卡特板彼咯 G3512 稀薄燃气 engines 发电机组燃气发热机说明书

燃气发电机组低热量燃气连续运行770 ekW 962 kVA50 Hz 1500 转/分 400 伏卡特彼勒是领导发电市场的电力解决方案供应商,其动力系统提供无以伦比的可靠性能、耐用、低成本以及高效益。
所示图片可能未反映实际的机器完整的产品附件• 全套的系统扩展附件均由原厂设计和测试• 灵活的选项配置,方便安装和降低成本产品认证系统• 完整的原型机试验• 全球范围的广泛的现场运行证明• 经认证的扭振分析全球范围的产品支持• 卡特彼勒经销商提供了广泛的售后服务支持(包括保养和维修协议)可满足你不同的设备需求• 卡特彼勒® 代理有1600多个分支机构遍布于200个国家。
• 卡特彼勒定期油样分析Cat® S·O·S sm可以极低的成本侦测发动机内部元件的情况,以最大程度提高产品的性能、降低运行成本。
卡特彼勒 G3512 稀薄燃烧 燃气发动机• 精致的高速机设计,延长了发动机的寿命,降低了设备和运行成本• 在低压管道天然气的应用出能达到最佳的性能• 简单的开式燃烧系统提供高的可靠性以及燃料变化的适应性• 领先的高新技术用于点火系统和空燃比控制,降低排放和提高效率• 只需一个电子控制模块就可以实现发动机的所有控制,包括点火、调速、空燃比控制和发动机的保护。
卡特彼勒® SR4B 发电机• 电机的设计符合卡特彼勒燃气发动机的动力输出特性• 行业中领先的机械和电气设计• 更高的效率卡特彼勒燃气发动机仪表板• 简单控制和保护的用户友好界面• 发动机监控特点出厂标配件和选配件系统 标准 可选用的 进气 空气过滤器 空滤更换指示器(散供) 空气进气适配器控制面板 仪表板安装在发动机上冷却 缸套水冷却回路缸套水泵由发动机驱动,温控节温器联合式后冷却和润滑油冷却回路,一级为分道式后冷却器泵由发动机驱动,第二级温控节温器。
耐腐蚀型冷却器 原水冷却器选用热电联供时,可调节冷却温度 进/出水接口连接膨胀溢流水箱液位开关器排气 湿式排气管 弯头,柔性连接,法兰带灭火星的消声器 消声器连接法兰燃料 Deltec天然气混合器发动机后部输入连接燃料热值17.7-23.6MJ/Nm3 (450-600Btu/scf)燃气过滤器 燃气关断阀发电机 SR4B发电机,包括:永磁励磁,绕组模绕结构,H级的绝缘定子温度侦测RTD卡特彼勒CDVR自动电压调节数字模块无功和功率因数KVAR/PF控制防结露线圈空间加热器 整套断路器安装中压发电机轴承温度侦测RTD低压扩展箱母线引入箱发电机用空气过滤器 欧洲标准母线调速 速度控制器Woodward 2301A可满足标准排放 散供 Woodward 2301A2301A负荷分配控制执行器2301D 双增益控制8290负荷分配模块点火 卡特彼勒电子点火系统(E.I.S)爆震正时传感器润滑 曲轴箱呼吸器,顶部安装润滑油冷却器润滑油过滤器浅式油底壳 润滑油油位计 油底壳排放阀 排放泵预润滑泵润滑油安装 330mm结构钢底座 工业级 弹簧式减震块橡胶式减震块保护 24V直流燃气关断电磁阀(通电打开)爆震停机起动/充电 24V起动马达 蓄电池及其电缆和支架电池充电器 充电发电机超大容量电池缸套水加热器其他 卡特彼勒黄色油漆(除水箱和底座)保护曲轴减震器起重吊眼操作和维护手册,零件手册 曲轴箱防爆阀 发动机盘车组件 EEC D.O.I证书技术规格卡特彼勒SR4B发电机机架号 695 励磁 永励磁 节距 0.7333 级数 4 轴承数 1 引线数 6 绝缘 H级 IP等级 防滴漏保护IP22 安装对中 导向轴 超速能力 额定转速的125% 波形偏差(线到线,无负载) 小于3.0% 电压调节器 CDVR 电压调整范围 +/-5.0% 稳态电压调节率 +/-0.5%电压调节率(在3%速度变化内) +/-0.5% 电话影响系数(TIF) 小于50电压种类请咨询当地的卡特彼勒经销商 卡特彼勒燃气发动机仪表板 * 包括:润滑油压力冷却水温润滑油压差进气温度检修时间排气温度计和热电偶进气压力计量卡特彼勒燃气发动机G3512 LE SCAC 4冲程、 火花塞点火燃气发动机缸数 V12缸径mm(in) 170(6.7)冲程mm(in) 190(7.5)排量 L(in) 51.8(3158)压缩比 11:01吸气方式 涡轮增压后冷却回路冷却方式 缸套水,分道式后冷却和润滑油冷却器为一个回路燃料系统 低压执行器类型 Woodward2301A 资料和技术规格可能会有更改,不作另行通知,在本出版物中使用国际单位(SI)技术数据G3512 燃气发电机机组DM 0762排放标准(氮氧化合物NOx) 分道式后冷却 mg/Nm3Deg C50054机组性能 (1)发电机组额定功率@0.8pf(含水泵和不含风扇) 发电机组额定功率@0.8pf(含水泵和不含风扇) 发电机组额定功率@1.0pf(含水泵和不含风扇) 电能效率@1.0pf(ISO 3046/1)(2)机械功率(含水泵和不含风扇) ekW 连续运行kVA 连续运行ekW 连续运行%bkW77096277631.9803燃气消耗量(3)100%负荷(不含风扇) 75%负荷 (不含风扇) 50%负荷 (不含风扇) Nm3/hrNm3/hrNm3/hr391320232海拔高度能力(环境温度25℃时)海拔高度 M500 冷却系统环境温度缸套水出口温度(最高) Deg CDeg C25110排气系统燃烧用空气流量 排气管气体温度 排气流量 Nm3/minDeg CNm3/min50.149154.1机器散热缸套水冷却的散热中冷冷却回路+润滑油冷却回路的散热 废气散热(LHV 至25℃)废气散热(LHV 至120℃)从发动机发散到大气的热量从发电机发散到大气的热量 kWkWkWkWkWkW67024565953710334.6交流发电机 机架温升30%压降时的马达启动能力(4)Deg CskVA6951052521排放(5)氮氧化合物 NOx—含5%的氧(干燥的气体) 一氧化碳 CO—含5%的氧(干燥的气体)总碳氢含 THC—5%的氧(干燥的气体)非甲烷总烃NMHC—含5%的氧(干燥的气体) 废气含氧量(干燥的气体) mg/Nm3mg/Nm3mg/Nm3mg/Nm3%500187014062116.3工况定义与条件(1)连续运行—输出最大功率并且无运行时间的限制功率定义条件:输出功率基于天然气低热值(LHV)为22.4 MJ/Nm3, 和卡特彼勒甲烷数MN为130的稳态工况。

一、.CAT C7型发动机基本技术规格图15、右视图1.吊耳2.发动机曲轴箱呼吸器3.增压器4.注油口5.节温器壳体6.皮带张紧轮(如果安装的话)7.排水塞8.曲轴减振器9.机油滤清器10.水泵图16、左视图11.注油口12.吊耳13.燃油滤清器14.燃油粗滤器(如果安装的话)15.油位表16.发动机电子控制模块二、安全注意事项安全标志和标牌发动机上安装有安全标牌(警告标志)。

操作和保养手册3500发电机组Y A D1-以上(发电机组)Z A D1-以上(发电机组)Z A H1-以上(发电机组)Z A J1-以上(发电机组)Z A P1-以上(发电机组)P B R1-以上(发电机组)P D R1-U P(发电机组)Z A R1-U P(发电机组)C T H1-U P(发动机)1F Z1-以上(发动机)1G Z1-U P(发动机)SCBU7789-09112004 (中文版112004)重要安全信息产品操作、保养和修理中发生的大多数事故,都是由于不遵守基本安全规则或预防措施而引起的。
C a t e r p i l l a r 无法预料到可能发生危险的每一种情况。
如果采用了并非C a t e r p i l l a r 公司专门推荐的工具、流程、工作方法或操作技术,必须确保该工具、流程、工作方法或操作技术对您自己和他人是安全的。

C32 C27 C18 C15 C13 C
3100系列发动机 • 3116 • 3126 • 3126B (140-275BHP ) (215-255BHP ) (175-275BHP )
3400系列发动机 • • • • • 3406 3408 3408E 3412 3412E (250-525BHP ) (402-535BHP ) (575-675BHP ) (500-750BHP ) (605-1050BHP )
3500系列发动机 • • • • • • 3508 3508B 3512 3512B 3516 3516B (680-1000BHP ) (1000-1100BHP ) (1020-1500BHP ) (1500-1650BHP ) (1355-2000BHP ) (2000-2200BHP )
柴油发电机组(备用,主用,连续) 天然气发动机、发电机组 工业用发动机 船用发动机、发电机组
• 油田发动机 • 火车头发动机 • 卡车用发动机 • 工业使用 • 农业使用 • 新型双燃料发动机
《Caterpilar C18工业发动机操作和保养手册》

产品:INDUSTRIAL ENGINE型号:C18 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE WJH配置: C18 Industrial Engine WJH00001-UP操作和保养手册C18 工业用发动机媒体编号 -SCBU7899-02 发布日期 -02/01/2008 更新日期 -02/04/2009前言文献资料本手册包含安全事项、操作说明、润滑和保养资料。
卡特(Cat)824H 834H木芯挖掘机抓头引擎说明书

824H/834HWood Chip ScoopsEngine – 824H Engine – 834HEngine Model Cat® C15 ACERT™ Engine Model Cat® C18 ACERT™ Direct Drive – Gross Power 299 kW 401 hp Direct Drive – Gross Power 414 kW 555 hp Net Power – ISO 9249 264 kW 354 hp Net Power – ISO 9249 390 kW 523 hp Weights – 824H Weights – 834HOperating Weight 32 355 kg 71,329 lb Operating Weight 49 546 kg 109,229 lbScoop FeaturesProductivityProductivity is critical to your bottom line.Cat wood chip scoops offer features and systems that help improve performanceand lower your costs.ReliabilityCat® wood chip scoops offer fi eld proven components and systems, high hour machinelife standards and multiple rebuild optionsfor continued uptime and long machine life. SafetyCaterpillar continues to be proactive in developing machines that meet or exceed safety standards. Safety is an integral part of all machines and system designs, and can be seen throughoutthe wood chip scoops.ServiceabilityEasy access to the engine and other key serviceability features make servicing customer machines and in-fi eld component exchange quick, easy, and effi cient.Operator ComfortCat wood chip scoops have been ergonomically designed to enhance operator comfort, allowing for higher operating effi ciencies and production.ContentsProductivity (3)Reliability (4)Safety (5)Serviceability (6)Operator Comfort (7)Customer Support (8)824H/834H Specifications (9)824H/834H Standard Equipment (13)824H/834H Optional Equipment (14)Notes ...................................................................15 Cat® wood chip scoops have been proven in the field, helping customers achieve top efficiency and productivity while keeping costs down. With the 824H and 834H, you get a purpose built machine that provides industry leading uptime, safety, serviceability and operator comfort.Purpose Built Front LinkageCat wood chip scoops have the unique capability of maximizing your production by both dozing andcarrying a load with each pass. A purpose built hydraulic system is optimized for use with this worktool to maximize machine productivity and efficiency.Auto Idle Kickdown (AIK) (834 only)If an operator is not actively operating the machine for a period of time, the AIK system will temporarilyreduce the engine speed to save fuel. After an automated engine speed reduction, the system willautomatically resume the engine speed to the previous setting when the operator engages the implementcontrol pod of the F-N-R switch to the STIC™ Steer.Impeller Clutch Torque Converter (ICTC) Left Pedal ControlThe ICTC works with throttle lock to allow the operator to modulate rimpull to the wheels and slow themachine down without reducing engine speed. This allows the machine to maintain full hydraulic powerfor blade and steering control which gives the 824H and 834H a hydrostatic feel while keeping the benefits ofthe world’s most efficient and powerful drive train and powershift transmission with lock-up control system.Oscillating Rear AxleThe fixed front, oscillating rear axle ensures four-wheel ground contact for optimum traction and stability.The front axle is rigidly mounted to the front loader frame, while the rear axle is allowed to oscillate.This configuration allows the operator’s view of the scoop to remain constant as the rear axle oscillatesenabling the operator to maintain a smooth and properly graded work area in any underfoot conditions.Load Sense SteeringThe steering system utilizes a variable displacement pump for maximum machine performance by directingpower through the steering system only when needed. This improves efficiency and reduces heat build up.3ReliabilityMaximizing uptime, long life – it’s what you expect from your bottom lineCat C15/C18 engine with ACERT™ technologyThe Cat C15/C18 engine with ACERT technology is U.S. EPATier 3 and EU Stage III compliant. It features increasedhorsepower and efficient fuel management for quick response,high productivity and exceptional service life. A sculpturedcylinder block provides greater strength and is lighter weight.Cat Planetary, Power Shift TransmissionElectronic shifting provides smooth, consistent shifts.Large diameter clutches coupled with four planet geartrains provide added durability for extended, trouble free life.StructuresCombining the use of robotic welding and castings incritical high stress areas, more than 80 percent of themachine structure is robotically welded to provide highlyconsistent welds and increased strength. Castings are alsoused in several areas to increase strength by helping spreadthe loads and reduce the number of parts.Axle-Shaft, Oil Disc BrakesThese brakes are adjustment free, fully hydraulic andcompletely sealed. Disc face grooves provide coolingeven when brakes are applied for a longer component life.• Location of brakes allow for improved serviceability.The axle shaft brake design allows for brake servicewhile leaving the final drive intact.• Axle-shaft brakes require less force by operating on thelow torque side of the axle. Combined with improvedaxle oil circulation for increased cooling, the oil-enclosed,multiple disc brake design improves durability.4SafetyBuilt to protect youEntry and ExitGetting on and off the machine is one of the leading causes of injury on a job site. Cat wood chip scoopshave a number of features to ensure your operator gets safely on and off the machine. They includeprimary and secondary stairwell exits, punch stamped tread plates, ground level nighttime stairwell lightswitch, full perimeter railings on upper platforms, side platform emergency egress and toe kicks andoptional roading fenders.Rearview CameraWith the new optional rearview camera, visibility is greatly enhanced. The camera is located in a pocketon the grill to protect it from damage and the elements. The camera can be set to activate only when thetransmission is in reverse to help eliminate distractions in the cab, especially when in dark environments.VisibilityCat wood chip scoops offer a number of standard and optional features to enhance job site visibility.Standard and optional features include long life LED lights, articulated wiper/washer system withintermittent features, front walk around platform for easy windshield cleaning access, optional rearvision camera, optional high intensity discharge lights, optional warning beacon and optional turn signals.5ServiceabilityEasy to maintain. Easy to service.Optional Swing Out Radiator FanThe optional swing out radiator fan provides for easy accessto the radiator cores for easy cleaning and inspectionAuto Reversing, Hydraulically Driven Demand FanThe demand fan automatically adjusts fan speed for optimalcooling, resulting in reduced power draw on the engine,better fuel efficiency and more power for hydraulics andrimpull. The fan reverses automatically at preset intervalsto remove debris from the inlet screen. It can also be reversedmanually from the cab.Component AccessSwing out doors on both sides of the engine compartmentprovide easy access to the engine oil dipstick and filler spout,S·O·S SM ports, fuel filters air conditioner compressor, engine oilfilters, alternators, starting receptacle, air filter service indicator,cooler fill and ether starting aid. There are also ground levelviewable sight gauges on all major systems and centralizedremote pressure taps.Shutdown and Lockout FeaturesAn electrical disconnect switch and hydraulic lockout switchallow service technicians to perform maintenance while themachine stays static. Other shutdown or lockout devicesinclude ground level engine shutdown and ground levelsteering hitch lock lever.Best-in-class working environmentA comfortable operator is a productive operator, which is why Caterpillar has designed the 824H and834H with a best in-class working environment for this size scoop. The world class cab incorporatesfeatures for operator comfort and ergonomics, visibility and ease of operation.An updated Implement Pod is fully adjustable and designed for low-effort comfort. Switches andcontrols are located within easy reach of the operator.Interior noise levels are reduced to a quiet 73 dB(A).Options include heated seat for cold weather operations and Bluetooth, MPS, or satellite radio options.STIC Steering System (834H only)The STIC steer controller uses a single lever for steering and transmission control. Left-hand operationsenable the operator to shift and change directions without letting go of the steering controls.Idle Shutdown (834 only)This new feature will automatically shutdown the engine after the machine has been in a safe idlingstate for an extended amount of time. The operator in the cab will be audibly and visually warned beforethe shutdown occurs.7Customer SupportCount on Cat dealers for business solutionsSelectionCat dealers can help customers compare and choose the right machine for their business.FinancingCat dealers offer financing options to meet a variety of needs.OperationImprove operating technique for better productivity and profit with the latest Cat dealer training resources. Product SupportCat dealers are with customers every step of the way with unsurpassed worldwide parts support, trained technicians and customer support agreements.8824H/834H Specifications Engine – 824H Service Refill Capacities – 824H Cab – 824HEngine Model Cat® C15 ACERT™ Direct Drive –Gross Power299 kW 401 hpDirect Drive –Flywheel Power264 kW 354 hpConverter Drive –Gross Power299 kW 401 hpConverter Drive –Flywheel Power264 kW 354 hpNet Power –ISO 9249264 kW 354 hpNet Power –EEC 80/1269264 kW 354 hp Bore 137 mm 5.4 in Stroke 171 mm 6.7 in Displacement 15.2 L 928 in3 Weights – 824HOperating Weight 32 355 kg 71,329 lb Axles – 824HFront Planetary-Fixed Oscillating Rear ±13 Fuel Tank 700 L 185 galCooling System 83 L 21.9 galCrankcase 34 L 9 galTransmission 62 L 16.4 galDifferentials and 90 L 23.8 galFinal Drives – FrontDifferentials andFinal Drives – Rear90 L 23.8 galHydraulic Tank 88 L 23.2 galScoop Capacities – 824HCarry 21m3 27 yd3Doze 41 m3 54 yd3Transmission – 824HConverter DriveForward 1Forward 26.1 km/h10.5 km/h3.8 mph6.5 mphForward 3 18.3 km/h 11.5 mphForward 4 32.1 km/h 20 mphReverse 1 6.9 km/h 4.3 mphReverse 2 12 km/h 7.5 mphReverse 3 20.8 km/h 13 mphReverse 4 36.6 km/h 22.7 mphBrakes – 824HBrakes Meet SAE/ISO 3450 1996Cab ROPS/FOPS isstandardSound Performance Meet ANSI/SAE,Levels SAE andISO standardsROPS/FOPS Meets SAE andISO standards• Integrated Rollover Protective Structure(ROPS) and Falling Objects ProtectiveStructure (FOPS) is standard inNorth America, Europe and Japan.• Operator sound exposure Leq (equivalentsound pressure level) measured accordingto the work cycle procedures specifi ed inANSI/SAE J1166 OCT98 is 78 dB(A)for the cab offered by Caterpillar whenproperly installed, maintained and testedwith the doors and windows closed.• Hearing protection may be needed whenoperating with an open operator stationand cab (when not properly maintained ordoors/windows open) for extended periodsor in noisy environment.• Exterior sound pressure level for thestandard machine measured at a distanceof 15 m (49.2 ft) according to the testprocedures specified in SAE J88 JUN86,mid-gear moving operation is 81 dB(A).• Sound power level is 114 dB(A) measuredaccording to the dynamic test procedureand conditions specified in ISO 6395:1988/Amd. 1:1996 for a standard machineconfi guration.• For CE marked confi gurations, labeledsound power level is 109 dB(A) measuredaccording to the test procedures andconditions specified in 2000/14/EC.• ROPS meets SAE J1394, SAE J1040 APR88,ISO 3471-1:1986 and ISO 3471:1994.• FOPS meets SAE J231 JAN81 andISO 3449-1992 Level II.9824H/834H SpecificationsEngine – 834H Service Refill Capacities – 834H Cab – 834HEngine Model Cat® C18 ACERT™ Direct Drive – 414 kW 555 hp Gross PowerDirect Drive – 349 kW 468 hp Flywheel PowerConverter Drive – 413 kW 554 hp Gross PowerConverter Drive – 372 kW 499 hp Flywheel PowerNet Power – 390 kW 523 hp ISO 9249Net Power – 373 kW 501 hp EEC 80/1269Bore 145 mm 5.71 in Stroke 183 mm 7.2 in Displacement 18.1 L 1,104.5 in3Weights – 834HOperating Weight 49 546 kg 109,229 lbAxles – 834HFront Planetary-Fixed Oscillating Rear ±6 Fuel Tank 793 L 209.5 galCooling System 107 L 28.3 galCrankcase 60 L 15.9 galTransmission 83 L 21.9 galDifferentials and 186 L 49.1 galFinal Drives – FrontDifferentials andFinal Drives – Rear190 L 50.2 galHydraulic Tank 137 L 36.2 galScoop Capacities – 834HCarry 27m3 35 yd3Doze 54 m3 70 yd3Transmission – 834HConverter DriveForward 1 6.8 km/h 4.2 mphForward 2 11.6 km/h 7.2 mphForward 3 20.3 km/h 12.6 mphForward 4 35.4 km/h 22 mphReverse 1 6.8 km/h 4.2 mphReverse 2 12.2 km/h 7.6 mphReverse 3 21.4 km/h 13.3 mphReverse 4 N/A N/ADirect DriveForward 1 Lock Up DisabledCab Integrated RolloverProtective Structure(ROPS)/FallingObject ProtectiveStructure (FOPS)standardSound PerformanceLevelsMeets ANSI/SAE,SAE andISO standardsROPS/FOPS Meet SAE andISO standards• Operator sound exposure Leq (equivalentsound pressure level) measured accordingto the work cycle procedures specifi ed inANSI/SAE J1166 OCT 98 is 77 dB(A)for the cab offered by Caterpillar whenproperly installed and maintained andtested with the doors and windows closed.• Hearing protection may be needed whenoperating with an open operator stationand cab (when not properly maintained ordoors/windows open) for extended periodsor in noisy environment.• Exterior sound pressure level for thestandard machine measured at a distanceof 15 m (49.2 ft) according to the testprocedures specified in SAE J898 JUN86,mid-gear-moving operation is 81 dB(A).• Sound power level is 115 dB(A) measuredaccording to the dynamic test procedureand conditions specified in ISO 6395:1988/ Forward 2Forward 3Forward 412.4 km/h22.1 km/h38.5 km/h7.7 mph13.7 mph23.9 mphAmd. 1:1996 for a standard machineconfi guration.• For “CE” marked confi gurations, thelabeled sound power level is 110 dB(A) Reverse 1 7.2 km/h 4.5 mph measured according to the test procedures Reverse 2 13 km/h 8.1 mph and conditions specified in 2000/14/EC. Reverse 3 23 km/h 14.3 mph • ROPS meets SAE J1394, SAE J1040 APR88,ISO 3471-1:1986 and ISO 3471:1994 Reverse 4 N/A N/A standards.Brakes – 834H • FOPS meets SAE J231 JAN81 andISO 3449-1992 Level II standards. Brakes Meet SAE/ISO 3450 199610Dimensions – 824HAll dimensions are approximate.mm ft1 Height to top of cab 3700 12.142 Height to top of exhaust pipe 3590 11.783 Height to top of hood 2635 8.644 Ground clearance to bumper 885 2.905 Center line of rear axle to edge of bumper 2787 8.826 Center line of rear axle to hitch 1850 6.077 Center line of front axle to hitch 1850 6.078 Wheelbase 3700 12.149 Length with scoop on ground 10 896 35.7510 Ground clearance 358 1.17824H Scoop Specifications Capacity (Carry) Capacity (Doze) Overall Width Heightm3 yd3 m3 yd3mm ft mm ft8.1 Wood Chip Scoop 21 27 41 54 4031 13.2 246111824H/834H Specifications Dimensions – 834HAll dimensions are approximate.1 Height to top of cab2 Height to top of exhaust pipe3 Height to top of hood4 Ground clearance to bumper5 Center line of rear axle to edge of bumper6 Center line of rear axle to hitch7 Center line of front axle to hitch8 Wheelbase9 Length with scoop on ground 10 Ground clearance mm4083 4104 3146 970 3132 2275 2275 4550 11 919 531ft13.40 13.46 10.32 3.18 10.28 7.46 7.46 14.93 39.10 1.74 834H Scoop Specifications Wood Chip ScoopCapacity (Carry)m 3yd 3 27 35Capacity (Doze)m 3 yd 3 54 70Overall Widthmm ft 4795 15.7Height mm ft 26938.812824H/834H Standard Equipment Standard equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.ELECTRICALAlarm, back-upAlternator (100-amp)Batteries, maintenance-freeDeutsch terminal connectorsElectrical system (24-volt)Lighting system, halogen (front and rear),access stairwayStarter, electric (heavy-duty)Starting receptacle for emergency starts OPERATOR ENVIRONMENTAir conditionerCab, sound suppressed and pressurized Internal four-post rollover protectivestructure(ROPS/FOPS), radio ready (entertainment) includes antenna, speakers and converter (12-volt, 15 amp), 12-volt power port,tinted glassCigar lighter (12-volt, 15-amp) and ashtray Coat hookElectro-hydraulic lift, tilt and dump Heater and defrosterHorn, electricLight, cab (dome)Lock-up clutch disable switchLunch box and beverage holders Monitoring system (EMS-III)Action alert system, three category Instrumentation, gauges:Engine coolant temperatureFuel levelHydraulic oil temperature Speedometer/tachometerTransmission oil temperatureInstrumentation, warning indicatorsAxle/brake oil temperature (front/rear)Brake oil pressureElectrical system, low voltageEngine intake/combustion air temperatureEngine oil pressureEngine overspeedFuel pressureHydraulic oil fi lter statusParking brake statusTransmission fi lter statusMirrors, rearview (externally mounted)Rimpull select switchSeat, Comfort Series (cloth), air suspensionSeat belt, retractable, 76 mm (3 in) wideSTIC control system with steering lockTilt and lift control system lockTransmission gear indicatorWet-arm wipers/washers (front and rear)Intermittent front wiperPOWER TRAINBrakes, full hydraulic, enclosed, wet-discMultiple disc service brakesCase drain fi ltersDemand fanFuel priming pump (electric)Parking brakePrecleaner, engine air intakeRadiator, Next Generation ModularRadiator (NGMR)Separated cooling systemStarting aid (ether) automaticThrottle lockTorque converter, impeller clutch withlockup control system and rimpullcontrol system (switch and dial in cab)Transmission, planetary, autoshift (4F/3R)OTHER STANDARD EQUIPMENTDoors, service access (locking)Engine, crankcase, 500 hour intervalwith CH-4 oilGrouped Electronic Clutch PressureControl, remote mounted pressure tapsHitch, drawbar with pinHood, metallic with lockable service doorsHydraulic oil coolerMuffler (under hood)Oil sampling valvesSteering, load sensingVandalism protection caplocksVenturi stackTIRES, RIMS AND WHEELSA tire must be selected from the mandatoryattachments section – base machineprice includes a tire allowanceANTIFREEZEPremixed 50 percent concentrationof Extended Life Coolant with freezeprotection to –34° C (–29° F)13824H/834H Optional Equipment Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Lock-up clutch (834H only)Cab, guard front windowsCab, rear fan and grillCab, rubber-mounted glass Camera, rear visionComputer Aided Earthmoving System (CAES) attachment ready option Differentials, No-SPIN (rear) Fast fi ll systemHeater, engine coolantHeater, fuelLighting, HIDLight, warning fl ashing strobeLight, warning rotating beaconMirror, inside (panoramic)Oil Change System, high speedPrecleanersRadio, AM/FM/CD/MP3Radio, CB (ready)Radio, Satellite, BluetoothSound suppressionSwitch, disconnect, remote mountedVisor, front14Notes15824H/834H Wood Chip ScoopsFor more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions,visit us on the web at AEHQ6465 (01-2012) © 2012 Caterpillar Inc.All rights reservedMaterials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machinesin photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, , their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow”and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein,are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.。

发电效率(%) 综合效率(%)
22-40 70-90
18-27 50-70
22-36 50-70
30-63 60-80
启动时间 燃料供应压力 噪音
10s 低压 或中压 中高
60s 中压 中
• • • • • • 1)燃气的成分特性 2)压缩比 3)发电机组功率和最低连续运行负荷 4)现场使用环境 5)机组具体配置要求 6) 客户使用要求
• • • •
1)甲烷数 2)压缩比 3)爆震 4)热值
• 甲烷数:测量燃料对非控制燃烧(爆震)的抵抗 能力,是衡量气体性能的指标 • 在上世纪60年代以前一直使用辛烷值来衡量燃气 的性能,但因为辛烷值不能很好的反映气体的抗 爆震能力。
动力系统部 石油系统 船舶动力系统 工业动力及车用发动机系统 电力系统 工程机械部 售后服务部
• 1、发电效率高:
发电效率在33%——41%左右,若采用热电冷联 供效率可达到80%以上
• 燃料“含有”能量的测量
– 高热值 (HHV) – 燃料中总的热值 – 低热值 (LHV) – 燃料中有用的热值 – HHV = LHV + (水)汽化所需要的热值

卡特系列柴油(发电)机操作规程1 适用范围本规程适用于卡特系列柴油(发电)机操作方法及操作过程注意事项等内容和要求。
2 风险提示在您的机器上可能贴有一些专门的安全标记。
卡特(Cat)C9.3B 森林机械工程引擎说明书

Superior Performance• The Cat® C9.3B engine is 9 percent more powerful* and can runon biodiesel up to B20.• Smart mode helps reduce fuel consumption up to 5 percent by automatically matching engine and hydraulic power to working conditions.• Pick and place logs with precision with the all-new electrohydraulic control system and on-demand Heavy Lift mode.• Dual swing drives help move heavy logs with 10 percent more swing torque.• 14 percent more travel power helps you cover ground fasterthan ever.• Auxiliary hydraulic options let you use Cat grapples and a variety of other attachments.• Work in extreme environments with standard high-ambient capability of 52° C (126° F) and cold start capability of –32° C(–25° F).Unmatched Operator Comfort• Get in and out of the machine easier with a choice of rear-entryor side-entry cab with tilt-up console.• Enjoy the all-new Certified Forestry cab’s 25 percent larger space with wider and taller door.• Special roof lining and window and door sealing reduce noise, making the interior as quiet as today’s top work trucks.• New dual HVAC system keeps operators comfortable in either cold or warm weather.• A wider heated and cooled air-suspension seat makes year-round work more pleasant.• All controls are in front of you within easy reach to reduce twisting and turning and keep you focused on the work area.• Tilting cab risers – 559 mm (22"), 1219 mm (48"), and 1829 mm (72") – are available to meet your work needs.• Stow your gear with in-cab storage behind the seat and in the consoles.• Use the standard radio’s USB ports and Bluetooth® technologyto connect personal devices and make hands-free calls.*All percentages compared to 2020 model year 568.Simple Operation• Start the engine with a push button; use a Bluetooth key fob or the unique Operator ID function.• Use Operator ID to quickly program your attachment functions, joystick response, and engine power mode; it will remember you each time you go to work.• The engine’s regeneration system functions automatically with no operator input or interruption to work.• Navigate easily on the high-resolution touchscreen monitor.• The available Cat PL161 Attachment Locator helps you find tools you need up to a range of 60 m (200') – even if it’s hidden beneath overgrowth or debris.• Not sure how a function works or how to maintain the machine? Always have the operator’s manual at your fingertips in the touchscreen monitor.Versatile Configurations• General Forestry configuration is available with boom, stick,and hydraulic options so you can equip it for road building, grapple work, or processing.• Log Loader configuration is ideal for shovel logging, Butt-n-Top loading, power clam applications, and millyard work.• Rugged, reliable, simple-to-service Cat forestry grapples rangein size from 1320 mm (52") to 1524 mm (60").Move big timber with unmatched production, comfort, and safety.Cat® 568GF/LL Forest MachinesLog LoaderGeneral ForestryCat® 568 GF/LL Forest MachinesEasy Maintenance• Expect up to 15 percent less maintenance cost.*(Savings calculated over 12,000 machine hours.)• Replace fuel filters at 1,000 hours – twice the interval from the previous filters.• Get improved filtration and longer 3,000 hour service life with the new hydraulic oil return filter – 50 percent longer service than previous filter design.• The high-efficiency cooling fan is hydraulically driven and runs only when needed; program intervals so the fan automatically reverses to keep cores clean without interrupting your work.• S·O·S SM ports simplify maintenance and allow for quick, easy extraction of fluid samples for analysis.*All percentages compared to 2020 model year 568.Enhanced Safety• The cab meets the following standards:Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS)/Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS)/Operator Protective Structure (OPS)/Tip Over Protective Structure (TOPS)ISO 8082-2:2011ISO 8083:2006 11,600JISO 10262:1998 Level IIISO 8084:2003SAE J1356 MAR2013WCB G603 March 1990OR-OSHA 437-007-775(14)• Access most routine maintenance points at ground level.• New right-hand steps provide easy, safe, and quick access to upper service platform; the steps and service platform use anti-skid punch plate to prevent slipping.• Larger 32 mm (11⁄4") polycarbonate front window, smaller cab pillars, and a flat engine hood improve visibility by 50 percent.• Standard rearview camera enhances jobsite visibility; sideview camera is optional.• The monitor’s slope and grade indicator helps enhance stability and lift.Standard and Optional EquipmentStandard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Standard Optional BOOMS AND STICKS6.5 m (21'4") Reach boom – General Forestry✓7.09 m (23'3") Straight boom – Log Loader✓3.9 m (12'10") Reach stick✓4.73 m (15'6") Over/Under stick✓4.73 m (15'6") Under/Under Power Clam stick✓Standard Optional CABROPS Forestry cab with polycarbonatewindows✓4-point harness seat belt✓Side entry with 559 mm (22") tilting riser✓Rear entry with 1219 mm (48") tilting riser✓Rear entry with 1829 mm (72") tilting riser✓Heated and cooled seat withair-adjustable suspension✓Integrated joysticks✓Tilt-up left-side console(side-entry cab only)✓High-resolution touchscreen monitor✓Bluetooth integrated radio(including USB, aux port and microphone)✓12V DC outlets✓Keyless push-to-start engine control✓Automatic bi-level air conditioner✓LED dome and floor lights✓Windshield wiper and washer✓Behind seat storage✓CB radio mounts✓Retractable sunshade✓(continued on next page)2Cat® 568 GF/LL Forest Machines Standard and Optional Equipment(continued)Standard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Boom and stick drift reduction valve✓Electronic main control valve✓Automatic hydraulic oil warmup✓Automatic swing parking brake✓High performance hydraulic return filter✓Automatic two speed travel✓Bio hydraulic oil capability✓High torque swing drive✓Swing cushion valve✓Tool control software✓Medium pressure circuit✓Heavy-duty track rollers✓Heavy-duty travel motor guards✓Heavy-duty bottom guards✓Track guiding guards✓High drawbar final drives✓Heavy-duty recoil springs✓Heavy-duty hydraulic swivel✓Heavy-duty hydraulic swivel guard✓3Cat® 568 GF/LL Forest MachinesEngine Model C9.3BNet Power – ISO 9249:2007257.9 kW346 hpEngine Power – ISO 14396:2002259 kW347 hpBore115 mm 4.53 inStroke149 mm 5.87 inDisplacement9.3 L567.5 in3• I SO 9249 is net power available at the flywheel when the engine isequipped with fan, air cleaner, aftertreatment, and alternator with enginespeed at 1,900 rpm.Maximum Travel Speed 4.3 km/h 2.7 mphMaximum Drawbar Pull378 kN84,978 lbfMain System – Maximum Flow – Implement581 L/min153.4 gal/minMaximum Pressure – Equipment – Implement35 000 kPa5,076 psiMaximum System Pressure –Heavy Lift Mode38 000 kPa5,511 psiMaximum Pressure – Travel35 000 kPa5,076 psiMaximum Pressure – Swing28 400 kPa4,119 psiSwing Speed 6.1 rpmMaximum Swing Torque163 kN·m120,222 lbf-ftOperating Weight – General Forestry47 300 kg104,280 lb• H igh Wide undercarriage, Reach Boom, R3.9 m (12'10") Reach stick,700 mm (28") double grouser shoes, 1.64 m3 (2.14 yd3) HD bucket.Operating Weight – Log Loader,Under/Under47 800 kg105,380 lb• H igh Wide undercarriage, Log Loader boom, 4.73 m (15'6") Under/Understick with live heel, 700 mm (28") double grouser shoes, no grapple.Operating Weight – Log Loader,Over/Under47 900 kg105,600 lb• H igh Wide undercarriage, Log Loader boom, 4.73 m (15'6") Over/Understick with live heel, 700 mm (28") double grouser shoes, no grapple.Operating Weight – Log Loader,Power Clam46 800 kg103,180 lb• H igh Wide undercarriage, Log Loader boom, 4.73 m (15'6") Under/Understick for Power Clam, 700 mm (28") double grouser shoes, no grapple.Fuel Tank Capacity990 L262 galCooling System20.0 L 5 galEngine Oil (with filter)32 L8 galSwing Drive (each)10.5 L 3 galFinal Drive (each)9.5 L 3 galHydraulic System (including tank)383 L101 galHydraulic Tank185 L49 galDiesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank80 L21 galThe air conditioning system on this machine contains the fluorinatedgreenhouse gas refrigerant R134a (Global Warming Potential = 1430).The system contains 1.00 kg of refrigerant, which has a CO2 equivalentof 1.430 metric tonnes.General ForestryReach 6.5 m (21'4") boom, Reach 3.9 m (12'10") stickMaximum Reach at Ground Level11 690 mm38'4"Log LoaderUnder/UnderReach 7.09 m (23'3") boom, under/under 4.73 m (15'6") stickMaximum Reach at Ground Level12 930 mm42'5"Over/UnderReach 7.09 m (23'3") boom,under/under 4.73 m (15'6") stick13 530 mm44'5"Power ClamReach 7.09 m (23'3") boom,under/under 4.73 m (15'6") stick11 670 mm38'3"General Forestry Log LoaderBoom Reach 6.5 m (21'4")LL 7.09 m (23'3")Stick Reach 3.9 m (12'10")—Stick—Under/Under4.73 m (15'6")Stick—Over/Under4.73 m (15'6")Stick—Power Clam4.73 m (15'6")Shipping Height (cab tilted)4030 mm13'3"3490 mm11'5Handrail Height3510 mm11'6"3510 mm11'6"Shipping LengthGeneral Forestry –with attachment15 430 mm50'7"——LL Under/Under –no attachment——16 930 mm55'7"LL Over/Under –no attachment ——17 370 mm57'LL Power Clam –no attachment ——15 530 mm50'11"Tail Swing Radius3790 mm12'5"3790 mm12'5"Counterweight Clearance1500 mm4'11"1500 mm4'11"Ground Clearance760 mm2'6"760 mm2'6"Track Length5490 mm18'5490 mm18'Length to Center of Rollers4450 mm14'7"4450 mm14'7"Track Gauge2920 mm9'7"2920 mm9'7"Transport Width –700 mm (28") shoes3650 mm12'3650 mm12' Technical Specifications。


Engineodel* Cat ®C3.6L Gross Power (Basic) Standard 55 kW 73.7 hp Gross Power Optional 83 kW 111 hp *Meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final emission standards.Operating SpecificationsRated Load Capacity 4082 kg 9,000 lb Maximum Lift Height13.1 m 43 ft Maximum Forward Reach 9.4 m 31 ft Frame Leveling 10°Top Travel Speed29 km/h 18 mph Capacity at Maximum Height 3175 kg 7,000 lb Capacity at Maximum Reach 544 kg 1,200 lb Turning Radius over Tires3.7 m 12 ft Drawbar Pull – Loaded (83 kW/111 hp) 114 kN 25,589 lbf Operating Weight11 680 kg25,750 lbHydraulic SystemVariable displacement load sensing axial piston pump Auxiliary Hydraulic Pressure 240 bar 3,481 psiAuxiliary Hydraulic Flow 94 L/min25 gal/min Service Refill CapacitiesFuel Tank145 L 38 gal Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank** 21.5 L 5.7 gal Hydraulic System177 L47 gal**Only applicable for 83 kW/111 hp engine option.Axles and Brakes• T runnion mounted planetary 55-degree steer axles • High bias limited slip differential on front axle• Service Brakes: Inboard wet disc brakes on front and rear axles•P arking Brakes: Wet disc, spring applied hydraulic release on front axle Transmission SpeedsForward/Reverse4 Speeds/3 SpeedsTiresStandard 370/75-28 Duraforce AirOptional370/75-28 Duraforce Foam Fill 315/95-28 Telemaster Solid 14.00-24 16PR Air 14.00-24 12PR Foam370/75-28 Non-Marking Air 370/75-28 Non-Marking FoamBoom PerformanceBoom Up/Boom Down 9.9 seconds/8.5 seconds Tele In/Tele Out 14.6 seconds/14.5 secondsOptional Work Tool AttachmentsHydraulic IT Coupler CarriagesStandard Tilt 1270 mm 50 in1524 mm 60 in 1829 mm 72 in Side Tilt 1270 mm 50 in 1829 mm 72 in Side Shift 1270 mm 50 in Swing, 100° 1829 mm 72 in Dual Hydraulic Fork Positioner 1270 mm 50 in 1829 mm 72 in Forks Pallet 1220 mm 48 in 1525 mm 60 in 1829 mm 72 in Lumber 1525 mm 60 in Block/Cubing 1220 mm 48 in Fork Extensions* 2286 mm 90 inBucketsGeneral Purpose 1.0 m 3 1.3 yd 3 1.5 m 3 2.0 yd 3 Multi Purpose 1.0 m 3 1.3 yd 3 Grapple 1.3 m 3 1.7 yd 3Material Handling Arm Adjustable 2-4 m Adjustable 6.7-13.2 ft Truss Booms 3.7 m 12 ft 4.6 m 15 ft Truss with Winch 0.9 m 3 ft 3.7 m 12 ftFork Mounted Work Platform 1220 mm × 2438 mm 4 ft × 8 ftTruss Boom Adjustable 2.1-3.6 m Adjustable 7-12 ftLifting Hook Trash Hopper*For use with 1525 mm (60 in) forks or larger.SpecificationsCat®TL943T elehandlerTL943 TelehandlerDimensions (All dimensions are approximate.)(30 ft)(20 ft)(10 ft)(0 ft)0 m (0 ft)3 m (10 ft)6 m (20 ft)9.1 m (30 ft)12.1 m (40 ft)Load Chart and DimensionsIMPORTANTRated lift capacities shown are with machine equipped with carriage and pallet forks. The machine must be level on a firm surface with undamaged, properly inflated tires. Machine specifications and stability are based on rated lift capacities at specific boom angles and boom lengths. (If specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealer.)DO NOT exceed rated lift capacity loads, as unstable and dangerous machine conditions will result.DO NOT tip the machine forward to determine the allowable e only approved attachments with proper material handler model/attachment load capacity charts displayed in the operator’s cab.Due to continuous product improvements, machine specifications and/or equipment changes may be made without prior notification. This machine meets or exceeds ANSI/ITSDF B56.6-2016 as originally manufactured for intended applications.2.47 m (97 in)AEHQ8380 (08-2021) Build Number: 943-05(N Am)For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2021 Caterpillar All rights reservedMaterials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, LET’S DO THE WORK, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Corporate Yellow,” the “Power Edge” and Cat “Modern Hex” trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.。

▪ 当调速器的油门控制手柄向加速方向转动时,如果进气压力没有 升高,则阀杆6不会向右移动,齿条控制杆11被阀杆6限制无法转动.
▪ 当增压压力增加后,进气腔1内的气压推动隔膜2和阀3右移,油道9 打开,油腔10内的压力油从油道9沿阀3经油道4泄出空燃比.油腔 10的压力下降,活塞8右移,使得阀6右移,齿条控制杆11行程加大
▪ 2:69.850+-0.013 mm, 另外六道凸轮轴直径 为69.982+-0.061mm
▪ 凸轮轴的有效升程为: 尺寸6=尺寸5-尺寸7
▪ 1到14------270+-25N.M ▪ 1到14------470+-20N.M ▪ 1到14------470+-20N.M再来一遍 ▪ 调整过桥间隙,安装摇臂轴 ▪ 15到26----- 270+-25N.M ▪ 15到26----- 470+-20N.M ▪ 15到26----- 470+-20N.M再来一遍
▪ 该装置在发动机不同的转速下利用发动机的压力 机油来自动改变发动机的喷油提前角,这样就能 使发动机在各种工况下的燃烧更好
▪ 机械结构----四个螺栓9将喷油提前装置和油泵的 凸轮轴连接在一起.螺栓9将齿环10,铁圈11和正时 齿轮3紧固在一起.托架4的外径上加工有直的花 键与齿圈10的内花键啮合;托架4的内径加工有螺 旋花键与油泵凸轮轴的外花键(斜花键)啮合.当发 动机起动时,正时齿轮3通过齿圈10和托架4驱动 油泵凸轮轴5
▪ 发动机的转速和负荷变化时,弹簧座移动,缓冲弹 簧5就会推动活塞4在油缸3中运动.油缸和油池中 充满机油,活塞运动时,就会引起机油经针阀1在油 缸3和油池2之间流动

卡特300kw井用发电机组手册一、产品介绍1.1 产品概述卡特300kw井用发电机组是一款专门设计用于井场环境的发电设备,具有稳定可靠、耐用耐用、适应性强等特点。
1.2 技术参数该发电机组的主要技术参数包括功率、燃油消耗、排放标准、整机尺寸、重量等方面的内容。
1.3 适用范围卡特300kw井用发电机组适用于石油钻井、天然气开采、野外勘探等对电力供应要求严格的井场工程。
二、使用与维护2.1 准备工作使用发电机组前,需要对电源和燃料进行充分准备,并对发电机组的周围环境进行检查。
2.2 启动操作启动该发电机组需要按照严格的操作流程进行,包括打开电源开关、调节发动机转速、检查燃油供给等步骤,确保每一项操作都符合安全规范。
2.3 日常维护对于发电机组的日常维护包括清洁机组外表面、检查电气系统和润滑系统、更换滤芯等内容,可以确保发电机组长期稳定运行。
2.4 故障排除在使用过程中,可能会出现各种故障,需要根据故障代码和现象进行快速排除,保证产能不受影响。
三、安全与保养3.1 安全注意事项发电机组的使用过程中需要注意多种安全事项,如防止触电、避免漏油、正确处置废气等。
3.2 保养注意事项用户在使用发电机组时需要注意到保养要求,包括定期更换机油、检查冷却液、准确添加润滑油等。
3.3 应急处理在发生紧急情况时,用户需要了解发电机组的应急处理方法,确保在最短的时间内恢复设备运行。
3.4 保养计划发电机组手册中包括了保养计划的制定,通过按照保养周期进行维护,可以确保设备的长期使用寿命。
CAT 3512 TA 柴油发动机 说明书

柴油机发电机组主电源1020ekW 1275kVA 50Hz 1500rpm 11000电压Caterpillar 凭借其Power Solutions 引领发电产品市场,Power Solutions 经过精心打造,可为客户提供无以比拟的灵活性、可扩展性、可靠性及成本有效性。
特性燃油/排放策略•低油耗设计标准•根据NFPA 110发电机组加载一步式100%额定负载,达到ISO 8528-5瞬时反应标准全范围附件•品种多样的用螺栓固定的系统扩展附件,由工厂设计和测试•软包装选项,使安装简化并获得最高成本效益世界范围产品支持•Cat 代理商提供广泛的售后支持,包括维护和维修协议•Cat 代理商在200个国家内开设1800家以上代理商分店。
•Cat®S•O•S SM 计划以高成本效益检测内部发动机部件状况,即使在出现有害油液和燃烧副产品时也不例外CAT®3512TA 柴油发动机•可靠、坚固、耐用的设计•在全世界成千上万的应用中现场验证•四冲程循环柴油发动机,性能稳定、燃油经济性优异并且重量最轻CAT HV 发电机•与Cat 发动机的性能和输出特性匹配•单点检视附件连接•UL 1446认可的F 级绝缘CAT EMCP 4控制面板•简单的用户方便型接口和导航•可扩展系统,符合大范围客户需求•整体式控制系统和通信网关工厂安装的标准和选用设备技术规格CAT发电机Cat HV发电机支架尺寸 (2730)励磁............................................................................永久磁体节距...............................................................................0.6670电极数量 (4)轴承数量 (2)引线数量 (12)绝缘..........................................................F级(耐热和耐磨)-请向您的Cat代理商咨询,了解可用电压IP防护等级........................................................................IP23对中...............................................................................紧连接超速功能........................................................额定转速的125%波形偏差(线间)...............................................................2%电压调节器.......................................伏特/赫兹信号的3相传感电压调节........................................小于+/-1/2%(稳定状态)小于+/-1%(空载至满载)电话干扰系数.................................................................小于50谐波失真......................................................................小于5%CAT柴油发动机3512TA,V-12,四冲程水冷柴油发动机缸径.........................................................170.00mm(6.69in)冲程.........................................................190.00mm(7.48in)排量.........................................................51.80L(3161.03in3)压缩比.............................................................................13.5:1进气方式.......................................................................ATAAC 燃油系统.................................................................单体泵直喷调速器类型.....................................伍德沃德(Woodward)公司CAT EMCP4系列控制装置EMCP4控制装置包括:-运行/自动/停机控制-速度和电压调节-发动机盘车控制-24V直流操作-正面环境密封-文字报警/事件说明数字指示用于:-RPM-直流电压-运行时间-油压(psi、kPa或bar)-冷却液温度-电压(L-L&L-N),频率(Hz)-电流(每相电流和平均电流)-ekW,kVA,kVAR,kWh,%kW,PF 警告/停机,常见指示灯:-油压低-冷却液温度过高-超速-紧急停机-起动失败(盘车过度)-冷却液温度过低-冷却液液位过低可编程保护继电功能:-发电机相序-电压过高/过低(27/59)-频率过高/过低(81o/u)-反向功率(kW)(32)-反向无功功率(kVAr)(32RV)-过流(50/51)通信:-6个数字输入(仅限4.2)-4个继电器输出(Form A)-2个继电器输出(Form C)-2个数字输出-客户数据链路(Modbus RTU)-附属模块数据链路-串行报警器模块数据链路-紧急停机按钮兼容以下各项:-数字I/O模块-本地报警器-远程CAN报警器-远程串行报警器技术数据有关环境和海拔能力,请向您的Cat代理商咨询。


特点燃油策略•低油耗设计标准•发电机组一步式加载额定负载全范围附件•各式各样的用螺栓固定的系统扩展附件,经由工厂设计和试验世界范围内产品支持•卡特彼勒经销商提供广泛的售后支持,包括维护和维修协议•卡特彼勒经销商24小时内响应99.7%的部件订单•卡特彼勒经销商拥有超过1600家经销商分支店,遍布200个国家•卡特彼勒S•O•S SM程序以极低的成本进行发动机内部部件侦测,甚至可以侦测到有害的液体和燃烧副产品。
规格卡特彼勒发电机SR4B发电机机架 (695)励磁............................................................................永久励磁节距...............................................................................0.7333极数. (4)轴承数............................................................................单轴承引线数 (012)隔垫........美国保险商实验室(UL)1446认可的抗湿热抗磨损H级IP等级............................................防滴式国际保护等级(IP)22一致性............................................................................导向轴超速能力-额定值百分比.. (180)波形...............................................................................003.00并机套件/压降变压器.........................................................标准电压调节器.........................可选择的伏特/赫兹信号的3相传感电压调节..低于+/-1/2%(稳态)低于+/-1%(无负荷至全负荷)电话感应影响系数.........................................................小于50谐波畸变......................................................................低于5%卡特彼勒柴油发动机3512TA,4冲程循环水冷柴油缸径-mm...............................................170.00mm(6.69in)冲程-mm...............................................190.00mm(7.48in)排量-L...................................................51.80L(3161.03in3)压缩比.............................................................................13.5:1吸气型..................................................................................TA 燃油系統.................................................................单体泵直喷调速器类型.....................................伍德沃德(Woodward)公司卡特彼勒EMCP3控制装置•EMCP3.1(标准)•EMCP3.3(选装)•与发电机接线盒合成一体•客户连接的单一位置•IP23机壳•24伏DC控制•UL/CSA/CE•不露带电部分的正面•可锁铰链门(选装)•运行/自动/停机控制•实时RMS计量,3相•电压调节(在3.1上可选)•数字指示项目包括:-转/分钟-工作小时-机油压力-冷却液温度-系统DC电压-L-L伏,L-N伏,相安培,Hz-ekW,kVA,kVAR,kWhr,%kW,PF(*)•关闭装置指示灯项目包括:-油压低-冷却液温度高-超速-紧急停机-起动失败(过度盘车)•可编程继电保护功能(*)-欠压和过压-频率过低或过高-反向功率MODBUS绝缘数据线(RS-485半双工)支持串行口通信,数据值高达115.2kbaud(*)技术数据海平面以上300m(984ft)处的环境温度耐受能力。
卡特叉车4G63 4G64和S4S发动机维修手册说明书

99719-82130For use with 4G63/4G64 and S4S Engine Service Manual.Chassis,Mast & Options GP15K AT31A-50001-up,AT31B-50001-up GP18K AT31A-50001-up,AT31B-50001-up GP20K AT17B-10001-up,AT17C-10001-up GP20K-HP AT17B-95001-up,AT17C-95001-up GP25K AT17B-10001-up,AT17C-10001-up GP25K-HP AT17B-95001-up,AT17C-95001-up GP30K AT13D-35001-up,AT13E-30001-up GP35K AT13D-55001-up,AT13E-50001-up DP20K AT18B-05001-up DP25K AT18B-05001-up DP30K AT14C-35001-up DP35KAT14C-55001-upe pc at al o g s .c ome p c a t a l o g s .c o mFOREWORDThis service manual is a guide to servicing of Cat ®Lift Trucks for 1.5 thru 3.5 ton classes. The instructions are grouped by systems to serve the convenience of your ready reference.Long productive lif e of your lif t trucks depends to a great extent on correct servicing — the servicing consistent with what you will learn f rom this service manual. Read the respective sections of this manual carefully and familiarize yourself with the components you will work on before attempting to start a test,repair or rebuild job.The descriptions,illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are of the trucks of serial numbers in effect at the time it was approved for printing. Cat lift truck reserves the right to change specifications or design without notice and without incurring obligation.For the items pertaining to the engines,refer to the following service manuals:• 4G63/4G64 Gasoline Engine Service Manual (Pub. No. 99729-74110)• 4DQ7/S4S Diesel Engine Service Manual (Pub. No. 99719-95100)Pub. No. 99719-82130.c omThe serviceman or mechanic may be unf amiliar with many of the systems on this truck. This makes it important to use caution when perf orming service work. A knowledge of the system and/or components is important bef ore the removal or disassembly of any component.Because of the size of some of the truck components,the serviceman or mechanic should check the weights noted in this Manual. Use proper lif ting procedures when removing any components.Following is a list of basic precautions that should always be observed.1.Read and understand all warning plates and decalson the truck bef ore operating,lubricating or repairing the product.2.Always wear protective glasses and protectiveshoes when working around trucks. In particular,wear protective glasses when pounding on any part of the truck or its attachments with a hammer or sledge. Use welders gloves,hood/goggles,apron and other protective clothing appropriate to the welding job being performed. Do not wear loose-fitting or torn clothing. Remove all rings f rom fingers when working on machinery.3.Do not work on any truck that is supported only bylif t jacks or a hoist. Always use blocks or jack stands to support the truck bef ore perf orming any disassembly.4.Lower the forks or other implements to the groundbef ore perf orming any work on the truck. If this cannot be done,make sure the f orks or other implements are blocked correctly to prevent them from dropping e steps and grab handles (if applicable) whenmounting or dismounting a truck. Clean any mud or debris f rom steps,walkways or work platf orms before using. Always face truck when using steps,ladders and walkways. When it is not possible to use the designed access system,provide ladders,scaffolds,or work platforms to perform safe repair operations.6.To avoid back injury,use a hoist when lif tingcomponents which weigh 23 kg (50 lb.) or more.Make sure all chains,hooks,slings,etc.,are in good condition and are of the correct capacity. Be sure hooks are positioned correctly. Lif ting eyes are not to be side loaded during a lifting operation.7.To avoid burns,be alert f or hot parts on truckswhich have just been stopped and hot f luids in lines,tubes and compartments.8.Be careful when removing cover plates. Graduallyback off the last two bolts or nuts located at opposite ends of the cover or device and pry cover loose to relieve any spring or other pressure,before removing the last two bolts or nuts completely.9.Be careful when removing filler caps,breathers andplugs on the truck. Hold a rag over the cap or plug to prevent being sprayed or splashed by liquids under pressure. The danger is even greater if the truck has just been stopped because f luids can be hot.SAFETYe pc at al o g s .c om10.Always use tools that are in good condition and besure you understand how to use them bef ore performing any service work.11.Reinstall all fasteners with same part number. Donot use a lesser quality fastener if replacements are necessary.12.If possible,make all repairs with the truck parkedon a level,hard surface. Block truck so it does not roll while working on or under truck.13.Disconnect battery and discharge any capacitors(electric trucks) bef ore starting to work on truck.Hang “Do not Operate”tag in the Operator’s Compartment.14.Repairs,which require welding,should beperformed only with the benefit of the appropriate reference information and by personnel adequately trained and knowledgeable in welding procedures.Determine type of metal being welded and select correct welding procedure and electrodes,rods or wire to provide a weld metal strength equivalent at least to that of parent metal.15.Do not damage wiring during removal operations.Reinstall the wiring so it is not damaged nor will it be damaged in operation by contacting sharp corners,or by rubbing against some object or hot surface. Place wiring away from oil pipe.16.Be sure all protective devices including guards andshields are properly installed and f unctioning correctly bef ore starting a repair. If a guard or shield must be removed to perform the repair work,use extra caution.17.Always support the mast and carriage to keepcarriage or attachments raised when maintenance or repair work is perf ormed,which requires the mast in the raised position.18.Loose or damaged f uel,lubricant and hydrauliclines,tubes and hoses can cause fires. Do not bend or strike high pressure lines or install ones which have been bent or damaged. Inspect lines,tubes and hoses caref ully. Do not check f or leaks with your hands. Pin hole (very small) leaks can result in a high velocity oil stream that will be invisible close to the hose. This oil can penetrate the skin and cause personal injury. Use cardboard or paper to locate pin hole leaks.19.Tighten connections to the correct torque. Makesure that all heat shields,clamps and guards are installed correctly to avoid excessive heat,vibration or rubbing against other parts during operation.Shields that protect against oil spray onto hot exhaust components in event of a line,tube or seal failure,must be installed correctly.20.Relieve all pressure in air,oil or water systemsbef ore any lines,fittings or related items are disconnected or removed. Always make sure all raised components are blocked correctly and be alert for possible pressure when disconnecting any device from a system that utilizes pressure.21.Do not operate a truck if any rotating part isdamaged or contacts any other part during operation. Any high speed rotating component that has been damaged or altered should be checked for balance before reusing.e pc at al o g s .c omBuy nowCat Lift Trucks GP15K/18K/20K/20KHP/25K/25KHP/30K/35K, DP20K/25K/30K/35K Service Manual PDFWith Instant Download。
卡特C15 ACERT 块处理引擎操作规范说明书

Power Train
Move material more efficiently with improved power and control.
Transmission Neutralizer Pedal
• Extends service brake life by neutralizing transmission as service brakes are applied.
allows the operator to pre set linkage positions and achieve faster cycle times.
3rd Valve Hydraulic Control
• Provides versatility through the ability to control a specialized attachment.
Block Handler
Engine Engine Model Gross Power – SAE J1995 Net Power – ISO 9249
Cat® C15 ACERT™
335 kW
449 hp
305 kW
409 hp
Operating Specifications Operating Weight
controls injection pressure over the entire engine operating range. This gives the C15 complete control over injection timing, duration and pressure. • Extended engine life through Cat components with proven reliability. • The Advanced Diesel Engine Management (ADEM™) A4 electronic control module manages fuel delivery to optimize performance and provide quick engine response.
卡特喉嘛引擎3054 X-CAT-243-A 10 4 2009说明书

CATERPILLARENGINE:3054X-CAT-243-A10/4/2009BORE: 3.938" 4 Cyl Diesel Notes: Natural Aspirated, 1.375" PinCompactors: CP323C, CS323C, CS431C, CP433C, CS433C, CB434B, CB434C, CB544, CB545, PS150B; Backhoe/Loaders: Cat 416B, 416C, 428B, 428C; Excavators: Cat 307; Telehandlers: TH62, 63, 82, 83;(5)Main Bearings: .040 - 271165 / .050 - 271166 / .060 - 271167(6)Wear Sleeve - 301115(7)4ZK Thru 8846; 5HK; 6FK Thru 10030; 9RM Thru 50164(8)4ZK After 8846; 5YS; 6FK After 10030; 9RM After 50164(9)Lip Seal Housing Gasket - 371187 / Wear Sleeve - 301143(10)Wear Sleeve - 371366(11)Not Included In Engine KitsProvide Engine Serial & Arrangement NumberQTYITEM #DESCRIPTIONLETTERED ITEMS INCLUDED IN KIT1 974411 In-Frame Kit I 1 975411 Out-of-Frame Kit O 1 976411 Major KitM 1 977411 Premium Kit (979149 Dual Spring Valve Train Kit Included) P4 171172 Sleeve & Piston Assembly, 1st Design P M O I4 171386 Sleeve & Piston Assembly, 2nd Design 4 171173 Piston Kit, 1st Design (Includes Rings) 4 171395 Piston Kit, 2nd Design (Includes Rings)4 171266 Cylinder Liner (Flange/Finished/No Fire Dam/4.1035" OD) (1) 4 171365 Cylinder Liner (Flange/Semi-Finished/No FD/4.1055" OD) (2)4 171468 005 Liner Shim4 171193 Piston Ring Set, 1st Design (2-2.5MM 1-4MM) 4 171412 Piston Ring Set, 2nd Design (2-2.5MM 1-4MM)4 271261 STD Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched Rods) P M O I4 271262 .010 Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched Rods) 4 271263 .020 Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched Rods) 4 271264 .030 Rod Bearing (Locating Tangs For Notched Rods) 1 271161 STD Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers P M O I1 271162 .010 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers 1 271163 .020 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers 1 271164 .030 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers "Additional Sizes (5)" 1 271119 STD Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug) P M O I1 271125 .007 Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug) 1 271126 .010 Thrust Washer Set (Offset Lug) 1 371377 Head Gasket Set P M O I1 371155 Head Gasket1 371218 Valve Cover Gasket (Aluminum Cover) 1 371221 Valve Cover Gasket (Composite Cover) 8 371143 Valve Seal1 1 1 1 371394 371393 371167 371282 Lower Gasket Set wo/Seals Timing Cover GasketPan Gasket Set (Cast Pan / Includes 6 Flange Gaskets) Pan Gasket (Steel Pan)P M OI I1 1 1 371146 371145 371297 Front Crank Seal (Viton Lip Type) (6) Rear Crank Seal: (7) (Viton Lip Type) (9)Rear Crank Seal: (8) (Housing w/Integral Seal) (10) (11) P P M M O O 4 1 271176 271127 Pin Bushing (1.375" Pin) Cam Bearing (Finished ID) P P M M 8 771151 Connecting Rod Bolt P M 8 771148 Connecting Rod Nut P M1771319Head Bolt Kit (22 Bolts)CATERPILLARENGINE:3054X-CAT-243-A10/4/2009BORE: 3.938" 4 Cyl Diesel Notes: Natural Aspirated, 1.375" PinCompactors: CP323C, CS323C, CS431C, CP433C, CS433C, CB434B, CB434C, CB544, CB545, PS150B; Backhoe/Loaders: Cat 416B, 416C, 428B, 428C; Excavators: Cat 307; Telehandlers: TH62, 63, 82, 83;(12)Adjusting Screw-471226 / Lock Nut - 571139(13)Rocker Arm Shaft Snap Ring - 471228Provide Engine Serial& ArrangementNumberQTYITEM #DESCRIPTIONLETTERED ITEMS INCLUDED IN KIT1979523 Camshaft KitC1979148 Valve Train Kit: Low Speed Engines (Heads w/Single Springs)V1979149 Valve Train Kit: High Speed Engines (Heads w/Dual Springs)V1 571129 CamshaftC 1 271249 Thrust Washer8 571123 TappetC4 4 471129 471115 Exhaust Valve (45º / 37.5MM Hd Dia) Intake Valve (45º / 45.0MM Hd Dia) V V V V 4 471132 Exhaust GuideV V4 471131 Intake GuideVV 8 471145 Single Valve Spring (6 Coils / 2.0" Free Length) V8 471144 Outer Valve Spring (8 Coils / 1.8" Free Length) V 8 471143 Inner Valve Spring (9 Coils / 1.7" Free Length) V 8 471229 Spring Seat (Stepped/.640" ID)16 471146 Keeper (Half)VV4 471288 Exhaust Seat (1.290 x 1.681 x .374 Stepped Top) 4 471289 Intake Seat (1.584 x 2.019 x .285)4 471224 LH Rocker Arm (Adj Screw & Lock Nut Not Included) (12)4 471225 RH Rocker Arm (Adj Screw & Lock Nut Not Included) (12) 1471227 Rocker Arm Shaft (13) "Includes 471176 Plugs"1 571172 Cam Gear: Supply AR# (Cast / 56 Teeth)1 571171 Cam Gear: Supply AR# (Steel / 56 Teeth)1 571131 Crank Gear: Supply AR# (Cast / 28 Teeth / 1.632" Wide) 1 571217 Crank Gear: Supply AR# (Steel / 28 Teeth / 1.632" Wide) 8 571117 Push Rod1 671114 Oil Pump: Engines Without Balancers1 671176 Oil Pump Idler Gear "Includes 571124 Idler Gear Bush" 1671122 Oil Pump: Engines With Balancers 4 671157 Piston Cooling Jet4 671158 Piston Cooling Check Valve1 771181 Crank Kit (Spline Nose / Lip Seal)4 771154 Connecting Rod (1.375" Pin)1 771358 Cylinder Head Assembly (Includes Valves & Springs) 1 771359 Expansion Plug Kit (20 Head & Block Plugs) 1 871138 Thermostat (2.125" / Bypass) 1 871274 Bypass Hose Kit 1 871163 Water Pump1 871182 Manifold Heater Plug (Blade Terminal) 1871255Fuel Pump。
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履带系列服务手册履带3161 调速器目录系统操作辅助控制11 电源开关13燃料空气无线电控制15手动机械速度控制、18手动开关12手动速度设置17气动中间速度控制18气动速度设置14压力开关12调速电机调速器头17 基本调速器 5 调速器组成部分 6 3161调速器的操作说明9 调速器种类 4 3161调速器装置发生器 4 3163标准调速器或转矩上升调速器控制 4 故障处理故障处理20故障清单20一些排故问题20 调速器安装3500系列发动机26 调速器安装30调速器油泵26调速器制备28调速器转动(非自主性包容调速器)27调速器转动(自主性包容调速器)27 实践与校正辅助控制45 电气开关螺旋调整46燃料空气无线电控制调整52手动速度设置调整47开关装置调整45开关装置安装47开关杆调整45调速器调整36 补偿针气门调整39耷拉设置做法36高低空挡设置40在多引擎设施的配比的耷拉设置39测量给定的主或燃料联动位置完全限制速度38 设置过程的扭矩上升41系统操作此调速器的可选控件:调速器种类 1. 手动开关现在可以使用的三种发射器是:3161标准 2. 压力开关发射器,具有扭矩上升控制的3161调速器 3. 电动电磁线圈(激励开关)以及3161调速器装置发生器。
4.电动电磁线圈(激励运行)对于任何一种3161调速器来说,机器头 5. 气动力学的中间速度控制盖和气动头盖以及速度可调马达头盖都是开关控制(手动,气动和电动)可以分可以用的。
工厂安装调速器D11N 应用程序配备识别磁阻闭合功能。
可以同时配备3161 发电机集f发生器调速器上下垂补偿可调整并且被具有电集的引擎,与其他受一3161 2301A,不同速率的发动机的稳定性所需要。
3. 电动电磁线圈(激励开关)自给的3161调速器使用自身的润滑系统4.电动电磁线圈(激励运行)调速器在新的发动机是被人造具有生命5. 实用程序功率变换器调速电机力的发生器充满的工厂。
上盖垫片带引擎运基本调速器行25.4 毫米范围内适当的炉灶。
如果需要填充,建议136-9642 履带调速器油用于保持最佳调速器性能。
3 3161调速器需要让油填满整个顶盖。
当柱塞上升时,来自力量活3161标准和扭矩上升可控调速器被设计塞底部的油被放空到油箱,同时活成拥有下垂枢轴销的调整切降速在1.3% 塞顶部高压油是活塞下移。
机到达一个稳态时,柱塞的控制范3161发生器装置调速器被设置成0-5% 围覆盖了阀套且活塞不再移动。
更多多速度小于. 发动机现在运作中状态,发动机扭矩的持续的负载增加原因被有关燃料的位置。
在排被调速器内部的两个机械设备所提这个位置,另外的扭矩将移动速度设置供,第一个级别,引起最大的马数,过插掣位置和到与停工杠杆设置螺丝的造就链接下降,第二个级别是油扭矩造成引擎停工上升设备提供的,当量而过一起作用NOTE :无所事事的插掣特点,插掣时将出现第三个级别,拖拉调速器有速度设置螺丝没有被用于调整低懒惰一个板弹簧拥有连个界别扭矩上升设,没有低无所事事的中止螺丝。
概要在增量燃料位置显示调速器领式阀3161 调速器为它的液压机构使用它自己的油。
累加器春天和活塞保留泵浦压力力量活塞运动被停止,有油漏出通过针在大约690 kpa。
这让油压在领式阀报筒,直到泵浦压力是690 kpa。
塞到它的中间位置增加速度设置当速度设置轴处于打开状态减少在速度设置是顺时针的被增加G 的速度设置。