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Warm-up Questions
during the period. Rock music and soul music ( 灵 乐 ), popular among the young,
Topic-related Predictions were mostly detested by their elders. Long
Background Information (those who were born just after World War II)
and their parents. Several examples of generational differences were prominent
Tell me often that you love me, through your actions and words. Don’t _a_s_s_u_m_e_ that I know it. I may look _e_m_b_a_r_ra_s_s_e_d_ and even deny that I need the attention — but don’t believe me. Do it anyway.
bring vitality to our relationship. The world is full of delights and Warm-up Questions rich in possibilities. Allow the unplanned and the unpredictable to
Topic-related Predictions enliven our routines. Listen to me without judgment. _D_o_n_’_t _te_l_l m__e_w__h_a_t _I _fe_e_l_i_s
_in_s_i_g_n_if_ic_a_n_t_o_r_n_o_t_r_e_a_l . It’s my experience and therefore
Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks.
Compound Dictation Background Information
Discussion Warm-up Questions Topic-related Predictions
And good listeners are as rare as _s_e_n_si_ti_v_e speakers. Sharing, so vital to loving communication, stops when you sense the other person has _c_e_a_s_e_d_ listening. Any loving relationship will be _e_n_h_a_n_c_e_d_ if each party acts upon these suggestions:
important and real to me.
Let others know you value me. Public affirmation of our love
makes me feel special and proud.
Generation Gap
Compound Dictation Background Information

Though communicating is probably the most e_s_s_e_n_t_ia_l skill for sustaining any loving relationship, we seem to be talking to ourselves most of the time. Either we are _u_n_c_le_a_r about what we want to say or we are unable to put it into the right words.
Discussion Warm-up Questions Topic-related Predictions
The term “generation gap” first came into
prominence in Western countries during the
Compound Dictation 1960’s. It was used to describe the cultural differences between the baby boomers
_C_o_m_p_l_im__e_n_t me often for jobs well done, and _r_e_a_ss_u_r_e_ me when I fail. Don’t take what I do for you for granted.

Compound Dictation
_L_e_t_m__e_k_n_o_w__w_h_e_n__y_o_u_f_e_e_l l_o_w__o_r _lo_n_e_l_y_o_r_m__is_u_n_d_e_rs_t_o_o_d__.
Background Information Knowing that I have the power to comfort you makes me stronger. Remember, though I love you, I can’t read your mind.
DiscuLeabharlann Baidusion
_E_x_p_r_e_s_s_jo_y_o_u_s__th_o_u_g_h_t_s_a_n_d__fe_e_l_in_g_s_s_p_o_n_t_a_n_e_o_u_s_ly___. They
hair on young males was frequently seen as