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关于商务谈判英语对话关于商务谈判英语对话一R: We found your proposal quite interesting, Mr. Hughes. We’d like to weigh the pros and cons(衡量得失)with you. K: Mr. Robert Liu, we’ve looked all over Asia for a manufacturer;

your company is one of the most suitable. R: If we can settle a number of basic questions, I’m confident in saying that we are the most suitable for your needs. K: I hope so. And what might be the basic questions you have R: First, do you intend to take a position in(投资于……)our company K: No, we don’t, Mr. Liu. This is just OEM. R: I see. Then, the most important thing is the size of your orders. We’ll have to invest a great deal of money in the new production process. K: If you can guarantee continuing quality, we can sign a commitment for 75,000 pieces a year, for five years. R: At U.S. $1000 a piece, we’ll make an average return of just 4%. That’s too great a financial burden for us. K: I’ll check the number later, but what do you propose R: Here’s how you can demonstrate commitment to this deal. Make it ten years, increase the unit price, and provide technology transfer. 关于商务谈判英语对话二Robert在前面的谈判最后提出签约十年的要求,Kevin 会不会答应呢如果答案是否决的话,Robert又有何打算他一心为公司的利益打算,极力争取技术转移地协定,而对方会甘心出让此项比金钱更珍贵的资产吗请看以下分解:

K: We can’t sign any commitment for ten years. But if your production quality is good after the first year, we could extend the contract and increase our yearly purchase. R: That sounds reasonable. But could you shed some light on(透露)thesize of your orders K: If we

are happy with your quality, we might increase our purchase to 100,000 a year, for a two-year period. R: Excuse me, Mr. Hughes, but it seems to me we’re giving up too much in this case. We’d be giving up the five-year guarantee for increased yearly sales. K: Mr. Liu, you’ve got to give up something to get something. R: If you’re asking us to take such a large gamble(冒险)for just two year’s sales, I’m sorry, but you’re not in our ballpark(接受的范围). K: What would it take to keep Pacer interested R: A three-year guarantee, not two. And a qualilty inspection(质量检查)tour after one year is fine, but we’d like some of our personnel on the team. K: Acceptable. Anything else R: We’d be making huge capital outlay(资本支出)for the production process, so we’d like to set up a technology transfer agreement, to help us get off the ground(取得初步进步). 关于商务谈判英语对话三行至此处,谈判都还算是在和谐的气氛下进行,双方各自寻求获利的方案。但针对技术转移这一项,Robert所提的保证和要求能否消弭Kevin心中的顾虑,而今此谈判终露曙光呢以下对话即为您揭晓:

K: If we transferred our technical and research expertise(技术与研究的专业知识), what would stop you from making th esame product R: We’d be willing to sign a commitment. We’ll put it in writing (书面保证)that we won’t copycat(仿冒)the Sports Cast within five years after ending our contract. K: Sounds O.K., if it’s for any “similar“ product. That would give us better protection. But we’d have to interest on a ten year limit. R: Fine. We have no intention of becoming your competitor. K: Great. Then let’s settle the details of the transfer agreement.R: We’ll need you to send over some key personnel to help us purchase the equipment and train our technical people. How long do you anticipate that will take K: A week to put the team together, three weeks to train your people. If so, when do you estimate starting production R: Our first production run(一批的生
