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1.Pragmatics:(term):the study of language in use(the study of speaker meaning).

2.Micropragmatics:(term):to study the meaning of such pieces of language in smaller contexts.

3.Macropragmatics:(term): these studies look deep into the mechanisms by which speakers/writers encode their message in skillful ways and how hearers/readers arrive at the intended meanings in spite of the differences between the literal meaning and the intended meaning. This approach of study is called….

4. Reference(term):in Pragmatics, the act by which a speaker or writer uses language to enable a hearer or reader to identify something.

5.Deixis(term):in all language there are many words and expressions whose reference depends entirely on the situational context of the utterance and can only be understood in light of these circumstances. This aspect of pragmatics is called…, which means “pointing” via language.

6. five types of deixis:

●Person deixis(e.g.):me, you, him, and them.

●Time deixis(e.g.):now, then, tonight, last week, this year.

●Space/spatial/place deixis(e.g.):here, there, yonder.

●Discourse deixis(e.g.):in the previous/next paragraph, or have you heard this joke?

●Social deixis(e.g.):professor Li, Li Jie

7.Anaphora(term):the process where a word or phrase refers back to another word or phrase which was used earlier in a text or conversation.

8. Presupposition(term):assumptions by the speaker or writer.

9.Presupposition triggers:

●Definitive description(e.g.):he saw the man with two heads→there exists a man with two


●Factive verbs(e.g.):he realized that he was in debt.

●Change of state verbs(e.g.):he began to beat her husband.

●Lteratives(e.g.):the flying saucer came again.

●T emporal clauses(e.g.):while he was revolutionizing linguistics.

●Cleft sentences(e.g.):it was he that kissed her.

●Comparisons and contrasts(e.g.):he is a better linguist than him.

10.Speech act(term)actions performed via utterance.

11. locutionary act (term) the act of saying, the literal meaning of the utterance

e.g. there is not enough fresh air in here.

12. Illocutionary act (term)the extra meaning of the utterance produced on the basis of its literal meaning

e.g. the hearer to open the window

13.per locutionary act(term)the effect of the utterance on the hearer, depending on specific circumstances.

e.g. the hearer′s opening the window or his refusal to do so

14. classification of illocutionary acts

●Representatives:e.g.:the earth is flat/it was a warm sunny day/Chomsky did not write about


●Directives e.g.:gimme a cup of coffee. Make it black/could you lend me a pen,please?/do not
