
断言声称:allegation/ claim/ assertion
B. 语言
提示观点,递进: in addition/ furthermore in the same manner another reason is... that brings us to... what I want to talk about is that...
B. 语言
研究调查:(further/ closer/ other) studies/ researches
Integrated Writing
By Joe
• 1. note taking • 2. summarizing • 3. paraphrasing
Reading & Lecture
1. 驳斥
1.1 L完全反对R中的结论、观点; 1. 2 L指出R中未提及的缺陷、不利之处等; 2. 延续 2.1 L支持R结论、观点; 2. 2 L解释R中的原因、结果等;
B. 语言
驳斥、反对 •refute, disagree with, cast doubt on, challenge, oppose, conflict with, deny the statement of, contradict, differ from, in contrast
B. 语言
Reading 读什么

Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.It has been said, "Not all learning takes place in the classroom." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from personal experience with knowledge gained from classroom instruction. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?引言段思路:阐述背景,明确表明自己支持的观点。
模板:Nowadays it is widely acknowledged that __ has played an essential role in peoples life, (可具体描述该主题的重要性)As a result the question is often raised as to whether___________________ or _______________. To this question, people’s opinions vary, with some claiming that it is much better to ______________and others holding that ________ is a better choice. (背景阐述)Taking into account the major factors involved, I cast my vote for the former/latter opinion, and this essay will explore the reasons for my stance(明确立场).可以用自己的语言来开头,尤其是背景阐述,可以针对论题进行简单描述。

写作高频场景词汇:School and Education1) 作为团队工作work as/ in a team2) 在...的帮助下with the help of3) 穿校服wear a school uniform4) 使用学校设备use the school facilities/ equipment5) 参加...的新生引导课程take an orientation course6) 与小组一起学习study with a group7) 出国留学study abroad8) 与某人分享观点share a idea/ ideas with someone9) 与某人同住一室share a room with sb10) 现实生活经验real life experience11) 优先考虑... put a priority on12) 追求个人兴趣pursue one’s individual interest13) 提倡创造性思维promote/ advocate creative thinking/ critical thinking14) 预防校园暴力prevent school violence15) 参与课堂讨论participate in a class discussion16) 理清思路organize one’s thoughts17) 选修科目optional subjects18) 提供教育机会offer/ provide an educational opportunity19) 在...方面改变make a change in...20) 主修major in21) 住宿舍live in a dormitory/ dorm22) 讲座lectures23) 通过...学习learn by/ via/ through + doing24) 自学learn by myself/ teach myself25) 增加教育预算increase the education budget26) 增加某人的潜力increase one’s potential/ 能力capability27) 有机会... have the opportunity to do sth28) 对...有很大的影响have a strong impact on sth29) 对...有强烈的好奇心have a strong curiosity about30) 进行关于...的讨论have a discussion about31) 有...文凭/学历have a diploma/ certification in32) 有...的选择have a choice of33) 从学校毕业graduate from34) 上私立学校go to a private/ public school35) 经历青春期go through puberty36) 因...给某人奖励give someone a prize37) 取得好成绩get a good grade38) 收到良好的教育get good education39) 获得最新的信息gain/ receive the latest information/ news40) 从...获得知识gain knowledge from41) 组成学习小组form a study group42) 感到来自同龄个人的压力feel peer/ contemporaries pressure43) 面对问题face a problem44) 课外活动extracurricular activities45) 拓展知识expand/ gain/ acquire/ obtain/ get/ accumulate one’s knowled ge46) 获得学分earn a credit47) 培养在...方面的专长develop expertise in...48) 必修科目compulsory subjects49) 职业准备career preparation50) 建学校build/ establish school51) 开始正规教育begin formal education52) 必须...,被要求.... be required/ suppose to do53) 参与户外活动participate/ take part in/ join in/ attend outdoor activities54) 在...方面有能力;能胜任... be competent/ capable in55) 上大学attend college/ university56) 上课attend classes57) 参加夏令营participate/ engage in/ , be/ get involved in a summer camp58) 给某人布置家庭走也assign homework to somebody59) 中学、大学 a primary/ middle/ high school. Secondary school.60) 研究领域 a field of study写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society1) 拜访邻居visit one’s neighborhood2) 使用公共交通工具use public transportation3) 没有做... without doing4) 把某人看作... treat someone as, treat them as competitor5) 青少年犯罪teenager delinquencies/ juvenile delinquency6) 养家support a family, feed one’s family7) 对...表示尊敬show respect to8) 展现领导才能show leadership skills9) 解决问题solve problems10) 使某人想起某事remind sb of something11) 信仰某种宗教believe in a particular religion12) 宣誓对...效忠pledge loyalty to13) 将某人的价值观传递给... pass on one’s values to...14) 参加社区活动participate in community activities15) 做出重要决定make an important decision16) 对...做出贡献make a contribution to17) 住在郊区live in suburban/ suburb areas18) 跟上keep up with19) 记住某事keep sth in mind20) 照看、留心keep an eye on21) 普遍认同it is generally agreed that...22) 改善公共交通improve public transportation23) 有高标准have high standards24) 有...的倾向have a tendency to do25) 有社区意识have a sense of community26) 有...感have a sense of achievement/ fulfillment/ accomplishment; humor; belonging; happiness27) 与...有密切的关系have a close relationship with28) 与...相处get along with29) 获得...的支持gain the support of sb/ some organization30) 建立组织set up/ form an organization31) 形成舆论form public opinion/ lead public opinion32) 效仿某人imitate sb; follow in one’s footsteps33) 感到安全feel security34) 感觉被...吸引be attracted to/ feel an attraction to35) 顺便去购物中心drop in at a shopping center36) 为生计做某事do something for a living37) 负担得起... afford to do38) 建立信任build up trust39) 培养社会技能cultivate/ develop social skills40) 从...中获益benefit from41) 建立人脉build social connections/ social circles42) 成为...的居民become a resident of43) 孤立于.... be isolated from44) 需要帮助be in need of help45) 对...友好be hospitable to46) 情感上依附于... be emotionally attached to47) 致力于... be committed to/ commit oneself to/ devote oneself to48) 因...而著名be celebrated for/ be famous for/ be famous as做为。

Adapted from J. David Velleman, “The Genesis of Shame” Assignment: Should people make more of an effort to keep
some things private? Plan and write an essay in which you
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
Nowadays nothing is private: our culture has become too confessional and self-expressive. People think that to hide one’s thoughts or feelings is to pretend not to have those thoughts or feelings. They assume that honesty requires one to express every inclination and impulse.
A or D: Honesty is always the
best policy.

托福写作讲义_暑假班新托福写作讲义,4,作文的连贯与衔接“启”,首先,first, firstly, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, to start with, in the beginning,at first,一方面,on the one hand (…on the other hand) For one thing…, for another…一般说来,generally speaking, in general现在,目前,at present, now, currently最近,recently“承”第二/第三,second, secondly / third, thirdly此外,besides, in addition, furthermore, what’s more, moreover, in addition to, moreover 而且,also, too例如,for example, for instance, as an example, as another example 即,也就是说,namely, in other words, (In other words, she must give up singing.换言之, 她必须放弃唱歌。
) that is to say, it means that, that is,同样地,in the same way, similarly,用于句首,= likewise后来,from now on, later on, after a few days, after a while, then, 与此同时,meanwhile,此时,by this time1新托福写作讲义不久,soon因此,as a result, consequently, so同样重要,equally important“转”虽然,though, as, although,尽管,nevertheless,后面跟句子,, despite, in spite of ,后面加名词或代词,但是,but, yet,however即使,even though/even if ,后面加从句,相反,on the contrary, conversely ,相反地,颠倒地,, rather than, instead of…另一方面,on the other hand不幸地,unfortunately仍然,still与…不同,unlike“合”因此,hence,as a result, so, for this reason, as a result of总之,in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, briefly最终,eventually, at last,如我所说,as I have said, as has been said于是,accordinglye.g. He was told to speak briefly; accordingly he cut short his remarks.2新托福写作讲义人家叫他说话简短, 于是他就长话短说了。

写作提高:1. 中文思维——看到题目有话可说;2. 英文表达——正确恰当把中文思维体现成英文细节,结构,语言细节:清晰恰当的举例或“说明”能力;并不是一定出现for example,论据:why, what, how 结构:正常的逻辑说话顺序不重视语言。
语言:讲究用简单的话陈述深刻的道理;不是用复杂的话陈述简单的道理审题:1. 问法:which one, A & D (10-30 sec.)2. 思考什么现象导致出此题目(30-60 sec.)思考方式:1.过去和今天对比;2.以自身为背景; 3. 细化主题词写作:A 开头部分题目背景:1.通过现象 2.引出话题3-5mins 50字主题句(开头)用肯定的语言概括文章将来结构(理由,例子)B 论证部分1 (1)key words和题目相同(尽量保持题目语序)(2)概括此段大意(尽量概括论据)(3)简单准确2 解释1句3 解释2句论据:why / what / how4 解释3句C 结尾部分主题句(结尾)清晰明确递进A & D(含有绝对词)第1段:BI(Back Information)第2段:去掉绝对词(或把绝对词变限定词)肯定第3段:加上绝对词否定第4段:TS (Thesis Statement) + 递进(取决于&不得不)“含绝对词立论文”出题形式A is the most important. & A is more important than B.2. A is important.3. However, B is the same important.4. I disagree that A is the “most” important.(1) It depends on …… whether A or B isthe most important.(2) B is more important than A in that ……A is the best.A is only way.A is better than B.常见绝对词:最高级,唯一性,比较级best —— goodworst —— badalways —— sometime, often, usuallynever —— sometime not消失——减少必然——可能必须——可以● Nowadays, the ability to cooperate is more important than past?(2007-3-4)2. It is undeniable that the ability to cooperate nowadays is extremely important and inevitable.3. However, it is also indisputable that the ability to cooperate in past is genuinelyimportant and imperative.4. Judging from above evidence offered, I can hardly agree that the ability to cooperate nowadays is “more”important than past. From my perspective, since the undeveloped science and technology, the ability to cooperate in past is more important than nowadays.● It is more important for a teacher to help students gain self-confidence than to teach specific knowledge?(2007-3-10)2. It is undeniable that it is extremely important and inevitable to help students gain self-confidence.(错)2. It is undeniable that a teacher to help students gain self-confidence is great important.(错)2. Admittedly, it is magically important and inevitable for a teacher to help students gain self-confidence in order to encouragestudents to face the troubles of study and daily routine easily.3. Nevertheless, it is also typically important and imperative for a teacher to teach students specific knowledge for their extensive essential knowledge to lay the foundation for the favorable career prospect.4. Consequently, I can hardly agree that it is “more”important for a teacher to help students gain self-confidence than to teach specific knowledge. From my perspective, it depends mostly on the study period and personality of the students whether the teacher helps students gain self-confidence or teaches specific knowledge.introvertedextroverted写文章框架的规律:1. 题目语序为“主谓宾”结构,使用it is undeniable / indisputable / unavoidable /incontrovertible that2. 题目语序是it be adj,段首句语序不变,加形容词或副词3. 概括论据:why: in that, for, on account of, for the sake of, in order towhat: , especially4. 递进常用取决于,不要忘了whether, 常见取决于:发展,爱好,年龄,经济,习惯,背景(个性)5. 当对比的A和B是人必经阶段时,用不得不,即程度加深。

托福独立写作范文解析如何写好文章Essay TopicWhich one is the most important for teacher of high schoolThe ability to help students plan for their future;The ability to find the students who need help most and help them;Teach students how to learn outside the classroom.就这道题来讲,题型基本结构的选择有两种三项能力都重要,但是第一项最重要;或者,第一项是重要的,而第二项和第三项是不重要的。
我们拿第二种结构举例总论点规划未来能力最重要(vs.发现需要帮助的同学&教会自学)主体段1学生最需要规划,而只有老师有能力提供主体段2发现需要帮助的能力不重要,因为学生自己会来找主体段3课外自学不重要,高中生没有课外时间The ability to help student with planning their future isdefinitely themost important capability for high school teachers.To begin with, high school students are in desperate need for guidanceabout their future, and teachers are the only competent candidate to provide it.I know this from my personal experience. When I was in high school, a greatportion of my classmates’ onlygoal is to reach for the minimum requirement forgraduation, and to be able to get an offer from a middle-ranged college in theUS, asall 15-year-old boys are profoundly addicted to either computer games orlove affairs. Because of our immature mind, we had no idea regarding the choiceof universities, or the selection of a future career path. What made mattersworse is that our high school teachers provided us with virtually zero guidanceconcerning our college applications, not because they lack of the intention, butsimply because they know nothing about it. Consequently, the vast majority ofour parents had to hire an outside agency that specializes in the collegeapplication process which costs tons of money. Later we realized that this is anutter mistake, for what they did was simplygiving us the timeline of theapplication process, translating our personal statements and recommendationletters from Chinese into English, and finally mailing out all our materials tothe US. All of these simple tasks could be performed by ourselves, and thesemisfortunes surely could have been avoided if we had the luckto meet morecompetent teachers, with the ability to warn students and their parents aboutthe black-hearted agencies and lay out lucid plans for students’ future.The capability to find the students who need assistance most and help them,on the other hand, is not that imperative. The reason for this is quite simple,since high school students would come to teachers voluntarily if they are inserious trouble. In other words, many times students don’t want to be botheredb y a teacher who treats them like a baby-sitter. As for the “help” part, Ifirmly hold the faith that all teachers are already equipped with thewillingness to solve student’s problem gladly, using their prehistoric powers,no matter how difficult the situation can be. So the willingness to helpstudents should be the minimum standard to be qualified as a teacher.Similarly, the skill to teach students how to learn outside the classroomis completely unnecessary. For one, most high school students have no timeoutside their classrooms at all, as all their spare time is already occupied bycram school or by extracurricular activities. Even in the rare circumstance thatsome students may have free time, parents could always play the part of theirinstructor on how to self-study.本篇文章在结构的处理上,做到了清晰、简单。

TOEFL写作讲义(主讲:戴云)第一章总体介绍一、我的赏与罚封赏与晋升:普通教徒---罗汉---金刚---护法---菩萨---佛---高级佛---教主助理---副教主---常务副教主课堂可以获得最高功名为护法考试95及以上为菩萨,100分以上佛,105分以上高级佛,110分以上教主助理,115 分以上副教主,118分以上常务副教主,121分以上教主。
批评与惩戒:Curse---赠送白绫---开除出教二、托福写作圣经要多记笔记:1、可以保证focus on my lecture,不会absent-minded2、保证将来会有复习的clues写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚。
举例:父母是最好的老师,你同意吗?同意的理由:1、how to behave myself;2、value system;3、experience上述理由都不能证明该题目“后天的知识是老师教的,而不是父母教的”存在逻辑错误,将老师与父母并列起来,应该在老师前面加上修饰语“学校的”。
举例:婀娜多姿:beautiful;妩媚动人:lovelyY ou are extremely smart. extremely means very托福考试30分钟最低要写300字,一般要求写400到500字写作内容和语言同等重要。
把内容表达清楚可以拿到高分clarity高于variety,variety高于complexityclarity is the priority观点的层次比观点的数目更重要。

托福写作讲义复习建议敲字和单词量,电脑上听写、写字板里练习写作反复阅读官方指南第五章249-293和321-343分类读185题库,列提纲,落实具体细节,查字典分类写文章,修改到完美,准备机经练习3分钟看一篇短文,做笔记然后重述的能力练习听学术段子,重述能力,建议93篇学术段子练习可以从不计时到计时,量变到质量三角和巴朗的练习一、独立写作评分标准An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:●Ef fective addresses the topic and task●Is well organized and well developed,using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplification,and/or details●Displays unity, progression, and coherence●Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.OG 325-343effectively:in a way that produces the intended result or a successful resultorganized:arranged or planned in a particular order or structuredeveloped:to make an idea clearer by explaining it furtherexplanation:a statement,fact or situation that tells you why a reason given for sthunity:the state of looking or being complete in a natural and pleasing wayprogression:the process of developing gradually from one stage to anothercoherence:of different ideas,arguments,sentences to have a clear logical connection so that together they make a wholeconsistent:always behaving in the same way ,or having the same opinions standard评分规则关键的部分1、细节、例子和原因有效上支持了观点、切题2、不要说没有意义的套话和没有观点和主旨的话3、逻辑和结构上的联系并不等于第一第二第三4、宏观和微观上内容统一、逻辑结构渐进连贯5、避免重复的观点6、句子结构的变化、合适的单词选择、允许少量的语法或者拼写错误,前提是这些错误不影响意思的理解7、句子结构的复杂程度、以及词汇的复杂程度一个能力五个误区能力:清楚恰当举例的能力,切题就能写出文章,体现语言运用能力误区:1、没有一定要书面化和地道,托福是为英语是非母语的人设计的,不可能做到,见官方指南5分作文评论289页2、没有说要有观点新颖独特,是语言考试,并不是作文竞赛,在语言上下功夫,而不是在观点上下功夫。

托福基础写作讲义参考答案第二章:一般功能词汇(P10-P19)1 逻辑关系表示因果关系(1)because(2)owing to(3)As a result(4)so(5)thereby(6)thus(7)His illness/sickness resulted from eating bad food.(8)Industrial Revolution originated in/from the invention of steam engine.(9)gives rise to(10)is responsible for(11)prompted表示类比与对比关系(1)Similarly(2)Boys demanded total loyalty from girls, but by the same token boys gave total loyalty in return.(3)Unlike(4)She doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think she is rather beautiful.(5)In contrast to their pessimism, I was feeling a remarkable euphoria.(6)The policy will promote rather than hinder reformInstead of hindering reform, the policy will promote it.表示让步关系(1)Nonetheless(2)Although I was tempted to various benefits, I still insist on my principles.(3)despite表示限定关系(1)In terms of/in terms of(2)When it comes to2.2 事物数量表示很多(1)a host of(2)legions of(3)Innumerable(4)Government met a vast number of difficulties when treating water pollution.(5)A large amount of(6)A great deal of Sprite was left in the bottle.(7)Liu Qian performed plenty of magic shows to entertain audiences at Spring Festival Gala.表示很少(1)A small number of(2)few表示各种各样(1)The two doctors made different diagnoses of my disease.(2)various(3)diverse(4)diverse表示相同的(1)Bill Gate’s achievements are not comparable to Edison’s.(2)similar(3)alike(4)The two systems are, in fact, identical.2.3 变化(1)boost(2)grew(3)rise(4)has risen(5)increases(6)The volume of business of Baidu Inc. has grown dramatically in the past five years.(7)has dwindled(8)deplete(9)The number of students attending college entrance exam has dwindled quickly for four years insuccession.2.4 事物/事件属性表示重要的(1)crucial/fundamental(2)integral parts of(3)be significant(4)In the American system of values,patience is not a high priority.表示次要的(1)secondary(2)Sex education has always been a low priority in schools, and parents are often reluctant to talk about thetaboo issue.(3)takes a back seat.表示昂贵的/便宜的(1)costly(2)Asians are major purchasers of world famous luxurious brand such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Dior.(3)The price of houses located within the 3rd ring road in Beijing is exorbitant.(4)He kept his first love letter since it was pretty precious to him.(5)cheap(6)Although Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire, he lives a frugal life such as taking subway in Beijing.表示必要的/非必要的(1)necessary(2)imperative(3)Without doubt, when it comes to international terrorism, a new spirit of common resolution isindispensable.(4)We usually pay attention to some inessential details, but throw away what are more valuable .(5)Mutual distrust is the cause for unnecessary arguments between many couples.表示合适的/不合适的(1)A focus on climate change is entirely appropriate.(2)Horror movies are not proper to teenagers. Even so, many of them are still keen on this kind of movies.(3)When visiting National September 11 Memorial, loud laughter seems inappropriate.(4)improper(5)Due to the unsuitable climate, it's impossible to play the winter games like skiing in Britain.表示传统的(1)Dragon Boat Festival, a Chinese traditional festival, is to commemorate Qu Yuan, the great politician,thinker and poet.(2)Mother told us many conventional ideas that we can get pregnant holding hands with boys when I was ayoung girl.(3)It is a conventional culture to put cheeks against others when people great each other in Belgium.表示可能的/不可能的(1)There is a huge likelihood that transoceanic missile can be built right now.(2)It is conceivable that economists believe that a new economic crisis will sweep around the world.(3)possible(4)The level of unemployment in America is unlikely to decline in the next five years.表示明显的(1)Helping the enemies of one’s own country is an apparent treason.(2)Big banks have obvious advantages over small ones.(3)The design of this website delivered distinct sense of visual stimulation.表示普遍存在的/罕见的(1)prevalent(2)Nowadays, plastic products are ubiquitous in our lives.(3)Wild pandas are quite rare in China.(4)Due to massive usage of paper products, forest vegetation are becoming gradually sparse.表示强制的/可选择的(1)are required to(2)mandatory(3)She will choose French as an elective course next year.第三章:特殊背景词汇(P22-P63)School EducationA:1. have a strong impact on2. work as a team3. share a room with4. prevent school violence5. making a change in6. Learning by yourself7. With the help of8. offer an educational opportunity9. gain updated information10. face your problem11. expand your knowledge12. get involved in outdoor activitiesB(略)Translation:1. Teachers and students all have to participate with enthusiasm in a class discussion.2. It costs a lot of money for parents to make their children study abroad.3. Besides pursuing knowledge, people also attend a university to do their career preparation.4. All the students should have the opportunity to do outdoor activities.5. Schools provide students with opportunities to increase their potential capabilities.6. The goal of writing a book report is to share ideas with others about the book you read.7. As you write, you will be able to organize your thoughts better.8. Sometimes, people learn by making a mistake.9. Some students do not want to go to school because they feel peer pressure.10. I believe that every student should be required to read a book every week.11. In order to promote creative thinking, some people explore nature.12. Real life experience is as important as knowledge from school.13. School life includes not only attending classes but also getting along with other students.14. The government should increase the education budget so that every school can have its own library.15. Every person has a choice of whether to live or to die.16. If we have a long summer vacation, we can use it to develop expertise in a certain field.17. In my opinion, every elementary school teacher should have a diploma in psychology.18. I prefer watching TV to reading books because I can gain knowledge from TV more easily than from books.19. Once you form a study group with others, you should follow the rules of the group.20. Some people commit crimes because they only put a priority on personal gains.Family & SocietyA:1. get along with2. form an organization3. make a contribution to4. has a tendency to5. have more of a sense of community6. feel secure7. follow in a same-sex parent’s footsteps8. show respect to9. use public transportation10. participate in community activities.11. making important decision for12. reminds me ofB(略)Translation:1. Students have to decide what to do for a living in the future before they graduate from school.2. It is hard to support your family without making sacrifices yourself.3. Once you make a promise, you should be committed to keeping it.4. Young children treat their pets like toys.5. Since we have freedom of speech, we can form public opinion regardless of our age.6. Parents have high standards for their children because they love their children.7. As a way to improve public transportation, I suggest running the subway 24 hours a day.8. Some people say teenage delinquency is not necessary for the mental development of adolescents.9. I want to have a close relationship with all of my classmates.10. In Korean culture, people usually do not build a monument to a living person.11. Dependent children are often too emotionally attached to their parents.12. It is our duty to pass on our good values to our children.13. In order to practice a particular religion, you have to obey the rules of that religion from the bottom of your heart.14. You cannot be a good teacher until you show leadership skills to your students.15. In my view, people have to live in different places before putting down their roots in one place.16. People tend to be hospitable to a member of their group.17. If you live in a suburban area, you will have a lot of chances to know your neighbors.18. Children usually build their social skills for the first time in kindergarten.19. Before trying to gain the support of your family, you should try to do without their help.20. If you visit a friend’s neighborhood, you may understand your friend better.Economy & BusinessA:1. have a positive attitude towards2. obtains an entry-level position3. encourage competition4. work overtime5. leave your job6. make up for their losses7. Getting a promotion/ Climbing corporate ladder8. cannot a promotion9. returning corporate profits to society10. get a refund on11.charges higher prices12. lower the interest rateB(略)Translation:1. It is important to understand the market principles to be successful in a business.2. Some companies never fire employees but allow them to retire from their jobs.3. Interest rates are one of the most important factors to boost the economy.4. If a company does not have enough money to pay back a loan, it may end up going bankrupt.5. It is essential to increase productivity to keep a good work environment.6. If you want to hire a person in your department, you have to explain a job description.7. A number of people should work very hard in order to make a living.8. One of the best aspects of having a job is earning money.9. Public schools would lack revenue if we did not pay taxes.10. You must compete with others in order to climb the corporate ladder.11. In a group project, you can feel a sense of accomplishment and share it with others.12. A lack of communication with your family is not beneficial to your mental health.13. You have to minimize your cost of living to save money for the future.14. It is more effective to complain in writing than to complain in person.15. When two companies work together, they can split the cost of production.16. I prefer getting paid by the hour to getting paid by the day, because my job requires me to work overtime all the time.17.Everyone’s effort is needed to overcome the economic recession.18. If you call in sick every week, nobody will believe you.19. Many people want to be self-employed these days.20. A company cannot urge its employees to devote their whole lives to the company.Living & ThinkingA:1. plan ahead2. go on a shopping spree/ get stressed out3. take advantage of4. look up to5. endure hardship6. get into trouble7. after careful thought8. lives by a rule9. save money for a rainy day10. look down on11. take a short rest12. takes my sideB(略)Translation:1. If you have a lot of things to do, you should set your priorities before taking action.2. Some people are afraid of speaking in public because they are not confident in themselves.3. If you take the risk of starting over, you will not be afraid of failure.4. Because of peer pressure, some students cannot stay out of trouble.5. If you take the risk of starting over, you will not be afraid of failure.6. Some people cannot break their bad habits because they are addicted to those habits.7. It is not wise to judge others by their appearances.8. Sometimes, slowing down is the fastest way.9. Keeping a secret does not always make you a good person.10. Immigrants have difficult times because they should adapt to a new situation.11. Some people are extremely critical of others but very generous in evaluating themselves.12. A lack of communication with your family is not beneficial to your mental health.13. I have a sociable character, so I cannot put up with staying at home alone.14. It is better to consult with your doctor before taking medicine if you are worried about any side effects.15. Being sincere to yourself means telling the truth to yourself.16. Frustration is only a rite of passage to adolescents if they are equipped with courage.17. Everyone’s effort is needed to overcome the economic recession.18. You should make a careful decision when you choose your major in university.19. The world would be boring if everyone had the same taste in everything.20. Optimistic people try not to have regrets about what they cannot change.Culture & LeisureA:1. respect cultural differences2. dress in the traditional costumes3. a guided tour4. make a film about5. save face6. lead public opinion7. make history8. take a break from their routines9. giving (or expressing) an opinion10. be attracted to11. appreciate art12. become an idol to teenagersB(略)Translation:1.When you travel abroad, you may experience jet lag.2. Some people do not want to go traveling because they get severe motion sickness.3. Camping is better than staying at a hotel because I like to make a bonfire.4. You should make a reservation in advance for a live performance.5. Nowadays, television decides what is in vogue tomorrow.6. To make many friends, you should carry on a variety of activities.7. It is cheaper to subscribe to a newspaper than to buy it on newsstands.8. Even if I dress in the costume of a queen, it does not make me a queen.9. Every person has a knack for something.10. If you exercise your imaginative power, you can communicate with children better.11. A couch potato would not understand the beauty of nature.12. Parents should recommend their children to make their own rules.13. Students should not be allowed to use their cell phones during recess.14. If you live in a rural area, it will be hard to attend a live performance.15. It can be dangerous to give a ride to a stranger on the street.16. You may not know why you should celebrate national holidays if you do not learn history.17. When someone speaks a different language from you, you have to be more attentive.18. I believe that students can show creativity in art or music classes.19. In my opinion, violent movies have a less effect on copycat crimes than television news does.20. If I have an opportunity to go abroad, I want to go to Europe.Health & EnvironmentA:1. am allergic to2. a desperate food shortage3. cure a patient of a disease4. receive sufficient nutrition5. Educating the public6. adapt to the environment7. preserving the environment8. cause damage to the environment9. gets a physical checkup10. urban sprawl11. be short of12. sustainableB(略)Translation:1. We should prohibit smoking in public places to protect non-smokers.2. Hygiene education is very important to protect people from being infected with disease.3. Natural resources like charcoal or petroleum are nonrenewable resources.4. Healthy eating habits can decrease the risks of heart-related illness.5. Using less water and carrying one’s own cup help to preserve the environment.6. Eating les and doing daily exercise are the best ways to diet.7. While it is easy to pollute the air, it is very hard to purify polluted air.8. Getting sleep when you are stressed out is not always good for your mental health.9. A dense population has caused a serious increase in the temperature in our city.10. Every living thing consumes energy, but humans consume the most energy.11. It is more important to prevent a disease than to heal the disease.12. The next generation will not be able to consume as many natural resources as we do.13. Students should learn at school how we can care for the handicapped.14. Even though life expectancy has increased over the years, many people still die at a young age.15. Our government is managing public medical facilities very well to compete with private medical facilities.16. Due to careless exploitation, the tropical rainforests of the Amazon are currently in critical condition.17. Optimistic people rarely come down with illnesses.18. People who eat foods which are high in calories must exercise regularly.19. If we can relieve the overpopulation of our city, the traffic problems will be also solved.20. People living in urban areas are more exposed to car exhaust than people living in rural areas.Science & TechnologyA:1. Exploring outer space2. create online communities3. download software from4. shutting down a computer5. make a long-distance call6. made progress7. develop nuclear weapons8. expose children to9. making an in-depth analysis of10. peer-to-peer sharing11. provide us with a chance12. turn off the TVB(略)Translation:1. The purpose of space exploration is to find other planets which humans can control.2. Before signing up for a website, you should read the terms of membership carefully.3. Many people can keep in touch with their old friends through the Internet.4. Radical advances in technology are considered one cause of recent environmental problems.5. The government should make it easier for the handicapped to gain access to information.6. It is necessary for us to change the power resources of electronic appliances to protect the environment.7. Some people do not know how to program a computer though they use it every day.8. It is hard to stay up to date with technology as it progresses so rapidly.9. Genetic engineering has made a great difference in many aspects of our lives.10. We can do more things with our cell phones than just making wireless communications.11. People have used the Internet to get information and interact with others.12. Without the aid of cutting-edge technology, ancient people could build great walls and pyramids.13. Reading more books and watching less television is the key to deep thinking.14. Modern technology is so advanced that we may not be able to make a significant breakthrough any more.15. Computer technology could reach the current state since people did not stop making adjustments.16. Our government should explain why we need to conduct research on outer space.17. Because of the negative consequences of globalization, some countries do not want to keep in step with globalization.18. People without the basic knowledge of computers are called computer illiterate.19. Our government has spent a fortune to advance medical science.20. Since cellular phones are now an integral part of modern life, many people think they cannot do without their cell phones.第四章:必备表达(P64-P103)Agree/ Disagree ITranslation:1. I agree that a feeling of accomplishment is more important than a salary.2. In my opinion, automobiles have done us more good than harm.3. To sum up, it is good for children's emotional development to read fiction.4. There is no question that making quick decisions often gives us the wrong answers.5. It is evident that borrowing money from a friend can damage the friendship.6. I firmly believe that it is a good rule to prohibit smoking in public places.7. In short, homemade food costs less than the food at restaurants.8. I do not hold with the idea that people do not need to travel because they can explore the world through9. I am in favor of the idea that students should learn more than two foreign languages at school.10. I disagree with the opinion that technological development isolates people from each other.11. I firmly believe that water pollution is one of the most serious problems we have.12. I go along with the idea that capital punishment should be terminated.13. There is no doubt that we can learn many things from the elderly.14. Personally, I think that school uniforms prevent students from expressing their personalities.15. I do not hold with the notion that the government is not responsible for poverty at all.16. I agree that teachers should give students daily homework.17. In brief, I prefer staying home to going outside on holidays.18. In summary, people earn money in order to be happy in the end.19. I agree that the government should prohibit the advertising of alcohol and tobacco on television.20. I do not agree that it is more important to learn knowledge from studying than it is to develop creativity.21. In my view, people can get healthier if they do not eat junk food.22. It is evident that violent movies can incite adolescents’ aggressive behavior.23. I firmly believe it is more important to spen d time with one’s family than it is to spend time at work.24. I go along with the opinion that our ancestors enjoyed life more than we do.A:1. people succeed by luck, not by hard work.2. watching television has a negative effect on children.3. middle and high school students should learn art and music as compulsory subjects.4. only the rich can be considered successful.5. childhood is the most important period in one’s life.B:1. movies are as entertaining as novels and short stories.2. teachers’ salaries should be determined by their students’ achievements.3. dancing has played a huge role in enriching our cultures.4. children’s academic achievements are more affected by their peers than by their parents.5. In my view, there is nothing people can learn from fictional stories.C:1. experiences gained through hardships become the foundation for a successful future.2. people can communicate more effectively only when they see each other in person.3. modern technology helps students to learn more things in a short period of time.4. you do not need to feel pressured to do what you do not want to do.5. we can learn valuable lessons from fictional books.Writing:1. Agree:I firmly believe that universities should spend as much money on sports activities as they spend on libraries. Knowledge is of no use if students lose their health, so it would be helpful for universities to invest money in sports facilities and encourage students to take part in sports activities.I disagree that students’ sports activities are important enough for universities to spend the same amount of money as they do on libraries. Not every student enjoys sports activities, but all the students need a good facility where they can concentrate on their studies2. Agree:I go along with the idea that traveling in a group led by a tour guide is the best way to enjoy a trip. There are two reasons for this. First, you do not need to worry about getting lost. Also, you can save a lot of money by traveling in a group with other people.Disagree:I do not hold with the opinion that the best way to travel is a guided tour. In my view, traveling alone is more fun because you can go to anywhere you want.3. Agree:I agree that high school students should be able to choose their courses without any limitations. Students will pay more attention to their classes if they are learning what they want to know.Disagree:It is evident that students should not be allowed to take only the courses that they want to study. If they are given such options, students will take only easy courses and avoid possibly boring but important courses.4. Agree:I firmly believe that clothes change people’s behavior. Students try not to g et into trouble when they are wearing their school uniforms because they can be easily identified by their uniforms.Disagree:There is no question that human behavior has nothing to do with one’s clothes. If we could change people’s behavior with clothes, we would be able to reform criminals by changing their clothes.5. Agree:I am in favor of the idea that the mass media tends to dig excessively into the personal lives of famous people.I believe that we do not have to know that they do in their free time unless they commit crimes or harm others’ lives.Disagree:1. In my view, it is unavoidable for public figures and celebrities to be exposed to the mass media. The media would not be interested in the private lives of those people if they were not famous.Agree/ Disagree IITranslation:1. I support the idea that students can develop their imaginations by reading novels.2. I do not think it is impossible for universities to give a scholarship to every student.3. As a result of globalization, people d on’t feel many cultural differences these days.4. There is a saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”5. In my experience, parents can be the best friends for their children because they always take their side.6. I am against the opinion that women should stay at home to take care of their children.7. I question whether it is educational to allow children to watch TV commercials.8. For example, passive viewers prefer entertaining programs to informative ones.9. To give you an idea, I will explain how an optimistic attitude can change a person’s life.10. I object to the notion that people who take risks are the only ones who can get good chances.11. I support the idea that it is important to participate in extracurricular activities.12. Consequently, I believe that people who are attracted to dangerous sports cannot stand their daily routines.13. I am against the opinion that people can hardly learn some points from one’s experience.14. It is said that people should be able to take care of themselves when they are isolated.15. I object to the notion that it is a waste of time to listen to popular music.16. It is reported that many parents make their children read biographies.17. I question whether people acknowledge the importance of moral education or not.18. To give you an idea, I will give several reasons why we need a hospital in our community.19. There are several reasons why some students are more successful at language learning than others.20. In my experience, people do not always tell the truth.21. For instance, we can observe animals at a short distance in zoos.22. I am against the opinion that museums are the best places where children can learn about their ancestors.23. As a result of the invention of the light bulb, people can read books at night without their eyesight being damaged.24. Studies indicate that junk foods are one of the major causes of obesity.A:1. playing games has nothing to do with learning how to live one’s life.2. it is more advantageous to be a group member than to lead a group.3. companies should guarantee lifelong employment.4. older people cannot learn lessons from younger people.5. our judgment of someone should not be based on how he or she looks.B:1. teenagers learn how to make important decisions either by making mistakes or through their own experiences.2. recent research, coeducation is more helpful for both male and female students for several reasons.3. we can get a lot of information about a country by watching commercials for that country.4. external appearances are not reliable when you judge a person’s character.5. why children should learn a foreign language in elementary school.C:1. why people are treated differently when they wear different clothes, I will present two examples.2. nobody will work hard to raise his productivity if a company never fires its employees.3. I will discuss how much children can enjoy nature by living in rural areas.4. there have always been bad consequences whenever we destroy ecosystems.5. children can share their opinions about what they saw on TV with their friends.Writing:。

托福写作的评分标准主要包括内容、组织和语言三个方 面。内容方面要求观点明确、逻辑清晰;组织方面要求文 章结构合理、段落分明;语言方面要求语法准确、表达流 畅。
提高语言表达能力的有效方法是多读、多写、多听。多 读可以培养语感,熟悉常用表达方式;多写可以锻炼语言 组织能力,提高写作技巧;多听可以增强语感,熟悉英语 表达方式。
综合写作范文解析部分主要介绍托福考 试中综合写作题型的答题技巧和范文示 例。
这部分内容将重点讲解如何进行有效的阅 读、听力和写作的整合,并提供一些综合 写作题型的答题技巧。同时,将提供一些 优秀的范文示例,帮助考生更好地理解综 合写作的评分标准和要求。
《托福写作教程》ppt课 件
目 录
• 托福写作简介 • 托福写作技巧 • 托福写作题型解析 • 托福写作范文解析 • 托福写作模拟试题及答案 • 学生常见问题解答
确保考生具备足够的英语表达能力,以适应国外大 学的学习和生活
独立写作要求考生在30分钟内完成一篇150-225词的作文,就某一话题阐述自己的观 点。
独立写作题目通常涉及教育、文化、科技、社会等话题,要求考生在有限时间内清晰、 有条理地表达自己的观点,并使用具体例子和细节支持论点。
独立写作的评分主要依据内容、语言、结构和例子四个方面,要求考生在文章中展现出 良好的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力。
托福点题班讲义--写作 (3)

CONTENTS独立写作 (3)1.1家长往往会不赞成孩子的老师的教育方式,这很正常,也许家长不把意见表达出来会比较好(超级小范围)Most of the parents at some times find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their children. It's not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval to the teachers. Do you agree?(利弊) (3)1.2应该不应该在工作和学习的地方,规定穿衣服的样式! (7)1.3 A/D: If people are on vocation (holiday), they should leave their mobile phones athome.(利弊) (10)1.4 A/D: Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 monthsa year studying. (利弊) (12)2.1说小朋友课后作业和活动是否应该规定?还是让小朋友自己选择做什么? (15)2.2 Should school focus more on purchasing new equipment or recruiting goodteachers?(利弊+比较) (18)2.3 During an economic crisis, governments usually reduce spending on certain publicservices. (21)2.4 选大学,是选将来能找到好工作的,还是有好教授的大学(利弊+比较) (23)2.5 Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous smallassignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?(利弊+比较) (27)3.1 People are buying things not because they need them but because other people havethem.(现象) (31)4.1 A/D: The food we eat today is much healthier than in the past. (超级小范围)(现象+比较) (32)4.2 同意不同意:It is easier to be a success in the past than it is today. 过去比现在更容易成功。

• No one can deny that the strongest or the most powerful athletes often win the sports games. However, some people tend to believe that mental attitude plays a vital role.
Idea 1
Idea 2
Idea 3
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Idea 2
Idea 3
• 跑题,偏题,漏题 • There is an increasing number of juvenile
delinquents. Analyze the possible causes of this phenomenon, and offer some recommendations. • Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, it creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Do you agree or disagree?

2021年托福写作范文附思路解析整合托福写作范文附思路解析_4. What do you do for good health?People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for goodhealth? Use specific reasons and e_amples to support your answer.『分析』保持身体健康的最直接方式就是〝锻炼〞(take e_ercise; have physical training).锻炼身体的方式很多,慢跑(jogging),爬楼(climbing stairs),爬山(climbing),健身房(gymnasium; gym;fitness centre)器械锻炼(body building),健美操(aerobicsdancing[e_ercises]),篮球.足球.羽毛球(badminton).网球(tennis),游泳……(就算你平时根本不锻炼也要)选择一个,说明为什么那种方式能给你带来好处以及带来了什么样的好处.另外,中国学生还有让老外跌眼镜的:武术(wushu/kongfu);气功(qigong);太极(TaiJi)——全都是拼音,老外还得看懂,难为批卷的人了.『范文』Scientists have discovered that one of the main methods of prolonging aperson s life is to keep healthy. There are many different methods to keep ingood shape, and one must choose those that are most appropriate for their ownlifestyle. Personally, in order to keep healthy, I eat well, e_ercise, and getlots of rest.Eating well is an e_cellent way to keep healthy. If one is constantlydrinking pop or eating fried foods, they will not be able to keep a healthyweight. One must eat lots of vegetables and fruit, and stay away from all foodsthat are high in cholesterol. In order to maintain a low level of cholesterol inmy diet, I tend to eat more fish rather than heavier meats. Fish is muchhealthier than red meat, and I find it much tastier as well.E_ercising is also very important to leading a healthy lifestyle. Oneshould e_ercise for at least half an hour, three to four times a week. E_ercisecan include anything from going to the gym to work out , to going on a longwalk around the city. If I am particularly busy, I will walk up the Stairs to myapartment rather than taking the elevator. This provides me with the minimumamount of e_ercise necessary to stay fit.The third thing I do to keep healthy is sleep well and often. I typicallysleep for appro_imately eight and a half hours every night. Sleep is veryimportant, as your body uses this rest time to heal itself. If one tries to livefor long periods of time without sleep, they will quickly become haggard anddisheveled. Sleep is absolutely necessary for a healthy life.In conclusion, I find that eating well, e_ercising and sleeping often isthe best way for me to keep healthy. If a person can change their lifestyle andincorporate these three ideas, they will be much better off for it. A person wholeads a healthy lifestyle will be less likely to get sick, and they will livelonger. _5. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? You havedecided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the communitywhere you live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why?Use specific reasons and details to e_plain your choice.参见:[6]『范文』Fostering a sense of community in one s neighborhood is an e_cellent idea.When one knows one s neighbors, one can easily ask for favors or opinions oncommunity issues. I think that if I were to spend a number of hours each weekhelping out my community, I would offer free computer lessons. If one hopes tosucceed in business, it is of utmost importance that they learn how to use acomputer. Most decent jobs require at least a basic amount of computer skills.By helping members of my community to get well-paying jobs, I would be helpingout the community at large. If my neighbors have more disposable income, it islikely that they will give some money back to the community to improve all ofour living situations.Second, offering free computer lessons to neighbors would increase friendlydispositions between all members in the community. If neighbors meet each otherduring lesson times, it is more than possible that they will become friends.Many people meet their best friends during the educational process. Thissocialization could continue during my computer course, thus increasing thefriendly atmosphere of the community.Finally, helping members of the community learn to use a computer wouldallow them to have more fun. There are many entertaining activities one canoccupy one s time with on the computer. The computer also offers the user theopportunity to surf the Internet , which can be a great way to spend one stime. For e_ample, a person can download movies from the Internet, which can bewatched on lazy summer evenings, or cold winter nights.Thus, I think that offering computer lessons to those in my community wouldbe an e_cellent way to volunteer my time. Computers improve people s livingsituations in so many ways, and I would love to be a part of this process.托福写作范文附思路解析_6. What events make a person an adult?People recognize a difference between children and adults. What events(e_periences or ceremonies)make a person an adult? Use specific reasons ande_amples to e_plain your answer.『分析』Difference between children and adults:成熟(mature);独立(independent);独立思考(critical thinking);解决问题(problemsolving);自我责任(self-responsible)……; Event: 毕业典礼._岁生日……『范文』People have many different ways e_pressing, celebrating and legislating ourpassage from childhood into adulthood. I believe that there is no single momentthat defines when a child becomes an adult. Becoming an adult is based on avariety of events, namely, when one s body changes, when one s mind e_pands, andwhen one accumulates e_periences.Small children are usually referred to as cherub like. They are allbeautiful with rosy cheeks, bright eyes, and tender skin. As a child grows intoan adolescent, they grow taller, but their frames remain quite small. Once ayouth grows from an adolescent to an adult, frames develop substantially. Theirshoulders broaden and they are able to form defined muscles. This physicalchange is the most obvious sign of a child becoming an adult.The second modification that occurs is the e_pansion of one s mind. Whenone is an adult, they are able to comprehend much more advanced thoughtprocesses. They start to be able to think for themselves, and make decisionsthat are best for them. Children are not capable of making comple_ decisionsregarding their lives or their future. They do not have a mind capable ofcarefully weighing all of the options and deducing the right choice.This e_pansion of the mind is a result of the numerous e_perience a personhas on his/her way to becoming an adult. As one moves through the world, theygather important information about how the world works. This information becomesone s personal database of knowledge: such a database is absolutely necessary ifone is to grow past childhood. The e_periences of which I speak are thehappenings in our day-to-day lives. We are constantly placed in situations wherewe must choose one path or another. Of course, one will make mistakes along theway. These mistakes are an important learning tool, which help us become wiseadults.In conclusion, children become adults when they have sufficiently matured.Their bodies, their minds, and the number of e_periences they have had mustgrow. Once this process is complete, they can rightfully claim to be adults. _7. Should school buy computers or books?Your school has enough money to purchase either computers for students orbooks for the library. Which should your school choose to buy —computers orbooks? Use specific reasons and e_amples to support your recommendation.『分析』资金分配问题,参见:[_]的分析. 选择书籍,理由更多一些:计算机会贬值;计算机并不万能;没有好的软件,就是废物,而软件又是很大的花费网络资料不完整,无权威性;『范文』There are many difficult decisions that school supervisors must make inorder to ensure the success of their students. One of these decisions is how tospend money when it is available. Quite often, e_tra funds are spent on eithercomputers or books. Given the choice, I believe that money is best spent oncomputers.New technology is being created faster and faster. Each year, IBM developsa new super computer that is hundreds of times faster than the previous model.With this constantly changing technology, it is easy for schools to be leftbehind because they cannot afford new gear. Students deserve to learn on thebest technology available, so schools should always upgrade their computerswhenever possible. Computers also offer students a wealth of information, perhaps more than books can provide. It is now possible to buy e-books, dictionaries and encyclopedias for a computer. These computer versions ofpopular research tools are much better than their hardcover predecessors. Fore_ample, a computer encyclopedia takes up no space in the library, it allowsstudents to access the information instantly, and it is much more cost effectivethan buying the entire series on paper. Also, the Internet allows students tofind information on anything their hearts desire.Finally, spending school funds on computers is more beneficial thanspending money on books because computers prepare the students for the workingworld. In today s society, to attain a high paying position in a company it isnecessary to have basic computer skills. If students do not have the ability tolearn such skills, they will be left behind while others succeed in their place.Accordingly, I feel it is better for schools to spend money on computers ratherthan books. In addition to the reasons listed above, it is important to notethat most major cities have e_tensive libraries that a local school would behard-pressed to match. However, libraries frequently do not house computers, andif they do, they are constantly in use by other patrons. In many cases, the onlychance a young person has to use a computer is at his/her school.托福写作范文附思路解析_8. Why do some students study abroad?Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their homecountries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and detailsto e_plain your answer.『分析』其实,只不过是把[1]的文章稍微改一改增加经验.拓展知识.开阔视野(尤其现在跨国企业那么多,那么好)为了实现理想(如,周恩来就是为中华之崛起而读书,所以他到法国留学去了) 为了保证将来的就业机会父母要求子女上出国别人都出国了,所以自己也选择出国相关题目:[1]『范文』Choosing which university to attend is a big decision for a young person tomake. Some students prefer to stay near their homes, and live with their parentswhile at school. Others choose to move far away to a different country for theireducation. I believe that latter students choose to move away to e_perience anew culture, to learn a new language, or to go to a specific university thatspecializes in their field of study.Moving to a new country is an eye-opening e_perience. The way society worksin other cultures is very different from one s own. For e_ample, I had a friendwho went to school in Canada. She constantly told me stories about thedifferences in the food, the architecture, and the way people treat each other.One cannot fully understand his/her own culture until he/her has compared itwith another that is vastly different. For this reason, moving to a new countryto go to school can be of great importance for students who wish to studyinternational relations.When one moves to a new country, it is much easier to learn the language ofthat country. For e_ample, my friend who moved to Canada studied English foryears before her departure. While she could e_press herself, she never fullymastered the language. However, upon her return, I was shocked and amazed at hernew level of English. She was completely fluent, and thus gained a great newskill because she studied abroad.The last reason why students choose to study abroad is because in somecases, doing so is the only way to enter the program one is interested in. Fore_ample, if one wants to study marine biology, it would be best if he/she wentto a university that was located near the ocean. Also, some schools are known tobe the best in a particular field. For instance, in America, Harvard is known tobe the best school for law.So, I believe that students study away because they are interested inlearning about new cultures, learning new languages, or studying specificprograms. While there are many e_cellent reasons to study in one s homecountry,studying abroad can offer many new and e_citing e_periences._9. Why is music important to many people?People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why ismusic important to many people? Use specific reasons and e_amples to supportyour choice.『分析』[96]给出了一个重要的理由:Music provides an opportunity to escape the stress and difficulties ofmodern life.再想出两个理由就可以了.比如,流行歌曲可以满足人们宣泄的要求(thedesire to get something deep in theheart off one s chest; unbosomoneself; ),可以满足人们的幻想;音乐还可以告诉人们很多其他国家的事情(文化.价值观等等)[82].[_3]『范文』Music e_ists all around the world in thousands of forms and manifestations.It spans time and geography as an ever-present theme in the lives of all people.There is no culture without some form of music; from primitive man to the modernurban inhabitants, and from Tibet to New York City. Musicians come from allwalks of life and e_press their emotions and their e_periences, so that they maybe shared with their community or even the world.Different emotions call for different music. This idea is well illustratedby theatrical scoring and movie soundtracks. There is music that we listen towhen we are sad, when we are happy, when we are angry, etc.. Music works withour emotions, and helps us to deal with the highs and lows of life. I believethat if there was no music, that man would live a much more stressful,embittered e_istence. At different ages we develop tastes for different types ofmusic. Some people feel that as one matures they appreciate more complicatedthemes, styles and emotions in their music. For e_ample, many young people todayenjoy pop music, while their parents prefer to listen to classical music.Perhaps this is because young people are full of energy and therefore enjoyfaster music. Their parents, on the other hand, have enough e_citement duringthe day, and would therefore prefer to listen to music that is moresoothing.As our world changes, different styles of music become more appropriate andmore relevant. For e_ample, as we become more and more technologically inclined,the music we listen to has followed the same trend. Young people today arecurrently e_perimenting with electronic music because of this. Musicalinstruments also advance technologically as time passes. In the last fewdecades, man has invented both the electric guitar and the synthesizer, whichhas revolutionized music around the world. A person s choice in music is highlyindividualistic. Even family members can sometimes not agree on what the besttype of music is. Through thousands of years of evolution, music has become oneof man s greatest companions. It can help people to celebrate their joy, and itconsoles people when they are depressed.托福考试作文范文为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,小编给大家整理一些托福考试作文范文,下面小编就和大托福写作高分满分范文为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,小编给大家整理了托福考试满分范文,下面小编就和大家托福写作考试5个常见的语法失分点托福写作考试5个常见的语法失分点有哪些?你有踩雷吗?快来一起看看吧,下面小编就和大_托福写作范文赏析TOEFL 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,小编给大家整理一些托福写作范文,下面小编就和大家分。

• Try :在过去的二十年中,花在食物上的钱逐渐减少了。
• In the last two decades ,there has been a gradual decrease
• in the amount of money that is spent on food.
• e.g. Where there is a will ,there is a way.
• famous→ • renowned / noted / celebrated.
• e.g.He was soon one of the most celebrated young painter in
• clever → • intelligent / brilliant /ingenious(不仅聪明,还具有原创性)
• notes:
• 高端词:significant / considerable / substantial
increase : n. / decrease
in the last decade(s)
significant / gradual / slight
number / amount (修饰不可数n)
• e.g. 2. 有其父,必有其子。
• 改为:有其师,必有其徒。 • 模仿作用:精确性、可读性。
• e.g.1. Do you speak English?
Do you speak Mandarin?
• e.g. 2. Prices have risen sharply in the last decade.
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复习建议敲字和单词量,电脑上听写、写字板里练习写作重复阅读官方指南第五章249-293和321-343分类读185题库,列提纲,贯彻详细细节,查字典分类写文章,修改到完美,准备机经练习3分钟看一篇短文,做笔记然后重述能力练习听学术段子,重述能力,建议93篇学术段子练习可以从不计时到计时,量变到质量三角和巴朗练习一、独立写作评分原则An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:●Effective ad dresses the topic and task●Is well organized and well developed,using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplification,and/or details●Displays unity,progression,and coherence●Displays consistent facility in the use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety,appropriate word choice,and idiomaticity,though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.OG 325-343effectively:in a way that produces the intended result or a successful resultorganized:arranged or planned in a particular order or structuredeveloped:to make an idea clearer by explaining it furtherexplanation:a statement,fact or situation that tells you why a reason given for sthunity:the state of looking or being complete in a natural and pleasing wayprogression:the process of developing gradually from one stage to anothercoherence:of different ideas,arguments,sentences to have a clear logical connection so that together they make a wholeconsistent:always behaving in the same way ,or having the same opinions standard评分规则核心某些1、细节、例子和因素有效上支持了观点、切题2、不要说没故意义套话和没有观点和主旨话3、逻辑和构造上联系并不等于第一第二第三4、宏观和微观上内容统一、逻辑构造渐进连贯5、避免重复观点6、句子构造变化、适当单词选取、容许少量语法或者拼写错误,前提是这些错误不影响意思理解7、句子构造复杂限度、以及词汇复杂限度一种能力五个误区能力:清晰恰当举例能力,切题就能写出文章,体现语言运用能力误区:1、没有一定要书面化和地道,托福是为英语是非母语人设计,不也许做到,见官方指南5分作文评论289页2、没有说要有观点新颖独特,是语言考试,并不是作文竞赛,在语言上下功夫,而不是在观点上下功夫。
如何选取最佳理由:办法:头脑风暴:注意与对立面考虑才不会离题prons and cons:任何理由都可以辩证用原则:理由不能太直白,应当是值得解释,可以跳跃思维理由里面不要包括太过抽象词,这样限制了你下面思路,好像说什么都是重复说完理由应当立即有一堆例子可以想出来1.不切题理由167.which should your school choose to buy computer or booksTo invest on computer is better choice. For 4 long years in college. I have no access to computersbecause the university has been always running out funds. I have suffered a lot during my job seeking sessions when i was frequently asked to improve my computer skills. It is certainly a good idea that the money invested into a university library be used to buy computers.1.we can afford much more books than just few computers with the same amount of money.2.we are able to study with the book whenever and wherever I want,instead of waiting in a line for the access of computer.3.unlike the infromation getting from the internet,the theory in the books are profound and well-proved.2.改写原题前提理由注意假想例子限度:101.doing home work by hand or prefer using machine由于本人很不幸,先天性残疾、没手,也曾努力用脚来写,却着实痛苦。
1.doing home work by machine2.fast and neat in case we need more than one copy3.search infro on line multitask4.convenient email and discuss on line3.道德水平太高或者太低Money is everything ,without money you can do nothing.money makes the mare go.To work for money is not my original intention,i have to do so because as the only bread winner,i am responsible to suppoort my family. i could not imagine that i simply work for my own interest,while leaving my family starving.Recently i typed several threat letters and mailed out.Clearly a handwritten letter can be easily used as evidence against me in the court,while a typed letter is very hard to be attached to a certain person.People should not work for money but should try to make more contribution to this world.4.政治上敏感理由可以和美军作战,给美帝国主义以致命打击,给中华人民共和国人出一口气。
5.重复理由Computer can help you find the information you need more efficiently.Computer may serve you a lot of time when you seek information in the library.万能理由:与事物关于:效率、以便、经济、耐久、安全、空间与人关于:健康、乐趣、成就、性格、情感、交流、经验、她人角度:工作、学习、家庭生活中关系:情谊、爱情、家庭103. the most important charatieristic to be sucessfule in lifepeople willing to make friend with people with sense of respondibilityresponsible people always will be approved by your boss in your careerresponsible is the essential characteristic in a happy family时间:小学、中学、大学4.indirect experience and direct experience,which source is more imoprtant,why?throughout the different stage of life,from primary school to university to adulthood,experience teaches us many skill we need for life.利益方:个人、集体、国家社会58.businesses should do anything they can to make a profit do you agreemy goal is to make money,however,i can't forget that there are more important things in life than earning a profit. i must consider the customer I serve,the people I work with,and the community I live in.话题扩展1:关于情谊62.已考过题目:5.26 Do you agree or disagree?Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something which will destroy the friendship.参见185题库173题8.12 Do you agree or disagree?It is more important to keep old friends that it is to make new friends?参见185题库111、117题1.5批准不批准:一种聪颖朋友比一种幽默朋友重要话题扩展2:关于新建筑影响5.关于居住都市和地方关于变化和增进6.165.52.24关于乡村或都市9.20.关于一种地方或其她地方31.92.105.university dormitories and apartment in the community144.Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a more modern apartment building?139.What do you consider to be the most important room in a house?and why?话题扩展3:科技题133.必要写题目3、36、733题目分析:核心词是更简朴准备食物、生活方式提高当代烹饪办法使得食物味道鲜美,样式更加丰富。