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Artistic Aesthetics of Movie

CHIN110017.01------2 credits

Spring Semester

(Feb—Jun 2009)

Instructor:Yang Jun lei

The associate professor of Chinese Department of Fudan University

Hours of Instruction: Thursday, 6:30~8:00p.m.

Office Hour: Guanghua West Building

Room 1512, by appointment


Course Syllabus

Main Reference Book:

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Walter Benjamin

Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema Laura Mulvey

(teaching material provided by instructor)

Supplementary Material:

Primitive Passions: Visuality, Sexuality, Ethnography, and Contemporary Chinese Cinema, Rey Chow Column University Press, 1995.

The Urban Generation: Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the 21 century, Zhen Zhang, Duke University, 2007

Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism Benedict Anderson London: Verso. 1991.

Course Objectives:

To concern and understand Chinese contemporary cinema texts is the key purpose in this course. How to go deeply into the film making under the precaution of globalization is the main topic.

There are five units composed the whole structure as follows, “To watch”, “The figure of Double female”, “Running & Seeking”, “The individual and National historic narration”, “Religious in the soul and society”. In every unit, the key text must be a Chinese (or Sino-phone) movie. However, the movie will be compared with other foreign movies with similar topic.

After the learning of the theory about artistic aesthetic of film, the students will use the special perspective to analyze the movie. Not from personal feeling or direct sense, but with the professional method.The students will be expected to expand the horizon and improve the wonderful taste in film art.

Course Schedule:

Unit 1 “To watch”

Electric Shadows电影往事

Compare with

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso天堂电影院

Unit 2 “The figure of Double female”


Lunar Eclipse

Compare with

Love Lette r情书(日本), La Double Viede Veronique(双生花), Dazzle Unit 3 “Running & Seeking”

Not One Less一个也不能少

Compare with

Children in Heaven小鞋子, Home Run孩子快跑,Le Papillon

Unit 4“The individual and National historic narration”


Compare with


Unit 5 “Belief in the soul and society”

Rise the Dust

Compare with

The Passionate of Jesus, the Last Temptation of Christ, Little Buddha, Secret


Course Requirements:

The student enrolled in the course should read the two classic thesis of film theory at the very beginning of the course.The next step is to accomplish watching the movie mentioned in the syllabus. Every time before the lecture, it’s supposed that all of the class has known the texts of the unit.

The students are encouraged to attend the discussion in the classroom. To select the topic interested oneself and give opinion is a better way for communication. Also, the review about the topic should be sent to the internet, the page for the course linked in Chinese Department home page.

At the end of the semester, there will be a final examination. An imaginary re-construction will be given as the item in the paper. The students will show their ability of observation and criticism.


Attendance 10%

Completion of Assignments 15%

Devotion for the seminar 15%

Final Exam 60%

Recommended Reading:

Film art: an introduction, David Bordwell, McGraw Hill, 2001

Chinese film: the state of the art in the People’s Republic, George Stephen Semsel,
