。
HIIT workouts typically consist of a warm-up period, followed by several repetitions of high-intensity exercise separated by medium intensity exercise for recovery, and finishing with a cool-down period. The high-intensity exercise should be done at near maximum intensity. The medium exercise should be about 50% intensity. The number of repetitions and length of each depends on the workout, but can be as little as one minute and as long as three minutes.Designing Your HIIT Workout。
1.目标旨在实现能源效率,安全与电磁兼容,建立起LED灯泡必须满足的要求1.1.适用范围1.1.1这项法规适用于控制装置内置于灯体或灯头内,并形成一个单一、不可拆卸的LED灯泡,这项法规是为那些在60赫兹的交流配电下运行, 额定电压127 V和/或220 V或电压范围覆盖相同区域范围或直流(DC或CC),有浪涌保护,馈电电压为250伏,适用于家用和类似用途而制定的,具有以下要求:--额定功率小于等于60瓦;- -额定电压大于50V,小于250V(AC),使用ABNT NBR IEC 62560:2013 标准灯头 (B15d, B22d, E11, E12, E14, E17, E27, G5, G9, G13, GU10, GZ10)- -额定电压小于50V(AC/DC)使用G4, GU4, GY4, GX5.3, GU5.3, G6.35, GY6.35, G53, GU7, G5, G5.3, G13灯头的灯泡-LED灯管,内置控制装置,灯头为G5,G13或R17DC,并且用于替换NBR IEC60081标准尺寸荧光灯管的LED灯管。
1.1.2以下含有元器件集成和灯头的不可拆卸的LED灯泡不适用于本标准:-- 有彩色透镜,发出彩光的LED灯泡,-- 拥有装饰外壳,并发出彩色光的RGB灯;-- 内置有控制装置并控制产生彩光的LED灯泡;-- OLED(有机发光二极管)。
-2.缩写ABNT 巴西技术标准协会(英:巴西技术标准协会)国际标准化组织3,引用标准ABNT IEC TS 62504:2013LED和LED模块普通照明的术语和定义ABNT NBR IEC 600611:2011 Bases of bulbs, bulb holders, as well as matrix for the control ofinterchangeability and safety Part 1: Bulb Bases第1部分:灯的基础部分,灯泡,灯座,以及控制互换性和安全性的模型的基础内容ABNT NBR IEC 60360:1996 Standard method to determine the temperature rise of the bulb base 确定灯泡底座的温度上升的标准方法ABNT NBR IEC 60529:2005 Degrees of protection for Electrical equipment enclosures (IP code)电气设备外壳的保护等级(IP代码)ABNT NBR IEC 605981:2010 Lamps - Part 1: General requirements and tests灯具 - 第1部分:一般要求与试验ABNT NBR IEC 60695-210:2006 F ire ha z ard testing - Part 2-10: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire - equipment and general test method火灾危害性试验 - 第2-10部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 - 设备和通用试验方法ABNT NBR IEC 60695-211:2006 F ire ha z ard testing - Part 2-11: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire – flammability test method for finished products火灾危害性试验- 第2-11部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 –针对成品的可燃性试验方法ABNT NBR IEC 60695-212:2013 F ire ha z ard tests Part 2-12: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire - Test M ethod for material flammability火灾危害性试验2-12部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 - 对物质可燃性测试方法ABNT NBR IEC 60695-213:2013 F ire ha z ards tests Part 2-13: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire - Test method for flammability temperature to incandescent wire (G W IT) for materials火灾危险性测试第2-13部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 - 燃点白炽灯丝(G W IT)的材料可燃性的实验方法ABNT NBR IEC 62031:2013 LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications LED普通照明组件 - 安全规范ABNT NBR IEC 62560:2013 LED lamps with control de v ice incorporated for general lighting ser v icesfor a v oltage > 50 V - Safety specifications 为普通照明纳入控制装置的LED灯具的电压要大于50V - 安全规范ANSI/IEEE C.62.41-1991IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges inLow-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits 针对低压(1000 V及以下)AC电源电路的浪涌特性的IEEE推荐规程AN SI-NE M A-AN SLGC78 - 09377-2011 Specification of the chromaticity of solid state lighting products固态照明产品的色度规范CIE 13.3: Method of Measuring and Specifying Color Rendering of Light Sources光源显色的测量和说明方法CIE 13.3: Measurement of Luminous Flow光通量的测量CISPR 15:2013 Limits and Methods of Measurements of Radio DisturbanceCharacteristics of Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipments电气照明和类似设备的无线电骚扰特性的测量方法和限定ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria - Program Requirements for Integral LED Bulbs资格标准– 对整体LED灯泡的计划要求IEC 60439-845:1987 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Lighting国际电工词汇,照明IEC 60439-3:2005 Bulb caps and holders together with gauges for the control ofinterchangeability and safety - Part 3: Gauges灯泡帽和灯座及其互换性和安全性控制测量仪 - 第3部分:测量仪IEC 60081:1997 Bulbs Double-capped fluorescent - Performance specifications灯泡双端荧光灯 - 性能规格IEC 60432-1:1996 Incandescent bulbs - Safety specifications - Part 1: Tungsten filamentbulbs for domestic and similar general lighting purposes白炽灯 - 安全规范 - 第1部分:钨灯丝灯泡家用和类似场合普通照明用IEC 6030:2005 Maximum bulb outlines for incandescent bulbs白炽灯泡的最大外廓注1:为避免ABNT 标准的某一个版本和IEC 标准的大多数现行版本类似,应该用NBR 来替换IEC 标准。
ENERGY STAR Lamps V2 0 Draft Final 12-04-2015
Decorative –
Lamps of common decorative shapes meeting applicable decorative performance requirements in this specification. B, BA, C, CA, DC, F, G, and ST
Directional –
Lamps meeting applicable directional performance req ER, MR, MRX and PAR
1.2. Excluded Products:
Lamps, other than MR types, that operate only on an external (i.e. not integral to the lamp) ballast, driver or transformer, e.g., pin-based fluorescent lamps (linear and compact) or their solid-state replacements. LED lamps intended to replace linear fluorescent lamps. LED lamps intended to replace pin-based compact fluorescent lamps.
ENERGYSTAR® Program Requirementsfor Lamps and LuminairesTime StartMethod TestSeptember-20151 OVERVIEWThe following test method shall be used for determining product compliance with start time requirementsin the ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Lamps and the ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria forLuminaires.2 APPLICABILITYThis start time test method applies to all integrated and externally ballasted compact fluorescent lamps(CFL) and solid state lighting (SSL) lamps, light engines and luminaires.3 DEFINITIONSUnless otherwise specified below, all terms used in this document are consistent with the definitions inthe ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Lamps and ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Luminaires.Start Time: The time between the application of power to the device and the point where light outputreaches 98% of the lamp’s initial plateau.Initial Plateau: The point at which the average increase in the light output over time levels out (reduces inslope). This can be determined mathematically or visually based on the lamp output trace. Forexamples, see section 9, below.4 METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTSA) IES LM-66-14: 2014. IES Approved Method for Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Single-Based Compact Fluorescent Lamps, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.B) IES LM-79-08: 2008. IES Approved Method for Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.C) IES LM-54-12: 2012. IES Guide to Lamp Seasoning, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.5 TEST SETUPA) Test Setup and Instrumentation:1) Regulated AC or DC power supply (as applicable to the lamp)2) Multichannel oscilloscope with data storage capability3) Appropriate attenuator probe(s)4) PhotodetectorB) Seasoning and Preburning: Prior to the first readings, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) shall beseasoned for 100 hours in accordance with IES LM-54-12. CFLs shall be preburned in accordance with IES LM-66-14. LED lamps and luminaires shall not be seasoned.C) Input Power for Start Time Measurements: The power requirements shall be per IES LM-66-14 orLM-79-08 as applicable. When selecting a power supply for use with integrated lamps and luminaires, it is necessary to apply an appropriate power factor when specifying the Volt-Amp capacity of the power supply.D) Storage: Lamps and luminaires shall be stored at 25°C ± 5°C for a minimum of 16 hours prior to thetest, after which the temperature range shall be 25°C ± 1°C for at least two hours immediately prior to the test. CFL lamp and ballast (if applicable) samples shall be off for 20 hours ± 4 hours prior to the test. If the CFL lamp and ballast sample has been off more than 24 hours, it shall be operated for 3 hours and then turned off for 20 hours ± 4 hours prior to conducting the test.E) Ambient Temperature: Testing shall take place in an ambient temperature of 25°C ± 1°C. Drafts shallbe minimized.F) Power Meter: Power meters shall be capable of measuring to the appropriate requirements of IESLM-66-14 or IES LM-79-08 as applicable.G) Environmental Conditions: The test environment shall be clean and free from large amounts of dustand moisture.H) Orientation: Test samples in orientation(s) as specified by the ENERGY STAR specification ormanufacturer specified position if different.I) Sample Selection: Samples shall be representative of the manufacturer’s typical product. Thesamples shall be clean and thoroughly inspected before testing. Any flaws or inconsistencies in the lamp samples shall be noted.6 TEST CONDUCTA) Photometric Measurements:1) For integrating sphere measurements, refer to IES LM-66-14 or IES-LM-79-08 as applicable.2) For non-integrating sphere measurements, the photodetector used for photometricmeasurements shall be a silicon detector corrected to closely fit the Commission Internationalede l’Eclairage (CIE) spectral luminous efficiency curve (Vߣ).B) Lamp Transfer for CFLs:1) CFLs and ballasts shall be stored per requirements in section 5D above before being transportedto the start time testing equipment. Care shall be exercised to maintain lamp orientation andavoid shaking or bumping the lamp during the transfer from seasoning.7 TEST PROCEDUREA) Install the lamp in the test environment. The ballast or driver may be exernal to the test environment,if applicable.B) For non-integrating sphere measurements, position the photocell so it sees the main body of thedischarge tube or array (as applicable). Shield from extraneous light as needed.C) For integrating sphere measurements, see test conduct section 6.A.1D) When testing a covered CFL, the photocell only needs to see the outer luminous face of the sample.E) Connect oscilloscope probe to measure the input voltage to the sample, and light output.F) Set the scope to trigger off the input voltage signal. Set trigger level at 10V.G) Set power supply to rated voltage and frequency of the device. If a range is specified, test sample atthe midpoint of the range.H) Use an exemplar sample to determine the proper voltage and time base settings. Suggested initialtime base is 200 ms/div.I) Apply rated voltage/frequency to the device.J) Record the input voltage and light output waveform on which the starting time was based.K) Record starting time based on 98% of initial plateau of light output. See Examples 1 and 2 in section 9, below.8 TEST REPORTStart Time test report data shall include the following test information:A) Luminaire, Light Engine, Lamp and Ballast (if applicable) Manufacturer’s name and productidentificationB) Name and location of testing facilityC) Test dateD) Lamp base orientationE) Test voltage (V)F) Test frequency (Hz)G) Time base setting (mS/div)H) Input voltage and light output waveforms on which the starting time is basedI) Starting time (ms)9 EXAMPLES:9.1 Example 1 – Compact Fluorescent LampPurple Trace – Input VoltageGreen Trace – Lamp Arc VoltageBlue Trace – Light OutputInitial PlateauStart Time (18ms) at98% of Initial Plateau9.2 Example 2 – LED LampStarting Time (62.4 ms) at 98% of Initial Plateau Initial PlateauBlue Trace – Light OutputPurple Trace – Input Voltage。
LG ENERGY STAR 产品说明书.pdf_1702061297.7894773
[Favorite] Set the program to favorite channel.[Delete]: Delete the selected channel from programmed channel list.[Move] (Analog channel only): Change the order of the channels and which numerical button they correspond to.[Block] Blocks the program.[Station Rename] (Analog channel only): change a name of the selected [Program Edit] (Analog channel only): Change the settings of a channelEditing a channel (Analog channel only)You can change the settings of programmed channel by selecting [Program Edit] option on the left side of the channel editing screen.[PR]: Indicates the selected channel position.[Seek]: Searches for a channel automatically. Searching stops when the unit tunes in a channel.[Ch.] Changes the channel number.[MFT] Fine tunes the channel to obtain a clearer move the highlight position to top of the program select [DIGITAL TV], [ANALOG TV] or [RADIO] then press select a program on the list.Setting a favorite programYou can set a program to favorite select a program on the program list then press ENTER to high-light the option menu on the left side of the screen. Press v[Favorite] option then press ENTER. The program is set to the favorite program and [FAV] appears on the TV screen.Setting the AV1 DecoderSets the AV1 scart jack for inputting encoded video signals. This option sets the unit to output the encoded signal from AV1 scart jack to AV2 (DECODER) scart jack for decoding. The decoded signal is then input back through the AV2 (DECODER) jack so you can record or watch PAY-TV/Canal Plus programs.once while the channel editing screen appears. The [Decoder On/Off] option on the option menu. Press ENTER to turn on the option and press ENTER again to turn off. The [Canal+] appears on the screen when this Using the Home Menu- more you can doHDD – Displays the [Title List] menu, which shows recorded titles on HDD. HDD DivX – Displays [Movie List] menu, which shows DivX®movie files onFirst levelSecond levelThird level17Auto Programming – This option automatically scans and sets the available channels. Password is needed to access this option, if [Lock System] option is set to [On]. (page 20)[Country]: Select a country where you operate this unit. If the country that you want to set is not listed, select [Others].[All, Digital or Analog]: Select a broadcasting type which you want to scan[Start]: Start the channel scanning.This option allows you to add channels and edit preset channels. Password is needed to access this option, if [Lock System] option is set to [On]. (page 20)[Add Channel]: Select the broadcasting type between [Digital] and [Analog]V to select the channel and press ENTER to add the [Edit]: Displays the screen which show preset channel list and channelediting options. (page 15)The clock must be set in order to use [Timer record].Select a language for the Setup menu and on-screen display. Disc Menu/Audio/Subtitle – Select a language for the Menu/Audio/Subtitle.[Original]: Refers to the original language in which the disc was recorded.[Others]: To select another language, press number buttons then ENTER to enter the corresponding 4-digit number according to the language code list on page 38. If you make a mistake while entering number, press CLEAR to [OFF] (for Disc Subtitle): Turn off Subtitle.Digital channels sometimes provide multiple audio tracks, often in a different language. You can set a default audio language with this setting.If provided by the broadcaster, you can also select a different audio language while viewing TV by pressing AUDIO repeatedly.Digital channels sometimes provide subtitle, often in a different language. You can set a default subtitle language with this setting, if DTV subtitle provided by the broadcaster.Press SUBTITLE repeatedly to select a subtitle language while viewing digital Dolby Digital / DTS / MPEG – Selects the type of digital audio signal whenAUDIO OUTPUT jack.[Bitstream] – Select this when you connect this unit’s DIGITALjack to an audio component with a built-in Dolby Digital, DTS or[PCM] (for Dolby Digital / MPEG) – Select this when you connect this unit’s AUDIO OUTPUT jack to an audio component without a built-in Dolby Digital or MPEG decoder.[Off] (for DTS) – Select this when you connect this unit’s DIGITALjack to an audio component without a built-in DTS decoder. Sample Freq. (Frequency)– Selects the sampling frequency of the audio[48 kHz]: In case of DVD with 96KHz sampling, the output is converted to48KHz. If your receiver or amplifier is NOT capable of handling 96KHz signal,[96 kHz]: The audio signals are output in their original format.DRC (Dynamic Range Control) – Make the sound clear when the volume isTo access the Lock System, DVD Rating, DTV Rating, Set Password or Area Code options, you must enter the 4-digit password. If you have not yet entered a password you are prompted to do so. Enter a 4-digit password. Enter it again to verify. If you make a mistake while entering number, press CLEAR to delete If you forget your password, you can reset it. Displays the SETUPand press ENTER. The password has now been cleared.Allows you to set up specific programs and ratings throughblocking schemes. Also allows you to activate or disable all of the lock schemespassword is required to gain access to the lock menu options. When the Lock System is set to [OFF], the [DTV Rating] is notSelect a DVD rating level. The lower the level, the stricter the rating. Select [No Limit] to deactivate the rating.You can set the ratings to block out all the programs with ratings above a specified level.[No Control]: You can view all programs.Select the picture quality for recording from XP . See recording time of each mode on page 41.[XP]: Highest picture quality.[SP]: Standard picture quality.[LP]: Slightly lower picture quality than [SP] mode.[EP]: Low picture quality.[MLP]: The longest recording time with the lowest picture quality.This option sets the recording aspect ratio to suit the material you are recording on DVD.– You need to set this if you have a camcorder using32kHz/12-bit sound connected to the front panel DV IN jack.Some digital camcorders have two stereo tracks for audio. One is recorded at the time of shooting; the other is for overdubbing after shooting.On the Audio 1 setting, the sound that was recorded while shooting is used. On the Audio 2 setting, the overdubbed sound is used.You can Initialize a DVD by pressing ENTER while [Start] is selected. The [Disc Format] menu appears. The unit starts formatting after confirmation. You can select a mode between VR and Video for DVD-RW discs. The everything recorded on the DVD will be erased after formatting.If you load a completely blank disc, the unit will initialize the disc automatically. See “Formatting mode (new disc)” on page 5 for more information.Current title/track/file / Total number of titles/tracks/files Current chapter / total number of chaptersElapsed playing timeSelected audio language or audio channelSelected subtitleSelected angle / Total number of anglesSelected sound modeIndicates channel number, station name, and audio signal (Stereo, Bilingual, Mono) received by the tuner.(The audio signal indication is available only for the analog channels.) Indicates media name and format.Indicates the record mode, free space, and elapsed time progress bar. Indicates current date and time.Indicates program title, start time, end time, etc.(Extended Text Message Icon): Indicates that there is an Extended Text Message available to provide detailed descriptions of the program (see page 24).(DTV Subtitle Icon): Indicates that the current program contains the subtitle.(Wide Icon): Indicates that the current program is shown in wide picture format.(Teletext Icon): Indicates that there is a Teletext available (see page 25).Press Red colored button while watching a TV. The favorite options select a desired program then press ENTER to watch the selected8 Days: The screen shows programs within 8 days. When the EPG menu with 8 days is displayed, you can also change the date of the EPG menu by pressing the green color button then use b/B to select a date.You can set a timer record using EPG menu with 8 days. Select a program then press red color button. The red timer icon will be displayed and the pro-gram will be memorized by the recorder.You can check the programming on the [Timer Record List] menu (see page 31). To cancel the timer recording,select the program then press red color button. The red timer icon disappears.Use numbered (0-9) buttons or PR/CH on the remote control to change the program which broadcast teletext. Press TEXT to access on the teletext. Follow the indications on teletext and move onto the next or previous step by pressing color (RED or GREEN) or SKIP(./ >) buttons.Press (TEXT) or RETURN (O) to turn the teletext off and return to TV viewing.Selecting teletext pageEnter the desired page number as a three digit number with the numbered buttons. If during selection you press a wrong number, you must complete the three digit number and then enter the correct page number again.Use RED/GREEN buttons to move up and down pages.[Play]: Starts playback the selected file.[Open]: Opens the folder and a list of files in the folder appears.[Delete]: Deletes the file(s) of folder (s) from the hard disk drive.[Rename]: Edits the file name in the HDD.[Move]: Moves selected file(s) to another folder in the HDD.[Copy]: Copies a file(s) to another folder in the HDD.Displaying movie file informationto show file information on the highlighted file in the movie list.Select a file or folder you would like to rename then press ENTER. Select [Edit] option then press ENTER to show sub options. The keyboard menu appears by pressing ENTER while [Rename] option is selected.Select file(s) or folder(s) you would like to copy then press ENTER. Select [Edit] option then press ENTER to show sub options. The [Copy] menu appears by pressing ENTER while [Copy] option is selected. Select a directory that you would like to copy to. Select the [Copy] option then press ENTER to begin copying.Moving file(s) or folder(s) to the other folder on the HDDYou can move file(s) or folder(s) to the other folder on the HDD.Select file(s) or folder(s) you would like to move then press ENTER. Select [Edit] option then press ENTER to show sub options. The [Move] menu appears by pressing ENTER while [Move] option is selected. Select a directory that you would like to move to. Select the [Move] option then press ENTER to begin moving.Audio CD MP3/WMA [Play]: Starts playback the selected file/track.[Random]: Starts or stops random playback.[Open]: Opens the folder and a list of files in the folder appears. [Delete]: Deletes the file(s) or folder(s) from the hard disk drive. [Rename]: Edits the file name in the HDD.[Move]: Moves selected file(s) to another folder in the HDD. [Copy]: Copies a file(s) to another folder in the HDD.[Program Add]: Adds a file(s)/track(s) to [Program List]. [Save]: Saves a [Program List] that you have arranged in the HDD. [Load]: Loads a saved [Program List] in the appears on the left side of the screen.[Full Screen]: Shows the selected file in full screen.[Open]: Opens the folder and a list of files in the folder appears.[Delete]: Deletes the file(s) or folder(s) from the hard disk drive.[Rename]: Edits the file name in the HDD.[Move]: Moves selected file(s) to another folder in the HDD.[Copy]: Copies a file(s) to another folder in the HDD.[Slide Show]: Displays the [Slide Show] menu.Skip to the next/previous photoor >) to view the previous/next photo while displayed in fullInstant timer recording allow you to make a recording of preset length easily. When the REC is first pressed, recording starts. Press REC repeatedly to select a certain amount of time. Each press of REC to displays the increased record-ing time on-screen. You can set the instant timer recording up to 240 minutes Press HOME and select TV option. Press v V to select the [Timer Record] and press ENTER to display [Timer record List] menu. Use vpress ENTER to display [Timer Record] menu. Adjust the each field as described below using v V b B.[Media]: Choose a media to record (HDD or DVD).[CH/PR]: Choose a memorized program number, or one of the externalinputs from which to record. (You cannot select DV input and radio channel.) [Date]: Choose a date up to 1 month in advance.Indicates the record mode, free space, and elapsed time progress bar.Menu options: To display menu option, select a title or chapter then pressENTER. The options displayed differ depending on the disc type.Currently selected title.Shows the title name, recorded date, and recording length.a b cd e fSelect an Original title or chapter that you want to put into the PlayList thenpress ENTER. Select the [Playlist Add] option and then press ENTER to display the [Select PlayList] menu. Choose a PlayList-title that you want to put theselected Original title or chapter to, or select the [New PlayList] to create a new Moving a PlayList chapter Use this function to re-arrange the playing order of a PlayList title on the[Chapter List-Playlist] menu. Select [Move] option from the menu on the left of the [Chapter List-Playlist] screen and press ENTER. Use the place you want to move the chapter then press ENTER. The updated menu RAM-RW VRto find the time you want to start. Each press of b minute and press and hold b B to moves 5 minutes. Press ENTER to watch a title from a selected time.Sorting the titles Press ENTER to bring up the options menu. Select [Sort] option and pressENTER to view the further options. Here you can choose to sort titles according to [Date] (when they were recorded), [Title] (alphabetical order) or by [Category]Use this function to merge the selected title with another title. Select a title and press ENTER. Select [Combine] in the [Edit] option then press ENTER. Select a title you want to combine with current title and press ENTER to confirm.Hiding a chapter or title You can skip through playing chapters or titles without actually deleting them.Select a chapter or title you want to hide and press ENTER. Select [Hide] in the [Edit] option then press ENTER.If you want to recover the hidden title or chapter, select the hidden title or chap-+R+RW HDDHDDSelect a title that you want to change a name and press ENTER. Select [Rename] or [Title Name] option from the menu on the left of the screen and press ENTER to display the keyboard menu. Use v V b Bthen press ENTER to confirm your selection on the keyboard menu.[OK]: Finish the naming.[Cancel]: Cancels all entered characters.[Space]: Inserts a space at the cursor position.[Delete]: Deletes the previous character at the cursor position.You can use remote control buttons for entering a name): Inserts a space at the cursor position.(PAUSE/STEP): Deletes the after character at the cursor position.(STOP), CLEAR: Deletes the previous character at the cursor position.: Moves cursor to left or right.MENU/LIST, DISPLAY: Changes the character set on the keyboard menu.Numbers (0-9): Enters the corresponding character at the cursor position. You can apply a genre for a selected title on HDD. When a character is high-lighted on the keyboard menu, keep pressing b until the curser jumps across to the Genre field. Choose desired genre and press ENTER to select it.The chosen genre name will appear at the lower right corner of the title thumbnail. Combining chaptersto select the [Disc] option on the DVD title list menu and then press ENTER to show further options.[Disc Format]: Format the inserted disc. (page 21)[Finalize]: Finalize the inserted disc. (page 21)[Unfinalize]: Unfinalize the inserted disc. (page 21)[Disc Label]: Use this to enter a name for the disc. This name appears when you load the disc and disc information on-screen. (page 21)[Protect]: Use this to prevent accidental recording, editing, deleting of the inserted disc. (page 21)[Unprotect]: Release the protect function.You can overwrite a new video recording on a recorded title that is not protect-ed. Select the TV channel or input source you want to record. Pressto display the Title List menu. Use v V b Bwant to overwrite and then press REC to start overwrite. To stop the recording, If you overwrite the longer recording than the current title on the fully recorded disc, the next title is overwritten. If next title is protected, the overwriting stops at the starting point of the title.+RWDubbing a title - more you can doBefore dubbingUse the copying features of this recorder to:Back up important recordings stored on the HDD to a DVD.Make a DVD copy of a recording on the HDD to play in another player. Transfer video from a DVD to the HDD for editing.Transfer edited video from the HDD to DVD.。
ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Solid State Lighting Luminaires Eligibility Criteria – Version 1.1
Below are the product criteriasing solid-state lighting (SSL). A product must meet all the criteria in order to be qualified as ENERGY STAR.
The luminaire must have one of the following designated CCTs and fall within the 7-step chromaticity quadrangles as defined in the Appendix. Nominal CCT 2700 K 3000 K 3500 K 4000 K 4500 K 5000 K 5700 K 6500 K
General Requirements
The criteria are based upon compliance with existing lighting industry reference standards and test procedures, as well as new or revised standards and test procedures currently being developed by lighting industry organizations. These reference standards and test procedures are listed in the appendix. The following general requirements apply to both Categories A and B. Additional requirements for correlated color temperature (CCT), luminaire efficacy, zonal lumen density, and minimum light output are listed under Categories A and B below.
美国能源之星(Energy Star)新流程要求和美国EPA的新规则
ENERGY STAR® New Process& EPA New Regulation能源之星新流程和EPA的新规则ENERGY STAR® New Process & EPANew Regulation2011年能源之星新流程和EPA的新规则INDEX 目录11.当前的能源之星和流程介绍2201101012.2011-01-01实施的能源之星的新流程-Background 新能源之星流程的背景Background-Comparison 新旧流程的不同之处-New Roles 能源之星新角色的要求-Qualification test and Verification test认证和验证-How do 制造商如何应对EPA的新规则3. FAQ常见问题答疑当前的能源之星和流程介绍¾能源之星(Energy Star)由美国能源部DOE及环保署EPA联合推出的能效项目自愿性认证通过认证的产品列上网即可合推出的能效项目,自愿性认证,通过认证的产品列上网即可、后续市场抽测、标准升级、Re-qualified(36 months)。
¾能源之星产品涵盖:能源之星产品所有产品类别能源之星产品所有产品类别(续)当前的能源之星和流程介绍Background 新能源之星流程的背景z由于在2010年之前部分获得能源之星认证的产品制造商滥用标志。
EPA决定加强管控与验证,保证规范的使用Energy 标志决定加强管控与验证保证规范的使用Star标志。
Comparison 新旧流程的不同之处1)在Energy Star认证中EPA/DOE的职责变化-EPA管理Energy Star的认证负责处理于批准认证机构申请;更新在线合格产品列名清单;能源之星伙伴协议书PA;能源之星标志使用;处理其他行政工作。
1.目标旨在实现能源效率,安全与电磁兼容,建立起LED灯泡必须满足的要求1.1.适用范围1.1.1这项法规适用于控制装置内置于灯体或灯头内,并形成一个单一、不可拆卸的LED灯泡,这项法规是为那些在60赫兹的交流配电下运行, 额定电压127 V和/或220 V或电压范围覆盖相同区域范围或直流(DC或CC),有浪涌保护,馈电电压为250伏,适用于家用和类似用途而制定的,具有以下要求:--额定功率小于等于60瓦;- -额定电压大于50V,小于250V(AC),使用ABNT NBR IEC 62560:2013 标准灯头 (B15d, B22d, E11, E12, E14, E17, E27, G5, G9, G13, GU10, GZ10)- -额定电压小于50V(AC/DC)使用G4, GU4, GY4, GX5.3, GU5.3, G6.35, GY6.35, G53, GU7, G5, G5.3, G13灯头的灯泡-LED灯管,内置控制装置,灯头为G5,G13或R17DC,并且用于替换NBR IEC60081标准尺寸荧光灯管的LED灯管。
1.1.2以下含有元器件集成和灯头的不可拆卸的LED灯泡不适用于本标准:-- 有彩色透镜,发出彩光的LED灯泡,-- 拥有装饰外壳,并发出彩色光的RGB灯;-- 内置有控制装置并控制产生彩光的LED灯泡;-- OLED(有机发光二极管)。
-2.缩写ABNT 巴西技术标准协会(英:巴西技术标准协会)国际标准化组织3,引用标准ABNT IEC TS 62504:2013LED和LED模块普通照明的术语和定义ABNT NBR IEC 600611:2011 Bases of bulbs, bulb holders, as well as matrix for the control ofinterchangeability and safety Part 1: Bulb Bases第1部分:灯的基础部分,灯泡,灯座,以及控制互换性和安全性的模型的基础内容ABNT NBR IEC 60360:1996 Standard method to determine the temperature rise of the bulb base 确定灯泡底座的温度上升的标准方法ABNT NBR IEC 60529:2005 Degrees of protection for Electrical equipment enclosures (IP code)电气设备外壳的保护等级(IP代码)ABNT NBR IEC 605981:2010 Lamps - Part 1: General requirements and tests灯具 - 第1部分:一般要求与试验ABNT NBR IEC 60695-210:2006 F ire ha z ard testing - Part 2-10: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire - equipment and general test method火灾危害性试验 - 第2-10部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 - 设备和通用试验方法ABNT NBR IEC 60695-211:2006 F ire ha z ard testing - Part 2-11: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire – flammability test method for finished products火灾危害性试验- 第2-11部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 –针对成品的可燃性试验方法ABNT NBR IEC 60695-212:2013 F ire ha z ard tests Part 2-12: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire - Test M ethod for material flammability火灾危害性试验2-12部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 - 对物质可燃性测试方法ABNT NBR IEC 60695-213:2013 F ire ha z ards tests Part 2-13: Test methods of incandescent/heated wire - Test method for flammability temperature to incandescent wire (G W IT) for materials火灾危险性测试第2-13部分:白炽灯/加热丝试验方法 - 燃点白炽灯丝(G W IT)的材料可燃性的实验方法ABNT NBR IEC 62031:2013 LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications LED普通照明组件 - 安全规范ABNT NBR IEC 62560:2013 LED lamps with control de v ice incorporated for general lighting ser v icesfor a v oltage > 50 V - Safety specifications 为普通照明纳入控制装置的LED灯具的电压要大于50V - 安全规范ANSI/IEEE C.62.41-1991IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges inLow-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits 针对低压(1000 V及以下)AC电源电路的浪涌特性的IEEE推荐规程AN SI-NE M A-AN SLGC78 - 09377-2011 Specification of the chromaticity of solid state lighting products固态照明产品的色度规范CIE 13.3: Method of Measuring and Specifying Color Rendering of Light Sources光源显色的测量和说明方法CIE 13.3: Measurement of Luminous Flow光通量的测量CISPR 15:2013 Limits and Methods of Measurements of Radio DisturbanceCharacteristics of Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipments电气照明和类似设备的无线电骚扰特性的测量方法和限定ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria - Program Requirements for Integral LED Bulbs资格标准– 对整体LED灯泡的计划要求IEC 60439-845:1987 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Lighting国际电工词汇,照明IEC 60439-3:2005 Bulb caps and holders together with gauges for the control ofinterchangeability and safety - Part 3: Gauges灯泡帽和灯座及其互换性和安全性控制测量仪 - 第3部分:测量仪IEC 60081:1997 Bulbs Double-capped fluorescent - Performance specifications灯泡双端荧光灯 - 性能规格IEC 60432-1:1996 Incandescent bulbs - Safety specifications - Part 1: Tungsten filamentbulbs for domestic and similar general lighting purposes白炽灯 - 安全规范 - 第1部分:钨灯丝灯泡家用和类似场合普通照明用IEC 6030:2005 Maximum bulb outlines for incandescent bulbs白炽灯泡的最大外廓注1:为避免ABNT 标准的某一个版本和IEC 标准的大多数现行版本类似,应该用NBR 来替换IEC 标准。
Save Energy, Save Money and Fight Global Warming Start by Measuring Energy PerformanceWhat is Portfolio Manager?Portfolio Manager is an interactive energy management tool that allows you to track and assess energy and water consumption across your entire portfolio of buildings in a secure online environment. Whether you own, manage, or hold properties for investment, Portfolio Manager can help you set investment priorities, identify under-performing buildings, verify efficiency improvements, and receive EPA recognition for superior energy performance. It is available at no-cost to all users.Why Benchmark with Portfolio Manager? Leading organizations take a strategic approach to energy management. By understanding current and past energy use through benchmarking, organizations can identify opportunities to improve energy performance and gain financial benefits. By looking at performance at the whole building level, building managers can identify opportunities for savings through operational improvements and system optimization as well as capital upgrades.Portfolio Manager can be used by all organizations to:–Establish a baseline energy performance for each property using Portfolio Manager.–Set goals for energy performance.–Prioritize investments.–Conduct ongoing measurement and verification of improvements- both financial and environmental.–Earn recognition from EPA, BOMA, ASHE, and others for environmental and operational excellence. Certain building types can receive an EPA energy performance score, comparing facility performance to similar buildings across the country.What is EPA’s energy performance scale? EPA’s ENERGY STAR energy performance scale indicates how efficiently buildings use energy on a 1-100 scale; an ENERGY STAR energy performance score of 50 indicates average energy performance while an ENERGY STAR score of 75 or better indicates top performance.The ENERGY STAR energy performance scale accounts for the impact of weather variations as well as changes in key physical and operating characteristics of each building. Based on the information you enter about your building (such as its size, location, number of occupants and number of personal computers), the energy performance score compares your building’s energy use to the actual energy use of similar buildings around the country.EPA developed the energy performance scale as a screening tool to help organizations assess performance and identify those buildings that offer the best opportunities for improvement and recognition. The tool’s 1–100 scale is easily understood, and can facilitate communication between facility managers and senior executives regarding building performance.The ENERGY STAR score is available for the following building types. See the ENERGY STAR web site for detailed eligibility requirements.Bank/Financial InstitutionCourthouseHospital (acute care and children’s)HotelHouse of WorshipK–12 SchoolMedical OfficeMunicipal Wastewater Treatment PlantOfficeResidence Hall/DormitoryRetail StoreSenior Care FacilitySupermarketWarehouse (refrigerated and non-refrigerated)Buildings that are not eligible to receive a score also benefit by benchmarking. Performance improvements for all buildings can be tracked over time by comparing current performance to the baseline established in Portfolio Manager.Save Energy, Save Money and Fight Global Warming Start by Measuring Energy PerformanceHow do Ibenchmark abuilding?Create a Portfolio Manager account. It’s free!–Provide building street address, year built, and contact information.–Collect and input the building gross floor area and key operating characteristics for each major space type in your building.–Gather at least 11 consecutive months of utility bills for all fuel types used in the building.Use Portfolio Manager to generate a Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) for each building, summarizing building characteristics, energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and energy performance ratings where applicable. The Statement of Energy Performance can help you to:–Apply for the ENERGY STAR certification.–Satisfy LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED-EBOM) requirements.–Support mortgage, sale, and/or lease transactions.–Document performance in energy service contracts.–Communicate energy performance with tenants/owner/customers.Portfolio Manager Special Features Special features allow you to implement a systematic and team approach to sustained whole building assessment and ongoing improvements.–Sharing Features allow you to share the information about your facilities with a property manager or service provider.–Web Services allows you to receive updates from an energy service provider to monitor your energy use and track your progress as you implement energy efficiency improvements.What is the ENERGY STAR certification?An ENERGY STAR certified facility meets strict energy performance standards set by EPA and uses less energy, is less expensive to operate, and causes fewer greenhouse gas emissions than its peers. To qualify for the ENERGY STAR, a building must obtain an energy performance score of 75 or higher.ENERGY STAR ResourcesPortfolio Manager ENERGY STAR Online Training Professional Engineer's Guide Guidelines for Energy Management Building Upgrade Manual Find more information on how to benchmark your building with Portfolio Manager.The Benchmarking Starter Kit includes a self-guided training, a worksheet to assist with data collection, and a quick reference guide for using Portfolio Manager./benchmarkLive, Pre-Recorded, and Self-Guided training sessions available.Learn more about available tools, resources, and national campaigns without leaving your computer./businesstrainingProfessional Engineer Guidance: ENERGY STAR for Commercial Buildings./peguideAdopt EPA’s proven strategy for superior energy management with tools and resources to help each step of the way. /guidelinesLearn about EPA’s strategic five-stage approach for upgrading buildings to realize energy savings./bldgmanualFor Questions about your Portfolio Manager account contact:************************。
green electricity 绿色能源
A solar trough array is an example of green energy
MIT's Solar House#1 built in 1939 used seasonal thermal energy storage(STES) for year round heating
• “能源是在一个人的一生期间是可补充的,并不会造成长 期的对环境的破坏。” - “牙买加iency and renewable energy
• Renewable energy and energy efficiency are sometimes said to be the “twin pillars” of sustainable energy policy. Both resources must be developed in order to stabilize and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Efficiency slows down energy demand growth so that rising clean energy supplies can make deep cuts in fossil fuel use. If energy use grows too fast, renewable energy development will chase a receding target. Likewise, unless clean energy supplies come on line(投入运行) rapidly, slowing demand growth will only begin to reduce total emissions; reducing the carbon content of energy sources is also needed. Any serious vision of a sustainable energy economy thus requires commitments to both renewables and efficiency.
– Set priorities for use of limited staff time and/or investment capital
ENERGY STAR Score Eligible Building Types
Portfolio Manager Four Simple Steps
1. Create/edit a Portfolio Manager account 2. Add/edit a property 3. Add/edit a space 4. Add/edit energy meters
Required Information for Benchmarking in Portfolio Manager
Energy Use: How to Read a Utility Bill
Assess Performance for Smart Energy Management
Establish Baseline
Set Goals
Track & Measure Overtime
• Verify gains from upgrade efforts
– Should this equipment purchase be financed now or is it better to wait and use cash from a future budget?
– Is money being lost by waiting for a lower interest rate?
北美LED灯具ENERGY STAR® 能源之星计划详解ENERGY STAR® 标志是由美国环保署 (Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) 和能源部 (Department of Energy, DOE)共同创建,旨在保证所列管产品的能效符合法规要求。
针对现今市场的观察与对未来的展望,EPA 和 DOE 正积极推动ENERGY STAR® 计划的强化措施,包括自2011年1月1日起,要求所有由制造商提出参与ENERGY STAR®计划的全新产品,必须通过EPA认可的认证机构(EPA-recognized CB)审核,并根据特定条件完成认可测试(Qualification Testing),才能使用能源之星标志。
除了能效规范的符合性,针对 LED 灯具,其必须同时满足相对应的安全要求才可进入美国市场。
ENERGY STAR® 照明产品标准的近期发展美国能源之星的发展历程,从光源种类可分为LED光源和传统光源,LED光源的照明产品包括LED灯泡和LED灯具,传统光源的照明产品包括使用白炽灯,HID灯,萤光灯的灯具和紧凑型萤光灯泡。
目前ENERG Y STAR® 照明产品标准正在进行整合工作。
现行灯具类产品规范共有4本:灯具、一体式 LED灯泡,以及紧凑型节能灯和装饰灯串。
这些规范分别由美国EPA 和 DOE制定,但因存在了要求不统一,涵盖产品少等缺点,长期以来无法全力满足业界需要。
具体简单描述如下:• 紧凑型萤光灯泡CFL V4.2, 生效时间为2008年12月2日。
• LED灯泡Integral LED Lamps V1.4, 生效时间为2010年8月31日。
• 灯泡产品(针对LED灯泡,和紧凑型萤光灯泡)Lamps V1.0 也正在讨论当中。
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ENERGY STAR ® Program RequirementsProduct Specification for Lamps:Light Source FlickerRecommended Practice Rev. December 20151 OVERVIEWThis document provides the recommended practice for evaluating flicker with and without a dimmer. Thistest can be performed concurrently with the ENERGY STAR Light Output on a Dimmer testing.2 APPLICABILITYThis recommended practice applies to all CFL and solid-state lamps covered in the scope of the Lampsspecification that are marketed as dimmable.3 DEFINITIONSUnless otherwise specified, all terms used in this document are consistent with the definitions in theENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Lamps.Baseline Light Output: The baseline light output (BLO) refers to the stabilized light output of the UUToperating without a dimmer in the circuit.Maximum Control Position: The setting on the dimmer or control device intended to achieve themaximum light output during operation.Maximum Light Output: The maximum light output (MaxLO) refers to the light output of the lamp whenoperating with a dimmer in the circuit with the control at the maximum position.Minimum Dimming Level Claimed: The minimum light output level of a lamp when operated with adimmer in the circuit, as declared by the lamp manufacturer. Typically expressed as a percentage.Minimum Light Output: The minimum light output (MinLO) refers to the minimum light output when thelamp is operating with a dimmer in the circuit.Unit Under Test: The unit under test (UUT) refers the the specific lamp sample being tested.4 METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS4.1 IES Test Methods and Reference DocumentsA) IES LM-66-14: 2014. IES Approved Method for Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Single-Ended Compact Fluorescent Lamps, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.B) IES LM-79-08: 2008. IES Approved Method for Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.C) IES LM-54-12: 2012. IES Guide to Lamp Seasoning, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.D) IES RP-16-10: 2010. IES Nomenclature and Definitions for Illuminating Engineering, IlluminatingEngineering Society, New York.5 TEST SETUP5.1 GeneralA) Test Setup and Instrumentation: The test can be performed using an absolute photometry method ora relative photometry method , and the equipment required depends on the method used.1) Equipment required for absolute photometry measurement:a) Power supply and meter that complies with IES LM-79-08 or IES LM-66-14 as applicable.See 5.1.C and 5.1.E.b) Multichannel oscilloscope with data storage capability or similar equipment for comparingoutput readings from a photodetectorc) Appropriate attenuator probe(s), if applicabled) Photodetectore) Integrating sphere2) Equipment required for relative photometry measurement:a) Power supply and meter that complies with IES LM-79-08 or IES LM-66-14 as applicable.See 5.1.C and 5.1.E.b) Multichannel oscilloscope with data storage capability or similar equipment for comparingoutput readings from a photodetectorc) Appropriate attenuator probe(s), if applicabled) Photodetector capable of measuring relative light outpute) Method of ensuring the light measured comes only from the UUT.B) Lamp Seasoning and Preburning: Prior to the first readings, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) shallbe seasoned for 100 hours in accordance with IES LM-54-12. CFLs shall be preburned in accordance with IES LM-66-14. LED lamps shall not be seasoned.C) Input Power for Measurements: The power requirements shall be per IES LM-66-14 or LM-79-08 asapplicable. Note: When selecting a power supply for use with integrated lamps, it is necessary to apply an appropriate power factor when specifying the Volt-Amp rating of the power supply.D) Ambient Temperature: Lamp testing shall take place in an ambient temperature of 25°C ± 5°C. Draftsshall be minimized.E) Power Meter: Power meters shall be capable of measuring to the appropriate requirements of IESLM-66-14 and/or IES LM-79-08 as applicable.F) Environmental Conditions: The test environment shall be clean and free from large amounts of dustand moisture.G) Sample Selection: Samples shall be representative of the manufacturer’s typical product. Thesamples shall be clean and thoroughly inspected before testing. Any flaws or inconsistencies in the lamp samples shall be noted. The sample(s) used for flicker testing shall be the same sample(s) used for the ENERGY STAR Light Output on a Dimmer testing, if applicable, and can be the samesample(s) used for other testing.6 TEST CONDUCT6.1 Guidance for Implementation Flicker Test ProcedureH) Photometric Measurements:1) The photodetector used for photometric measurements shall be a silicon detector corrected toclosely fit the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) spectral luminous efficiency curve (Vߣ).a) Ensure that the measurement equipment receives the appropriate voltage range from thephotodetector, using an amplifier if necessary.2) The oscilloscope measurement period needs to be ≥ 100 ms.3) The oscilloscope sampling rate used needs to be ≥ 2 kHz.I) Lamp Transfer for CFLs: care shall be exercised to maintain lamp orientation and avoid shaking orbumping the lamp during the transfer from seasoning area.J) Low Voltage Lamps:1) Lamps designed for operation on low voltage transformers shall be operated on a compatibletransformer specified or supplied by the lamp manufacturer.2) Electrical measurements shall include characteristics of the lamp.K) Measurements: The following data shall be collected at each measurement point:1) Sampling Rate2) Lamp light output waveform captured over a minimum of 8 periods7 TEST PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS CLAIMING DIMMABILITY7.1 Test Procedure for Flicker at Baseline Light OutputA) Install the lamp in the test environment without a dimmer in the circuit.B) Set power supply to rated voltage and frequency of the device. If a range is specified, test sample atthe midpoint of the range.C) Apply rated voltage/frequency to the device.D) Allow lamp to stabilize per IES LM-66-14 or IES-LM-79-08 as applicable. If lamp has been stabilizedfor measurements previously and the stabilization time recorded, the lamp may be considered stabilized after operating for this period of time.E) Record readings per Clause 6.1.D from measurement equipment to determine lamp’s light outputperiodic frequency.F) Calculate the flicker index, as applicable.Flicker Index = Area 1/ (Area 1+ Area 2)G) Remove power from lamp7.2 Test Procedure for Lamp FlickerA) Install dimmer into the lamp test circuit.B) Apply rated voltage/frequency to the dimmer or control device.C) Adjust dimmer to the maximum control position.D) Allow lamp to stabilize and verify by taking light output measurements every minute until consecutivemeasurements are no more than 0.5% apart, utilizing previously recorded lamp stabilization time or verify by mathematical means that the lamp is stabilized.E) Record light output, electrical parameters, and waveform readings per Clause 6.1.D frommeasurement equipment and record percent flicker and calculate the flicker index. The flicker index is the flicker at the MaxLO.F) Adjust dimmer so that the light output is the lower of:1) (20% of the MaxLO) ± 5%.2) (The minimum dimming level claimed as percentage of the MaxLO) ± 5%.For example: a lamp with a MaxLO of 1,000 lumens and a minimum claimed dimming level of20% should be adjusted to a light output level that is between 190 and 210 lumens.G) Allow lamp to stabilize and verify by taking light output measurements every minute, until consecutivemeasurements are no more than 0.5% apart, utilizing previously recorded lamp stabilization time or verify by mathematical means that the lamp is stabilized.H) Verify that the lamp light output is still within the range in F)1) If not, repeat step F) and G)2) If light output is within range, record light output, electrical parameters, and waveform readingsper Clause 6.1.D from measurement equipment to determine percent flicker and flicker index.The flicker index is the flicker MinLO.I) Repeat steps 7.2.A-H for each dimmer to be tested. A test setup that includes a device that allows hotswitching between dimmers may be utilized to bypass stabilization time.8 TEST REPORTLight Source Flicker report data shall include the following test information and be submitted on the ENERGY STAR Dimming Data Sheet:A) Manufacturer’s name and product identification for the lamp and dimmers testedB) Name and location of testing facilityC) Test dateD) Lamp base orientationE) Test voltage (V)F) Test frequency (Hz)G) Fundamental frequency, percent flicker and flicker index at BLOH) Electrical measurements, light output reading, flicker index and percent flicker at MaxLO for eachdimmer testedI) Electrical measurements, light output reading, flicker index and percent flicker at MinLO for eachdimmer testedJ) Stabilization time and stabilization method usedK) Digitized photometric waveform data and an image of the relative photometric amplitude waveform with a period ≥ 100ms。