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The arrival of the era ofbig data has overtlirown traditional marketing and made marketing more precise, making mobile game profit models more diversified and mixed. Mobile phone online games are changing, more and more people are starting to play mobile games, but how to make players interested and pay for a game for a long time is still a problem This paper first discusses the research backgrouixl, research puipose and related theories of iwbilc network game iixiustry. Secondly it introduces the scale and development opportunities and challenges of the hand tour industry, and then studies the methods of profit making from five aspects of the source, point, object, lever and barrier of the profit, and points out the big data background・ There arc some problems and development opportunities in the profit model of the hand tour industry. Then, it analyzes the components of the lencent Inc profit model, and points out the advantages and disadvantages. In order to improve the position and profit of Tcnccnt Inc in the mobile network game industiy the lencent Inc should increase the source of revenue, resolutely crack down on the behavior of the game, aixl improve the user's satisfaction with the game products ・

Big data; profit model; Mobile game


摘耍.................................................................................. I Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................................... II 目录................................................................................ Ill 1绪论 . (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2研究意义 (1)

1.3研究内容 (2)

2理论基础与研究综述 (2)

2.1大数据的基本槪念 (2)

2.2手机网络游戏的和关研究 (2)

2.3盈利模式的相关研究 (3)

2. 3.1盈利模式的定义 (3)

2. 3. 2盈利模式的组成要素 (3)

3移动手机网游的行业现状和盈利模式分析 (3)

3.1手机网络游戏行业现状 (3)

3. 1. 1手机网络游戏发展规模 (3)

3.1.2手机网络游戏行业的机遇 (4)

3. 1. 3手机网络游戏行业面临的挑战 (4)

3.2手机网络游戏盈利模式构成要素分析 (4)

3.3手机网络游戏盈利模式中存在的一些问题 (5)

4腾讯公司手机游戏盈利模式分析 (6)

4.1腾讯公司简介 (6)

4.2腾讯手机网络游戏盈利模式分析 (6)

4.3腾讯公司手游盈利模式所具有的优势与待解决的问题 (8)

4. 3. 1腾讯公司手游盈利模式所具有的优势 (8)

4. 3. 2腾讯手游盈利模式中待解决的问题 (8)

4.4腾讯公司手游盈利模式的一些建议 (9)

5研究结论 (10)

参考文献 (11)

致谢 (12)
