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What Is Culture?
Chapter Seven
Organizational Culture and Ethical Values
Culture is the set of values, guiding beliefs, understandings, and ways of thinking that is shared by members of an organization and taught to new members as correct.
Levels of Culture (Schein)
Artifacts 人工制品 (物质层面)
Visible organization culture articles (uniform, logo), but it is usually hard to understand.
Levels of Corporate Culture
Observable Symbols Ceremonies, Stories, Slogans, Behaviors, Dress, Physical Settings
Espoused Values信奉的价值观 (制度层面)
Such as: organizational strategies, goals, philosophies.
Basic Assumptions and Values基本隐性假
设与价值 (精神层面)
Unconscious, taken for granted beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings. It is ultimate source of values and actions.
Underlying Values, Assumptions, Beliefs, Attitudes, Feelings
Functions of Culture
Internal integration
Manage relationships (how to relate to one another) Acceptable behavior (how to work together effectively)
Interpreting Culture
Rites / Ceremonies Stories Symbols Language
External adaptation
Meet goals Deal with outsiders

Rites/ Ceremonies
Passage 入盟典礼
促进员工向新的社会角色转换。如新员工岗前培训,入职仪 式等。
No evidence of basis in fact Carry values
Enhancement 升望典礼
Facts are edited to carry values
Renewal 升绩典礼
True events
Integration 整合典礼
“We lead, Others copy.” 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机) “time always follow me!”时间因我而存在。(罗西尼) “connecting people”科技以人为本?沟通无极限?(诺基亚)
IBM用“野鸭”的比喻来说明IBM公司需要什么样的员工。 “你可以把鸭子驯服,但绝不可能使已驯服了的鸭子再恢复 野性。”“野鸭”寓意着公司必须给员工自由和机会,以防止 富有创造性的员工被驯服。
Four Types of Culture
Two dimensions
Needs of environment: flexibility or stability Strategic focus: external or internal
Relationship of Environment and Strategy to Corporate Culture
Needs of the Environment
Flexibility External Stability
Strategic Focus
Adaptability/ Entrepreneurial Culture 适应/创新型文化
Mission Culture 使命型文化
Clan Culture 团队型文化
Bureaucratic Culture 行政机构型文化

The Adaptability/Entrepreneurial Culture
Focus on the external environment through flexibility and change to meet customer needs. The culture encourages entrepreneurial values, norms, and beliefs that support the capacity of the organization to detect, interpret, and translate signals from the environment into new behavior responses. The type of organization, doesn’t just react quickly to environmental changes, it actively creates change. Innovation, creativity, and risk taking are valued and rewarded.
The Mission Culture 使命型文化
An organization concerned with serving specific customers in the external environment, but without the need for rapid change, is suited to the mission culture. This type of culture emphasis on a clear vision of the organization’s purpose and the achievement of goals. Because the environment is stable, organization can translate the vision into measurable goals and evaluate employee performance for meeting them.
The Clan Culture 团队型文化
Focus on the involvement and participation of the organization’s members and on rapidly changing expectations from the external environment. This culture emphasis on the needs of employees as the route to high performance. In a clan culture, an important value is taking care of employees and making sure they have whatever they need to help them be satisfied as will as productive.
The Bureaucratic Culture 行政制文化
Has an internal focus and a consistency orientation for a stable environment. This type of organization follows established policies and practices as ways to achieve goals. Organization succeeds by being highly integrated and efficient.
Ethical Values in Organizations
Ethics is the code of moral principles and values that governs the behaviors of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong.
Ethical values set standards as to what is good or bad in conduct and decision making. 企业文化的精髓是企业价值观,企业价值观的核心 是企业伦理观.
Relationship between the rule of law and ethics
Rule of law arises from a set of codified principles and regulations that describe how people are required to act. It is generally accepted in society, and is enforceable in the courts.
Legal requirements Ethical standards
