Mini case




①口咽刺激 ②胃肠疾病:如急性胃肠炎、幽门梗阻、肠梗阻 (1)消化系统疾病:③肝、胆、胰疾病:如急性肝炎、急性胆囊炎、

(2)其他系统疾病: ②心血管疾病:如急性心肌梗塞、休克等

晨起呕吐-----妊娠、尿毒症 晚上呕吐-----幽门梗阻 餐后即吐-----精神性厌食、食物中毒 餐后较久呕吐-----幽门梗阻

呕吐与进食的关系: 呕吐的特点:


幽门梗阻----发醇.腐败气味 小肠梗阻----粪臭味

伴右上腹痛及发热、寒战或有黄疸者 伴头痛及喷射性呕吐者 伴眩晕、眼球震颤者

发作的诱因 症状的特点与变化 加重与缓解的因素
Mini casቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 呕吐

③颅脑损伤 ④癫痫

(2)药物或化学毒物的作用:如抗生素、抗癌药 (3)其他:妊娠、代谢障碍(如酸中毒、尿毒症等)、 精神因素(如癔症、神经性厌食)

MiniCase 呕吐

MiniCase  呕吐

• 进一步问病史,月经紊乱2年,曾就医考
• 进一步检查; B超示子宫稍增大,尿妊娠
• 表现为进食
后不久恶心. 呕吐,呕胃 内容物,上 腹部或胸骨 尖端下方感 到灼痛及持 续剧痛.常为 阵发性,多在 饭后发生。 饮食、睡眠 可,既往体 健。
• 4、与神经密切相关的呕吐,进食后可立即
发生,呕吐常不费力,每口吐出量不多, 嗅到不愉快的气味或看到厌食的食物而引 起呕吐,也属神经官能症范畴; • 5、根据患者病情,可选择进行血常规、尿 常规、尿酮体、血糖、电解质系列、血气 分析、尿素氮、脑脊液常规,胃镜。
• 胃镜:
• 幽门杆菌(+)
• 诊断:胃溃疡 • 上腹部或胸骨尖端下方感到灼痛及持
续剧痛是由于贲门松弛,恶心、呕吐 多• 2、抑酸剂,常用的PPI有奥美拉唑、兰
索拉唑、雷贝拉唑、埃索美拉唑、艾普拉 唑等; • 3、粘膜保护剂;常见的如硫糖铝、胶体 铋,枸橼酸铋钾、米索前列醇等 ; • 4、胃肠动力药。
• • • • •
1、调整心态,注意休息,避免过度焦虑与劳累; 2、戒烟戒酒,饮食规律,不宜过量; 3、避免食用刺激性食物,如咖啡、浓茶、辣椒等; 4、少食过甜及过酸的食物及水果,如巧克力、冰 淇凌、苹果及桔子; 5、少食易胀气的食物,如淀粉含量较高的红薯、 藕、土豆等。
一般发生在 进食完毕后,出 现突然非喷射状 呕吐,无明显恶 心及其它不适, 不影响食欲,呕 吐后可进食,体 重不减轻,无内 分泌紊乱现象。
mimni case 呕吐
XX市XX社区卫生服务中心 陈大大



内部工艺依然精巧苹果iPad mini 2全拆解(全文)第1页苹果iPad mini 2拆解(1)苹果的每一次动作都吸引了众多米粉的关注,iPad mini 2昨天正式接受用户的预订,首批发售的名单中包含了内地和香港。

iPad mini 2首日预订数量已经超出了苹果的预想,苹果公司的副总裁席勒(Philip Schiller)也表示非常吃惊。


苹果iPad mini 2iPad mini 2的包装延续了上代的,包装盒上依然印着iPad mini的Logo。

相比第一代mini,虽说mini 2变重了机身也厚了(.2mm升级至7.5mm、312g升级至331g),但这样的变化太细微了,所以用户是察觉不出来的。

配置方面,iPad mini 2与Air一样,都是64位A7处理器+1GB RAM,而整机运行起来相当流畅,用户体验依旧是苹果的强项。

苹果iPad mini 2iFixit是美国著名的拆解网站,以拆解时尚IT产品和提供苹果维修手册而闻名。

今日,该网站放出了对苹果iPad mini 2的拆解图片。

下面,就让我们一起看看iPad mini 2的内部构造吧。

使用吸盘和薄片比较轻松就能打开玻璃面板拆解7.9寸的屏幕,分辨率2048×15367.9寸的屏幕,分辨率2048×1536屏幕后方的屏蔽罩固定螺丝减少到了7颗,上一代iPad mini的数量为16颗拆解排线显示屏面板iPad mini所用的屏幕来自LG Display,驱动型号Parade DP675卸掉显示面板之后前面板玻璃取下Broadcom BCM5976触摸屏控制器,包括iPad Air、iPhone5和5S都使用了iPad mini 2电池苹果iPad mini 2虽然比第一段产品稍厚了一点,也是因为Retina屏幕部分的缘故,毕竟要将一块分辨率2048×1536,但尺寸仅有7.9寸的屏幕塞到iPad mini也绝非易事,但是苹果做到了。

step by step 第三册Unit 1-10 World News Up in Space词汇

step by step 第三册Unit 1-10 World News Up in Space词汇

Unit 1 World News: Up in Space(刘亚兰)Part I Warming UpVocalbulary:1. dock [d?k] n. 码头,船坞v. 靠码头,入坞2. triumph [‘trai?mf] n. 凯旋,欢欣v. 得胜,成功3. order back 命令返回4. launch [l?:nt?, lɑ:nt?] n.&v. 下水,发射,开始5. fledging n. 羽毛初长的雏鸟,刚会飞的幼鸟,无经验的人6. outpost [‘autp?ust] n. 前哨,前哨基地,警戒部队7. checkout ['t?ekaut] n. 检查(调整,验算,检查输出结果,工时扣除)8. revive [ri'vaiv] v. 使...生醒,复生,恢复精神9. probe [pr?ub] n. 探针,调查,探测针v. 用探针测,详细调查10. volcanic [v?l‘k?nik] a. 火山的11. daunting [d?:nti?] a. 令人畏惧的12. abbreviated [?bri:vi‘eit] a. 简短的, 仅可蔽体的,小型的13. space shuttle n. 航天飞机14. panel[‘p?nl] n. 面板,嵌板,仪表盘,座谈小组15. spacecraft n.宇宙飞船;航天器16. fiery [‘fai?ri] a. 炽热的,热烈的,暴躁的17. solar system 太阳系18. pull off v. 努力实现, 赢得19. power generator 电力发电机20. fuel cell 燃料电池21. module n. [‘m?dju:l][计算机] 模块, 组件,部件【航空学】航天舱,(航天器的)舱;子机;子船Part II News ReportAVocabulary:1. robotic rover 机器漫游车2. robotic arm 机械臂3. installment [in'st?:lm?nt] n. 分期付款(安装,一期)4. retrorocket [‘retr??r?kit]n.制动火箭5. descent [di‘sent] n. 降落6. condensate n. 浓缩物,聚合物7. finale [fi‘nɑ:li] [意大利语] n.结局,终了,最后的一个乐章8. tentatively ['tent?tivli] adv. 试验的CVocabulary:1. organic molecule[‘m?likju:l, ’m?u-] n. 有机分子2. carbon n. 碳3. nitrogen n. 氮4. pockmark [‘p?kmɑ:k] n. 痘疮pockmarkd adj. 布满痘痕的5. asteroid n. 小游星,小行星,海盘车 a. 星状的6. Stake [steik] n. 木柱,赌注,奖金v. 打赌,下赌注7. pre-biology n. the beginning of life Part III China' s space' and aeronautics industryA.Vocabulary1. module n. 【航空学】航天舱,(航天器的)舱;子机;子船2. unmanned adj. 无人的;无人驾驶的3. brief v. 对...作简报,摘要4. map put 详细制定,筹划5. payload n. (导弹、火箭的)有效载荷,有效负荷,有效载重BVocabulary:1. untimately adv. in the end; after everything or everyone else has been taken into account 最终;最后2. Shenzhou II “神舟二号”2001年1月16日19时22分,我国第二艘无人飞船“神舟二号”在内蒙古中部地区成功着陆。

MINI SKELETON-90 用户手册说明书

MINI SKELETON-90 用户手册说明书

M INI S KELETON-90 U SER’S M ANUALT ABLE OF C ONTENTSI NTRODUCTION1.1 Case Specifications (3)1.2 Diagram (3)1.3 EP-90 Power Supply Specifications (4)H ARDWARE I NSTALLATION G UIDE2.1 Removing/Replacing the Component Tray (5)2.2 Motherboard Installation (5)2.3 5.25” Device Installation (6)2.4 2.5” Device External Installation (6)2.5 2.5” Device Frame-Mounted Installation (7)2.6 Removing the Frame Side Screen Panels (7)C ONNECTING THE F RONT I/O P ORTS3.1 USB 2.0 Ports (8)3.2 Audio Ports (8)3.3 Power Switch / Reset Switch / Hard Disk Drive LED Connectors (9)C OOLING S YSTEM4.1 150mm Overhead TriCool™ Fan (10)4.2 70mm Intake Fan (10)MINI SKELETON-90U SER’S M ANUALTHINK BEYOND THE BOXAt Antec, we continually refine and improve our products to ensure the highest quality. It’s possible that your new case will differ slightly from the descriptions in this manual. This isn’t a problem; it’s simply an improvement. As of the date of publication, all features, descriptions, and illustrations in this manual are correct.DisclaimerThis manual is intended only as a guide for Antec’s computer enclosures. For more comprehensive instructions on installing the motherboard and peripherals, please refer to the user’s manuals that come with those components.The innovative Mini Skeleton case by Antec features an open-air design, giving you the freedom to design your ideal Mini-ITX computing solution without the usual limitations that come with a standard enclosure. This enclosure consists of two major parts – the Component Tray and the Frame. The Component Tray is the main structure holding your motherboard, 5.25” device, HDDs and power adapter/PCB. It can slide in and out of the Frame for component installation.The Mini Skeleton comes with the EP-90 90-watt power adapter, which supplies your computer with sufficient power to operate reliably.Note: The Mini Skeleton comes without any panels or cover. Antec does not recommend that users place any liquid-containing items (drinks, food, sprays, etc.) near it. It is highly recommend that you keep your pets or children away from it.1.1 C ASE S PECIFICATIONSCase Type Open-Air Mini-ITX Color Metallic SilverDimensions 7.5” (H) x 8.3” (W) x 9.1” (D)190mm (H) x 210mm (W) x 230mm (D) Weight5.5 lbs / 2.5 kgCooling 1 x 150mm 3-Speed Blue LED Overhead Fan 1 x 70mm Rear Intake FanDrive Bays 2 x Quick Release 2.5” Hard Drive Bays 1 x Quick Release 5.25" Bay2 x Externally Mounted 2.5" Hard Drive Bays Motherboard Size Mini-ITX Front I/O Panel 2 x USB 2.0Audio In and Out (HDA and AC’97) Power SupplyEP-90: 90-watt power adapter and PCB1.2D IAGRAM1. Top 150mm TriCool™ 3-speed blue LED fan2. Rear 70mm fan3. 5.25” drive bay4. Internal 2 x 2.5” HDD bays5. External 2 x 2.5” HDD mounts6. Half-height PCI card mount7. Motherboard mount – Mini-ITX8. Removable side screens9. Removable component tray 10. Front I/O panel11. EP-90 power adapter (not pictured)1.3EP-90P OWER S UPPLY S PECIFICATIONSThe Mini Skeleton-90 is powered by an EP-90 power adapter.Input Characteristics:Rated Voltage Input Voltage Range Frequency Range100 VAC ~ 240 VAC 90 VAC ~ 264 VAC 50 Hz ~ 60 Hz Output Characteristics:Rated PowerRatedVoltageVoltage RangeOutputCurrentRipple & Noise90W 19V 18.4V ~ 20.0V 0A ~ 4.7A 300 mVThe EP-90 is rated at least 85% efficient at 100 VAC and 240 VAC input voltage and maximum load.A variety of industrial-grade safety circuitry will help protect your computer: OVP (Over Voltage Protection), SCP (Short Circuit Protection), and OCP (Over Current Protection). Sometimes the PSU will “latch” into a protected shutdown state. This means that you will need to power off the adapter and clear the fault before it will function again.There are no user-replaceable fuses in the EP-90.H ARDWARE I NSTALLATION G UIDEThis manual is not designed to cover CPU, RAM, or expansion card installation. Please consult your motherboard user’s manual for specific mounting instructions and troubleshooting. Before proceeding, check the manual for your CPU cooler to find out if there are steps you must take before installing the motherboard.2.1R EMOVING/R EPLACING THE C OMPONENT T RAY1.With the rear of the case facing you, remove the thumbscrew at the left side of the ComponentTray.2.Pull back on the rear of the tray until it stops.3.To replace the tray, slide the tray back into the chassis from the rear until it locks into place,then replace the thumbscrew on the left side of the Component Tray.2.2M OTHERBOARD I NSTALLATIONSlide out the Component Tray from the Frame as detailed in section 2.1.1.Line up the motherboard with the standoff holes on the Motherboard Tray.2.Screw in the motherboard to the standoffs with the provided Phillips-head screws.Replace the Component Tray in the Frame as detailed in section 2.1.Note:You do NOT need to install an I/O panel for the Mini Skeleton. Your motherboard should come with one. Keep it in a safe place. You will need it if you decide to move yourmotherboard to a traditional case in future.2.3 5.25”D EVICE I NSTALLATION1.In your tool bag, find one of the black screws and attach one to your 5.25” device at the rightupper side.2.While facing the front of the case, insert your 5.25” device into the slot in the Component Trayuntil it locks into position.Note:It may be necessary to remove the side screens as detailed in section 2.5 to effectively route cables to your device. Pause when the device is halfway inserted, connect thepower and data cabling, and then complete installing the device.2.4 2.5”D EVICE I NTERNAL I NSTALLATIONYour Mini Skeleton case has the ability to mount 2.5” hard drive devices vertically inside theframe for convenient storage capacity.1.In your tool bag, find one of the black screws and attach one to your2.5” device at the frontscrew holes.2.While facing the front of the case, position the 2.5” device vertically and slide it into one of the2.5” HDD mounting slots in the Component Tray until it locks into position (make sure the blackscrew faces up).Note: It may be necessary to remove the side screens as detailed in section 2.5 to effectively route cables to your device. Pause when the device is halfway inserted, connect thepower and data cabling, and then complete installing the device.2.5 2.5”D EVICE F RAME-M OUNTED I NSTALLATIONYour Antec Mini Skeleton case has the ability to mount up to two additional 2.5” devices externally on the Frame for additional storage capacity.1.Align your2.5” device with the included 2.5” device mounting plates and secure them togetherwith the included screws.2.Hook the mounting plate along the sides of the Frame.Note:It may be necessary to remove the motherboard tray and/or side screens as detailed in section 2.6 to effectively route cables to your devices.2.6 R EMOVING THE F RAME S IDE S CREEN P ANELSRemoving the screens on either side of the Frame will allow access to the lower level of theComponent Tray for power and data cable routing.1.Locate and simultaneously press inward the two tabs on the left and right of the screen panel.2.Pull the panel away from the Frame.C ONNECTING THE F RONT I/O P ORTS3.1USB2.0P ORTSConnect the front I/O panel USB cable to the USB header pin on your motherboard. Check your motherboard user’s manual to ensure that it matches the table below:3.2AC’97 AND HD A UDIO P ORTSConnected to your front I/O panel there is an Intel® standard 10-pin AC’97 connector and anIntel® 10-pin HDA (High Definition Audio) connector. The pin assignments for these connectors are as follows:You can connect either the AC’97 or the HDA connector, but not both at once, to yourmotherboard depending on the spec of the motherboard. Locate the internal audio connectors from your motherboard or sound card and connect the corresponding audio cable. Consult your motherboard or sound card manual for the pin-out positions.3.3P OWER S WITCH /R ESET S WITCH /H ARD D ISK D RIVE LED C ONNECTORSConnected to the front of the Mini Skeleton-90 case Frameare LED and switch leads for power, reset, and HDD LEDactivity. Attach these to the corresponding connectors onyour motherboard. Consult your motherboard manual forspecific pin positions. For LEDs, colored wires are positive(+). White or black wires are negative (–). If the LED does notlight up when the system is powered on, try reversing theconnection. For more info on connecting LEDs to yourmotherboard, see your motherboard user’s manual.Note: There is no Power LED in this case. The illuminated case fans will turn on when there is power to the computer.C OOLING S YSTEM4.1150MM O VERHEAD T RI C OOL™F ANBecause of the Mini Skeleton’s unique and innovative open-air design, one 150mm intake fancools all of your system components. This overhead fan is adjustable to three different speeds, allowing you to choose the best speed suited to your needs. The default speed of the fan is Low.150mm Fan Specifications:Size: 150mmRated Voltage: DC 12VOperating Voltage: 10.8V~13.2VSpeed (RPM)InputCurrentAirflow Static PressureAcousticNoiseInputPower2600 (max.)0.3A(max.)2.8 m³ / min(100 CFM)2.56mm-H20(0.1 inch-H2O)33 dBA 3.6W2000 0.22A 2.3 m³ / min(81.3 CFM)1.7mm-H2O(0.07 inch-H2O)28.5 dBA 2.64W1500 0.2A 1.77 m3 / min(62 CFM)1.0mm-H2O(0.04 inch-H2O)22.8 dBA 2.4W4.270MM R EAR F ANLocated on the rear lower level of the Component Tray, one rear 70mm fan provides the air intake for your Mini Skeleton case.70mm Fan Specifications:Size : 70mmRated Voltage : DC 12VOperating Voltage : 10.8V~13.2VSpeed (RPM)InputCurrentAirflow Static PressureAcousticNoiseInput Power2000 0.12A 0.6 m3 / min(20 CFM)1.68mm-H2O(0.066 inch-H2O)20.2 dBA 1.44WAntec, Inc.47900 Fremont Blvd.Fremont, CA 94538tel: 510-770-1200fax: 510-770-1288Antec Europe B.V.Stuttgartstraat 123047 AS RotterdamThe Netherlandstel: +31 (0) 10 462-2060fax: +31 (0) 10 437-1752Technical Support:US & Canada1-800-22ANTEC*************************Europe+31 (0) 10 462-2060****************************© Copyright 2009 Antec, Inc. All rights reserved.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.。





二、教学目标1. 掌握腹痛的定义、分类和病因;2. 学会分析腹痛的临床表现,提高诊断准确性;3. 熟悉腹痛的诊断思路和治疗原则。



五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:通过一个临床案例,让学生了解腹痛在实际工作中的重要性;2. 理论知识讲解:介绍腹痛的定义、分类、病因、临床表现、诊断思路及治疗原则;3. 例题讲解:分析典型腹痛病例,引导学生运用所学知识进行诊断;4. 随堂练习:让学生结合案例,独立分析腹痛的病因,并进行鉴别诊断;5. 课堂讨论:分组讨论,分享彼此的诊断思路和心得体会;六、板书设计板书内容:腹痛的诊断与鉴别诊断1. 腹痛的定义:腹痛是指腹部产生的疼痛感觉,可分为急性和慢性;2. 腹痛的分类:根据疼痛部位、性质、程度等进行分类;3. 腹痛的病因:包括消化系统疾病、泌尿系统疾病、妇产科疾病等;4. 腹痛的临床表现:询问病史、体格检查、实验室检查、影像学检查等;5. 腹痛的诊断思路:根据临床表现,分析病因,进行鉴别诊断;6. 腹痛的治疗原则:根据病因,制定治疗方案,个体化治疗。





查体:上腹部压痛,无反跳痛, Murphy征阴性。







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tangan86luggage87iphone 5s88vape mod89jumpsuit90adidas91cardigan92photobook93mary kay94cap95oppo96samsung97vans98pants99sex toy100 boys clothing101sneakers102 victoria secret103 carpet104vivo105 huawei p20106earphone107 sofa108fishing109 huawei case110 laptop111soft cover112mask113skirt114 women backpacks115 perfume116squishy117 women's clothing118 girls clothing119 baby120iphone x121wallpaper122jubah123blender124slime125iphone 7126curtain127drone128helmet129 rack storage130 tshirt131wedges shoes132 supreme133t-shirts134palazo135innisfree136 car accessories137 nova 2i138pendrive139camera140long sleeve141 nike142 kids dress143 fan144 focallure145samsung146hello kitty147bagpack148 shoulder bag149iphone 6s150 lego151casio152tv153 baby toys154kurta155converse156 princess dress157 tudung bawal158 tommee tippee159 casual backpacks160 bluetooth earphone161 plus size162cetaphil163tudung164t shirt165 baju melayu166bengkung167 beg168 baby shoes169 woman shoes170 oppo f5171rice cooker172xiaomi173oven174condom175huawei176 maxi dresses177 pillow178 accessories179 bomber jacket180wardrobe181headphone182drypers183basikal184foundation185 casio watches186 baju kurung moden187 nokia188 microphone189 table190wedges191vacuum192tupperware193 iphone 7 plus194 boys clothing195kekaboo196contact lens197 shawl198dyxy199smiggle200motorcycle201 puma202hair dryer203phone204makeup205almari206 jogger pants207maxi dress208men clothing209 car210aircond211 midi dresses212breast pump213 powerbank pineng214 baju tidur215watson216serum217wedges218 running shoes219lipstick220 storage box221bracelet222rack223iphone 5224bicycle225 kitchen storage226 girl clothing227 huawei p10228 brush makeup229 long pants230 note case231 sex232mop233 honor 9 lite234kebaya235milo236thermos237 kurung moden238 handphone239 makeup brush240 herbalife241 xiaomi redmi242 y15zr243stroller244pyjamas245 hada labo246 bedsheet247 shoes women248 sunglasses249baby boy250shirts251tablet252dildo253 eyeshadow254 tudung sarung255 langsir256ring257mixer258coach259 kain pasang260 loose blouse261 long sleeved262 gshock263heels264cadar265oppo f1s266skincare267bioaqua268carlo rino269 women's shoes270cosrx271sport bra272short pants273baby clothing274dexandra275lingerie276blazer277tote bag278 wedding dresses279psp280bts281 mini dresses282 led light283smart tag284high heels285hot wheels286printer287drill288sticker289sandals290eskinol291couple shirt292earring293honor294 washing machine295shoes296gundam297pigeon bottle298vape tank299socks300shirt301 shoe rack302guitar303 pineng power bank304 women's bags & purses305 muslim fashion306fila307dresses women308redmi 5 plus309jersey310 heels & pumps311bottle312iron313 fishing rod314 telekung arafah315bawal316 baby walker317 toys, kids & babies318 safety shoes319samyang320home & living321 car seat322vivo323 pencil case324laneige325 women sleeve326 kids clothing girls clothing327 strollers baby328jeans329box330 shoulder tops331kipas332 nursing bra333vivo v7334skechers335 tupperware bottles336 hard disk337cctv338 women clothing blouse339towel340xiomi341 long clothing342seluar jeans343watches344oppo345jam346lenovo347botol susu348 blouse muslimah349 baby cot350oppo a37351maybelline352go pro353vitamin c354flavour vape355pampers356cat357 iphone 6 case358case359ensure360 nintendo switch361 microphone bluetooth362p20363vivo v5364shaklee365 girls clothing women's clothing366 sunglasses women367fossil368skmei369 bluetooth speaker370mirror371avent372 sendayu tinggi373blouse374tilam375baju raya376inner377shoes men378sexy lingerie379petpet380shoes381bonds382 mobile phone383pigeon384 evening dress385iphone 6 plus386other brands387yoga mat388 huawei p20 pro389avent bottle390hair straightener391earrings392makeup bag393romper394eyebrow395aquarium396 off shoulder tops397chair398legging399 women jeans400kitchen rack401dresses402asics403 long dresses404 wireless earphone405led406 nokia 3310407 dexandra perfume408 scooter409brush410redmi411panties412mouse413dash cam414mesin jahit415honor 7x416 iphone 6s plus417 girl dress418asus419sauna420sony421 sewing machine422gucci423tefal424 luggage bag425boots426 heels women427headband428lace dress429lemonex430teddy bear431 telekung siti khadijah432 teeth whitening433jeans434 pressure cooker435 women clothing t-shirts436 weight scale437 corset438pomade439wallpaper home440baju kurung441pink lady442baju443ipad444 tank vape445 health & beauty446 handbags447gopro448lens449 samsung case450digi451tapestry452sofa bed453slipper454keyboard455belt456 timberland457women watch458men wallet459hanger460redmi 5a461 action camera462 cadar patchwork463 kemeja464 instant shawl465 peplum466myvi467 kasut bola468white blouse469air cooler470keychain471ps4 games472face mask473brooch474bonia475 kasut sukan476nova 2i case477 huawei nova 2i case478 iphone hard cover479 levis480kitchen481 memory card482 radio483unicorn484mi a1485 fishing reel486baju budak487mi band 2488lamp489bed490dumbell491laptop bag492pouch bag493singlet494make up495katil496 rak kasut497crop tops498tracksuit499sweatshirt500 curtains home&living501pubg502 bottle feeding503blanket504boxer505 phone holder506rc car507 samsung galaxy508cosmoderm509tilam baby510 vacuum cleaner511mobile & gadgets512bosch513korean514 watches women515 microwave516wallet women517cooler bag518ps3519selipar520lace521 maternity pants522 baby clothing boys clothing523 swimming pool524underwear525thermometer526kurung527baby g528ssd529denim jacket530gym531bikini532sofa cover533nightwear534 power bank pineng535foundation536cabinet537crocs538 muslimah wear539wanna one540necklace541clutch542jumpsuits543adidas bag544mango bag545lc135546jelly shoes547 baby clothing girls clothing548rayban549sexy lingerie550walkie talkie551umbrella552 casual handbags553jackets & blazers554early learning555guess556 jumpsuits women557ps2558sport pants559joystick560iphone 8561bawal chiffon562p20 pro563bio essence564badminton565nubia566 mobile phones567 women clothing women's clothing568cleanser569 samsung note570pineng571air purifier572vivo y53573redmi 5574the ordinary575 nerf576huggies577diaper bag578futsal shoes579oppo r9s580 baby car seat581baby chair582 iphone 8 plus583chocolate584 casing iphone 6585iphone case586flip flops587redmi note 4588 shirts589 wallet men590men watch591vivo v7 plus592sd card593 set handbags594television595almari baju596mattress597water bottle598 iphone soft cover599 women shoes flats600 winter coat601gift602 kasut budak603 saree604top605 lingerie nightwear606 tops & bottoms607sleeping bag608 avon609toy610 car camera611 women shoes heels612 light613tripod614mainan615mini fan616bag pack617comforter618rings619 android soft cover620 ramen621vibrator622flower623glasses624 jeans women625 jaket626rak627 bracelets & charms628 sony xperia629new balance630diy631home632 home decor633 strappy heels634 face make up635 anello636baju baby637 tanks & camisoles638 jackets639lanyard640 living room furniture641 aidijuma642bras & sets643projector644kids645 tempered glass646 casing oppo a37647 running shoes648beg sekolah649 tent650pool651shoe652 waterproof bag653baby romper654sling bag655mp3656 vape vape mods657 sandals658durex659kids clothing boys clothing660book661 external hard disk662solar663earing664vgod665 redmi note 5666 casual backpacks667munafie668 off shoulder top669 steam iron670apple watch671knife672 water heater673jubah muslimah674 victoria secret perfume675blusher676ceiling fan677t-shirts678pen679zanzea680tamiya681 oppo a37 case682vape flavour683himalaya684shorts685 puma shoes686iphone se687platforms688 women's casual689 shampoo690hoodies691 huawei mate 10692 nightwear693bean bag694genki695 baby girl clothing696under armour697loreal698tools699 huawei nova 2 lite700beauty blender701gshock original702women's casual703storage cabinets704glove705monitor706 sling bag men707ex5708 rayban sunglasses709steamer710etude house711drawer712shimano713smartphone714doorgift715men bag716 baby boy clothing717racks & shelves718 nova case719kids toys720hat721 eyelashes722notebook723skinny jeans724seluar725g shock original726iphone x case727pandora728tab729tv box730 tops & dresses731wireless mouse732reel733 casual bags734leagoo735 iphone 7 plus mobile phones736 dr martens737 sports & outdoor play738mi max 2739 brushes & sponges740baju kurung cotton741redmi 4x742mary kay743jelly bag744 bedroom furniture745mp4746eyeliner747slimming748long skirt749maxi skirts750 bracelets & charms751refrigerator752cermin mata753charger754maternity dress755luggage cover756jamu757hair758deeja cosmetic759usb cable760lips761mamypoko762spectacles763battery764handsock765razer766mp3 player767 powerbank 20000mah768pendants & necklaces769h&m770cable771sandal772daiwa773storage774axia775 earphone bluetooth776mods vape777dress778single bed779 women clothing lingerie & nightwear780 iphone 7 plus case781makeup set782make up sets783 blackhead remover784topi785 motorcycle accessories786longchamp787eucerin788lip tint789freezer790samsung j7791gun792 moisturizer & cream793 panties women794storage cabinets795polo796 charles&keith797 grimo women bags&purses798 blouse plus size799xiaomi redmi note 4800 concealer801diapers802garmin803sex doll804hotwheels805blood pressure806sandals women807 stationery808 sling bag sling bags809women shirt blouse810mixers & blenders811asus zenfone812sejadah813klairs814 baju kebaya815mascara816men817jbl818 football shoes819plus size blouse820food821g shock watches822ready stock823bubble wrap824card holder825fat burner826cardigans827loshall828plastic bag829cat food830lv bags831honey glow832kids watch833couple watch834 android hard cover835baby & toddler toys836earrings837 baju raya 2018838honor view 10839iron board840pureen841meja842anakku843 redmi note 5a844kimono845tops846game847baby bag848periuk849 rak pinggan850 nike shoes sneakers851 baby stroller852raincoat853kasut lelaki854water filter855nail polish856kasut nike857sony858 pendants & necklaces859borong860petronas861midi skirts862adidas watch863 baju raya baju kurung864 kasut futsal865 food storage & dispensers866 playground867 long pants women868 stuffed toys869buaian870pet871 office chair872 iphone 6 mobile phones873 xiaomi mi a1874hair curler875aloe vera876aloe vera gel877hand bag878collagen879rak baju880 helmet motorcycle881air conditioner882emas korea883leggins women884 hoodies885note 8886 miracle toner887 xiaomi redmi 5 plus888 nutritional supplement889 popsocket890 long dress long blouse891 blander892maggi893 iphone 5s case894 casing895ps vita896green tea897oneplus 5t898mini aircond899 frame900pediasure901cdl902 huawei mate 10 pro903 sport shoes904off shoulder905 karpet906bantal907baby bed908dish rack909kondom910waffle maker911gucci bag912michael kors913 elianto914usb915abaya916 huawei nova lite917women wallet918sweaters919 portable aircond920honor 8 pro921 clothes organization922 mango923bear924guardian925 storage organizers926 clothes rack927jumpsuit928batik929 mirrors & wall art930food processor931minyak lintah932 men shoes sneakers933 hiking shoes934sleepwear935kettle936 personal care937 home storage & organization938bags939polaroid940men jacket941tablet android942ripped jeans943champion944grinder945humidifier946 langsir curtains&blinds947bokitta948hoodies949fridge950 mamy poko951 iphone mobile phones952 water dispenser953ready dresses954khemah955table fan956tremella957green coffee958android box959kpop960 spy camera961samsung s8962bengkung sajat963toner964 study table965bed sheet966ldnio967vr box968piano969clothes970lighter971ikea972low tops973bread maker974 porter975 nona roguy976 trolley977ps4 pro978atomy979 botol susu didi980 fila shoes981asus982peripera983bio oil984 oppo f5 case985 makeup organizer986 remax987 essential oil988 plain casual shirts989 sandisk990 nature republic991 vincci992ultraman993watch994abu garcia995 penis996garnier997 kemeja lelaki998milo cube999white shoes1000。

MiniCase 1

MiniCase 1
Chapter 3 Managing Data: Databases and Warehousing
MiniCase 1 Homeland Security Data Integration
第二組 劉家蓁 / 曾揚仁 / 張采蘩
Homeland Security Data Integration --

導入RFID之挑戰 之挑戰 導入
– – – –
Homeland Security Data Integration--
• 選擇使用 Informatica 系統整合商來解決資料整併的問題 • Informatica 是一間致力於資料整合的公司,目前有超過 3300以上的公司與政府組織使用它們所開發的工具及軟體 • 主要幫助客戶解決 – Data consolidation 資料的彙總來減少系統和應用程式的 複雜 – Data Migration 系統升級時的資料移轉 – Data Synchronization 企業系統資料的一致性 – Data Warehousing 企業資料倉儲,資料轉換成有用的策 略性資訊,用來支援決策的制定
Homeland Security Data Integration --
• 考量所有的聯邦組織來建立一個企業架構 • 資料移轉
– 首先要確認所有使用中的軟體及資料庫,然後再決定那些要 保留或不保留
– 訂定並建立資料的共同主軸
– 考量資料的安全性
• 建立資訊分析及系統架構的防護元件 • 確認來自各地相當大量的資料,將資訊傳達到使用者的手 中 • 透過Data analysis,data mining,OLAP的幫助,提早發現、 偵測有計劃性的攻擊,以及找出恐怖份子 • 資料缺乏疑慮:加速將資訊移到它被需要的地方

Minicase Stu

Minicase Stu

Case StudyPSA Peugeot Citroen SA and DaimlerChrysler AGIn 1997 executives of the automobile firm PSA Peugeot Citroen SA observed that their competitors began to merge. Daimler acquired Chrysler to become Daimler- Chrysler AG. General Motors Corp. purchased a 20 percent stake of Fiat’s auto division and held an option to purchase the remaining 80 percent. Ford Motor Co. purchased Jaguar, Land Rover, and Volvo.PSA resisted the pressure to mimic the acquisition activity of its competitors. The firm had learned the hard way about the cost of making an acquisition. In 1974 the French automobile maker Peugeot acquired Citroen, and the result was disappointing. The firm’s CEO Jean-Martin Folz had stated that managers cannot easily bring out new products when they are distracted by the challenge of integrating two firms. And PSA was intent on bringing out new products.PSA’s competitors faced disappointments of their own. One of the most dramatic examples involves Daimler- Chrysler AG. Prior to its takeover of Chrysler in 1998, Mercedes (Mercedes-Benz is a division of its parent company, Daimler AG) was the number one luxury brand in the world, known for top quality, and it sold more luxury automobiles in the United States than any other automobile firm. At the time of the takeover, Mercedes’ CEO Jürgen Schrempp predicted that the combined firm would become the most profitable automobile manufacturer in the world.By the end of 2004, Mercedes had slipped from first position in the United States to fourth position. Beginning in 2002, the quality of its automobiles began to slide. Its engineers began to add features that they found intriguing but were not valued by its customers. As for Chrysler, it lost $2 billion in 2000, and $1 billion in the second quarter of 2003. In late 2003, Chrysler introduced a new successful model, the 300C. Although its profit improved, the overall profitability of DaimlerChrysler continued to disappoint investors. In July 2005, under pressure from shareholders, CEO Schrempp announced that he would retire at year-end, three years before the expiration of his contract.As DaimlerChrysler slipped, PSA did well. Between 1998 and 2002, PSA’s sales grew by 62 percent (to $61.8 billion). PSA became the world’s sixth-largest automobile firm, surpassing Honda Motor Corp. and Hyundai Motor Co.AOL Time Warner: The Danger of Trusting Market PricesIn January 2000, the Internet service provider America Online (AOL) announced its intention to acquire the media conglomerate Time Warner. The purchase price, $165 billion in AOL stock, set an acquisition record. The merger between AOL and Time Warner illustrates excessive optimism, overconfidence, inefficient prices, and the winner’s curse on a grand scale.Strategy and SynergyThe goal of merging AOL and Time Warner was to create a distribution channel whereby Time Warner’s media products would be delivered to millions of consumers via Internet broadband. Time Warner brought media products and a television cable network to the combination. As the dominant Internet Service Provider (ISP) at the time, AOL brought an installed base of AOL subscribers to the combination.Time Warner’s products were known the world over: CNN, HBO, Time magazine, Fortune magazine, People magazine, Sports Illustrated, Warner Brothers, Warner Music Group, Entertainment Weekly, Looney Tunes, and Cartoon Network. In 2000, CNN was available to one billion television viewers. Time Warner magazines had 30 million subscribers.AOL was an Internet service provider that packaged Internet access with e-mail and other services. By 2000, AOL had more than 20 million members, and its subscriber rolls were growing at the rate of 50%. However, most of these members accessed AOL using low-speed dial-up rather than high-speed cable. High speed is a necessary ingredient for broadband delivery. Notably, Time Warner operated the second largest cable television network in the US, with 13 million subscribers.Time Warner had the content to be delivered via the Internet, along with the required bandwidth. AOL had the Internet expertise along with a huge subscriber base. The potential synergy seemed obvious to Time Warner CEO Gerald Levin who had been frustrated in his attempts to bring an Internet focus to Time Warner. The potential synergy also seemed obvious to AOL’s CEO Steve Case who felt that AOL had only one main asset, its subscribers, and was vulnerable to a competitive threat from Microsoft.ValuationThe combination of AOL and Time Warner occurred at the height of the technology stock bubble. Notably, the market’s judgment of the overall merger was favorable, with the shareholders of Time Warner benefiting at the expense of the shareholders of AOL. On the day of the announcement, the value of the combined companies rose by11%, or $27.5 billion. However, Time Warner stock increased by 39% ($32 billion), while AOL stock declined by 2.7% ($4.5 billion).In January 2000, the market capitalization of AOL was $185.3 billion, over twice as large as the $83.7 billion market capitalization of Time Warner. A similar statement applies to P/E, where earnings are measured before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA). With the peak of the bubble not two months away, was AOL overvalued at the time?An opinion piece in Fortune magazine suggests that AOL could not have been priced at intrinsic value in January 2000. Why? The answer depends on residual income (the portion of earnings that remain after investors have been paid the cost of capital) because the present value of the residual income stream implied by its market valuation was far larger than any firm at any time had ever produced. Moreover, AOL’s actual residual income at the time was close to zero.AOL’s CEO was Steve Case, and Time Warner’s CEO was Gerald Levin. Did Steve Case knowingly purchase AOL with overvalued stock? And correspondingly, did Gerald Levin and Time Warner’s shareholders trust market prices?Steve CaseSteve Case did not trust market prices. AOL’s internal memos indicate that Case judge that dot-com stocks, including the stock of AOL, were overpriced and that he sought to exploit the overpricing. Moreover, he expected that Internet stocks would collapse in the not too distant future and sought to protect AOL shareholders by acquiring a more mature firm. Case eventually offered 45% of a combined AOL Time Warner to Time Warner shareholder. Under the terms of the deal, Gerald Levin would be chief executive of AOL Time Warner, while Steve Case would be its chairman. Gerald LevinGerald Levin trusted market prices. During a press conference to announce the merger Levin stated: “Something profound is taking place. I believe in the present valuations. Their future cash flow is so significant, that is how you justify it.”Ted TurnerTed Turner, the creator of CNN, was a major shareholder in Time Warner. He owned 100 million shares that he acquired through the sale of CNN to Time Warner three years before and held an operating role overseeing his former holdings. Turner was a very colorful figure. At first he apparently opposed the merger of AOL and Time Warner, asking: “Why should I give up stock in a $25 billion company for shares of this little company?”However, Turner’s financial advisers apparently trusted market prices and persuaded him to back the deal, arguing that the merger would increase the value of his holdings. In his own colorful way, he announced his support at a news conference saying:Shortly before nine o’clock last night, I had the honor and privilege of signing a piece of paper that irrevocably cast a vote of my 100 million shares for this merger. I did it with as much or more excitement and enthusiasm as I did on that night when I first made love some forty-two years ago.For a brief time, the merger of AOL and Time Warner increased Ted Turner’s wealth by $4 billion. However, he subsequently lost $7 billion in the next two years as the market value of the combined firm declined. In February 2003, Turner announced his resignation as vice chairman of AOL Time Warner.Publicly, Turner expressed regret at having sold CNN and his Turner Broadcasting organization to Time Warner in 1996. It is rare for executives to admit to being overconfident, but Turner is uncharacteristic in many ways. He stated:At the time, I owned 9% of Time Warner, and I figured Jerry (Levin) thought that he bought me, but I thought I bought them. But 9% is not fifty-one. I guess I got a little overconfident.Asset WritedownIn April 2002, AOL Time Warner wrote down $54 billion in goodwill, a charge to its earnings that reflected the decline in the value of the combined firm. Among Time Warner’s various businesses, which ones had generated disappointing cash flows? AOLLooking back 12 months from the end of the third quarter of 2002, the operating profit of most of AOL Time Warner businesses experienced positive growth. Publishing had grown by 26%, networks had grown by 16%, and the music business had grown by 10%. However, AOL’s operating earnings fell by 30%.What had happened? In 2002, total revenue for America Online declined by approximately 6%, to about $8.9 billion. Its advertising revenue declined to $1.6 billion, from $2.6 billion in 2001. A chief factor was the collapse of many dot-com firms, who advertised and sold their products through AOL.In addition, the rate at which new subscribers were signing up with AOL began to fall. Between 1995 and 2000, the subscription rolls had grown at a compound annual growth rate of 50%, However, the rate of growth slowed to 24% in the first half of 2002 and then to 8% in the second half of 2002, when AOL had 35.3 million members.On September 18, 2003, AOL Time Warner dropped the ‘AOL’from its name. A press release announcing the name change stated: “We believe that our new name better reflects the portfolio of our valuable businesses and ends any confusion between our corporate name and the America Online brand name for our investors, partners and the public.”What’s in a name? The change elicited an interesting reaction. At the time, Harris Funds owned 42 million shares of AOL Time Warner stock, primarily in its Oakmark funds. Henry Berghoef, director of research at Harris Associates, stated: “I am not going out to buy more stock because of a change of name,” but then added: “as silly as it sounds, it is healthy psychologically.” Psychologically? Might he be referring to salience, availability bias, and the affect heuristic?Expectations and AccountingTable below depicts the market capitalization of AOL Time Warner from the time of its merger through December 2002. From its peak value, the firm had lost roughly 80% of its value. Part of the loss stemmed from false expectations.In seeking support from analysts for the merger, AOL had forecast that earnings would grow by 30%. Apparently, those forecasts appeared unrealistic to the person in charge of investor relations at Time Warner. Her name was Joan Nicolais, and she seems to have voiced her concern, preferring instead to provide realistic guidance to Wall Street analysts. The financial press reported her saying that AOL was “basically an elaborate spin machine,” whose numbers did not add up. Not surprisingly, Nicolais did not play the investor relations role for a combined AOL Time Warner. That post went to an AOL executive.In July 2002, The Washington Post ran an article alleging that in order to increase the earnings that it would report prior to the merger being completed, AOL had engagedin accounting improprieties. Shortly thereafter, both the SEC and the Department of Justice launched investigations.HubrisThe hubris hypothesis state that overconfident executives exhibit hubris, overpay for acquisitions, and subsequently experience the winner’s curse. Is hubris a characteristic anyone has applied to the principals in the case of AOL and Time Warner?Steve CaseThe adjective hubris has frequently been applied to Steve Case. Example includes article headings such as “Doomed Relationship Forged in Hubris,”from the New Zealand Herald, and “Alec Klein Examines How Executive Hubris Destroyed the AOL-Time Warner Merger”, from the Star-Tribune. A BusinessWeek editorial stated: AOL’s merger with Time Warner was, in retrospect, unreal. Distributing entertainment and news over many digital platforms –computers, cell phones, and handhelds - was Case’s grand vision. Way too grand, it turned out. His hubris extended to the merger itself. The two corporations had vastly different cultures and did not mesh.Gerald LevinThe New York Times did not paint a flattering picture of the executives at Time Warner, stating; “if Case was guilty of hubris, then the Time Warner management team was guilty of ignorance and credulity, industry analysts and academics say.”However, Gerald Levin did exhibit hubris, in that he felt no need to consult other executives before agreeing to the merger. Initially, Levin had insisted on a 50-50 split so that the combination would qualify as a merger of equals. However, on his own, without even consulting his board, he agreed to a 45-55 split, thereby lading to AOL takeover of Time Warner.In January 2003, Steve Case was pressured to resign as chair of AOL Time Warner. He did so and was replaced by Richard Parsons, Time Warner’s chief executive.Question:Discuss the main lessons to be learned from the behavior of the executives at PSA and DaimlerChrysler. In your discussion, compare the behavior of executives at PSA and DaimlerChrysler with executives in the case of AOL and Time Warner.。



pencil case英语作文

pencil case英语作文

pencil case英语作文Alright, here's a pencil case-themed English essay written in an informal, conversational style, with each paragraph maintaining its independence and variety in expression:When I open my pencil case, it's like a mini-universe of creativity and imagination. The pencils are neatly stacked, ready to be grasped and used to draw my next masterpiece.Inside that humble pencil case, there's a whole story. The eraser, slightly worn out, reminds me of all the mistakes I've made and learned from. It's a symbol of resilience, always ready to help me correct my ways.The markers, in vibrant colors, sit there like little rainbows waiting to be unleashed. They represent the joy of expression and the fun of adding color to my world.The sharpener is a trusty companion, always there to keep my pencils in tip-top shape. It's a reminder that with a little effort, even the roughest edges can be smoothed out.At the bottom of my pencil case, there's a stash of spare lead for my mechanical pencil. It's a reminder of the importance of preparation and having a backup plan for when things don't go as expected.That pencil case is more than just a holder for my writing utensils. It's a little reminder of all the lessons I've learned and the adventures I've had with each and every item inside.。



Mini Case (Topic 2)Donna Jamison, a 2003 graduate of the University of Tennessee with four years of banking experience, was recently brought in as assistant to the chairman of the board of Computron Industries, a manufacturer of electronic calculators.The Company doubled its plant capacity, opened new sales offices outside its home territory, and launched an expensive advertising campaign. Computron’s results were not satisfactory, to put it mildly. Its board of directors, which consisted of its president and vice-president plus its major stockholders(who were all local businesspeople), was most upset when directors learned how the expansion was going. Suppliers were being paid late and were unhappy, and the bank was complaining about the deteriorating situation and threatening to cut off credit. As a result, Al Watkins, Computron’s president, was informed that changes would have to be made, and quickly, or he would be fired. Also, at the board’s insistence Donna Jamison was brought in and given the job of assistant to Fred Campo, a retired banker who was Computron’s Chairman and largest stockholder. Campo agreed to give up a few of his golfing days and to help nurse the company back to health, with Jamison’s help.Jamison began by gathering financial statements and other data.BALANCE SHEET 2008 2007AssetsCash $ 7,282 $ 9,000 Short-term investments 0 48,600 Accounts receivable 632,160 351,200 Inventories 1,287,360 715,200 Total current assets $ 1,926,802 $ 1,124,000 Gross fixed assets 1,202,950 491,000 Less accumulated depreciation 263,160 146,200Net fixed assets $ 939,790 $ 344,800 Total assets $ 2,866,592 $ 1,468,800 Liabilities and Equity 2008 2007 Accounts payable $ 524,160 $ 145,600 Notes payable 720,000 200,000 Accruals 489,600 136,000 Total current liabilities $ 1,733,760 $ 481,600 Long-term debt 1,000,000 323,432 Common stock(100,000 shares) 460,000 460,000 Retained earnings (327,168) 203,768 Total equity $ 132,832 $ 663,768 Total liabilities and equity $ 2,866,592 $ 1,468,800 INCOME STATEMENT 2008 2007Sales $ 5,834,400 $ 3,432,000Cost of goods sold 5,728,000 2,864,000 Other expenses 680,000 340,000 Depreciation 116,960 18,900Total operating costs $ 6,524,960 $ 3,222,900EBIT ($ 690,560) $ 209,100Interest expense 176,000 62,500EBT ($ 866,560) $ 146,600 Taxes(40%) (346,624) 58,640Net income ($ 519,936) $ 87,960EPS ($ 5.199) $ 0.880DPS $ 0.110 $ 0.220Book value per share $ 1.328 $ 6.638Stock price $ 2.25 $ 8.50 Shares outstanding 100,000 100,000Tax rate 40.00% 40.00% Lease payments 40,000 40,000 Sinking fund payments 0 0STA TAMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS,2008Balance of retained earnings,12/31/07 $ 203,768Add: Net income,2008 (519,936)Less: Dividends paid (11,000)Balance of retained earnings,12/31/08 ($ 327,168)STA TEMENT OF CASH FLOWS, 2008Operating ActivitiesNet Income ($ 519,936) Adjustments:Noncash adjustments:Depreciation 116,960Changes in working capital:Change in accounts receivable (280,960)Change in inventories (572,160)Change in accounts payable 378,560Change in accruals 353,600Net cash provided by operating activities ($ 523,936)Long-Term Investing ActivitiesCash used to acquired fixed assets ($ 711,950) Financing ActivitiesChange in short-term investments $ 48,600Change in notes payable 520,000Change in long-term debt 676,568Payment of cash dividends (11,000)Net cash provided by financing activities $ 1,234,168Sum: Net change in cash (1,718)Plus: Cash at beginning of year $ 9,000Cash at end of year $ 7,282Assume that you are Jamison’s assistant, and you must help her answer the following questions for Campo.a.What effect did the expansion have on sales, net operating profit aftertaxes(NOPAT),net operating working capital, and net income?b.What effect did the expansion have on net cash flow, operating cash flow, and freecash flow?c.Jamison also has asked you to estimate Computron’s EV A. She estimates that theafter-tax cost of capital was 11 percent in 2007 and 13 percent in 2008.d.Looking at Computron’s stock price today, would you conclude that the expansionincreased or decreased MV A?putron purchases materials on 30-day terms, meaning that it is supposed topay for purchases within 30 days of receipt. Judging from its 2008 balance sheet, do you think Comptron pays suppliers on time? Explain. If not, what problems might this lead to?ptron spends money fro labor, materials, and fixed assets(depreciation) tomake products, and still more money to sell those products. Then, it makes sales that result in receivables, which eventually result in cash inflows. Does it appear that Comptron’s sales price exceeds its costs per unit sold? How does this affect the cash balance?g.Suppose Computron’s sales manager told the sales staff to start offering 60-daycredit terms rather than the 30-day terms now being offered. Computron’s competitors react by offering similar terms, so sales remain constant. What effect would this have on the cash account? How would the cash account be affected if sales doubled as a result of the credit policy change?h.Can you imagine a situation in which the sales price exceeds the cost of producingand selling a unit of output, yet a dramatic increase in sales volume causes the cash balance to decline?i.In general, could a company like Computron increase sales without acorresponding increase in inventory and other assets? Would the asset increase occur before the increase in sales, and, if so, how would that affect the cash account and the statement of cash flows?j.Did Computron finance its expansion program with internally generated funds(additions to retained earnings plus depreciation) or with external capital?How does the choice of financing affect the company’s financial strength?k.Refer to the income statements and the statement of cash flows.Suppose Computron broke even in 2008 in the sense that sales revenues equaled total operating costs plus interest charges. Would the asset expansion have caused the company to experience a cash shortage which required it to raise external capital? l.If Computron started depreciating fixed assets over 7 years rather than 10 years, would that affect (1)the physical stock of assets,(2)the balance sheet account for fixed assets,(3)the company’s reported net income, and (4)its cash position?Assume the same depreciation method is used for stockholder reporting and for tax calculations, and the accounting change has no effect on assets’ physical lives. m.Explain how(1)inventory valuation methods, (2)the accounting policy regarding expensing versus capitalizing research and development, and (3) the policy with regard to funding future retirement plan costs(retirement pay and retirees’ health benefits) could affect the financial statements.putron’s stock sells for $2.25 per share even though the company had largelosses. Does the positive stock price indicate that some investors are irrational? putron followed the standard practice of paying dividends on a quarterly basis. It paid a dividend during the first two quarters of 2008, then eliminated the dividend when management realized that a loss would be incurred for the year.The dividend was cut before the losses were announced, and at that point the stock price fell from $8.50 to $ would an $0.11, or even a $0.22, dividend reduction lead to a $5.00 stock price reduction?p.Explain how earnings per share, dividends per share, and book value per share are calculated, and what they mean. Why does the market price per share not equal the book value per share?q.How much new money did Computron borrow from its bank during 2007?How much additional credit did its suppliers extend? Its employees and the taxing authorities?r.If you were Computron’s banker, or the credit manager of one of its suppliers, would you be worried about your job? If you were a current Computron employee,a retiree, or a stockholder, should you be concerned?s.The 2008 income statement shows negative taxes, that is, a tax credit. How much taxes would the company have had to pay in the past to actually get this credit? If taxes paid within the last 2 years had been less than $346,624, what would have happened? Would this have affected the statement of cash flows and the ending cash balance?t.Working with Jamison has required you to put in a lot of overtime, so you have had very little time to spend on your private finances. It’s now April 1, and you have only two weeks left to file your income tax return. You have managed to get all the information together that you will need to complete your return.Computron paid you salary of $45,000, and you received $3,000 in dividend from common stock that you own. You are single, so your per personal exemption is $2,800, and your itemized deduction are $4,550.(1)On the basis of the information above and the individual tax rate scheduleshown in the topic, what is your tax liability?(2)What are your marginal and average tax rates?u.Assume that a corporation has $100,000 of taxable income from operations plus $5,000 of interest income and $10,000 of dividend income. What is the company’s tax liability?v.Assume that after paying your personal income tax as calculated in part t, you have $5,000 to invest. You have narrowed your investment choices down to California bonds with a yield of 7 percent or equally risky Exxon Mobil bonds with a yield of 10 percent. Which one should you choose and why? At what marginal tax rate would you be indifferent to the choice between California and Exxon Mobil bonds?。



一、床bed 床单sheet 被子quilt 被罩bed-cover 枕头pillow 内枕pillow-slip 枕套pillowcase 毛毯blanket 床垫mattress 白拍mattress pad 床头灯bed-side lamp床头灯罩lamp shade 灯泡light bulb 壁画picture 墙壁wall 壁纸wallpaper 电子表clock 折叠床folding bed 加床rollaway bed 床头柜bedside table 电话telephone 便签note paper 笔pen 请勿吸烟卡please don’t smoke on the bed音响radio 夜灯night light一、洗脸台: 镜子bathroom mirror 中巾架tower rack 洗手盆wash hand basin 下水堵stopper 面盆水龙头tap(hot and cold) 排水洞drain hole 化装镜vanity counter 肥皂碟soap dish 卷纸架toilet paper holder 吹风机hairdryer 垃圾筒garbage can1、备品:口杯drinking glasses 小巾hand towel 中巾face towel 烟灰缸ashtray2、供应品:牙刷toothbrush 牙膏toothpaste 浴帽shower cap 梳子comb 洗发水shampoo 针线包a swing kit 润肤body lotion 肥皂soap 面巾纸tissue 卷纸toilet paper 剃须刀razor 抽水马桶toilet bowl :马桶盖toilet seat cover 马桶垫toilet seat 抽水柄flush handle排水管waste pipe 溢出overflow浴缸bath tub: 大巾架towel rack 浴缸扶手grab bar 淋浴头shower head 晾衣绳clothes line 1、备品:地巾bath mat 浴袍bathrobe 大巾bath towel 浴帘shower curtain 浴帘杆shower rail 丢失missing 沾染stain 堵塞clog 烧坏的burn out 通风不凉的stuffy 门钩door hook休闲:咖啡桌coffee table 圈椅chair 扶手椅armchair 火柴match 落地灯floor lamp 窗户window 窗帘curtains(day and night) 窗帘curtain rod 宣传架notice娱乐:电视TV 遥控器remote control 机顶盒VOD 电视柜TV shelf 节目单TV program list 小酒吧mini bar:酒单minibar list 热水壶electric kettle 冷水壶Flask 冰筒ice bucket 托盘tray 茶壶teapot 茶叶tea 咖啡coffe 咖啡杯cup 茶杯tea cup 冰箱fridge 酒水:花生peanut 土豆片chips 可乐co-ca-co-la 雪碧sprite 本地啤酒local beer果汁juice 新其士sunkist 巧克力chocolate 本地矿泉水mineral water 进口矿泉水evian 写字台writing desk:梳妆镜dressing mirror 台灯lamp 梳妆椅dress table stool二、文具盒stationery box:信纸envelope 电传fax paper抽屉drawer :服务指南Service Guide 电话本Imperial Guide 壁橱wardrobe/closet 衣架hanger 备用枕头extra pillow 毛毯blanket 洗衣单laundry list 洗衣袋laundry bag 衣刷子cloths brush 鞋拔子shoehorn 擦鞋纸shoeshine 拖鞋slipper 衣柜门door 行李架luggage rack 保险箱safe 一、门厅:门door 门锁lock 门把手handle 窥镜spy-hole 打扫牌make up room 开关switch DND牌do not disturb 早餐牌breakfast 沙帘cheers 窗台window sill 电源插座socket 花瓶vase 空调air condition 沙发sofa安乐椅easy chair 穿衣镜full-length mirror紧急疏散图fire escape plan 壁角板skirting 插头plug 接线板adapter 吸尘器vacuum cleaner 抹布dust cloth 熨斗iron 手推车trolly 钥匙master key 消毒剂disinfectant 空气清新剂air freshener 剪刀scissors 胶水glue water 胶条adhesive tape 宽带线coder line 变压器transformer。

Minolta 相机产品价格清单说明书

Minolta 相机产品价格清单说明书

Step down adaptor ring (55mm to 52mm)
Flashgun (Deluxe II) with/capacitor, case
Lens adaptor mount (Leica)
Lens adaptor mount (Exakta)
1104 1503 1211/1212 122111222
SR-T 101 w / MC Rokkor 58mm fl1.4, case SR-T 101 w / MC Rokkor 55mn-i fl1.7 , case SR-T 101, body only SR-ls w / MC Rokkor 55mm ~/ 1.7, accessory
MC Macro 50mm f/3.5, intermediate tube,
reversing ring, case
Short Mount 135mm f/4 (for use with
extension bellows only), w/case
1720 1741 1742 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1722 1770 1772 1774 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1711 1771 1773 1775 1731 1732 1751 1752 1761 1762 1780
Eyepiece correction lens #7V (-2.0 diopter)
Eyepiece correction lens #8V (-3.0 diopter)

血尿mini case分析

血尿mini case分析
辅助检查 处理
①感染性 ②炎症性、肿瘤 ③药物(利福平、氨基比 林等) ④精神(过度疲劳等) ⑤内分泌(糖隶病) ⑥其他
①生命体征 ②心肺 ③腹部 ④肛门指检
❖ 入院后急查血离子示低钠血症,血气分析 示代谢性酸中毒。
❖ 24h内血尿素氮高达27.9 mmol/L,血钾最 高达5.40 mmol/L 。
❖ 免疫荧光:c3(+)沿系膜区颗粒状沉积, IgG(2+ ~3+)、IgA(1+ ~2+)、 IgM(±~+)、C4(-)、Clq(-)、Fib(-)。
❖ 入院查体:体温37.7℃,脉搏75次/min,呼 吸20次/min,血压143/70mmHg,体重61 kg, 精神胃纳可,全身皮肤无黄染,双肺呼吸音 清;心脏无异常,腹软,无压痛及反跳痛, 未触及包块,肾区无叩痛,四肢无浮肿。神 经系统无阳性体征。
❖ 肾功能方面的检查、腹部B超和静脉肾盂造影 检查无异常。
病前一 个星期 常觉疲 倦
3天前 上呼吸 道感染
❖ 2型糖尿病、泌尿系感染 ❖ 转到内科进一步治疗。
❖ 病例特点:中年,女性,发现尿液源自红8小时。❖ 病史体检: 1.病史:排尿情况、发热、体重、用药史、既往史 2.体查:体温、血压、脉搏、阳性体征 3.辅助检查:血常规、B超、尿常规、病检、血糖 等
❖ 处理:进一步治疗或转诊
损伤 结泌功石尿能、系性外感血伤染尿、
肾小球基底膜通透性改 变:
薄肿基瘤底:膜肾、脏A、lp输o尿rt 管综、合 膀胱征肿、瘤
指甲-骨-肾综合征、慢 性肾炎
各血小种板疾病功能引可起障 能的诊断

不能忽视的 疾病



Subjective Case
Definition of nominative case
The nominative case is used to identify the subject of a sentence. It is the case in which the subject of a verb is expressed.
Practice with singular and plural possessives
Students practice forming possessives for singular and plural nouns, both regular and irregular, to enhance their ability to create clear and grammatically correct sentences.
With prepositions
Prepositions are used with the accusative case to show the person or thing related to the preposition. For example, "I gave the book to him" (him is the person related to the preposition "to").
Failure to use the correct case for a given grammatical function, such as using the nominative case instead of the accusative case when referring to an object.





一、计算机Case的功能计算机Case是计算机硬件的保护罩,主要有以下几个功能:1. 保护内部硬件:计算机内部的各种硬件需要受到良好的保护,如主板、CPU、硬盘、显卡等。


2. 散热和冷却:计算机内部工作时会产生大量的热量,如果不能及时散发,就会导致硬件发热过高,从而影响计算机的正常运行甚至损坏硬件。


3. 提供硬件安装空间和便捷性:计算机Case内部有各种硬件的安装插槽和固定器,能够使硬件有序地安装在指定位置,避免硬件松动和碰撞。


二、计算机Case的种类计算机Case的种类繁多,按照尺寸、形状和特点,可以分为以下几类:1. 塔式机箱(Tower Case):外形高大,类似于塔楼,适用于组装较大规模的计算机系统。


2. 迷你机箱(Mini Case):迷你机箱较小巧,适用于小型计算机或娱乐设备。


3. HTPC机箱(Home Theater PC Case):HTPC机箱外形短而宽,通常用于家庭影音娱乐中心。


4. 游戏机箱(Gaming Case):游戏机箱追求个性化设计和高端硬件配置,旨在为游戏爱好者提供更好的游戏性能和良好的用户体验。

iPad mini拆解

iPad mini拆解

Step 1 — iPad Mini TeardownWhat do you get when you cram an iPad into a smaller and lighter frame?o7.9" 1024 x 768 pixel (163 ppi) multi-touch display o Dual-core A5 processoro 5 megapixel rear-facing and 1.2 megapixel front-facing cameraso Bluetooth 4.0o Lightning connectoro16, 32, or 64 GB capacityStep 2∙Comparison time! With the introduction of the Mini, Apple now offers iDevices fit for any budget. Let's take a look at how they stack up.∙From bottom to top:∙iPad (3rd Generation)∙iPad Mini∙Slightly smaller iPad Mini—aka iPod Touch∙The iPad Mini has not one, but two speaker grilles to pump out mini beats. Don't let the iPhone 5'sdual grilles fool you; the Mini is the first handheldiDevice to house stereo speakers.Step 3∙Few things get us more excited than finding a new model number onan Apple device. Though the new model number is only two off from the last iPad we tore down, we quite literally could not be morethrilled.∙Model Number: A1432. Fun fact: the year 1432 was a leap year!∙Apple's kerning on our iPad's serial number seems a little questionable. Did they have to squeeze in an extra digit at the last minute?∙No, it's not an iPad Halloween costume; it's the iOpener!∙The iOpener is our new iPad opening tool that softens pesky adhesive, allowing you to get inside without having to resort to our other iPad opening tool.∙Thanks to our trusty iOpener, a microwave, and half an hour's worth of time, the adhesive iswarmed to the perfect temperature for us to freethe glass/digitizer assembly to the spooky tune of our iFixit guitar picks.∙The iPad Mini continues Apple's repair-impedingpractice of keeping iPads together with copiousthe friendly-to-open Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HDare clear winners.∙The touchscreen still functions with the glassseparated from the LCD.∙We were pleasantly surprised that this round of glass removal was easier than previous ones,requiring less patience and a near-zerofear-factor.∙With the glass removed, we are ready to get at the guts of this pint-sized iPad (or gallon-sized iPod, depending on how you look at it.)∙So far it looks like Apple has more tricks than treats for us with a hidden screw securing thedisplay.∙After dispatching two hidden screws and two exposed screws with our 54 Bit Driver Kit, we are able to lift the LCD.∙Pulling up the display reveals a large metal plate, held in with no fewer than 16 screws.∙We found similar plates in the iPod Touch 5th Generation, and the iPhone 5, so this seems to bea new iDevice design convention.∙Time to remove some metal. With the inner frame and the connector covers, there is enough metalhere to forge at least two—maybethree—paperclips.∙All this prying and disconnecting is reminding us a lot of our recent iPod Touch teardown. Butremember, the Mini and the Touch are, in fact,different devices.∙Our first exposed IC is one we've seen before, in the iPhone 5.∙In fact, you might say we've got a pretty close relationship with the Murata 339S0171 Wi-Fimodule.∙More tricks, fewer treats! With plastic opening tool in hand, we disconnect the display connector, butthere's still something holding the LCD in…Step 9∙…and the culprit is found. Insulating tape holds the display to the rear case and protects theLightning connector cable.∙With the tape peeled up, we remove the display assembly and can turn our attention to theinterior.∙Bad news: due to the placement of connectors, you'll need to remove the LCD prior to removingthe digitizer. Great news: the LCD and front glass are two separate components. This contrasts the fused glass-LCD assemblies in both the KindleFire HD and Nexus 7. Thanks for the repairability,Apple!Step 10∙Peeling the tape and EMI shield off the display reveals the ICs controlling the 1024x768 unit:∙Samsung W1235 S6TNMR1X01 Display Driver ∙SM4031 DA1232 SMCP043∙416R 8227∙HDU 2YC 34∙Though the markings on the back of the LCD don't turn up much information, the Samsungdisplay driver IC reveals that Apple once againwent with Samsung in its display manufacturing.∙Apple has reportedly been working to move away from Samsung as a primary supplier, so it'ssomewhat surprising to see a Samsung LCDinside. With that said, Apple often relies onmultiple suppliers for a single component,meaning there's quite likely other LCDmanufacturers lurking inside other iPad Minis.Step 11∙Fortunately, the iPad Mini inherited theconnector-fastened battery from its larger sibling, not the soldered-in battery found in the iPodTouch.∙ A plastic card makes a nice tool to pry the battery up from the rear panel, but it's still a very difficult task to break through all of the adhesive securing it to the rear case without puncturing the cells.∙ A close-up of the battery connector exposes thenumbers 821-1564-04 C 3312.∙We get a good look at the battery, and find ourselves scratching our heads a bit.∙This is a 3.72 V, 16.5 Whr, 4440 mAh battery. ∙Or maybe it's a 3.78 V, 16.9 Whr, 4400 mAh battery?∙Or maybe it's a 3.72 V, 4400 mAh battery?∙Or maybe, according to Apple's tech specs, it's only 16.3 Whr.∙Whatever the capacity, it's decidedly mini when compared to the massive 43 Whr battery in the iPad 3. Even the venerable iPad 2 sports a 25Whr package, 50% more than the iPad Mini.Step 13 ¶∙Next off is the digitizer.∙Hiding on the connector are a couple ofBroadcom touch controller ICs markedBCM5976C0KUB6G.∙This chip looks familiar…oh yeah, we saw them in the MacBook Air.Step 14∙An antenna sits on top of each speaker,presumably Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.∙Apple wasn't joking about "mini"; these are some of the smallest screws we have ever seen!∙For comparison, the screw on the right is from the bottom of an iPhone 5, where the screw on the left is from the Mini.Step 15∙The folks at Amazon doubted, but we can confirm the Mini does indeed sport stereo speakers. Inthis one regard, the Mini outdoes the still-monoRetina iPad.∙The reduction of connector size (30-pin to Lightning) has left just enough space to squeezea second speaker into the device, allowing forsound quality that is anything but mini.∙∙Step 16 ¶∙Two hidden screws secure the Lightning connector to the rear case.∙They've been around less than two months, but Lightning ports are spreading like wildfire acrossnearly the entire iOS lineup. However, the iPad 2, iPhone 4/4S, and iPod Shuffle are stillLightning-less…for now.∙As badly as we want to completely remove the Lightning port ribbon cable, we will have to wait,as it appears to be soldered to the logic board.Step 17 ¶∙We're getting ready to examine the brains of this device, but not before clearing out the rest of the surrounding peripherals.∙Several screws secure the power/volume buttonsribbon cable assembly to the rear case.tep 18∙The endless battle with adhesive rages on as we heat the backside of the rear case in hopes ofloosening the adhesive securing the logic board to the rear case.∙Applying heat to an aluminum frame like this makes it too hot to touch—luckily we keep asilicone pot holder on hand just for this sort ofthing.∙Once the adhesive is loose, we arm ourselves with a spudger to dislodge the logic board fromthe rear case.Step 19∙Nothing to see here.∙Unlike the iPad 3's dock connector, the Mini's lightning port is permanently soldered to the logic board. That design decision will make certainrepairs very expensive.Step 20∙The A5 processor has 512 MB RAM, just like the processor in the latest iPod Touch.∙How do we know? The package markings E4064P3PM-8D-5 indicate the A5 has two 2 Gb,LP DDR2 RAM dies inside, according toChipworks.∙These die photos from Chipworks shows the inner workings of the A5. Care to see the die in all itsgory glory? Check out the high-res version.∙Step 21∙The top side of the logic board houses all of the ICs:∙Hynix H2JTDG8UD2MBR 16 GB NAND Flash ∙Apple 343S0593-A5∙Apple 338S1116 Cirrus Logic Audio Codec∙Fairchild PCHPS FDMC 6676BZ∙Fairchild BC7BE F0MC 6683∙Apple 338S1077, aka Cirrus Logic Class D Amplifier (thanks Chipworks!)∙Strong adhesive continues to slow our advance, so another hit with the heat gun is prescribed topry the headphone jack and front facing cameraassembly out of the rear case.∙The iPad Mini does well in the camera department.While most hardware specs closely match theaging iPad 2, its cameras match those found inthe the Retina iPad. Its front-facing FaceTime HD camera delivers 1.2 MP photos, and therear-facing iSight camera delivers 5 MP resolutionand HD video.∙iPad Mini Repairability: 2 out of 10 (10 is easiest to repair).∙The LCD and glass are not fused together and can be replaced independently.∙The battery is not soldered to the logic board or other components.∙Teeny-tiny screws can be easily misplaced if you're not careful. Don't sneeze too hard whiletaking them off.∙Copious amounts of adhesive hold many components in place -- front glass, logic board,battery, front camera, back camera, ribbon cables -- making repair extremely difficult.∙The Lightning connector is soldered to the logic board, so don't bend its pins.∙Hidden screws mean you'll need to be very diligent when trying to remove internal components.。



酒店客房内物品的英文翻译,Part One、SLEEPIGN(睡眠空间)一、床bed床单sheet 被子quilt被罩bed-cover 枕头pillow内枕pillow-slip 枕套pillowcase毛毯blanket 床垫mattress护床垫mattress pad 床头灯bed-side lamp床头灯罩lamp shade 灯泡light bulb壁画picture 墙壁wall壁纸wallpaper 折叠床folding bed加床rollaway bed二、床头柜bedside table电话telephone便签note paper笔pen电子表clock请勿吸烟卡please don’t smoke on the bed音响radio夜灯night lightPart Two、WASHING (梳洗空间)一、洗脸台: 镜子bathroom mirror 中巾架tower rack洗手盆wash hand basin 面盆水龙头tap(hot and cold) 下水堵stopper 排水洞drain hole化装镜vanity counter 肥皂碟soap dish卷纸架toilet paper holder 吹风机hairdryer垃圾筒garbage can1、备品:口杯drinking glasses 小毛巾hand towel中巾face towel 烟灰缸ashtray2、供应品:牙刷toothbrush 牙膏toothpaste浴帽shower cap 梳子comb 拖鞋slipper针线包a swing kit 洗发水shampoo 沐浴液bath foam 润肤乳body lotion 肥皂soap面巾纸tissue 卷纸toilet paper剃须刀razor二、抽水马桶toilet bowl :马桶盖toilet seat cover马桶垫toilet seat 抽水柄flush handle排水管waste pipe 溢出overflow三、浴缸bath tub: 大巾架towel rack浴缸扶手grab bar 淋浴头shower head晾衣绳clothes line1、备品:地巾bath mat 浴袍bathrobe大巾bath towel 浴帘shower curtain浴帘杆shower rail四、其他词汇other words丢失missing 沾染stain堵塞clog 烧坏的burn out通风不凉的stuffy 门钩door hookPart Three、LIVING (起居空间)一、休闲:咖啡桌coffee table 圈椅chair扶手椅armchair 火柴match落地灯floor lamp 窗户window窗帘curtains(day and night) 窗帘curtain rod 宣传架notice二、娱乐:电视TV 遥控器remote control机顶盒VOD 电视柜TV shelf节目单TV program list三、小酒吧mini bar:酒单mini bar list热水壶electric kettle冷水壶Flask 冰筒ice bucket托盘tray 茶壶teapot茶叶tea 咖啡coffe咖啡杯cup 茶杯tea cup冰箱fridge四、酒水:花生peanut 土豆片chips可乐co-ca-co-la 雪碧sprite本地啤酒local beer 果汁juice新其士sunkist 巧克力chocolate本地矿泉水mineral water 进口矿泉水evianPart Four、WRITING (书写空间)写字台writing desk:梳妆镜dressing mirror 台灯lamp节目架TV program shelf梳妆椅dress table stool文具盒stationery box:信纸envelope电传fax paper 行李贴安全须知抽屉drawer :服务指南Service Guide电话本Imperial GuidePart Five、STORING (存储空间)壁橱wardrobe/closet 衣架hanger备用枕头extra pillow 毛毯blanket洗衣单laundry list 洗衣袋laundry bag鞋拔子shoehorn 衣刷子cloths brush 擦鞋纸shoeshine 拖鞋slipper保险箱safe 衣柜门door行李架luggage rackPart Six: Other Equipment (其它设备)一、门厅:门door 门锁lock门把手handle 窥镜spy-hole打扫牌make up room DND牌do not disturb 早餐牌breakfast 开关switch沙帘cheers 窗台window sill 电源插座socket空调air condition花瓶vase 沙发sofa安乐椅easy chair 穿衣镜full-length mirror紧急疏散图fire escape plan 壁角板skirting二、Special Housekeeping Nouns(客房特殊词汇) 插头plug 接线板adapter吸尘器vacuum cleaner 抹布dust cloth钥匙master key 手推车trolly消毒剂disinfectant 空气清新剂air freshener剪刀scissors 熨斗iron胶水glue water 胶条adhesive tape宽带线coder line 变压器transformer。



四年级英语作文介绍一个玩具或者笔盒全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, today I want to introduce you to my favorite toy - a cool pencil case!My pencil case is super cool because it has a funky design with colorful stripes on it. It's big enough to fit all my pens, pencils, erasers, and even a small sharpener. I love how organized it keeps all my stationery items.I use my pencil case every day at school. I take it out during class when I need to write in my notebook or do my homework. It's really handy because I can easily find the pen or pencil I need without rummaging through my backpack.One of the best things about my pencil case is that it's durable. I've had it for a year now and it still looks as good as new. The zipper works smoothly, and the fabric is easy to clean in case of any spills.I also like to personalize my pencil case by adding cute stickers or keychains to it. It makes it stand out from the rest of my classmates' pencil cases.In conclusion, my pencil case is not just a place to store my stationery items, it's also a fun accessory that reflects my personality. I love how it keeps me organized and helps me be prepared for all my schoolwork. I can't imagine going to school without it!篇2Hey guys, today I want to introduce you to my favorite toy - the robot transformer! It's super cool and can change into a car or a robot, it's like having two toys in one!I got this robot transformer as a birthday present last year, and I've been playing with it non-stop ever since. It's so much fun to flip and twist the different parts to transform it from a robot into a car, and vice versa. Plus, the colors are really cool too - it's mainly red and blue with some yellow and silver parts.The best part about this toy is that it's really easy to play with. Even my little brother who is in kindergarten can figure out how to transform it without any help. We love to race our robottransformers to see whose car is faster, and we also like to pretend they are fighting giant monsters as robots.I also use my robot transformer as a pen holder sometimes. I put all my colored pens and pencils in it, and it looks super cool sitting on my desk. It's like my robot transformer is guarding all my favorite writing tools!Overall, I really love my robot transformer toy. It's entertaining, versatile, and just plain awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun and creative toy to play with.篇3Hi everyone! Today I want to introduce my favorite toy or pen holder to you. It's my colorful and fun unicorn pen holder!I got this unicorn pen holder as a gift for my birthday last year from my best friend. It's so cute and adorable! The pen holder is in the shape of a unicorn with rainbow-colored hair and a shiny horn. It has a big pocket where I can put all my pens, pencils, erasers, and even a ruler.I love using my unicorn pen holder when I do my homework or draw pictures. It keeps all my supplies organized and easy to find. Plus, it adds a touch of magic and happiness to my desk!I also like to pretend that my unicorn pen holder is a magical creature that helps me with my schoolwork. I often talk to it and ask for its help when I have trouble with my math problems or spelling words. It's like having a cute and friendly buddy to study with!Overall, my unicorn pen holder is not just a practical item for storing my school supplies, but also a fun and magical toy that brings joy to my everyday life. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful gift from my friend!篇4Hi everyone! Today I want to introduce you to my favorite toy, it's my super cool pencil case!My pencil case is not just any ordinary pencil case, it's a special one that can transform into a mini robot! When I first saw it at the store, I knew I just had to have it. It's blue and silver, with shiny buttons and a big smiley face on the front.Inside my pencil case, I keep all my favorite colored pencils, markers, erasers, and even a sharpener. It has different compartments and pockets to keep everything organized. And the best part is, when I press a secret button, the pencil case magically transforms into a robot with arms, legs, and even a little antenna on top!I love playing with my robot pencil case during recess. I make it dance, walk, and even do somersaults on the table. My friends are always amazed at how cool and fun it is. Sometimes we have robot battles with our pencil cases, pretending they are fighting each other like in a superhero movie.Having this special pencil case makes me excited to go to school every day. It's not just a regular school supply, it's my fun and creative companion that brings joy and laughter to my school life. I can't wait to show it to everyone in my class and share the happiness it brings to me!That's all for now, thanks for listening to my story about my amazing robot pencil case! See you next time!篇5Hey guys, today I want to introduce you to my favorite toy - a super cool pencil case! It's not just a normal pencil case, it's likea secret treasure chest where I keep all my colorful pens, pencils, erasers, and even a mini ruler.This pencil case is so awesome because it has a fun design with my favorite cartoon characters on it. Every time I open it, I feel like I'm entering a magical world of creativity. It's like my own little art studio where I can draw, write, and doodle to my heart's content.I love how spacious this pencil case is, with multiple compartments to keep everything organized. There's even a special zipper pocket where I store my stickers and small notes from my friends. It's like a mini backpack for my stationery essentials!One of the best things about this pencil case is that it's super durable and easy to clean. I can take it with me everywhere - to school, to the park, or even on vacation. It's always by my side, ready to unleash my imagination whenever inspiration strikes.In conclusion, my pencil case is not just a simple storage pouch, it's a portal to a world of creativity and fun. I can't imagine my life without it! I hope you guys enjoyed hearing about my awesome pencil case. Thanks for listening!篇6Hello everyone, today I want to introduce you to my favorite toy - my pencil case! My pencil case is super cool and I love using it every day at school.First of all, let me tell you about the design of my pencil case. It is a bright pink color with a unicorn and rainbow pattern on the front. It has a zipper closure that is easy for me to open and close. Inside, there are different compartments to organize my pencils, erasers, and other school supplies. It's so pretty and I always get compliments on it from my friends.I like to keep my pencil case neat and tidy, so I make sure to put everything back in its place after I use it. I have colorful pens, markers, and even a mini ruler in my pencil case. It helps me to be prepared for any school work that comes my way.One of the best things about my pencil case is that it is durable and easy to clean. I can just wipe it down with a damp cloth if it gets dirty. It's also the perfect size to fit in my backpack without taking up too much space.In conclusion, my pencil case is not just a regular school supply, it is also a fun and stylish accessory that I love to show off.I hope you enjoyed learning about my favorite toy and maybe it inspired you to find a cool pencil case of your own! Thank you for listening.Hi everyone, today I want to introduce a cool toy to you all! It's called a magic pen box.This magic pen box is not just a normal pen box, it's very special because it can transform into a robot! Yes, you heard me right, a robot! When you open the box, the pieces inside magically assemble themselves into a cute little robot. It's like watching a magic show every time you open it.The robot can move its arms and legs, and even do a little dance if you press a button on its back. It's so much fun to play with and it's also a great way to store your pens and pencils. The robot's head is where you can put your pens, and the body is for erasers and other stationery items.I love bringing this magic pen box to school because all my friends think it's really cool. They always want to play with it and see how the robot transforms. It's like having a little buddy with me all the time.If you want to have your own magic pen box, you can find it at toy stores or online. It's a great toy for kids who love robots and magic tricks. I hope you can get one and have as much fun as I do with mine!Hello everyone, today I want to introduce you to my favorite toy - a pencil case! My pencil case is so cool and it helps me keep all my pencils, pens, erasers, and sharpeners organized.First of all, my pencil case is a bright pink color with a cute unicorn design on it. I love unicorns, so when I saw this pencil case at the store, I just had to have it! It is made of durable material so it can last a long time.Inside my pencil case, there are different compartments for different things. There is a big pocket where I can keep all my pens and pencils. There are also smaller pockets for my erasers and sharpeners. It helps me keep everything in its place so I can find what I need quickly when I am in class.I also like that my pencil case has a zipper closure. It makes sure that everything stays inside and doesn't fall out. I can easily open and close it with the zipper without any problems.I always bring my pencil case to school with me every day. It helps me stay organized and ready for class. I can easily grab my pencils and erasers when I need them without having to search through my backpack.In conclusion, my pencil case is not just a regular pencil case, it is my favorite toy that helps me stay organized and prepared for school. I love it so much and I will always take good care of it. Thank you for listening to my introduction!篇9Title: My Awesome Pencil CaseHey guys, today I want to introduce you to my super cool pencil case! It’s not just any ordinary pencil case, it’s like a treasure chest for all my stationery stuff.First of all, let me tel l you about the design. It’s bright pink with sparkly glitter all over it. There’s a big unicorn on the front that’s so adorable. When you open it up, there are two compartments – one for pencils and pens, and the other for erasers, sharpeners, and even a mini ruler.I love how spacious it is because I can fit all my favorite pens and pencils inside without them getting squished. There’s even a little pocket on the inside where I keep my stickers and small notes from my friends.The best part about my pencil case is that it’s not just for storing my stationery. It also has a built-in sharpener and a secretcompartment at the back where I can hide my special treats like candy or small toys. It’s like a mini storage box that I c an carry around with me everywhere.I take my pencil case to school every day and all my friends are so jealous of it. They always ask me where I got it from, and I just smile and tell them it’s my special treasure chest that makes homework more fun.I can’t imagine my school life without my awesome pencil case. It’s not just a stationery holder, it’s a magical accessory that adds a touch of sparkle to my day. I love it so much!篇10Introduction about My Pencil BoxHi everyone, my name is Lily and I want to introduce you to my favorite pencil box. It's really cool and I use it every day at school. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, my pencil box is pink with glitter all over it. It's so pretty and shiny, I love looking at it. When I open it up, there are three compartments inside for me to organize my pens, pencils, erasers, and even a little sharpener. It helps me keep everything neat and tidy.One of the best things about my pencil box is that it has a secret compartment at the bottom. I can keep my favorite stickers and small toys there. It's like a little treasure chest! I also like that it has a strong zipper to keep everything safe inside.I take my pencil box everywhere with me, to school, to my friend's house, and even on vacation. It's like my little buddy that helps me with my homework and drawing. I can't imagine my life without it.In conclusion, my pencil box is not just a box to hold my stationery, it's also a special item that brings me joy and helps me stay organized. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it. Thank you for listening!。

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Name: Yi Ru 1077406Class: FINC501-M01Assignment of mini caseOctober 27, 2015A. What is capital budgeting?Capital budgeting is the whole process of analyzing projects and deciding which ones to accept and thus include in the capital budget.B. What is the difference between independent and mutually exclusive projects? Independent projects means that I have so much money that I can invest a lot of projects at the same time. So if the profits are higher than my expectation, I will invest it. Mutually exclusive projects means that my money is limited so I must choose the best one of the investments. If I choose the one of them, I cannot choose others at all.C. (1) Define the term NPV. What is each franchise’s NPV?The rationale of the NPV method is defined as the present value of a project’s expected cash flows discounted at the appropriate risk-adjusted rate.The Franchise L’s NPV is $18.7829.The Franchise S’s NPV is $19.9850.(2) What is the rationale behind the NPV method? Acoording to NPV, which franchise or franchises should be accepted if they are independent? Mutually exclusive?The NPV method help us know the present value of future cash flows are equal to investment which is made today. If the NPV more than zero, it will be worthy investing. If they are independent, both of them should be invested because the NPVs of them are positive. If they are Mutually exclusive, the Franchises S should be invested duo to its higher NPV.(3) Would the NPVs change if the cost of capital changed?Yes, if the cost of capital goes up, the NPVs will go down.D. (1) Define the term IRR. What is each franchise’s IRR?IRR is the rate of return when NPV=0.The Franchise L’s IRR is 18.1258%.The Franchise S’s IRR is 23.5641%.(2) How is the IRR on a project related to the YTM on a bond?They are the same thing. If you invest in the bond, the YTM of the bond is the IRR.(3) What is the logic behind the IRR method? According to IRR, which franchises should be accepted if they are independent? Mutually exclusive?IRR measures a project’s profitability in the rate of return sense: if a project’s IRR equals its cost of capital, then its cash flows are just sufficient to provide investors with their required rates of return. If they are independent, both of them should be invested because the IRRs of them are both higher than 10%. If they are mutually exclusive, Franchise S should be invested due to its higher IRR.(4) Would the franchises’ IRRs change if the cost of capital changed?No, IRRs are independent of the cost of capital.E. (1) Draw NPV profiles for Franchises L and S. At what discount rate do the profiles cross?The data of the curve shows below.R NPVL NPVS0.00% $50.00 $40.005.00% $31.48 $27.9010.00% $17.08 $18.1715.00% $5.80 $10.2820.00% -$3.09 $3.86Crossover pointX=8.7%IRRL=18.1% IRRS=23.6%The discount rate is 8.7% when crossing .(2)Look at your NPV profile graph without referring to the actual NPVs and IRRs. Which franchise or franchises should be accepted if they are independent? Mutually exclusive? Explain. Are your answers correct at any cost of capital less than 23.6%?If they are independent, L should be accepted when its cost of capital less than 18.1% and S should be accepted when its cost of capital less than 23.6% where the NPV is more than zero. If they are mutually exclusive, L should be invested when its cost of capital less than 8.7% where the NPV of L is higher and S should be invested when its cost of capital more than 8.7% where.the NPV of S is higher.F. What is the underlying cause of ranking conflicts between NPV and IRR?①The different scale of two projects②Cash flows differ in terms of time pattern of their cash flowsG. Define the term modified IRR (MIRR). Find the MIRRs for Franchises L and S. MIRR is that discount rate which equates the present value of the terminal value of the inflows, compounded at the cost of capital, to the present value of the cost.The MIRR for Franchises L is 16.4959%.The MIRR for Franchises S is 16.8876%.H. What does the profitability index (PI) measure? What are the PIs of Franchises S and L?PI measures the “bang for the buck”.PI of L is 1.1879.PI of S is 1.1998.I. (1) What is the payback period? Find the paybacks for Franchises L and S?PBP is the number of years required to recover a project’s cost, or how long does it take to get the business’s money back?The payback for L is 2.375 years.The payback for S is 1.6 years.(2)What is the rationale for the payback method? According to the payback criterion, which franchise or franchises should be accept if the firm’s maximum acceptable payback is 2 years and if Franchises L and S are independent? If they are mutually exclusive?PBP measures a balance point of the cash flows. It finds the time point when taking the money back.. If the firm’s maximum acceptable payback is 2 years and if L and S are independent, L should be rejected because its PBP is longer than 2 years, and S should be accepted because the PBP of S is shorter than 2 years. If they are mutually exclusive, S should be accept duo to its shorter PBP.(3)What is the difference between the regular and discounted payback period?The latter uses discounted cash flows, so the discounted payback period considered the time value of the cash flows. It is more accurate than the PBP.(4)What is the main disadvantage of discounted payback? Is the payback method of any real usefulness in capital budgeting decisions?Ignores cash flows occurring after the payback period. In spite of its deficiency, many firms today still calculate the discounted payback and give some weight to it when making capital budgeting decisions. However, payback is not generally used as the primary decision tool. Rather. It is used as a rough measure of a project’sliquidity and riskiness.J. As a separate project (project P), you are considering sponsoring a pavilion at the upcoming world’s fair. The pavilion would cost $800,000, and it is expected to result in $5 million of incremental cash inflows during its 1 year of operation. However, it would then take another year, and $5 million of costs, to demolish the site and return it to its original condition. Thus, project P’s expected net cash flows look like this (in millions of dollars):Year Net Cash Flows0 -$0.81 5.02 -5.0The project is estimated to be of average risk, so its cost of capital is 10 percent. (1) What are normal and nonnormal cash flows?Normal cash flow begin with a negative cash flow (or a series of negative cash flows), switch to positive cash flows, and then remain positive. They have only one change in sign. Nonnormal cash flows have more than one sign change. For example, they may start with negative cash flows, switch to positive, and then switch back to negative.(2) What is Project P’s NPV? What is its IRR? Its MIRR?Project P’s NPV is -$386.776.86.IRR is 25%.MIRR is 5.6%.(3) Draw Project P’s NPV profile. Does Project P have normal or nonmormal cash flows? Should this project be accepted?The data of the curve shows below.rate NPV0% -$800,000.0025% $0.0050% $207,407.4175% $242,565.60100% $225,000.00125% $193,141.29150% $160,000.00175% $129,827.20200% $103,703.70225% $81,565.77250% $62,973.76275% $47,407.41300% $34,375.00325% $23,448.00350% $14,266.12375% $6,531.56400% $0.00Obviously, Project P have nonnormal cash flows. The project P should be rejected because its NPV is less than zero at the rate 10%.K. In an unrelated analysis, you have the opportunity to choose between the following two mutually exclusive projects, Project T (which lasts for two years) and Project F (which lasts for four years):Expected Net Cash FlowsYear Project T Project F0 -$100,000 -100,0001 60,000 33,5002 60,000 33,5003 33,5004 33,500The projects provide a necessary service, so whichever one is selected is expected to be repeated into the foreseeable future. Both projects have a 10% cost of capital. (1) What is each project’s initial NPV without replication?NPV of T is $4,132.23.NPV of F is $6,190.49.(2) What is each project’s equivalent annual annuity?EAA of T is $2,380.95.EAA of F is $1,952.92.(3) Apply the replacement chain approach to determine the projects’extended NPVs. Which project should be chosen?The replacement chain approach means that the project T will be reinvested twice.So the NPV of F is still $6,190.49.And the NPV of T is 4,132.23+4,132.23/(1+10%)2=$7,547.30.The Project T should be chosen.(4) Assume that the cost to replicate Project T in 2 years will increase to $105,000 due to inflation. How should the analysis be handled now, and which project shouldbe chosen?If the cost to replicate Project T will increase to $105,000, I will invest $105,000 and have a $60,000 return, that is equal to investing $45,000. So the cash flow should be:Year Project T Project F0 -$100,000 -100,0001 60,000 33,5002 -45,000 33,5003 60,000 33,5004 60,000 33,500The new NPV of T is $3,415,07, which is less than the NPV of F.So Project F should be chosen.L. You are also considering another project that has a physical life of 3 years; that is , the machinery will be totally worn out after 3 years. However, if the project were terminated prior to the end of 3 years, the machinery would have a positive salvage value. Here are the project’s estimated cash flows:Year Initial Investment andOperating Cash FlowsEnd-of-Year NetSalvage Value0 -$5,000 -$5,0001 2,100 3,1002 2,000 2,0003 1,750 0Using the 10% cost of capital, what is the project’s NPV if it is operated for the full 3 years? Would the NPV change if the company planned to terminate the project at the end of Year 2? At the end of Year 1? What is the project’s optimal (economic) life?(1)If no terminationYear CF0 -$5,0001 2,1002 2,0003 1,750NPV= -$123.22(2)Terminate after 2 yearsYear CF0 -$5,0001 2,1002 4,000NPV= $214.88(3)Terminate after 1 yearYear CF0 -$5,0001 5,200NPV= -$272.73So the project’s optimal (economic) life is 2 years, which is not equal to the engineering life 3 years.。
