全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖《In a Fastfood Restaurant》教案
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案(一)Asking the Way(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校祁承辉)I.Teaching ContentAsking the WayA: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?B: Sure. You can go there by bus.A: Is it a long way from here?B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.A: Which bus can I take?B: You can take a No. 2 bus.A: Where is the bus stop?B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: You're welcome.II. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-upT: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T.Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright"?Step 2. PresentationT: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning".T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go.S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.S2: Fisher Girl.S3: Jiuzhou Town.T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city?S1: 2000 Hotel.S2: Yindu Hotel.S3: Bihai Hotel.(The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.)Step 3. New structures learningT: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?S: By bus.T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybefifteen minutes is enough.(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence:"It'll take someone some time to do something."2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes. " on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence.3) A guessing game:T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"T: How long will it take me to have a football match?S1: It'll take you ninety minutes.T: Yes.4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order to introduce the new sentence: "Just go straight."5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence "Go straight."6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence: "Just go straight."Step 4. Practice1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeat after the tape, first individually and then in pairs.2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.Step 5. ConsolidationT: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, so I've prepared some photographs for you.1) Show the photographs of "Nanjing Road", "Pudong New Area" and "the Bund" to the students.2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don't know, such as directions, transportations in Shanghai.3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
【知识学习】全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案ATelephonecall(广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学鲍当洪)I.TeachingmaterialATelephonecallA:mayIspeaktojim,please?B:Sorry.He'snotathome.A:whereishenow?B:Hewenttothebookshop.A:wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?B:Sure.A:TomorrowisTeachers'Day.we'llhaveapartyatschool.B:whattimeistheparty?A:Atthreethirtyintheafternoon.B:ok,I'lltellhimwhenhe'sback.A:Thankyou.II.TeachingAims)EnablethestudentstomaketelephonecallsinEnglish andgetthemtoknowhowtobehavethemselvesonthetelephone.2)Raisethestudents'interesttolearnEnglish.3)Encouragethestudentstohavegoodcooperationwithonea nother.III.Teachingcontents)Patterns:mayIspeakto...?wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?2)Vocabulary:message,party,takeamessageIV.teachingAidsFourtoytelephones,acD-Rom,atoySantaclaus.V.TeachingproceduresStep1.warming-upExerciseSingthesong"Greetings".Step2.PresentationandPractice)Askthestudentstolookatthescreenandlistentothet alkbetweentheteacherandthepersoninthescreen.2)Afterthetalk,theteachertellsthestudentshowtomakea telephonecallinEnglish.writethepattern"mayIspeakto...?"ontheblackb oardandteachthemhowtouseitonthephone.3)Usingthefourtoytelephones,askthestudentstomaketel ephonecallsinpairswiththefollowingpatterns:----mayIspeakto...?----Speaking.Thosestudentswhodonothavetoytelephonescanusetheirpe ncil-boxesinstead,ortheycanputtheirfingerstotheirearsasasignt omakephonecalls.4)Askonestudenthis/hernameandhis/herhometelephonenu mber,usingthefollowingsentences:wouldyouplease'tellmeyourname?wouldyoupleasetellmeyourhometelephonenumber?5)makeatelephonecalltoastudentandgetthestudentstole arnthefollowingshortdialogue:T:Hello.Isthat8614761?S:yes.T:mayIspeaktoXiaoLong?S:Sorry,heisnotintheoffice.T:wouldyoupleasetakeamessageandaskhimtocometoschool thisafternoon?S:Sure.T:Thankyou.6)Askthestudentstomakecallsingroups.Thenasksomepairstoactouttoseeiftheyknowhowtousethep atternsbelow:mayIspeakto..,?wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?7)Askthestudentstolookatthescreenandlistentothedial ogue"ATelephonecall"withthefollowingquestionsinmind:whatisthemessageabout?whattimeistheparty?Thenaskthestudentssomequestionsiftheyhaveunderstood thedialogue.8)Askthestudentstolookatthedialogueonthescreenandli stentoitagain.9)Theteachertellsthestudentsthemeaningoftheword"tom orrow"withthehelpofacalendarandthefollowingsentences:we'llhaveapartyatschool.I'lltellhimwhenhe'sback.0)Askthestudentstoreadthenewwordandthesentencesonth eblackboard.1)Askthestudentstoretellthedialogueintheirownwordsi npairs.2)Playthegame"ThrowingSantaclaus"toseeifthestudentscansaythesentenceswell.TheteacherthrowsthetoySantaclaustoastudent.whenthes tudentcatchestheSantaclaus,heorshemustsayoneofthesentencesontheb lackboard,andthenthrowstheSantaclaustoanotherstuden t.3)Askthestudentstoactoutthedialogueinroles.Step3.)Showthestudentsthreepicturesonthescreen.Askthe mtomaketelephonecallsingroupsbasedonthepicturetheyhave chosen.Pictureone:youwanttoinviteTomtoplayfootbaUwithyou,b utTomhasn'tgotatelephoneathome.youaskRosetotakeames sagetoTom.PictureTwo:misswuisill.youwanttopayavisittoherwithjack.Butjackisnotatme.Hissisterpicksupthephone.PictureThree:youwillholdabirthdaypartyonSunday.youphonetoLilytoinvitehertoyourparty,butsheisn'tathome .Howdoyouspeaktohermother,whoisathomeatthattime?2)Asksomepairstoactouttheirtelephonecalls.3)Askthestudentstomakephonecallstotheteacherswhoare sittingaroundthedassroom.Theteachertellsthestudents:"TherewillbeapartyonNewy ear'sDay.wewillinvitesometeacherstocometoourparty.writethenamesandthetelephonenumbersofsometeachersan dmaketelephonecallstothem".Step4.SummaryTellthestudentsthewayofmakingaphonecallintheirdaily life.Step5.HomeworkAskthestudentstomakephonecallstotheirfriendsandtell themtheirschoollifeafterclass.Step6:EndingSingthesong"Happyweekend".专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的ATelephonecall是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。
第三届全国小学英语优质课展评课堂实录安徽王伟 (一等奖第一名)Topic:homeGreetingsT: Hello,boys and girls .Ss:Hello,Mr wang.T: (do action)tell me what can I do?Ss: play football!T:Right!T(do action)What can I do?Ss:play basketball!T:Yes!T:( do action)What can I do?Ss:play piano!T:You are clever!Tell me what can you do?S1:I can run!(action)S2:I can dance!(action)S3:I can jump!(action)T:You are so great!New teachingT:Look,it’s a wonderful picture!(CAI))it’s my home,I love my home!(show the topic and slide it on t he blackboard)(系围裙)oh,look,I can cook the meal(CAI)(do the action)(show the cards)cook the meal!Ss:cook the meal!T:Look I am strong!I can sweep the floor!(CAI)(do the actiong)I can sweep the floor!(手势,voice:low—high)Ss: I can sweep the floor.(flow the teacher voice:low—high)T(Show some cards)try read and remember,ok?Ss:ok!T:let’s begin!go!(show the cards) cook the meal(do the action)Ss:cook the meal(do the action)T:water the flower(show the card, do the action)Ss:water the flower(do the action)T:wash the clothes(show the card, do the action)Ss:wash the clothes(do the action)T:Who can remember?read and act!S1:cook the meal!(T give the card to him)S2:water the flower! (T give the card to him)S3:wash the clothes! (T give the card to her)T:Oh,where’s my cards?let me guess!(ask the pupil)T:Can you cook the meal?S4:No,I can’t.T:Can you cook the meal?S5:No,I can’t.T: Oh,I forgot! Who can help me?S7:Can you sweep the floor?S8:No,I can’t.S7:Can you sweep the floor?S2:Yes,I can.S9:Can you wash the clothes?S3:Yes,I can.T:You are so cool!look ,let’s go!(手势,voice low—high)Can you wash the clothes?Ss: Can you wash the clothes?(flow the teacher, 手势,voice low—high)T:who can do it ?(手势) come to front!S10: let’s go!(手势,voice low—high)Can you wash the clothes?Ss: Can you wash the clothes?(flow the teacher, 手势,voice low—high)T:wonderful!You should say:yes!S10:Yes!(do the actin)T:Who else?S11: let’s go!(手势,voice low—high)Can you wash the clothes?Ss: Can you wash the clothes?(flow the teacher, 手势,voice low—high)S11:Yes!T:You have done a good job!Now,I will give a paper to you,listen to the tape ,then answer the question on it,ready?Ss:Yes!T;Go!(tape) Amy:Hello,Sam! Sam:Hello!A:Can you water the flower? S:Yes,I can.A:Can you cook the meal? S:No.I can’t.A:What do your parents do at home?Can your father cook themeal? S:No,he can’t.A:Can your mother cook the meal? S:Of course!Sometimes,my parents wash the clothes,?together.T:Ok,change your ideas by yourgroup.Then answer the question.>T:let’s look the question,together.Can Sam water the flower?Ss:No,he can’t.T:Can Sam cook the meal?Ss:No,he can’t.T:Who can cook the meal?Ss:Sam’s mother can cook the meal.T:You are so clever!Now let’s play a game! Who can come to front?(let the pupil come to the front,give a card tohim,then let him act.)S12:(Do the action)guess!S13:Can you dance?S12:No,I can’t.S14:Can you water the flower?S12:Yes,I can.S14:Yes!(practice play football,brush teath,cook the meal,play basketball in the same way)T:Who can do house work in your home?S15:my motherS16: my motherS17:my fatherS18:me!T:good we should do house work together,let’s make a house work plan,here’s the plan,finsh it by your groupWhat can you do?What can your father do?What can your mother do?Ss:Ask and answer in the group finsh the house work planT:let’s look the house plan of S16’s,let’s ask !Ss: What can you do?S16:I can sweep the floor.Ss: What can your father do?S16:He can wash the clothes.Ss: What can your mother do?S16:She can cook the meal.T:Good plan ,a happy family!let’s look and sing,do the actins together,ok?(CAI) Ss(look and sing do the action)Can you run?Yes,I can.Can you sing? Yes,I can.Can you dance?No,I can’t.T:Ok,are you happy today?Ss:Yes.T:let’s say yes(do action)Ss:Yes!(do action)上海吴绯霞课题: Travel授课过程:(A) Warmer up:(The pupils come to the seat.)T: Hello, where are you from?Ss: I’m from xx Primary School.T: Welcome.(Show a cartoon picture of the teacher on the screen.)T: Can you guess who’s she?Ss: Cindia.T: Yes, it’s m e.(The pupils come to the seat and sit well.)(B)New Teaching.(Teacher plays the music of Beijing Opera.)T: Beijing is a beautiful city. We’ll go to Beijing tomorrow. What will we watch? Ss: We’ll watch Beijing Opera.T: What will we eat?Ss: We’ll eat rock duck.T: Tomorrow it’ll be Wednesday. We’ll go to Xiangshan on Wednesday.What will we do on Thursday?S1: We’ll go to Tian’an men.T: What will you do on Friday?S2: We’ll go to the Great Wall.T: Saturday?S3: We’ll go to the Summer Palace.T: We’ll watch Beijing Opera on Sunday.T say a chant: We’ll go to Beijing. We’ll eat there. We’ll go to the Summer Palace. We’ll have good time there.Ss say the chant again.T: Beijing is a good place. (Then teacher show a VCD: Succession of Beijing’s application for Olympic Games.)(Teacher shows a fan and act as a beautiful girl in Suzhou.)T: Where am I from?Ss: Suzhou.T: Where have you visited in Suzhou? Can you say something?S1: LiuYuan.S2: Shi Zilin.S3: Han Shansi.T: You have some pictures on your desk. You can say where you will go.(The pupils say the sentences in the groups.)T: Where will you go?S1: I’ll go to Liu Yuan.T: What will you see?S1: I’ll see many flowers.T: There are many beautiful places in Suzhou. Have you got friends in other city? Ss: Yes.(Teacher shows a postcard.)T: Look at the postcard. On the postcard what can we write?S1: We are in Suzhou.(Teacher writes the sentence on the card.)T: Suzhou is a beautiful city. There are lots of trees. I love this city. (Ss write the postcards in groups and teacher plays the tape of the music.) Then each group give a report.(Teacher shows a picture of Hanshan Temple.)T: What’s this?Ss: Hanshan Temple.T: I love the place. Do you know why? (Play the tape of music)T: Do you want to Hanshan Temple? Look at the map of Suzhou. Hanshan Temple is here. (Show the map of Suzhou and Hanshan Temple.)T: How can we go there? Walk there? By foot? No.S1: We’llS2: We’ll go there by bike.T: And?S3: We’ll go there by motorcycle.S4: We’ll go the re by car.T: Look, this is a plan for visiting Suzhou. Let’s finish this form together. (Show a big form on the blackboard.)A Plan For Visiting Suzhouwherewhenhowphotos card(Teacher and the pupils finish the form together. And the pupils come to the front and stick the photos and cards in the form. Then pupils give a report.)T: Welcome to Suzhou四川何霞课题:FestivalsⅠ.Warming up:T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.Ⅱ.New Teaching:T: What do you know about some festivals?S1: Children’s Day.T: Good.S2: Teacher’s Day.T: Wonderful.T: What is the most important festivals in China?S3: Spring Festival.T: What is the most important festivals in USA?S3: Christmas.T: Let’s say something about Christmas.S4: Snow.S5: Tree.S6: Presents.S7: Food.(板书)T: I have a student. His English is poor. His name is Jason. Now there is a letter. Let’s read it and help him.(教师领读,学生跟读。
名师精编优秀教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案Asking the Way祁承辉)(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校I.Teaching Content Asking the WayA: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?B: Sure. You can go there by bus.A: Is it a long way from here?B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.A: Which bus can I take?B: You can take a No. 2 bus.A: Where is the bus stop?B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: You're welcome.II. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-upT: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T. Shall we sing an Englishsong named Bingo, and try. to change the' word Bingo with my name Bright?Step 2. Presentation吠??涯渠睥栠牥?眠敨??牡楲敶?瑡琠敨愠物潰瑲??敨牡?潳敭湯?慳摩尠对不起(注).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?注②(早晨好,)①.名师精编优秀教案匠?对不起?獩尠硅畣敳洠履愠摮尠早晨好 is Good morning.T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travelin this city, but I don't know where I should go.S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.S2: Fisher Girl.S3: Jiuzhou Town.T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell methe names of some hotels in this city?S1: 2000 Hotel.S2: Yindu Hotel.S3: Bihai Hotel.(The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.)Step 3. New structures learningT: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?S: By bus.T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybe fifteen minutes is enough.(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence:It'll take someone some time to do something.(图)2) Write the sentence It'll take you fifteen minutes. on the blackboard, and have thestudents imitate the sentence.3) A guessing game:T: Please look at these pictures and guessHow long will it take me to ...?名师精编优秀教案(图)T: How long will it take me to have a football match?S1: It'll take you ninety minutes.T: Yes.4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order to introduce thenew sentence: Just go straight.5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of the sentenceGo straight.(图)6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence:Just go straight.Step 4. Practice1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeat after the tape, first individually and then in pairs.2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.Step 5. ConsolidationT: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, so I've prepared some photographs for you.1) Show the photographs of Nanjing Road, Pudong New Area and he Bund to the students.2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don't know, such as directions, transportations in Shanghai.名师精编优秀教案3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案(一)以“Let's go shopping”为主题,将英语课与实际生活场景相结合,充分利用学生的生活经验和兴趣爱好,开展了一堂生动活泼的英语课。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (四)
III、教具准备:食物图片:ie-rea,haburger,ae,bread,uie,il,ater, ht-dg,Frenhfries等。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案及专家评课集锦全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案(一)上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校祁承辉Asking the WayI. Teaching ContentA: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?B: Sure. You can go there by bus.A: Is it a long way from here?B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.A: Which bus can I take?B: You can take a No. 2 bus.A: Where is the bus stop?B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: You're welcome.II. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-upT: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T.Shall we sing an English song named"Bingo", and try to change the word "Bingo" with my name "Bright"?Step 2. PresentationT: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②). I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning".T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go.S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.S2: Fisher Girl.S3: Jiuzhou Town.T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now. Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city?S1: XX Hotel.S2: Yindu Hotel.S3: Bihai Hotel.(The teacher takes notes while the students arespeaking.)Step 3. New structures learningT: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?S: By bus.T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybe fifteen minutes is enough.(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence:"It'll take someone some time to do something."2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes." on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence. 3) A guessing game:T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"T: How long will it take me to have a football match?S1: It'll take you ninety minutes.T: Yes.4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order to introduce the new sentence:"Just go straight."5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence "Go straight."6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence: "Just go straight."Step 4. Practice1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeat after the tape, first individually and then in pairs.2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.Step 5. ConsolidationT: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, so I've prepared some photographs for you.1) Show the photographs of "Nanjing Road", "udong New Area" and "the Bund" to the students.2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don't know, such as directions,transportations in Shanghai.3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.(注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案(一)Asking the Way(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校祁承辉)I.Teaching ContentAsking the WayA: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?B: Sure. You can go there by bus.A: Is it a long way from here?B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.A: Which bus can I take?B: You can take a No. 2 bus.A: Where is the bus stop?B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: You're welcome.II. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-upT: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T.Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bin go" with my name "Bright"?Step 2. PresentationT: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go.S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.S2: Fisher Girl.S3: Jiuzhou Town.T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me t he names of some hotels in this city?S1: 2000 Hotel.S2: Yindu Hotel.S3: Bihai Hotel.(The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.)Step 3. New structures learningT: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?S: By bus.T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybefifteen minutes is enough.(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence:"It'll take someone some time to do something."2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes. " on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence.3) A guessing game:T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"T: How long will it take me to have a football match?S1: It'll take you ninety minutes.T: Yes.4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order to introduce the new sentence: "Just go straight."5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence "Go straight."6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate thesentence: "Just go straight."Step 4. Practice1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeat after the tape, first individually and then in pairs.2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.Step 5. ConsolidationT: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, so I've prepared some photographs for you.1) Show the photographs of "Nanjing Road", "Pudong New Area" and "the Bund" to the students.2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don't know, such as directions, transportations in Shanghai.3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案(二)五年级英语教案shopping(____(省、市、区、县)____(省、市、区、县)育英学校欧阳丹熙)●一、教学内容shoppinga: hello! can i help you?b: yes, i want a sweater for my daughter, please.a: how about this one?b: oh, good. the size is ok.c: mum, i don't like the colour.a: do you like this purple one?c: cool! that's my favourite colour.b: how much is it?a: sixty-eight yuan.b: here's the money.a: thanks.size 尺寸;大小purple 紫色的cool 棒的●二、教学目的与要求1. 能听懂、会说本篇对话;2. 能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话;3. 能听懂、会说新单词:purple, size, cool。
●五、教具准备一件毛衣,各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等●六、教学步骤step 1. greetingst: good morning, boys and girls. glad to meet you.step 2. presentation(1) lead-int: you know, i'm new here. i thought it would be hot in zhuha.but today it iscold. i'm just in a blouse.now i'm feeling a little cold. so i want to go shopping and buy some warm clothes. (read the title "shiopping".)(2) play a guessing game (课件:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片慢慢扩大,变成一件毛衣)t: what am i going to buy? what do i want? just guess and say: "youwant ..."(3)(课件:教师走进一家服装店,与售票员进行交谈。
本份教案的教学内容主要涵盖了“Unit 2 I’m from England”以及“Unit 4 Where’s the post office?”这两个单元的教学内容,整份教案精致、详细,囊括了教学目标、教学重点、教学难点、教学重要环节、教学方法等方面,在短短一堂课的时间内对学生的英语口语和听力综合能力的提高起到了很好的促进作用。
【学习实践】全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (二)
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (二)课件www.5y 全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案Shopping(湖南省长沙市育英学校欧阳丹熙)一、教学内容ShoppingA:Hello!canIhelpyou?B:yes,Iwantasweaterformydaughter,please.A:Howaboutthisone?B:oh,good.Thesizeisok.c:mum,Idon'tlikethecolour.A:Doyoulikethispurpleone?c:cool!That'smyfavouritecolour.B:Howmuchisit?A:Sixty-eightyuan.B:Here'sthemoney.A:Thanks.size尺寸;大小purple紫色的cool棒的二、教学目的与要求.能听懂、会说本篇对话;2.能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话;3.能听懂、会说新单词:purple,size,cool。
五、教具准备一件毛衣,各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等六、教学步骤Step1.GreetingsT:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.gladtomeetyou.Step2.PresentationLead-inT:youknow,I'mnewhere.IthoughtitwouldbehotinZhuha.Bu ttodayitiscold.I'mjustinablouse.NowI'mfeelingalittlecold.SoIwanttogoshoppingandbuysomewarmclothes.Playaguessinggame(:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片慢慢扩大,变成一件毛衣)T:whatamIgoingtobuy?whatdoIwant?justguessandsay:"yo uwant..."T=theteacherc=thecomputerSs=thestudentsc:canIhelpyo u?T:Iwantasweater,sir.c:Howaboutthisone?(:售货员拿出一件很大的毛衣。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案-In a Fast-food
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案-In a Fast-food RestaurantIn a Fast-food RestaurantWaiter: Hello, can I help you?Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick?Dick: I’d like a hamburger.Mum: Me, too.Waiter: Would you like something to drink?Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please. Dick: Mum, can I have an ice-cream?Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an ice-cream.Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please.Mum: Here the money.Waiter: Thanks.生词:fast-food / resaurant / hamburger句型:What would you like?Would you like something to eat/ drink?1. 能听、读、说fist-food/restaurant/hamburger,并了解其含义;2.能灵活使用重点句型,并清楚其使用的场合和语气;(1) What would you like?(2)Would you like something to eat/drink?3.能模仿本文对话,并能在一定的语境中使用所学语言实行交际;4.培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生使用语言的创造水平。
III、教学重难点:1.重难点句型:(1)What would you like?(2)I’d like ...(3)Would you like something to eat/drink?(4)…,please.2.掌握相关食物名称的词汇。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案Asing the a(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校祁承辉)ITeahing ntentAsing the aA: Exuse e, sir an u tell e the a t Bihai Htel, please?B: Sure u an g there b busA: Is it a lng a fr here?B: N, it’ll tae u fifteen inutesA: hih bus an I tae?B: u an tae a N 2 busA: here isthe bus stp?B: ust g straight L, the bus is ingA: Than u ver uhB: u’re eleII Teahing preduresStep 1 aring-upT: Nie t eet u nae is Bright B-R-I-G-H-TShall e sing an English sng naed “Bing”, and tr t hange the’ rd “Bing” ith nae “Bright”?Step 2 PresentatinT: I’ ne here, hen I arrived at the airprt, I heard sene said “对不起”(注①),”早晨好”(注②)I reall ant t n their eanings in English uld u help e? S: “对不起” is “Exuse e” and “早晨好” is “Gd rning”T: Thans a lt And n uld u tell e sething abut ur it? I ant t travel in this it, but I dn’t n here I shuld gS1: Bai Lian Dng ParS2: Fisher GirlS3: iuzhu TnT: Gd But I ant t find a htel nPlease d e a favur an u tell e the naes f se htels in this it?S1: 2000 HtelS2: indu HtelS3: Bihai Htel(The teaher taes ntes hile the students are speaing)Step 3 Ne strutures learningT: The all sund ver nie But h an I get there, b bus r b bie?S: B busT: And h lng ill it tae e t get there? abefifteen inutes is enugh(The teaher ls at the ath and gives the students a gesture)1) Dra a sti-figure piture t help the students understand the eaning f the sentene:“It’ll tae sene se tie t d sething”2) rite the sentene “It’ll tae u fifteen inutes “ n the blabard, and have the students iitate the sentene3) A guessing gae:T: Please l at these pitures and guess “H lng ill it tae e t ?”T: H lng ill it tae e t have a ftball ath?S1: It’ll tae u ninet inutesT: es4) Get the students t listen t the rerding f the dialgue, in rder t intrdue the ne sentene: “ust g straight”) Use the ulti-edia t help the students understand the eaning f the sentene “G straight”6) rite the sentene n the blabard, and have the students iitate the sentene: “ust g straight”Step 4 Pratie1) As the students t listen t the dialgue ne re, then as the t repeat after the tape, first individuall and then in pairs2) Enurage the students t read their dialgue ith their desatesStep nslidatinT: u n I’ fr Shanghai abe in the future u’ll g t Shanghai, s I’ve prepared se phtgraphs fr u1) Sh the phtgraphs f “Naning Rad”, “Pudng Ne Area” and “the Bund” t the students2) Get the students t as the teahers fr Shanghai sething the dn’t n, suh as diretins, transprtatins in Shanghai3) As se students t intrdue their tur plans t Shanghai注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举行,授教师用广东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
二、教学目标1、知识目标学生能够熟练掌握本节课的重点单词,如:____、____、____ 等。
学生能够理解并运用本节课的重点句型,如:“____” 、“____” 。
五、教学过程1、导入(Warming up)播放一首欢快的英语歌曲,让学生跟着节奏一起唱,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围。
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案(一)全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案Askingtheway(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校祁承辉)I.TeachingcontentAskingthewayA:Excuseme,sir.canyoutellmethewaytoBihaiHotel,pleas e?B:Sure.youcangotherebybus.A:Isitalongwayfromhere?B:No,it'lltakeyoufifteenminutes.A:whichbuscanItake?B:youcantakeaNo.2bus.A:whereisthebusstop?B:justgostraight.Look,thebusiscoming.A:Thankyouverymuch.B:you'rewelcome.II.TeachingproceduresStep1.warming-upT:Nicetomeetyou.mynameisBright.B-R-I-G-H-T.ShallwesinganEnglishsongnamed"Bingo",andtrytochange the'word"Bingo"withmyname"Bright"?Step2.PresentationT:I'mnewhere,whenIarrivedattheairport,Iheardsomeone said"对不起","早晨好".IreallywanttoknowtheirmeaningsinEnglish.couldyouh elpme?S:"对不起"is"Excuseme"and"早晨好"is"Goodmorning".T:Thanksalot.Andnowcouldyoutellmesomethingaboutyour city?Iwanttotravelinthiscity,butIdon'tknowwhereIsho uldgo.S1:BaiLianDongPark.S2:FisherGirl.S3:jiuzhouTown.T:Good.ButIwanttofindahotelnow.Pleasedomeafavour.ca nyoutellmethenamesofsomehotelsinthiscity?S1:XXHotel.S2:yinduHotel.S3:BihaiHotel.Step3.NewstructureslearningT:Theyallsoundverynice.ButhowcanIgetthere,bybusorby bike?S:Bybus.T:Andhowlongwillittakemetogetthere?maybefifteenminutesisenough.)Drawastick-figurepicturetohelpthestudentsunder standthemeaningofthesentence:"It'lltakesomeonesometimetodosomething."2)writethesentence"It'lltakeyoufifteenminutes."onth eblackboard,andhavethestudentsimitatethesentence.3)Aguessinggame:T:Pleaselookatthesepicturesandguess"Howlongwillitta kemeto...?"T:Howlongwillittakemetohaveafootballmatch?S1:It'lltakeyouninetyminutes.T:yes.4)Getthestudentstolistentotherecordingofthedialogue ,inordertointroducethenewsentence:"justgostraight."5)Usethemulti-mediatohelpthestudentsunderstandtheme aningofthesentence"Gostraight."6)writethesentenceontheblackboard,andhavethestudent simitatethesentence:"justgostraight."Step4.Practice)Askthestudentstolistentothedialogueoncemore,th enaskthemtorepeatafterthetape,firstindividuallyandtheninpairs.2)Encouragethestudentstoreadtheirdialoguewiththeird eskmates.Step5.consolidationT:youknowI'mfromShanghai.maybeinthefutureyou'llgoto Shanghai,soI'vepreparedsomephotographsforyou.)Showthephotographsof"NanjingRoad","PudongNewAr ea"and"theBund"tothestudents.2)GetthestudentstoasktheteachersfromShanghaisomethi ngtheydon'tknow,suchasdirections,transportationsinShanghai.3)AsksomestudentstointroducetheirtourplanstoShanghai.注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
全国⾸届⼩学英语优质课竞赛⼀等奖教案全国⾸届⼩学英语优质课竞赛⼀等奖教案(⼀)Asking the Way(上海市虹⼝区贝贝英语学校祁承辉)I.Teaching ContentAsking the WayA: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?B: Sure. You can go there by bus.A: Is it a long way from here?B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.A: Which bus can I take?B: Y ou can take a No. 2 bus.A: Where is the bus stop?B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: Y ou're welcome.II. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-upT: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T.Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright "?Step 2. PresentationT: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning".T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I do n't know where I should go.S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.S2: Fisher Girl.S3: Jiuzhou Town.T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in t his city?S1: 2000 Hotel.S2: Yindu Hotel.S3: Bihai Hotel.(The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.)Step 3. New structures learningT: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?S: By bus.T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybefifteen minutes is enough.(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning ofthe sentence:"It'll take someone some time to do something."2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes. " on the blackboard, andhave the students imitate the sentence.3) A guessing game:T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order tointroduce the new sentence: "Just go straight."5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of thesentence "Go straight."6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate thesentence: "Just go straight."Step 4. Practice1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeatafter the tape, first individually and then in pairs.2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.Step 5. ConsolidationT: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, soI've prepared some photographs for you.1) Show the photographs of "Nanjing Road", "Pudong New Area" and "theBund" to the students.2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don'tknow, such as directions, transportations in Shanghai.3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举⾏,授课教师⽤⼴东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
【范文】全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)
全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 (三)全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案ATelephonecall(广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学鲍当洪)I.TeachingmaterialATelephonecallA:mayIspeaktojim,please?B:Sorry.He'snotathome.A:whereishenow?B:Hewenttothebookshop.A:wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?B:Sure.A:TomorrowisTeachers'Day.we'llhaveapartyatschool.B:whattimeistheparty?A:Atthreethirtyintheafternoon.B:ok,I'lltellhimwhenhe'sback.A:Thankyou.II.TeachingAims)EnablethestudentstomaketelephonecallsinEnglish andgetthemtoknowhowtobehavethemselvesonthetelephone.2)Raisethestudents'interesttolearnEnglish.3)Encouragethestudentstohavegoodcooperationwithonea nother.III.Teachingcontents)Patterns:mayIspeakto...?wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?2)Vocabulary:message,party,takeamessageIV.teachingAidsFourtoytelephones,acD-Rom,atoySantaclaus.V.TeachingproceduresStep1.warming-upExerciseSingthesong"Greetings".Step2.PresentationandPractice)Askthestudentstolookatthescreenandlistentothet alkbetweentheteacherandthepersoninthescreen.2)Afterthetalk,theteachertellsthestudentshowtomakea telephonecallinEnglish.writethepattern"mayIspeakto...?"ontheblackb oardandteachthemhowtouseitonthephone.3)Usingthefourtoytelephones,askthestudentstomaketel ephonecallsinpairswiththefollowingpatterns:----mayIspeakto...?----Speaking.Thosestudentswhodonothavetoytelephonescanusetheirpe ncil-boxesinstead,ortheycanputtheirfingerstotheirearsasasignt omakephonecalls.4)Askonestudenthis/hernameandhis/herhometelephonenu mber,usingthefollowingsentences:wouldyouplease'tellmeyourname?wouldyoupleasetellmeyourhometelephonenumber?5)makeatelephonecalltoastudentandgetthestudentstole arnthefollowingshortdialogue:T:Hello.Isthat8614761?S:yes.T:mayIspeaktoXiaoLong?S:Sorry,heisnotintheoffice.T:wouldyoupleasetakeamessageandaskhimtocometoschool thisafternoon?S:Sure.T:Thankyou.6)Askthestudentstomakecallsingroups.Thenasksomepairstoactouttoseeiftheyknowhowtousethep atternsbelow:mayIspeakto..,?wouldyoupleasetakeamessage?7)Askthestudentstolookatthescreenandlistentothedial ogue"ATelephonecall"withthefollowingquestionsinmind:whatisthemessageabout?whattimeistheparty?Thenaskthestudentssomequestionsiftheyhaveunderstood thedialogue.8)Askthestudentstolookatthedialogueonthescreenandli stentoitagain.9)Theteachertellsthestudentsthemeaningoftheword"tom orrow"withthehelpofacalendarandthefollowingsentences:we'llhaveapartyatschool.I'lltellhimwhenhe'sback.0)Askthestudentstoreadthenewwordandthesentencesonth eblackboard.1)Askthestudentstoretellthedialogueintheirownwordsi npairs.2)Playthegame"ThrowingSantaclaus"toseeifthestudentscansaythesentenceswell.TheteacherthrowsthetoySantaclaustoastudent.whenthes tudentcatchestheSantaclaus,heorshemustsayoneofthesentencesontheb lackboard,andthenthrowstheSantaclaustoanotherstuden t.3)Askthestudentstoactoutthedialogueinroles.Step3.)Showthestudentsthreepicturesonthescreen.Askthe mtomaketelephonecallsingroupsbasedonthepicturetheyhave chosen.Pictureone:youwanttoinviteTomtoplayfootbaUwithyou,b utTomhasn'tgotatelephoneathome.youaskRosetotakeames sagetoTom.PictureTwo:misswuisill.youwanttopayavisittoherwithjack.Butjackisnotatme.Hissisterpicksupthephone.PictureThree:youwillholdabirthdaypartyonSunday.youphonetoLilytoinvitehertoyourparty,butsheisn'tathome .Howdoyouspeaktohermother,whoisathomeatthattime?2)Asksomepairstoactouttheirtelephonecalls.3)Askthestudentstomakephonecallstotheteacherswhoare sittingaroundthedassroom.Theteachertellsthestudents:"TherewillbeapartyonNewy ear'sDay.wewillinvitesometeacherstocometoourparty.writethenamesandthetelephonenumbersofsometeachersan dmaketelephonecallstothem".Step4.SummaryTellthestudentsthewayofmakingaphonecallintheirdaily life.Step5.HomeworkAskthestudentstomakephonecallstotheirfriendsandtell themtheirschoollifeafterclass.Step6:EndingSingthesong"Happyweekend".专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的ATelephonecall是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。
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全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖《In a Fast-food Restaurant》教案全国首届学校英语优质课竞赛一等奖《In a Fast-food Restaurant》教案In a Fast-food Restaurant(浙江宁波市戎徐学校朱雪君)I.教学内容In a Fast-food RestaurantWaiter: Hello, can I help you?Mum: Yes. What ould you like, Dick?Dick: Id like a hamburger.Mum: Me, too.Waiter: Would you like something to drink?Mum: Oh, yes. To glasses of orange juice, please.Dick: Mum, can I have an ice-cream?Mum: Sure. To hamburgers, to glasses of orange juice and anice-cream.Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please.Mum: Here the money.Waiter: Thanks.生词:fast-food / resaurant / hamburger句型:What ould you like?Would you like something to eat/ drink?II、教学目标:1. 能听、读、说fist-food/restaurant/hamburger,并了解其含义;2.能敏捷运用重点句型,并清晰其运用的场合和语气;(1) What ould you like?(2)Would you like something to eat/drink?3.能效仿本文对话,并能在肯定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际;4.培育同学的留意力和观看力,激发同学主动思维,挖掘同学运用语言的缔造力量。
III、教学重难点:1.重难点句型:(1)What ould you like?(2)Id like ...(3)Would you like something to eat/drink?(4),please.2.把握有关食物名称的词汇。
III、教具预备:食物图片:ice-cream, hamburger, cake, bread, juice, milk, ater, hot-dog, Frenh fries等。
IV、教学过程:Step 1.Warm-up activities(1)Do it! (同学按老师的指令做动作)T:Stand up!/Sit don!/Sit don!/Stand up! (老师辅以手势) T:Walk!/Stop!/Jump 5 times!/Stop!/Push!/Stop!/Run!/Stop!(老师和同学一起做,每个动作持续一段时间后,老师突然说:"Stop!'要求同学立即停下来。
)(2)Do as 1 do?(老师做动作并表达,引导同学边做边说:"Me,t00.')老师做睡觉状,并用低缓语调说:"Im tired.'引导同学说:"Me,t00.'老师做笑脸状,并用欢快语调说:"Im happy.'引导同学说:"Me,t00.'老师做干渴状,并说:"Im thirsty.'引导同学说:"Me,.too.' 老师手摸肚子,并说:"Im hungry. '引导同学说:"Me,.too.' (3)Listen and act!(同学按老师的指令做动作。
)老师说:"Lets eat!(做吃东西状),同学跟着做动作。
指令依次为:Eat sloly!/Eat fast!/Lets drink!/Drink sloly!/Drink / fast! /Eat fast! (通过此活动,操练对话中的有关单词,例如:eat,drink,fast。
)Step 2.Revision and presentation(1)老师问:"What do you like to eat?'让同学依据自己的喜好,用已学句型"I like'回答。
(2)老师出示卡片hamburger,并问:"Do you like a hamburger?'(3)同学学说hamburger一词,老师板书单词,并抽查一组同学,同学快速读词。
(5)做嬉戏:"Whats missing?'(老师从卡片中任意抽掉一张,再让同学看卡片读单词,然后让同学说出拿掉的是哪一张卡片。
)Step 3.Pattem drills and dialogue teaching(1)选取单词卡片45张,同时出示给同学,并提问:"What ould you like?'引导同学回答:"Id like'老师把该卡片送给说出正确答案的同学。
全国首届学校英语优质课竞赛一等奖《In a Fast-food Restaurant》教案(2)老师把手中卡片送完后摊开双手说:"No food lefi! But dont orry,lets go to the restaurant.You can choose hatever you like.'(3)屏幕上消失单词RESTAURANT及三幅食物图片:noodles,fish,rice。
老师提问:"What ould you like?'让同学用"Id like ...'回答。
老师对该生做手势并说:"20/30 yuan,please.'引导同学说:"Heres the money.'当屏幕上显示的是免费食物时,老师则带领全班同学对该同学说:"Conigatulations!' (noodles20 yuan;fishfree;rice10 yuan)(4)屏幕上消失单词BAR和三幅图片:ine,coffee,juice (ine600 yuxm,coffee30 yuan,juicefree),老师请一同学提问并操作(练习方式同上)。
(5)老师指着,juice说:"Id like juice very much.I even drink juice on my birtllday.'屏幕上消失Happy Birthday to you! 和一只蛋糕。
老师说:"Suppose today as your birthday,hat ould you like?'引导同学用"Id like'句型表达自己的愿望。
老师问:"If you had lots of money,hat ould you like?'让同学连续用"Id like...'句型回答。
老师引导同学说:"A car? A computer?'等,拓展同学的思维。
(7)老师说:"If I had lots of money,Id like to open a big fast-food restaurant.'自然引出对话主题。
老师出示快餐店图片,并介绍说:"Look,this is a fast-food restaurant.A big nice fast-food restaurant! We sense hot-dogs,hamburger,salad,French fries' (出示食物图片)(8)让同学效仿跟读单词fast-food restaurant,并选1、2组同学朗读,老师板书该词。
(9)老师系上围裙,拿起装有食物(cake,hamburger,bread,juice,milk,ater,ice-cream)的托盘,扮演服务员,并说:"Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? What ould you like?'让同学回答,回答正确的同学可以得到该食物。
(10)当食物分完后,老师解下围裙,做出疲乏状,并说:"Oh,Im tired and hungry.'引导同学说:"Would you like something to eat? What ould you like?'老师收回同学所选的食物后说:"Im full.Im not hungry.But Im thirsty no.'老师连续引导同学说:"Would you like something to drink? What ould you like?' (11)老师说:"Im not hungry and thirsty no.Thank you,boys and girls.Youve done a very good job today.'Step 4. Communicative practice(1)屏幕上消失聘请服务员的海报,老师扮成快餐店经理,并说:"Our fast-food restaurant needs a aiter or a aitress.Whod like to have a try?'(2)邀请几位同学上来,给他们戴上服务员的帽子,并让他们站成一排;然后,老师(扮演经理)对"应聘者'发指令:"Line up!Turn left!Turn right!Smile and say:Welcome! Can I help you? What ould you like? Would you like something toeat?'每做几个动作,就请不合要求的"应聘者'回去,最终剩下两位"应聘者'。