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Unit 7 Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully

Part One Words and Phrases

gracefully slip expose abrupt accomplish observe protest assure discourage compliment modify inevitable involve with regard to hold true go through

1. gracefully

adv. behaving in a polite and pleasant way 得体的

“Diving Queen” Gao Min _______________ in 1992 as the world’s greatest female springboard diver.


grace n. quality of being pleasing, attractive, or beautiful, esp. in structure or movement 优美;优雅(尤指在结构或动作上)

graceful adj.

gracious adj. (of persons and their behavior) pleasant; kind; agreeable (指人及其行为)亲切的,和善的,和蔼的

It was gracious of you to come. 蒙您光临,不胜荣幸。

The host welcomed the guests in his program _________________. 主持人态度热情地将客人们请进他的节目。

2. slip(Line 2, Para. 1)

v. go or move quickly or quietly 滑

How can you _________________________ without a ticket? 我没有票,你怎么能让我进体育场呀?

The thief _____________________ without being seen. 那个贼悄悄溜走没被人看到。

The years ________________. 岁月在不知不觉中过去。

n.1) a slight error or oversight, as in speech or writing 口误,笔误

a slip of the pen/tongue 笔(口)误

2)a small piece of paper, especially a small form, document, or receipt 小片纸如表格、收据等

a deposit slip 存款单 a sales slip 收据

give (sb.) the slip:escape the pursuit of逃脱······的追逐

let slip: say inadvertently出于无心地说出

3. expose (Line 2, Para. 1)

vt. 1) uncover; leave uncovered or unprotected 暴露;使遭受;使接触

Those workers had to expose their body to the sunlight while working.


As we know, Canadian Mark Rowswell (Da Shan) is ___________________________________.


2) disclose, make known 揭发;揭穿

The politician was exposed as a crook by the newspaper. 报纸揭露了这个政客是个骗子。

4. abrupt (Line 5, Para. 1)

adj. 1) (of behavior, speech, character, etc.) seeming rude and unfriendly 唐突的;鲁莽的

His brother John is a man with an abrupt manner.

2) sudden; unexpected 突然的,意外的

The road to the small town was full of abrupt turns. 那条通往小镇的道路有很多急转弯。

________________________ greatly frightened all the gamblers in the room.(警察的突然闯入)

abrupt departure ___________________ abrupt attack ________________ abrupt stop ___________________ abrupt ending __________________ abrupt change ___________________

3)touching on one subject after another with sudden transitions 不连贯的

an abrupt literary style

4) steeply inclined 陡峭的,险峻的

an abrupt descent 陡峭的斜坡

abruptly adv. abruptness n.

5. accomplish (Line 10, Para. 2)

v. succeed in doing something 完成

Resolution and perseverance enable him to ___________________________________________.


accomplishment n. something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work 成就For a prose writer, that’s rather an accomplishment.

词义辨析achieve, accomplish 和attain

这三个词都指达到某种目的或完成任务。achieve和attain强调通过努力而达到目的,取得成功或实现愿望。achieve在表示“取得······成绩或成就”时,常和某些代词连用。attain 多用作vt,用作vi 时,常与to 搭配。注意:如果宾语是power,prosperity,distinction,knowledge,wisdom等词时,用attain 或attain to都可以。但宾语是end,object,aim,ideal,aspiration等词时只能使用attain,不能用attain to。accomplish 指成功地完成预期目标。在表示“取得······成就”时,也和某些代词连用。

请选择achieve, accomplish 或attain 的适当形式填空。

1) He will never _______ anything if he doesn’t work hard.

2) It took them two years to __________ that great TV serial.

3) We must try our best to ______ this standard.

4) If you don’t rely on the experimental conclusion, you will __________ nothing.

5) Jack finally _______ to the highest office in that company.

6) Did your sister _______ all that she expected to?

6. observe (Line 12, Para. 3)

v. 1) obey (a law, rule or custom) 遵守,奉行

Just like us, Taiwan compatriots also observe the Lunar New Year.


Before the start of the meeting, all the participants __________________________ in honor of those victims in the earthquake and tsunami. 在会议开始之前,所有与会者向地震和海啸受害者默哀三分钟。

2) see and notice; watch carefully 看;观察

I have never observed her do otherwise. ____________________________________.

3) say by way of comment 评论;评述;说

She observed (to us) that our task was very well finished. 她说我们的任务完成得很好。

observance n.遵守,奉行the observance of Christmas 过圣诞节

observation n.观察,观测keep the patient under observation 对病人进行观察

observing adj.

7. protest (Line 13, Para. 3)

n. a strong complaint that shows you disagree with, or are angry about something that you think is wrong or unfair 反对;抗议

They made a strong protest to the mayor about the building of the new airport.

A large-scale protest strike/rally (集会) was organized outside the White House.

v.raise an objection, say something (against) 抗议;反对(与against连用)

The workers protested (against) the reductions in their benefits.

That suspect ___________________________________________ to meet his relatives.


8. assure (Line 25, Para. 5)

v.tell somebody that something will definitely happen so that they are less worried 向······保证
