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• 推荐材料: • 1、《新概念3》 • 2、平时可以多听听VOA、BBC
• 十点注意事项 • 1、介词 • 2、代词 • 3、冠词 • 4、同音异型词 • 5、单词的大小写 • 6、名词的单复数 • 7、单词的误拼 • 8、动词的形式 • 9、特殊的语音现象 • 10、书写工整 •
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短文听力 3篇文章,每篇250words左右 每篇3—4道题,三篇共10道题
信息量大,题材范围广,题型多,句子结构复 杂 • -----goal:听完后把题做完-----题文同序原则 • (notes) • •
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07—6 2007—6---passage 1 26. A) Improve themselves.--B) Get rid of empty dreams. C) Follow the cultural tradition. D) Attempt something impossible. 27. A) By finding sufficient support for implementation. B) By taking into account their own ability to change. C) By constantly keeping in mind their ultimate goals. D) By making detailed plans and carrying them out.--28. A) To show people how to get their lives back to normal. B) To show how difficult it is for people to lose weight. C) To remind people to check the calories on food bags. D) To illustrate how easily people abandon their goals.---
• 复合式听写题型分析与解题对策 • 复合式听写考察内容: • 1、填写的单词和句子不难,一般不会超过六 级大纲。 • 2、难点在于单词比较长,同时可能出现各种 各样的变形。 • 3、一般来说,听写材料中说明文较多。 • • •
• 听写的核心原则:精听速记 • 速记: • 1、放第一遍录音时开始写,对于长难单词写缩略语。 • Difficult – dif / difficulty – dify / environment – env / environmental – envl / especially – esp / • University – uni • • • • 2、符号助记法。 • Question ? Question is ?: about ≈ • less than ≤ more than ≥ • 3、奇偶填空法 •
辅助材料:托福听力(包括试卷、mp3文件、正确答案、 听力原文)
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复合式听写: 1、认真复习第四次课的内容 2、好好练习看、猜、听、记 3、小技巧:跟读、拼写四级大纲词汇
Passage: 1、认真复习课程中讲过的பைடு நூலகம்容 2、多练,尤其是新题
• 需要解决的几个关系: • 1、精听和泛听的关系:考前一个月以内最 好只精听,不泛听;一个月之外以泛听为主, 精听为辅。 • 2、模拟题与真题的关系:考前一个月之内 只真题,不要做模拟题;一个月之外,随意 做什么题
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Passage One The New Year always brings with it a cultural tradition of new possibilities. We see it as a chance for renewal. We begin to dream of new possible selves. We design our ideal self or an image that is quite different from what we are now. For some of us, we roll that dreamy film in our heads just because it is the beginning of the New Year, but we are serious about making changes. We just make some half hard resolution and it evaporates after a week or two. The experience makes us less successful and leads us to discount ability to change in the future. It’s not the changes impossible, but it won’t last unless our resolutions are supported with plans for implementation. We have to make our intensions manageable by detailing the specific steps that will carry us to our goal. Say your goal is to lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets. But one night you just have to have a cookie and you know there is a bag of your favorites in the cupboard. You want one, you eat two, you check the bag and find out that you’ve just shot 132 calories. You say to yourself, “What the hell. I’ll polish off the whole bag.” Then you begin to draw all kinds of unpleasant conclusions about yourself. To protect your sense of yourself, you begin to discount the goal. You may think, “Well, dieting wasn’t that important to me and I wouldn’t make it anyhow.” So you’ll abandon the goal and return to your bad habits. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you’ve just heard. 26. What do people usually wish to do at the beginning of the New Year? 27. How can people turn their New Year’s resolutions into reality? 28. Why does the speaker mention the example of sweets and cookies?
• 复合式听写中的句子做法: • 第一遍尽量不要写后面的三个句子,听懂 大意。 • 第二遍只写关键词。 • 第三遍查漏补缺。
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复习 1、课程中的真题要认真地听 2、拥有一套历年六级真题(配磁带) 3、多听、多记、多总结 4、每天至少安排35分钟练习,其间不间断地专心听 5、精听和泛听相结合 6、不要多做题,要有目的、有计划、有条理地做题
• 复合式听写 • 新旧六级题型比较区别 • 老六级:20道题 / 20分 / 20分钟 • Section A short conversation (10) • Section B passage (3) • compound dictation (7+3) • 新六级:36道题 / 35分 / 35分钟 • Section A short conversation (8) • long conversation (2) • Section B passage (3) • Section C compound dictation (8+3) •