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卖方: .

1 、总则

本协议由(以下简称买方)和 . (以下简称卖方)于2002 年3 月订立生效。本协议签订的目的是为了协调双方的供需,确保合理供货绩效目标的达成。本协议是在互相支持、互相信任、风险共摊、利益共享的基础上达成。

2 、需求发放

对于批量采购的物料,买方每月定期向卖方发放跨度1 ~3 个月的需求预测,供卖方制定生产计划或组织货源时参考。

3 、PO 履行

3.1 卖方在收到买方订单后,应在3 个工作日内正式签返。经签返的订单的各项内容如:价格、交货时间、数量、交货地点等,卖方须全面予以履行。对于VMI 项目,卖方应遵循VMI 供货协议要求,确保VMI 仓库中有足够的安全库存。

3.2 卖方应每周定期向买方通报未交货PO 的出货计划,以及VMI 仓库之补货计划,并按承诺严格履行。

3.3 在买方未提出交货变更的情况下,卖方必须按最初承诺日期准时交货。当买方要求短于货期的交货时,卖方应采取适当措施,努力满足买方的交货需求;并在签返订单时确定具体的交货时间和数量。

3.4 在买方提出明确的交货变更情况下,卖方要立即响应,配合买方妥善、快速处理相关问题。双方均需按协商结果认真执行,兑现承诺。

4 、备货

4.1 卖方应根据买方提供的需求预测,保持合理的原材料、半成品、制成品的库存水平;卖方的某些关键原材料应建立起充足的安全储备。

4.2 卖方应遵循与买方定期沟通的结果,积极完成制成品的备货。备货的品种、数量及时间要求,买方每月根据需求变化情况予以刷新,并正式发布予卖方。卖方必须严格按照买方的备货要求组织生产,及时建立起库存,并接受买方的不定期稽查活动。

4.3 卖方应在收到买方正式发布之备货清单3 个工作日内盖章签返意见,并承诺完成时间。

4.4 如果遇到未能预料到的市场变化,买方承诺在之后的3 到12 个月内无条件分批次提取卖方为买方准备的制成品库存。

4.5 一旦卖方的产品被设计进了买方的新产品中,在买方未提供需求预测的情况下,卖方应根据买方的产品开发进度,在无订单情况下,针对货期超过1 个月的原材料做适量的储备。储备数量由双方根据对项目未来的展望和风险评估情况具体商定。

4.6 卖方每周按模板要求,向买方提供原材料及制成品备货情况报告。

5 、竞争性定价


6 、罚则

6.1 如果卖方不能按时交货,卖方应立即将修改后的交货日期及交货数量书面通知买方,买方有权选择:

1) 取消未交货的产品或服务的订单,而不支付任何费用;

2) 在其它地方采购产品或服务,并由卖方承担多出的采购差价;

3) 要求卖方采用快递方式交付产品,因此而增加的费用由卖方承担;

4) 采取其它合法、公平和符合本协议的补救方法;

6.2 买方每月对卖方就本供货保障协议之履行情况进行评估,买方有权选择调整卖方的采购份额直至为零的处罚。

7 、保密


8 、争议的解决

因执行本协议而引起的任何争议,应通过双方的友好协商来解决。协商不成,双方同意将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC )仲裁并适用其规则,仲裁裁决是最终局的,对双方均有拘束力,仲裁使用语言为中文。

9 、法律适用


10 、其它事项

10.1 本协议中未作规定的其它事项,按双方签订供货协议有关条款执行。

10.2 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份。本协议从双方有效权签人签字盖章之日起生效,有效期截至2002 年12 月31 日止。






1. General Provisions

This Agreement is made and entered into by and between Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “the Buyer”) and SynQor, Inc. (hereinafter called “the Seller”) in March 2002. This Agreement is formed in order to coordinate the supply and demand between the two parties hereto and ensure the achievement of reasonable supply. This Agreement is reached on the basis of mutual support and trust and sharing risks and benefits jointly.

2. Demand and Supply

With respect to the materials to be procured in batch, the Buyer shall notify the Seller regularly every month of a forecast of demand for a period of 1-3 month, for reference of the Seller at the time of working out production plan or arranging supply of goods.

3. Fulfillment of Purchase Order

3.1 The Seller shall formally sign back the order to the Buyer within three working days upon receipt of it from the Buyer. The Seller shall perform the signed back order strictly in accordance with the provisions stated therein including without limitation, price, time of delivery, quantity, place of delivery, etc. With respect to the VMI projects, the Seller shall comply with the requirements stated in VMI supply agreements and ensure that there is enough stock in the VMI warehouses.

3.2 The Seller shall make a regular report every week to the Buyer on the plan for delivering the goods under the outstanding purchase order and the plan for supplementing goods in the VMI warehouses, and shall fulfill the plan strictly in accordance with its undertakings.

3.3 The Seller shall make the delivery duly in accordance with the time limit agreed originally, except when the Buyer requires modification of delivery. If the Buyer requires delivery earlier than originally agreed, the Seller shall take proper measures to meet such requirements and shall confirm the specific time and quantity of delivery when signing back the purchase order.

3.4 Where the Buyer demands specific modification of delivery, the Seller shall respond
